," '

: I 8.00 p.m.-Richard DiC!lmond ' ' ~daGdt 8.30 p.m.--Bishop Fulton J; , PRESENTS Sheen. HANDEL'S MESSIAH iIIvallable al 9.00 p.m.-Room 25· 10.00 p.m.-Liberat •• Charles Hulton &' Soils (Price .5 cents) "Vol,' 62; - Protest Speech ,By ovt. uste t • Khrushchev on I ence ote Churchill's 81sf. Defeat Comes On ,Birthday 'Today Election Question. 300,000 Subscribe To Bil·thday Fund -AP-Premier Edgar Faure's cabinet - thl 21st in since the war - was voted out of offiCI LONDON - Reuters - Sir Winston Churchill, 81 Tuesday night. It had lasted nine months and a week. to-day, received tile news Tuesday night that a special The government was defeated ------birthday presentation fund subscribed, in his honor 318 to 218 in a vote of confidence Democratic and Socialist Reslat­ on a procedural question growing ants, and big chunks of the right from all parts of the world has reached fi total of £259 1- out of Faure's demand that the wing Independents and Peasants, ]75.' ' assembly cut its Jife short by six Th~ Communists enabled Faure months and go to the country in to WIO on the last two votes D.I an carty general election. confidence, but deserted him Tue,- The ouster of Faure was a vic· day night. He had not asked their tory for ex.premier Pierre Mendes. support at any time. France, also a Radical Socialist. COULD DISSOLVE ASSEMBLY ~rendes.France Is trying to rear· T e c hn i c a II y, the govera­ ganiZe the Radical Socialist party ment could now order dlssolutioll I and wanted more time 10 get of the assembly and neW elections ready for the elections. He now is immcdately. This comes under I assured of at least a few months. constitutional prol'ision, ne\'er be- Mendes.France also is fighting fote used. It permits the cabinet for a district voting system to reo to decide on the dissolution if two place the present modified form of governments are defeated within proportional representation. an l8·month period by more than The present outlook is that no half the members of the chamber, 1!llS. JD. elections can be held before March The Mendes·France cabinet fell by Idl'orated or April, "'ith the possibility that such a majority in February. ' SudeteD the asscmbly will continue until This is not likely to result, how· by. DII\", June, when its regular five·year ever, ' 'eia;n .te. term cxpire3. In making such a decision, the irax~nd SHORT TE~/uRE ministers must sit under the chair- BritJi:J'f Faure's downfall had been fore· manship of President Rene Coty, seeable since Oct. 6, when he who is reported opposed to such , tip 1:" ousted four Social, Republican procedure. Coty is said to feel that JJe di~ (Gaullist) ministers from his cab, a new election Jaw first should be inct for open opposition to his Mor· passed since Parliament has many occan policies. tim e s expressed dissatisfaction D.\ Since that time he had survived with the present law. During a :utcrs'­ four confidence votes in six weeks month of debate, the two houses ,Ier t'ulo on North African policies and the of Parliament have not been able hert br early election issue only through to agree on a ncw lalV. e\\" Yor)o makeshift majorities on each scpo The tegislative snarl over the Ie Cnited arate question. new method of holding thp elec- Callao I. In Tuesday night's vote he had tions is sUlI far from resolved. The a~ainst him the Communists, So· next government-which may be a cialists, GauUists, a considerable long time forming - may be part of his own Radical Socialist charged with devoting it!el£ al· party, the small lenist union of most cxclusil'ely to this problem, Transport lMorkers Balk Merger Plan AFL.CIO M~e"ge1' Approved By 31 0 ther Unions - NEW YORK-AP - The gO,OOO-member Transport Workers Union balked Tuesday while 31 other CIO unions voled in favor of next week's scheduled AFL-CIO merger. The TWU, headed by )licbacl ------­ Quill and composed chiefly of N~.v strive to organize "workers In York City subway and bus em. cvery segment of the American ployees, registered its objection at economy that needs the protection a CIO executive board meeting, of organized labor." Whethcr the TWU will join the The T\VU is opposed to the mer- l5,OOo',OOo.member merged group ger on the ground that the prl)' later will be decided in a referen. posed AFL·CIO constitution lacks adcquatc s a f e g u a r ds against For many private passenger dum of its members. I, "h R" . I d' ., ti 'ShUy 101"er rates re_cult Walter Reuther, CIO president, t rcc ~ -racla 'd ISCrimma on, cars, sll " h raelleteermg and rl ing of one un· largely from discounts to accident. told a press conference after t e ion's membership by another. free drivers. Gcnerally high~r meeting an "isolation" period for DISAGREES WITH TWU rates will apply to others, Drivers the TWU might convince its rank r with three and two.year claims. and file that they belong to Jabor's TWU leaders have indicated they free records, respectively, will main body. will carry their views on this to benefit from 25 to 15 per cent dis. ~IIGIIT BACK ~EPUBLICAN the CIO. convention here. Thursday counts off basic rate~. On. other tOPICS, Reuther told I and Friday., The, combmed AFL- , questIOners: I CIO convention will start Monday. Married oar owners under the. The possibility of the AFlrClO1 Reuther, at a press conference, ag~ of 25 wi~1 b~ placed in a lower! endol'si~g a Republican presi~ent. took issue ~\'ith the .~U • a~gu· ratmll e1assflcahon than IInmal',; ial candidate ncxt year was H11'lthlO! ment. He said the anh,dlSCl'lmmR' ried drirers of the same age group, i the scope of possibility, but not a, tion section Is "one of the finest the latter shllwing the highest aeci' probability." Idocuments" in tbe merger constit- Radio'active dent rate in insurance records. l The combined organization Will ution. Snowfall-Blained

On Russian" Test,..'! ' OTTAWA '(CP}-Scientists of the Defe~e Research Board ,are as· suming that the recent Soviet hy· Red Ensign Is Now Canada's drogen bomb explosion ~vas re· sponsible for traces of radioactivity detected in 5nowfall Monday. A boarn spokesman said "ex· ,Official Says' lremely, slight" radoa,ctivity w~s National Flag round at the DRB chemical labor· 011'\\,· \ (ep) , ' atory at nearby Shirley's Bav. It nrd E' " ,-The Canadian' order·ln·councll passed by the fed: II'a~ ~ssumc/l to have come' from issum MISn ~pparently has quietly eral cabinet Sept. 5, 1945. d tJln Sovl~t blnsl. offitiaf tt~C s:atus of Canada's "This order provides that, untIl The labl)ratorv. \\'hi~h keeps rel(' " hi" na IOna nag. such time as action 1s taken by IIlar check on radioa~tivi,ty !n rain Tuclda;~ ~o\'ernment oWelal said Parliament' for the formal adop' and snow fnllowin'! nucl~? r weap' Oa. IlilO e docs not see how a tlon of a national flag, 'it' Is deslr· ons tests. c1isclo~cd nn r.ol1lparisop Ilcd bv se use has been authnr· able to remove any doubt as·to the of the radioactb,ltv with that f,rom coun 'i a government order·ln' propriety a 'f fiying the Canadl.1n bomb tests in the United Siaies. thin.clb tcah be considered any' Red Enslrn wherever place 'or 'oc· They said, however. tl,e ratlio·cti"· Ens!. ~ t e of/lclal flag, The Red cas laD may make It desirable 10 ity count wa~ "sh!nific~tit1;, loW," at n~n I\thhe ani)· flag Canada has fly a distinctive Canadlan'flag; It was well below the danger The sen.' e said. "And the governor ·,In . 'council who asked not to be accordngly declared' that It W.1S NARROW TO TERl'tIS level. they said. identlr0f~lclal , A Soviet announcement h· ~ de· In}' dlife sad he cannot discern appropriate to l1y the CaDadlan :' The difference, therefore, ap· Lie l\"orJ:e~ce In the meaning of Red' Ensign ,within' ' and without peared to be between the meaning scribed the Russian explosion :hl" u distinctive" and "ofIi· Canada wherever place or OCl:a· of the words "distinctive", as used '------The t~~ I~ relatlon to the flaq. slon might make It desirable to fly by Mr, PlckcrsgllL and "official" ~UiSon nf words came up In dis· a' dI9t1netl~e 'Canadian' fla'g. as used by Mr, Girard. , IfIg the las~e fljg question dur~ ',"Surely nothing could be clearer Thc government offldal sug· SYDNEY (CP) - Mayor Tony :nDns followl sess on ,of the Com· than that. , ' ,fested Tuesday, however, that It Gallagher. was, Tp.t4l'11ed' to !'Wce migration MI~f.ta sr;: by 1m· "Until 'Parliament decides 10 IS significant Mr. SI. Laurent did hv .cclamrtion 'I'lIe~,T·v a< nom· London, Ont I· ~r M h ersgUl' In adopt' some 'other f~ag, the' Cana· not say· the Red :'Enslgn Is not, . inaUons' rlo'c~ f';i- n"c. 6 civic Mr. Plck~~s;lfl' ~drc hB• • dian Red Ensign' Js, the flag oI ,Canad'a:s ofllelal flag. Mr. St. Lau· elections, It ,wili 'he, .his" fourlh "Ther ' sa ten •. ' Canada~" , , .' ' , rent said' only' that neither MI'. TtiI. l,xprl"lon stlrte," with f.,ty ..llImen', who, upon rllchlng I 'term,' ' DR. M. F, HOGAN was honoured last night by the Nfld. Dental Association when he Stem toe r~le :a~y Canadians who A few days 'later, Fernand Glr· Plekersglll' nor the oroer·ln,coun·cll Al/hrmen.ll'1~~ Jl~·t~". II, Mac· lown, would bul I drum or ring I was made a life member of that organiza tion. Shown above is Dr. Hogan (left), distinctive d~, "i do not have a 'ard '(Ind-LaPOlnte~ asl(ed Prime used tbe words "ofIlclal flag." bill 10 IlIrlci Ihe IlIenlion of pro.· Jl""~ltl .nrl !;t·"r :Mp~T "nrl ,"orr present time TO our OWn at t~e 1I11~lster St). La~rcnt In the' Com·' The Red Ens!ln has the Cana' pelllv, buy,rs. When I crowd lath. ille" ~ntl;rnerl, Siv 'n.r·'lrl·t~· will receiving' his certificate of life member ship irom Dr. James Darcy, President of .. tAlllNET DECl~ai~5 not true •. ' mons wbethe,r be'was, aware ,that :dian coat·of·arms In the fly and "ed Ihe salesmln. would IIlvI I IIlk rnnl~.t tlln remainins'UtrCe alder, the Dental Association. (Story on ~age Three).• He sald'that WI tU 'lIlr. Plckersl!\J"was' reported 10 the Union Jack in the masthead NI~ !!y to "II hi. merchlnll:". , menic ,scats. , ",' ' •• ' ' s, se cd by. fin have ,said the Red Enslin has been corner. , .' ...... -.... ,,. 'f ,- " . I' • " ., . .' . .

. ) THE DAILY NEWS, W~DNESDAY, NOV. ~u, 1951 r ...... I 2 ...... ·:>Hit:" " Health Success In 1\\'0 miliar. ------~---- . lifO cars were In Costa Rica ~~ D.ccurred at 6:30 , ;1: CO\'e,'Wa! damaged Grand Bank SAN J(lSE, COSTA RICA . tl\CT parked on I " . • ano 'f damage Thanks to aid by !be \\'Q~ amount 0 Hea~th Organization (WlIO) :1; ews o·c1~k. ' an . A' ~ ran t h e Pan meman Sanitary E , tr 'Mable-Doroth y- reau, Cen\ral A~erican now ~ Obituary n modern trainmg schOol f It No., 22---OD to Mr. Patrick Shi' days. The funeral rrervlces were held well under way, the Carillies" : of whom 886 :ftre placn wen! evidence of the sub Ihelted the helple., vet- . , . Canning, the member of Parlla· pplng on Friday Iltprnoon, November ~ :the ntmarine dl.a.ter whleh had ..1. Chief Enilneer RI,as hid The dralliler "Blue Wave" hall ment for Placer.t!a West, tOIl' his Her many friends blre and else 18th. The tuneral .ervlces were the school were opened to I~; families air cady in Overtaken the "Mabel Dorothy" been on the "Mabel for arrived hire !rom St. John's efforis In g1!ttlng the powers that where regret to leam of ber ae· conducted by Rev. Dr. J. L. Rey· ees from all over Latin Amcritt' were from parents Dorot~" the first time. Uld btr' erew Ind apparently many yelrs bath when ,he WI. where ahe haa been under repairs be to extend the hunting regula· Trawelrs Blue Wave and Blue cldent and hoi" that before long nolds, Ind enterment was In the OTTAWA (CP) - liehiro HI!)" immigrant lBIl~UIl.'. fishing and latel In the coaatlnll for over a )'e/oll'. This' dragger Ions to this aru. The Increasing Mist 11 have sailed for the banks file will be up and .ound 1,lln. United Church cemetry. y~ma, 37, s?n of Japan's pri~ ... , dren, who began trade. Mate Herbert Hollett was will commence operations this number of mOOse In this reo M.V. iIarold Guy is In port from Deceased is survIved by five mmister, arrlved here Sundal' I,z ;':;' ~een anees. also a veteran leaman of man), week and worklnilin conjuncUon glon In the past year or 50 has St. Pierre. In part last week. sons, Deputy Mayor EUc F. Ra- official of Japan's finance d;p;~ \ " yellll'S. Jensen was a sinor for with the "Bille MIst" 11 the pro- broullht more demands that re- 'M,V. Phlllp E.· [,ake has left Draggers Gaultols and Hermit· bert and Thomas residing here, ment, he plans to visil the ato~i' A lotal of 486 f some time, but. for tee nailers ductlon of thl! plant here should sldents of this part of the pro- for St. John's tawing Me of the age have recommanced flshlnl Roy at Grand Falls, and Max at energy plant at Chalk rirer o~ , address during Lawrence and House this was be gfeltly In~reaaed. The drag· vince b,e given a chance to hunt b3il'ges owned by Department of operations after their annual Placentia, four daughter. Mrs, about 125 miles northwcst or h;; : " addition, 6B fami! today, and to leave for !'CII' i'd' ' while 67 families ',hell' first and only year at sea. "Gaultols" and "Hermitage" the big game In their Public Works. overhaul. Samuel Forsey and Louis, living lers Ilnl~als Nov. 29, . , movemcr.t of Garfield Lawrence never saw his which were Itt Lunerburg for own locality. With )Icenses being !\r,V. St. Barbe was In port over M.V. Nina W. Corkum Is In port here Mary (Mrs. John King) at ., greater than in , !atheu', whu as a fisherman on their annual ,overhaul bave had Illsued for the month of Decem· the Wgekend, enroute to ClalkCl! Harbour with Fort~nt, and Eleanor (Mrs. Wal· the banker "Pnrtanlll," Was lost the work comt'leted and will be ber no doubt quite numbell' of M.V. Reoll has arrived trom I cargo ot saltbulk fish. le-r Forsey) at C!lace Bay, Ind two I' ~ ,... at sea when that vessel dlsap- re.umlng their optiratlons from Sportsmen wili be looking for a Halifax with ~ general cargo. Draggers Ttiton and Neptune sisters Mrs, g\lzabeth Ahler of I~------"\ I' ~earcd with hr.r whole crew In Gaultols Fisheries Ltd" plant shol at one of the bill' fellows. RC~tP cutter Fort Walsh was were In port 1tst week. Melrose, 1\Ias5" and JILl's, Wyn· \ I ~~' nott resldlnll at Liverpool, No\'a j' \ You'd swear: Scotia, I h·· Magi We join with the rest at the! I t IS IS a : A young man Community in I deep expression i I of sympathy to the bereaved: I NEW SU IT! '\ saulting another tamily and relatives In their; \ butting him in " sorrow. ,_ ...... head was found Little Chri~tmas Greetings" \1 .. :Magislratc's ", was fincd $25 or cd 10 pay eornp(~. Personal or three days, Major Preer;c S,A. is In town . oC $100 to kecp an an official visit. I :Frank Quilly I Mr. and Mr" Donald Temple. breaking' a WlIl''''_ 1,'::.1 Keys tavern was ton and famll1 I)f Catalina have : 1.,1 " taken up resld-:nee in town. Mr, 'days, was nrflMI". ,',,;:1 " Templeton Is attached to the i $alion 'of $30 Newfoundland FIsheries Board. (.j oC $100 to be 01 Mr. Harold M. King, who has and stay away .pent a holidHY here, has return· itll Two youths of Christ1nas Cheer" ViDUS court ed to Carbonear, tl) resume duo 'I 'J-'.~ "Little Things That Bring to' stealing ties with the Bank of Nova , ':~ of $1:50 on Scalia. :) the . Messrs Edwin Welsh, Wilson RIgg!, and Jack Rodgers are . '.~" "ice. They were home on leave before reportinll , sentence and ,j bonds of $100 for service Wltla the RCAF. " Messrs Bert Moulton and Cecil 1 once a 'month to Warren have joined the Canadian ;~ licer. SWEATERS Army and wll be shortly leaving 'j During this Ii to commence training. , required to 1 ing .with, anyone ,. PULLOVERS ...... up Messrs. George and 'Bruce Buf· ,4.50 lett have rettm'ned Iorm a visit A record, One of to St. John's. ! also fined $5.00 That's 1 ing without a :. CARDIGANS .. " .... :... 5.50 up 1 O'Neill, passing because ~ two youthful Canada House . j 10 them the I depend 'l conduct. and OrIon and all Wool in l, to their records In New York upon inal record (or shade. of Pink, Gre.n, Blue, OTTAWA (CP)-Plan39are ,oing Ilas, He warncd ( ,GLOVES forward to make the around·floor did not abide rotunda of the new Canada House Sani'one their bond the~' Grey, Lemon and·White. Comfortable ,KID GLOVES, lined and buildiog in New York a colorf.a1 "litUe bit of Canada," the man· IRY CLEANING! back to the ager of the project told a federal­ this first unlined, sixes 6 to B!/z. Colours: Black and provincd tourist meeting Monday. One motorist J. B. Carswell said the ground The more you know ~h~ul day was Brown ...... ,...... ,...... $3.50 up noor of the' S9,OOO,OOO Canadian·fi Sanitone Dry Cleaning .• he nanced building at 5"h street and more you'll marvel al lit fifth avenue in New York Is to be 'Other Christmas divided Into four units. One UllIt Ihnroughness:Nol only dcotS would be occuped by the Cana· every trace of dirr dis.pr'u WOOL GLOVES dian travel bureau. Canadian t.rans· bUllhat (reth·(ronHhe·slOl! • portation companIes would be of· 1 .Gi~ing··:, fered the other three· sections. look and feel is refained ,b" There they could display Canadian I IhtOlll!h deaning Itfltr dth~· \ scenes. I ins. Better drape. too, .~d .• BLOUSES .. ·.. ~;·;~.; ...... $3.50 up Special private elevators wculd longer.lasling press. to; tnr connect each ground·floor unit to . executive office3 on the basement a Irace DC dry cleaning od

.' -

.... -', . " ~- ... ,:...... ". -...... ~ ..... " .... , .. Hi2:h~lay Situation .0: LI. l- Hit-Aild·Run Collisions'··" '" eaRNER BROOK-CP-The highway from l.~1 ncr Brook to Port aUl( Basques is cl(pe~ted, to '\.Ie , illor tJlIfClc ~ccideilts In the city last eve,," closed for the year with another fall of sn?w. The In tl1(\ m were damaged by hlt·and·runvehlc1cs., • e Thirll:,f.9g" highway was still open Monday, bu~ motorISts we~e .' . .. . I....•• tll'~ caUred at 6.30 when 1\ car par k' ed I n Bind'.owr .. B'. • .. experiencing difficulty in the Codroy Pond ont fll'(u~ dama~cd :0 the extent of $25.00, apd ~:,: . . . ~3 Con. "1I rked ~n Gower Street reech'cd thc same • of the road. ' ' ,'j :=~:~~ ~f damage sometime between 1 and .11 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, WEDNESDAY,', NOVEMBER 30, 1955 ~~:~I~~~:'------'------~--~~~--~----~~~----'------~------~------, .

