801 WEST RIDING YORKSHIRE. (EEDS. Leeds Mutual Supply Society Limiteel ( Da vid Williams, Lees Frederic~ Amold, physician, 1 East parade manager), 25 Cookridge street Lees Joseph, commercial traveller, 29 Rockingham street Lfeds Naturali.8ts' Fielcl Club ~ Scient~fic Associat,ion LeF& Joseph, engineer, &c. 64 Hurley road (Henry Pollard, hon. sec.), Leeds :Mechanics' Institution, Legg Henry Bailey, woollen merchant, clothier, outfitteri Cookridge street hat & cap maker & waterproofer,.k agent for the Nationa Leeds Patent Brick Go. (James Prince, manager), 52 Cross Provident ln!'ltitution ( ror Mutual Life As'!urance), 84, Stamfor<..l street & Dolly lane, New town 85, 86 & 87 Brigg11te Leeds Permanent Benefit Building Society (Thomas Leigh Samuel George L.D.B. dentist, 6 Portland crescent Fatkin, sec.), Victoria buildings, Park lane Lcigh Waiter Thomas, tobacconist, lOO W oodhouse lane Leeds Permissive Bill Association~ Alliance Auxiliary Leighton Christopher, tin plate worker, 53 Kirksta!l road (Hector Davidson, agent &. sec.), 5.5 Albion street Leighton Richard, greengrocer, 32 Somerby street Lt•eds Provincial Building Society (John Shackleton Leighton Thos.builder,17 Amberley j;(ro. Leopold st.New Lds Mathers, DIBnllger), 73 Albion street Lemmon Atcher, tailor, Back Rockiugham street Ll'eds Public Cocoa Houses Go. Limited, Borough Arms, Lemon Morris, tailor, King Charles croft Kirkgate; Golden Cup, 157 Briggate, Ga!iCoigne street, Lengthorn Alfred, butcher, 29 Pollard street Boar lane, The Blackburn, Airedale buildin~.rs, Hunslet Lengthorn George, butcher, 7 Cheapside rd. The Lamb, 25 Marsh lane; (Benjamin Clarke, sec. & Lengthorn Henry, beer retailer, 2 Johnston street manager), office, 157 Briggate Lengthorn John, beer retailer, 2 Brick street Leeds Public Dispensary (Robert Greenoak Bailey, Lennon Richard, shopkeeper, 9 Firth street sen. resident medical officer; J oseph Wlaiteley, sec. Lennox John, printer, lithographer & manufacturing sta- & collector). New Briggate. For other officers see "1\:lis- tiuner, dealer in stamps, &c. 23 Bond street cellaneous Information'' Lent Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, Proctor's pi. Meanwood rd Leeds Public Libraries (Jas. Yates P.R.H.s.chieflibrarian); Leslie J. & Co. wine merchants, 74 Basinghall street reference department open daily gratuitously from 8 a.m. Leslie George Charles, surveyor of taxes for Claro, East till9.30 p.m.; lending department from 10 a. m. till 8 p.m. Staincliff & Skyrac, 12 Park row Croft chambers, Infirmary street; branches at Mechanics' Leuty Thomas & Co.linen manufacturers, Castleton mills, Institute, Hunslt:t road; Zion school, Whitehall road; Armley road, New Wortley Providence school, Armley; Town street, Bramley; Board Leuty Ellen (Mrs.), tobacconist, 82 Armley rd. New Wortly school, Primrose bill, Burma.ntofts; Kirkstall road; Leverington John Wm. Rhopkpr. Borough st. Dew!'bury rJ Board school, Hurley road; Board school, Wood house LevesonAlex.perambulator& bath chair manufr.l5! Briggat.e street; Sheepscar Police station; Holbeck; Lower Leveson Alfred Rudolph, comrcl. travlr. Chapel la. Armley Wortley & Heeston; Board schools, Bewerley street; St. Levi Adolph, tailJr, 10 Nile street Peter square; Cha;>eltown; East street; York road & Levi Archi, tailor, 16 King Charles street Rodley & Stanningley; Church schools, Farnley; Iron- Levi Louis, glazier, 6 Reg11nt street works school, N t:w Farnley - Levi Wolf, tailor, Wharf street Leeds, Pudsey ~ District N eUJ Co-operative Flour Co. Levinstein J acob, jeweller, 28 St. Alban street (Alfred Gauut. mana<rer), 73 Mabgate Levitt James, beer retailer, 33 West street Let!d.'l School Board (Wesley Lee, sec.), Calverley street, Levitt Robert, auctioneer, see Hepper & Sons Victoria square. For members of the Board, see Miscel- LewingerChas.shipping merchant, see Vogl Bros. Successors laneou" Jnfimnation Lewis & Wilmot, shopkeepers, 7 Marsh lane Leeds School of .d. rt ~ Science (Andrew Stevenson, master; Lewis Eliza (Mrs.), servants' registry oflice, 5! Portland cres Jonathan Ogden Da)·son, sec.), Cookridge street J.. ewis Pl'ter, haherda'lher, 5 Pearson street, Hunslet Leeds School of Medicine (Jolm Horllfall M.D. hon. sec.; I.eyhourne Wm. boot dealer, Skilbeck st. N~w Wortley Frederick Green wood M .R.c.s. curator), Park street License Wm. farmer, N au Tau, Dixon lane. Wortley Lerds, Skyrac ~ Morley Savings Bank (James Holroyd Liddell &81n·age,potatomrchnts.8lock 17,Kirkgate market Oatt's, sec.), 30 Bond st.; (5outh branch), 136 Meadow Liddell Edward, tobacconist, 41 Meanwood street lane ; 6~A, Hunslet road; Armley & Wortley branch, 2 Liddle Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 3 Ellerhy street Armley road Liddle George Simpson, fruiter~r, 288 Kirkstall rd. Burley Leeds So£iety of Artists (Richard Wailer, esq. president; Liddlewood Mary (Miss), shopkeeper, 3 Czar st. Holbeck James L. Adams, sec.), 13 Tower buildnl{s. Woodhousela Life Association of Scotland (Arthur Hines, local sec.), · Leeds Soldiers' Institute (Miss I. Templeton Armstrong, 14 East parade. See advertisement matron), 2 Evelyn street Lightfoot Henry, milliner, 25 Front row, Holbeck Leeds Subscription Library Go. Limited (Ernest Dolby, Li~htfoot John, boot & shoe ma. 15 Rickard st.New Wortley sec.), Goodall's chambers, 62 Boar lane Lightfoot Thomas, shoe maker, 29 Regent street Leeds Sunday School Union (Rt.Slade, sec.), 13 South par Lightholder Emmeline (Miss), milliner, 66 Albion street Letds Temperance Society (Paul Rhodes, sec.), 55 Alhion st Lightowler John, furniture dealer, 45 & 46 St. Peter square Let!ds Time8 (Frederick Hobson (exors. of), printer & pro- Lightowler Peter, mattress maker, High Court lane, Calli prietor; published on saturday), 49 Briggate Lilley & Tn~man, builders, Kirkstall road, Hurley Leeds Town Mission (John Godson, supt.), 13 South parade Lilley Arthur, potato salesman, Block I, Kirkgate market Leed.~ Trained Nurses' Institution (Miss l'rlary J ane Daw- Lilley Charles Horatio, ironmonger, 59 New Hriggate sou, superintendent), 23 Hyde terrace Lilley Edward, potato dealer, Block 10, Kirkgate market Leeds Tramways Company (William Wharam, sec. & gen. Lilley Elizabeth (Mrs.), fruiterer, Block 3, Kirkgate markt man.), offices, Trinity chambers; (waiting room & parcel Lilley Enoch, boot &shoe maker, 2 Hulland st. Hunslet office, adjoining) Boar lane; depots, Chapel town road, Lilley George, baker, 18 Duncan street Potternewton & Otley roa,i, Headingley Lilley J oseph J. potato ilalesman, Block 2, Kirkgate market Leed.~ Union Infirmary (G. F. Crook, medical officer; Lilley Thos. beer retailer, Benson"s pl. Balm road, Humlet John Kemble Pickford L.R.C.P.LOND. assistant medical Lilley William, cab proprietor, 13 St. Agnes gro. Beckett st officer; Miss Lizzie Lord, head nurse), Beckett street Lilley Wm. fruiterer, 8 & 9 North row, Kirkgate market Leeds United Institution for the Blind~ Deaf~ Dumb Limbert George, greengrocer, 50 Fountain street (Phineas R. Lowther, man.; Joseph Moreton, supt. of Lindley George, shopkeeper, 10 Eton street, Holbeck Deaf & Dumb depot), The United Institute, Atbion st. Lindley Henry plumber, IB Neville street For other officers, see ''Miscellaneous Information" Lindley J oe, plumber, Great Wil>i!OD street Leeds Wellington Street Warehouse Company Limited Lindley John,joiner, Broa!lfoot street (John Edward Hindle, secretary}, 23 Park row . Lindley Samuel, tin plate worker, Mount pi. Dewsbury rd Leed Wheel~ Axle Co. Armley road, New Wortley Lindley Thomas, grocer, 1 Moor road, Headingley Leeds Woollen Cloth Co. Limited (The) (Alfred Smith, Lindley Thomas, jun. tailor, Otley road, Headingley sec.), Silver Cross st. Dewsbury road & Hunslet Lindley William, linen draper, 11 & 13 Front st. Holbeek Leeds Workhouse (Rev. Josiah Downing B.A. chaplain; Linfoot John Daniel, butcher, 18 Wood street Cautley Dawson L.R.C.P. medical officer; John Yabsley Ling Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkpr. 3.') Grange st. New Wortley Avery, master; Mrs. E. A very, matron), Beckett st Linley Edwin, fent dealer, Ceutral market Leeds, York~ Park Place Warehouse Go. Limited (Geo. Linley James, tin plate worker, 12 Hartwell ter. Burley Edward Pickering, solicitor & sec.), 6 South parade Linscott Samuel, dru~ warehouse, 62 Beekett street Leeds ~ Yorkshire Benefit Building Society (Edward Linscott Peter Snow, inland revenue officer, 51 Portland crea Hinde, manager), 7 Cookridge street Liaskill James, shopkeept:r, 9 Oatland road, Camp road Leeds~ YorkshirB PublU!hing Go. Limited (John All pass, Linsley Geo. Atha, superintdt. of town hall; office, Town hall manager). 9 Cookridge street Linson Isaac, cabinet maker, 41 Jack lane, Hunslet Leeda Young Men's Christian Association (Hy. Thorne, Lion Fire InsuranceCompany LimitedtWillium Etbelbert sec.; John Dalton, librarian), 13 South parade Haigh, branch managl!r), 31 Park row. See advert Leeming Joseph, butcher, 64 Beckett street Lion Life Insurance Co. Limited (Wm. Ethelbert Haigh, Lees Benjamin, greengrocer, 106 Church street, Hunslet bran:::h manager), 31 Park row. See advertisement 51 .
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