
Zoologisch Museum




Vol. 9 No. 5 1982

New species of Limoniidaefrom the Mediterranean(Diptera)

Jaroslav Starý


of the (P.) ebullata from Prionola- Descriptions following species: Pseudolimnophila sp.n. Sicily,

bis from (G.) theowaldi from Corsica and Idiocera astans sp.n. Italy, Gonomyia sp.n. Sardinia,

(I. ) from Idioaera (I.) hasta from and (D.) antilopina sp.n. Sicily, sp.n. Bulgaria Dicranomyia Tunisia. in patricia sp.n. from The type material is deposited the Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoölogie (Zoölogisch Museum), Amsterdam (the Netherlands), the Moravian Museum, Brno, and in coll.

J. Starý, Olomouc (both Czechoslovakia).

INTRODUCTION presented of two further species from other

(D.) sources, Dicranomyia patricia sp.n. on

(Amster- By courtesy of Dr. Theowald van Leeuwen the basis of specimens from the Moravian Mu-

I examine and Idiocera (I.) hasta dam) had the opportunity to some seum, Brno, sp.n.

material of Limoniidae from the collections of from my own collection trip in Bulgaria.

the Instituut Taxonomische Am- For the loan of material thanks voor Zoologie, type my are

sterdam, mostly originating from South Europe extended to Dr. P. Lauterer and Dr. J. Stehlik

In (Moravian Dr. H. the present paper, four species are describ- Museum, Brno), Mendl (Kempten/

ed from this viz. and to Dr. Theowald material, Pseudolimnophila Allgäu) especially van

ebullata Prionolabis astans Leeuwen (Instituut Taxonomische (P.) sp.n., sp.n., voor Zoologie,

(G.) theowaldi and Idiocera (I.) Amsterdam ). I am indebted to Dr E.N. Gonomyia sp.n. deeply .

antilopina sp.n. In addition, descriptions are Savchenko (Zoological Institute, Academy of 1-2. 1: Figs. Pseudolimnophila (P.) ebullata sp.n. (paratype, 30.VII.1961), male genitalia. general view, dorsal. 2: basistyle and dististyles, ventral. Fig. 3. Pseudolimnophilia (P.) se-

pium (Verrall) (Czechoslovakia), male genitalia, basistyle and dististyles, ventral.

reddish Sciences, Kiev) for his very useful advice and tion greyish brown dorsally, pleurae

of invaluable information concerning some of the ochreous. Anterior margin pronotum only

newly described species. shallowly emarginated. Wings tinged with yel-

low, stigma indistinct. Body length 7-10 mm,

wing length 7-5-10 mm.

Head below. Antennae Pseudolimnophila (Pseudolimnophila) d: grey, yellowed

bent backwards to ebullata sp.n. (Figs. 1-2) brown, 16-segmented, reaching

base of 1st about hind coxae, flagellar segment

Material.- yellowed. Flagellar segments elongate, rather

Holotype 6: Italy, Sicily, Biviere di Cesa- long distally, gradually decreasing in width

v.d. towards of the antenna. Verticils at ro (1200-1300 m), 31-VII.1961 (Exc. Goot, the apex

in Lucas, Theowald, Verberne); deposited coll. most twice as long as the respective segments.

Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Amsterdam. Thorax greyish brown dorsally, pleurae och-

Lobes Paratypes: Italy, Sicily, Biviere di Cesaro reous with a slight reddish tinge. on the

(600-1250 m), 2.VIII.1961, 1 d, 1 9, (1200-1300 pronotum rather indistinct, as compared with

m), 30.VII.1961, 12 c!, 1 9, 31.VII.1961, 4 c!, those of P. sepium, anterior margin only shal-

1 9, 3.VTIT.1961, 1 d, 4.VIII.1961, 3d, 3 9, lowly emarginated. Praescutum greyish brown,

6.VIII.1961, 3 d, 2 9 (all Exc. v.d. Goot, Lu- pruinose, somewhat paler around humeral pits,

cas, Theowald, Verberne); deposited in coll. without any distinct pattern on the disc. Other

Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Amster- dorsal parts of thorax of much the same basic

J. Olomouc. dam, and Stary, colouration as praescutum. Wings tinged with

yellow, slightly iridescent, stigma indistinct.

