Proteome‐Wide Analysis of Phospho‐Regulated PDZ Domain Interactions
Published online: August 20, 2018 Method Proteome-wide analysis of phospho-regulated PDZ domain interactions Gustav N Sundell1, Roland Arnold2,*, Muhammad Ali1 , Piangfan Naksukpaiboon2, Julien Orts3, Peter Güntert3,4, Celestine N Chi5,** & Ylva Ivarsson1,*** Abstract Introduction A key function of reversible protein phosphorylation is to regulate Reversible protein phosphorylation is crucial for regulation of cellu- protein–protein interactions, many of which involve short linear lar processes and primarily occurs on Ser, Thr, and Tyr residues in motifs (3–12 amino acids). Motif-based interactions are difficult to eukaryotes (Seet et al, 2006). Phosphorylation may have different capture because of their often low-to-moderate affinities. Here, functional effects on the target protein, such as inducing conforma- we describe phosphomimetic proteomic peptide-phage display, tional changes, altering cellular localization, or enabling or disabling a powerful method for simultaneously finding motif-based interaction sites. Hundreds of thousands of such phosphosites have interaction and pinpointing phosphorylation switches. We compu- been identified in different cell lines and under different conditions tationally designed an oligonucleotide library encoding human (Olsen et al, 2006; Hornbeck et al, 2015). An unresolved question is C-terminal peptides containing known or predicted Ser/Thr phos- which of these phosphosites are of functional relevance and not phosites and phosphomimetic variants thereof. We incorporated background noise caused by the off-target activity of kinases these oligonucleotides into a phage library and screened the PDZ revealed by the high sensitivity in the mass spectrometry analysis. (PSD-95/Dlg/ZO-1) domains of Scribble and DLG1 for interactions So far, only a minor fraction of identified phosphosites has been potentially enabled or disabled by ligand phosphorylation.
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