Consolidated Broadcast List

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Consolidated Broadcast List Consolidated Broadcast List Call Town Call Town Call Town Call Town Call Town WHO—Enid, Obla. KGY—Lacey, Wash. WBAW—Nashville, Tenn. W1IAP—New York, N. Y. WMBB—Tampa. Fla. KDB—Santa Barbara, Calif. KHJ—Los Angeles, Calif. WBAX—Wilkes-Barre, Pa. WI1AS—Louisville. Ky. WMC—Memphis, Tenn. KDFN—Casper, Wyo. KHQ—Spokane, Wash. WBBC—Brooklyn, N. Y. WHAT—Philadelphia, Pa. WMCA—New York, N. I. KIIKA—Hast Pi nirgh, Pa. KICK—lied Oak. Ta. WBBI.—Richmond, Va. W1IAZ—Troy. X. Y. WMES—Boston, Mass. KDUÍ—Devils Lake. N. D. KID—Idaho Falls. Idaho WBBM— Chicago, 111. WHB—Kansas City, Mo. WMMN—Fairmont, W. Va. KKYL—Salt Lake City, Utah KIDO—Boise, Idaho WBBlt—Rossville, N. Y. WHBC—Canton. Ohio WMPC—Lapeer, Micli. KECA—Los Angeles, Calif. KIT—Yakima, Wash. WBBY—Charleston, S. C. WIIBD—Mt. Orab, Ohio WMliJ—Jamaica. N. Y, IIK.1K—Beverly Hills, Calif. KJBS—San Francisco, Calif. WBBZ—Ponca City. Okla. WHBF—lioclt Island, 111. WMSG—New York. X, Y. KELW—Burbaiik. Calif. K.I I!—Seattle. Wash, WBCM—Bay City, Mich. WHBL—Sheboygan, Wis. WMT—Waterloo, Ia. KMX—Portland, Ore. KLCN—Blytlieville, Ark. WBCN—Chicago. 111. WTIHO—Memphis, Tenn. WNAC—Boston, Mass. KFAR—Lincoln. Neb. KT.O—Ogden, Utah WBIS—Boston. Mass. WI1BT'—Anderson. Ind. WNAD—Norman. Okla. KFBB—Great Falls, Mont. KLPM—Minot, N. D. WBMS—Hackensack, N. J. WIIBY—Green Bay, Wis. WNAT—Philadelphia, Pa. K l l'.K—Sacramento, Calif. KLltA—Little Rock, Ark. WBN'Y—New York, X. Y. WI-IDF—Calumet. Mich. WNAX—Yankton, S. D KFBL—Everett, Wash. KLS—Oakland. Calif. WBOQ—New York, N. Y. WHDH—Gloucester. Mass. WNBF—Bingham ton, X. Y. K F1 >.\I—Beaumont. Tex. KLX—Oakland, Calif. WBOW—Terre Haute, Ind. WTTDT—Minneapolis. Minn. WN'BH—Netv Bedford. Moas. KFI1T—Brookings. S. D. KLZ—Dupout, Colo. WBBC—Birmingham, Ala. WHDL—Tupper Lake, N. Y. WNB.T—Knoxville, Tenn. KFEL—Denver, Colo. KMA—Shenandoah. Ia. WBR13—Wilkes-Barre, Pa. WHKC—Rochester. N. Y. WNBO—Washington, I'a. KFEQ—St. Joseph, Mo. KMBC—Kansas City, Mo. WBRL—Tllton, N. II. WHFC—Cicero. 