DEEPING ST JAMES PARISH COUNCIL The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, Peterborough PE6 8HD e-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01778 343266 Fax: 05603 435419

Parish Clerk: Steve Ashby ------

Minutes of the meeting of Deeping St James Parish Council held on Thursday 31 March 2011 at 7.30 pm in The Institute..

Present: Councillors Barber, Baxter (arrived 7:40), Blessett, Coulson, Dilks, Gamble, Lindfors- Windsor, Pagella, Pearce, Pelling, Shinkins, Stevens, Thompson (arrived 7:50), Wallis and the Clerk S Ashby. Also present were County Councillor Mike Exton, PCSO Chris Clarke, Paul Hanson and Messrs Delaine-Smith.

The meeting started with an Open Forum. • Two Directors of Delaine Buses talked about the Delaine proposals to provide additional services in the Deepings following the withdrawal of the Stagecoach bus service from 17/4/2011. There will be a 101 service every 30 minutes with a separate DSJ service on the 102 via the health centre, Tescos and the Heron Lea Estate. The 203 service will mirror the stagecoach DSJ route every other hour for Health Centre and shopping. This will be an extension of the Stamford bus service with passengers needing to change in MD to get to Peterborough. This is a completely commercial service without subsidy. They said that they had tried to target need rather than ideals and aspirations and took into account all the bus shelters in DSJ which will all continue to be served under the new routes. Cllr Dilks thanked Messrs Delaine-Smith for attending. o Paul Hanson of the Deepings Youth Centre spoke about the latest plans for the Youth Centre continuing to exist. Due to LCC budget cuts the funding for the Youth Centre has been cut so there is little money available for employing youth workers. The Government has said that where a service can be run at the same cost by a charity or co-op or mutual, then the service can be transferred and the revenue transferred. He is looking at the option of a charity which then opens up additional funding options. The United Charities who own the premises have indicated that they are happy if this arrangement was put in place. Paul appreciated the continued funding from the Parish Council which will allow them to stay open for 4 nights per week (5 during fair play football). He has also approached MDTC who hopefully will match DSJ funding. He has asked DSJPC, MDTC and the United Charities to provide a trustee. He will know in approx 40 days if his bid is successful. LCC have been sounded out and they have indicated they would accept this option. Members suggested that the constitution of the proposed charity should state that there should a trustee from both MDTC and DSJPC to ensure accountability • PCSO Chris Clarke reported 1 attempted burglary in Station Road but nothing was taken, 1 garage/ shed burglary and the recovery of 2 stolen cycles. Enquiries continue about graffiti in DSJ and MD and a suspect has been identified – PCSO Last is looking to use the Community Payback Team to clear graffiti. On Saturday 9/4/11 there will be a Police Road Show on John Eve Field along with SKDC Community Safety Team from 9.30 am – a similar event at Rainbow was very busy Anti social behaviour has been quiet with only a couple of small incidents. The next police panel meeting is 4/4/2011 at Joan Wake Close – start @ 7.00 pm. • County Cllr Mike Exton advised that LCC had received £6.2m for road repairs, a draft report on LCC working together with Parish Councils will be out soon, the school safety zone at the Deepings School was now in place, the Deeping School is still looking at how it might achieve Academy status, he had spoken with LALC about the possibility of providing Parish Cllr Training sessions in Stamford. • A debate took place about the impact of LCC cuts on services in DSJ including such issues as Home care charges, 16-18 year old transport charges, connexions and cuts in children’s and adult services. Cllr Exton said he would ask a Director or Portfolio holder to come to a future Parish Council meeting. He would also follow up whether there had been under spends in 2010/11 and their impact on the 2011/12 budget.

