INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved

ISSN 2305-4557


Abstract This aim of this research to analyze the influence of Al-Azhar alumnus on the development of Islamic educational and the implementation of Al-Azhar educational management of Islamic educational management in South Sulawesi. Another aim to describe strength and weakness of Al-Azhar alumnus of Islamic educational management in South Sulawesi. This research used quantitative and qualitative methode. Data analysis in qualitative research, conducted since before entering the field, during the study took place and after completion in the field. The analysis is more focused during the process in the field, together with data collection, which consists of three activities, namely data reduction, data display and conslusion/verification. Respondents are two categories; Al-Azhar and non Al-Azhar alumnus. Total respondents from Al-Azhar alumnus are 35 person while non Al-Azhar alumnus are 69 person. Data quantitative analyzed using scoring system, cross tabulation, and correlation analysis. The Result showed the influence from Al-Azhar Alumnus towards the development of Islamic Education is significance. The implementation variables and evaluation variables are positive and it’s strong contribution to influence development of Islamic education in South Sulawesi. Eventhough the alumnus Al-Azhar has weak factors in planning, organizing, managerial and administration variables. While their strength showed in Islamic knowledge competency and personal integrity.

Keyword : Influence of Al-Azhar alumnus, Developing Islamic Education.

Preliminary clerics with Mecca and Medina scholars, then Al-Azhar University Cairo in is the more scholars and Islamic claimants studied in al- oldest educational institution in the Islamic world, Azhar Cairo in 1182 / 1768. Thus Muslim scholars, in this case thousands of years old. The university scholars and scholars since returning to their or al-Jāmi'ah as a prestigious Islamic University and homeland have had a strong influence in the at the same time pioneers the progress and development of Islamic education institutions in development of science, so that it has a significant the archipelago. Primarily according to Azyumardi influence on Islamic education institutions, alumni Azra (2011: 243), students from various parts of of Cairo's al-Azhar university spread across various the world each year come to Cairo's al-Azhar to continents and have contributed to the continue their education. is the second development of Islamic education especially in largest country from Southeast Asia after Malaysia. Indonesia . The characteristics instilled in alumni Related to this, Marwan Saridjo (2011: 218) stated when studying are very influential when returning that the peak in 1992, the Ministry of Religion to their respective countries, humility and sincerity dispatched 140 Aliyah graduates from various of educators are exemplary examples so that Islamic boarding schools to continue their studies alumni have an important role in Islamic education at al-Azhar Cairo. They were given a scholarship institutions, both as leaders of Islamic Higher from Assembly Ta'sisi, a semi-official body of the Education, Islamic Boarding School Leaders and as Egyptian government. Since then until now Cairo's a teacher and teaching staff. al-Azhar student candidate from Indonesia gets John L. Esposito (2000: 228) one of the mu'ad as a legalization certificate to continue his orientalist figures acknowledged that the influence education there and after holding their bachelor's of al-Azhar Cairo was able to adjust to the degree again and certainly has a tremendous development of the center of Islamic religious and influence when serving in Islamic education cultural life for Egypt and the entire Islamic world. institutions. Likewise Muslim scholars such as Furthermore in 1998, the Ministry of (2005: 170) asserted that the transmission of Religion gave priority to Cairo's al-Azhar alumni to knowledge of various Islamic worlds originated in be appointed as CPNS / PNS with the formation of the Middle East, especially in the 17th and 18th teaching staff in various Islamic and public centuries there had been a network of Indonesian education institutions both public and private.


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved

ISSN 2305-4557

Until now, Al-Azhar Cairo alumni who were Galigo and others, later from the younger gathered in the Al-Azhar International Cairo generation Dr. KH. Muammar Bakry who besides Alumni Association (IAAI) Indonesia who are active being the High Priest of the Masjid al-Markas in Islamic education institutions have an important Makassar, also as the Head of the al-Fakhriyah role and influence on the progress of Islamic Islamic Boarding School. And many more who are education throughout the country. Especially in not named one by one have an important role and 2015 according to Munawar S Makyani (2014) in become influential figures, especially in Islamic an Egyptian newspaper letter, more than 500 education institutions ". prospective students from Indonesia passed the Thus, Cairo's al-Azhar alumni had selection to study at Cairo's al-Azhar. Thus, influences that had taken root in the midst of prospective Cairo al-Azhar alumni for the future society as leaders and scholars, and moreover the are predicted to increase their influence because influence on Islamic education institutions. Real they are ready to serve the country. Especially examples like DR. H. Zainul Majdi Lc. The MA who because last year, precisely Monday, February 22, is currently the governor of West Nusa Tenggara is 2016, the Indonesian government, President Joko an al-Azhar Cairo alumni who has high dedication Widodo, received a visit from a special guest from to the contribution in the study of da'wah to the Egypt, namely Cairo's al-Azhar High Priest Prof. Dr. public as well as in government politics, a person Sheikh Ahmad Muhammad al-Thayyeb. like him who is a leader, besides memorizing the Al-Azhar High Priest Cairo after meeting Qur'an, his figure is known as a low profile leader. with the Indonesian Vice President according to In addition there are also H.Abdul Somad Lc. The Larissa Huda (2016) while covering Egyptian news, MA lecturer at the State Islamic University of Jusuf Kalla for a dinner banquet ceremony, was Sultan Syarif Kasim who was agreed to strengthen cooperation between familiarly called the UAS, how to convey his Indonesia and Egypt in the field of religion and preaching was very well liked by the community education with the consideration that in al-Azhar and even became a reference in preaching, Cairo currently has thousands of Indonesian constructive criticisms coupled with intelligent students studying at these well-known humor that was not saturated accompanied a universities. In essence, the link between al-Azhar constructive solution when making opinions his Cairo and the Indonesian government has a strong name is increasingly known. The contribution of influence on the output in terms of improving the Cairo's al-Azhar alumni developed according to the quality of Islamic education and strengthening the times. establishment of Islamic education institutions Recorded from the data of the Republic of that existed long before Indonesia's independence. Indonesia Embassy in Egypt (Indonesian Embassy: The influence as well as the real contribution of al- 2017) from 1985 - 2017 alumni who successfully Azhar Cairo in Indonesia in addition to those completed education at al-Azhar Cairo as many as already mentioned, is in terms of developing the 4,538 people, 416 people from the Sulawesi moderation of Islamic education. The indicator can student union gathered in the Sulawesi Family be seen from the intense concrete activities by Harmony (KKS) , 416 people spread in Sulawesi, Cairo's al-Azhar alumni who use an umbrella some of them were leaders of Islamic boarding institution, for example through the Qur'an Study schools, lecturers, teachers and employees, and Center (PSQ) by M. Quraish Shihab which involved some even served as board members. The data many Cairo al-Azhar alumni. recorded from the Indonesian Embassy in Egypt Other influences, especially in South after a re-investigation revealed that there were Sulawesi, are those affiliated with the Association some who were not named in the embassy data of Middle Eastern Intellectuals (ICATT) as Saifullah because they did not complete the administration Rusmin (2016) interviewed on November 12 that: before returning to their homeland, so the "About 200 Al-Azhar Cairo alumni in this area numbers mentioned could be more than the actual mostly serve in Higher Education and become the figures. leader of Islamic Boarding Schools. His position as Institutionally, private formal Islamic a lecturer and caretaker of the lodge has a big education in Indonesia is in reality, managed by a influence as a religious figure such as K.H. Sanusi religious organization that recruits Cairo's al-Azhar Baco, K.H. Faried Wajdi, K.H. A. Syamsul Bahri alumni. and