Description.- Venation practically identical with that of P.

similar P. (P.) Stem of halteres knob infuscated Very to sepium Verrall, sepium. pale,

1886) in many somatic features. Body coloura- distally. Legs yellow to yellowish brown, tips 27

of femora slightly darkened. Description.-

Abdomen greyish brown, paler ventrally. Male General body colouration dark greyish brown,

1-2) in genitalia (Figs. generally as P. se- abdomen somewhat paler. Antennae of moderate

and long- pium. Basistyle relatively long very slen- length, with flagellar segments oval to

with and der, almost parallel-sided, moderately oval, set with a dense semierect pubescence

long setae. Both dististyles slender, subequal sparse verticils. Wings pale yellow, stigma

outer in length, the one gently curved distal- faint. Body length 7-5 mm, wing length 9 mm.

similar that of P. Head dark Antennae ly. Aedeagal complex very to 6 : brown, grey pruinose.

be sepium. Other details may appreciated from brown, 16-segmented, of moderate length, bent

1-2). the attached figures (Figs. backwards reaching to about hind coxae. Flagel-

9: In general appearance resembling the lar segments oval to long-oval, gradually de-

and in width the male. Cerci long very slender, very gently creasing towards apex of the anten-

to about and upturned distally. Valves reaching na, with a dense semierect pubescence

half the of cerci. the latter in length sparse verticils, subequal length

to the respective segments.

Remarks.- Thorax generally dark greyish brown, mostly

P. ebullata is similar P. Praescutum dark sp.n. very to se- pruinose. greyish brown, some-

in from it the disc. pium many somatic features differing what shining, without any pattern on

mainly in the shape of the pronotum. Body co- Scutum somewhat paler near the bases of wings.

in the and louration appears somewhat brighter new Scutellum paler posteriorly. Postscutellum

with species, the pleurae reddish ochreous; pleurae of much the same basic colouration as

to Pila- general appearance may be likened e.g. praescutum. Wings tinged with pale yellow, stig-

1818) in ria discicollis (Meigen, rather than to ma faintly indicated. Venation much as

Pseudolimnophila sepium. Principal distinguish- subcognata Savchenko, 1971, with the following

ing features are, however, exhibited by the minor distinctions: origin of Rs beyond the end

male genitalia. Basistyle is relatively long of discal cell relatively small, irregular-

of about twice and very slender in the new species, almost ly pentagonal; distal section

parallel-sided, with moderately long setae as long as the section within the discal cell

(Fig. 2) (stout and strongly enlarged at base (actually Halteres pale yellow, distal

in P. and sepium, with the setae very long portion of knob infuscated. Legs generally yel-

to conspicuous; Fig. 3)- The dististyles are some- lowish brown brown.

what shorter, the outer one only gently curved Abdomen greyish brown, shining, somewhat pa-

distally (longer in P. sepium, outer disti- ler than thorax. Male genitalia (Fig. 4) of

Penis and style slightly sinuous). the median general type as in other West Palaearctic Prio- apodeme of vesica is shorter in P. ebulla- nolabis species, differing in details. 9th ter-

ta sp. n. than in P. sepium. The shape of the gite with the median portion slightly produced

sufficient from taxonomic its basistyle appears a distally, margin indistinctly emarginated. point of view to separate the two species (cf. Basistyle relatively long and slender. Outer

2 and 3). dark its bi- Figs. dististyle mostly pigmented, apex

fid, much as in P. platyptera (Macquart, 1826),

with a small emargination and a subapical inner

Prionolabis astans sp.n. tooth. Base of the outer dististyle moderately

(Fig. 4) enlarged by a fleshy swelling on inner side.

