Leeds Mutual Supply Society Limiteel ( Da vid Williams, Lees Frederic~ Amold, physician, 1 East parade manager), 25 street Lees Joseph, commercial traveller, 29 Rockingham street Lfeds Naturali.8ts' Fielcl Club ~ Scient~fic Associat,ion LeF& Joseph, engineer, &c. 64 Hurley road (Henry Pollard, hon. sec.), :Mechanics' Institution, Legg Henry Bailey, woollen merchant, clothier, outfitteri Cookridge street hat & cap maker & waterproofer,.k agent for the Nationa Leeds Patent Brick Go. (James Prince, manager), 52 Cross Provident ln!'ltitution ( ror Mutual Life As'!urance), 84, Stamfor<..l street & Dolly lane, New town 85, 86 & 87 Brigg11te Leeds Permanent Benefit Building Society (Thomas Leigh Samuel George L.D.B. dentist, 6 Portland crescent Fatkin, sec.), Victoria buildings, Park lane Lcigh Waiter Thomas, tobacconist, lOO W oodhouse lane Leeds Permissive Bill Association~ Alliance Auxiliary Leighton Christopher, tin plate worker, 53 Kirksta!l road (Hector Davidson, agent &. sec.), 5.5 Albion street Leighton Richard, greengrocer, 32 Somerby street Lt•eds Provincial Building Society (John Shackleton Leighton Thos.builder,17 Amberley j;(ro. Leopold st.New Lds Mathers, DIBnllger), 73 Albion street Lemmon Atcher, tailor, Back Rockiugham street Ll'eds Public Cocoa Houses Go. Limited, Borough Arms, Lemon Morris, tailor, King Charles croft Kirkgate; Golden Cup, 157 Briggate, Ga!iCoigne street, Lengthorn Alfred, butcher, 29 Pollard street Boar lane, The Blackburn, Airedale buildin~.rs, Lengthorn George, butcher, 7 Cheapside rd. The Lamb, 25 Marsh lane; (Benjamin Clarke, sec. & Lengthorn Henry, beer retailer, 2 Johnston street manager), office, 157 Briggate Lengthorn John, beer retailer, 2 Brick street Leeds Public Dispensary (Robert Greenoak Bailey, Lennon Richard, shopkeeper, 9 Firth street sen. resident medical officer; J oseph Wlaiteley, sec. Lennox John, printer, lithographer & manufacturing sta- & collector). New Briggate. For other officers see "1\:lis- tiuner, dealer in stamps, &c. 23 Bond street cellaneous Information'' Lent Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, Proctor's pi. rd Leeds Public Libraries (Jas. Yates P.R.H.s.chieflibrarian); Leslie J. & Co. wine merchants, 74 Basinghall street reference department open daily gratuitously from 8 a.m. Leslie George Charles, surveyor of taxes for Claro, East till9.30 p.m.; lending department from 10 a. m. till 8 p.m. Staincliff & Skyrac, 12 Park row Croft chambers, Infirmary street; branches at Mechanics' Leuty Thomas & Co.linen manufacturers, Castleton mills, Institute, Hunslt:t road; Zion school, Whitehall road; road, New Wortley Providence school, Armley; Town street, Bramley; Board Leuty Ellen (Mrs.), tobacconist, 82 Armley rd. New Wortly school, Primrose bill, Burma.ntofts; road; Leverington John Wm. Rhopkpr. Borough st. Dew!'bury rJ Board school, Hurley road; Board school, Wood house LevesonAlex.perambulator& bath chair manufr.l5! Briggat.e street; Police station; ; Lower Leveson Alfred Rudolph, comrcl. travlr. Chapel la. Armley Wortley & Heeston; Board schools, Bewerley street; St. Levi Adolph, tailJr, 10 Nile street Peter square; Cha;>eltown; East street; York road & Levi Archi, tailor, 16 King Charles street Rodley & ; Church schools, Farnley; Iron- Levi Louis, glazier, 6 Reg11nt street works school, N t:w Farnley - Levi Wolf, tailor, Wharf street Leeds, ~ District N eUJ Co-operative Flour Co. Levinstein J acob, jeweller, 28 St. Alban street (Alfred Gauut. mana