160.11 To receive apologies for absence. Cllr Bryan Helyar - Work 161.11 To receive declarations of interest, if any. Cllr Dilks declared a personal interest as a trustee of DSJ United Charities and knowing the applicant of planning app S11/0579/TCA Cllr Stevens, Shinkins and Thompson also declared personal interests as members of DSJ United Charities. Cllr Stevens declared a personal interest as knowing the applicant of planning app S11/0579/TCA and being partner of P Hanson. Cllr Wallis declared an interest in planning app S11/0501 as he knew the applicant and lives in the same street. 162.11 To adopt the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 24 February 2011. Enc 1 This was proposed, seconded and agreed. The minutes were then signed by the Chair. 163.11 To receive the Clerks Report. • First cuts of the Skate Park, Riverbank and Cemeteries – including the new cemetery hedge - have taken place. The Clerk has discovered that someone is putting their grass cuttings over the new cemetery fence (against the fence) into the church yard. This will be monitored and signs put up if it continues. • There have been 2 Funerals, 1 interment of ashes and a funeral planned for next week. There has been a call from a relative about dis-interring remains and a family dis-agreement. She was advised that the PC could not get involved in any disputes of this nature and that a legitimate request for a head stone could not be refused. She was also advised that a home office licence would be required to move remains and to seek independent advice about all the issues she raised. • Richard Wright, manager of the Community Payback service visited. Details of the planned work for the year was provided (church yard, cemetery tree removals, church walk, painting of railings, litter picking). There is a report later on the agenda about the usage of the Church Hall. An extra visit was made by the Payback Team on 29 March as another site had insufficient work and they are next due in on 5 April. The day for the Team may change in April to be a Wednesday which can be accommodated by the Church Hall. A lady who lives near the church has called to say the team are doing a wonderful job in the Church Yard and could they clear the ivy which grows over her wall from the Church Yard. • There has been one report of fly tipping outside Prentice Brothers which was reported to SKDC and 1 report of a broken street light which has been raised with SKDC and LCC. Graffiti on the SKDC litter bin on Rycroft Avenue has also been reported. • There has been one caller complaining about the ending of the stagecoach bus service. Details were given about the Call Connect service and the intended Delaine replacement service. • A missing public footpath sign and a footpath closed sign have been reported to LCC. • Tom continues to litter pick around the village and has acquired two 5 gallon water containers to be able to water the new hedge and plants on Thackers Way / Crowson Way open space. He has also painted the fence at Churchfield. • There has been a problem with the information included with council tax bills in Deeping St James and Market Deeping as SKDC inadvertently included a part of DSJ Budget information in bills across both villages instead of MDTC information in just MD. • Two complaints have been received about parking on the cycle path by the new residents of the new housing development near Churchfield. This has been raised with PCSO Clarke. • Two large green bags containing soft landing systems spotted on the verge on Linchfield road and Towngate East have been reported to the manufacturers • There have been two allotments surrendered 1 full plot and 1 half plot so these will be re-allocated shortly. There are a few plots that do not appear to be being cultivated yet – including one who had a warning letter last year. Letters will be sent to these shortly. Cllr Stevens will contact Age Concern about plot 32B • The squashing of daffodils planted last year on Rycroft Avenue was raised with Anglian Water. • The Office CCTV camera has stopped working. The clerk is arranging for 2 quotes. Members agreed expenditure of up to £250.00. • Yesterday, 30/3, an allotment holder called to say that a fence post on his plot had gone through one of the water pipes which seemed to be about 2 ft down. The water supply was turned off by Alan Bulmer of the AA who has looked at the problem today and they think they just need 2 joints and a new piece of pipe. They will fix the problem and will advise the cost. • A reminder was given about the parish elections that nominations need to be received by the Returning Officer by 12.00 noon on Monday 4 April. • the Clerk will be on leave for the week commencing 11 April 2011, and for two weeks from 1 August 2011 but the Asst Clerk will be in the office. 164.11 To receive the report of progress in relation to matters arising from the Minutes not dealt with elsewhere on the agenda. • Contact has been made with LCC and Anglian Water who have confirmed that the work on Stowgate Lane will not overlap with the closure of Broadgate Lane. • The fence repairs at the entrance to Old Priory Farm has been ordered, installed and painted. • The “spare” bench has now been installed at the Children’s play area. Members agreed, to provide a small sign on the bench to say provided by DSJPC. • The clerk has written to the recent applicant for a pharmacy to find out why he had been refused but there has been no reply yet. • The condition of the riverbank in Deeping Gate was brought to the attention of the Clerk there. • Details of the forthcoming elections have been delivered to all members and circulated by email. • LCC have advised that the footpath to the Low Locks from Eastgate is not their responsibility so the problems with it cracking and sliding have been raised with the Environment Agency who are trying to find out who is actually responsible as they say it is not them either. • LCC have also advised that the problems on the B1166 where Low Bank changes to High Bank should be addressed in the next financial year. • The Clerk has met Lee Richards about the street warden patrols which are due to commence on Friday 8 April. The location of 5 clocking sites has been agreed and will be installed before the patrols start. The company’s name is now Enigma Security Services and they are based in Hampton. Lee has said that he hopes to attend the Annual Parish Meeting to give a talk on the work of the street wardens and to take questions and answers. 165.11 To receive and agree the Council’s response to correspondence received Enc 2 since the last meeting. Item 17 – CPRE affiliation and Best Kept Village Entry – It was decided not to affiliate of enter this year. Item 35 – Area Action Plan – it was decided not to comment Item 41 LCC – Good Citizens Award – It was proposed seconded and agreed that Cllr Stevens should be nominated following 20 years service on the Parish Council. Cllr Dilks will try to provide some words. 166.11 To consider planning related issues: 1. To receive the minutes and recommendations of Planning & Transport Enc 3 Committee of 24 March 2011. The minutes were presented by Cllr Blessett and the recommendation to carry over funds of £525 plus vat to repair the bus shelter on Crowson Way was proposed, seconded and agreed. The two items deferred to Full Council were then considered S11/0501 Mr M Oldfield Construction of front extension to dwelling 9 Ascendale Deeping St James No Objection to be made PE6 8NZ S11/0579/ Mr David Watkins Remove 1 Holly Tree TCA 41 Church Street It was decided that as there was little greenery in Deeping St James that area the tree should be retained with the wall PE6 8HF bridging the tree roots. (Cllrs Dilks, Lindfors- Windsor and Shinkins abstained from the vote) 2. To consider Planning Applications received since the last Planning & Transport Committee Ref Address Proposal S11/0442 Mr T Wright Change of use from retail(A1) to hot food 41-51 Bridge Street takeaway(A5) and provision of external flue to Deeping St James rear roof slope Peterborough The council agreed the change should not take place and made the following representations 1. lack of access, 2. limited parking, 3. inadequate litter bin provision

S11/0419 Mr & Mrs B Nuttall Erection of dwelling R/O 45A Horsegate The council decided to refuse this Deeping St James application due to over intensification which PE6 8EW will have a negative impact on nearby residents.

