THE BYRON SHIRE Volume 31 #41 The Wednesday, March 22, 2017 Good Life Phone 02 6684 1777
[email protected] [email protected] &Good Taste Eating Out Guide 23,200 copies every week PAGE 25-28 CAB ILLEGITIMI NON CARBORUNDUM! AUDIT We fi nally have a Island Quarry What’s in the Online in netdaily Kingscliff three-storey nation-building management defends stars? Ask Lilith height limit set to stay -three- PM! – p10 record – p5 – p33 storey-height-limit-set-stay Beach doof- Turtle adventure with a cause Connor won’t party organiser appeal Bali fi ned $8,000 jail sentence Luis Feliu AAP A Byron Bay residents group has Local woman Sara Connor has told welcomed the conviction of the her lawyers she will not appeal against organiser of a doof party late last her four-year sentence for her role in year at Tallow Beach which was shut the death of a Bali police offi cer. down by police and park rangers. Her lawyer Robert Khuana Th e organiser pleaded guilty to told reporters he believed she had two charges over the illegal event a good chance of being released and was fi ned $8,000 in Byron Bay upon appeal. Local Court last Th ursday. However, Khuana said Connor Byron Shire Council’s legal ser- had been traumatised by the system vices coordinator, Ralph James, said and was worried about her sentence around 200 ‘doofers’ had trampled being increased if she appealed. and rubbished the ecologically sen- On Friday prosecutors said they sitive area which contained threat- were appealing Connor’s four-year ened fauna and fl ora.