Proceedings of the 8Th Annual Federal

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Proceedings of the 8Th Annual Federal Proceedings of the 8^^ Annual Federal Depository Library Conference April 12 - 15, 1999 Library Programs Service U.S. Government Printing Office Wasfiington, DC 20401 U.S. Government Printing Office Micliael F. DiMario, Public Printer Superintendent of Documents Francis ). Buclcley, ]r. Library Programs Service Gil Baldwin, Director Library Division Sheila M. McGarr, Chief Proceedings of the 8^^ Annual Federal Depository Library Conference April 12- 15, 1999 Holiday Inn-Bethesda Bethesda, MD Library Programs Service U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20401 1999 Marian W. MacGilvray Editor Any use of trade, product, or firm names in tliis publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. 1999 Federal Depository Library Conference - Proceedings Table of Contents Agenda v Developing Regional Web Pages for Selectives: Suzanne Holcombe, Steve Beleu 1 FEFDL: Florida Electronic Federal Depository Library: Jan Swanbeck 5 Incorporating the NRC Legacy Collection into the FDLP: George Barnum, Elizabeth Yeates 8 Videoconferencing: Sandra Fritz 10 Introduction to DVD: Carol Cini 16 Partners Providing Public Access: Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access: A Partnership to Provide Access to Government Data: Kenwood Giffhorn 19 Partners Providing Public Access: The Library's Role in the PASDA Partnership: Chris Pfeiffer ....2^ Partners Providing Public Access: Focusing the Library's Contribution: Todd Bacastow 22 National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse: Archie Warnock 24 NTIS-GPO Depository Library Imaging Pilot Project: Walter L Finch 27 Assessment of Electronic Government Information Products: Final Report: Forest Woody Norton 29 DOE Virtual Library of Energy Science and Technology: Walter L. Warnick 33 Building the FDLP Electronic Collection: Laurie B. Hall, Judy Andrews 37 DOE Information Bridge: One Year Later: Don Altom 43 Digitizing Collections of Government Documents: Options, Processes, and Costs: Cathy Nelson Hartman 45 Advanced Search Techniques: Tracking Legislation through GPO Access' Congressional Databases: Karie Lew 60 Ways to Share the Riches: Web-Based Resources for Selective Housing Arrangements: Rob Richards 63 Spreading the Riches Around: Administering Selective Housing Arrangements from the Law Library Perspective: An Overview: Sharon Blackburn 67 What It Means To Be a Selective Housing Site in This Day and Age: Martha Jo Sani 72 How to Use the Digital Library of the State of the Environment on the Web and on a Web- Connected CD/DVD-ROM: Brand L. Niemann 75 Federal Emergency Management Agency: Marc Wolfson, Dave Wellman 88 Elaws: Using Expert Systems to Deliver Complex Regulatory Information: Roland C. Droitsch ... 96 PURLs: What Do I Need to Know? Working with PURLs in Your Local Catalog: Background on PURLs and Link Maintenance in the Local Catalog: Arlene Weible 107 PURLs: What Do I Need to Know? Working with PURLs in Your Local Catalog: Nan Myers 113 American FactFinder: Barbara Aldrich, Robert Clair 125 Reinvention Web Sites: Tools, Documents, and Sen/ices: Patricia B. Wood 127 0*NET: Keeping Pace with Today's Changing Workplace: Donna Dye 1 33 The National Park Service Library Program: David Nathanson 135 Disaster Planning for Libraries: Lessons from California State University, Northridge: Mary M. Finley 142 The Aftermath of the Flood at the Boston Public Library: Lessons Learned: Ga;7 Fithian 148 Disasters: Plans, Clean-up, and Recovery—The Colorado State Experience: Fred C. Schmidt 53 Disasters: Plans, Clean-up, and Recovery at Stanford University Libraries: Joan Loftus 156 iii 1999 Federal Depository Library Conference - Proceedings Improving the Quality of Documents Reference Service: Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County: John W. Graham 163 Improving Quality of Documents Reference Service: Lillie j. Dyson 165 Web Pages for Training and Reference: Kay Collins 1 68 Engaged Institutions: Using the Federal Depository Library as a Community Service to Address Regional Needs: Timothy Sutherland 1 75 How to Manipulate Federal Bulletin Board Files: Greta Boeringer 181 How to Manipulate Federal Bulletin Board Files: James Mauldin 186 How to Manipulate Federal Bulletin Board Files: David J. Nuzzo 198 Writing the Depository Self-Study: Ca/7 Snider, Stephen Henson 199 Department of Veterans Affairs Internet World Wide Web Server: Walter Houser 207 National Climatic Data Center: John Hughes 212 National Cancer Institute and Depository Libraries: A Productive Partnership: Nancy Brun 216 CDs in a Webbed World: Implications for Federal Depository Libraries: Cynthia Etkin 220 Future Colleagues: Documents Education in Library and Information Science Programs: Teaching Government Information on the Internet: