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146 Chapter 8

General conclusions

Introduction This thesis sought to examine the effects of fire regime on the vegetation dynamics in spinifex grasslands in central Australia. This chapter synthesizes the results of this research and puts forward the hypothesis that plants within spinifex grasslands possess adaptations that have been selected for under a fire regime characterised by periodic, summer fire. It also summarizes the management implications of these findings, and points towards potential future research directions.

Spinifex fire regimes Chapter 2 showed that contemporary fire regimes in spinifex grasslands are characterised by extensive wildfire events that occur in response to fuel accumulations after extreme rain. During these events, the scale of fires can be enormous, with one fire during the 1980s burning over 6000 km2 of sand dune and range country. The almost complete absence of fires during inter-event periods was also striking, with less than 1% (~ 80 2 km ) of the study area burning during the entire period from 1985-2000. The main season of fire occurrence in spinifex grasslands is over the late spring and summer months, when air temperatures are highest and humidity levels are low. The potential for fires during these months is enhanced by the increased likelihood of summer lightning strikes (Griffin, Price et al. 1983). Chapter 2 also showed that spinifex grasslands are occasionally subjected to short fire intervals, and that these fires occur when sufficient rains fall soon after initial fires. It is suggested that these short interval fires are fuelled by inter-hummock grass species, such as Aristida holathera and A. inaequiglumis, as these species were common in the seed bank (see Chapter 5) and Triodia fuels are virtually absent during early stages of post-fire succession (see Chapter 4). Chapter 3 showed that these short interval fires are of lower intensity and severity than initial Triodia-fuelled fires (see Chapter 6), but as was demonstrated in Chapters 4 and 5, their ecological impact can still be significant.

147 While the data from this thesis only pertain to the very recent history of fires, it was suggested in Chapter 2 that the contemporary relationship between rain and widespread fire in spinifex grasslands may also have prevailed prior to the arrival of humans in Australia. Such a hypothesis may be plausible, given that fires in arid environments across the globe are constrained by low biomass levels, and that opportunities for fire only ever occur when high rainfalls promote substantial fuel accumulation (Frost 1985; Kitzberger, Swetnam et al. 2001; Veblin, Kitzberger et al. 1999). At this stage no data are available to directly validate this hypothesis, although it could be tested in the future using research techniques similar to those of Atahan et al. (2004) and Dodson et al. (2005), who used Pliocene charcoal records from palaeo-lakes to show that pre-human fire regimes in south-western Australia were characterised by fires that were highly seasonal and frequent. In Chapter 2 it was also suggested that the seasonality of fires in spinifex grasslands may not have changed considerably since pre-human times, as fuel combustibility during these times would still have been highest in summer. This hypothesis has previously been put forward by Suijendorp (1981), who also postulated that pre-human fire regimes may have been even more seasonal than contemporary ones, owing to the absence of anthropogenic ignition sources and the dependence on summer lightning strikes to initiate fires. If these hypotheses hold, then it can be presumed that the spinifex flora has spent a considerable portion of its evolutionary history adapting to fire regimes characterised by infrequent summer fires that occur in response to extreme rainfall events. In addition, the results of Chapters 4 and 6 suggest that two other selective forces have played major roles in the evolution of the contemporary flora: 1) high levels of post-dispersal seed predation; and 2) a climatically unpredictable arid environment in which highly competitive perennial grasses (Triodia spp.) and shrubs restrict recruitment to early stages of pyric succession (during which time these species lose competitive dominance). The following section describes some of the life history groups that I believe have evolved under this 'triad' ofselective forces.

