)§Mv. However, the Nests, Hath Not Where to «Th.Os Few-Darn, the World, That the When, Gentleman Proceeded Tj'fnlhrv*"' the for the Whole of «H
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sta- cile me to to> Mr. then and quote* mt I'M*- and and about to take her skvery itself. Never have I frit Hayne proceed*, Pennsylvania, " Wabettr in To all this, forcibly that the fox- frnm a speech delivered by Mr. 1835, tion by the side of New-York. touching description, gei to es have holes, and the birds of the air have and sir, I was disposed most cordially respond. »****&• »»)»— to but the son of man Senate, a )§mv. however, the nests, hath not where to «tH.os few-darn, the world, that the When, gentleman proceeded tJ'fnlhrV*"' the for the whole of «h. eecond .peeCh The gentlemen told with his head,” as when I have seen this un- result, has Not room ** contrast the State Ohio, Kentucky, lay which in its impugned having land* not to be treated as a pf •bee on the 21et of January, public ought listened race, naked and almost star- Jefferson’s remark respecting of Mr. in the Senate, to the of the latter, I happy houseless, of Mr. Hayae, He now tells in. “they must be disadvantage vol> wn* under consideration, treasure.” when ho had in the streets, and abandoned all the and in the fourth when Mr. Foote’* retolution de- to him with regret; and pro- ving by mT Barard. published at so much treasure!” Whet the hava seen in re- The exordium follow.: treated further to attribute the and as world. Sir, I the neighborhood Memoirs. Mr.Clayton wo extract*. on sub- ceeded great, Of Jefferson’s make copious liberate of the this most and refi- to the opinion gentleman ha of the of one of the moral, religious, ferred the Senate following passage he took occasion, me to determine: supposed, acknowledged superiority Mr. said, when may be, belongs not to and ned cities of the north, a of free blacks, work, and of the Senators Hayne ject shadow of former in wealth, general family from that inquired to throw out some ideas with I do not think he can, with the population, nf the whether it was two days ago, but, to the of Nathan Dane, of driven to the caves rock, and there ob- from Maryland and Louisiana of the Government, in sentiments, prosperity, policy respect to the policy justice or propriety, impugn my which had secured to the a subsistence from are identical Massachusetts, taining precarious charily relation to the lands, nothing certainly while his own recorded opinions and the lith, 1801.—Edward Livings- public refers of Ohio, (by the Ordinance of ’U7.) plunder. C°"Feb. been further from his thoughts, with own. When the people or could have my gentleman I will that Mr. then into a of the relative ton tells me that Bayard applied to-day. to under which a population of freemen, confess, H. goes comparison than that he should he compelled again to the conditions of the grants to Samuel Smith, and repre- suffered a revulsion, which I am value of the of the in the states |«st night Gen. the of the these lands, my feelings production* country, of Ins coming throw himself upon indulgence the United States have acquired to him the expediency to be now unable to describe, in any language suf- where doe* anti whore it doe* not exist, nud sented did 1 aaid Mr. H.. to as are declared slavery vote for Burr; that Senate. Liltle expect, and insists that, they over to the States who as ficiently respectful towards the gentleman to show that the balance i* in fa- be called to meet such an argument " for the common benefit of States, quotes pretty largely was in the way of appointment upon from Massachusetts. there nothing from so much treasure, vor former. He and was yesterday urged by the gentleman they can only he treated as oi the proceeds— winch he might not command, particu- I construction In contrasting the State of Ohio, with of the ISa- Massachusetts, [Mr. Webster.] Sir, ques- I think he has applied a rule of But, sir, whatever difference of opinion may mentioned the Secretaryship no of for the purpose of out the larly no man’s I case. If. >n the deeds Kentucky, ns of sluverv on national him if he was authorized tioned opinions; impeached too narrow for the pointing exist to the effect vv Smith asked or State, the the and of attributing authoriz- man’s motives ; I charged no party, cession, it lias been declared, that grants superiority of former, wealth and if we trust to ex- the offer. lie said he was that to the eristence in prnspt rity, may to make, to •* benefit of superiority of