167.11 To consider financial matters: 1. To approve Accounts for Payment as per the schedule at Enclosure 4. Enc 4 It was proposed by Cllr Shinkins, seconded by Cllr Lindfors-Windsor and agreed to pay the monthly invoices totalling £8,1145.53. 2. To decide Grant Aid Applications (applications are included with the Enc 5 agenda on yellow paper) It was proposed seconded and agreed to grant £500 to Deeping Lions for the Annual Carnival, and £100 to Playing Fields Assn. On being put to the vote, proposals to grant £200 or £100 to the Priory Church Social Committee for the Music on the Lawns concert were both lost. 3. To decide on the Clerk attending “Working With Your Council” course as the introductory stage of the Certificate in Local Council Administration This was proposed, seconded and agreed. 168.11 To receive and consider minutes of committees, reports from advisory committees, members reports from external bodies, members reports of meetings, seminars and training attended on the Council’s behalf

1. To report and update members on the DSJ in Bloom initiative Cllr Stevens provided a short written report to all present which is included as Enc 7 Enclosure 7 to these minutes. Members agreed the following expenditure - £321 for 4 conical containers for Manor Court Gardens, £450 for a horse trough at The Cross, and £65 for an additional barrier basket for the footbridge. Cllr Stevens also reported the death of Jim Gentry who was a valued member of the community. The Council expressed its condolences and agreed that a condolence card should be sent on behalf of the council. 2. To receive a report on the Emergency Planning Working Party held on Enc 6 15 March 2011. This was presented by Cllr Pearce. The last meeting had a presentation by Peter Bayliss, Flood Warden for DSJ. Members are now working on finding information to go on the plan. Next meeting is 19 April 3. To receive a report on the Youth & Community Committee meeting Enc 8 held on 31 March 2011 Cllr Shinkins presented a report of the meeting which had taken place immediately prior to the Council meeting. A copy of the minutes are included as Enclosure 8. It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the Parish Council supports the application for a Charity to be created to run the Youth Centre. 4. To receive reports on any events attended by Councillors on behalf of the Parish Council including (but not limited to):- • Garford Farm machinery, Royal Visit on 10/3/2011 - Cllr Dilks reported that he had attended and that it was good to see a local business recognised for its achievements. • Deeping Gang Show 25/2/2011 – Cllr Dilks reported that he had attended, it was an excellent show and he had had the opportunity to talk with the Chair of the Gang show • Meeting with Parochial Church Council concerning the Community Team using the Church Hall –Cllr Blessett reported that he had attended along with Cllr Dilks and it had been agreed that the Team could use the Toilet facilities only, for a 3 month trial period. 169.11 To consider Lincolnshire County Council Budget Cuts This had been discussed under the Public Forum. 170.11 Update on Stagecoach withdrawal of service and Delaine Buses additional services This had been discussed under the Public Forum. 171.11 To consider Hall Meadow Estate funds The Parish Clerk advised that when considering this item, Councillors should do so in their role as Trustees of The Charity not as Parish Councillors. The Charity has £1,300 in its bank account and its only sources of income are bank interest and rent from the Parish Council for the land used as allotments. The Charity’s objects say that the clear income shall be applied as the trustees think fit for any charitable purposes for the general benefit of the inhabitants of Deeping St James for which provision is not made out of rates, taxes or other public funds. The Clerk recommended that when deciding how the monies should be spent, an amount of around £250 should be retained for contingencies and that perhaps the monies should be used for improvements at the allotments. This item was then deferred to the next meeting for Cllr Baxter to circulate ideas for the best use of the monies. 172.11 Progress on preparations for Annual Parish Meeting • The Clerk has written to local organisations and charities inviting them to the meeting, along with making a difference details and asking if they would like to have a table top display and / or give a presentation. • So far the Allotments Assn, Oddfellows and British Legion have asked for table top displays and the WI have also confirmed their attendance. Lee Richards of SDS, now Enigma, has indicated that he will attend to talk about the Street Wardens. Others including the Police, Youth Centre and United Charities are expected. • The Clerk has also contacted LCC Call Connect Bus Service and they will send a representative to give a presentation on and answer any questions and criticisms of the service. • The Clerk has also been in touch with the Glebe Singers to see if they could attend to give a performance over 10-15 minutes and raise their profile in the process. Their committee meets on 10/4/2011 and they will be in touch shortly afterwards. • Cllr Stevens had previously asked Martin Wolfie Adams to present the Making a Difference awards – Cllr Stevens will confirm this is still in his schedule. Four nominations to date 1 young person, 3 citizens, none for groups. • The Hall is booked, refreshments are booked. • A draft Agenda has been put together along with a draft advert. It was agreed to have two adverts, space and time permitting, in the Deepings Advertiser - one in early April, one at the end of April / first week of May. They could be changed depending on what confirmed e.g. early April do not include reference Glebe singers. • The meeting would probably conclude between 9-9.30. 