148 Plant life histories

Fire-cued ephemerals Chapter 4 showed that the spinifex grasslands are home to a highly diverse ephemeral flora that increases dramatically in abundance during periods shortly after fire. It is suggested that the evolution of this life history group has been evoked by the competitive dominance of the established Triodia/woody component in long unburned vegetation ­ with the ephemeral species 'escaping' these competitive effects by restricting establishment to periods shortly after fire. As evidenced in Chapter 5, the seed banks of these ephemeral species are persistent, with high numbers of ephemeral seeds in both recently burned and long unburned vegetation. Their seeds are also normally dormant, but are released from dormancy by fire-related cues such as heat shock or smoke (as in the case of Brachyscome ciliaris and Aristida holathera - see Chapter 5). The adult plants of this group reach reproductive maturity quickly (- 1-2 years), and from the seed bank work in this thesis it has been shown that there are large inputs of seeds during periods shortly after fire (see Fig. 8.1).

establi~hment Fire ___.... Rain -. Vegetation + seed production

r Vegetation

D D D 0 Seed bank


Fig. 8.1 Seed bank and vegetation dynamics of ephemeral fire-cued plant species. Squares represent seed abundances, while shading in squares indicate that seeds have been released from dormancy by fire. Germination, predation and decay account for the decline in seed abundances after seed rain. The large increase in seed abundance shortly after fire is accounted for by the input of seed from the recently established standing vegetation.

149 These seeds enter the soil as a dormant seed bank, and are gradually reduced over time, probably through a cOlnbination of predation, decay and intermittent germination, until replenishment occurs after the next fire. The seeds of these species are usually small, which encourages the formation of a persistent seed bank by facilitating seed entry into small fissures in the soil surface and increases the likelihood ofescape from predators. Chapter 4 revealed that fire-cued ephemeral species may be negatively affected by short-fire intervals. This finding refuted predictions from the seed bank literature, that ephemeral species should be resilient to frequent disturbances owing to the shortness of their life history. The precise mechanisms behind the observed negative effects of short intervals on fire-cued ephemerals are uncertain. However, it is postulated that our results reflect establishment failure (rather than exhausted seed banks), perhaps caused by insufficient post-fire rain after follow-up fires. It was, however, shown in Chapter 4 that these negative effects are normally transient, and that populations appear to recover over time.

Herbaceous clonal plants Herbaceous clonal plants, such as Leptosema chambersii and Bonamia erecta, are commonly referred to as 'underground trees' as they have long-lived life histories that are largely analogous to the woody component of the spinifex grasslands. Rather than 'escaping' the dominance of the other perennial flora, these species have evolved a life history that maintains strong competitive viability in both recently burned and long unburned landscapes by regenerating asexually via vegetative expansion. Thus they maintain high levels of cover regardless of pyric intrusion (see Chapter 4). Chapter 5 also found that these plants maintain a persistent seed bank in both burned and unburned habitats (see Fig. 8.2), although it is unclear to what extent these plants rely on seedling recruitment during post-fire or post-drought regeneration. It was also shown in Chapter 4 that the vegetation of these species is susceptible to short interval fires; possibly indicating that depletion of carbohydrate reserves occurs as the result of repeated disturbances. However, as with the ephemeral species, the negative effect of short interval fires on these species disappears over time.

150 Fire ---...- Rain

r Q) Vegetation u c en "'0 c ~ «.0 D o D D D D Seed bank


Fig. 8.2 Seed bank and vegetation dynamics of clonal plant species. Squares represent seed abundances, while line represents vegetation cover (neither of which change) over time.

Triodia species Adult Triodia schinzii plants in the Haast Bluff study are killed by fire and population are entirely dependent on seedling regeneration for persistence after fire (see Chapter 4). This seemingly perilou reliance on only one means of post-fire regeneration appears paradoxical, given that this species of Triodia is the dominant perennial component and drives many of the competitive interactions between species in these highly flammable ecosystems. However, the findings of this thesis indicate that the recruitment syndromes of T. schinzii have a highly robust ability to tolerate the range of fire regimes that they are likely to experience. Triodia pecies are opportunistic seeders and produce bumper crops in 'mast' years following extreme rains (see 'opportunistic fruiters' - Fig. 8.3). Having a phenological cycle that maximizes seed output after extreme rains ensures that a supply of seed is always available at a time when fuel levels are high and fire events are likely to occur. Increa es in seed output satiate seed predators and maximize the likelihood that seedlings will establish in the post-fire environment.