slavery, and to or section of country with hostility any were intended for the common there can be no doubt that it has ed. Smith told this to Livingston, the one and its absence in the oiher, perience, 1 inn becoming from other State, oti in- who confirms it to me, kc. other, hut ventured. thought, all the States,” it is clear, provis- never yet produced any injurious effect W. (’• Nicholas, as I I could discern the the o! own sentiments relation that were not intended merely thought very spirit of dividual or national character. Look to the Mr. Smilh spirit.toputforth my jn ions. they through In answer inquiry, of declar- Missouri question, intruded into this debate, that lie had not the to a.great national question public policy. so much property: for, it is cspretsly the whole history of the country, from tho Maryland, observed, from erec- for best known to the gentleman him- stated Such was mv course. The gentleman that the of the grants is the objects commencement of the Revolution down to most distant recollection of the fact by ed, subject self. Did that sir, when he form- it is true, had United Status, in gentleman, are to ho He and were intimate Missouri, [Mr. Benton,] charg- tion of new States; and the the present hour; where there Mr. Jefferson. Bayard and con- ed the determination to cross the southern last man ed the Eastern Slates an early the trust, hind themselves to facilh- found of intellectual ami friends considered Mr. B. the upon accepting in order to invnde the State of South brighter examples ;—he towards the West, and refer- States, to be ad- border, been exhibited have made such a tinued hostility tate the foundation of these moral greatness, than have by who could proposition.— facts and docu and Carolina, deem it prudent, or to was of a similar red to a number of historical mitted into the Union with all the rights necessary the sons of the South ? From the Father of Mr. Livingston’s testimony thnt Now, sir, enlist under his banners the prejudices of the ments in support of charge. privileges of the original States* This, sir, his Country, down to the distinguished Chief- import. been met? looked world, which, like Swiss-troops, may be en- how have these different arguments was the great end to w hich all parties ; tain, who has been elevated by a grateful peo- from Massachu- of this trust, gaged in any cause, and are prepared to serve m the Senate on The honorable gentleman and it is the fulfilment high to the office in their the in- The following took place by under leader? Did ho desire to avail ple, highest gift, setts, after deliberating a whole night upon that ” the common benefit of all the States” any terval is filled a line of orators, of a subsequent day. himself of those remorseless allies, the up by long his course, conics into this chamber to vindi-l he best Sir, let me tell the pas- and of heroes, entitled to Mr. said that it woo’d be recollected is to promoted. of statesmen, justly Hayne and instead of of the in sions of mankind. which it may be more when this resolution Vlr. Foot’s reso- cate New-England, making ti|>( gentleman, that in the part country rank among the ornaments of their country, that [ | from Missouri, said, than of the savage tribes of the was last his issue with the ! we do not measure truly and tho of mankind. Look at lution the gentleman which 1 live, political “ benefactors respecting public lands] he had chooses wilderness, that their known rule of wai fare Senator from Dela- on the charges which preferred, benefits the standard. We consid- the Old Dominion,” great and magnani- before the Senate, the by money an sex- as the author of those is indiscriminate slaughter of all ages, ” from Ma- to consider me charges, er as morn valuable than liberty, princi- mous whose arc her sons." ware had called upon the Senators gold, was Virginia, jewels of that we are to es, and conditions ?” Or it supposed, to make a disclaimer in and losing sight entirely gentleman, and But, sir, if bound Is there State in the Union which has and Louisiana ple, justice. a and any ryland selects me as his and out all contended for sir, that in premeditated, unprovoked to the of the late Mr. Bay-! adversary, pours act on the narrow by contributed so much to the honor and welfare relation memory principles attack the sooth, it was advisable to be- the vials of his wrath upon my devo- am at a loss to con- upon the whole ard. He did not suppose the Senator from mighty the gentleman, I wholly of the country 1 Sir, I will yield is he to there.