Baby Bonus• Hits Over $l-Miliion'ln N'ovember Families \F-. -].-Br-ad----br-oo-k--:....----- Local Accepted For Are Highest In !'iolcmber Daby Bonus Octobcr of last year, when 769 Officer Training mounlin:: to $1.030,521 lVas paid families changed address. J •• "". families on behalf of Some Intercstlng Information Fredcrlck J. Bradbrook son of After graduation he will serl'e to ,,",IN" I 1-3398 children. This g I'es an wllh respect to the size of our Mr. and lIfrs. Arthur Bradbrook of three years in the Canadian Army J:(~~'c IIf SI8.03 per' family and Family Allowances families: . 36 Belvedere St., SI. John's, Nfuld. as an officer. At the end of that ~ P9 rer child. During the month Families range from 16,383 with has been accepted by the Canadian time' he has' the option of either '\Ilo\\'ance~ wcre paid for the first one child to 10 wltli 13 children. Army as a student under the Regu­ leaving the Army or continuing ;imr (In bcllaU of 1.141 children; There :are over 2,000 families lar Officer Training Plan. He is In It and building a career on him·, I of whom 886 were additions to with seven children and over 1,000 the second student of the Memor­ self as an ofllcer of the Royal Can· \ families a1l cady in pay, while 255 with eight children. Ial' University of Newfoundland to adlan Engineers. ' wert from parents registering for NeWfoundland has the lowest take advantage of this plan. Mr. Bradbrook on entering unl'l the fiut time. There were also {lve percentage of one arid two child Mr. Bradbrook completed his verslty In 1950 became a member 'mmisrant families, with nine chI!· families, and the highest percent· Grade XI at Bishop Feild College of the University Contingent, Can· I ~Ien, II ho besan reeeh'ing Allow· age of families wllh four or more and then moved on to the Uni· adian Officer's Training Corps and ance,. children. verslty where he will graduate was commissioned In 1953. He A total of 486 families changed All provinces hal'e about the with Ii. diploma in Engineering In joined the Royal Newfoundland addrcss dJring the month, and In same percentage of three child May 1956. Stili under the Officer Regiment (Militia) in 1953 and addition, 68 families moved In, families. . Training Plan, he will then attend was promoted to the rank of Lieut, while 6i families left. The total Newfoundland's Family' Allow· the Nova Scotia Technical College enant In October 54. He has been nlol'cmrr.l of families was thus ances family Is thc largest In Can· to complete his degree In Civil En· Instructing the COTe at the Unl· ada, three, and It 'Is stili growing. glneering. verslty since then.' >Teater than in any monlh since . , e ' ' I hOld C 1 Club 011 Tuesdav evening. The pic- e atlon THE ST. ANDREW'S BALL 'began with a Grand Marc 1 a~ teo ony M J' Oakley leading e t t' C t en t aI ASSOCl .k I k d M John Gneve and the drummcr, !nr. ames , ' r"a S ' - D ture' shows the, pipers, Dr. CrUlc S 1an ba?d Hr.. H . S·; L C Oulerbridgc His Worship H. G.' R. Mews, ~Il_ agls e our' off the Grand March with Lady Outer 1'1 ge, IS on Oul I • ., , nand 1\'11'5. E. JCl'l'ett, following the pipers. • while Intoxicated. Ills case was set.-. Hog,a' lV .\ IOlln~ man ch~rsed wilh as· down lor December 7th at :I p.m. Honors Dr IJullin~ Anolher ~'olln~ man by bunin: him in the face wIth his and he was 'granted ball of $200 P 11 P t on hwl 1131 fount! ~IlIlIY In the For ~b;:i;lrate·~ Court on Tucsda)' and ~I~~U~~~O sureties to the same ~l~:~Ee~:r:~~~~i~~~/~l:~~~~:~ l~:~~~;~~~:;I:~~d~~E:~~o~:!~IOS e,pp e rre rom0 I ~.! fintd ~5 or one month, order· A man Ioundtrepasslng on the thelJr wives last evening to Dentistry, (F I.e.D.) the only td 10 P;1Y compensation of $4.50 I J E property or the Canadian National bestow the hOllout· of life memo Newfoundlandel to receive this I'r Ihrre da~'~, and to sign ,a bond L· ,t C I Rallwa)'s was put on bond of $100 bershlp In the association on Dr. honour, and 'n 1936 he became a (If 5100 to keep the peace. Ie u 0 0 ne ... Beplat to keep the'premises. The Railway M. F. Hogan. member of the Ea~tern College' • hank Quilty found guilty of ppllce, Mr. Woodford, said that he , Dr. E. P. Kavanagh spoke high· of Anaesthetlsts. llrtakinR a window In the Cross saw the man In the station at 9 Iy of the m.lO who has becn Jim lanrn was fined $10 or 7 p.m. without havtng busl!less there, practicing d~'1t!stry In St. John's Dr. Hogan i~ a chartered memo Ass'u' mes da)'" 11'35 ordered to pay compen· and ordered him to leave. Th~ ae- since 1923. 1\ past president of ber of Elks, a member of City ",lion of S30 and to sign I bond cused came back' to,the statiOn, he ''the association. Dr. Hogan has Club, Rotary International, Bally Post Harb Ollr Grace of SIOO 10 be on good behaviour said, so he arrested him. The man, been active In its work since Its Haly and Murray's Pond, the and sla), away from the tavern. In .l!ls:own,defence said that he beginning. He la the second Curling Asso~latlon, Benevolent. . ng~· Two youths of 11, without pre· war from Moncton, had been work· doetelt' to have the honour of life Irish Society, Knights of Colum· Ar' .e·, a' :. E" neer Protests ,Plan F 01· \ious court records, pleaded guilty Ing In the city but was now out membership awarded him. The bus; he Is 2n~. viee·president of Ie stu ling gasoline to the value of a job and had not place to go lonly other pe~on to recelv~ the SI. Bon's Old Boys' Association, Colonel Mortof!' 50lomon,', D!5- ~I SI.50 on November 29th from ,and no money. The case was award was th'! late Dr. W. S. Chief of the Dental Service at triel Engl~eer 'of the ,~as~ern thr !'iewfoundiand Rent a Car ser· r~Cerred to the Department of Goodman of Harbour Grace. the st. Johns General Hospital Ocean Dlstrlct,'Corps oFEngmeers, New Building I'jce, The)' were put on suspended " elfare. Born In CbTbonear In 1891, and visiting dentist at the San· U.S. Army, ,with, ~ea:dquarters. at ~tntence and ordered to .Ign Dr. Hogan rcC\',ived his early edu. atorlum, as well as a captain In 346 Broadway,' New, York CIty, bonds of 5100 cach and to report Stich~ AndClwlkeJ' To Fly To Ottawa I cation In his home town before I the Newfoundlr.nd MlIltla during announces that Lieutenant COI~ncl once • month to the probation of· learning to SI. B.onaventUil'e'S COI.\the last war when he was the James A. Beplat has been assIgn· ficer. MCE voy IJ nd ergoes DisclLSS Matter ,wiih WOl·ks Minister .. ,', : .'.,. 'liege In St. JOlin's. He graduated staff dentist. ed to the post 'of ATe a ,Engineer at During this time they are also Pepperrcll Air"Force\3sc, ~ew. A mceting attended by repre- the proposed building Ind Its ill- from that college with London \ Dr. Kavanagh el(prcssed the requirrd 10 refrain from assoclato Surgery. At ' foundland. Major Arthur M. 0 Con- sentatives of business and Church. adequacy for the requirements of , Matriculation '~t the age of 16 opinion of all the members when inr "'jlh anyone with a criminal nor, Jr." Is now the Assistant . Harbour Grace was held at the the town and that this be followed record. One of the young men was l\'lontreal·. ' land taught se~ool for one year he spoke of the hlg)l esteem and Area Engineer.,' , , TOlVn Council rooms ,yesterday by a signed petition which would 'at Catalina. 'l he following year respect in wnich Dr. Hogan I~ 1110 lined S5.00 or 1 days for drlv­ Previous to assignment to Pcp· 'afternoon with :'olajor ~!. P. Stapte- endorse the Resolution was un· jn~ without 11 license. ~laglstrate Mr J B McEvoy' CBE QC he began work jls a cable oper· held by the association. Dr. perrcll, Colonel Beplat was sta· ton presiding, prescnt' also were. amiously carried. O'~cill. pmin~ sentence on the LL.B:, r~tu;n~d on. Monday 'fro~ ator at Hea11'l'~ Content, but later Darcy, passing over the member· tloned at Headquarters 2nd. Army, . k F d I r At the conclusion oC the meetlnl h I Captain L. T. SlIc. e era e· Captal'n SII'ck and Mr. Chalkersald ' lao )'outhlul offenders pointed out Boston and Montreal. Whilst In went .back to school teaching, ship certificate to the Docto~, Fort Meade, Maryland, wh ere. ~ presentative, Hon. J. R. Chalker W d to them Ihe seriousness of ,their Montrcal Mr. McEvoy underwent thIs time as Illincipal of Notre said it Is a "trlbute for the was Chief, Engirieer Section, Mill· and Mr. Lloyd Hopkins, District they would fly to Ottawa on e· conduct. and the harm they' did major surgery and his many friends Dame Academy, Grand Falls. many contributions to the ·Den· tary Division; .which post he had A h't t nesday of nel(t week when the), to Iheir records by having a crim· will be glad to know that, he' has Before beginning his vocation as ,tristry profession" and his devo­ Occupied since 20 July 1953. rc I cc • would' discuss with the Minister of inll record for the sake of stealing a complete recovery and will re· a dentist, Dr. Hogan was' for Itlon to public service. Dr. The colonel's milltary service The purpose of t~e ~~cting was IPublic Works, the unsultabllty of ~u. lie warned them that if they turn to his Office shortly, and un. some time an Insurance sales· Hogan expressed his gratitude extends from~ December. 1931 to to discuss the. unSUitability of the the building as planned. did not abide to Ihe letter of til he Is able to do so personally man. and deep feeh'lg of the honour his current assignment, .. and ,in· proposed new federal building Cor tbeir bond the)' would be brought he would like to take this means of; He studied dentistry at D~I. eonCerred on bim. At the close cludes service, stateside, with the QuecnsCollegc, and Columbia Uni· this town and its inadequacy for back to the court and punished for expressing his gratitude and housle Unlve~'~Ity and graduated of the prcsentatlon, Mrs. Hogan 132nd Engineer, Combat Regiment vcrsity and studied miscellaneous thc~ceds o! a ~rowin~ population Police Blotter this liut offence. thanks to all those who sent flow· .wlth his D.DS. degrce I,n 1923 was presente,l with a 'bouquet of and I11Bth Engineer Combat subjects. In civil life he has becn and 11Icrcas11lg mdustnes. On~ molorist arrested on. Mon· crs, cables and lett~rs to him dur- I'when he took. up practice In this flowcl"ll. Mr. John G. Higgins, Group, to 19 months In the Pacl •. a construction, cnginecr and con· . b M Pollee reported 1\ vF!r1 qulel er 1944-1945', .and with struction superintendent. A resolution proposed ,y r. T day night In the city, only da), wu charged with driving Ing his convalescence. city. ReeDgnition of his quail· Q.C. was the guest speaker of fie Theal Alec Moores and secondcd by lIIr. ues . d ------,------the evening. the 7BOIst SCU EUCOM, and Mth With his wlfc, Lucy, and his Alfred Symmonds that a tclegram one arrest hl\~mg been ,~a e, Engineer Com bat Battalion four' children, Colonel Beplat re· be immediately despatchcd to the when ~ city resldenl was In en~n EUCOM £Dr 41 months. His career sides (when at home) on Lauris· Minister of Public Works at ot· and disorderly conduct In kl! d also includes six years of varying den Hill Road, In Cummington, tawa. ' charge by his wife for run Major Rhoda Sainsburyca~dinalSpellmaD periods as a student-from Motor . l'rotestl'ng against the type of home. Maintenance through Basic Field ?!IIIia~s~sa~ch~u~s~et~ts~.======~~;;;~~~~~.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Officers, Advanced OUicers,and .:: 'S '80th BIer' thday Due Here Friday, Special Weapons eourses at Fort Celebrate General Glen O. Barcus, Com· Belvoir, Virginia, and the. Com· manding officer of tbe Northeast mand and' General Staff College Air Command left here by plane Course at Fort Leavenworth, Kan· Tllday ~tajor Rhoda Sainsbury, yesterday afternoon for Goose Bay. sas; SPECIAL PURCH,AS£ ~'ho for o\'er forty years hasworlc. At Goose Bay, General Barcus The Colonel obtained his educa· cd in SI. John's, most of the time will be on hand to welcome Card· tion In New York City public I ~l II'cl/are work with the Salvation, Inal Spellman as he arrives there schools, and, w~s graduated at City Army in Ihe city, c~lebrates her from New York to make a College In 1934 WIth. a BS in Civil BOth birthday. Christmas tour of NEAC Bases. 'Engineering. In 1953 he received WOMEN'S ·ORLON Her age dors not deter her from Cardinal Spellman will arrh'c in an MS in Civil Engineering at the the work 01 mercy for she Is stlil St. John's on Friday for a one·day same college. During' 1946·1941, active with the work of the Lea· visit. Coloncl Beplat, also attended ~'Ue' of ~Iere)' and hospital work In SWEATERS Ihe cily. To wear now or 10 !elect for Chrislmas Giffl- Born in \\'eslcYl'ilIe, Major Youngest· Contributor Slinsbury left ihcre at thc age of ~I to come to SI. John's to train ORLON CARDIGANS II an officer for the Salvation White only, long sle~ves. Substandards. .\rm)·, After her term of training Sizes 14-20 ...... ·...... · .. ·.. ·2.95 she ~m'cd in Harbour Grace and To Orphans Fund then returned to 51. John's to Jcrve on the staff of the training \ THE YOUNGEST CONTRlBUTER I:' •...••••• .'.' .:. " ••••' •• '.. : ••.••••• :. '. 10 the Fund tn Put The Orphans . . ORLON PULLOVERS Collegc for a while. She served at I Open Gambo, Twlllingate, Claren. On Skates's Douglas Lane. White, green, beige-long sleeves. viIlc, Clarke'S Beach, Hant's Har. Dougle had saved his money for ,. Substandards. Sizes 14.20 .. ·...... 3.95 " bour. Exploits, then back to Twll· Santa Claus but realizing the lingate, and then at Heart's De­ longing of th,. orphans'to skate' light. FroIO there she came In to took five dollars tlrom hm savings It ~~\'e at No.2 Corps In St. John'. and scnt In' to help swell the Orion Features - Ccishmere finish-wrinkle In 1913. After working there for fund. Our thi!!lks and the thanks 'and stain resistant ....;: tjuick drying. two l'cars she served at the train. r'f the orphan~ goes out to thlf Ing eollege for three years then little lad for, tis thoughtfullness . was appointed to do social work in and his fine contribution, and the city of st. John's. lets hope this will encourage Mljor Sainsbury did long and others to giVe It tills worthwhile arduous service In SI. John', duro cause. Inl World War n, when she serv· Douglas is thc elght·year.old. ed with the Commission of Govern. '. son of Mr. al!t' Mrs. Max Lane ment IS probation offlecr. libe is supposed to be retired bringing che~r "and hope to the many friends In NClvfoundlnnd in lof 369 South-Ide Road and is . from u\ll'e scrvlc~ but dally, may sick and the needy. 'wishing Major Sainsbury many \II gl'ade thre~ pupil of Bish~p be seen lolnll on her roundl of . The DIUy New. loins with her happy returns of the day. Feild Collcge. , ' ..I "'.~F1i:;;;~a_.!'fJ;ji~"_lI:::m_n~,,*,,,,,,,, .... ,,, .. '...... OJ-ot'6fl~ __:-.-:--~_._. __ .. _ r