151 Extreme rain ------.... Fire ...Post.-fire ~ Recruitment ram

I,ll IIII ---. 00 D Pi DD D I I I I Opportunistic seeders

IIII ---. 0 D 0 D D D I II I Seasonal seeders IIII IIII 1111 IIII 'III II II II I' Serotinous D tJ DDD D D I I

spring winter spring


Fig. 8.3 Seed bank syndromes of woody species in relation to the rain-driven fire cycle that characterises the contemporary fire regime. Squares represent seed abundances, while shading in squares indicates that seeds have been released from dormancy by fire. Seed of opportunistic seeders has a 'pulse' approximately 6-12 months after extreme rain; seed of seasonal seeders has a 'pulse' each spring; serotinous species release seed after fire. Germination, predation and decay account for the decline in seed abundances after seed rain.

Chapter 5 revealed that during inter-event periods, Triodia species maintain only a sparse seed bank, as their large seeds are rapidly removed after seed fall by seed predators. Thus, it seems likely that recruitment potentials for these species become greatly reduced in the event of post-fire drought or fires that occur in non- 'mast' years (as seed supplies are low during these periods). Further research may demonstrate that rodent seed 'caches' or ant seed 'mounds' (areas close to nest entrances where seeds are abandoned by ants once food bodies are removed from seeds) are important re-colonization sites under these situations (Berg] 975; Hughes and Westoby 1990).

]52 Chapter 4 indicated that Triodia schinzii is also resilient to short fire intervals (over the long term). This is surprising given that seedlings are fire-killed and that initial seed crops are rapidly removed by seed predators. It is known that under favourable conditions the primary juvenile period for these plants can be as short as 2 yrs (pers. obs.). So once again, it may be high rainfall that stimulates opportunistic production of a seed crop (albeit a much smaller one than would be produced in unburnt spinifex), thereby ensuring that a seed bank is present at the time when follow-up fire events occur. It is also possible that rodent or ant seed 'caches' and wind dispersal of seed from unburned areas play important roles in re-colonization following these events.

Woody species This thesis demonstrated that woody species In the spinifex grasslands have 'dual regeneration strategies', possessing complex 'predator satiating' recruitment strategies (see Chapter 6) and strong resprouting responses (see Chapter 7). The three main recruitment strategies expressed among these species are; 1. Plants with regular, spring-time production of fire-cued seed (seasonal seeders ­ see Fig 8.3); 2. Plants with opportunistic production offire-cued seed (opportunistic seeders - see Fig 8.3); and 3. Plants with canopy held seed banks (serotinous - see Fig 8.3). The seasonal seeding syndrome appears to have evolved as an adaptation to the interaction between seed predation and the seasonality of fire in spinifex grasslands. This syndrome synchronises seed production with the main season of fire occurrence (summer), thus maximizing the likelihood that some seeds will escape predation, become cued by fire and germinate in the post-fire environment. The opportunistic syndrome is largely analogous to the recruitment syndrome displayed by Triodia species and appears to have evolved as an adaptation to the interaction between predation and the sequence of events that precede widespread fire occurrence in spinifex grasslands: extreme rain --+ fuel accumulation --+ fire. These species produce bumper seed crops in 'mast' years following periods of high rainfall, thus maximizing the likelihood that a proportion ofthe seed crop will escape predation at a time when fire occurrence is most likely (1-2 years