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved

ISSN 2305-4557

(NU), for example, as the largest mass organization interdependence and complexity in modern life. focused on the education sector, have elementary, This appearance according to Stoner and Wankel secondary and tertiary level colleges which involve (1988: 44) was triggered by the momentum of the al-Azhar alumni in Cairo industrial revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries Especially in South Sulawesi according to which led to the growing need for a systematic Bahaking Rama (2003: 104) that the largest Islamic approach to management. mass organization that manages Islamic education Judging from its history, the theme of institutions, is As'adiyah and Darud Dakwah wal management was initially only popularly used in Irsyad (DDI) and al-Urwatul Wutsqa. As'adiyah the world of companies or businesses, then this initially focused on formal Islamic education theme was used in other professions, including in institutions in the form of Islamic boarding schools education with certain modifications and since May 1930, with the name Madrasatul specifications due to differences in objects. Special Arabiyatul Islamiyah (MAI). school management is very different from business On the basis of the thoughts as mentioned management and is part of state management. But above, it is very important to question as research school management is not exactly the same as material on how Cairo's al-Azhar alumni in state management. State management pursues managing Islamic education institutions in South the success of both routine and development Sulawesi, how al-Azhar Cairo's influence on Islamic programs, so school management pursues the education institutions spread across various success of students' development through regions of Sulawesi South, how is the pattern of adequate educational services. Thus, business management of Cairo's al-Azhar education applied management and state management cannot be by its alumni in educational institutions. What are applied to the world of education. Apparently both the supporting factors and obstacles faced in the in the business world, state and education, implementation of management in Islamic management has an important role to play in education institutions, how prospective is the advancing the organization. According to Nanang management of Islamic education institutions Fatah (2001: 11) management theory has a role or applied. helps explain organizational behavior related to motivation, productivity and satisfaction. Concept of Education Management Management comes from Latin, according to Research Methods Husaini Usman (2006: 3) the word manus means Data collection techniques are the techniques hand, and agree which means to do. The words used in finding data in the field after a search has then become manager verbs which means to been carried out with a variety of different efforts handle. The manager is then translated into as proposed by Suharsimi Arikunto, which in this English according to the understanding John Gage case could be (1) using a questionnaire or Allee (1983: 228) is a verb to manage which means questionnaire; (2) using the interview method; (2) to direct, to control, to carry on, to cope with, to using the observation method; (3) using the direct affairs, to seccred. So management means documentation method. In accordance with the the act of managing, administration, body of type, characteristics, and source of this research, directors controlling, business. It means that the data collection selected for further analysis is management as a word means leadership, control in depth determined by the questionnaire method, or something related to administrative control observation, interview, and documentation. Data problems in the business world. Whereas in analysis in this study was conducted by: This according to Azhar Arsyad (2007: 4) said analysis aims to analyze data that is difficult to management is equated to its meaning with the qualify such as library materials, documents and word tadbir or idarah which can also mean others related to research. Arranging administration. Based on the historical approach, systematically the results of observations of according to Azhar Arsyad (2003: 11) management written data and unwritten data, and predicting that is recognized as an academic study (body of the results of interviews as supporting data. The knowledge), developed in general in the West at collected data is described as findings in the the beginning of the 20th century by the research report. In other words, data processing relationship between demands for space division, techniques that are taken are reducing data,


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved

ISSN 2305-4557

presenting data, and drawing conclusions. Data that this washatiyah is a solution (Fadil Al-Qudsi, analysis will use narrative techniques to find out tt; some indicators and the level of effectiveness of Moderation is not only the basis of religious Cairo's al-Azhar influence on the management of understanding developed at Al-Azhar by teaching Islamic education institutions in South Sulawesi. moderate ulama books, but also as part of the Data analysis in quantitative research, design of education at Al-Azhar. Grand Sheikh Al- conducted since before entering the field, during Azhar, Sheikh Ahmad Tayyib - in his remarks at the the study took place and after completion in the opening ceremony of the Ulama KKT in Bogor, on field. But according to Sugiyono, the analysis is 30 April 2018 affirmed that: The method of more focused during the process in the field, education at Al-Azhar now reflects the moderating together with data collection, which consists of identity of , which from the beginning three activities, namely data reduction, data students in it the inevitability of opinion debate in display and conslusion drawing / verification. The religion has been introduced so that dialogue is third series of data analysis techniques activities important. This makes it different from extreme the authors apply data reduction, data groups who are closed and fanatical and do not presentation, and conclusion. want to listen to others. Al-Azhar creates a climate of importance in distinguishing between respect Al-Azhar alumni contribution to Cairo in for different schools of thought by believing in the developing Islamic discourse in South Sulawesi school. This is in accordance with the fact that you Al-Azhar alumni known as azhari are known do not see Al-Azhar alumni being a terrorist, as Muslim intellectuals who have competent because Al-Azhar has long followed the school of religious knowledge and have an understanding Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari that does not forgive style that promotes moderate Islamic discourse. anyone as long as he still has the same qibla Al-Azhar Alumni since the era of Dr. K.H. Sanusi (Masrur, 2018) . Baco, LC, Prof. Dr. Quraish Shihab, Prof. Dr. K.H. Faried Wajedy and today's generation are known The Role of Al-Azhar Alumni in Developing the as religious leaders who have a very large Moderation Discourse on Islam in South Sulawesi influence in carrying out Islamic moderation Al-Azhar alumni are a group of Muslim discourse. At the national level it is similar. Al- scholars who are the main advocates of the insight Azhar Alumni become pillars of the development of Washah Islam or the moderation of Islam in of the moderation of Islamic discourse in Indonesia. This was confirmed at the 2014 alumni Indonesia. The choice of the religious paradigm meeting in Solo. Prof. Dr. K.H. Faried Wajedy, who caused Al-Azhar to be known as an educational is an Al-Azhar alumni elder in South Sulawesi, institution that promoted the moderation of Islam affirmed this to Syaikhul Azhar who visited for a long time. Moderation of Islam is indeed the Indonesia, as the following interview: If it is active main identity of Al-Azhar which is transmitted to in educational institutions, it will clearly carry the its alumni including those in Indonesia. Al-Azhar Al-Azhar mission, especially the washatiyah alumni are known as moderate and tolerant understanding. They automatically brought the Muslim scholars. In Egypt, Al-Azhar has played an teachings brought from Cairo. That is what we important role in making Wasatiyah Islam an have said when Syaikhul Azhar visited in Indonesia Egyptian Islamic identity and it became the capital where there was an alumni reunion, with his visit of Indonesian students. According to Muhmad in Solo, it was reaffirmed. That we are spread Abdul Fadil Al-Qudsi (a member of the senior throughout Indonesia continues the washatiyah ulema and former waqaf ministers), Al-Azhar understanding (interview, August 19, 2018). applied that: Moderation of Al-Azhar is not merely In South Sulawesi, the role of maintaining a result of superficial compromise in uniting rival Islamic moderation was also carried out by Al- groups so that Al-Azhar is not easily exploited by Azhar alumni. Al-Azhar alumni play an important groups certain as a supporter of achieving his role in building religious awareness to remain in personal mission. Al-Azhar's moderation is always the washatiyah path. Al-Azhar alumni through the a clear stance and a view that is based on the campus, Islamic boarding schools, recitals, and sources of Islamic law that are qiyiy, solely for the Friday sermons participated in preaching the sake of realizing the welfare of Muslims and hope understanding of washatiyah Islam they obtained