' 0-0______"". kind will never be 'forgotten nor can . . " retirement l{eep him out of the limelight. In The News ' .,l/y New's I The Do It was front page news the other day when , By WAYFARER, he went to Downing Street to have lunch !'be UAJLY NEWS II a morning paper with his successor, Sir Anthon.v Eden. He NOTES AND COM~IENT • eatabllsbed III llllM. ano published at the will be front page news today on the We were interested to see in ":1 .. B':!ldlna, 355·3;511 Uuckworth Sueet, tl i t d t t f tbe occasion oC hi." 81st birthday. recen y P, r n. e ell rac s bromt SL JOhD'l, Nf:wfoundland, by Roblnsoll .. ~ T 1 !I it m a au our COmpa .... Limited. Not so many months have passed since .e egram s I es an e . "'J .'. • flrst aeroplane ride which we en· .alll 0, rH! CANADIAN PRiiSS he laid down the burdens of. office. Smce joyed in the company of T. Walsh th~n he has been occupied WIth a number' of the Dally News and Jo~ Small. TbI Can.dlan !'ren It uelusivl.." ell- of things, including a major historical wood then on the Evening Advo. At the monthly tilled lu lb. \lie (or republication ot II!!, worle which is to be published next ycnr. cote.' The dau wo! Janunry 24, .., dIJpalC:"'~ III this piper 'credited to M J St. John'S WelC~re It III to Tbl AUllcllted I'rl'u Of Reuten Pei'hups ul1wi1li~.I~ to take the ri~k that his,1022. It was a ~inc, cold Sunday was held at Kmg ud abo thl IlICa: new. pUbll~h~d therein great shadow might fall oppreSSively upon morning,' ~n . Ideal day Cor flying stitute on Novembe C cial spcalter was All Pre" lervlet and reature .rtlr.lel In his succcssor, he ha!1 stayed away from the but tlt thought of taking our Clrst spc d • tIdI paper are cupyriaht and their reprOo House of Commons but he rcmains a House liight that day did not enler our Ilc, SuperinLell cn. tudJOD II s:rohlblted. of Commons man and thcI'c arc manv who mind until Joe phoned to remind pitai Cor "Iental and . . . ." us thnt Major Cotton had prumlsed who took as his Alltburlzed II lI!~ond c11. mail Post thmk toc!ay that the nalton needs hiS sage to take us up and this was the lime eas cs , sodal aspcc~ of Offici DepartDlent. Ottln. counscl 111 great debates. ' to remind him oC that promise. Before takmg But there is only one dominant thought business of the Member Audit Bureau 01 I today nmon~ the man~' millions· in many Cotton was nn Austrnlian' Who were reech'ed on . .ClrcullltiollJ I lands who are nwnbered among the great had eQme 10 NewCoundland with a In which the, CounCil \ man's ardent admirers and that is that he flimsy alrcroft which had been The sub·committee equipped with skiis for experi­ DAILY SUBSCRIPTION UTEIl may be spared to adorn the world he ~as Hampers reported • scrvcd so \\'t'll for many years to come. mental winter flying. He wos thc a meeting with CUtda ...... ,18.00 per annum , !irst to undertake' air spotting for Church and " .. rv,oe UlIlted ltinadom aId all the scaling fleet. lie wos also the who will be gh'in;:1 Forelel Cottn~es '" ,112.00 per allIum first to start a. local airmail servo needy fnmilies this Icc. Anythldg to do with an aero­ Wheat And Sterling Ayre's have a real ·treasure hoped ~hat b)' a plane was big news in those days effort the aavilable and the papers had given Cotton a WEDN~SDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1~55 Ml'. Howe has repented his bitter cI'itic­ be sprcad over a good deal oC publicity. The promis­ .. - ism of American polit:y in the sale of (hest of ideas for happy the past some I ' -- agricultural surpluses and has said that ed £light was to he a reward Cor gilts from more ~ our services. High School Education this is llndennining the stability of world ~ation with th? prices without achieving any material 0 • equally deservmg. Even if you were lucky enough giving . towel s,ets in a beautiful It hilS lonn been claimed that the New­ good. He has Insisted that it is not good to posscss a moLor car in those The council also foundland high school cUl'l'iculum is so business for Canada to sel! to soft currency Urnes, you did not drive it In mittec workin::: on of lovely of Edling up a ,4 1 • 1 restricted in its scope that it fails to fulfil countries and is clinging to the programme winter. You 'couldn't. When snow array colours, in gift tre in st. John's. '\ ; the pl'imal'Y purposc of a liberal education. of maintaininA prices and selling only' for Cell, and we seemed to get n lut This triticistn has been given new force dollars. more of it then than we do now, boxes or gift wrapped in cellophane been made. hut as 'I' il sta),ed. Snowfall plied on snuw· possible to ir.dicate by Mr. Byron March, principal of Curtis But Mr. Howe's point of view may be he possihle to do Academy. At the school's annual Speech excessively rigid. What possible harm fall unlil the rough culs that open· cd the roads to sleigh Iravel oflen linitc. Problems Night. he described the present system as could al'ise through the sale of wheat for table 0 ran between hanks that Were more ... cushion tops ... cloths .. elude a centre for a single· track programmc, geared largely !ilcrling which could be invested within than shoulder .high. The snow on and distribution . , to tbe preparation of students for universi­ the sterling area for the bCllefit of CanadA the partly cleared streeLs formed chair back sets ... dresser sets and well as "olunteer ty, and falling fat· l-ihort of what is wantcd lind 'Canadians? n series of gulches over which The special to meet the aftcr-school needs of the 'rhis is not a subject on which any lay­ side·sleighs joyously car e e ned duced by the a"erage pupil. man can afford to be dogmatic. Yet if while passengers held on for dear COllllcil. Mr. S. hundreds more just waiting your Dr. Po~tle po in , ~aid sterling credits accruing {l'om whcat saleo; liCe. All this 15 a long way DC say· This has been over and O\'Cl' again main problcm with throu"hout the "curs Ilarticulul'lv in its can be freely uscd within the sterling area ing that we called for' ,lac and ~ • t .. waiked down to the lakeside. Cot· e~ucational. Epi, reference to cducation in the rural arcas which includes the West Indies, the Domin· selection I mental illness: in where thc absurdity of a singlc standard ton was there with his parlnel', the ion could use these credits to advantage. InLe Sydney Bennell, and he, at ellce oC mental iI witlt academic bias has long been manifest. Takc, for cxample, Mr. Smallwood's su((ering from ep once :agreed Lo Lake liS up. But it has 110t been widcly recognized suggestion about a Colombo plan for the different than that the pl'ogl'ammc for high schools in West Indies. Tf Canada could sell wheat It so hapllcned thal Ern )Iaun· TOWEL SETS mental illness in 51. John's has l1'ot bccn altered to meet the to Bl'i tain for sterling which could be in­ der was at Quidi Vidi that morn· 1 Towel and 1 Wash Cloth, ...... 70c, 95c, HO, 120,2.35 Iation. A1:hough tremendous changes in the social and vested in the Caribbean colonies, the rea ing witll his camera and we have 1 Towel and 2 Wash Cloths ...... 1.35, 1.70, 1.75 aclerizerl by fits or economic pattcl'l1 that have occurred in sult might be to stimUlate the purchasing before us 8S lI'e write 0 picture of persons who ha\'e tbe three reporters in the aircraft 2. Towels and 2 Wash. Cloths ...... 2.25, 2.35 cpileptics, sinte a the past twcnty-fivc yeurs. A llnifol'm powe).' of these colonies to Canada's benefit. 5 Ginger Tip Towels .. ,...... :...... " 2.25 some instances, . system prevails. It is a holdover from the Perhnps the plan has been examined and just before the take·oCr. The plane r:- . was a IIIartynside, a small and 1 Bath Towel, 2 Face Towels, 2 Wosh Cloths .. 3.25, 3.50. 4.50 some other illness, old grammar school days and it appears found wanting. If not, it ought to be fully or persons who I· flimsy·looklng biplane. The short 2 Towels and 2 Wash Cloths ...... 8.25 completely to ignore the practical require­ explored. wings were a Cramework of wood suffer from ments of a well-rounded education that covered 'with n special linen fabric epilepsr. '- meets the dcmands and the challenges of ; and supported b~' wooden struts "KATHAWAY" TOWEL SETS ", . , the times. and wires. ,The prop had to be " ;'1 ~ These sets consist of 1 Towel and 1 Face Cloth .. , in Florals, swung by hand to start the plane. ~ ~ ~ ~ But there is one very good reason for What Others Are Saying ,Swans, Twin Poodles, Swallows, His or Hers, also in colours , , this l·ondition. In no part of Newfo~nd­ a' The body was also a wooden Crame· land ha\'c school authorities found it pos­ work' covered with cloth and the maize, turquoise, green and pink ...... 2.50 CARRY OUT THE DEAD sible to keep pace with the quantitative passengers sat in an open cockpit (Sudbury Star) with the pllot In the rear cockpit. KITCHEN TOWEL SETS problems oC education nt any level. The There were no windehields and the school population has been increasing at a Evcry hunting season there are solemn processions head anti shoulders of the pas· 2 Cup Towels, 2 Dish Towels ...... 1.40 Ch mte always in excess of the capacity to out of the bush as men carry out !hc dead bodies sengers were abol'e the level of 2 Cup Towels, 2 Dish Towels, 2 Pot Holders ...... 1.70, 2.10 pro\,ide new buildings, additional class· oC hunting companions mistaken for deer. Some· the cockpit. We had turned our Sea, I rooms, adequate teacher supply and csscn­ times the victims were not even mislaken Cor deer­ caps-el'el'yone 1V0re caps in tho;e FACE CLOTH SETS tial specialist ~cl'\·iccs. Hard-prcssed Lhey jllst happened to move ancl a trlgger·happy days-back to (ront and wehud· Contlti lichool bO.1l'ds ha\'e to cOl,1centratc on keep­ indh'idual just ran true !o form by firing at any· died togelher in the narrow scat 3 Striped Cloth, 10" x 10" ...... · ...... 65c .. wiLhout benefit oC any safety de· IS ing abreast of the rising demand for spacc thing that moved In the bush. Much o[ the blam~ 3 Plain Cloths, 10" x 10" ...... 65c, 70e and ha\'e bcen unuble tode\'ote either timc I'ice, not cven a safety belt. The for this annual slaughter lies righl on the doorstep pilot had about three instruments 01' money to bold cxpcriments in a broader of the fish nnd game dil'lsion' of the D~pilfLment on his panel. lie hold a joy·stick CUSHION TOPS, PLUSH 1mpo pro~rammc. 'I " of Lands ancl Fores!!. 11 would be 50 easy to bring between his knees to change the " ; I Coloured red, blue, rusi...... ,...... " .... ' "" ... ,,,, 1.35 ~ .. Thcre is hardl~' [\ high ~chool in St. in regulations requiring c)(3minations Cor all appli. direction DC the ailerons tilnt con· -. John's that is not bulging at the walls. • l cants for gun licences. 'rhe system woul~n't be trolled the upward and downward There are fcw classrooms with feIVer than LACE TABLE CLOTHS Cool proof but It would have some beneCielal eCfect. movements of the plane. !lis Ceet Carl); students and many classrooms havc were on a rudder bar. It was just providIng the penalties were severe In cases o[ 36" x 36" ...... 1.65, 2.00 54" x 72" ...... 4.50, 7.00 35 simple as tha t. far more pupils. Small scope if any exists evasion of the law. 45" x 45" ...... 2·85, 3.'5 . 72" x 90", for personal attention to backward students -:0:-- There was a smooth take·oH, an 54" x 54" ...... 5,.80 10.00, 10.80, 11.00 I < and a major broadening 'of the curriculum " DON'T SHOOT THEM "<.1 in these circumstances might bring about a imperceptible ascent, and soon we 48" x SO" ...... 4.50, 6.00 90" x 100" ...... 14.95 :i 1 (Edmonton Journal) were moving at the great speed of .<, total breakdown. Few facilities are to be about 90 miles 'an hour in the found even for conventional physical The government of Canada and the United LINEN TABLE CLOTHS i ;'j dtrection of Topsail. We turned . :~ S~ates tr3injn~ and a crowded calendar and over­ have devoted a great deal of thought' and and headed back for SI. John's 45" x 45" ...... 3.50 63" x 81/1 ...... 8.30 J , :\ "J labor in recent years to preserving various rare and : ., "'orkcd- teachcrs constitute an almost in· and across the harbour. We don't 11 ; ,-~ heautiful species of swans and cranes. The most 5.4" 'x 54 ...... 4.65 72" x 90" ...... 11.60, 13.00 I :,iuperable obstacle to the teaching of know whether Joe Smallwood re· ol elementary sociology, civics, current events familiar example Is the campaign to protect the calls this Incident but suddenly 54" x 72/1 ...... 600, 7,00 72" x lOS" ,...... 14.00 whooping crane. All these efforts, however, will go we discovered our shoulder being SERVIETTES to match ...... S5c" 1.00 and other useful subjects that are not lor nothing unless huntcrs can be resualned (rom included in thc formal curriculum. Still held In a firm clutch and there killing the big birds on their migratory filgh!s. In. was Joe, who was on the lefthand less is there oppOl·tunily to discover Iltld discriminate shooting, in fact, was what brought side oC the aircraft..::.we were in PILLOW CASES t' encourage individual aptitudes and supply \' most of thesc species close to elltlnction and in some the middle-standing on the scat Cotton, embroidered ...... ,2.25, 2·45, 2.95 pr, wise and essential guidance. Instances It would take only a few hundred well­ to get a better look with all oC Madeira ...... 5.00, 5.30, 5.50, 5.90 pr, The facts may not be pleasant but they aimed shots to finish the job. Any "sportsman" him from the knees up above the must be faced holdly and constructively. who starts using whisl1ing or trumpcter swans, or level of the.cockpit, 'A sudden and Students must ultimately be given a choice whooping cranes as targets needs to be severely unexpectcd bank to the left at thnt CHAIR BACK SETS between high schools which conccntrate dIscouraged. ' momcnt might well have altered Ecru lace ...... , ...... 75c to 1.20 on prcparation COl' univcrsity and others -:0:_ Mclslvely the course of Newfound· which suppl~' all thc necessary facilities land histor),. , r------".1 DRESSER SETS " for a bro~rlcr education. With special aid , ., All went well, howe\'er, and we 5 pieces, colours green, blue; gold, pink, white ...... 1.25 j' ,; from the GO\'cI'llmcllt, the major denomin­ Strength For To-day' came down Lo a saCe landing with alion~ in St. ,lohn's should strive to set up " By EARL L. DOUGLASS heads full o~ superlatives for usc i c:-:perimcntal high schools which will in thr. articles our respective RUNNERS L (Ie\,iale as fa I' as the timcs dcmand from '------__-:_, papers II'cre to print the next day. Lace, ecru and two·tone ...... 60c to 2.00 ~ . :. 1., , I the sing1c academie standard that now JIACIN(i THE: UGUT It is dilClcull Lo realize in these 1"., '" ' ... i: dominates education in Ncwfoundland. tim~s when fI),ing Is a nalural ani! Have ~'Oll ever rcalized thai if you look 10wArd R LACE VANLTY SETS "...... ,60c t. 1.2Cl " .: \. common mode of Lravel the excite· ~. ~ From small beginnings great and re\'olu­ Ii;;hl you sce no ShAdow~ The ma'n who walks 10- ;~;, ment that was created by, the very . tiona 1')' conseql1ellCCS may grow. .··.1 ward a lIillt leA\'eli darkness behind him. It is only ~Ight of an aeroplane over the But we have still to keep In mind the when. people turn away from the light that they town a little more than thirty TABLE CENTRES difficulty of giving even a satisfactory turn their faces Into the darkness. years ago. Every flicht was news Fancy punch work, Auorted siZ!ls ...... :... 25c to 1.65 N' academic education within the sCOpe of the It Is strange thaI when God set aboul to mate and our own' flight, the first ever e:o.:isting :;ystem. We still must solve the the world, the first thing He created was Haht. We taken by newSpapermen in New· problem of morc classrooms with fewer have oftcn read of the dying Goethe who, In his foundland, prompted columns of pupils in each.' We have still to find morc Inst rew rnoments, called to them to raise ,the, fancy rhetoric in all three news­ teachers to bring the classes dow n ,to shades. "More light, more light," cried the dying papers. It was fun at the time and work:lble size and we must aim at increas­ man. We read in thc Gospel of John that In Jesus even more fun to remember. Christ was life and that lile Was the light of men. ing the specialized activities that ought to 'fhc first thing 'God gave the world WaS light; CONTINUE RESTRIC'l'IO!'lS form part of even the pl'cscnt rcstricted lIo.30,dcc1 !he last tbin!: many of us wont is light. We turn GENEVA, Swil~erland (Reuters) curriculum. There a11e times whcn the from It and walk In prejudice. We turn {rom the The United States has told tbe problem secms to acquirc almost awcsome lisht of purity and walk In lust. We turn from the' Gcneral·Agreement on 1'ariffs and PI'OPOl'tiOlls but it is not insoluble if all who light of love and walk In Ilale. "Let there be 'rrade that special restrictions on Ught"-this was the first hi God's plan {or us, and U.S, farm imports must be con· have to playa part in its solution will , tlnued for the time being. The approach it with courage and inflexible lost 60 often in the plans we make (or ourselves. American posItion was strongly determination. Let us have our own ws)" let Us have the appease- crIticized by delegates from farm ------_., ment of our appetites, let UI have power over'others eltporUng countries. U.S. delegate -these We believe are life's &'reatest values. John Leddy told the current 10th " EI· Jesus In his teaching had much ,to say about light. sesslon.of GAT!', haY/ever, iliat no nhtyone, Today He called hlmsel£ tbe light of the world, and hI! new farm import restrictions ll11ve " called his followers the light of the world also. He been impo~ed. Winst,on Churchil~ may· have l~ft the bade mcn walk in light, to walk In t~e light of day V-E-G-'E-'T-A-R-IA-N-F-O-X-ES , S1: JOf/N'8. centre, of the politIcal stage whIch he bofore the darkness of night overtook them, CHESTER, Eng I and (CP)- N6Wf."OUNDUIiA dominated for 51:! many :years, somc o[ Lct U5 always remembcr that if ou'r faces. ar~ Foxes killed by the Cheshire Hunt t, them'the. most critical in the history of our' turned toward the light, darkness Is always behind were found to have he en living 'on '- 'civilization I' but. hi.s grntlerviees to man- UJ. .." _ "..... ~. • ,,, ",., I a diet of applesand pluma.