153 after extreme rain events). Finally, serotiny represents an adaptation to fire per se, not necessarily to a particular season or regime of fire. These species have canopy-held seed banks with seeds that are non-dormant and are released to the soil surface via the heat of fire. This mass release of seed after fire maximizes the likelihood that some seeds will escape predation and establish in the post-fire environment. While all of these syndromes increase the potential resilience of woody populations to pyric disturbance, there are still very high risks associated with post-fire seedling recruitment in spinifex grasslands. The climatic unpredictability of these arid environments means that there is always the possibility that rains will be delayed for considerable periods after fire. Under such circumstances, seeds that would normally be abundant in the post-fire environment are rapidly removed by predators (see Fig 8.3). As a result, seed banks may be completely exhausted by the time rains finally occur. Recruitment failures can also transpire following 'aseasonal' winter fires (see Chapter 4 and 6). Such fires considerably reduce the recruitment potentials of both seasonal fruiters and opportunistic fruiters, primarily due to the sparseness of seed during this season (owing to depletion by seed predators), but also due to the lower soil temperatures that are experienced (which induce lower rates of dormancy release for fire-cued seeds - see Chapters 3 and 6). The high risk associated with post-fire seedling recruitment is likely to have been a strong selective force in the evolution of resprouting systems among woody species in spinifex habitats. Having dual regeneration strategies (both resprouting and seedling recruitment) means that plants have a buffer against the possibility of recruitment failure, and ensures that at least some progeny will persist after fire. In Chapter 7 we observed variability in the overall strength of resprouting among different species, although there were consistent trends concerning the effects of the different components of fire regime on plant survival. High severity burns produced higher mortality than low severity burns (among all Acacia species), and it is presumed that this was due to the increased penetration of heat in soils during high severity burns. Also, both spring and summer burns produced higher mortality than winter burns (only among A. maitlandii and A. melleodora). It is presumed that this was due to a combination of the increased penetration of heat in soils during spring and summer, as well as the reduced

154 physiological resilience of species to severe perturbation in these seasons (perhaps driven by water availability and/or carbohydrate accumulations). Further experimental research is required here to determine the precise impact that water availability and carbohydrate reserves have on seasonal variation in resprouting among woody species. This thesis also demonstrated that many woody species are able to cope with short-interval Aristida-fuelled fires. Not only can adult plants resprout from underground organs following short-interval fires (provided the severity of burn to a given plant is low-see Chapter 7), but they also possess very short secondary juvenile periods (2-3 yrs). Having short secondary juvenile periods means that even if most of the seed produced prior to an initial fire has recruited or been removed by predators, the resprouts of burned plants will already be producing seed by the time follow-up fires occur. Thus, the synchrony of a follow-up fire with seed produced by a secondary seed-rain event may have an additive effect on populations, provided a large proportion ofadults and juveniles resprouted following the second fire (see A. melleodora in Chapter 7). Those seedlings recruited after a short interval fire will have the additional advantage of establishing in an environment in which the highly competitive Triodia species have been greatly reduced (see Chapter 3).

Conclusion This thesis has shown that fire is a dynamic driver of ecological processes in spinifex grasslands, and is capable of causing dramatic compositional changes among a range of plant life-history groups. It is a crucial factor in releasing the competitive grip of the established perennial component and in allowing the ephemeral flora to establish. This release from competition is also crucial in allowing the seedlings of the long-lived Triodia and woody species to establish. Fire and competition also interact strongly with seed predation, and over evolutionary time, it is suggested that these interactions have played strong roles in evoking the various complex recruitment syndromes that are now in evidence among the spinifex flora. At this stage it is unclear whether spinifex grasslands in the Haasts Bluff region would benefit significantly from management attempts to alter the seasonality, frequency or extent of fires. The recruitment syndromes ofthe flora appear to be inextricably linked to the summer-dominated rain driven fire cycles that currently prevail (see Chapter 6).

155 Also, under most situations, the resprouting systems of the perennial component are largely resilient to fire - as was shown by the high survival rates of resprouters after the 2000-02 fires (see Chapter 4). It is also uncertain whether the extent of fires in these grasslands is manageable at landscape scales. Previous attempts at reducing fire size in these systems have largely failed, owing to the overwhelming bulk and flammability of cured fuels that accumulate following extreme rains (Allan, Phillips et al. 2003, Mathews D., Pers. comm., Finke Gorge National Park, 2002, Yates P., Pers.comm., Anangu Pitjantjatjarra Yankuntjatjarra lands, 2004). Finally, any attempt at managing vegetation in these fire-prone grasslands will always be largely reliant on chance. This is because it is the completely unpredictable influence of post-fire rainfall that is the ultimate driver of both seedling recruitment and resprouting regeneration in these systems.