Inner dististyle with the apical spine gently

Material.- curved. Penis relatively short and very stout,

d: Holotype Italy, prov. Genua (Genova), Ron- strongly bent downwards, its apical portion re- co, 3.V.1964 (C.A.W. Jeekel leg.); deposited in curved. Parameres pale, comparatively short,

Am- coll. Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, dilated subapically, with the apical portion sterdam not . short and slender, subacute and distinctly 28

Male dorsal. Prionolabis Figs. 4-6. genitalia, general view, 4: astans sp.n. (holotype). 5 : Prionolabis platyptera (Macquart) (Czechoslovakia). 6: Prionolabis subcognata Savchenko (U.S.S.R., Georgia (Transcaucasia), Savchenko leg.). 29

theowaldi male dorsal. 8: Figs. 7-8. Gonomyia (G.) sp.n. (holotype), genitalia. 7: general view,

penis and parameres, lateral.

bent downwards. are longer than in the new species, distal ones

verticils Ç : unknown. subcylindrical, pubescence shorter,

rather The three very sparse and short, stiff).

Remarks.- species differ in further somatic characters,

and Of the four West Palaearctic Prionolabis spe- including body colouration, wing stigma ve-

viz. nation. Due to the bifid character of the outer cies so far discovered, P. cognata (Lack-

schewitz, 1940), P. longeantennata (Strobl, dististyle the male genitalia of P. astans

of 1909), P. platyptera (Macquart, 1826) and P. sp.n. most resemble those P. platyptera.

subcognata Savchenko, 1971, the two former have Distinctions may, however, be found in nearly

much than tho- most in the the antennae very long, longer every detail, perhaps pronouncedly

the and rax, and cannot be confused with the other shape of parameres penis. Male genita-

structure of anten- lia of P. and P. species. As far as the the platyptera subcognata are

P. astans somewhat shown here for and 6). nae is concerned, sp. n. comparison (Figs. 5 resembles P. platyptera and P. subcognata. The

antennae intermediate in of the new species are

with the two latter theowaldi length, as compared spe- Gonomyia (Gonomyia) sp.n.

cies, the flagellar segments being oval to (Figs. 7-8)

with dense semierect long-oval, a pubescence

and Material.- sparse verticils, these subequal in length

Vizzavo- to the respective segments (flagellar segments Holotype d: France, Corsica, Col de

21.VII.1967 (V.S. shorter in P. subcognata, short-oval, pubescen- na, NE slope (1150m), v.d.

in ce very short and sparse, verticils somewhat Goot leg.); deposited coll. Instituut voor

Taxonomische Amsterdam. exceeding the length of the respective seg- Zoologie, ments ; in P. platyptera, flagellar segments Paratypes: France, Corsica, Col de Vizzavo- 30

NE (1150 20.VII. Abdomen somewhat Male na, slope m), 14.VII.1967, 1 9, brown, shining. genita-

1 2 9 (1 in as in 1967, 9, 21.VII.1967, 6, 3 69, copu- lia (Figs. 7-8) of the same general type

la, pinned together) (V.S. v.d. Goot leg.); de- other related species, with the following dis- posited in coll. Instituut voor Taxonomische tinctions: Outer dististyle pale throughout,

Zoologie, Amsterdam, and J. Stary, Olomouc. somewhat dilated distally in lateral aspect (in

of Italy, Sardinia, vicinity Meana, 4.VIII. dorsal aspect, it appears broad at base, slight-

1 6 at 1977, (in alcohol) (F. Hartig leg.; ly narrowed distally; Fig. 7), with a membra-

H. light); deposited in coll. Mendl, Kempten/ neous seam on inner side that forms a pale

Allgäu. tooth beyond mid-length of the dististyle.