111. WNBB—Memphis, Tenn. KFGQ—Boone, Iowa KJIED—Medford, Ore. WBSO—Wellesley Hills, Mass. WIIIS—Bluefield, W. Va. WNBW—Carhondale, Pa. KFH—Wichita. Kans. K5IIC—Inglewood, Calif. WBT—Charlotte, N. C. WHK—Cleveland. Ohio WNBX—Springfield, Vt. KFHA—Gunnison. Colo. KMJ—Fresno, Calif. WBZ—Springfield. Mass. WHX—New York, N. Y. WNBZ—Saranac Lake, X. Y. KFI—Los Angeles, Calif. KMMJ—Clay Center, Neb. WBZA—Boston, Mass. WHO—Des Moines, Iowa WSJ—Newark. N. J. KFIF—Portland. Ore. KMO—Tacoma. Wash. WCAC—Storrs. Conn. Will'—Harrisburg, Pa. WNOX—Knoxville, Tenn. KFIO—Spokane, Wash. KMOX—St. Louis. Mo. WCAD—Canton, N. Y. WIAS—Ottumwa, Ia. WNRC—Greensboro, N. C KFIU—Juneau. Alaska , KMTK—Hollywood, Calif. WCAE—Pittsburgh. Pa. WIBA—Madison. Wis. WNYC—Xew York. N. Y. KI'IZ—Fond du Lac, Wis. KNX—Hollywood. Calif. WCAH—Columbus. Ohio WTRG—Elkins Park, Pa. WOAI—San Antonio, Tex. KF.IB—Marslialltown, Iowa. KOA—Denver. Colo. WCA.T—Lincoln, Neb. WIBM—Jackson, Mich. WOAX—Lawreiieeburg, Tenn. KF.1F—Oklahoma City, Okla. KOAC—Corvallis. Ore. WCAL—Nortlifield. Minn. WIBO—Chicago, 111. WOAX—Trenton, X. J. KF.TI—Astoria. Ore. KOB—State College 1. M. WCAM—Camden, N. J. WIBIÍ—Steubenville, Ohio WOBT—Union City, Tenn. KF.TM—Grand Forks, N. D. KOCW—f'hickasha. Okla. WCAO—Baltimore. Md. Wins—Elizabeth, N. J. WOBl—Charleston. W. Va. KF,Tlt—Portland, Ore. KOH—Reno, Nev. WC'AP—Asbnry Pork. N. J. WIBU—Poynette, Wis. WOI!—Davenport, la. KF.IY—Fort Dodge, la. KOIL—Council Bluffs. Ia. WCAT—Rapid City, S. D, WIRW—Topeka. Kans. WOOL—Jamestown, N. Y KF.IZ—Fort Worth, Tel. KOIX—Portland. Ore. WCATT—piiiladelpliia, Pa. WIBX—tilica. N. Y. WODA—Paterson. N, J. KFKA—Greeley, Colo. KOI.—Seattle. Wash. WCAX—Burlington, Yt. WICC—Bridgeport. Conn. WODX—Mobile, Ala. KFKB—Milford, Kans. KOMO—Seattle. Wash. WCAZ—Carthage. 111. WIT.—St. Louis. Mo. WOT—Ames. Ia. KFKF—Lawrence, Kans. KOOS—Marshfield. Ore. WCBA—Allentoivn, Pa. WILL—Urbana. 111. WOKO—Poughkeepsie. N. Y. KFKX—Chicago. 111. KOBE—Eugene, Ore. WCBD—Zioil, 111. WII.M—Wilmington, Del. KFI A'—Bockford. 111. KOY—Phoenix. Ariz. WCBM—Baltimore, Md. WIOD—Miami Beach, Fla. WOT. Washington, D. C. KFLX—Galveston, Tex. KPCB—Seattle, Wash. WCRS—Springfield, 111. WIP—Philadelphia, Pa. WOMT—Manitowoc, Wis KFMX—Nortlifield. Minn. KPJM—Prescott. Ariz. WCCO—Minneapolis. Minn. WISN—Milwaukee. Wis. WOPI—Bristol, Tenn. RPXF—Shenandoah. Ia. KPO—San Francisco. Calif. WCDA—New York. N. Y. W.TAC—Johnstown. Pa, WOOD—Grand Rapids, Mich. KFOR—Lincoln. Neb. KPOF—Denver. Colo. WCFL—Chicago. IU. WJAD—Waco. Te.v. WOQ—Kansas City. Mo. KFOX—Long Beach, Calif. KPPC—Pasadena, Calif. WCGIr—Coney