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved

ISSN 2305-4557

while studying at Al-Azhar. One of the names of Al- generation of Muslims in order to recognize their Azhar alumni who stand out and have a broad religion well. With this good introduction, influence is Dr. K.H. Sanusi Baco, LC Lc. Al-Azhar generations of Muslims understand their Alumni in the 1970s were the great ulama of South relationship with God, humanity and nature. In an Sulawesi. He is known for his extensive religious effort to achieve that goal, An-Nahlawy formulated knowledge, his gentleness and the refinement of four things. First, mind education and mind grammar and the content of moderate lectures, preparation through contemplation of the creation tawazun, tasamuh. The moderating reason for of beings in the entire universe. This reflection will Islam is increasingly growing because he is also an bring people to recognize their God. There is an icon of the Nahdlatul Ulama in South Sulawesi. It's interesting susfitik about this. Man arafa interpret been 3 decades to hold a position as rais syuriah faqad arafa rabbahu. Who knows him then he can PW NU South Sulawesi. He also became chairman recognize his God. The human self is meant in the of the South Sulawesi Provincial Ulema Council to context of a unique and sophisticated creature of date. Dr. K.H. Sanusi Baco, LC has become a kind of God, so that the creator must be more important pillar that remains the strength of sophisticated than that. Second, fostering the moderate Islamic reasoning in South Sulawesi. potential and basic talents that exist in children The moderate character possessed by Al-Azhar through a series of pedagogical actions that alumni is a very important capital in building social originate in the primary Islamic texts, namely the harmony. 'Soft' attitude Dr. K.H. Sanusi Baco, LC Qur'an and . Third, pay attention to the towards Ahmadiyah does not lead to the strength and potential of educating the Muslim legitimacy of adopted theology but rather an generation as well as possible. This An-Nahlawy attitude that can reduce public anger. The perspective can be called education with integrity Ahmadiyya has somehow deviated from and has a responsibility to educate young people mainstream Islamic understanding of of Islam without worldly tendencies. Fourth, trying prophethood, but Ahmadiyah as an Indonesian to balance all potential and human talents. Islamic citizen with an Islamic KTP has citizenship rights, education does not only mean to take natural the right to worship, and the right to carry out talent but also put it in the right proportion so that what he believes. The attitude of K.H.Sanusi Baco the talent and potential can be put in the right is soft as an expression of appreciation for the framework. belief system adopted by Ahmadiyah. However, Al-Azhar Alumni have sufficient academic the Ahmadiyya was asked not to spread his competence to carry out the four methods understanding to the wider community because of proposed by An-Nahlawy above. Al-Azhar Alumni the potential of experiencing social friction. have at least four competencies. First, the ability The second generation of Al-Azhar alumni to transmit religious knowledge obtained at Al- who also had a great influence on the Azhar. Second, the ability to transform knowledge development of the moderating discourse on Islam at Al-Azhar to fit the characteristics of the in South Sulawesi was Prof. Dr. K.H. Faried Wajedy. Indonesian people. What's more, fundamentally He is currently the leader of the Mangkoso DDI the religious vision developed at Al-Azhar Islamic Boarding School. He was the first Al-Azhar correlates with the religious vision that developed alumni who was the result of collaboration in Indonesia for a long time. Third, the integrity of between DDI and Al-Azhar, together with K.H. personality adapted from association with Al- Prof. Dr. Abdurrahim Arsyad, K.H. Yunus Samad, Azhar sheikhs who are known to be honest, simple Dr. Rusydi Ambo Dalle, Prof. Dr. H. Syamsul Bahri and full of dedication. Some Sheikh Al-Azhar really Galigo, Dr. Nur Samad, Dr. Mustamin Arsyad, Dr. dedicated his life to knowledge. They never cared Lukman A. Rake, and Amin Samad MA (Saenong, how many students who wanted to attend them 2018). were still eager to spread the teachings of Islam. Fourth, has a strong national ideology so that it The Influence of Al-Azharkairo Alumni in the can become a pioneer in the formation of the Development of Islamic Education in South character of the generation of Indonesian Muslims Sulawesi who have a strong religious foundation as well as a Islamic education in principle is education strong love of the country. that manages Islamic teachings to every


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved

ISSN 2305-4557

Acceptance of Al-Azhar Alumni in Religious Azhar alumni prioritize harmony so that it is easy Education Institutions in South Sulawesi. to adjust to the work environment. At least, all Al- Educational institutions both madrasa and Azhar alumni can be well received as individuals (including universities) are the most with integrity and have an insight into qualified popular serving places for Al-Azhar alumni in South religious knowledge. It is not surprising if, Al-Azhar Sulawesi. 70-80% of Al-Azhar alumni currently alumni usually get a special place in religious working in educational institutions in Indonesia. education institutions, especially as caretakers of Even if there are those who work outside the recitation of the book which is indeed a scientific education sector such as entrepreneurs, specification. politicians, civil servants, usually also work as teaching staff in certain educational institutions. Alumni Contributions in the Development of This pattern has been seen since the early Educational Institutions generation. Dr. K.H. Sanusi Baco, LC, since With a relatively good level of acceptance in returning from Al-Azhar has worked as a lecturer the world of formal education, it is not difficult to at IAIN. K.H. Faried Wajedi also has since worked see the influence of Al-Azhar alumni in the world as a teaching staff at Mangkoso DDI and other of education, especially formal education. Al-Azhar educational institutions. alumni play an important role in formal The acceptance of Al-Azhar alumni in South educational institutions, especially religious and Sulawesi is relatively good. It was never heard that Arabic education. The influence of Al-Azhar Alumni an Al-Azhar alumni had difficulty getting a place to on the development of formal education especially serve. At the very least, their alma mater before religious education institutions such as Islamic going to Al-Azhar very openly accepted the boarding schools and madrasas can be grouped presence of Al-Azhar alumni. Until now Al-Azhar into four categories. First, initiate the alumni are scattered in almost all pesantren in establishment of educational institutions. Al-Azhar South Sulawesi, except for pesantren owned by Alumni not only functioned as teaching staff in salafi groups, where they usually use alumni from religious education institutions but also initiated Mecca, Medina and Yemen as teaching staff. This the formation of religious education institutions, good acceptance is caused by two factors. First, Al- especially Islamic boarding schools. Dr. K.H. Sanusi Azhar alumni are usually or students who do Baco, LC is an example of this case. After decades have good intellectual abilities. They usually come of lecturing and teaching in boarding schools, Dr. from students who excel in their respective K.H. Sanusi Baco, LC and the team and colleagues schools. So when they returned from Al-Azhar, initiated the formation of the Nahdlatul Ulum they easily got a place to serve at least their own boarding school in Maros in the early 2000s. The alma mater. Second, the moderate character that presence of the pesantren further strengthens Dr. characterizes Al-Azhar alumni does not only form K.H. Sanusi Baco, LC in developing religious washatiyah thinking but also a flexible personality. education institutions in South Sulawesi. H. As recognized by Dr. K.H. Sanusi Baco, LC: I think Taufiqurrahman with Dr. Muammar Bakri initiated Alhamdulillah we see that almost all the the establishment of Al-Fakhriyyah pesantrean in institutions where al-Azhar alumni are in charge, Makassar City. This pesantren is now well we hear everything is exciting, we see at the developed. The number of santri from time to time Alauddin IAIN, UMI, UIM and other universities, it is increasing. In addition to education in the form all brings a good name to our alumni, well that's of Islamic boarding schools, Al-Fakhriyyah Islamic what I can say . The same is true in Nahdlatul boarding schools also often collaborate with NGO Ulum, meaning that for all institutions where they groups in Makassar to strengthen the capacity of are in charge, it all carries a good name or good their students. impression, not least because the al-Azhar Alumni At the level of informal education, Dr. have moderate attitudes (Tasamuh) and Hamzah Harun Al-Rasyid is currently establishing a Washathiyah, which make them acceptable by special tahfidz Islamic boarding school in community groups including in universities collaboration with several hafid in South Sulawesi (interviews). by utilizing his house as a place for young people For Dr. K.H. Sanusi Baco, LC, Al-Azhar alumni to learn tahsin (improve reading) and tahfidz have the ability to adapt to where they work. Al- (memorizing) the Koran. Second, as the leader of a


