And Sabbath Iterald,
0, S 4 ` ,, , , 1., 4.,„ •arizo. S o s 4 o, Or> Ni: i s: o:z ixA 0 / l . [.:,/:s V 0 ..., - , •rd 4..,, 0 t ,,,,Z,ze •,,, ;' 4- 4,,:;.. \ 1, i" * V., AND SABBATH ITERALD, oiler() is the Patience of the Saints ; Here are they that keen the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus,,, VOL, XV. BATTLE CREEK, MICH., FIFTH—DAY, DECEMBER 22, 1859. N O. 5. ._. ._ ., on all men, for that all have sinned." Rom v, 12. from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful THE REVIEW AND HERALD ' The first man was Adam, who is doubtless the and right he shall live thereby." 18 PUBLISHED wEEKLY But the law is AT BATTLE CREEK, MICH. "one man" referred to; but verse 14 settles it perfect and demands perfect obedience; and if J. P. KELLOGG, CYRENIUS SMITH AND D. R. PALMER, thus : "Nevertheless death reigned from Adam we fail in one point we are guilty of all, and can- Publishing Committee. to Moses," but "death came by sin," and as Ad- not by our works be accounted righteous. It is — am has long since passed under the dominion of written, "There is none that doeth good, no not, IIII1AIIMIS TII, Resident Editor. * death, we conclude that he could not have done one." Psa. xiv, 3. Rom iii, 10. If then, all aro J. N. ANDREWS, JAMES WHITE, Corresponding so if he had not sinned, which makes it plain that unrighteous they cannot be saved by their own J. H. WAGGONER, R. F. COTTRELL , Editors.
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