Island. N. Y. W.IAG—Norfolk, Neh. WOR—Newark, N. J. KFPL—Dublin, Tex. KPQ—Wenatchee. Wash. WCKY—Covington. Ky. W.TAK—Mariou. Ind. WOBC—Worcester. Mass KFPM—Greenville, Tex. KPBC—Houston, Tex. WCLB—Long Beach. N. Y. W.TAR—Providence. R. I. WORD—Chicago, 111. KFPW—Siloalll Springs, Ark. IvPSN—Pasadena. Calif. WCI.O—Kenosha, Wis. WJAS—Pittsburgh. Pa. WOS—Jefferson City, Ho. KFPY—Spokane, Wash. KP\YF—Westminster, Calif. WCLS—.Toilet. 111. WJAX—Jacksonville. Fla. WOV—New York. X. Y. KFQA—St. Louis. Mo. KQV—Pittsburgh, Pa. WCMA—Culver. Ind. W.TAY—Cleveland, Ohio WOW—Omaha. Neb. KFQD—Anchorage, Alaska KOW—San .Tose. Calif. WCOA—Pensacola, Fla. W.TAZ—Chicago, 111. WOWO—Ft. Wayne. Ind. KFOr—Holy City, Calif. KBE—Berkeley, Calif. WCOC—Meridian. Miss. WJBC—La Salle, 111. WPAP—New York. N. Y. KFOW—Seattle. Wash. WCOD—I-larrishurg, Pa. W.TBI—Red Bank, N. J. WI'AW—Pawtucket. R. I. KFQZ—Los Angeles,. Cahf Wf'OH—Yonkers, N. Y. W.TBK—Ypsilanti, Mich. WPCC—Chicago, 111. KFltC—San Francisco, Calif. KREG Santa Ana. Calif. WCRW—Chicago, 111. W.TBL—Decatur. 111. WPCII—New York. N. Y. KFRU—Columbia, Mo. KP.GV—Harlingen. Tex. WCSTI—Portland. Me. W.TBO—New Orleans, La. WPEN—Philadelphia, Pa. KFRD—Ravi Diego. Calif. KRLD—Dolías. Tex. WCSO—Springfield, Ohio WJBT—Chicago. 111. WPG—Atlantic City, N. J KFSG—Los Angeles. Calif. KRMD—Shreveport. La. WDAE—Tampa, Fla. W.J BU—Lewisburg. Pa. WPOE—Patchogue. N. Y KFtTL—Galveston. Tex. KRSC—Seattle. Wash. WDAF—Kansns City, Mo. W.TBW—Xew Orleans, La. WPOR—Norfolk. Va. KFTTM—Colorado Spgs.. Colo. KSAC—Manhattan, Kans. WDAG—Amarillo, Tex. W.TBY—Gadsden, Ala. WPSC—State College, Pa. KFUO—St. Louis. Mo. KSAT—Ft. Worth, Tex. WD AH—El Paso. Tex. WJDX—Jackson. Miss. WPTF—Raleigh, N. C. KFFP—Denver, Colo. KSC.T—Sioux Cits, la. WDAY—Fargo. N. D. WJJD—Moosebeart, 111. WOAM—Miami. Fla. KFVD—Culver City, Calif. KSD—St. Louis. Mo. WDBJ—Roanoke, Ya. W.TKS—Gary. Inch WQAN—Scranton. Pa. KFVS—Cape Girardeau, Mo. KSEI—Pocatello, Idaho WDBO—Orlando. Fla, W.TB—Detroit, Mich. WQAO—New York, N. Y. T\FWR—Hollywood, Calif. KSI.—Salt Lake City, T'tah WDEL—Wilmington, Del. W.TSY—Mt. Vernon Hills, Va. WOBC—IItica. Miss. KIWF—St. Louis. Mo. KSMR—Santa Maria, Calif. WDGY—Minneapolis. Minn. WJW—Mansfield. Ohio WQBZ—Weirton. W. Va. KFWT—San Francisco. Calif. KSO—Clarinda, Ia. WDOD—Chattanooga. Tenn. WJZ—New York, N. Y. WBAF—La Porte. Ind. KFWM—Richmond. Calif. KROO—Sioux Falls. S. D. WDRC—New Haven. Conn. WKAQ—San Juan. P. K. WBAK—Erie. Pa. KFX1>—Jerome. Idaho KSTP—St. Paul, Minn. WDRF—New Orleans. La. WKAR—E. Lansing. Mich. WRAW—Beading, Pa. KFXF—Denver, Colo. KTAB—Oakland. Calif. WDWF—Providence. B. I. WKAV—Laconia. N. H. WRAX—Philadelphia, Pa. KFX.T—Edgewater, Colo. KTAP—San Antonio, Tex. WDZ—Tuscola. 