DEEPING ST JAMES PARISH COUNCIL The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, Peterborough PE6 8HD e-mail:
[email protected] Tel: 01778 343266 Fax: 05603 435419 Parish Clerk: Steve Ashby -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes of the meeting of Deeping St James Parish Council held on Thursday 31 March 2011 at 7.30 pm in The Institute.. Present: Councillors Barber, Baxter (arrived 7:40), Blessett, Coulson, Dilks, Gamble, Lindfors- Windsor, Pagella, Pearce, Pelling, Shinkins, Stevens, Thompson (arrived 7:50), Wallis and the Clerk S Ashby. Also present were County Councillor Mike Exton, PCSO Chris Clarke, Paul Hanson and Messrs Delaine-Smith. The meeting started with an Open Forum. • Two Directors of Delaine Buses talked about the Delaine proposals to provide additional services in the Deepings following the withdrawal of the Stagecoach bus service from 17/4/2011. There will be a 101 service every 30 minutes with a separate DSJ service on the 102 via the health centre, Tescos and the Heron Lea Estate. The 203 service will mirror the stagecoach DSJ route every other hour for Health Centre and shopping. This will be an extension of the Stamford bus service with passengers needing to change in MD to get to Peterborough. This is a completely commercial service without subsidy. They said that they had tried to target need rather than ideals and aspirations and took into account all the bus shelters in DSJ which will all continue to be served under the new routes. Cllr Dilks thanked Messrs Delaine-Smith for attending. o Paul Hanson of the Deepings Youth Centre spoke about the latest plans for the Youth Centre continuing to exist.