• I • ...THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30, 1955 M • To Complete·· PUT THE ORPHANS Pottle A,ddtesses DieseJization Doctor Nfld. District CNR ON THEIR S·KATES ST. J011N'~~ .. NCld., NOV-An WITH YOUR DONATIONS order fe... 35 ·I'lesel locomotives 101m's Welfare 'Council for U(e Newf(l:andlandDlstrlct of St. the Canadian National Railways ' .. The m~rcury i'1,our thermometer Irise. Our thanks to you. We don't The I'ote' of thanks to Dr. Pot· ha sbeen plared· with Gener:!! is slowly but sUrely rising. Wc want to have it stagnant not even \t Itr meeting or the to learn about Ihe causallon and 1111!11Ihl~' tle and to Messrs. Walter Davis 1\lotors Dirsel Limited of Lon.' must reach $800.00 If the orphans for a day. So how about a donation .. : Jnhn'~ "'!'irore council, which precipitating !actors In this con· don ant.. E.• 1. Cooke, manager are to enjoy skating sessions at the from all )'ou who haven't as yet dltlon, there nrc (nlrly well eslab­ .tid C. StronB, who operawd the :'.! held 01 Kil1~ Georgc V In· projector, was proposed by Mr. o £lhe railway announced today Stadium. . fell the call. "l\nl "10 :-;III'l'l11hrr HUh. . the IIshed and very !atiafaclor> !rcat· r ment reglme8. In general, he R. L. Storey, Superlntcnden~ of Delivery of thl' order will mark • • • Some people* •say • Christmas Is :;o('Ci.1 ;~ral,cr 11':1, Ilr. C. 11, Pot· the completion of a programme I· Please don·t· let them down. slaled that the Incidence of epll· the Institute [or the Blind, just around the corrier. Don't you '. ~UIll'l'inlrlldrll: III the 1105' announced bv the company 1!1 Just put yourself in tbe place of epsy Is About one In two hundred It was oannounced tllat the next think' you would have a beller r"~~1 'fer ~lrlll"1 and :\rn'olls Dis· meeting DC the Council will ·be on 1953 for the romplete dlcseliza. the orphans whom we arc trying r· I • I' t UTI of the general population and that Christmas, knowing that yO)l sacri· r' II ho 1"I,k as .m sll )Jec Ie tion DC the /Ioewfoundland Di~. to p~t on the icc. Wouldn'l you with proper :reatment most epll· December 7th, Ivhen It Is hoped to ficed one little gift to help those :~i~i .,prrls (If Epilepsy." . trlet.· like the people to contribute so eptics can 1I1'e normal lives. Drugs have a panel discussion on the less fortunate than yourselC? . ReH'rr lokin:: liP Ihc ~peclal subject of additional playgrounds The order il'cludes 29 diesel that you might skate? Once you • • • h~;inr.c lit Ihr 111cr~ln!:. fI·~orts can be prol'lded which can cnotrol locomotives or l!!OO.hol·!~pOWer think it over, you will surely feel seizures in from 60 to 60% of for St. John's. YOUR DONATION WI L L 1'f!1' IfrciHl1 lin \'<11'111115 prOjects and six of :I lighter type, l!aid something th~t tells you loo your cases. In approximately 30% selz· The public gcnctllly are InvIt· MEAN A LOT TO AN ORPHAN! 'n :, h'rh Illr l'''llllril is intcre5!erl. Mr. Cooke. They will gradually. contribution IS needed. II . , ures can be reduced to an apprccl· ed to attend allmeeUngs of the Send your dona lion to put the ;ulH(\rllll1iltrr on ·1 . I. • • Th~ C~rist111ns Council. rep ace ~he cntire roster of 40 Orphans on skates, c/o Miss Joan 11.~i'rrc rrportrd nn hOl'ln.1: held able extent; and In not morc·than oil'flred steam engines and sup. Fivc dollars from ~lr. Fred Rug· 10% of the cascs Is It necessary to Crltch, Treasurer, the Daily New .. I I:1rrlin~ Irith rrprNerrta\l\'cs Ilf plement the I') diesel locomotivcs gles is helping the mercury to provide Institutional care. There (hurch :,n.t 5rrl'il'C Or!:anlz.,tirms now in service on the Newfound· ",ha 11'111 lor cil'ing hnmpers to Is no necessity lor hospitalization Boy Scout land District. DellvC'1"Y of the 35 CNR Introduces r'''' bm:ti,·' lhi:, YCllr. It Is or epileptics except In the dl[£l· Notes On r. r • f new units will commence early 0 cult cases In order to establish the Annual ToY' Shop ~~prd :h_t h,.. a clHlrrllnatlon lext summer. fI~rl the ;,ayilahle ilampcrs will form of treatment which gives the C New Automobile ( . best control. Epileptic children "Our declsioll to dleselize the· ana dian \>(' ;pre;:d ('I rl' a WHirr arca. In FClr the !'Ilist twenty·sel'en Newfoundland District followed 1' Ihe p.;t ,,'1111' families reeeh'ed may attend ordinary sohool and, Chl'lstmasses, j.he Boy Scouts of genernlly speaking, most epileptics a thorough .tudy of ways Ilnd Historv \. pfi! (rllm more Ihnn onc organl· St. John's helve banded them· means of pro\'idlng the New- " ·:111. ONTREAL, Nov,-A umque• "Iirn wilh thr result that o\llcr5. can marry and Ih'e normnl lives. selves together to bring joy to roun dl an d pOlple with an im' OTT ~\ WA (CP) - Some famous double·deck autrrmoblle transpor- ;~UJlI~' M'rrl'in~. rrech'er! none. The ~peakcr pointed out that many city cht:dren, This year proved r!lilway ser1'lce." said Mr. quota lions about Canada and Canu- t f' t f·t k' d t k it iht ('ollr-I'll olin has a sllb·com· this Is one IIInean requiring a bet· they will endehvollr to play Santa Cooke. "Freighl and passenger dians have been coJlected by. tbe er. ITS 0 ~ 5 III 0:n~ e s r:1!ltrr \\o;kin~ I,n ~hr possibility tel' understanding by the public to approxlmatrly five hundred lrafflc on the line has Increased ,current affairs bureau if the de· debut In railway serVice, will In general. This Is very Important fence department ana pa3sed alon" soon bc placc'i In operation by rI ![lIil1: 1111 a me!! clothing cen· city boys and girls between the more than 50 per cent since 1949, to the armed {orces in the bll; the Canadian National Railway •• t:t' in ~I . .1"hn':,. l'ro~rcss has If such people arc to have the op­ ages of one month and fifteen and full dleselization will enable eau's bi.monthly pamphlet. The nclV automobile carrier. portunities In the community I>m m:iIr hul as ~et it Is not yeall's. The "Toy Shop". as Jt,ls 115 to handle ti.1;; growIng volume They CO\'~r ncar Iy 450 years 0 f first of 25 unrts being built by I"llihl~ til indirate when It mny which they deserve. 1\ Is unfor' known, starts Dl'cember 2. and AT THE BEGINNING nf the St. Andrew'S Ball at the o fwarne wit,h greater effie I· Canadlan history. the Canadian Car and Found"" t,~ ro;;ihlr III d" sllme:hill~ de· tunate that many parents take such continues through December 20. Old Colony Club on Tuesday night, Beryl Ande'rson, ency." .. Here are some of them: .'" l:r.iIC. I'ruh1"1I1, ,<' llC met In· a scrlolls view of their condition Your suppo,·t Is needed, both Exlsthlg railway shops and en. Jacques Cartier in 1834: "I am Company h~re. Will be ~ellvered that thc~' tcnd to ov~r·protect such daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, presented gine houses In Ihe New[oundland raUter inclined to believe that this the thc CNR hext spring. The rlude a rcnlrr lor Ihe collecting flnaqclally anr! through dOlla· Is the land God gave to Cain." nelV units will double the capa· and diltrihlltion of clothing, as children, and as a consequence tlons of repairable toys. to ae· Lady Outerbridge with a bouquet. The picture shows District Arc ~('Ing modified to Voltaire in 1759: "You know that cily of prCSp.lIl automobile cars they develop feelings of Insecur· well a' I'Oltrntcer he111• complish this "GpOD DEED", Beryl presenting the flowers. . ~ervlcc diesel locomotives, 1\1r. these two nations (France and and permit til" lIandling of the ity and Inferiority. This tendency ihe spfdal ,praker was in!ro· Cash donath II! may be mailed Cooke added. Present [uel slor- England) arc at 1I'ar for a fclI' \'cchiclcs with greater speed and The st. Andrews Day Ball, which mer, Jim Oakley, in full battlc rluwl hy the I'rcsident of the also exIsts to an appreciable ex· to: age facilities I"ill serve the new acres of snow, and that the), arc efficiency tent In the school system. Be· was held at the Old Coluny Club dress of the Scot, .then led 0[[ the rounri!. ~lr. s. H. Gorlfrc)" BOY SCOUT TOY SIIOP. diesels. Passi;'l~ tracks at strate. spending for this finc 11'31' morel . cnuse employers do not have any on 'l'ucsday evening was an Ollt· Grand March, with bagpipes wall· !1r l'o:llr I",inlrri unt that the Box E 5334, ing. skirts swinging and all fall· gic points on tbe 705 miles of than nil Canada. is, wor,th." I Designerl jointly hy the rr.- extensll'e Imowledgc o[ epilepsy standing succcss. His Honour and min rn.hlcrn lI'illl rpileptics wns SI. John's ing In step behind them to begin linc are being extended. to ac. APPRECIATIVE HE\\S i se8r'l'1r and devclopment and and thc ability 01 the epileptic to Lady outcrbridge, Mayor MelVs, t\i!lr~li"n"L Epilep,y is not R CII' commodate lungcr passenger and T~e poet BUss Carm;ln II'I"II.le inl nll!l'iranical dppartmenls of the and his sIster, Mrs. E, Jerrett Col· one of tbe most succcss[ul balls of l'1eat~l il":r',: in Inct thc Incld· perform particular types ot work, freight trains. 1894. C1\fl the lIew a III b'l HONORARY 'l'HEi\SURER, lowed behind the pipers and drum· the !CRson. maplc., can he rhl! I I, fllcr' {,I mCllt;,1 illnr3, in persons It I~ very frequently for such a Councillor Jl)seph Fitzgibbon. sh'~I~e ~~alil~~ ~f c~I~~ :ri~" "n·m °la;;.~t f~iCc~~; mer for the Grant!· March, which "or bugles going· by." car on lhe EYJlclII. It Wilt be ; 11 ;u\(crin, (I'IIrn rl'ilrp,~· is 110t an)' person to rind employment. There 127 Hamilton A\'£lll1e, 16\~ where jolncd by onc hundred and Sir William Van lIorne in 1895: feet high. \0 feet eight inches ~rffmnt ,,,,," Iltr itlcillcnce oC arc many occupations whlth epll· 51. John·s. eptics can fit Into, and In suitable [orty couples so filled the centre ~faritime ~fembers "Since We can'l export the sccn· wide. and 78 icct long-34 feet r.:cnlal illnr'\ In the ~cner'll popu· Those deSiring to gi\'e repair. Takes Acll·Oll. o[ the Club that the. leadIng cry,. we shall have to imporl the longer than ii" O'rdinary boxcar. htlon. ,\I:hl'll~h cpilepsy is char· johs their performancl' is campara· lble toyS may ciellvcr them to: couples were completely surround· tOUrists." Idrrrrr{1 h~ Iii' or ;('\ZUI'CS not all ble with other employees.· Indetd, Of 4..H Clubs Leave Boy Scout Headquarters. ed by couples who could not join For Dama~es Lord Carnavon in the House III Porlablc ramps \vill be provid· rtr,,,:;\ "lIn h:,IC seizurcs arc true it has been shown that quite orten l\Iorl'ls Bull.iing, Lords, .1867: "We arc laying the C!d with each ullit. or located at . I . epileptics-as well as other people in to Hnish the march as tho floor (.I rprlrptic;. ~incr a srt:;lre rna)" In Queen Strreet. St. John's was too crowded. An action by William Clarke of For Toronto foundal1on 0[, a great slate-pel" pOints of hantiling to facilitate H'me in;tJIll·c;. he a symptom of who have dlsabill!les-can do a between 2.30 F.nd 5,00, Monday At the opening of the ball, Mr. St. John's, who for 15 years was haps one which at a future day loadIng of aut"mobiies both from lome I,ther iIInl'''s. The majority better job than the average em· through FrIday or dial 4080 duro R. W. Innes, Chairman' for the machinist with the CNR against MONCTON, N.B.. Nov-Mem· ~~:., even overshadow this coun· the ground tc\el. and between 1"( pennn, who hnve fits, irowever, ployee because they feel that they Ing business bours, and a scout dance asked Bob. McLeod, the Harry Bartlett of SI. John's and bers oC 4-11 Clubs from the At are at a disadvantage and must. Anonymous Edmonton citizen the cars themselves. The new !urfcr (rom what is known ns will pick up tire toys. president to welcome the guests, Browning Harvey Ltd" for dam· lanUe Provinces left here vIa the many years ago, to American vi~: type all·steel car will accoma­ consequently, give more attention Bob welcomed His Honour and ages arising out of an accident that Canadian Nallronnl Railways amI trilep.'y. .\IIIIII\I~h tltcr,c Is much ChrIstmas Is the season tor ilor: "Edmonton is as big U3 date eight ilutomobiles each :0 the tasks assigned to them. giving, and through your kind Lady Outerbridllc and said how took place at 7.45 a.m. on the Slant John, N B., enroutc to To­ Chicago but It isn't all bUill up weighing as ml!chas 4,600 pounds It is also true that epileptics do donations you wl\l renp some of delighted all wcre to hear that morning of August 181h, 1953, at ronto where tht'y were to enter yet." . nn two rlccks equipped with shock nnt always fully appreciate what the joy experler,ced by the scouts HIs Honour hus consented to serve the corner of Water Strect and competitions ,t thl! Royal Agrl· Lord Bacon. ~hou\ 1608: "T!1C abso.rbing "held·down" del'ices. they can do for themseh'es and as Lieutenant Governor for anoth. Job Street, was heard in Supreme cultural Winter Fnlr, There were from tills yearl;< "GOOD DEED". Newfoundlanrl frsherlcs arc more Heme/IIDor-- many nre In need of a more thor· er term, and quoting the Scotch Court yesterday before IIIr .•rustlcc n tolal of 39 In the pad'ty, com· valuable than all the mines of The nell' aut.;mobile transport· ough IIntlcrstandlnll of their can· poem "Better loved ye cannn be," Winter. Mr. J. D. Higgins appear· prislng eight from· Newfound· Peru." cr ear will h,";e the latcst type YOUR dillon, In order tha~ they can take to stny In office again, Bob thnnk. ed for the plaintiff, Mr. N. S. Noel land; nineteen from Nova Scotia. FIGIITING I...WORDS () f all'. IIra I(('5. ~ I nc.I' n d'JUs t es, COIl . Lo r d As I rlKJrton to .Tohn Quin"v '" 1-' tecl their place In society without feel· Red Cross Aids cd His Honour. for Mr. Bartlclt and Mr. Alcx Including eigh'. from Antigonish Adams. U.S. ambassador to I.(lri'ls.~ll"Jn<05 a~~ •. EI sl. und?r.car. Christmas Ing that tlmy are being dlserimln· He welcomed His Worship the lIickman for 'Browning Harvey. and seven from Truro; two from don, 1816: "I wish thc British go\'. :lUgers. :' cclr:t rghts Will L'e ated against or thnt they should Mayor and bll sister, Rev. A. M. Sackvllle. N.B.. nnd ten trom ernment would give' you Canada al r?stalled I~ the new units to fael· Disaster Victims Old d MOld d Mr, Clarke, who Jiveh on the Plrlnce Edward Island. Seal always receive extra consldera~lon. s an rs. s; Mr. an Mrs. South Side was on his way to work once. It is fit for nothing but 10 hate loadlllg und unloading. In genel·al. Dr. Pottle pointed James MacIntyre; Mr. D. Mac· and stopped at RlckeU's . Dru The party was In crnrge by breed IJuarrels." (lut, as In the beginning oC hi~ . The Red Cross ynsterday rend· farlane and Miss lIIncfarlane, and. stol'e to mak h h I g Willian Jenldn. ot lhe Nova Sea· .l<"rontenac at Qncbec. i"~II: "I "The nir age fnce, mankind with a Contl'ibution address. thaI the whole matter was ered asslstanr~ to the two extended cordial welcome to ~II. .. e a. purc asc IV en Ie lia provincial department of agrl· \\"I~I answcr" out of the mr:ut!ls of: ~h.arJl choice-Ihe choice bel\l'c'!J1 primarih' one oC educatlon-edll' Camilies Who were burned Ollt at Bet;),1 Anderson, daughter 01 was IOJUI'eu whIle In the doorway culture. Halifax. m) capnon. : \\'rn~c'l peace or lI'in:!cd death." IS 'Ir and 'II' , A d of the drugstore as a result of a WISBECH. En!! I a n rl rCp)-' .rohn WI:;: I Sir Rohert Dorden. 'W29: "l'i',c ca!inn of the epileptic. oC parents. HIckman's Har::lOur. Mrs.. George ., • II ~t..Col. :llc~r.ac, n S. • ames n crson, ., To you Irom fa1l1l1g hands we p~lili~al in~tinrt of Ille r,'c ' 1'· teacher. emplo)'ers, ami indeed 01 Trickett. presrdent Clal'enville drcsser! in her kilt, then prcsented collision between the Browning Watp.r hoard officials of this Cam. til r,.ol.~'. .1 pr'aelical rnlher tir"1l lo.,"icnl,"C .aI1<1 • i all citizens generally." Branch of the Red Cross. can· Lady Outerbridge with a bouquet. hrirl~eshlrllh tOll'n l\al'c insured '" 11(''". Iore II, bc youl's In I10 III ·rl one oh~er·\·cs. nn in\'nriablr. ten· Jmportant! The pipers John Grieve and Harl'ey truck anrl the cal' dril'cn At the dosc or the adlll'css a ta(!tcd the Re'l Cross here which ~Ir. t eil' workers again~t injury and hl~I!. ,. I drnl'.\" tn 31'ord cll

MISSES" , sizes 133"...... ~ ...... ,$2.8S . WOMEN'S , sI zes 4...... 7 , ...... $3.19

rrul ~O.deet.2.3

. . Delicious Creamery Butter and Candy make But t e r BUTTER PRALINE • Praline Ice Cream a dish thaI'! I·.C. E really dandy I IIII:l:'!II!~~~~;;:::=:;:;:=,:;=====';;-=-...... ~~'··~"··.~·c:· .' ,' .. : .". ;,.. ~ .. 1 t· . _1IlII!IIl1III!I!I1lll!ll!l1l!!l..... , , .. ' " : . " . :.:. .' ..... , , ' .. :,.-.:'" ",'. '. " " " .j I .THE DAILY t'IEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 20, 195, 1.',-" Lipstick ":,',', "ASTRO.GUIDE" By Ceean . BetWeen . Us Lingers , ' ,.. ,' "':',, .' For Wednesday, November 30 - , BY ,ALICIA HART " ,', ," " Present-For-You and time has come to 'puL: an Yours ... Another fine day! 'Women , The But just because thin~ arc go­ end 'Lo the lIpsUck on the co,!ec .': ing right for you, don't forget By, RUTH .Mli.LETl' cup and the place Is rl;;ht~ where , those who hclped you along the . , It origInates. ' , way. Your sympathy at this time ,UI'L"tG MATE S~IM, T1UM 15 'It's useless 10 do more to the can do much to relieve frus­ , ANO'I'IIEa WIFELY DUTY , restaurant th\n send I illass back. trated feeling of one dear to . nc"'ife whD watches her own it' caD and Ioes happen In '. the you Extcnd a helping hand :,n)Pt Clreruuy but lets her h~s. most sanitary establishments. , '" • i. Children's Puzzle whe'rever possible. Move rapidly , baDd IOId lip 00 rich aravles, tie· Here's why.' Glass and chIna·, "8 E' ' F A Kt h loday, but have a definite, prac­ : CCIIId 'and tlIird helping. of potatoes ware used in public places IS' eauty . merges ro m I e,en tical purpose for whatever you :~alld apPle pie topped with Ice washed In water far hotter than alleJllpt to do. ·~~na~ 11 Iblrltlnl one of her dut· the hands can stand. ;'In ' many . Future •.• Automobiles of Ihe les as a ,wlf~.· places, it's done by machine: When , future may be buill without Past .. · Jo~n ¥~nyan, lamed Dr. W. H. Sebrell, Jr., forml') the lipstick appears It means the BY ALICIA H:\RT carburetors. using a fue}.i~jec- author of, "PilgrIm's :rogress," director of the National, Institute preacrubber has ml'ssed that par. Women who manage their whole lion systcm ·instcad. ThIS Idea was baptized 327 }C3rS ago of H~alth tecently told a group of tlcular place., It happens at .home . home, plus a baby or two, without has alrcady been widely us~ (~628): The exact date of h!s doeton attending the 28th annual too as al\ women kiloII'. outside help lind that the neatest for diesel engines and for air- bIrth IS .not known as there IS SclellWIc meeUnl' o! the Amer· The blame falls more on'the woo trick of allis looklnll collected and plane motors. no precIse record. leaa Bean. AssociaUon that tbey man tban on tbe restaurant •. Lip· pretty for ,the '(:ompany ,dinner must set their slgbls on the bouse, slick shouldn't be 'tbere In tbe first that's .taken all 'afternoon to pre· . The Day Under Your Sign rie as I means of curbing over· place.' . , "pare. . . I . 1I&iaI, lad overweight among the , Lipstick applied well In' advam e The whole effect of the c1e~n ARIES IBo,n Ma,eh 21 10 April 20] LIBP-A IS, pl. 1) 10 Od. 22] J O:uonl C'm buh is (In financial intcrcsU l1on't lCC(llt. I 'nor oUtrr,1 ~C'J if aadoll people. ' , of a meal, blotted 'after being !I· and sprllCed·up hO!P7' the perfect "-:"u Ihar/ willi rrb.th't' panners and thort arc ~trtn~s .at!.ch~. lla Lt .:l:t Dr. Sebrell Inltd 'out that "It 'Iowed to set and often powdered dinner and the good·nlghts of the ~llltn. Outlook sood. • yeu don', Just ,mJitU1e It! is the housewif~who bu a and pre, ollght not to· come, off on a glm. washed klddl~s Is spolltd If moth~r TAURUS (A ,jill I. M.y 20] ~CORPIO (0.1, 11 I. Noy, Zl) Y Iff a Lid to join a dub in If )'Du\e prt!tnted ~ our U~fO wt:l, Ires the food, times ythe 'meals Llpsllck that's applied between comes oot looking as though she s .r~ 1m~~ are irmrt'strrt. and where tltheu will be in a~rcemtnt '!lIth )C'J !nd tius the quantilles of food curses, belore coffee. wll\ surely had thr klndo'! afternoon she ~D~thue r..JnY frienas. Go ahradl PLlt )Elur ben foot lotv,:ard! be ' d" come oll on the cup. So wlU lip' really din have. , GEMINI(M. 2110 Jun. 211 SAGITTARIUS (N ••• 13 10 0••• 1.11. 10 sen e • stick Illat's not blotted.' . Most of these spunky women sue· c.: m:l1 'tr quick to flromift ,·ou Althou$:h )'OU ~t) to I l1art)' h~!,alm It II ;::::'hi~~f but don't nit 100. mutb cn more, ~1' leu a d~:y, )"tU '\IU hltt I II Is easier and more pleasant iO ' eeed In their aim and ,look as cool their I:Jrrrinr -aut the promHt. IUfJl(lI II1 II), Say time. Rein. cook I man all lhe ridl food he It's not a bccom Ing comment ,on as ,buller, and pretty as hors, CANCER (Jun. 12 I. July 22] CAPRICORN 10''',12 I. J,an, II) crl\'e~ Ind listen to him sl~h con· a woman when she sets dow,n a d'oeuv~es when tbcy sit down for Gtt neceJ!uy .'ork ollt flf .'1)' 10 at rre:in~ of teuilon ,"0'11,1 he dUI'fllro1 ,~ , i I' uch lti.ult lime II l:.os. ttbxahon Incl medllatton. Iud. an tl' tent~ly when he finally llu~hcs :I\S cup lI'ith a brand 01 greasy lip· dinner. ~ic!t:'\scci!1 ~ct{vity fl\'o~td. I;lirin~ bock or attend. ctn(trl. chlir awav from tbe tahle Ulan to sUck on Ule OI.ltslde and .the rim:. And the ones that succeed hal'c 19 roll LEO (July 13 1o AU9. 221 AQUARIUS (J,n. 20 10 Fib, "/, ~n'e him the kind of' food he The dishwasher dislikes her .and tips to pass on to the. ones who lJl,' ',rl nrtult, tomdimu I~t n~ l,ppannt It Tak, Clrt not to 'I~'.lr O\'tr'J,~,! .. ~r:1 ftUlIht to han in the Quantities her c~eort may fccl a IItlle un· still gasp with the effort. J1"l1',rr t'<~ moment but lead steadll)' toward to t!t."f~ around .1'011. '\ &0 mar I: .. lntm,· ti~e J:~'l )'OU"H itt. tiOflll1y lntagonUt aometne. I thai ,,'m keep his weight down. casy, too. 'The mirror in the kilchen,ls the 2J J~" , VIRGO I 9. 23 I. Slpl, 22] PISCES IFeb .. 1.'. 10 M... ~. 20] lIut thll dOt'sn't make first big help. It means that a Au 0 Ilrl~ht. '-1" 10 ,i I cot 111in" r~m,in as they art ut~.'!': A I'\ew rC'sl'(Jl'\slbtllry 1 tl If Jlr,t tft I~ Fet'4 ne Bnlte But feed Him SJDlcllmcs it seems as' though gal, can catch a glimpse of her· t~Jn rille ciuprcintm~nt by lortin; thcm 1!J1Jr or tllt moment ::I'll) tu~n Ctil I, bt \ ~rl1 . some ";omcn have so abused' lip- self before trotting on wilh the ' to I PreMlture ~ncIusic.n. more of I burdcn tI,," ycu t~et;::),t. 15 • ~ 19S!. Fitld [.,terp,i",. In" " stick that the prlvllege of Its use roast. ' ; ~ :1 If \\'e women arc going to do ?ught,to be taken8way trom. them. 'The next big help b the kit, : our utmost to keep oor husbands fhere s lipstick on the cup,. Ule 'chen beauty.and.safety kll. Many t . " t' , i In J:ood' health and prolong their glass, the n~pkln, the dress ,In the women use a flat cake pan to FRO~ HARBOUR '~ , : .. loves 1I'e"'e got to become diet store, her while gloves, her child, hold It and plaee same on a cab· Mr. C. S. pittman, ..j, 'rnsclous not ju~t for' ourseh'cs, her husband, her pillowcases and inel shelf. Others liVe a special Jack and Jane love to visit the from Harbour Deep, ~. j' but for our husbands. her handk9rchlefs. If such a per· shelf under the mirror. . gets you may want at hand. a scarf. The scarf can come off Zoo In the park. One cage they 1. cit). last Friday on sonal encha~cement can't be kept It should contain: lipstick, col. A comb should not stay here when the meal', on the table. are sure 10 visit because the .lId is registered f', It Isn't going to be an easy job. personal, It ought to be dlsconUn· ton 'pads tissues, disinfectant because of the danger of shedding. Most young 'housewlves do all t ailiiual Is so amusing. If you join ,t For the man who likes to eat 15 Dr dale Hotel. r. In the sink. It can go in Ule apron heIr IJwn cooking and serving amI all the numbered dots together, .', easUy madr happy by the old S~'S' ued. petroloom jelly, bandages (the~e ~ three for minor burns and scrapes) pocket for out-of.the·way combin~, stllimanage to look pretty for co starting with dot number onc and • tem. of feeding the brute • Another help Is keeping the hair mpallY. Thh gal turllS the trick ending with dot number forty·eight • jewelry that you want to wear you will have a picture of this tJ But If \\'e want to keep that m~!l after cookIng, In extra hanker· tied up while cooking. A bicycle. ",ilh the aid of a Idtchen beauty d~ particular animal. '~ry. your .,'1 lIround a long. long Ume \\'e'd het­ Manners Make chief for shoW and any, other gad· clip headband can do it; so can I center. . ~ t"r add a q\,~urylng phrase to that paints or crayons on thiS pIcture. !" old 5 ...•• It's nnt right 10 just line and hold it is with jersey. ";" .. Friends fecI that you wish thcy hadn't stay, There are other jerseys 'es· " fted the brule. We"'e got to feed ed 10 eat. Fashion Tips "'. him wh.t Is ~ood for him In quan· Solt jerseys arc lined when nee· . pedally constructed to resist sag· titie~ that don't permit him to put When drop.ln guesls stay past Give them what ~'ou ha\'c-wltn. Hold Ihat long. lean line! Thil essary, A slim sheath or a gathcl" ging, stretching or creasing. They on eXtes! \\'eight. ~'our lunch or dinner hour and you cd dres, will hang well after many are perlect travelers and good 1D\'lIe them 10 eat with you, don'l out the apology that would make, )'ear's silhouette is slim and SliP' what you serve seem less than pic, And. sltrprisingly enough. one IVcarings il made corrcclly over a stay·at·homes. too, No wonder It's our job. Whether lI'e like keep apologizing lor what yoo firm linin,:!, . jersey Is fashion's darling. it or not we'd beller get busy at 11.1 havc. That 11'111 only make them II'hat It 15.' I or the best ways to achic\'c thc