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved

ISSN 2305-4557

religious education institution. Some Al-Azhar well. Consider the following interview: So for the alumni were trusted by certain religious education influence of alumni which is very significant institutions to become leaders. Prof. Dr. K.H. towards the development of the institution, So this Faried Wajedy has been a boarding school leader south Sulawesi can no longer be denied this cleric. for decades in the DDI Mangkoso boarding school, We see the progress of the institutions, both in the one of the old pesantren and has a network of regions and in the cities in South Sulawesi, which santri spread throughout Indonesia, especially in cannot be separated from the role of al-Azhar Eastern Indonesia. Dr. Muammar Bakri, is currently alumni, both their S1 (LC) alumni and Masters (S2) also trusted to lead a new pesantren that is or S3 graduates. We see that starting from the currently stretching, namely the Al-Fakhriyyah oldest pesantren in Sengkang, it is also inseparable Islamic boarding school. from the roles of Al-Azhar University alumni, then Appointment of Al-Azhar alumni as we also see Mangkoso, it is also inseparable from pesantren leaders is usually influenced by two al-Azhar alumni, we see the great figure in factors. 1), intellectual capacity. There is no Mangkoso, including figures large South Sulawesi denying intellectual capacity in this case religious gurutta Farid Wajdi also al-Azhar alumni. Likewise, mastery is very prominent owned by Al-Azhar the people behind him helped him. Likewise, in alumni. As explained, the education system at Al- other pesantren such as Sidrap, Maroanging, Azhar is very possible for a young santri to gain Soppeng, we also cannot deny the role of Al-Azhar abundant religious knowledge. Moreover, the alumni, they work hard to educate the nation's santri who will become pesantern leaders are children. . It's still in the pesantren. Not to mention students who are indeed intelligent and calculated in the universities, both public and private, we see at the level of the Islamic Senior High School. 2) for example in the private sector, such as in UMI, personal integrity. Al-Azhar alumni are forged with Unismuh, we can also see al-Azhar alumni acting an education system that leads to the formation of significantly in educating the children of this clerical characters. With good personal integrity, nation. Also in a state university like UIN Alauddin Al-Azhar alumni easily become leaders in religious there is more there, Pak Hamzah Harun, there is education institutions such as Islamic boarding Pak Nafis Juwaini, I am also there, there is also Mr. schools. Andi Aderus, there is the mother Asyiqah and Third, Al-Azhar alumni are role models. Al- many more that I cannot mention one by one in Azhar Alumni is a complete package needed by UIN and all of them are actively involved in every religious education institution in South educating the nation's children, raising institutions Sulawesi. Al-Azhar alumni who take part in Islamic where they work sincerely, working to raise boarding schools or madrasas usually become role institutions where they develop their respective models or role models. Excellent religious skills (interview by Andi Hamzah). knowledge and personality integrity make alumni The opinion of the informant above is part get a good place in educational institutions. They of the reality of the contribution of Al-Azhar hold key positions in the management of religious alumni in the world of religious education education. Younger alumni are usually given the (especially Islamic boarding schools and madrasas, trust to hold the recitation of the book and as well as universities). Personal alumni have mastery of Arabic to the santri. If it has started to academic skills and abilities that can be relied grow older, it will be positioned as a cleric or upon to manage educational institutions. Al-Azhar anregurutta. alumni have qualities that are useful for achieving Fourth, as a play supporting role. In the defined educational goals. That is why, Al-Azhar statistical analysis in the previous section. The role alumni who work in religious education of Al-Azhar alumni in the development of institutions have a good place and a significant role education is the main supporting role for achieving in the management of educational institutions. educational goals. Islamic boarding schools are religious education institutions that aim to educate Al-Azhar Alumni Contributions to the young Islamic generations to gain qualified Development of Informal Education / Religious religious knowledge and good personality Education. integrity. In all religious education institutions, Al- The informal education referred to in this Azhar alumni play the role of playing supporting context is education carried out informally by both


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved

ISSN 2305-4557

formal education institutions and the community. by Al-Azhar alumni in 1990 is growing and in At the present Islamic Boarding School indeed demand by various groups. At present, there are applies two patterns of education. Formal 150 students who come for tahsin and tahfidz. education that follows the curriculum of the Informal education is an open space for Al- Ministry of Religion or the Ministry of National Azhar alumni to diversify and adapt the Al-Azhar Education and religious education organized by education method. As seen in the quantitative pesantren independently. This system resembles data, the alumni found it difficult to develop and the talaki system at Al-Azhar University. In adapt the learning system at Al-Azhar because of addition, in the community it is also usually held in the obstacles to the different education systems. certain community-based taklim assemblies. However, in informal education Al-Azhar alumni This pattern is actually a pattern that has been can freely apply the system accepted at Al-Azhar. applied by pesantren in South Sulawesi in general. Strengthening the relationship between santri- For example the As'adiyah pesantren. After which is the foundation of the pesantren and also independence, As'adiyah experienced a significant one of the foundations in the Al-Azhar education change. Madrasas at the level of Tsanawiyah and system can be applied well. Including an Aliyah were established, but the recitation of the evaluation system that emphasizes aspects of book at dawn, afternoon and evening was still honesty, can be well applied. The Qur'an carried out. Even K.H .. Abdul Malik Muhammad memorization system and also the recitation of the while still leading the As'adiyah Madrasah cab. No. book can be applied well. Al-Azhar alumni 1 Belawa also formed a community of recitation inherited legacy as clerics in Islamic boarding for mothers in Belawa known as pakkamisi schools in South Sulawesi. As explained in the early recitation because it is held every Thursday generation of the early 20th century South (Saprillah, 2014). Sulawesi scholars were alumni of Mecca. After the The contribution of Al-Azhar alumni to Mecca alumni died one by one, the clergy in South informal education is very large. As explained that Sulawesi belonged to Al-Azhar alumni. K.H .. Sanusi the religious competence of Al-Azhar alumni has Baco and K.H ... Faried Wajedy who is the first very strong relevance to the book recitation generation of Al-Azhar alumni in South Sulawesi is system or informal education. Look at the excerpt now a great ulama of South Sulawesi. The next from the interview with K.H. Faried Wajedy: All of generation of scholars who will inherit their ulema our alumni who were made up of it all took part in are also alumni of Al-Azhar. A figure like Dr. educational institutions. Although there are also Muammar Bakri and Dr. Afifuddin Harisah is a those who are not active there (educational future candidate for the great ulama of South institutions), but there are our alumni (DDI), also Sulawesi. At a relatively young age, these two Al- alumni of Azhar, he is an entrepreneur but Azhar alumni have led Islamic boarding schools apparently also active in preaching. For K.H ... To this day, the pesantren institution led Farid Wajedy, Al-Azhar alumni have khittah in the by Al-Azhar alumni is still running in the vision of path of da'wah. The knowledge they get during moderating Islam. Of course, Egyptian alumni are their education at Al-Azhar has a social mandatory not the only factor. There are long-established (social obligation) to be transformed to the public. patterns of boarding schools such as As’adiyah and Al-Azhar alumni who are not involved in education DDI. However, the presence of Al-Azhar alumni even have a call to preach and articulate their with a moderate Azharian paradigm can make the knowledge. All Al-Azhar alumni who work in identity of the pesantren led or where Al-Azhar religious education institutions have an important alumni have a strong influence and remain as a contribution in the management of informal boarding school that promotes the moderating education. All Al-Azhar alumni are assigned to hold discourse of Islam. As far as it can be seen, the one yellow book according to their ability or scholars and religious leaders who are Al-Azhar background knowledge. One example of the alumni have indeed become Islamic leaders who contribution of Al-Azhar alumni in the field of pioneered the moderation paradigm of Islam. developing informal education is Dr. Hamzah Starting from K.H .. Sanusi Baco to the generation Harun to make the tahfidz pesantren in of Dr. Muammar Bakri and Dr. Afifuddin Harisah, collaboration with one of the tahfidz institutions. all recognized as Islamic leaders of South Sulawesi Slowly but surely, the Tahfidz institution managed who have moderate religious understanding