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Appendix 2.1 Annual rainfall records for Alice Springs region. Data are the averaged totals from Alice Springs Post Office, Alice Springs Air Port, and Derwent, Bond Springs and New Haven stations. Shaded bars indicate times when widespread fire events are known to have occurred across central Australia (Kimber 1983; Ralph 1984; Griffin and Friedel 1985; Gill 2000). Numbers above shaded bars indicate cumulative rainfall (mm) since last known fire event.

172 Appendix 4.1 Species groups used in supplementary matrices in RDA analyses in Chapters 4 and 5. Families follow Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (; 5/1/2007). Names of other taxa follow Australian Plant Name Index (; 5/1/2007)). Abbreviations are as follows: R-resprouters; OS-obligate-seeders; FE-fire ephemerals; S­ serotinous woody; NS-non-serotinous woody; T-Triodia; C-clonal. Fire response and life history classifications were taken from NT herbarium 'Southern NT species fire response database', as well as from consultations with NT herbarium botanists and from my own field observations.

R OS FE S NS T C Apiaceae Trachymene glaucifolia (F. Muell.) Benth. * Apocynaceae subfam. Asclepiadoideae Marsdenia australis (R. Br.) Druce * Asteraceae Brachyscome ciliaris (Labill.) Less. * Minuria tridens (D.A Cooke) Lander * Boraginaceae Halgania cyanea Lindl. * Halgania erecta Ewart & B. Rees * Trichodesma zeylanicum (Burm. f.) R Br. (Boraginaceae) * Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina decaisneana (F. Muell.) L.AS. Johnson * * Cleomaceae Cleome viscosa L. * Convolvulaceae Bonamia erecta RW. Johnson * Evolvulus alsinoides L. * Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia drummondii Boiss. * Euphorbia tannensis Spreng. var. eremophila (A Cunn) Hassal * Euphorbia wheeleri Baill. * Fabaceae subfam. Faboideae Crata/aria eremaea F. Muell. * Erythrina verspertilio Benth. * /ndigofera psammophila P.G. Wilson * Leptosema chambersii F. Muell *

173 R OS FE S NS T C Fabaceae subfam. Acacia adsurgens Maiden & Blakely * * Acacia ancistrocarpa Maiden & Blakely * * Acacia aneura F. Muell. ex Benth. ** Acacia bivenosa (DC.) subsp. wayi (Maiden) Pedley * * Acacia coriacea DC. * * Acacia cuthbertsonii J.G. Luehmann * * Acacia estrophia/ata F. Muell. * * Acacia inaequilatera Domin. * * Acacia kempeana F. Muell. * * Acacia ligulata A. Cunn. ex Benth * * Acacia maitlandii F. Muell. * * Acacia melleodora Pedley * * Acacia murrayana F. Muell. ex Benth. * * Acacia pruinocarpa Tindale * * Acacia ramulosa W.V. Fitzg. ** Acacia sessiliceps F. Muell. * * Acacia tennuissima F. Muell. * * Acacia tetragonophylla F. Muell. * * Acacia victorae Benth. * * Fabaceae subfam. Caesalpinoideae Senna form taxon 'helmsii' (Symon) Randell * Senna form taxon 'petio/aris'Randell * Senna form taxon 'sturtii' (R.Br.) Randell * Senna form taxon 'filifolia' Randell * Goodeniaceae Brunonia australis Sm. Goodenia larapinta Tate * Goodenia triodiophila Carolin * Gyrostemonaceae Codonocarpus cotinifolius F. Muell. * Gyrostemon tepperi (F. Muell. ex H. Walter) A.S. George * * Lamiaceae subfam. Prostantheroideae Oicrastylis gilesii F. Muell * Malvaceae subfam. Byttnerioideae Keraudrenia integrifolia Steud *