Senate the Senate Met at 9:31 A.M

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Senate the Senate Met at 9:31 A.M E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 146 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2000 No. 106 Senate The Senate met at 9:31 a.m. and was PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE few words prior to the voice vote on his called to order by the President pro The Honorable CHUCK HAGEL, a Sen- amendment. But I think it would be tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. ator from the State of Nebraska, led appropriate that the Senate be advised the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: that there likely will not be a recorded vote at 10 o’clock this morning, so Sen- PRAYER I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Repub- ators should be about their other busi- The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John lic for which it stands, one nation under God, ness. Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. I also say to the acting leader, we hope those who are managing the var- Almighty God, Sovereign of this Na- f ious appropriations bills that have tion, as You guided our Founding Fa- RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING MAJORITY LEADER passed the Senate and have passed the thers to establish the separation of House would do whatever they can to church and state to protect the church The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. get the conference process underway. from the intrusion of government, VOINOVICH). The acting majority We have a tremendous amount of work rather than the intrusion of the church leader. to do. And while we are not debating into government, we praise You that in f appropriations bills in the evening, as Your providential plan for this Nation SCHEDULE we were last week, there is still a lot of there is to be no separation of God and work to be done on those. We hope the state. With gratitude we declare our Mr. HAGEL. Mr. President, today the Senate will resume debate on the China conferences, including engaging the ad- motto: ‘‘In God We Trust.’’ It is with PNTR legislation. Under the order, the ministration, would be ongoing at this reverence that, in a moment, we will time until 10 a.m. will be equally di- time so we can have an end game repeat the words of commitment as vided for closing remarks on the Byrd around here to complete those bills. part of our Pledge of Allegiance to our amendment regarding subsidies. There- f flag: ‘‘One nation under God, indivis- fore, the first vote of the day will occur ible.’’ at 10 a.m. I understand there may be a RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME May these words never become so fa- possibility that Senator BYRD will re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under miliar by repetition that we lose our quest a voice vote rather than a roll- the previous order, leadership time is profound sense of awe and wonder, or call vote. But depending on that re- reserved. our feeling of accountability and re- quest, following the vote, debate will sponsibility to place our trust in You, resume on the Thompson amendment f to seek Your guidance in all decisions, No. 4132. The Senate will recess for the and make patriotism an essential ex- weekly party conferences from 12:30 TO AUTHORIZE EXTENSION OF NONDISCRIMINATORY TREAT- pression of our relationship with You. p.m. to 2:15 p.m. At 2:15, Senator HELMS MENT TO THE PEOPLE’S REPUB- We praise You for Your truth spelled will be recognized to offer an amend- LIC OF CHINA out in our Bill of Rights and our Con- ment which will be debated at that stitution. Help us not to take for time. Further amendments are antici- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under granted the freedom we enjoy, nor the pated; therefore, Senators can expect the previous order, the Senate will now call You sound in our souls for right- votes throughout the day and into the resume consideration of H.R. 4444, eousness in every aspect of our Nation. evening. which the clerk will report. We repent for any moral decay in our I thank my colleagues for their at- The legislative clerk read as follows: culture, any contradiction of Your tention. A bill (H.R. 4444) to authorize extension of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- nondiscriminatory treatment (normal trade commandments in our society, and any relations treatment) to the People’s Repub- reluctance to be faithful to You in our ator from Nevada. Mr. REID. I say, through the Chair to lic of China, and to establish a framework personal lives. my friend from Nebraska, we were also for relations between the United States and the People’s Republic of China. Wake us up and then stir us up with informed that Senator BYRD would a fresh realization of the unique role agree to a voice vote on this. So I Pending: You have given this Nation to exem- think it would be to everyone’s best in- Wellstone amendment No. 4118, to require plify what it means to be a blessed na- terests that those who have amend- that the President certify to Congress that tion because we humble ourselves be- the People’s Republic of China has taken cer- ments to offer would offer the amend- tain actions with respect to ensuring human fore You and exalt You as our only ments as quickly as possible. rights protection. Sovereign. You are our Lord and Sav- When Senator BYRD gets here, it is Wellstone amendment No. 4119, to require iour. Amen. my understanding he wants to say a that the President certify to Congress that ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S8353 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:16 Dec 04, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2000SENATE\S12SE0.REC S12SE0 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S8354 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 12, 2000 the People’s Republic of China is in compli- administration acknowledges this fact, subsidy agreements do, indeed, state ance with certain Memoranda of Under- and my good friend Senator ROTH stat- that many subsidies are prohibited and standing regarding prohibition on import ed the same only yesterday. shall not be allowed. I’m all for that! and export of prison labor products. There are profound implications to Why should we not know this infor- Wellstone amendment No. 4120, to require that the President certify to Congress that Sino-American relations as a result of mation? Help me find out by voting in the People’s Republic of China has responded granting PNTR to China. State-owned support of this amendment! Help me to inquiries regarding certain people who enterprises continue to be the most provide the U.S. steel industry, and have been detained or imprisoned and has significant source of employment in other industries, with an assurance— made substantial progress in releasing from most areas in China, and some reports based on more than a nod from the ad- prison people incarcerated for organizing suggest that these subsidized enter- ministration—that there are no illegal independent trade unions. prises account for as much as 65 per- Chinese subsidies. Wellstone amendment No. 4121, to cent of the jobs in many areas of Mr. President, I yield the floor. strengthen the rights of workers to asso- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ciate, organize and strike. China. Smith (of New Hampshire) amendment No. Government control reigns supreme question is on agreeing to the amend- 4129, to require that the Congressional-Exec- in China. My amendment sends a mes- ment of the Senator from West Vir- utive Commission monitor the cooperation sage that the U.S. Senate seeks trans- ginia. of the People’s Republic of China with re- parency in China’s likely accession to Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, I yield the spect to POW/MIA issues, improvement in the World Trade Organization, WTO. remainder of my time. the areas of forced abortions, slave labor, My amendment places Members on Mr. HAGEL. Mr. President, this side and organ harvesting. record as demanding China’s compli- yields back all time as well. Byrd amendment No. 4117, to require dis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The closure by the People’s Republic of China of ance with the promises that China has made under the bilateral trade agree- question is on agreeing to the amend- certain information relating to future com- ment of the Senator from West Vir- pliance with World Trade Organization sub- ment that it signed with the United sidy obligations. States. ginia. Byrd amendment No. 4131, to improve the Opponents of my amendment state The amendment (No. 4117) was re- certainty of the implementation of import that the amendment is redundant and jected. relief in cases of affirmative determinations flawed on two bases. First, it was ar- Mr. HAGEL. Mr. President, I move to by the International Trade Commission with gued that the administration is already reconsider the vote. respect to market disruption to domestic Mr. BYRD. I move to lay that motion required to condition the extension of producers of like or directly competitive on the table. products. permanent normal trade relations with The motion to lay on the table was Thompson amendment No. 4132, to provide the People’s Republic of China on a agreed to. for the application of certain measures to finding that China’s state-owned enter- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- covered countries in response to the con- prises are not disruptive to our trading ator from Nebraska.
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