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved

ISSN 2305-4557

gained and forged for at least 4 years at Al-Azhar involved in an organizational unit have roles and and experienced long struggles during their return functions to support institutional management. to their homeland. Data shows that the influence of the presence of There are two students' needs for Egyptian al-Azhar alumni on management washatiyah Islam which is the legacy of Al-Azhar development (of the total variables measured) of alumni, namely 1). Ensuring that Islam is the main educational institutions in South Sulawesi is at a instrument in encouraging the creation of a score of 79 or high. This means that the presence tolerant, peaceful and adaptive Indonesian society. of Al-Azhar alumni in various Islamic education Indonesian society consists of various different institutions in South Sulawesi has a high influence. social layers, both ethnic and religious. Moderate This is not surprising because the capacity and religious understanding that has become a quality of Al-Azhar alumni has been known to be common understanding in Indonesia has managed very capable in the field of religious knowledge. to organize relations between religious Mastery of religious knowledge in the field of communities well. There is a conflict but it can be jurisprudence, aqeedah, sharia, and especially tool resolved by a washatiyah Islamic perspective. science, namely language is an aspect needed by Students who study in Islamic boarding schools religious education institutions in any level. and madrasas need to be continuously taught to From the four aspects of education have moderate religious understanding without management, the influence of Al-Azhar alumni is losing their identity as Muslims. Al-Azhar Alumni highest on the aspects of implementation and can be relied on to do this. 2). Ensuring that evaluation with a score of 80, and the lowest on Indonesian nationalism remains a discourse and the planning aspect. This pattern shows that the role model for students. Al-Azhar alumni, besides managerial role played by Al-Azhar alumni is not moderates are also known as nationalists. They comprehensive. The alumni had more influence on agreed to the concept of the integration of religion the aspects of implementation and evaluation and state through Pancasila. There was no sound compared to the organizing aspect and more of Al-Azhar alumni who rejected the position of specifically the planning aspect. If observed in Pancasila as a national ideology. Even if there are a more detail, then the pattern of influence of Al- few alumni who in certain positions such as Azhar alumni in the institutional management supporting the khilafah discourse, it is no more an system. Data shows two patterns. 1) alumni academic defense that is also worthy of respondents who work at the functional level, appreciation. The need for strengthening religious- lecturers and teachers, are relatively less based nationalism has become very urgent for influential in managerial aspects. The score of students because of the emergence of community influence obtained in these two groups of groups that try to sue religious and state relations respondents is only sufficient level (with a range like this. that is close to high). Although obtaining a high score (with a close enough range) on the The Influence of Al-Azhar University Alumni on All implementation and evaluation variables, the two Management Variables of Religious Education. groups have lower values on the planning variable. There are many theories about Even for lecturer respondent groups have two management of education, but generally have four variables that only get enough scores, namely main variables, namely planning, organizing, planning variables and organizing variables. (An implementing, and evaluating. The management explanation of this can be seen in more detail in of Islamic education (as explained) aims to manage the per-variable discussion). the institutions and systems of Islamic education in Respondents who work at the structural order to achieve the main learning goals, namely level and leaders have relatively good managerial to give birth to a generation of Islam that is of influence. In all variables, the scores of the two intellectual and emotional quality. Al-Azhar alumni groups of respondents are high. Even in the who serve in a religious education institution, planning variable, alumni respondents who are at although with a religious education background, the level of bureaucracy or leaders get the highest are also required to be involved in the score. The tendency of the respondent's pattern of management process. The management process is answers shows that the work and position of the not only centered on one point. All components respondents influence the level of activity, role,


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved

ISSN 2305-4557

and function in institutional management. The indicators of planning on a limited or individual more at the structural level the stronger the effect scale. A teacher or lecturer usually uses RPP on institutional management (especially on the (learning program plan) which is used as a guide in planning variable). The more functional the carrying out the learning process in the classroom. weaker the effect on institutional management, This limited scale setting of indicators is important except for the implementation and evaluation because it influences the smooth process of variables. teaching and learning. Data shows that in the Structural space does require that planning aspect, alumni of Al-Azhar University in individuals be actively involved in all management Cairo admitted that they did not have much role in variables, from planning, organizing, implementing the planning aspects of the institution. This has to evaluating. An institution leader cannot help implications for the lack of influence of alumni on understanding all aspects of management. If an the planning side. Of the three variables above, all institution leader understands and has good values are only at sufficient levels. The aspect of managerial competencies, the performance of his involvement of Al-Azhar University alumni at the institution will increase. Al-Azhar Alumni are level of involvement of Al-Azhar University alumni known to have no good managerial knowledge obtained the lowest score 72. base, even some Al-Azhar alumni are known to be There are four variants of the respondent's bad in terms of management. However, Al-Azhar identity based on work, the lecturer, teacher / alumni have excellent capital, namely religious cleric, structural, and the leader seem to have an competence and good personal integrity. These influence on the variant of the answer pattern. The two attitudes can be key factors that influence pattern of influence above cannot explain well, the improving the quality of religious education pattern of answers. Job characteristics as institutions, where alumni work. The data shows described in section 1 determine the influence of the pattern of answers in the three groups of respondents on respondents. Data shows that the respondents based on the latest education, which factor that led to the low level of participation of are the same. The answer range is not too Azhar alumni in planning the management system different. That is, the educational background does of educational institutions is the position of the not provide an influence on the managerial respondents. Alumni who work as regular lecturers pattern of respondents. Respondents who have an do not get more access to play a role in the S1 background (meaning they do not continue institutional system. The same applies to teachers. their studies after graduating from Al-Azhar Both types of roles are more functional, not University) and those with a Masters and S3 managerial. Different things can be seen in background have the same managerial pattern. respondents who are at the coach / structural level This is because most alumni respondents continue and at the leadership level of the institution. their studies with non-management scientific Scores for involvement in the planning majors. system at a high level. This is understandable considering the two types of levels require alumni Effects of Al-Azhar Alumni in the Religious to be directly involved in the institution's Education Planning System management planning system. Data shows that Planning variables are the initial steps of alumni who work as lecturers seem to have less the institutional management process. Planning influence on the planning aspects. The influence functions as a guide that guides the subsequent referred to in this context is the involvement, institutional work process. The researcher realized contribution and supporting institutions where that the managerial abilities of the alumni of Al- alumni work. This is of course related to 'space'. Azhar University were generally not very qualified. The lecturers and teachers are in the functional Therefore, the indicator used to measure the room. Space that is not directly related to the influence of Al-Azhar alumni on planning is the grand system of institutional macro design. For involvement, contribution and supporting example in the aspect of campus development. institutions where the respondents work. These Lecturers and teachers are usually not involved in three indicators are used to see the influence of planning. Lecturers and teachers are usually part respondents on the planning process at an of the object of the grand design. Capacity building institutional scale. In addition, there are also for lecturers is usually one of the important