111. WKBB—Joliet, 111. WBBI—Tifton. Ga. KFXM—Ran Berna rrlino, CalL. KTAB—Phoenix, Ariz. WEAF—New York, N. Y. WKBC—Birmingham, Ala. WRB.I—Hattiesburg, Miss. KFXB—Oklahoma City, Okla. KTBI—I.os Angeles. Calif. WE AI—Ithaca. X. Y. WKBF—Indianapolis. Ind. WBBI.—Columbns. Ga. T.'rXT—Flagstaff. Ariz. KTBR—Portland. Ore. WEAN—Proridence. R. I. WKBH—La Crosse, Wis. WRBQ—Greenville. Miss. KFTO—Abilene, Tex. KTHS—Shreveport, I.a. WEAO—Columbus. Ohio WKBI—Chicago, til. WRRT—Wilmington, N. C. KFYR—Bismarck. N. D. KTLC—Richmond, Tex. WEAB—Cleveland, Ohio WIvBX—Youiigstown, Ohio WRBF—Gostonia. N. C. T.'OA—Spokane. Wash." KTHS—Hot Springs. Ark. WEBC—Superior, WÍB. WKBO—Jersey City. N. J. WBC—Washington, D. C. KGAB—Tucson. Ariz. KTM—Santa Monica, Calif. WERE—Cambridge, Ohio WKRP—Battle Creek. Mich. WR.EO—Whitehaven. Tenn. i;cn—Ran Diego, Calif. KTXT—Muscatine, Ia. WEBQ—Harrisbnrg. 111. WKBQ—New York, N. Y. W1ÍEN—Lawrence. Kans. KGBT'—Ketchikan. Alaska. KTSA—San Antonio, Tex. WEBK—Buffalo. N. Y. WKBS—Galesburg. 111. WRHM—Minneapolis, Minn KGIiX—St. Joseph, Mo. KTsr.—Shreveport. T.a. WEBW—Beloit, Wis. WKBV—Brookville, Ind. WR.TN—Racine. Wis. KTSM—El Paso, Tex. WEDC—Chicago. 111. WKBW—Buffalo. N. Y. WRK—Hamilton, Ohio KITE—Houston. Tex. WFDH—Erie, Pa. WKBZ—Ludington, Mick. WBXY—Xew York, N. Y. KTW—Seattle. Wash. WE EI—Boston. Mass. WKEX—Buffalo, X. Y. WTiR—Dallas. Tex. KGBZ York. Neh. KI'.T—Longview. Wash. WEHC—Emory, Va. WK.TC—I .aneaste: Pa. WIÍFF—Gainesville, Fla. KGOA—Decorah, la. TCT'OA—Fayetteville. Ark. WET-IS—Evanston. III. WKBC—Cincinnati. Ohio WRY A—Richmond. Va. KC.C1—Ran Antonio. Tex. KÜSD—Vermillion. S. D WELK—Philadelphia. Pa. WKY—Oklahoma City, Okla. WSAI—Cincinnati, Ohio KGCR—Watertown. S. D KVEP—Portland, Ore. WEMC—Berrien Springs, Mich. WLAC—Nashville. Tenn. WSA.T—Grove City, Pa. KGCTT—Mandan. N. D KYI—Tacoma. Wash. WENT!—Chicago. 111. WLAP—Louisville. Ky. WSAN—Allen town. Pa. KGCX—Wolf Point. Mont. KYI.—Seattle, Wash. WEYD—New York, N. Y. WLB—Minneapolis, Minn. WSAB—Fall River, Mass.
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