173.11 School Governor – Deeping St James Community Primary School. • At the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, members have decided who should be a governor of the Community Primary School. This is currently Cllr Lindfors-Windsor. • A re-appointment letter was sent by LCC in February and following contact with LCC it appears that the Parish Council no longer has the right to nominate a school governor (since 2003) and Cllr Lindfors-Windsor is deemed to be a LCC Local Authority appointment – not an appointment as of right by the Parish Council. • Cllr Lindfors-Windsor has indicated that she ishappy to continue as a governor if DSJPC are happy for her to continue. If she does not continue, the PC could ask for another member to be considered but it would not be an automatic selection and the PC may lose its representation. It was agreed that Cllr Lindfors-Windsor should continue in her role and represent the PC. 174.11 Parish-pump: Report of urgent information and notice of agenda items for the next meeting. • Litter was reported along Wade Park Avenue footpath. • The working party for Tree Preservation Orders had not yet met • Can the PC write and ask the Angling Club whether it is possible to remove the pallets left at fishing points along the river bank. FORTHCOMING MEETINGS/EVENTS Monday 4 April – 12.00 NOON, Deadline for receipt by the Returning Officer at SKDC of Nominations to the Parish Council Tuesday 19 April – 6.30 Emergency Planning Working Party at The Institute Thursday 21 April – 6.15 pm Cemetery Committee Thursday 21 April – 7.00 pm Planning & Transport Committee Thursday 28 April – 7.30 pm Full Council Enclosure 2 SCHEDULE OF CORRESPONDENCE COUNCIL MEETING – 31 March 2011 (Items marked * enclosed) REF CORRESPONDENT SUBJECT MATTER NOTES RECOMMENDATION 1 South Kesteven District Full Council Agenda Meeting to be held on Thursday 3 March 2011 at the council offices For information only Council Grantham 2 South Kesteven District Standards Committee Meeting to be held on Friday 4 March 2011 at Council offices For information only Council Grantham 3 Groundforce Grave Shoring Systems – Grave digging operations can be made easier by using their For information only Specialist construction systems equipment Advised company to remove name from mailing list 4 LALC Latest update regarding Covering changes proposed under The Localism Bill, The Nolan For information only “Standards” Matters Principles, Registering Interests, Fiduciary duty of Councillors, (Previously circulated by criminal and civil law including discrimination and electoral offences, email) local Government Ombudsman, Audit Commission powers, and the common law position of bias, predisposition and predetermination 5 Rekk Limited 6 steps to a successful youth Guidance booklet and sales pitch and socially responsible youth For information only shelter shelters. Free guide and information pack available at 6 Peterborough City Council Peterborough core strategy DPD Confirmation that the development plan document was adopted on For information only 23 February 2011 which means it has reached the final stage of approval develpomentplans/localdevelopmentframework/corestrategy.aspx 7 Anglian Water Direct Debit Instruction Confirmation that DD been set up for reference number 100202019 For information only 8 Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine for local councils Providing local news and information For information only 9 Shanks Waste Solutions Price Review April 2011 Informing the Council of increase of £1.00 per lift For information only 10 Russell Play Sales literature For Information Only 11 Monster Play Sales literature For information only 12 County News Newspaper for Residents of For information only Lincolnshire 13 CANadda Raising awareness in Lincoln community adult network working for and with adults with For information only Lincolnshire Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Dyslexia Dyspraxia and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) 14 Lincolnshire County Bus Service Reductions Showing reductions/cancellations in bus services from April 2011 as For information only Council part of reduction in budget. Delaine service Bourne to Peterborough cancelled on Friday and Saturday 21.00 and 21.45 hours 15 LALC News Spring 2011 issue Relevant news to local Councils and training events For information only Enclosure 2 SCHEDULE OF CORRESPONDENCE COUNCIL MEETING – 31 March 2011 (Items marked * enclosed) REF CORRESPONDENT SUBJECT MATTER NOTES RECOMMENDATION (circulated by email) 16 Priory News DSJ Parish Church Magazine Local parish news For information only 17 Community Lincs Lincolnshire best kept villages Entry form for competition closing date 29 April 2011 and Campaign Does the Council wish to and small towns competition to Protect Rural affiliation. Affiliation fee £25.00 which affiliate and / or enter 2011 covers free entry to competition Best Kept Village Competition. 18 Journal of Local Planning Guide to planning and the Information about the Localism Bill. For information only emerging role of Parish Councils 19 British Telecom Direct Debit Mandate For Fax line To be completed and signed 20 Plantscape 2011 catalogue In CD format For information only 21 HM Revenue & customs Employer information Employer information is no longer going to be issued by post and For information only has been replaced by online guidance 22 The Clerk The journal of the Society of Bimonthly magazine offering regular content and features For information only Local Council Clerks 23 The Deeping Marketplace Monthly community magazine Local information and events For information only 24 Vaughtons Sales catalogue Offering fine crafted regalia For information only 25 Barclays Monthly Billing Informing the Parish Council that they have changed account to For information only monthly billing to help cash flow 26 British Telecom BT business online billing Confirmation that account number 26900134 has been registered For information only for online billing. This is the fax line 27 Glasdon Direct Sales Catalogue Bins and bollards For information only 28 Ricky fox Most make a difference Ken Littlemore of Frognall for his work as a Rotarian and Chair of Closing date for nomination youth and community committee nominations 29 April 2011 29 Society of Local Council Larger Councils Conference Establishing the impact of Localism to be held on Thursday 13 and For information only Clerks Friday 14 April 2011 at Hilton Hotel Cardiff 30 Lincolnshire County Stage Coach bus service 22 Reply to the Parish councils recent communication – informing us For information only Council that stagecoach operate as a commercial service with no financial input from LCC so they had no involvement in the decision to cancel this service 31 The Deeping Trade March 2011 Advertising events and trades in the area For information only 32 DigitalUK March newsletter The latest news about digital television switchover For information only Enclosure 2 SCHEDULE OF CORRESPONDENCE COUNCIL MEETING – 31 March 2011 (Items marked * enclosed) REF CORRESPONDENT SUBJECT MATTER NOTES RECOMMENDATION

