
5th Primary Chapter 4 When Oliver woke up he found himself in a clean comfortable bed . He was in Mr. Brownlow’s house and beside him Mrs. Bedwin . She took care of him and stayed beside him to let him feel better. She stroked his hair and gave him a cool drink . While he was sitting in Mrs. Bedwin’s sitting room , he saw a picture of a young lady who looked beautiful but her eyes were sad and that made Oliver so upset. So she moved Oliver’s chair so as not to look at her . Mr. Brownlow noticed that Oliver’s face looked exactly like the lady in the picture . Oliver led a happy life in Mr. Brownlow’s house . He was fed and they brought him new clothes . Mr. Brownlow decided to talk with him but Oliver was afraid that he might be taken away .He told him he wanted to talk seriously to him and he wanted to know the truth . Mr. Grimwig entered . He was a fat man who walked slowly and didn’t like boys . Mr. Brownlow decided to prove that Oliver was a trustworthy boy . He gave him some money and books and asked him to return them and bring the change but unfortunately he didn’t return .

Answer the questions in the H.W. Chart .

Chapters 5 After Oliver had met Mr. Brownlow and Mrs. Bedwin and for the first time he was treated like a human being , fed , dressed and loved as well as trusted by the only kind person he had ever met Mr. Brownlow , his bad luck didn’t leave him alone . Mr. Brownlow assigned him a task to do to show his friend Mr. Grimwig that Oliver is a trustworthy boy and he was different from the others . He gave him five pounds and some books to return to the book shop . Oliver faced his bad luck again , he got kidnapped by and in the street . They returned him back to and took the books and the money from him . They kidnapped him to use him in a robbery and to make him afraid . Fagin tried to beat him with a stick but Nancy defended Oliver . In order to make him more scared , he told him terrible stories about boys who tried to run away . He used other stories about criminals and murderers to make him more terrified to let Oliver obey the orders . Oliver was taken to the home of Bill Sikes to spend the night before the robbery . Answer Q. :“ A , B, C “P. 10 E: 3, 4, 8 P. 11 in the story booklet .

Chapter 6 They planned to rob a house using Oliver , as he was skinny and a tiny boy to jump inside a small window to open the door for them. As Oliver was innocent , he didn’t want to be a thief or share in this crime . He decided to shout for help as soon as he was in the house . But Oliver got shot in the arm by someone from inside the house . Bill grabbed Oliver and ran away from the house but Toby Crackit was faster than him . He was slower as he was running carrying Oliver , so Bill left him by the tree as there were men chasing them holding guns . Oliver laid in the bitter cold in the rain the whole night under a tree shot in his arm . In the morning he was able to drag himself to the house and fell at the door step of the house . The owners treated him a good way . The brought him the doctor and he stayed with them in the countryside until he had recovered . The owners were Mrs . Maylie ,her adopted daughter Rose and her son Harry .

Chapter 7 Once again Oliver met his good luck . The Maylies kept Oliver with them . Oliver was treated in a human way . He was educated and learnt lots of things . Rose got sick . Mrs Maylie gave Oliver letters to give them to Dr. Losberne and her son Harry who loved Rose. When Oliver went to the inn , he bumped into a tall man wearing a black cloak. This man seemed to recognize Oliver and called him young devil . Oliver fell down and he was puzzled and frightened by the strange behaviour. The next day Dr. Losberene , Harry and Maylie arrived . Harry was asking his mother’s permission to marry Rose . His mother was so happy and she blessed this marriage . Oliver saw the strange man who bumped into him in the inn with Fagin in the garden . They were looking for Oliver . He shouted as he was frightened then Dr. Losberene and Harry with the help of the servants searched for them but they didn’t find anyone. When Rose recovered and became better Harry proposed to her but to his surprise she didn’t accept his proposal because she was afraid that this marriage would ruin Harry’s career as a politician as she was an orphan . She loved him more than herself . Chapter 8 Mr. became the master of the workhouse but his wife was stronger than him . She refused to obey him. The stranger who bumped into Oliver was seen again in London . He met Mr. Bumble in an inn in London . He bribed Mr. Bumble to help him to know some information about Oliver . Sally kept the chain and locket for herself but before she had died she was with Mrs. Bumble , she gave her Agnes’s possessions . took these things by offering them twenty five gold coins . He decided to do that to get rid of any evidence which might prove the relation between him and Oliver as he was his half brother . He wanted to take his will and all the money . Nancy heard that Fagin and Monks were planning this evil plot , so she warned Rose and risked her life .