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INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved ISSN 2305-4557 THE INFLUENCE OF AL-AZHAR CAIRO ALUMNUS ON DEVELOPMENT OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION IN SOUTH SULAWESI Anwar Sadat Abdul Malik Abstract This aim of this research to analyze the influence of Al-Azhar alumnus on the development of Islamic educational and the implementation of Al-Azhar educational management of Islamic educational management in South Sulawesi. Another aim to describe strength and weakness of Al-Azhar alumnus of Islamic educational management in South Sulawesi. This research used quantitative and qualitative methode. Data analysis in qualitative research, conducted since before entering the field, during the study took place and after completion in the field. The analysis is more focused during the process in the field, together with data collection, which consists of three activities, namely data reduction, data display and conslusion/verification. Respondents are two categories; Al-Azhar and non Al-Azhar alumnus. Total respondents from Al-Azhar alumnus are 35 person while non Al-Azhar alumnus are 69 person. Data quantitative analyzed using scoring system, cross tabulation, and correlation analysis. The Result showed the influence from Al-Azhar Alumnus towards the development of Islamic Education is significance. The implementation variables and evaluation variables are positive and it’s strong contribution to influence development of Islamic education in South Sulawesi. Eventhough the alumnus Al-Azhar has weak factors in planning, organizing, managerial and administration variables. While their strength showed in Islamic knowledge competency and personal integrity. Keyword : Influence of Al-Azhar alumnus, Developing Islamic Education. Preliminary clerics with Mecca and Medina scholars, then Al-Azhar University Cairo in Egypt is the more scholars and Islamic claimants studied in al- oldest educational institution in the Islamic world, Azhar Cairo in 1182 / 1768. Thus Muslim scholars, in this case thousands of years old. The university scholars and scholars since returning to their or al-Jāmi'ah as a prestigious Islamic University and homeland have had a strong influence in the at the same time pioneers the progress and development of Islamic education institutions in development of science, so that it has a significant the archipelago. Primarily according to Azyumardi influence on Islamic education institutions, alumni Azra (2011: 243), students from various parts of of Cairo's al-Azhar university spread across various the world each year come to Cairo's al-Azhar to continents and have contributed to the continue their education. Indonesia is the second development of Islamic education especially in largest country from Southeast Asia after Malaysia. Indonesia . The characteristics instilled in alumni Related to this, Marwan Saridjo (2011: 218) stated when studying are very influential when returning that the peak in 1992, the Ministry of Religion to their respective countries, humility and sincerity dispatched 140 Aliyah graduates from various of educators are exemplary examples so that Islamic boarding schools to continue their studies alumni have an important role in Islamic education at al-Azhar Cairo. They were given a scholarship institutions, both as leaders of Islamic Higher from Assembly Ta'sisi, a semi-official body of the Education, Islamic Boarding School Leaders and as Egyptian government. Since then until now Cairo's a teacher and teaching staff. al-Azhar student candidate from Indonesia gets John L. Esposito (2000: 228) one of the mu'ad as a legalization certificate to continue his orientalist figures acknowledged that the influence education there and after holding their bachelor's of al-Azhar Cairo was able to adjust to the degree again and certainly has a tremendous development of the center of Islamic religious and influence when serving in Islamic education cultural life for Egypt and the entire Islamic world. institutions. Likewise Muslim scholars such as Azyumardi Azra Furthermore in 1998, the Ministry of (2005: 170) asserted that the transmission of Religion gave priority to Cairo's al-Azhar alumni to knowledge of various Islamic worlds originated in be appointed as CPNS / PNS with the formation of the Middle East, especially in the 17th and 18th teaching staff in various Islamic and public centuries there had been a network of Indonesian education institutions both public and private. 