Other material examined (excluded from the Inner dististyle with two projections, the one

type-series): 6 specimens, with broken ab- spine-like, darkened distally, subacute at tip,

at domens, from the same collecting site as holo- the other shorter, pale, membraneous, obtuse

(V.S. type, 21.VII. 1967 v.d. Goot leg.); depo- apex. Penis as in Fig. 8, with the distal

sited in coll. Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoo- portion dilated and somewhat twisted. Parameres

logie Amsterdam. asymmetrical, the right one pale and nearly ,

and straight, the left one longer, hook-shaped

darkened evident Description.- distally. Other details are

Relatively dark species. Body colouration from Figs. 7-8.

dark Thorax brown, sparsely grey pruinose. 9 : In general appearance resembling the patterned with sulphur yellow dorsally, pleurae male. Cerci long and slender, gently upturned.

with two broad, sulphur yellow longitudinal Valves straight, ending about opposite half the

stripes. Body length 4-5 mm, wing length 5-7 mm. length of cerci.

d: dark rostrum Head brown on vertex, yellow-

ish brown. Antennae dark brown, 16-segmented, Remarks.- bent backwards reaching to about the bases of In the shape of the outer dististyle, G.

oval to theowaldi to wings. Flagellar segments long-oval, (G.) sp.n. is similar e.g. G.

in size towards the (G.) dentata de (cf. Ed- gradually decreasing apex Meijere, 1920 e.g.

of the antenna. Verticils subequal in length to wards, 1938, Text-fig. 20c), resembling the

the respective segments. latter also superficially, but the inner tooth

Thorax dull dark brown. Praescutum yellowed is quite pale, less pronounced and situated anteriorly on each side, otherwise without any shortly beyond mid-length of the dististyle pattern. Scutum dark brown, with sulphur yellow (darkened in G. dentata, subapical in posi-

of markings near the bases wings and medially tion). The new species differs from all related

between the scutal lobes. Scutellum mostly sul- forms in further genitalic characters, includ- phur yellow, anterior margin darkened. Post- ing the shape of the inner dististyle, penis

scutellum dark in brown, yellowed laterally an- and parameres.

terior part. Pleurae with the basic colouration The present species is dedicated to Dr. Theo-

dark with brown, sparsely grey pruinose, two wald van leeuwen (Amsterdam), distinguished broad, sulphur yellow longitudinal stripes that student of West Palaearctic Tipulidae and limo-

sometimes confluent The to him for his appear posteriorly. up- niidae. My sincerest thanks go

the per stripe passes approximately along prae- constant assistance in many respects, including

scutal the extensive loans and of suture, comprising yellow praescutal generous gifts highly

the lower markings, stripe originates above interesting crane material.

fore coxae and passes just above middle and

hind coxae. Wings hyaline, slightly iridescent.

Venation much in other (G.) Idiocera as Gonomyia spe- (Idiocera) antilopina sp.n.

distinct cies, without any species-specific fea- (Figs. 9-11) tures. Stem of halteres pale yellow, knob infus-

cated. Legs generally yellowish brown to brown. Material.- 31

Idiocera (I.) male 9: dorsal. Figs. 9-11. antilopina sp.n. (holotype), genitalia. general view,

10: dististyles, dorsolateral. 11: penis, lateral.

Holotype d: Italy, Sicily, Biviere di Cesa- of the pin in the single type specimen. Wings

v.d. brown costa and dark ro (1200-1300 m), 1.VIII.1961 (Exc. Goot, hyaline, with spots near

Lucas, Theowald, Verberne); deposited in coll. seams on cross-veins distributed as follows:

three dark viz. at base of Rs Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Amsterdam. spots near costa,

and and over the tips of Rj (stigma) the

Description.- latter spot extends to the apex of the wing

In general appearance resembling I. (I.) leaving a hyaline area in the cell R, and

1938) punctata (Edwards, and other related spe- forming a somewhat paler cloud above R^; small

dots and cies. Body colouration brownish grey, pruinose, on arculus the humeral cross-vein;

patterned with pale yellow, especially on pleu- dark seams on all cross-veins, including the ba-

rae. Wings hyaline, with brown spots near costa sal deflection of M,. In the wing venation, the

taxonomic and dark seams on cross-veins. Body length following features may be of some

ending about opposite one third the 4.5 mm, wing length 5-5 mm. value: SCj

Head brownish frons. section of at of <5: grey, yellowed on longitudinal Rs; Sc,, origin