MAMMY'S SALES-Corner Brook.

, ., ; FRANK SMITH (Norman's Covel-Chapel Arm to Southern Harbour.



: j

" ONSLOW' BROWN-Grand Bank.

T. J. POWER & CO.-Grand Falls.

OTTO G' SMALL (Cashin Ave., St. John's)-Bcll


\ i , RC'DGER BIDGOOD {Goulds)-Placentia - St. I:\., Mary's.

T. F. MURLEY lTD.-Marystown. Christmas CON. STAI-ILEY-Gander. Christmas WM. RIDEOUT, WM. DAWE-Goobies to Ter­ CAKES ranceville. . ARE 'ALSO /oMX MERCER (Shearstown)-Conception Bay· CAKES MESSRS. A. STANLEY & SONS {Golf Ave.)-Con­ AVAILABLE FROM, ., ception and Trinity Bays (to Musgravetown). ... YOUR For the convenience of our Outport cus­ tomers who are not covere,d by "Mam~y's" HAYWARD GREEN & SONS, lTD (LeMarchant . . Family, distributors, Vie have arranged, this order Road, St. John's)-St. ,John's East Ext. blank so that you may obtain your Xmas M,R. RODGER BIDGOOD {Goulds)-SI. John's Grocers! cakes without delay, West Ext. "Order Now! ,USE THIS :FORMFOR ORDE,RING .. , • PLEASE ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS'C~KE AS .'J , . SOON AS POSSIBLE AND AVOID LAST MINUTE . : \; . " ,

SHORTAGES. I , " • I ,. " '/., ,,, .: . ~ I _.-__... ___ ------~------_:_I , ..... '. , i •• ' " . " ;'

" ...... - "

" , , \ ,f

, I •.• .·.!t .' .. .. Ttff DAILY NEWS, WEDN!SDAY, NOV. 3D, 1955 1 Baby Quilt '\ ~'igul'e FlatteI'Y!~ CHIT ---CH~T COLUMN recently announced that they- plan JlO~ TlISIT\' to enter the Regional Drama Fes· r . an rl .''Irs . Robert Fowlow of ..)lr ',. Easl nrrll'ed In the cI ty on tlv,' with t)le Irish comedy, "The Tnnlll t atltlld the wedding of Far·off Hills"; by Lennox' Robln~ )!0IIi!l" 0 : ·daughtcr. Felicia. to M~. son. They have beep Indeed for­ thr.~ .\ Carl Srown, Rennie s tunate to secure to' help of Mr. Iir~lnaRI \ The wedding tRke! Leslie Yeo, director of the Lon· ";11 <'I( • ,.. .r al 51. Thomas' Church on don Theatre Company, as the dl· Baby-Sitting pll ,da" aflernoon. ~Ir. and Mrs. rector for this play, which was Thur· • 're re"islered at the played originally by the Abbey fell 10\\'. n Players during their 1932 tour of ll:oy,lI!dale Holel. Parisian Stvle: America, and ran for 47 consecu· '. - Uve perform~nces. The play has a rlO'1 ESGUSll . GeorGe l'addon·Fllster, well cast of 3'men and 5 women. The lIr. f,'r hi. artistic scenes he Theatre Guild started rehearsals 'Please Pass the lno"lI' L d lut week and had Its first reading l;ni a,nd ·'ceutes•.• for the on Ion r nla'" arrll'ed in the c ty on Sunday evening with Mr. Yeo. Tt.r~\lC ,. ." . L'n"land iast week. Wednesday evening the flnnl cast· Ir~:n " • , Ing will take place, and the pla)'ers Baby-Bottle, Doc' \(1\ rHml -f(lRSER BROOK wll\ get down to the business of getting the play ready for presenta. BY ROSETTE 1l.1RGROYE send~ a second year sturlent, a lI,tr Lr!lic reo, who dslted PARIS (NEA) - "Operation fourth year man for Infants. ·Pat. .' IIro.,," on business last tlon In St. John's before lenl'lng nrr.cr • . Feedlng·Boltl." Is proving a two- ents arc assured of every guar. ~ arrj,cd hack In the ell) on here for the festival at Grand way beon to Paris mothers Ind antee - student baby~~lttcrs must ~te 'd ,. bl' the express. lIr. Yeo Falls early In February.' The I ~tur J. - d medical sludents. be enrolled at the Faculty of - II that he has ma e arrange- Guild has an InvltaUon to present rri"r h t their play both at Carbonear and The mothers were looking for Medicine, ali are insured and the t for the London T eatre 0 :nens h Cl Harbour Grace, but so far have baby.sillers, a problem 'that is association keeps a detailed file I I rtlrnt three pI3~'s at teo um· pretty unIversal. The medical stu· which checks nn the capabilities p. '11 II not decided what they will do. I bUla. corner Brook, durlns. thet dents were lookIng for some francs and record .• I ~ttk 01 April 27th, on the way 0 Theatre Guild wns silent for sev· .. .., eral weeks about their entering the to put In theIr pockets. So they The fee is 45 cents an hour, Ibhfax. set up their "leedlng·bottle" or· plus fares to and from the assign . meal ready." doctors therefore have til work I 'f:) .... " Regional Festival, and theatre­ . I .. ... ganlzatlon, and today on' 2+hour ment. Employers take the stUdent . • • to study. They start out by hav.! ~ O'\K& i - goers will be glad to know that R[TtR.~EIl MOSDz\ Y they are continuing their work and notice they'll provIde a baby·slt, home after midnight. The' fee is Of all the jobs which medical ing to spend at least ~250 fOI medi· I I }Iils Doroth)' Oldlord, Crall­ ter with more than average ex· the same for Sundays aud holi. stUdents have to take in Grder to ltiller AHnue, relurned home on will enter a play to make the sec­ cal boods. The Indispensable I Baby snu~gles quickly to sleep, perlence, plus some medical know· days as on weekdays. pay their way through medical manual of. anatomy alone costs I 'neath this. cover-wilhl \1 from Florida, where sh' ond from St. John's. "prolec~ive II ~d1r school, baby·sitting Is the most $45. The Jo'aculty of Medeclne Ii adorable little anlmais ior com./ • 0 nl thrcr weeks as the guest of how to boot. Recently a mother called for a ENGAGED More than 400 names are aI·. stUdent who could take care of popular. On the whole It is less brlary only possesses two copies- pany in dl'eamiandl Easy to make c:.:.-- :.~ friend. ~'rs. ~Ia:< DaVis, the f 8000 t d t embroider - wonderLul giftl .. . I 1y M "f E S H ready on file at the headquarters seven children whose 8"es rangpl! tiring than' Iilll'posting, Waiting ..... frrmtr Annie Frampton of St. r. an d .. r5. ,wen . enne- ul tho Medical Students Assocla. ~ or, s u en s. I Pattern 7212' Embroidery trans· I Easlcst 5ewm)i-anu tillS Dve on table, driving a taxi, dishwash. Housing is a tremendou~ prob· f' d' ~ran;s directions Lori "princes." jumper is yours! See Jobn·~. bury of 22 Belvedere Street recent· tlon housed In a build In donated from three to 12 While the adults Iy announced the engagement of b 'th A I F ~ d . • held a family gathering. Another Ing or distributhig leaflets at ex. lem for the majority of these 1'~~~mbe~?'O quilt' 36 x .12 inches. I those smooth, (lowing lines? 5'0-0 their only daughter, Margaret FY e 'I mtef cfan r en sthi °d' subscriber always calls for the hibitions and sometimes f;ven al. young men whose families live Send TWENTY· FIVE CENTS inl !Iattering to every fi~ure! Mak~ It rRU~ H,\RBOUR DEEI' th lows time for studying. provided lIr. C. S. Pittman, business man Ellzabetb, to Carl Henderson Win. rance' d" o~ 0 h ~m are I ~ same student to take care of her far from Paris. Rents are high. coins for this pattern (stamps can- 111 wool, cm:duroy WIth companIon t n all's quiet on the nursery "front." from Harbour Deep, arrived in the sor, son of Rev. J. W. Winsor re:r St~ t . w 0 I aV~i ~ rea y twins . since they were three an, d even the cheapest room costs Inot be accepted) to ST. JOHN'S b!ouse; let It s?lo for date lime In It is estimated that of the B,OOO around $20 a month. DAILY NEWS (llousebold t rIch velveteen: . , . a'S last Friday on a business trip Hamilton Avenue. ' a a months old. ~.r ~ ;l~ ~~t~~~~:s ~o P~o ~sr~tate studenis enrolled at the Faculty has 15 restaurants which Dept.) 60 FRONT STREET .. l' P31tsterlnS 12, ... d Is registered at the Browns­ Parj~ ~ST 42707~'40~hss~es 2GSI~es the number and age of her chiI- There are poly got students for of Medeclne in Paris, 95 per cent d'l t TORONTO ONT Print plamly'~, , , , . IZC Jumper dale Hotel. serve 30,000 meals al y 0 stu· N A 'tIi E, '.ADDIiESS, PATl'ERN takes 4 yards .39·inch fabric; blouse The Diet Of drcn and any other relevant par· parents who speak no French. Ac have to learn money to see them dents at a cost of 25 cents (the NUMBER m yards 35'lnch. tlculars. Mme. Jennie Bleheron, cording to two.year ~tudent Jean. through their six years of study, government chips in with !mother O~der dur A L ICE BROOKS 1'his patte~n easy to us~, simI riO)! CL\RES\'ILLE social secretary,. who Is the wife Francois Tisso!, the most popu. llr. Fred' Bllrt of Clarenl'iIIe Is plus another three if they spe· 17 cents), and whllo meals ar~ Needlecraft Catalogue. En joy pie to sel~·. IS teste{! lor fl~. Has TI1e Eskimo of a fourth year student and moth· lar jobs are those wilh Americans. clalize. Records show that 52 per adequate and substantial they pages and pages of e!(citing neW complete Illustrated IDstructions. ,biting the cil~' on business. er of a baby of two. then contacts "While most fnmiiies will leave WINNIPEG (CP)-The coastal cent of student~ enrolled abandon could scarcely be considered high· designs - knitting, crochct, em· Send .Tm~TY.FIVE CENTS (35 the student she thinks best suited coffee and fruit, Americans usu. after two years. Most wompn stu· .110)1 BROOKt'IELD Eskimo Is somewhat of a con­ class fare. broidery, iron·ons, toys and novci· cents) 10 COlDS (~tamps cannot .be for the job. aUy tell us to help ourselves to dents do not go beYllnd the third That's what makes those Amerl· tics! Send 25 cents for your cO;JY accepted) (or thIS pattern. Prlllt t'~pI3in I'cle.. Blackwood of noisseur of food In the far North. His diet, strange to the white man, • • • anything we might fancy In the year,' often because they marry. ean.style babY"ilter snacks look 01 this wonderful book noW. You'll plainly SIZE, N,\l\U:, ADDRESS, Broo~lield, B.B .• 15 at present In ranges far beyond the commonly. Jo'or oll!er children she usually refrigerator, or they leave a cold The great majority of. future I ht 11" want to order every design in it! STYLE NU~IBER. lhr cillo ltD business. and is stay· accepted raw meat and whale m g y a urmg. Send order to ANN E ADAMS, in~ lIilh his brolher and slster·ln· blubber. • ------LIGIIT LIFEBOAT care of ST. JOHN'S DAILY NEWS Il';·. raptain and ~rs. John Black· Dr. WlIllam J. Wood, chief med. While the Eskimo Is almost ex· Wood says. He Is Inclined to spend D R f those who arc III must be trans· . (Pattern Dept.) SO FRONT . ST. ",.00. Smith .'I·tnue. Ical oUicer and regional superin­ elusively a meat eater, Dr. Wood hIs money on sweets and foods octors e use ported to the crowded offices and SY~NEY, Aust~aha (CP) - S.)·O. WEST, TORONTO, ONT. tendent of Indian health services, says, only two of 250 trlbesm~n with high carbohydrate content. wait for hours before they can be ney lifeguards WIll soon be uSlng/. says some of the typical Eskimo examined by him had arthritic T M I C II examined and get treatment. a new type of surfboat made from -. . '... _ rRl:St:ST.\ TlOS symptoms. Blood pressure counts Part of Dr. Wood's:job as health 0 a {e .a S Scores of doctors even refUse to fibre glass. The .builder, J. Bray Thf l.3dies' Auxiliary 01 the dishes nelude an Arctic ialad of partly digested shell fish In the were about the same as for white officer has been to teach the In- answer urgent telephone calls. of Sydney, says It ~an never be. jrm Ho~pit31 held a meeting on men. dlans to use fruit juices, fresh JAKARTA, Indonesia (APl-In' Indo'nesia's inlellectuals'complain come waterlogged, WII! never n.eed stomach of a wlilrus, a main cour3e INDIANS MISS VITAMINS vegetables and cod liver o~ fot· donesin's overworked doctors are that olten persons die who could repainting and is only two.thlr:l· IIrnd3' afternoon and during the of walrus brisket, or a sIde dIsh 01 !('fi31 hOllr rresented llajor Rhoda Referring to the Manitoba In· thdlr Infants. But the price of these refusing to make calls at priVate have been saved. as heavy as the ~ooden boat. fermented ptarmigan, the' Baffin. dian, he says that what some Is often beyond the reach of the homes, and the provisional parlia. S;;n!hu~' wilh a bouquet of flow­ land equivalent of roquefort cheese. people call the Indian's indolence Indians' llnances, he says. ment's health committee wants the LONDON (CPl-It costs £11 ; !rs and a birthda;' cnrd In honour After that, Dr. Wood says, the and lack of InlUative Is probably a government to punish them. TOUGH BIRD ~f her 801h birthda)', which Ihe EskImo Is liable to' wash it sll week to keep a child in a rem an" result of malnutrition arising from WINCHESTER, England (CPl- There are only 1,500 physicians BURTON. ON • TRENT, Eng. home, compared with £8 two yean :t:cbratc! lod~l'. down with fermented seal all, a an Inability to choose nutritious Hampshire River Board has asked In aU the 3,000 Islands of this reo land (CP) - When a jackdaw more digestible and palatable drink ago, says a' home office survey. foods from white men's stores. It serap merchants to be sure to col· public with a population of 82,000,. pecked at a neon sign in this Stai. More than 10.000 children spent an than fresh seal 011. Of 4Hnl\'l;U SVSIU \' Is not a matter heredity. ' leet old Iron from householders 000. Doctor's oUices are hopelessly' fordshire town there was an explo- avera~e of 23 days in remand NO ILL-EFFECTS The vitamins which the Indian near .the River Meon. "We are jammed from dawn until midnight. sian, and the letter "U" dropped )Ir. J. IlU5Sf)' of Port de Grave Dr. Wood has served sInce 1947 homes last year.. IIri,'cd ill the cily on Sunday on previously acquired from wild tired of fishing up old cycle frames, Physicians say they couldn't get out of the word "Blackburn." The with the Indian health service game, berries and wild rice now bedsteads and other junk from the Ollt to a home needing medical jackdaw flew aWay apparently un. ~~;inm. lie is employed with the which operates five hospitals, three are missing from his diet, D:. river," said an official. assistance if they wanted to. So hurl. frdrral Department of Public sanltora and 13 nursing stations \I'(,rk< as wharf inspector. serving 50,000 Indians and 2,000 Eskimos in the North. He says Ine 1l1l:.ITIU: lil'11.II \ Eskimo has exploded ~ome falla· A~I[) mE ~-I HAVJ:NT 'I!1E The Theatre Guild of 51. John's cles of the white man s eoncepts FOGGlm /l01/0U. JULIE, '1ll5OME. of diet and health. PEOP!.E AJOIIIS A IIOU, OR A . _------&umN-OR EVEN ACU~ • There Is no salt In the Eskimo 10 ME-A JOII diet, for instance, yet they have SAGAM5... suffered no III-efiects. Another point of Interest to the whIte man 15 Ihat the Eskimo never uses a tooth·brush. Y~t dental decay Is practically non· existent. The only tooth trouble occurs wIth Eskimo women who wear their teeth down by chewing hides to soften them. . Does an excessive meat diet I cause hIgh blood pressure and ======ar=th=r=~I=s'=.====-~~~~==~====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.... ~ .... _ END· OF·· THE ONTH·CLEARANCE AT THE·