Judith Schiek Robinson 224 Government Documents Assignments: Have We Really Been There, Done That?: Cassandra Hartnett 226 Future Colleagues: Documents Education in Library and Information Science Programs: Who Teaches What, When and Where: Bill Sudduth 228 Bureau of Labor Statistics Web Site: Deborah P. Klein 234 U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics Web Site: Kathleen Quinn 237 Tools People with Disabilities Use to Interact with the Web: Robert Neff 241 Hands-On Technolog(eye)s, Touching the Internet: David Poehlman 244 The Able Channel: Jeffrey Pledger 245 The Web and Effective Usability: Mark Hakkinen, Ray Ingram 246 Ready Access to Information for People with Disabilities: Joseph Roeder 247 Things Change: The FDLP Setting and Early Partnership Efforts: Duncan M. Aldrich 248 Partnerships on the Web: FDLP Partnering to Provide Access to Electronic Resources: George Barnum 255 Constructing a Partnership: Nuts and Bolts Perspective: Donna Koepp 257 Contributors 262 iv 1 J999 Federal Depository Library Conference - Proceedings Agenda Depository Library Council Federal Depository Conference April 12-15, 1999 Holiday Inn-Bethesda 8 1 20 Wisconsin Avenue Betliesda, MD Sunday, April 1 All day meeting of regional librarians Morning 8:45 Welcome • Sheila M. McGarr, Chief, Depository Services, LPS, GPO • Francis J. Buckley, Jr., Superintendent of Documents 9:00 Developing Regional Web Pages for Selectives • Steve Beleu, Director, U.S. Government Information, Oklahoma Department of Libraries • Suzanne Holcombe, Assistant Documents Librarian, Oklahoma State University Jan Swanbeck, Head, Documents Department, University of Florida 10:00 Break 10:30 Incorporating the NRG Legacy Collection Into the FDLP • Elizabeth J. Yeates, Chief, Public Documents Room, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission • George D. Bamum, Electronic Transition Specialist, LPS, GPO 11:15 Regional Manuals/Superseded Electronic Publications • Daniel C. Barkley, Interim Director, Government Documents Department, University of New Mexico 12:00 Lunch v 1999 Federal Depository Library Conference - Proceedings Afternoon 1:30 Videoccnference: For Training and Communication • Sandra Fritz, Federal Documents Coordinator, Illinois State Library 2:45 Wrap Up • Sheila M. McGarr, LPS, GPO 3:00 Adjourn Orientation 4:00-5:00 Orientation to the Depository Library Council and Federal Depository Library Conference This session is designed to acquaint first-time attendees with how Council works and to preview Conference activities over the next 3 Vi days. • Cynthia L. Etkin, Library Inspector, LPS, GPO, Facilitator • Gail Snider, Library Inspector, LPS, GPO, Facilitator 6:00 Informal pre-dinner get-together to network by food preference Depository Library Council sc Federal Depository Conference Monday, April 12 Morning 8:00 Registration and Coffee with Council and GPO Staff 8:30 Welcome & Remarks • Sheila M. McGarr, Chief, Depository Services, LPS, GPO • Thomas K. Andersen, Council Chair • Michael F. DiMario, Public Printer 9:00 GPO Update • T.C. Evans, Assistant Director, Office of Electronic Information Dissemination Services (EIDS), GPO 10:00 Break 10:30 GPO Update (continued) • Gil Baldwin, Director, Library Programs Service, GPO • Robin Haun-Mohamed, Chief, Depository Administration Branch, LPS, GPO • Thomas A. Downing, Chief, Cataloging Branch, LPS, GPO • George D. Bamum, Electronic Transition Specialist, LPS, GPO vi J999 Federal Depository Library Conference - Proceedings 11:30 GPO Speakers: Council and Audience Q & A 12:00 Lunch Afternoon 1 :30-4:00 Depository Library Promotional Materials, Order Forms, and Upcoming Marketing Efforts • Staff, Promotion & Advertising, GPO 2:00-3:15 Depository Library Council • Committee Reports and Recommendations for Council Action 2:00-5:00 New Documents Librarians Informal session to answer questions from mundane to complex about depository operational issues. For new documents librarians or those who feel "new" to any aspect of depository librarianship. Veteran documents librarians from a variety of backgrounds plus LPS staff will be available. • Vicki A. Barber, Chief, Depository Distribution Division, LPS, GPO, Facilitator • Sheila M. McGarr, Chief, Depository Services, LPS, GPO, Facilitator 2:00-3 : 1 5 Introduction to DVD • Carol F. Cini, Associate Director, Institute for Federal Printing and Electronic Publishing, GPO 2:00-3: 15 GPO Access (demonstration): All Databases Part I: Introduction and Overview • Selene T. Dalecky, Analyst, EIDS, GPO • Karie T. Lew, Analyst, EIDS, GPO 2:00-3:00 LPS Tour 2:00-3:00 NOAA Central Library Tour 2:00-3:00 U.S. Senate Library Tour 2:00-4:00 STAT-USA/Internet Demonstration 3:15-3:45 Break 3:45-5:00 Partners in GIS: Establishing Partnerships to Provide Access to Government Data and Metadata to Citizens • Kenwood

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