Antennae brown, l6-segmented, bent backwards Rs; R2 subvertical, ending some distance beyond

not reaching to the bases of wings. Flagellar the tip of R, ; R„ much shorter than the r „ 1 2+3

section of half segments oval to long-oval. Verticils about as longitudinal R^, about as long;

long as the respective segments. r-m subvertical. Stem of halteres whitish yel-

Thorax with basic colouration brownish grey, low, knob dark brown. Legs mostly yellow to

pruinose. Praescutum with two brown longitudi- yellowish brown, femora with a narrow brown

nal stripes that continue onto the scutal lobes subapical ring.

with each Abdomen somewhat and a yellowish marking anteriorly on brown, shining, posterior

side. Other dorsal of thorax of much the of Male parts margins segments narrowly yellowed. ge-

nitalia same basic colouration as praescutum. Posterior (Figs. 9-11) essentially resembling margin of scutellum yellowed. Pleurae patterned those of other related species differing, how- with pale yellow, especially along the praescu- ever, in details of structure of the disti- tal suture and sclerites. Other- and Ventral on posterior styles penis. dististyle relatively

wise, the pattern is obscured by the position long, dark pigmented, unequally bifid, with a 32

Figs. 12-14. Idiocera (I.) hasta sp.n. (holotype), male genitalia. 12: general view, dorsal. 13:

dististyles, dorso-lateral. 14: penis, lateral.

cies struc- stout outer spine and much shorter thumb-like may readily be distinguished by the

inner projection. Intermediate (outer) disti- ture of the male genitalia, namely the disti-

style long, slender, gently curved and pointed styles and penis (Figs. 10-11). The structure

at tip, bearing a small spine at about one of the latter is quite remarkable and provides

third the length. Dorsal (inner) dististyle as sufficient criterion for separation.

in Fig. 10, relatively short and stout, approxi-

mately cylindrical, not flattened. Penis stout,

Idiocera hasta lanceolate at apex, with very long, slender and (Idiocera) sp.n.

dark pigmented lateral spines that are subequal (Figs. 12-14)

in length to the penis. Other details are evi-

dent from Figs. 9-11. Material.-

9 : unknown. Holotype d: Bulgaria, Michurin, 2.VI.1968

(J. Stary leg.); deposited in coll. J. Stary,

Remarks.- Olomouc.

The group around I. (I. ) punctata includes Paratype: 1 6, same data and location as

the following West Palaearctic species: I. (I.) for holotype. punctata (Edwards, 1938), I. (I.) lackschewitzi

(Stary, 1977), I. (I.) ornatula (Lackschewitz, Description.-

1964), I. (I.) bidens Savchenko, 1979, and I. In general appearance very similar to I.

(I.) afghanica (Nielsen, 1963) (for particular (I.) punctata (Edwards, 1938), I. (I.) antilopi-

in the and other related colour- genitalic structures, see figures respec- na sp.n. species. Body

tive ation brownish with original descriptions and in Edwards, grey, pruinose, patterned

1939, and Lackschewitz, 1940). I. antilopina pale yellow, espescially on pleurae. Wings

be with sp.n. may characterized by the combination hyaline, dark brown spots near costa and

of venational features, as indicated in the dark seams on cross-veins. Body length

above to description. However, due infraspeci- 5.5-6 mm, wing length 6-7 mm.

fic variation, these characters might prove to 6 : Head mostly brownish grey. Antennae

be of limited taxonomic value. From all the brown, 16-segmented, bent backwards reaching to

above-mentioned species, including the newly de- about the bases of wings. Flagellar segments

scribed I. (I.) hasta the oval Verticils little sp.n., present spe- to long-oval. a longer 33

genitalia. view, dor- Figs. 15-16. Dicranomyia (D.) patricia sp.n. (holotype), male 15: general

sal. 16: aedeagal complex, dorsal.

than the respective segments and strongly curved. Dorsal (inner) dististyle

with Thorax generally brownish grey, pruinose, short, flattened, a small point at tip.