33 British Telecom Press BT phone boxes competition Invitation for the Parish Council to provide information and photos of For information only Office what we did with our adopted phone box in order to encourage others to get involved and adopt theirs. or [email protected] 34 Scene Publishing Business Scene A new local business magazine will be launched in May They are For information only preparing an 8 page mock up to show their audience an example of what the magazine will be like and are asking businesses if we have any interesting/ timely information to include for information to include or [email protected] 35 South Kesteven District Grantham area action plan: Consultation period 4 March to 15 April 2011. Part of the local Does the Council wish to Council preferred approach consultation development framework for South Kesteven To view visit comment? in the planning and building control section. To comment portal/planning/gaap/pref 36 The good councillors Essential guidance for local or For information only guide councillors (a copy will be given to each councillor on 31/3/11) 37 PM Engineering Design fabrication and Company providing engineering services including gates and For information only contractors Ltd installation of steelwork repairs railings, balustrading, fencing, barriers and security posts, street and alterations furniture and playground equipment 38 Lincolnshire doorstep February Newsletter Information on no cold calling zones, mobility aids first contact For information only crime partnership online and criminals using census to target vulnerable 39 InTouch Deepings conservatives Information relating to Deeping St James and Frognall For information only newsletter 40 South Kesteven District Bourne and Deeping Fairplay Organised to be run from 8 April to 27 May at Deepings Leisure Any volunteers for Council Football League Centre Astroturf from 8 pm to 10 pm .Need to know how many mentoring? teams Any volunteers for refereeing which is paid at £30 per evening? 41 Lincolnshire County Good Citizens Award Asking for nominations for Citizen of the year, Young citizen of the Do any Members wish to Council year and Community group of the year . nominate online at put forward nominations? Enclosure 2 SCHEDULE OF CORRESPONDENCE COUNCIL MEETING – 31 March 2011 (Items marked * enclosed) REF CORRESPONDENT SUBJECT MATTER NOTES RECOMMENDATION (previously circulated by email)

42 Maverick TV New Documentary on The series will follow a group of professional mediators offering free For information only Community Mediation mediation in neighbourhood disputes. Asking that we publicise their (previously circulated by details by word of mouth and posters to get people involved.. email) 43 Community Lincs February update News in the Community - For information only (previously circulated by email) 44 South Kesteven District Notice of Referendum and Enclosing posters to be displayed in notice boards from 23 March For information only Council Notices of Election 2011. Nominations to the Returning Officer at SKDC for Parish & District close at 12 noon on Monday 4th April 2011. 45 Priory Church Model Railway Show To be held at the Church Hall on Saturday 16 April 10 am until 5 pm For information only and Sunday 17 April 11 am and 4.30 pm Enclosure 3

Minutes of the Deeping St James Parish Council Planning & Transport Committee of Thursday 24 March 2011 at 7.00 p.m. in the Meeting Room at The Institute.

Present were Councillors Blessett (Chairman), Coulson, Lindfors-Windsor (left at 7.25 pm during discussion of application S11/0469), Stevens (arrived 7.15 pm during discussion of application S11/0227) and Pelling. along with the Clerk S Ashby and Assistant to the Clerk J Fortnum

62.11 To receive apologies for absence. Apologies were received from Cllr Shinkins due to work

63.11 To receive declarations of interest, if any. Cllr Lindfors-Windsor declared an interest in application S11/0579 as applicant is a personal friend

64.11 To receive the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 17 February 2011. It was proposed, seconded and agreed to approve the minutes.

65.11 To receive reports on Matters Arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda. The Clerk reported that the cost of a Solar Powered Lighting System for the bus shelter on Church Street by Autocross Euroshel who supplied the shelters originally is £750.00 plus £175.00 fitting plus vat. It was agreed that as there is no specific budget for this in the new year just £1035.00 for shelter repairs. It could be an item to budget for in 2012/13 or, the position could be reviewed once this years final outturn figures for the councils finances as a whole are finalised.

The Clerk reported that a date is still awaited to replace the broken roof on the bus shelter on Crowson Way. (It was agreed to recommend to Full Council to carry over the cost of £375.00 plus £150.00 fitting plus vat into the new financial year.)

