December 16, 2019 BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Exchange Plaza, Dalal Street, Plot No. C/1, G Block, Bandra – Kurla Complex, Mumbai 400 001 Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051 Scrip Code: 500325 Trading Symbol: RELIANCE Dear Sirs, Sub: Media Release We attach a copy of the media release by the Company titled, “Reliance and BP Move forward with Indian fuels partnership.” This is for your information and dissemination on your website. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For Reliance Industries Limited Savithri Parekh Joint Company Secretary and Compliance Officer Copy to: The Luxembourg Stock Singapore Stock Taipei Stock Exchange Exchange Exchange 15F, No.100, Sec. 2, Societe de Ia Bourse de 2 Shenton Way, Roosevelt Road, Luxembourg #19- 00 SGX Centre 1, Taipei, Taiwan, 10084 35A boulevard Joseph II Singapore 068804 B P 165, L-2011 Luxembourg Regd. Office: 3rd Floor, Maker Chambers IV, 222, Nariman Point, Mumbai- 400 021, India Phone #: +91-22-3555 5000, Telefax: +91-22-2204 2268. E-mail:
[email protected], Website: CIN- L17110MH1973PLC019786 MEDIA RELEASE Reliance and BP move forward with Indian fuels partnership Jio-BP branded retail network to grow to up to 5,500 sites over five years. Mumbai, 16 December, 2019: BP and Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) today signed a definitive agreement relating to the formation of their new Indian fuels and mobility joint venture. This follows the initial heads of agreement signed in August this year. The venture is expected to be formed during the first half of 2020, subject to regulatory and other customary approvals.