Y2 PRICE PRICE. , .'12 PRICE 10% OFF 20% OFF Youths' Suits 'Bunting Suits GABARDINE AND. SATIN .ALL GIRLS' COAT ALL MEN'S SUITS Finest quality Worsted, Flannel Fit up to 18 months,' All nylon with Snow Suits Sizes 33 to 37, with 2 pairs of Pants· To fit up to 5 years. Fur trimmed hood, BONNET & LEGGING and Gabardine. matching cap or fur trimmed hood, Button an' hands or feet. heavy lining and full zipper. REG. $21·50 . WERE $9,98 SETS PRICES AS LOW AS WERE SOLD UP TO $12.98 REGARDLESS Of PRICE. --- UP TO I Now-$10.·75 , Now-$4.49 Now-$4.98 YOUR CHANCE TO BUY 17.50 49.50 Qua-tit,. I ...... I ...... I SPECIAL" SALE PRICES • • TOWELS ...... 19c up FACE CLOTHS ...... :...... I 5c up ...... I GIRL'S SNOW PANTS ...... " 1.98 up ...... I TABLE CLOTHS ...... :.79c up CHENILLE BEDSPREADS ...... ·.. ·.. :... ·4.98 ...... •• j ...... I ...... I INDIAN BLANKETS ...... "" ...... "Only 2 49 ...... I • POUND BLANKETS ...... 1'.28 lb. (many do'uble bed sites) ...... , ..... , I It's' a' 'whale ··of a ,::_J Pre-Christmas Sale~SHO p. EARLY! . THE DAilY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOV, 30, 1955 •. , . "':'-.... _----- INew York I Workmen UnCOver ,Steamship Movements ~Iarket B~osted Relics Canada's By Aircrafts First Railway THE NFLD.·GREAT LAKES Dcc. 15, sailing Dec. 17 STEAMSHIPS LTD. Brook and New York). NEW YORK (AP)-A laIc SPUl't MONTREAL-If history be, XV Dundee leaving Toronto Fort Hamilton leaving Halifax, by aircrafts gave Tuesday's gen· history, that has certainly b: crally higher stock market an ad· the case In the SI. Lawrence RI!~ No\·. 30, Hamilton Dee. 2, Montreal Dec. 13, due SI. John's Dec. 15, ded boOSt. I.' at ~lontrcaI. Construchon I! Dee. sailing Dec. 17 I Watts, Neballa and Banllna. :lIONTREAL (CP'-Th U S uve session. of trading Tuesday. sorbed by the Grand Trunk, Icl ' DIRECTORY . , Ie.. . ;\Incs wcre Irregular Illth narr IIV ( h C" r • AT DOCK dollar .c1osed Tuesday at par with, improvements in the majorIty. now part 0 t e "R, Its ear:, I H~\I.C. DOCKY,\RD M.V. Phyllis and Daphne, S S. CanadIan funds •. down 1·32. ~1 look Western oils were ~lIghtl)' of!. history was not without incident i }'iretug 3, and the t\\'o leng lin· Monte·Doz., Spruce Lnkl.' and IO~ cents Canadian .!o buy .1 A~. Gcneral Dynamics featured Ihe Woodcn rails carrying stnps d ! ers Bamerang and Bamerfastj also Drumbarger. erlcan. Pound ster.mg $280 3·1 I, miscellaneous section dvancing iron \\ere uscd for the fIrst tmkl ll.V. Parr and Lady Anderson, anrl BAINE, JOliN SON '" CO. do\\'n 1·16. 3 . t Btl' a I d They had to be replaced, he,.: , U. S. dollar bl'd 100', asked 100 lcssp.om s. ase me a s lIere ren . ll. V. Scabeacon. Annetta Lovetta took freight ever, when the iron began 10 cu:1 I STEERS LTD. for Burin. Sailing when a time 1·32. Abitibi movcd off a point and SI. up and damage the bottom of t~ ll.V. Sih'er Jublll'e shlrted up oUers. xN Bri.lol 14700 \40 138 HO Lawrence Was q4 '. higher in tne cars. x:'\.w B Dom lGO~ 21~ 200 2!2 ul ti B {rom Bainc Johnston out of the Rita and Blanche, Picott, mas xN Concord 3216 0 0 0 p p an a paper sec on. everages Because the engine purehm! iATEST STOCK MARKET REPORT' .N Contlnenlal Ila:;" a ~8 59 showed n a r row improvcment. f E I d f '1 d t undertow. ulll discharge cargo 01 ter, loaded freight for tbe fol· xN V ..lo. 300 1 16 1 Steels were trendless while refin. rom ng an al e 0 opmt. fish at Slecrs east end premises lowing ports, Hare Bay, Dover .N G-. E,pl mo 20S 19; 19! properly on the inaugural run in Folconb!Juge 28'. xO.!ilsko 1:;00 50 49 .N c:uperlor 2S 230 230 230 ing oils and utilities were shaded v. hen \\'eather moderates. • ~2 4100 I~ II .:'1 1836, Trinity, B.B., Indian Bay and Fai ~r~u KII14 .Pac E3.1 COli. \\t. HID IS InO .. in a fractional rangc. a controversy raged amot) tIel >:Parbcc 1000 l.m 13 Marion rna)' Is taking trelght. Toronto xF.raday ,allxOI:a\t. Selee( 300()50l 10 1!l79 197 9 Bouzan was 8 cents higher in the ral'1 way h'IS t'ol'lans f or J ears is to Island, ready to sail when &a time xFl'1Ibl.her, ~121 413' 433 41F .Pardee tl3!l3 73 71 ~OO for Port Union, Ca~aJlna and TORONTO CLOSrNG STOCKS :-::irnncocur l: .. a 71, 71~ ;1, ~Paler Uran ISOl 14B III ;~;n ~~~~t l\%~~ ~~;;,.I) l2li mines, and New Vinray firmed 3'. whether there was an engine at ill I offers. • noD 53 50 30"" ~Pal mOhler 2.700::a 31 . , Prell .Gal'"n tona,·ista . Catherine Hann, Hann, master B, The Canadian Ge.o Mlntl 100 Ie'. J6;, 1:.'1;' xPlclt C~w 1319'133 130 ,Palhhner 4914 88 81 3B ccnts. Both issucs traded more on opening day. .41110 13 13 13 xPII~e Or. 2 7C~ 13', 13 13 x"eac. m,'r 1~0'30 ~10 910 than 100,000 sharcs. Belle Ch:h Research since has establish" nell Gill Is taking freight for took freight for Burin and St x-Quoled In .• onll, ,Odd lot. .dE,· G01I.~a 1M 37'. 37'; 37'. ~GI ••I \'K 110 533 580 5~0 1'1."r ,Peru, 011. 2GOO 191 Ill.; 19l 1 " Vallcyfield, Brookfield, Badgers Lawrence, Sailing when a time dhldeDd, ltr-Ex.rchll, .\V-Ex.warranls, l~ll 138 IlO III !ililtl lOll will probably SIll In a day 4600 ~o 17 2U .J.lli·oe BorJO \ 16 xTen''"!laml M'n GOO 210 200 210 -fritcs, a natil": of Monclon and m33 52 53 ,.J~burl;,e n Khrushehcv. !.I.V. Manvld, Tucker, mastcr ~=::~ ~ ~:: 9300 IC~ 99 100 .Tanden, IlOO 10 10 In 6ti 3014 30 t~o. 8474 130 1!17 120 ,Jol'.t 4"' ~5~ 2JO 2:2 10 20', 20'. now oC Winnlpcg. has becn all' 'r ready to sail for Bonavlsta with a oB·Duq 300 2.10 240 210 .Jon.m\th l>lOU 29 2R 21 xToc~·lIl1.h AYRE Ie' SONS LTD. ">31 10'. IB 18!' .Thorn Lu:d flO:!Q 170 160 1 load of coal. 800 m 'til'o 4'1l! Kerr Add 1 1"3~7:! 0 0 ~;~ :~~: t;:: pointed district mall and bag· PLUNGES OFF DOCK ~~:~~~~,eLt 2.213:i3 5.! :\:J :d{c),bo)'con G.iOO 12 Uh 11 • xTlara .lane Strong is 'ready to sail. 300 310 3jO 310 ~Ton,blll 500 3, 31 Jl j, 14', II', ~agc agent. r.anadian National VANCOUVER (CP)-Tllo m!l The following \'eSsels are ex· 1311 0107 100 107 .KII.mhe '00 9a Gl~ 680 ~Iarjorie Inkpen, Parsons, mas­ ~~:~~:r xKlc:lnlbe "!II 333 175, Iti3 17S .11 A·h.-Io. 712 9 68', q 1000 10\~ 10', 10', 10110 31 31 31 ,Un E,tolla 3~~ 48 17 47 _ Rai\lVa~'S. Vn,'''uvcl. it was an· were killed Sunday II hen thel pected to arrive during the week, ~g~b~fL 2987 2.11 230 2JI .I',k lIud 1210 700 !'IO !-In ter. is taking frclght for the usual 229' 4Q 39 39 ~n" n'!I"O Tolal "Ie. on Toronto c:lock E,ch.nge nounced there by P. C. H. Reid. automobile plungcd off the pari. o 1003 13 13 13 .l\Irl< L.ke 000 37 Ii 37 37 Sid and Sam, Glover Masterj Jen. xBldcood 30011 19 18 19 xU Mo.IRub.n ~o~. 29. 3.'l9.0)o sharlc.. . Dorlhern ports, xBlaek Bay 1300 121 120 120 xlillk To"n 5000 101 10~ 101 ~eneral mail and baggagc agent. mg .area in front of the C.1nad,11 1425 315 300 3UO xl(rl·lln. 10iOO 13 11 13 ,Up' C.n 3 nl e Ell za beth ,asonE mastrrj and Blue Roell 320 151, 1M. 151, Venlure. 182 39 39-. 39 • Earl Keith and Eugene Roy, 9700 4. 43 41 Lobrndor 2100 2.1 21 21 ,,'c,tern Reg'on. NatIOnal St~amships pic: hert the Hazel Blaskwood, Blackwood BBobloll1 14000 13 WI, 13 xL.ke Cinch JaIO 330 3ll 330· ~V:eour both from the Labrador, nnlshed on," I! 9336 225 201 ~o:!O Waite Am 466 lSI, II 13 !\Ir. Tritcs .~ ... s born, educated Af~er erashl~g through a guald ~oo 32 31 32 .L Duf.ult 1,1)00' 41 45 New YOJ't· master, to loar! cargoes (or the IBouseadllla. 300 500 510 50 xLol,. Ling 3iOO 13 13 Il x'Veedo" P"r sun'e)'ing and are moored up for 1440 460 450 10 xIV.', Malal 3100 R', 8 8 ~EIV \'onl> IAI') C!o".lc SlO' • .,. ",and hc"an his railway career at Irail, the "ehlcle dropped 40 Itli usual northern ports. ~~:~f~· 2100 182 170 m xL Shore 1 lOra:!, 21)0 2C~ neth S'ecl .... 1 R, > <0. , ~ a fender log and then rolltl tJae '\\'inter. 13350 m II 168 xL Wa .. lOCO.!4 2. .!4 x"'r\ 1roy JOB BROS, "CO LTD Bl'1Iul Reel x.LencDurt 40()0 III< 10'\ 101. "WIII.o)· 2003 101. 101\' 10'\ Borg Warner ...... ~~. Moncton. Jomlrg the C~R as a into 30 feet of water Bodiel ~ Samul'l H. Ware Is moored up 'J • Brufthur»\ moo 111. 10 10 I. 6', 61, 7100 31 30 31 rhO' ,"d Ohio ...... t h' .• 1500 11\1 II 111'1 xL •• aUe 3000 xIVnll'lard 21;0 191 Igo 191 Con. Edl,on ...... 47'. E enot'l"ap cr:1 the freight traC· both mcn, each aboul 4S, IICII i (Southside) BruMman moo 48 41 41 xLe.I.dln !OO 31 31 31 xWr lI.r« for the winter. Brun.ton . 200 115 III \11 xV,I. L<,d 10' 4\ 41 l\ 1:1 Aulo L ...... !:" fie departmen! here in 1940 he rccol'ercd. ! FI h 1 500 121i 1!!\1 12~t xL L L~c 893 ~nR s cry vesse Blue Spray ar. Brunswick 2800 6~ 6 xVI, Bear :08 203 General ElectrIc .•••••••••••••••• ,I ' t Audrey Bartlett, SauD!ler~, mas­ 3300 40 39 40 xl..omp,,;,a llOO lO 30 30 15 ,Lorado 10000 Il8 113 133 .7'• ."ae I "'.. ··1 Molors ...... ~ transCcrred th~ following year to rived from &the Grand Banks to ::r"Ank 1000 13 13 Gnod\ear •••••••••••••••••••••••• Ii~ h '1 ORIENTAL LOOK ter, loaded freight for Glover· 1000 15~ 151. 13\1 xLou\'lr't 2000 27 27 27 Curb discharge a cargo of fresh' fish Bull Cd. 4300 230 221211 C,tr~ "1 Nor nr ...... "'. t e mal and bnggage depart· TORONTO (CP) - The lIomeD'1 to1YD only. Last trip (or 1955. , Bunda, moo 15 15 15 xLl'.dhursl ~10 7000 2\i 26 26 ,Moen. 64950 2Bv.. 0.17 xBulolo 1763 J(enneeotl ...... III:~ mcnt. After berving In various II ... auxiliary of the neW Mount SID~ Hlady to sail. and after disc'bared will sail for Call1n •• 90 1m 15 15 ,Moekeno 16100 44 II 41 xCo.,1 c.op :\1".,tpf'lmf'!rY ...... 101 .. the Grand Banks fishery again. ~::::~ ·~t 1100 85 70 70 xM.eLead 21011 138 13 137 Gaspo C,pper NY, C.ntral ...... !!:z clerical capadies, he was pro, hospital sponsored a fashion !hC1 : Robert Knlekle Is taking (relght 3%7~ 610 no 500 S26D 213 20 x"alo n,do Corn ...... ' d t xMadsen 1B5 S'.,d1rd 01 N J ...... 14R'~ mote 0 rna:) accountant at fealing Paris originals by JacqUil CROSBIE '" CO., LTD. ~~~{t.:~rll , 500 40 40 40 x~lal.rtlc 100 181 IB5 ,Pend Ore for La Scle. Bay Vertc and Fleur 7700 36 34 3311 01 t Jl33 26 2.16 20 .M••••• ' 'Uran OILS. V,n,d"."ITld MeralU .0\'0 'I"on t rea I! n 19"2i>, 0 til'rave mg Heim. The Oriental style II." part a'Lle and the other usual north· l'tJ.V. Carnell 2nd, from Labra. xcan.~et 90 790 770 700 xMlralro 4014 10 10 10 xCII'lar 2$00 8,'4 B 8~, W.'I u. T~l ...... :"': mall and bag~~ge agent at Win· of tbe nelV look of the sholl'. dor Is moored up for the winter, ~C ..llc xa 100 373 373 m ,Moreu' 2303 193 1~ U3 xhJax 1)00 7" 721~ 74 em ports. 150J 425 420 m xM.rlllnlt W.. lIn~hou e ...... 01< \l I peg .m 1954 • an d noW t 0 hi 5 "Is 57!i 17 17 17 .Albormn.1 3100 78 75 78 A. E. HICKMON CO. LTD. LIST OF ARRIV ALS ~?,,:~.:.!\rl~ 500 40 40 40 x)lorll A 423 53 52 ~3 xAlbcrmont "Is 2Boo 20 20 20 SAVINGS GONE 31700 8 801m .Marl B "t. PIOO 133 130 133 .Am Leduc 5112) 1rr.J 102 103 ;ew appointment in Vancouver. nv. Havre-au·Malson loaded &a . Catalina Trader 'arrived Tues. ,ChbxChl"'K.yran~ Bop! 28lO 109 104 101 xMaybrun VANCOUVER (CP)-Mrs. Laull ~'IOO 1~ 1000 38 33 38 xAmurex 100 60 60 0 130 127 xMeKende 4500 19 IB 18 Anllo.Am Exp 200 141, 141'> 14'. I Alexander, 63, lost part of her sl~ urgo for Bonavlsta, sailing when day, Nov. 29th, from North Syd. xChllno 1700 B2 82 12 xMcMlnn.e lCobalt 2200 . 37 33 :IS "ADI:!o Cdn 2178 540 ;J; 510 ings when thieves robbed her ho~l a tlme offers. ney wI t h a cargo of coal for a xconl"urum 500555' xMcWalters IlOG 119 110 110 xB.lloy Sci A 102 10'\ 99j 99j MONTREAL, Nol'. - The ap· 3300 12', 12 12 xMentor neW 22100 :62 . m 23B' .Banff 8210 183 17l IS2 oC $3,000 while she was attending I 3~300 300 :85 300 lI~rerrlU polntment of Hl'rbert. K. Picker· M.V. Pay Off is moored up for northern port, sailing when a ~Ime ~~~~a~:~e , moo Zl 20V. 21 xBata 3;00 14', 11 \4 wedding. offers. xColdllream IOJOO 69 6 9 .Meta Uran 8100 42 36 42 .Bral.amall 300 122 120 120 Ing. a native .,{ l\lontreal, as suo the season. xChromlum ~o 203 20S :05 xMlnd.mar 1927 32 32 Xl. .Brltan. :,00 217 238 238 x CDlnlson 1710 1000 980 980 xMln,Ore pervisor, dep;!rtment of tours, .M.V. Thomas and Robert has U Mini., Corp t=9 2Hl 21~\ 2H, xC.lalta Pel. 500 70 70 70 ",Con C Cnd 1000 12 12 3lC 320 3D! 320 Cal a,d Ed mo 18 10 13 been successfully refloated and 311)9 29 ,28 28 .MolIIl 741'1 has been an,l·lIlneed by John T. 320 305 360 33 xl10netR ROa 711< 74'. xC 0/'1 Land, 900 233 230 230 Cana dian Dollar ~c J!e~en~I' ROO 113 Il2 132 xC 0 I La. "I' 1M 121 I~; I~I Whiteford. ';Dneral passengcr will eventually have further re­ 975 3:10 ~O n x CDlleo\ery 330 xMultl·Min 99R5 174 16! 17lJ xCan S Pote 300 19R 1!13 l 8 pairs. xC Fnlmare 1m m I' 11 xNama Creek mo 62 61 I xCd. Ad 011 2100 61 ',9 01 traCClc managrr, Canadian Nat· NEW YORK (CP)-The Cana· .Con GUI •• llOO 13 13 13 x:\ol Eplor 30n 18 10 10' .Cd.· All 011 327:; nO 1>10 ,James Strong loaded cargo of x CG Arrow 7973 41 It 45 liN.. L.bl •• ional Railways Roland E. Sarla· dian dollar was unchanged at d xC 1I.III1,e1l 16100 47 4S n .New Atgtr 2200 24 23'; 23'h ~Brli Emp lID 0 f'oI1 ~~ f..elght (or Little Bay lslds" 1\'0 S 63 6B' C'Col1lorleo 1720 IJ 13', 13' bous, a naU\'e I r Edmundston, N. discount of 1·32.per cent In terms xCon Nelu. 1000 37 3,j', 3m xNew Atho .. %)00 2''1 2 • ~t~ xC Decalta Warr :1-3ilO 4J 3i 43 xC Mosher !OIl 7 7 77 77 "New Bld 211 B., succeeds i,lr. Plekerlllg as Springdale, Twilllngatc, Nipper's of U. S. funds Tuesday. Pound 2100 13 41 II .Ne" C)I 303 102 100 102 ,Cdn De. P,lc 7900 2,2 23 xC Morrison 900 1D3 103 103 I xC Homestead 'j~t8 230 ~28 230 Hr., and other northern ports. sterling unchanged at $2.80 3·16, Can Smell 925 37 36'. 37' xNew Deihl G 62 59 0 tour sales reprcsentatlve. 30\. 50', xNow Dicken 2250 20:; 200 200 xCdn a and Re. 9100 x CPe.,heourt 587 3D', 12800 3.... 3D 3\ xCdn P L P,le l009~ 3\5 303 310 Mr. Pickering jOined the CNR , CRod Poplar 4003 57 53 5 7 xN Fortune 7300 2.1 21 21 C Pro.peel ~OO ,"0 430 4,0 xC Northland 4137 I~ 120 I~ xN Gold.u, 3000 30 • 30 \ 30' .C W,lII.lon lDOO 280 ~&D 280 passenger der~rtment In 1930. ;1 ~I ;r 0001 001'0 UO:'X sN Harrlcana 11200 1 51 ~ .Canso Nal G 100 130 130 130 xCon HolVoy 570 m 415 415 xN IIRhrid •• I\Ir~8 Sarlabous entered the Withy & Company L"1. xCon SudbUry 3\>1 475 463 475 ,New Jleul .. 995 20. 20 20- \xCe.1 EX1I1 900 5'3 590 590 COOD \1 10 11 xCenl Lcdu. 2100 220 21~ 212 Llver,"J ... Joba'. .,..I0Il allllall 111 Jell... xCon '1'IIOr 1100 43 45 43 N La,uerre 14000 17 I! IG "Chamberlain 2100 3 3S 31 vice at I\Iontrl'al In 1935. I Cc:annonn .100 13 13 13 .New J.... n B3&30 S3 49 491lo "Charier 011 2200 198 195 195 Ie .. Rh." t.. .. Ie xC Tun,.ten 3830 53 52 53 ,Newlund 7800 22 20 20\1 xConTO 7800 36 35 36 xCl'1Iwpal 131 ". 43 43 xN Kelor. lOOO 109m xC Anenbce 3900 18V. 1 16 ~~]~g~n~,L.A~"t b...... BoItDII Hallrn St John'R LlweMJOol Conwell lC 3725 ~ 595 S!l5 ,N Marlon 675 10 18 IB xC D.. qon 516 43 40 40 Nov. 3 xCapper Clllf 7000 278 273 275 xN M~I.m.que ' 000 9 I\~ > III xCon 1o1lc Ma. 2141 280 21 ~5 ~ 5 Nov.12 Nov, 18 Nov.!l2 Nov. 24 xCopper Corp moo 160 127 1211 xNewnorth 4000 15\\ 15'.. 151. ,con Peak IB93 121> 1m 121. xCoulco 62110 115 110 112 ,NeW RouYQ 28100 172 16! 170 xC We.t Pel. 100 MIl ~O ~5o ~~moul1ldland" Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Dec. 6 Dec. 10 Dec. 13 xCl'1Ilnor 142700 30~ 34 34 xNew Royran 10700 9' 7V. 9 "DII Rio 5700 155 150 152 Del!'. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 20 Dec. 24· .D'A .. ,on 3500 32 28 28 xN Senltor 3050 . 2J 22 23 ,De •. Ledu. 3000 159 150 15 xCUoco 1142 14~ 1IV. 14V. "New Th~rb 14000 6 6\\ \~ "nome Expl 4075 5GO 57! ~~wloUl1ldla.nd" Dec. 24 Dee. 31 Jan. 6 Jan. 10 Jan. n xDom Albestot 1:200 15 15 I" xNlb 1'0110 4700 110 106 lOG xDuve 13000 20\1 20 2u'h Jan. 7 Jan. 14 Jan. 20 Jan. 24 Jan. 27 xDladom 7712 49 4 48 xNlekol Rim 200 2J 235 2J6 xEI Pe. neY 4313 81'> 8 8 .'lmounldla~nd'·Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 7 Feb. 11 Feb 14 xDe Coar "II 2000 30 30 30 xNlpl"n, 5000 8\\ 81. 8~ xFar,o r.oo 235 230 231 "Donalda 3500 39 a~', 38'" "Nloto 1000 0 6IJ 6~ xFed Pet. 3110 m 405 420 ScoUa" Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Feb. 24 Feb. 28 Mar.:' "D.lmonl 2140. 51 S~ 51 xNor Aeme 1::8 52~ sm:12 Gr PlaIn, D·' 2.\ 23~\ 251, ':!.I'\ . ·Cfor Liverpool) xDome . 350 HI., 14\1 Uv. Norlnda new 2300 2 23 23 xGr Swett G IM.lO 380 370 m xV'Eldona 1500 16 . 16 I INorrold 500 10~ 10~ 10'~ xlllih cwl 11100 22 22 22 Penons c:onlemplatlnl pass ale to Europe .hould make bookln,. Dolla 1.100 17 15 1 xNorlartl. ID advance. xDuvan 30IIII 45 44 IS xNormetal 1500 80 675 680 xllomo Oil ".80320 !~88!00 :!~ xD)'JIO 13700 104 101 104 xNorpl' 11!!OO 47". 45 4 "lIu.ky ~.. • ~ 4000 g'. 91, m xNDr Inca­ 300 9 91lo 9'. .Hu.ky wi' 810 315 32!i 335 PusIIlts Ifr~nll!!l b, B.O.A.C. - K.L.M. - SellDlllnllvlan Air. xE Am.hl 1000 I DVo 9'.1 9v.. .1I~.Char, 111200 9', 7 8 "Ea.t Malan .100 232 232 23% xNQr\h Trln 1300 0 . 60 60 ,Jupller' 3000 236 ~'20 220 lines - Pan American ~Irwa,s - T.W.A. and cODIIllCtlDl Air" xEul Sull 111J 1120 600 20 ,Norlh Can 5100 41 13 45 .Kroy,OIl 1700 II! 110 112 IIneI ,De Cour Brewll 7~ 90 90 gO xNuduiama IiCO IZ 12 U xLiberal 1'.1. 4,90 265 2.\l :!.I3 xEall Molll. 3200 to '!I 00 xOI_ma ::;~=-Iull us rel~r"lnl ,our tl'llyel problems. xEnt Smell 1110 690 80 631) xOk~ n.re M:' 3300 93 U 85 ~L I Pc!, 21~0000 !22 122 xEldrlch 2ODO as B.I l3 xO'Lelry _ 35 34 3.1 xM.rllold ", xEI Sol 1000 101, 10lt 10lt xOmnllran. t.l9O 4\\ 4\1 1\1 .M.rrlll Pele 2052 11'. 1m 11 FURNESS TRAVEL OFFICE Eureka 83140 172 1S3 If. xOpen'll.ka 12m g,1 IU 92.1 xMld.on 4000 75 72 72 .WO'VNIIIL.UID HOTEL 'PHON. 56» xxEunka ,,11' 15360 10 0 70 .Orenada... . 20000 33 ~7' :18 xNal Pel. 2100 295 290 291 . _------:;...------_. .,' , ': .. " .:~. ',~:' ... , ." ' ... ,. " { -: -'t ". .' , " '. ',' ':' .~ .. " , . ' . • • ~'" . r t ., . , .' , ',' , THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY,' Nov. 30; t'9~5,.: 9" . , '. ." ... , , ..', l.,':a" ~, "Ver 's General Soci~I News Personal