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved

ISSN 2305-4557

elements in grand design. In this context, teachers plans for learning processes. While at the and lecturers who are at the functional level structural level and the bureaucracy can not freely function more as objects than subjects. This data carry out individual planning. This is because the also shows that a broad system of participation in planning system at the institutional level is usually the institutional management system of religious procedural and organized according to the system education has not been fully implemented. in force at the institution. The pattern of Decision making in a planning system does not respondents' answers can be divided into two involve many elements that are not directly characteristics. First, the planning aspects that are involved. Of these four spaces, alumni who worked impersonal in nature have relatively high as lecturers were the least participating. Alumni significance. Second, the planning aspects related who work as teachers in madrassas and boarding to the internal institutional system in which schools still have better levels of participation and respondents serve tend to be of low significance. support for their institutions, even though they are This shows that the space used by Al-Azhar alumni still at a sufficient level. in the context of influencing education planning is This phenomenon seems to be a common impersonal matters or things that are not related phenomenon in the education management to the institutional system in total. system in the country. Where the level of The data showed that the significance of the involvement of elements outside of power is very experience of the respondents while at Al-Azhar weak in strategic decision making related to macro average gets a high score, even the respondents institutional development. In the scope of Islamic who work as lecturers and teachers get high boarding schools (where the majority of Al-Azhar scores. This means that the experience of studying alumni serve), the education management system at Azhar is important for alumni to do planning. Of is usually centered on the leadership of pesantren course in the context of learning. On the contrary, or kyai. The desire of the clerics is the determining alumni respondents who were at the structural factor of all important decisions relating to the and bureaucratic level also acknowledged the institution. Data shows a significant difference contribution of experience while studying at al- between respondents who were teachers in Azhar in the institutional management system, private Islamic boarding schools and respondents especially in planning aspects, but not as high as who taught in public madrasas. The score scores of alumni respondents who worked as lecturers and respondents in private Islamic boarding schools / teachers. madrasas were lower than those in public The alternative planning referred to in the madrasas. The data also shows that in the table above is an alternative planning system used individual planning aspects the scores obtained are by al-Azhar alumni relating to their duties and relatively higher. The total score is 84 or high. That functions. Data shows the same pattern with is, even though the respondents (especially previous aspects with higher intensity in the two lecturers and teachers) did not play much role in groups of respondents and lower in the other two institutional planning, the respondent's role in groups of respondents. This means that the group limited planning was still well done. What is meant of lecturer and teacher respondents used their by limited planning is planning related to the main experiences during their education at Al-Azhar tasks and functions of the respondents. Alumni compared to the structural and bureaucrat groups who work as lecturers and teachers mean planning The Existence of Al-Azhar Alumni in the related to teaching and learning activities. Organizing System for Institutional Management. Data shows a different pattern than before. The second aspect in management theory is On individual planning aspects, the respondents organizationalization. It has been found in the who become teachers get a high score, which is aspects of planning (especially institutions), the 88. Likewise, alumni respondents who work as influence of Azhar alumni is relatively low. While lecturers get a high score, which is 82. While on the organizing aspect, al-Azhar alumni get alumni respondents who are at structural and scores that tend to be better. Consider the bureaucratic levels get enough scores (74 and 76). following tables. Data shows that in the context of This is because at the individual level, lecturers organizing, the influence of Azhar alumni on a and teachers have the task of conducting learning score of 79.5. This score is higher than the planning. Even for teachers required to use lesson planning aspect. Even though it is at a high level


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved

ISSN 2305-4557

but the range is closer to sufficient level points decisions. Data shows the significance of the (78). This means that the significance of the effect correlation at the number 0.046 or <0.05 which is not too high. The highest aspects of getting indicates a positive correlation between variables. scores are aspects of adaptability. This means that The correlation value is at level 0. 67 or a strong Al-Azhar alumni respondents tend to be easy to level. The number of correlations in the table adapt to the work environment situation. Thus, above shows that there is a relatively strong facilitating the organization of institutions because relationship between the experience of the they tend to easily carry out the responsibilities cooperation of the respondents while at Al-Azhar given to them. The communication and and its ability to carry out tasks as part of the work cooperation aspects also get a high score which team. Data shows the significance of the shows the flexibility of Al-Azhar alumni correlation at the figure of 0.017 or <0.05 which respondents in the context of carrying out indicates a positive correlation between variables. institutional tasks The correlation value is at level 0. 73 or a strong The experience of studying at Al-Azhar was level. The number of correlations in the table acknowledged by the respondents as having an above shows that there is a relatively strong influence on the flexibility and accountability of Al- relationship between the experience of Azar alumni. Data shows that al-Azhar alumni cooperation between respondents during their respondents have experience in working together time at Al-Azhar and its ability to work together in while studying at Al-Azhar relatively high with a institutions. score of 83. This means that the respondents have From the bivariate correlation analysis it experience working together that helps was found that the experience of working with respondents in carrying out work activities after respondents during their time at Al-Azhar had an returning to their homeland. An egalitarian and effect on three aspects, namely, the ability to open education culture is an important forming communicate, the ability to perform tasks as part factor for respondents to carry out their duties and of a team, and the ability to work together (with a obligations. This educational culture makes it easy team). While the aspect of the ability to make for alumni to work together and establish alternative decisions is not influenced by the communication with leaders and colleagues where experience of the respondents in working together the respondents serve. while at Al-Azhar. Data shows the significance of the correlation at the number 0.034 or <0.05 Bivariate Correlation Analysis between variables which indicates a positive correlation between To find a correlation or relationship variables. The correlation value is at level 0. 85 or a between the variables of experience and culture of strong level. The number of correlations in the Al-Azhar education with four organizing variables, table above shows that there is a relatively strong bivariate correlation analysis was used. Data relationship between the "egalitarian Al-Azhar shows the significance of the correlation at the education system" and the ability of respondents number 0.011 or <0.05 which indicates a positive to communicate in the environment in which they correlation between variables. The correlation work. value is at level 0. 624 or a strong level. The Data shows the significance of the number of correlations in the table above shows correlation at the number 0.03 or <0.05 which that there is a relatively strong relationship shows a positive correlation between variables. between the experience of cooperation between The correlation value is at level 0. 98 or a very respondents during their time at Al-Azhar and its strong level. The correlation figures in the table ability to communicate now. Data shows the above show that there is a very strong relationship significance of the correlation at the number 0.058 between "the egalitarian Al-Azhar education or> 0.05 which indicates that there is a non- system" and the ability of the respondent to adapt significant correlation between variables. The to the situation. Data shows the significance of the correlation value is at level 0. 32 or a weak level. correlation at 0.02 or <0.05 which indicates a The number of correlations in the table above positive correlation between variables. The shows that the weak relationship between the correlation value is at level 0. 02 or a weak level. experience of the respondents' cooperation while The correlation figures in the table above show at Al-Azhar and its ability to make alternative that there is a relationship but not strong or weak