66.11 To receive and consider the following planning applications and put forward recommendations to the Council Meeting to be held on 31 March 2011 or make decisions in accordance with the Committee’s delegated powers:

Ref. Address Proposal S11/0355 Deeping St James United Full Planning Permission-Replacement of ancillary Charities outbuilding to rear of existing Scout hall 43 Church Street Deeping St James Approved under delegated powers PE6 8HF S11/0357 Deeping St James United Conservation area consent-Demolition of outbuilding Charities to rear of scout hut 43 Church Street Deeping St James Approved under delegated powers PE6 8HF S11/0227 Mrs Alison Lea of Larkfleet Major RM (Residential) – Reserved matters (outline Homes S10/1076) for 14 dwellings and associated Land off Broadgate Lane development Deeping St James Approved under delegated powers subject to Section 5 being enforced and adhered too S10/2134 Mr J Shimel Householder Development – two storey rear 56 Eastgate extension to dwelling Deeping St James PE6 8HJ Approved under delegated powers S11/0415 Mrs L Turta Householder Development – Single Storey 169 Eastgate extension to rear of dwelling Deeping St James PE6 8RB Approved under delegated powers S11/0469/TPO Mrs Sally Measures Removal of horse chestnut tree – 52 Wade Park Avenue Deeping St James Approved – remedial works but not removal PE6 8JL S11/0501 Mr M Oldfield Construction of front extension to dwelling 9 Ascendale Deeping St James Refer to Full Council PE6 8NZ

S11/0579/TCA Mr David Watkins Remove 1 Holly Tree 41 Church Street Deeping St James Recommend refusal – Refer to Full Council PE6 8HF

67.11 To report the outcome of previous planning applications: It was noted that all the following decisions by South Kesteven had been in line with the Parish Council recommendations.

Ref. Address Proposal S10/2742 Mr Darren Kelly Pitch roof above garage (incorporating 60 Rycroft Avenue accommodation) – Approved conditionally on 18 Deeping St James February 2011 PE6 8NU PC Approved 27 January 2011 S10/2629 Mrs A Lea Erection of 4 affordable dwellings –Approved Larkfleet Homes conditionally on 02 March 2011 Land North of Spalding Road PC Approved 27 January 2011 Deeping St James S11/0072 Mr G Smith Erection of 3 Flats – Approved conditionally on 10 Broadgate Lane 10 March 2011 Deeping St James PC approved 24 February 2011 PE6 8NW

68.11 Date of the next meeting 7.00 pm 21 April 2011, at The Institute. Enc 4 Monthly Accounts For Payment March 2011

The following accounts are presented for payment. * indicates payment has already been made. * S/O T Clare Wages & Car Allowance £ 449.19 * S/O S Ashby Salary March, less Tax & NI adj. £ 1,137.88 * S/O J Fortnum Salary March £ 340.24

238 Lincolnshire Association Of Clerk's Training 16/02/11 (J Fortnum) £ 21.00 * Local Councils 239 Prentice Bros. General and green waste disposal for £ 240.00 * February 2011 241 Shanks Waste Management February Waste Disposal £ 84.73 * Ltd * 242 E-on Parish maintenance quarter up 31/03/11 £ 10.26 243 Branch Bros. 2 black sprays, 5 paving, 1 liquid gloss, 2 £ 32.25 * paintbrushes * 244 Branch Bros. 1 padlock, 6 composts, £ 71.90 * 245 Gary Curtis Newsletter design and 2 posters £ 70.00 246 South Kesteven District Non domestic rate demand for 2011/12 for £ 63.90 Council Cemetery and premises (To Paid Half Yearly By Direct Debit 1/5/11 and 1/11/11) * 247 Viking Direct 2 boxes of 42" dustbin liners £ 95.98 * 248 D Christian Old Priory Farm brick wall and Fencing £ 400.00 249 S Ashby Reimbursement for 2 loppers and 2 saws £ 52.67 * from Homebase * 250 In Bloom 2011/12 Entry Fee £ 20.00 251 ESPO glue sticks, blutack, paperclips and 4 hole £ 13.96 * punch 252 Hoppers Landscapes Invoices for September 2010 - submitted and £ 676.67 * recorded in accounts but cheque not raised! * 253 T Clare Mileage expense - March 2011 £ 62.40 254 HMRC Tax and NI Jan to March 2011 £ 1,487.48 255 Lincolnshire County Council Employers and Employees Pension £ 478.46 * Contribution March 2011 256 Petty Cash £ 45.99 Batteries - 5.98 Postage £ 26.16 Photocopying £3.00 Mobile Phone Contribution - £5.00 Equipment Repairs £5.20 * BT Bill for Fax Line £0.65 257 C Eve & Sons, Swines Trees and Shrubs for Cemetery £ 155.00 * Meadow Farm Nursery * 258 S Ashby Mileage expense - March 2011 £ 25.72 * 259 Double Yew Nurseries Ltd Trees and Shrubs for Churchfield and Rycroft £ 175.20 260 Lavender Garden Services Grass cutting at new and old cemetery, £ 324.98 trimming hedge at New cemetery 261 Lovedale Gardens Installation of Bench @ Thackers £ 280.00 Way/Crowson Way Play Area 262 Protoner Direct Ltd Cartridge TN3130 £ 26.81 263 S Fisk 13 miles Thurlby Fen return to collect plants £ 5.20 264 ESPO Shears, 3 magazine files, 2 ring binders £ 34.94 265 Lincolnshire Association of Annual Subscription 2011/12 and 1 copy of £ 860.10 Local Councils Local Council Review 266 Deeping St James United Parish Council proportion of Gas and £ 372.62 Charities electricity from June to March 2011

Total Accounts for Payment £ 8,115.53 Enclosure 5


Budget 2010/11: £3,000 + £120 C/F (from Council on 25/03/2010) Awards to date: £2,170.00 Balance outstanding: £950.00

The agreed procedures for awarding grant assistance (maximum 1/3rd of the annual budget at each session plus unused balance from previous grant aid meetings) means that there is a maximum of £950.00 available for distribution at this meeting.