Penis lanceolate at particular details of the colouration much as stout, likewise essentially

Pleurae two as lateral in I. . with in I. angles antilopina sp.n. pale apex antilopina sp.n.,

curved down- yellow longitudinal stripes, the one passing produced, blackened, pointed and

along the praescutal suture, the other origi- wards. Other details are evident from Figs.

nating on fore coxae and passing just above 12-14.

middle and 9 hind coxae. Wings patterned much as : unknown.

described for I. the antilopina sp.n., pat-

tern somewhat darker and appears, however, more Remarks.-

extensive. The base of Rs with additio- As is the in I. I. spot at case antilopina sp.n.,

ta nal, virtually separate dot on each side, the has sp.n. likewise is very similar superfi-

other around I. (Ed- proximal one situated on Sc^, the distal one cially to species punctata

I. It characterized by some over the tip of SCj. (In antilopina sp.n., wards, 1938). may be

due to the position of the former dot details in the wing venation and wing pattern Sc^ ,

with the main the but not be species-specific. is quite confluent spot, these features may

latter not apparent at all.) Venation may be From all the other related species it differs,

characterized by the following features: Sc however, in the structure of the male genita-

and ending about opposite one fourth the longitudi- lia, as indicated in the above description

12-14). nal section of Rs; some distance before the as illustrated (Figs. origin of Rs; subvertical, its tip confluent

with the tip of ; subequal to the longi-

tudinal section of ; r-m more or less obli- Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) patricia sp.n.

Stem of halteres whitish knob dark 15-16) que. yellow, (Figs.

brown. Legs mostly yellow to yellowish brown,

subapical rings on femora less evident than in Limonia (Dicranomyia) lucida; Starjf, 1969: „___. , 143, Abb. 7 (d gen.); (nee Dicranomyia luci- I. antilopina sp.n. da de Meijere, 1918).

Abdomen brown, somewhat shining, posterior

margins of segments narrowly yellowed. Male ge- Material.-

nitalia (Figs. 12-14): Ventral dististyle much Holotype

(without as in I. antilopina sp.n., unequally bifid, 1913 collector's name); deposited in

however, in contrast to that species, shorter coll. Moravian Museum, Brno.

and with broader excision. Intermediate (outer) Paratype: Tunisia, Ain Draham, 24.VI. 1913,

1 dististyle fork-shaped, with the prongs unequal 9 (without collector's name); deposited in 34

coll. Moravian Museum, Brno. tal margin, with a broad median emargination.

material (excluded Other examined from the Basistyle relatively short, dark pigmented, ven-

type-series): Bulgaria, Michurin, 1.VI.1968, tromesal lobe larger than in D. lucida. Ven-

2 9 (J. Stary leg.); deposited in coll. J. Sta- tral dististyle much shorter than in the latter

with ry, Olomouc. species, an indistinct lobe dorsally below

dorsal and the dististyle with the rostral pro-

Description.- longation relatively long and strongly darken-

to D. ornata - and ed. and Belongs (D. ) group resem- Rostral spines straight very short,

bles D. (D. de in ) lucida Meijere, 1918, gene- situated at about mid-length of the rostrum,

ral appearance. Body colouration polished red- subequal in length, distal one dark and some-

dish brown. with four stouter Dor- Wings relatively broad, what than the paler proximal one.

large brown patches near costa. Body length sal dististyle stouter than in D. lucida, not

4-5 mm, wing length 5-5-5 mm. so strongly bent distally. Parameres dark pig-

d: Head brown, sparsely silvery grey prui- mented, shaped as in Fig. 16. Penis relatively

vertex. nose on Antennae brown, 14-segmented, short and stout. Other details are evident from

short, bent backwards hardly reaching to the Figs. 15-16.

bases of the wings. Flagellar segments short-oval, 9 : In general appearance resembling

proximal ones nearly spherical. Verticils male. Female ovipositor much as in D. lucida.

in to short, subequal length the respective Cerci very short, appearing still a little

segments. shorter than in the latter species, slightly

Thorax polished reddish brown. Praescutum upturned in lateral aspect, lyriform in dorsal

with a paler diffused marking anteriorly on view. Valves stout and long, likewise slightly

each side, otherwise without any pattern on the upturned.