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved

ISSN 2305-4557

between the "egalitarian Al-Azhar education their work both as lecturers, teachers, and system" and the ability to make alternative structural officials. In that context, Al-Azhar alumni decisions. Data shows the significance of the usually conduct experiments or insert learning correlation at 0.02 or <0.05 which indicates a methods or systems at Al-Azhar as hidden positive correlation between variables. The curriculum correlation value is at level 0. 86 or a strong level. The data shows that the answer spreads The number of correlations in the table above are relatively the same. The score obtained is in shows that there is a relatively strong relationship the same range of numbers. This means that the between "the egalitarian Al-Azhar education respondent's background is not related to the level system" and the ability of respondents to of ability to carry out the task. All respondents cooperate. have the ability to perform tasks well. This of From the bivariate correlation analysis it course has good implications for the contribution was found that the variable "Al-Azhar education of Al-Azhar alumni to institutional management. system that is egalitarian" had an effect on two Al-Azhar Alumni are placed anywhere able to carry aspects, namely, communication skills, and the out their duties properly. Data shows that the ability to work together (with the team). Whereas spread of answers is relatively different. in the aspect of the ability to make alternative Respondents at the leadership level get the decisions there is a correlation but it is not strong. highest score. This is because "decision making" is Another aspect is that the ability to carry out tasks indeed the authority of the leadership. A relatively is not at all affected by the egalitarian Al-Azhar similar pattern is seen in respondents who are at education system experienced by respondents the structural level. The structural ranks are part of while being students at Al-Azhar. a bureaucratic system that is also very close to strategic "decision making" for the benefit of The Influence of Al-Azhar Alumni in the institutional development. Respondents who work Management Implementation System of the as lecturers get low scores in this context. It seems Religious Education Institution. that the influencing factor is that the lecturer does Implementation or implementation is the not have the space for "decision making". The third stage in management theory. The "planning" power room of the lecturers is class. Important aspect is the most important and core link in decisions taken by lecturers are usually related to management theory. The success of an the situation of students. Although with a better educational program is determined to what extent level, respondents who worked as teachers also the plan can be realized properly through a good had less contribution (compared to the two groups "implementation" system. Data shows that in the of structural respondents). The score is 74 or is at implementation aspect, the scores obtained by a sufficient level. The problem is relatively the respondents are 80 or higher from the aspect of same, namely the space for making important planning and organizing. This means that the decisions is not too broad. Data shows the spread alumni's contribution is greater on the of respondents' answers at the same level, which "implementation" aspect than on the planning and is high, even with different score fluctuations. organizing aspects. This is of course related to the Respondents from among the teachers got the characteristics of respondents who are mostly at highest score. This means that the level of the functional level or at the level that is the understanding of students' needs is highest among spearhead of the implementation of the teachers. Thus, Al-Azhar alumni with the status of management system. teachers have the most dominant implementative Among the four variables related to the abilities. This is understandable considering the Implementation aspect, the data shows that all school environment is smaller in scope than the variables are in the same relative range Where the campus. Teachers more easily understand the variable "ability to carry out tasks" is at the highest needs of students who are also still limited. point. This means that al-Azhar alumni's support Students usually do not demand much of their for institutional management is influenced by the religious understanding ability of the alumni to carry out the tasks given to . While at the student level, there is usually a them. The experience as an Al-Azhar alumni likes need for greater religious understanding. Data or does not affect the respondents in carrying out shows the spread of respondents' answers at the


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved

ISSN 2305-4557

same level. That is, the performance of used by alumni who work as lecturers than those respondents can build enthusiasm for learning who work as teachers. This means that the students / students is quite successful. In contrast application of experience at Al-Azhar in the to the previous one, respondents from among classroom is more widely used on campus than in lecturers got the highest score. It seems that this is boarding schools / madrasas. This is related to the curiosity of students who are understandable because in the madrasa, there is generally larger than students. Data shows that in another room that can be used by teachers or order to achieve the goal of developing religious religious teachers to implement the experience at education, especially the learning section, Al-Azhar. respondents admitted to adapting the system at In contrast to the previous pattern, based Al-Azhar. The application of learning methods at on the above data it seems that respondents from Al-Azhar is rather difficult to use formally. The among teachers more often use informal learning national education system is somewhat different methods, even with high scores. While at the from the education system in Al-Azhar, making it lecturer level only getting a score is worth enough. difficult for respondents to formally implement it. As explained, the space for teachers to actualize For example, a system without attendance at Al- their learning experiences at Al-Azhar is more Azhar is difficult to implement in Indonesia due to open in Islamic boarding schools because of the different approaches. However, egalitarian existence of a book recitation system. This pattern learning methods in the classroom are still is similar to the Al-Azhar pattern. Unlike the possible. lecturers who lacked informal space. Meetings Another factor that influences the difficulty with students are more common in formal spaces. of implementing a learning system at Al-Azhar is Of course it is very reasonable if the learning the difference in curriculum systems. The experience at Al-Azhar is more adapted in formal respondent's answer pattern shows that tendency. space, of course not maximally. The answer score only reaches 60 or at a low level. In Indonesia, the religious education curriculum is Implementation of Al-Azhar Cairo Education adapted from the national education curriculum, Management in Management of Islamic which every period of government experiences Education Institutions in South Sulawesi. changes. While the curriculum at Al-Azhar is In the education system of al-Azhar, it was classic, it barely undergoes significant changes. explained that the education system at al-Azhar The space used by respondents to adapt their applied a classical and modern system. Al-Azhar experience at Al-Azhar is informal space. The alumni in general felt more about the classical respondents admitted that they often applied the system than the modern system because the Al-Azhar learning method informally. This can be majority of Indonesian students majored in seen from the respondent's score at the high level, religion which were still thick in applying the which is 81. The classical method is usually still classical system. For alumni, management of Al- applied in the pesantren especially for the Azhar education is not the same as management recitation of the book. Here, the alumni are free to of education in Indonesia. Even the alumni felt apply the learning system they receive at Al-Azhar. that education management management was not What is interesting is the supporting institutions to rigid in management. Consider the following implement the Al-Azhar learning system informally interview: Speaking of management of education to get support from the institution. This can be at Al-Azhar Cairo Egypt, it actually does not have a seen from the respondent's answer score at a high management that as we see in educational level, 84. The institution's support is of course institutions in Indonesia, they use management related to the institution's need to utilize Al-Azhar that has existed since the establishment of Cairo alumni's religious knowledge in order to achieve Al-Azhar University Egypt, so they use a classic institutional goals, namely forming intellectual / system. For example in terms of management they spiritual intelligence of students. do not use tools such as computers, everything is To see more in the patterns of opinion of manual. Then in terms of their education respondents, pay attention to the data analyzed by curriculum as lecturers or teaching at educational the cross tabulation analysis method. Data shows institutions in al-Azhar Kairomesir, moving in that the use of formal learning methods is more secondary education if there is called Madrasah