It should be noted that if the maximum allocation is awarded at each meeting then there will be no funds available for allocation on the final occasion that Grants are considered in March of each year.

The following applications have been received

Name Amount Purpose Members Previous requested resident in DSJ assistance

Deeping Lions Any amount Deepings Carnival 6 Yes 2011 2008 - £600 2010 - £500 Lincolnshire Any amount A contribution n/a Yes Playing Fields towards running 2006 - £50 Assn costs 2009 - £100 2010 - £200 Priory Church £200 Open Air Concert – 10 Yes Social Music On The Lawn 2003 - £200 Committee July 3rd 2011 2004 - £250 2005 - £150 2006 - £300 2007 - £200 2009 - £250 Enclosure 6 Emergency Planning Working Party Notes of the Emergency Planning Working Party held on Tuesday, 15 March 2011 at 6.30 pm at Market Deeping Town Hall Present: Cllr Lynn Thompson from Deeping Gate Parish Council, Cllr Pauline Redshaw and Cllr Nick Neilson from Market Deeping Town Council, Cllr Chris Pearce, Cllr Mike Pagella, Cllr Gerd Lindfors-Windsor and Cllr Colin Gamble, from Deeping St James Parish Council. Also present was Ivor Ablitt - a resident - and Peter Bayliss – Flood Warden for Deeping St James Steve Ashby, Clerk to Deeping St James Parish Council.

1. Peter Bayliss, Flood Warden. • Flood Wardens were introduced by the Environment Agency in 2002 following floods in Northampton in 1998. • His primary role is to liaise with the Agency – who have improved there warning systems – and he needs to be aware of vulnerable people who may be affected. • The Deepings do have flood defences – for example the Crowland Washes are designed to take flood water – but river water from the Northampton area meets tidal water at Spalding. Surges from the North Sea though are prevented by flood defences • The Environment Agency is based in Lincoln where it monitors the water levels and controls High Locks and Low Locks. They are closed to maintain water levels. • Peter said that he felt the Agency could do more to keep the waterway clear as it has not been dredged for many years, the river west of Low Locks looks shallow as it is silting up, only part of the South bank has been dragged for weeds and the weeds are narrowing the river catching silt. The Agency do though walk the bank every couple of years • The area is not known to flood but there is a remote possibility. The chance is very slight due to defences and gates. Previous problems along Eastgate were caused primarily by water seeping through the earth bank rather than over flowing the bank • Sand bags need to be provided by residents but there are a number held at the Methodist Church In DSJ and some are held by MDTC. • Since 2002 he has had no call outs whatsoever from the Agency. • The Agency hold meetings once or twice a year in Lincoln or Louth and do not seem to be greatly interested in this area instead concentrating ion Lincoln and the Coast. • Cllr Thompson said that she had attended a recent Agency event at Lincoln on behalf of Deeping Gate and she is now considered the Flood Warden for Deeping Gate– she confirmed that Lincoln is the Control Centre in the event of a flood. • Peter said that he is prepared to continue as Flood Warden- he regularly monitors rainfall and water levels, he reports to the Agency who have a system for alerting Flood Wardens but he would let the Parish councils know. • There is a warning system via the internet but this is reliant on electricity supplies and if you have registered to be warned, the registration lasts for two years then you need to renew it. 2. Open Public Meeting This was discussed and it was felt that as the initial purpose of the group was to put a plan together, the proposed open meeting should be deferred and the plan should be the priority. Once the plan was complete then an open meeting may be considered. It was agreed that a copy of the plan would be emailed to all members of the group for each to include information that they have. The details will then be sent to the Deeping St James Clerk who will arrange for it to be consolidated so it can be reviewed at the next meeting. Elderly resident complexes such as Cartmel Court and Joan wake Close need to be included. Cllr Redshaw offered to raise the subject of Emergency Planning at the Annual Parish Meeting in April, 3. Community Index This is still being produced by the Community Centre and will be available shortly. 4. Next meeting This was set for Tuesday 19 April 2011. 6.30 pm at The Institute, Church St, Deeping St James. Enclosure 7 Bloom Report - Thursday 31st March 2011

Planting Saturday March 26th - 15 willing volunteers. Planted at Church fields - 3 6-7’ high trees (grown by a bloomer) planted and under planted with bluebells - fence already had been painted by Tom - the chunky fence left to paint - when done the entrance will be planted with a low growing compact shrub - two beds beefed up with shrubs and dogwood hedge planted at the back of the car park. Residents on board to water. Lions planted a hazel, hawthorn and dogwood hedge between the school and the grass verge on Spalding Road and have since come back and cut the grass - they will keep the area in trim for judging and put boards together to show before and after.

Old Priory Farm - Lincs Highways have cleared the land, Fence has been erected at a cost of £400 paid for by bloom fundraising - Round Table creosoted and will dig out stumps and plant on Sat 9th April when Chelsea Award winner and designer Peter Eustance will be in attendance to oversee - press call at 11 o’clock. We have had signs up and exhibition in the kiosk. Plants have been purchased with Bloom fundraising money - £700 - will be delivered to Youth Centre to be close for planting.