htrtb ::';'; ::.: .. .:.' .. ~~ -- : :',:::, .... ·::i· ~ lll,~ .... ":' :';:: II~ .Ul1ion ,Membership Contri'buti.OUlS To' 'Y hatt PlDiett ttaol ~firIt ~feeting .At Wabana Wido,ws, Orphans Fund' The following is a list of con· Dr. Young ...... ••• 1),00 moment. a~ '63 mrmbcr~ of Local Union tributions. to the Bell Island Branch Walter Squire •••••••••• ,' 5,00 ;, Vnilcd Steelworkers DC According \0 Information the of the Canadian Legion Widows' Frank Squire ...•••••••••• 10.00 brh"ttI! n.. d d m Steelworkers, or Miners Union i~rbllli 'ror.,··":r' C,. I U, allen e a me • and Orphans' Fund for $5.00 and Max Hutchings ...... 5.00,. , hOp mcrtin~ in their Hal! on are asking (or an Increase of 16 I ft\·t:lh over: Sam Gay •. I I • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5.00 (\ttl'. 11 d N cents per hoil!, together with a LIIIS ID~ f\C~netl SI:eel un lUr$ ay, ov· James G ,Archibald ..•..•. $20.00 ,Gerald Rees ....•••••••••• 10,00 ri;ht OIl r;bcr :~Ih, to finalize their pro­ further ~~ C. per hour between James R. Butler ...... 5,00 Monsignor Bartlett ...... 5,00 .net tlt. .. Is (or Ihe lurlh-coming work· the job clossns Dr. Dominic ...... 5,00 Tom Lahey ..'...... 5,00 'Iain IIll! t"*l,.rl'tment. "I' contract. Their That bonuses anll Illcentl\-es oC J. J. Tucker Ltd...... 5,00 Francis and Mrs. Gosine ... 7.00 11',; • t int l~ rt!rnl \lorktn:: agreemen ex· a11 kinds be negotiated. John Simon ...... 5.00 A. E. Pike ...... 5.00 t~t ~ ~;, Drcember 31st. of this year SHIFTS PEPMIUMS Wabana Shoe Slore ...... 5.00 Wm. Butler :...... 5.00. mal 51" ~',oiIO\l up m,'rllng for tlte night 5 cents per I:our for B shift, Dr. Templeman ...... 5.00 Lee Hong ...... 5.00 ;~I:l took pl~l" on Friday morn· 7 cents per I' our (or C shirt. . Cyril lIIoakler ...... 5,00 Kirby Hunt ...... 5.00· ,all lilt ;~,t :,'ol'cmbrr :!.ilh at which 418 Double tlmf for oil Sunday George Garbage .....:-..... 5,00 Wm. Clarke ...... 5.00 , apllQr t::embW werc present. work. Charles Cohen & Son ••••• 5,00 irstllltlj The propo.'lls wrre drawn up A minimum of Ii hours when Nathon Cohen & Sons •••• 5.00 Wabana Firemen ••••• , ••• .; 20.00' I mllntz. ddn~ Ihe eJ! I), part of last ca11ed Ollt on ~ special or break· Simon Levitz •....•.••.••• 5.00 Clerks' Union, 264, •• :., ••• 15,00 lIIud I:ta • ttl.: by lIn- local executll'c. down job . in. \lrs;T!, D, I. lackman. F. lIaaley, Two additIonal Statuory hall· ile-rOntt r.1', Bum)'.:'; Cralle. D. Nell. T. days, theiJul. ''l(,(,:ry. J. .,'ues as.. hot waler .. ; hro can tal. bUsiness. Replaccment ...... 50 50 100 coconut. , 2/3 cup chopped walnuts. I . )Ir, C),ril of B, Hand lIlr. LM' 'Hul;ey took his UlUe ~uled bl G';~ce J." , ' 408 504 912 '-- Cut caclt square o( chocolate ill' l' and Company IS presently I~ere son to hospitll Monday past Cor C. LuHman •• • •. 115 131 246 is Nuw that we !lave stnrted th!s Ito sCI'cral piec~s, . Sift Huur on~c, linin,. 1M on, a hUlmes: :np (or his fIrm. treatment. J. Bennett .. ., .. 111 108 219 DEVELOPMENT CREW-Shown above' one of the development crews engaged column with bar·type coolde&. Jt measure, add halang powder and :e bath 10 ,~,,; Jeal~ (,urman made a trip f Other recem visitors to the city H. Best ...... 155 163 318 ill driving the'new ore pocket through which ore from, N? 4 Slope will pass to be Imight be a good idea !u add a few I sail. and sift ngnin, A.dd sugar liE public. 10 51. J~h.n, ';.~t week and while included lI!r. Joe 1I1111cr, !\Ir, S, Warford ...... 110 110 transferred'to the surface by the rubber belt conveyor m No.3 Slope. They are, morc, as they seem to be some of Igra(hwlly to cgrz, bcatmg thor· nilroad in Ihc:c I.>lled !.er mother Mrs Cyril Power, Mr. Martin lIlCild. Morris Gover .. ..128 157 2/15 back row. left to right, Lloyd Rose, Freem an. Skanes, Jack Brown, Andy Normore the most popular IIf all baked ou~bly. Add butler and I~a~er: Lu~c Gorman Who underwent a :ll'miliWJ' '~r~"lul .'1' ~I G IIrlty and Mr~ Harold QUinlan. G. Janes ...... - laO 130 and Joe Mason. Frant row, left to right, Abe Norris, Foreman; Israel Clarke and goodies, and there is an almost, then nuts ~nd ehocola:e, Illlxml! · "., ~p,~ "Ion I' rs. or, . 619 689 1308 endless variety. Here's one we U!orou~hlr. Add flour gradually, l:1:n Ii well "Il the wa~' to re. Fred Lahey. I likc: mi::inr; well. Turn mixture into y \"ISIT ro:clr and 11,11 b" home soon. Young Briton~ R. Pitts ...... 97 115 212 DREMI BAns f 3 x 3 x 2·ineh p::n which has been ·The Daily .' r, Joe RI!ha accompanied T P 153 1 40 40 h·1M; owcr·.. .. ., 41 294 J. Power ...... I Many Happy LOlVcr part: 'greased, lined 'l'ith waxed paper, t the (or<.". ~! lillIe ;01; Joi;n back from hos· eell"IIg B, Newton ...... ,97 137 234 G. Cole ..... , ... 85 107 .192 I H k 14 cup butter Iand, a'!ain greased, Bake i~ slow of RU5Si:1I r·ta I"it Frl,jay afternoon. G n h 163 1 5 A5 1211 , "as a ...... 73 336 B, Nolan ...... 7 .. ·OC· ey'R 1 cup sifted (Jour, oven 325 deg. 25 to 30 mlnut~s. ~to I\"oid ~Ir~. ~:1i L'1r.rkc accompanIed' '__ F S I 114 114 P 80 80' . eturns I wntness." I r . qu res •• .., - H. ower.. ., ,,- 1~ cup brown' sugar, Cool. Remove [rom pan. Cut 111 !pIper w-, . :rr ililc !Un 10 a city hospital The, rcgulnr weekly meeting K. Hedderson •• ~ •• 7 72 359 349 70S '----...;..------d Blend togctber nour nnd sugar, squarcs, ~und'r .ft~r. ','·on. o( PrInce o(:,IValns LO.d"D No. 32(1 582 680 1263 D N . 78 114 192. . Many happy returns of the ay '. [ian tDlIl' 01 ~I ~ .,. - . ormore.... . 282 West Mmers created an upset'ln, .10 Mr, George Curtis who was 71 ------Ii . Bul&anin \' fl. ;~~~ie ~00!111Il crossed of the Loyal urange'Young Bri· P. Penney ., •• .,114 94 208 D, Kavanagh •. 107 175 the local ~enlor Hoc~ey Lea, gue on year's old Sept. 29, . D I B boss :-;i1.iu ~. ~r 10 St J 11m F Sunday On a tons AssociatIon will take place IT' 'feLean •• • .164 15S 322 G. Coombs •.•••• - 112 11:! Sa, turday, night by defeatmg· the Hapy birthday greetings to Mr. ec i- Ov. te~ion Ejection \~!l\ 10 hrr f ,I r.cr ~Ir, John Ca· In the Organe Hall tonight at 8 B, Duggan •• •• •• i71 133 304 B. Myers •• •• •• 81 81' 162 h h t H k b 5 1 1'111, Who undnl",cnt a major ope. p.m.' Special ,,"uest will be Rev. J. Hickey •••••• 116 113 22!l I 85 105 190 IS fa mg aw s y a . score, Albert Morgan who celebrates his dol . P. O~Kee e •• •• ., Hawks ,were somewhat weakened birthday today, Wednesday, Nov. DrO\Vne At toC'E ratiOn al the Generai HospItal c'fend C D Haynes Curate at P. Mlltphy ...... 105 105 N, Jackman .. • .. 67 67 by the absence' of their regular 30th . Of Officers -TIro mea :~,tl)'. ,'Ir. C;.hlll Is a veteran St. Cypr'lall'~ C:hurei; All mem Replacement., ,., - 50 50 418 587 1005 T d t t G . I The election of uWcers, Local IIiIeD t.~6r ,r World Irnl I .' 670 548 1218 ,goa Ie an s, ar een. reman eo~ge , Congratulations and best wishes Rotl1esay Doc r Branch ot the Canadian Legion, r the park· ~h T' bers arc requested to make a Connors. ," cst Mmers, reall~mb Lo Mr. Roland Hiscott who is ccle: L \. e ~Dadilll ':, >. .:'\' (unl\'~)' \'isiled the speCial effort 10 attend G. Walsh •• • •.•. - 71 71 the advantage 'went all out to gain '. I took place in the Club Rooms on pier hr~. tit) on ~und";. • J. Snow ...... 135 1~5 260 F. Neary .. • '. .. 80 43 123 ' , brating his birthday today, Nov) A 15·year·old Norwegian deck·, Novcmber 26th, and resulted as II & (Uilli :,Ir,. I:dl\at.i LuHman was a It, Coxworthy .... 157 171 328 K. Power.. .. 75 110 185 a win in the series, Next game Is' 30th. boy was drowned whcn he (el! r II ,. led 40 fttt ;:CP'1 \j,itur II: the local main. NelV ' Year's D. Somcrton .. ..138 137 275 J, Murphy.,. .: 601 69 13;1 between St. Kevin's and Rangers. A very happy birthday to Joan from his ship into the water at 0 P~::ident.-petcl' nee!, :ltrn ronrl! •• r. 1• Replacement •• • •• 50 50 100 J, Leonard •• 27 27 ' The Bel! Island Junior All·Stars lI{etcalfe on the occasion of her Rothesay Dock Clydebank at 1.30, '1'1 kl '11 b I tI in th St . ' " VIce Prc;,--Cyn "oa' cr. , Bodie~ of n . ~lr, Terl ~Ihdlell of Ule rerry Eve Ball Replaccment .. ... 50 50 10n K, Murphy... .. - 84 84 JWlh "eSstaede~ n sact °d . het f' birthday, November 30. on Wednesday mornmg, Scpt, :l8. "nd Vice Pres _ Lorne Proud. t 45, "'rrt l!a~e('o" ~I".,t thr weekend at 530 5a3 106:.1 246 ,3;7 623 0, n slum a ur, ax. mg 0 Happy birthday greetings to, He was AUe Arsund, a member I lo;t ' • j'UrlU~~1 CII\';, with Itls family, SECTION B J. PI'oudCoot •• •• •• 62 60 122 thIS week In an' exhIbItion game Mrs Silas Pcdd1e who Is celebrat.' of the crew of the "Sally Stove" I . (J , against a city junior team. AI· ing' her birtbday today Nov 30 • Crel'ghter which docked thi~ Secretary-Clyde Hunht. d I0Il: .~'1r.~ 10 dh"',ption in the' ser, Tllc BelJ Island Branch of' the Gil Nugent ...... 95 95 C. Warren'...... 71 :16 107 Ih h t' tIt'. '. • '.. • ASEL Secretary - Art ur Prou • 'Irc r~ tl 'r' "I B B k 178 171 34n ' 110 "96 aug no as s rong as as years Greet11lgs . (rom the family, week with a carno or iron ore (rom I .. ~ ~meD'. . , " Ie ;"'; c, lie was un· Canadian Legion, B.E,S,L" wI!! • ur c •• , •• ' •. ~ C. Alicock •• , ••• 116 .. ~ club the local juniors show plenty Newfoundland " fool . '10IIII1 Sinal "l!. 10 return hefore ~lonrlay, hold a New Year's Eve Ballin tlte F. Power ...... 97 106 203 T. Jardlnc '...... - 82 82 r . d t b . 'freasurer-J. D. Taillon. :stJj0l shOlf • ~::. Kell C,'\'"chm of Club Rooms. TIckets wlll be aval'l. n, Nugent ...... 217 104 321 R, Aicoek .. · .. 27 27 ~h pr~"!lset~n~ay ~rov:1 0 de a WI dd" The above item was taken from Asst. Treasurer-ROY R~es. by JJCqIItI COle c:.me 10 Ihe Island lIlonday able to Legion membcrs up to and. K. Kent ...... 121 115 236 A. Bonnell .. 49 81." 130 I r~~h In ~ C a~~ ons 15 thur'W,e mg thc "Clydebank Press" o( Sept. 30, Sgt. at Arms-Granville Martin. 'k 11"15 pat' Irltrnooa on d bu~lness trIp. Includl D b B, Clarke.. .. - 89 89 " 325 369 694 tnhgi cbcom ngt' WITn er. nOt ~r It is also o( local intercst 35 t~e Exccutivc Board-Frank Squirc, ole $h01l'. ~'lss D ng ecem er 15. 1955. Any ~,08 5115 1293 ng a ou t l n cr· own mee s 1S a a "Sally Stol'e" has been engagcd 111 ' " . .\Iurphy o( theDI'- tickets remalnln".at that time will th t it h I i II AnnlVerSarleS Plcrre CuxlI'orthy Wilham Somer- part or~ell .. B D I a may e p' n no sma way the Wabana overseas ore trade t J k " .' J 1 V k • ment of \\"I!art In 51. John's be sold to club members, For . 0)' e.. .. 58 III 169 t I' i t th b d! II th on a e "quIres a tn 0 e~ ~"'E . '~nt th D C b tt 95 lQ6 201 1\1 McLean 94 49 143 0 e 1m na e e a ec, ng. at during the past year. R \' d P: p' t S n·.' ·)frs. L11111 . . e II'f,';'('nd on the Island tickets contact Com. John Sweeney • or e '.. ., •• ,., •• •• has exlstcd in bockey Circles In Mr.· and Mrs, Cyril J. Butler, a an arsons, e er wee e~. : or he:- SlY' ~II~ her par';hts, !lir, and lIlrs. at the Club R, ooms. Price $5,00 H. fJowney .. .. .127 1(17 234 B. Nolan ...... 94 . 7~ 174 the past.' The Front, Bel! Island, celebrated George Ridellut, Mike FlemIng. td Iter holllf · 1. ~Iurph>,. dOUble. ~eplncement •• •• '33050 96 146 D. Boland •• . •.•• 80 155 the 17th anniversary of their wed· D1aed At &Uudill,. ~Ir. n~lph \\'!nsol cook on the 420 750 H. Power :.'.. .. 15 75 90 ding on November 23, They were l~'\'.llancro. b prescntly on the Replacement .. ... 50 50 100 S' F united In the bonds of Holy lIIatri· Annual Meeting. ~Iek lin and is resting at his home Happy B, irthdav D. Normore ..." 73 111 184 :13:1 329 6!J2 upper or mony In the Anglican Church at G H atal L, 5l John';. Durmg his Indls- T. Fleming'.. • •• - 81 81 Topsail, C.B. Rev. Isaac Parsons, race OSpl ~lition. ~lr. ~~-nest Green is act. ' ~ • B, NoIt~1I "," •• 94 89 18.'1 D. Kavanagh,.. • .124 179 303 Fair Workers. assisted by Rev. I. Butler, per· As we go to press we are' sorry Red Cross mg as Chef Ills numerous Crl. Special gr !clings 10 Miss P. Fowler .. .: .. 62 6:! G. Coombs .. • .. 115 139 254 formed the ceremony. to learn of the passing of Mr. The annual meeting of the Bell :nts wl$h ~I .. , Winsor a speedy Glady Vokey uf the Church oC·T• Duggan ...... 110 114 194 N. Jackman ... .. 82 . :79 161 There will be a supper in 51, . Mr,' and Mrs. John A. Kent, George Clarke of the Dominion Island Branch o( the Red CrQss retorery 10 ills (ormed good ~ngland ,Host!!. who celebrated 'Replacement •• . •. 50 50 100 P. O'Kectc •• • •. 100 106 206 Michael'S Hall,. The Front, BeI! Lance Cove, Bell Island, were mar· Range, Wabana, Bcl! Island, whose Society will be held in the C.L.B. ht;lth, . htl: birthday on 1\I0n~ay, Nov. • 389 415804 Rcplacement ...... 50" 50 100 Island, at 6 o'clock on Thursday, 'ried 3 years on November 29th, death occurred, at the Grace Hos. Armoury on Thursd'ay, December \: Ir. Jack ~Iurphy son of lIIr'jCmber 28, Greetings come .from C. Lahey •• "," - 120 120 471 553 1024 December 1st, (or all those .who They exchanged their wedding pital on Monday night, following a 8th, at 8 p.m. It is hoped that:1 ~ ~turph~' ;,nd ~Ir. Don Mur, ROsie and Dwight., 'V. Whalen ...... ,84 , . .84 assisted at st, Michael's Parish vows at St. Michael's Church. Rev. long illness. The latc Mr, Clarke large number of citizens will kcep ---..;. .. ;;;;.. -;,;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;-----;;;·---;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; G. Nevllle .. ," ... 203 11J5368 F~ir. Father i:L. O'Dwyer was the 0(' was a retired employee or the this dale open and attend. . r . ~.Clarke ....' .0'125· 95 ·220 L,. S1veeney .;, .. 29 139 ISB flcl'all'ng p I'e t . d h' . .' r s, ~linmg Company an was in 15 Womcn's Work Committee' . .. •...• . W. Butten ... ,' .. 102 ';6 178 P. i\leadus ...... ·51 '1\7 13B I 'Ir and 1I1rs Grah m P'ke cele A d 'I .' '.. . ,a I . 71st year. eta I ed account of There will be a meeting o( the above committee in the .Red Cross ~cPlacemcnt .. : .. 5.0 50 lOll ~:~~~~~!y':' .. ::_:.~'. 81 16~ G'·olde·.,n·.,.·Wed·.,d·, m"·".g·. brated their 15th wedding.annl. his passing wiil appear'in Satur· ,A $ .100.' 00 ··,:B'ILL·,·'··' , ,. , versary on November. 20th. day's edition of Ihe Bell Island Rooms in thc Survey Office at 8 J. MetcaJre·.. .. .108 III.' Ryan ;, ...... 52" 101 1';3 ": We' .extend 'sincere congratula· news. o'clock on Wednesday night, Nciv. 'If be' , , '. ,I ,:' .','.'. -' B. Bartlett .... .108 Replacement ... ;. - 50' 50 Anniversary'" ," lions to the happy couples, 30. As this will be the llist meet· w~ • given out on Chri~tinas Eve tci the holder of the E. MeteBlfe:;. ".; ,'85 . 85 '. ':., 227471''' 705 "'''''''" ,." oJ" ...~ ing .before the annual meeting of Winning ticket drawn at ' " " "....,'. C. Bartiett' ,:•• ,.<" 98. ~6 ' 164 / Mr. and ,Mrs. Jolm Kent, ·Scotia ..t· a'd,',Kicked the Society anyone having work' • ": ~ '. I .' , ;1\ •. Bart1ett '. .•.•• • •. ' ~14 135) ~4~. '. '~ . Rldge,- receiving the ·congratu .. Royal are:· Meeting completed is kindly asked to bring !,:, " "', Replacement '.. ,:.;. '",:, .. 5'l '50 G.' Walsh :. '.... 95 70 .165' ia\lons. of' t!ielr: many. 'frllmds .Qn \I, I ' . .' .. ':;,': 'r ." , it In at this time . Black Ptecept~ry . ',ft. Ia. sh. '5' >.,5·.,'. 'u' 'P:.' e':,I,'~.:.In. -.1. a','. ',r:'k":e·. ',','.',1,' ,~:," ,'-,:' c. SUI1l~an' .. " •• 5~:",4~~ Wt ~;,~~~~~r::':':':: 1::--~' ~~: ~~~saar~I~~e~~ef: !~~~~~h :hI~~ By Horse Special buslnest. at this meeting .,., 'L, :28· . ... 50 '50100i ihcy cclebrated on Tuesday, ,Nov. As a result or an accident on will be the (li()etion of offices sullivari." ·.... '~Ii 84,Replacement.~· The regula.: monthly meeting Git .. ,', ,,'.'.!.~,.~ ,,;I.:. ;.;, ,-!,.' " ' ,D:'Robblns";; ;;";'. 20':':" '2;)' Ilejihicemeilr .': ' .... 50' 'liO"loo: 29th .. Mr .. Kent·celcbrated, his. 78th Saturday ·a(tcrnoon .. Don Corbett, and the con(c! :ling o( degrees: o( the Waban~ Chapter oC the Gosse',.';' .'•• : .,,'5.f .Hit . ;1110, ":",.,, ; 320, :l2iJ.·640: birthday on ·Nov.:·2211d, ,Te :was reo the 13.year-old son of Mr; and Mrs. On Saturdn)' afternoon at: 2 Gro!~r lic:ketsnoWi'O';~, fO;:'~~'~A.o~;~,r''.f,,~otth~>~( n., ~ ~,' Royal Black !":cceptory will take p,m. a specia, meeting will ''be lirin ~ you ~.uy a~.. t~~ S. to,.,r.~.",th... 0, t, :W,... C,5,. t~.,',.. ·f.,,'r~t. ,::!O" J, Robbln~., •• ; • ~ •. ''':';;' '.20 20 J, Proud(!lot .; .. ; 9 : ":', ::"9 tired Irom the' Mi.nipll· 'Company Edward Corbctt of East Wabana, palec in the Orange HaU on Sat· II Self Serv d I' C. Taylor,:. ; .... : .: •.1.22': ~9 191 T: Jardillc ...... : .... 39, -039, 78' several ,years.' ago 'lilter: over·, baH Bell; Island; Is. a patient at the held to confer the Royal Black urday.' Decer..ber 3. at 8 p;m. """land. . .,.e. an" :c~n5~~~~/1\t y.. L~w.ef':;P~ice.s.~oo·', " :" :, " ~2.. '314 .596' C, Alcock ... ' .. ' •. 97 "un . 264: a century of faith(ul, scrvlce.:The Gracc Hospital. From ,informatiOn and Royal Grrel: degrees. All Sir " ' '.,:':' ',"" ~ " ::,'.;~: ,.. ~ ' .. ' SECTION.C, A.;:Bonriell .. · •• ' .... 79 49; :128: Dally N.CII'5cxtencls b'cst'lvislie:s'to to hand the lad 'was knocked (rom cd. abdominal Injuries; which Knights al'e .·I!questcd to made'. :-'-__..;._ ... ~~~_~':- ~'.~'::"~.~'~;'~":_'~'~_':"'~' ~'~':.~:~' ~:~'~' ~'J': I M. McLean :. .. .. ' 81 41' : 128 If. '\Yarren :.. ..:' -:- :' 61 '~61 this grand.eouple'Jar, many :more. horseback by a car while watering neccssltated his removal to a city special eUon 10 attcnd both . " .... ,". :JD; Boland·';r",;··' •• 72" "16 148' "! ;'::""" '., ""280 '426.708' 'yearsc.o!·wiidded'·bapplness. '."_: the'anlmal and as a-result sustain. hospital, . meetings. • _~:. ' . '. ..1' .' ~, .'.". ", t. ' ~'. " ,. .' . ; .' \ ., . , . : '," , )1': .:' '~",: , ::' :t' ...... '. . .. , " , '.' '. '. '. ,,\'.: ., • .' I . ,,' ," ," ", " ..' I '