15 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved ISSN 2305-4557 Until now, Al-Azhar Cairo alumni who were Galigo and others, later from the younger gathered in the Al-Azhar International Cairo generation Dr. KH. Muammar Bakry who besides Alumni Association (IAAI) Indonesia who are active being the High Priest of the Masjid al-Markas in Islamic education institutions have an important Makassar, also as the Head of the al-Fakhriyah role and influence on the progress of Islamic Islamic Boarding School. And many more who are education throughout the country. Especially in not named one by one have an important role and 2015 according to Munawar S Makyani (2014) in become influential figures, especially in Islamic an Egyptian newspaper letter, more than 500 education institutions ". prospective students from Indonesia passed the Thus, Cairo's al-Azhar alumni had selection to study at Cairo's al-Azhar. Thus, influences that had taken root in the midst of prospective Cairo al-Azhar alumni for the future society as leaders and scholars, and moreover the are predicted to increase their influence because influence on Islamic education institutions. Real they are ready to serve the country. Especially examples like DR. H. Zainul Majdi Lc. The MA who because last year, precisely Monday, February 22, is currently the governor of West Nusa Tenggara is 2016, the Indonesian government, President Joko an al-Azhar Cairo alumni who has high dedication Widodo, received a visit from a special guest from to the contribution in the study of da'wah to the Egypt, namely Cairo's al-Azhar High Priest Prof. Dr. public as well as in government politics, a person Sheikh Ahmad Muhammad al-Thayyeb. like him who is a leader, besides memorizing the Al-Azhar High Priest Cairo after meeting Qur'an, his figure is known as a low profile leader. with the Indonesian Vice President according to In addition there are also H.Abdul Somad Lc. The Larissa Huda (2016) while covering Egyptian news, MA lecturer at the State Islamic University of Jusuf Kalla for a dinner banquet ceremony, was Sultan Syarif Kasim Pekanbaru Riau who was agreed to strengthen cooperation between familiarly called the UAS, how to convey his Indonesia and Egypt in the field of religion and preaching was very well liked by the community education with the consideration that in al-Azhar and even became a reference in preaching, Cairo currently has thousands of Indonesian constructive criticisms coupled with intelligent students studying at these well-known humor that was not saturated accompanied a universities. In essence, the link between al-Azhar constructive solution when making opinions his Cairo and the Indonesian government has a strong name is increasingly known. The contribution of influence on the output in terms of improving the Cairo's al-Azhar alumni developed according to the quality of Islamic education and strengthening the times. establishment of Islamic education institutions Recorded from the data of the Republic of that existed long before Indonesia's independence. Indonesia Embassy in Egypt (Indonesian Embassy: The influence as well as the real contribution of al- 2017) from 1985 - 2017 alumni who successfully Azhar Cairo in Indonesia in addition to those completed education at al-Azhar Cairo as many as already mentioned, is in terms of developing the 4,538 people, 416 people from the Sulawesi moderation of Islamic education. The indicator can student union gathered in the Sulawesi Family be seen from the intense concrete activities by Harmony (KKS) , 416 people spread in Sulawesi, Cairo's al-Azhar alumni who use an umbrella some of them were leaders of Islamic boarding institution, for example through the Qur'an Study schools, lecturers, teachers and employees, and Center (PSQ) by M. Quraish Shihab which involved some even served as board members. The data many Cairo al-Azhar alumni. recorded from the Indonesian Embassy in Egypt Other influences, especially in South after a re-investigation revealed that there were Sulawesi, are those affiliated with the Association some who were not named in the embassy data of Middle Eastern Intellectuals (ICATT) as Saifullah because they did not complete the administration Rusmin (2016) interviewed on November 12 that: before returning to their homeland, so the "About 200 Al-Azhar Cairo alumni in this area numbers mentioned could be more than the actual mostly serve in Higher Education and become the figures. leader of Islamic Boarding Schools. His position as Institutionally, private formal Islamic a lecturer and caretaker of the lodge has a big education in Indonesia is in reality, managed by a influence as a religious figure such as K.H. Sanusi religious organization that recruits Cairo's al-Azhar Baco, K.H. Faried Wajdi, K.H. A. Syamsul Bahri alumni. Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama 16 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 15th January 2019. Vol.70. No.1 © 2012-2019 TIJOSS & ARF. All rights reserved ISSN 2305-4557 (NU), for example, as the largest mass organization interdependence and complexity in modern life. focused on the education sector, have elementary, This appearance according to Stoner and Wankel secondary and tertiary level colleges which involve (1988: 44) was triggered by the momentum of the al-Azhar alumni in Cairo industrial revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries Especially in South Sulawesi according to which led to the growing need for a systematic Bahaking Rama (2003: 104) that the largest Islamic approach to management.