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved

ISSN 2305-4557

Aliyah, so if Aliyah is there equivalent to Studying shaykhs made one of the important elements of in Indonesia, S1 there is called Aliyah madrasa, the survival of Al-Azhar university for thousands of Ordinary if we see the diploma from there written: years. 2). The lecturers, instructors, or shaykhs Ijazatul Aliyah. Those education systems do not who teach at Al-Azhar University are professionals use a curriculum that has been patented by al- in the sense of people who truly understand the Azhar education institutions in general, but knowledge they teach. In addition, they also have specifically they must have a dictate (handbook) strong integrity and responsibility for the work called muqarrar, which will be delivered to their given to them. These shaykhs really love their students or students or students. Maybe it was in work as shaykhs or ustad, both in formal spaces terms of management and in terms of the and talaki in mosques. 3). Have clear ideology, educational curriculum in Egypt, starting from the vision and goals. As explained at the beginning of Ibtidaiyah, the Iddadiyah, Tsanawiyah and maybe this chapter that the ideology, vision and purpose until the Pascasarjannya so. That was the result of of Al-Azhar's presence for more than a thousand my experience as an alumni from Al-Azhar Cairo years is to spread washatiyah Islam. This idea is Egypt (interviewed Dr. Muhiddin Bakri). not only applied at the conceptual level but also in In the eyes of alumni, Al-Azhar did not the practice of education. Although shaykhs change its education management system much, sometimes speak more, they do not close the remained loyal to the management of classical space for dialogue. education. Al-Azhar's education management Diversification of schools is introduced in prioritizes tafaqqahu fi ad-din as the main goal. a balanced manner. 4). Complete educational The Al-Azhar education management system is not facilities. Al-Azhar University is the largest Islamic profit oriented which imposes income on students. university in the world with very complete library The waqf fundrising system that has been going on facilities. Al-Azhar keeps the treasure of for a long time has caused Al-Azhar to have a knowledge that has been transformed since the strong fund foundation to manage educational beginning of the 10th century AD. Classical institutions. Al-Azhar's waqf agency is still actively religious knowledge can be easily found at Al- supporting and managing the waqaf property Azhar. 5). Proportional state intervention. Before dedicated to scholarships, student dormitories and the revolution, Al-Azhar was an independent other activities that are in line with the vision of institution. The caliphs who led did not make Al-Azhar's education. The foundation of the waqf- meaningful intervention against Al-Azhar. In the based economy causes the tuition fees at Al-Azhar era of revolution, President Gamal Abdul Nasser to be very cheap for the size of the university with carried out the process of nationalization. enormous influence in the Islamic world. The However, the management of education at Al- annual tuition fee is only around 150,000. Very Azhar has not changed. The interference of the cheap numbers. This figure even beats the state is only a matter of modernization, monthly fees of kindergarten-based schools in restructuring and bureaucratization but does not Indonesia. affect decision making and learning systems, Management of education at Al-Azhar especially religious learning in the Al-Azhar actually has a strong managerial foundation. 1). At environment. The education system at Al-Azhar as the top level of the leadership of Al-Azhar who witnessed and experienced by Al-Azhar students holds the title of grand shaykh is a great scholar and alumni is a classical system. Politically, the Al- who has qualified religious knowledge and Azhar clerics cannot be separated from the undoubted personal integrity. The Grand Shaykh bureaucratic system established in the era of was chosen not because of the academic path he President Gamal Abdul Nasser, but the possessed but because of his enormous capacity implementation of management of education at for knowledge, scholarship and charisma. The Al-Azhar has not been intervened by the state. grand shaykh's leadership is strong leadership. His Al-Azhar education management is a true position is like the kyai in classical Islamic boarding reflection of the management of Islamic schools in Indonesia. In the education education. According to Mujammil Qomar (2007) management concept, strong leadership is the that management of Islamic education is ‘a main key to running the wheels of the process of managing Islamic Islamic educational organizational system. This charisma of the grand institutions by way of dealing with learning


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved

ISSN 2305-4557

resources and other matters related to achieving difference in the system caused the alumni to not the goals of Islamic education effectively and be able to freely apply the experience they had at efficiently. Al-Azhar to where they work now. What's more, in managerial spaces such as planning, which is the Practice of Implementing Al-Azhar Education authority of the leadership or in structural parts. Management in South Sulawesi Educational Therefore, the implementation of the Al-Azhar Institutions. education system into religious education For alumni of Al-Azhar University, the institutions in South Sulawesi can only be done in experience of studying for at least four years and two spaces. First, classrooms. Adaptation of the Al- getting an LC academic degree is an impressive Azhar system is most possible in the teaching and experience. There, they were educated with the learning process in the classroom. The learning unique Al-Azhar education system. Of course it system that is andragogy, dialogue, develops affected them to implement what they got while religious moderation that has been studied and at Al-Azhar to the educational institution where discovered at Al-Azhar will be carried out by Al- they worked. They do not want to waste the Azhar alumni. Al-Azhar alumni are free to use their knowledge they get wasted and as much as experience with the sheikh to apply to students. possible adapt the education system at Al-Azhar as Al-Azhar alumni lecturers are not too strict in using best they can. But the difference in culture and the attendance system for their students, provided education system between Al-Azhar and religious they can master the learning themes taught. This education institutions in Indonesia has caused Al- attitude is of course different from the alumni in Azhar alumni to be unable to freely implement the the madrasa. Where students are not as free as system at Al-Azhar to where they work. Consider students. So, the attendance process still runs the following interview: Because I (teach) in normally. However, Al-Azhar alumni usually do not (educational institutions) the country, then there use absenteeism as the dominant factor in giving are things from Al-Azhar that cannot be applied grades to students or students. Second, the here. There are several systems under the state recitation room in the pesantren. Most Al-Azhar that do not allow that. In matters of value and alumni are active in Islamic boarding schools. besides not violating the rules, I bring everything. The pesantren education system is very close to The pattern of recitation, the pattern of teaching. the education system at Al-Azhar. Islamic If the system is meant here is planning, wow ... it's boarding schools as at Al-Azhar use two learning different. (Interview with Aan Fahrani). pathways. The formal route is carried out in the When we want to apply it to the institutions morning until noon, by following the curriculum in Indonesia, especially at the place where we are provided by the government. Another path is educating, it may not be possible in management, pengajian. Usually done in the afternoon, because we are just teachers not as owners of the sunset, and at dawn in the morning. This system institutions we live in, so sometimes we cannot is the identity of the pesantren. The experience escape the rules - government rules that have of the alumni at Al-Azhar is very helpful to run been set by the government such as there must be the teaching system. a learning plan, RPP, student learning design. To realize or apply the learning system that we got in Conclusion Cairo, we usually use it in class only, even they do 1. The influence of Cairo's al-Azhar alumni on not know that our learning system is out of what the development of religious education they have determined. So we use it in class only institutions in South Sulawesi is very when teaching, but when we report, we use the significant. The influence of al-Azhar alumni is learning system that they adhere to in Indonesia. on three levels. First, a number of alumni So that's how to realize the al-Azhar learning initiated the establishment of formal system that we apply in these schools or educational institutions such as the Nahdlatul educational places in Indonesia (interview with Ulum Islamic Boarding School and Al- Muhiddin Bakri, September 9, 2018). Fakhriyyah Islamic Boarding School, also The alumni were well aware of the initiated informal education institutions such differences in the education system at Al-Azhar as the Tahfidz institution. Second, being the with the national education system. This leader of religious education institutions at


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved

ISSN 2305-4557

both the tertiary level and intermediate institutions. At this level al-Azhar alumni are most active in secondary institutions, especially Islamic boarding schools. Third, as a role model. Academic ability and integrity possessed by al-Azhar alumni made them exemplary and given the trust to manage the future of the santri, especially in the aspect of reading the yellow book and mastering the knowledge of tools. Besides being instrumental, the presence of al-Azhar alumni also influenced the strengthening of national ideology and religious moderation discourse for students. This is important considering that radical ideologies have begun to enter the minds of Muslim teenagers of school age. 2. The influence of al-Azhar alumni on the development of institutional management in general is quite significant. But the most significant influence of al-Azhar alumni is on actuacting and controlling. On these two management points, al-Azhar alumni have the opportunity and opportunity to implement the knowledge and experience they have gained while at al-Azhar. The factor that caused al-Azhar alumni the difficulty to implement the education system in al-Azhar significantly was first, alumni managerial competence was rather weak. Second, there is not much actualization space. Third, different cultures and educational systems. 3. In the context of developing the management of religious education, al-Azhar alumni have excellence in aspects, academic competence and good personal integrity. But the weakness of al-Azhar alumni is managerial competencies, especially those of an administrative nature.


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved

ISSN 2305-4557

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