Thackers Way - It is hoped that Brian Littler and local residents will clear self set bushes from under a tree on the side approach to the green area and we will under plant. The Flower Tower will be sited at the Shops at Thackers way and the shop keepers are being encouraged to put out containers. I have approached Royal Mail to paint the pouch boxes at Sewell and Panton close which have been graffiti- ed.

Rycroft Avenue - disappointment after Anglia Water and Barhale drove on most of the daffs previously planted by the payback guys and they have agreed to make site good, seed and plant two decorative crab apple trees for £100 - these have already been purchased and we are waiting for them to ask for delivery.

Manor Way - bulbs came up well and pics were taken - intention to purchase 4 conical concrete containers 900mm diameter which will be sited in equal places outside of the shops - these will then be planted with v colourful bedding plants. - Cost £321 including delivery and VAT. Round the corner at the flats we are currently talking to the landlord about putting in a tree and some small shrubs in the flower bed at the corner of the car park and thereby completing the work that should have been done by the developer - SKDC enforcement drew a blank) - fence to be creosoted - the bed has been weeded and cleared of rubbish by Tom and myself - the landlord it is hoped will pay for more gravel.

The Cross - having approached English Heritage and Highways there is no objection to a horse trough being put on the cobbles and one similar to the one in Horsegate has been found at a cost of £450 - we would also like to put a square metal planter next to the bench to even this up.

Barrier Basket - We would like to purchase one more barrier basket to make a right angel on the footbridge.

Scout Island - Rotary will use some of the trees and shrubs we have been allocated to plant at the Island which they are going to be working on and we will include on the judging Tour.

Unusual containers - Had 90 containers this year - aim to have 150 this - already got commitment from many more businesses and clubs - there will be a trail over the weekend of 25th and 26th starting at the Rose and Sweet Pea Show - where the first container will be - we would like to start the trail from the parish council stand - see maps for £1 each - public will be encouraged to vote and the winners will be announced at a garden party in the Church hall garden on 1st July - would like as many councillors to enter a container as possible please! Two 10 foot banners to be purchased at cost from TLC signs and Baxter and King to sponsor to £100 - one to be sited at Terry Wrights hedge - seen on the corner there.

Graffiti - the problem we have had with graffiti will need to be addressed before the judging.

Plant Sale - We are having a Plant Sale on the morning of Saturday May 14th at the Church Hall 01- 12 - we need plants to sell and support on the day please - Daphne Ledward will be there to show how to plant a container and coffee will be served.

Broadgate Lane - Rotary have submitted a plan to make the bed at the top of Broadgate Lane bigger and edged with bricks - permissions to be obtained by the clerk - funding by me. Enclosure 8 Minutes of Deeping St James Parish Council Youth & Community Committee of Thursday 31 March 2011 held at 7.00 pm in the Clerk’s Office at the Institute.

Present Councillors Blessett, Shinkins (Chair), Pearce, Wallis, Dilks and Pelling along with the Clerk - S Ashby . Also present was Paul Hanson from the Deepings Youth Centre.

14.11 To receive apologies for absence Cllr Helyar – Work.

15.11 To receive declarations of interest, if any. There were none.

16.11 To adopt the minutes of the meeting held on 23 September 2010 (enclosed) These were agreed.

17.11 Matters Arising from previous minutes not dealt with elsewhere on the agenda The Clerk reported that he had contacted Sue Bell who was happy to do Play scheme again this year. The only issue is finding a venue. (Paul Hanson offered the use of the Youth Centre which can accommodate 80 people). The RoSPA inspection was carried out at the Skate Park with only minor issues which have been mostly resolved with the exception of the fence. It was thought that a gate may be the best solution – the Clerk will try and obtain costs for a future meeting to consider.

18.11 To receive a report from Paul Hanson concerning potential changes to the management of the Youth Centre. Paul explained the latest plans for the Youth Centre continuing to exist. Due to LCC budget cuts the funding for the Youth Centre has been cut so there is little money available for employing youth workers. The Government has said that where a service can be run at the same cost by a charity or co-op or mutual, then the service can be transferred and the revenue transferred. He is looking at the option of a charity which then opens up additional funding options. The United Charities who own the premises have indicated that they are happy if this arrangement was put in place. Paul appreciated the continued funding from the Parish Council which will allow them to stay open for 4 nights per week (5 during fair play football). He has also approached MDTC who hopefully will match DSJ funding. He has asked DSJPC, MDTC and the United Charities to provide a trustee. He will know in approx 40 days if his bid is successful. LCC have been sounded out and they have indicated they would accept this option.

Members thanked Paul for attending. Members then agreed to recommend to Council that the Parish Council supports the application for a Charity to be created to run the Youth Centre. Paul was then invited to address the Council during the Public Forum at 7.30.

19.11 To receive and consider ideas for improving the Skate Park. The condition of the ramps was discussed and it was thought that it may be possible to arrange for the community payback team to sand down and repaint them. The Clerk will try and contact Russell Leisure who provided the ramps to find out the expected lifespan of the equipment.

The grant from SKDC was discussed and it was felt that the Clerk should approach the contractor who provided the previous quote for the path

20.11 Date of Next Meeting – Thursday 7 July 2011 6.30 pm at Woody Heights