A New Model for Technology Transfer Inguatemala
-!7 A NEW MODEL FOR TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER INGUATEMALA CLOSING THE GAP BETWEEN RESEARCH AND EXTENSION by Ramiro Ortiz, Sergio Ruano, Horacio Juirez Francisco Olivet, and Adlai Meneses International Service for National Agricultural Research The international Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR) began operating at its headquarters inThe Hague, the Netherlands, on September 1, 1980. It was established by th, Consultative Group on International Agriculiural Research (CGIAR), on the basis of recommendations from an international task force, f-)r the purpose of assisting governments of developing countries to strengthen their agricultural research. It is a nonprofit autonomous -gency, international in character, and nonpolitical in management, stiffing, and operations. Of the 13 centers in the CGIAR network, ISNAR isthe only one that focuses primarily on national agricultural research issues. It provides advice to governments, upon request, on research policy, organization, and management issues. thus complementing the activities of other assistance agencies. ISNAR has active advisory service, research, and training programs. ISNAR issupported by a number of the members f COIAR. an informal group of donors that includes countries, developmeu4t banks, international organizations, and foundations. Special Series cn the Organization and Management of On-Farm Client-Oriented Research (OFCOR) OFCOR-Discussion Paper No. 2 ANEW MODEL FOR TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER INGUATEMALA CLOSII ATHE GAP BETWEEN RESEARCH AND EXTENSION by Ramiro Ortiz, Sergio Ruano, Horacio Judrez Francisco Olivet, and Adlai Meneses February 1991 International Service for National Agricultural Research INTRODUCTION TO THE ISNAR STUDY ON ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF ON-FARM CLIENT-ORIENTED RESEARCH (OFCOR) Deborah Merrill-Sands Study Leader Introduction In 1986, ISNAR initiated a major study on the organization and management of on-farm, client-oriented research (OFCOR) in national agricultural research systems (NARS).
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