Book Review: Plato: “Protagoras” and “Meno” 291 Robert C. Bartlett, trans., Plato: “Protagoras” and “Meno.” Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2004, 155 pp., $12.50 paper. A NDREA L. KOWALCHUK UNIVERSITY OF DALLAS
[email protected] Robert Bartlett’s Plato: “Protagoras” and “Meno” is a significant contribution to Platonic scholarship. His thoughtful translations are literal without being awkward, and consistent regarding words of philosophic importance. Where there are problems with the manuscripts, discrepancies are indicated, and where there are words that can be variously translated, alternatives are supplied. Notes regarding context, background, definitions, people, and history are also helpful without being burdensome. The interpretive essays are terse and brief, yet dense and full of penetrating questions, suggestions, and insights. Even for those who might disagree with Bartlett’s interpretations, these essays are valuable since they constitute a challenge to more generally accepted views of Platonic psychology, morality, and, ultimately, of the Platonic approach to philosophy simply. What emerges most prominently from Bartlett’s treatments of the two dialogues is the careful and consistent focus on the two title characters, in and through which we gain wonderful insight into the moral self-understanding (or lack thereof) of both Protagoras and Meno. Bartlett’s analysis brings to life, respectively, a sophist and a future criminal (and with less emphasis, a future accuser of Socrates in Anytus), by sifting through and illuminating the particular qualities of each character’s moral confusion, which he also shows to be connected with each man’s view of the cosmos. As the source or sources of their respective confusions come to sight, we are led further into the question of the philosopher’s relationship to virtue, and into the unifying question of the two dialogues: whether virtue can be taught—an “apparently epistemolog- ical question [that] is (also) a thoroughly political one” (138).