6136 Supplement to the London Gazette, 23 June, 1915
6136 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 23 JUNE, 1915. 75?3 Private F. Riddlestcne, lit Battalion, 2039 Corporal E. Smith, 1st Battalion, King's Suffolk Regiment. Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. 5379 Serjeant-Major D. A. Rigby, 5th Batta- 19344 Sapper G. Smith, 15th Field Company, lion, Scottish Rifles, Territorial Force. Royal Engineers. 7017 Company Serjeant-Major F. Robb, 1st 1584 Acting! Corporal H. Smith, 6th Batta- Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland High- lion, Northumberland Fusiliers, Territorial landers. Force. 9987 Private H. Smith, 2nd Battalion, Royal 12536 Lance-Corporal- A. C. G. Roberts, 2nd West Surrey Regiment. Battalion, Middlesex Regiment. 3829 Battery Serjeant-Major J. Smith, 43rd 28151 Gunner A. J. Roberts, 1st Siege Battery, Royal Field Artillery. Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery. 445 Private J. Smith. 2nd Battalion. Gordon 1947 Private J. Roberts, 5th Battalion, South Highlanders. Lancashire Regiment, Territorial Force. 8373 Private J. W. Smith, 1st Battalion, East 139 Serjeant H. R. Robertson, l/5th Batta- Yorkshire Regiment. lion, Liverpool Regiment, Territorial Force. 8926 Serjeant V. R. Smith, 2nd Battalion, 11589 Lance-Corporal R. Robertson, 2nd Bat- East Kent Regiment. talion, Highland Light Infantry. 5565 Serjeant W. Smith, 1st Battalion, Glou- 12921 Corporal E. D. J. Rogers, 5th Field cestershire Regiment. Company, Royal Engineers. R.7689 Lance-Corporal (Acting Serjeant) 19910 Corporal T. O. Ross, 10th Canadian T. H. Spanton, 3rd Battalion, King's Royal Battalion. Rifle1 Corps. 5168 Corporal (Acting Serjeant) W. J. Rouse, 55663 Bombardier A. Spence, Royal Field 12th Field Company, Royal Engineers. Artillery. 7276 Lance-Corporal W. F. Rumfitt, 2nd Bat- 8874 Lance-Corporal J. Stead, 2nd Battalion, talion, Cameron Highlanders.
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