I t Contents 2 Working with Camera, Canvas, and Brush: The Cody Art Colory by Julie Coleman Curatorial Assistant, Whitney Gallery of Western Art 9 James Bama: Choosing Cody,Attaining Art by Sarah E. Boehme, Ph.D. The John S. Bugas Curator, Whitney Gallery of Western Art l5 Alchemists of Cody by Warren Newman Curatorial Assistant, Cody Firearms Museum 22 Twenty-two Years of the Buffalo Bill Art Show &- Sale by Mark Bagne 27 The History of the Western Design Conference by Laurie R. Quade 3l Happy Trails: BufJalo BiIl Historical Center Hosts Members' Trail Ride by Kathy Mclane Director of Membership Cover: o 2003 Buffalo Bill Historicaj Center Written permission is required to copy, reprint, or distribute Points West materials jn any medium or James Bama (b. 1926), Timber format. All photographs in Points West are Buflalo Bill Historical Center JackJoe and His Fox, 1 979. Oil on photos unless otherwise noted. Address correspondence to Editor, Points west, Buflalo Bill Historjcal Center, 720 Sheridan Avenue. Cody, artist's board. 30 x 23.875 inches. Wyoming 82414 ot
[email protected]. Bulfalo Bill Historical Center, Cody, Wyoming. Gift in honor Edilor: Thom Huge and Designer: Jan Woods-Krier/PRODESIGN of Peg Coe, with respect Production Coordinator Kimber Swenson admrration, from Dick and Helen PhotoqraphV Staff: Chris Gimmeson Cashman, 1 9.98.1 .oJames E. Bama. Sean Campbell Sarah Cimmeson, lntern, page 16 A number of Bama's paintjngs Points West is published quarterly as a benefit of membership in the Buffalo Bill Historical Center. For membership information contact: portray contemporary individuals Kathy Mclane, Director of Membership who choose to jdentily with the Buffalo Bill Historical Center historic past.