disc. Other dorsal parts of thorax slightly

with paler, still paler areas near the bases of Remarks.-

wings. Pleurae polished reddish brown through- Superficially, D. patricia sp.n. resembles

sclerites out, posterior silvery grey priunose. D. lucida; it differs from it, however, in

Wings relatively broad, slightly tinged with smaller size, darker body colouration (pleurae pale yellow, conspicuously patterned with brown mostly yellow in D. lucida, only restricted-

much in four as D. lucida: large patches near ly patterned with brown), broader wings and

costa, viz. over the arculus, at base of Rs, details of venation (discal cell longer in D.

over the tip of (extending over the fork of lucida). Male of the two SCj genitalia species pro-

Rs) and at wing (somewhat paler, vide further features for apex extending significant separa-

) over M, ; broad seams on all cross-veins, in- tion, especially in the shape of the ventral

the cluding basal deflection of and on some of D. lucida illus- , dististyle (male genitalia

further longitudinal veins, especially Cu; trated e.g. by de Meijere, 1919, Tab. 3, Figs.

darkenings are evident on Sc„ and over the tip 6b-c). The new species was erroneously recorded

A of . Venation as in 0 D. lucida, differing as lucida by Stary (1969, Fig- 7).

in that the discal cell appears shorter, its According to the somatic characters the two

lower margin (basal section of being only females from Bulgaria, listed above, definitely

not D. slightly longer than the distal section of are lucida. They might, however, prove

Stem of halteres pale yellow, knob strongly to pertain to another, possibly so far unde-

infuscated. Coxae scribed mostly brown, yellowed distal- species and therefore they are only

trochanters ly, yellow. Otherwise, legs are tentatively referred to D. patricia sp.n.

broken in both type specimens.

Abdomen of much the same basic colouration

as thorax, sparsely grey pruinose, posterior LITERATURE margins of segments pale yellow. Male genitalia

(Figs. 15-16): 9th tergite bilobed on its dis- EDWARDS, F.W., 1938. British short-palped crane- 35

. of adults.- Trans. Soc. Br. NIELSEN, P., 1963. Records and descriptions of

Ent. 5: 1-168. from (Nr. 79) Afghanistan •-

Additions to the list of British , 1939- Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., 118: 1-8.

crane-flies.- Entomologist's mon. Mag., 75: SAVCHENKO, E.N., 1979- Two new species of Cauca-

241-249. sian Limoniid-flies from the subfamily Erio- LACKSCHEWITZ, P., 1940. Die paläarktischen Rham- pterinae (Diptera, Limoniidae).- Dokl. Akad.

phidiinen und Eriopterinen des Wiener Natur- Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR, (B) £: 771-775 ' Rus- historischen Museums.- Annin naturh. Mus. sian) .

Wien, 50 (1939): 1-67. STARY, J., 1969. Revision der Arten der Unter-

New and little-known Palaearctic , familie (Tipulidae, Diptera) aus

crane-flies of the family Limoniidae (Dipte- den Sammlungen des Mährischen Museums in

Ent. ra, ).- Obozr., 43: 710-733 Brno mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Fau-

(in Russian). Mährens. I.: und na _Teil Tribus Limoniini J.C.H. Studien über Cas. Mus. MEIJERE, de, 1919-21. pala- Pediciini.- morav. Brnê, Prirodni-

earktische, vorwiegend holländische, Limnobi- vedy, 54: 131-160.

iden, insbesondere über ihre Kopulationsor- The of , 1977. identity Gonomyia (Idioce- 62: gane.- Tijdschr. Ent., 52-97, 63: 46-86, ra) punctata Edwards (Dipt., Tipulidae).- En- 64: 54-118. tomologist's mon. Mag., 112 (1976): 67-70.

Dr. J. Stary,

Krajské vlastivëdné muzeum,

nam. Republiky 5,

771 73 Olomouc, received : 21.IV. 1982

Czechoslavakia. distributed : 19.XI.1982