It~ DAlt., NEWS, WEDNESDAV,.NOV. 30,1955 '.. ',10. · " STATISTICS tlP 0 NOV, laUt Simoll Levitz •• ~66 2a 41 2Ii Team: .1\' '. SedIta' A Col. eorda8e' .... 63 25 38 25 A.I.O. " ."" .; " .... 3214 n.:.=::: ~ ,~'~ Bigger Share For Players ~ ,Commercial. P W IA.ht II :Power .. 6624: 42 24 ~t~oa B ~~'. .), c. R. Bell •• ,,66 25 41 25 A,LO. .. .. · ... M 50 18 110 John ~lOu&toni ... 66 21, 45' 21 . " . P W L Pts. lIowling leagUe purltyFactories .;69 46 23 U .J;B.·MlteheU .. ;1i3 21'411 21 Parker" Monroe.66 113' 13 53 ... Hlrrl_ & Hiscoek.69 43 26,43 steera ··Ltd .....63 20. 43 20 Ayre & Sons '... 66 48 18 '48 ~~ti:::~:::f:llf: To Ensure East-West Success Brookfield" .... 66 43 :l3 43 Bowlinls .. ..:66 111 47 19 CoUsins ... ·.. ..66 45 n 45 R. s. W. " L.... 66 17 49 17 TORONTO (CP)-The added In- are not under the same pressure the t~evlsion and radio ri"ht NOnCE TO ALL TEAMS C.P.O ...... 63 43 20 43 CoDi. Cable Co ..·.66 11 47.19 HicklDln Motors.66 45 21 45 Avalon Tele. Co •• 66 12 54 12 cenUve of 'more money for the as If the Grey Cup was the prize, expected to total around o~I:, HIGH SINGLE FRAltlES winners 15 being put up to ensure but the East·West theme, along if Varsity Stadium is filled to'f11. ;, '!'lIe Aneya will close for Christ- U.N. Foundry .. 66 42 24 42 :.HIGH SINGLE FRAMES Nfld. Brewery .. 6044 16 44 that the East-West Shrine aU-star with. the knowledge that extra capacity of 27,000. Net proceej IU l1li BoUdaya OD Dee. 19th. As Bennett Brewery ,,68 31 27 311 Individual: ' C.N.T.: ...... 611 44 25 44 IndividlUll: footban game 'is a smashln, sue· money is involved, is expected to the game are to be divided I~ .w the bolt for PIN BOYS' Bue Ordnance .;63 39 :K 311 W. Oakle, ...... ~'. 413 Supemlarket .... 66 :'3 23 43 cess. generate plenty of desire amo?g tween the ~hriner~' H03pitals {-, CIIBIS11IAS DONATIONS hal Royal Stores .... 00.38 ';l8 38 J.·O'Brien ...... ~ ••. .of stitidardMf,•• 66 41 211 41 P • F rene h ••••••••• . 413 The money is at stake on tOp of both teams to emerge as the wm· Crippled C.hildren tn Winnipe' I~ IIeetI placed in the 11ley~.: Will Dally News .. ,,60 37 23. 37 .. L. Soper ...... ; .. ". 392 I. F.' Perlin" ... 66 38 28 38 Cy. Morris •• •• •• ;'. •• 388 the prestige Involved. Tile players nero Montreal.' .. all teama take notice ano have Furness Wltby ... 63 38 'J·7 36 Team:: ., ", Royal"G.~"e ... 66 38' 28 38 L. Delacey •• • • • • • • • 374 The players on the winning The Held should be in , MallODIln bdore the 19th of E. F. Barnes" .. 66 36 SO 36. ',A.I.O ...... ·.... ~' .... 122OG,. E. Oil .. ,,;';66 36 ~O 36 Team: P F h B9S squad will gct $400 and the losers shape. The tarpaulin that the ~~ C. .T. •. .• •• .. •. .• 1117 . rene ••• ,...... """".t'!llN\ Th e $100 d if'f ere nee isn t too .verslty. of Toronto bought (rOl11' Ct... December. The pin boys are do. Harvey & Co. ,,63 35 28 35 . ~lGll THREE FRAMES .. : Bav.arlan Brew ... 66 34 32 34 N HIGH THHEE FRAMES E. Casey .. .• •• •• •• .. 897 'much to these all·stars. many of Canadian Rugby Union was lill t.. a iood job so let's nol forget Imperial 011 ",,66 32 :14 '32 . .'ndlllidual:, . .. T•. N•. Motors ",,66 32 3~ 32 Illdividual: Team: whom are paid several thousand llond~y and will not be taken' litem. Thank you.· Evpn. Telegram .. 66 30 38 30 J.. D\11oD '...... 952 Brown.·Harvey ,,63 30 33 30 G !II t' 898 Hickman Motors 2995 doUars for the season. Howe\'cr, it until Saturday morning. t, . • <: • Nfld. Coal Co. ,,66 27 :\9 27 : T. Be~son ...... ,' . 94~ IArmature Works .88 28 38 28 _.__ ar_l...,;n_._._,,_,,_. _. _' _" ______. _. _ is just cnough to make winning a\1 HOLD· WORKOUTS ";j,:1 ..~DE\: .. ~er~lar) •.. Elec. 1!t1Utles ,,66 211 41211C. WIlliams ... ' .. ,...... 929 NAFEL .. .. ,,66 %7 39 27 the more desirable. The {ul! eastern lineup vIa ! _.. . . :,...:,...------55 IN AC'f10~ players held Uleir !irst \\'ork~ A big chunk of the receipts {rom Tuesday. Walker. who has coaci.l ": the game in Canada's latcst vcn- teams in six ail·star games iD ~ ture in gridiron glamor goes to United States, had the sqUad ~i the players. There will be 55 play- both· in the morning and a(tern~ ers in acUon and they'l! receh'e a in crisp. cold weather. ,I total of nearly $20,000, In Hamilton where the \\'e'te~ The two' head coaches, Doug \ team is quartered Sherman' ~ (Peaheadl Walker of Montreal AI· held two practice ;;c5sion5. '1 nueUes and Frank (Pop) h'Y ofl h'y announced Tuesda\' (uUh! Edmonton Eskimos, will recei\'e· Johnny Bright of the Esk; \IO~~ $1,000 each and their assistants. I replace centre Kurt Burris in t! .Jimmy Dunn of the Als and All' western lineup. il-'Jrri>. brill!':1 Sherman or Winnipeg Blue Bomil. two-way lineman with the E;ki~, ers, $500 each. The toLal outlay for IlI'a~ reported ill with intc,tina! C'~ the player~, the coachcs and the I The addition of Bright \\'il1l~ trainers and manager., of both I able h'y Lo field Edmonton'!., teams is expected to be around i tire fir,t·string b~c!(ficld that ;;\ 1$25.000. I o,"cr !llontreal In the Grey C:, Total receillts. .from the gate Ind I game.' . . U.K. Sport Notes Chateau laurier By ]lOBERT lUCE Canadian P,ess Staff Writer Being Renovated LONDON (CP) - The Cockney Kids, two British·born players with Harringay Racers, are the wise- zOTTAWA. 1~llv.-Gue5ts cheri cracking wizards of British hockey. In and out and conventions CO:ll "Their jokes are often worth a and go as uS1Jol, but behind'tt! ' couple of goals a match," says normal appear::nce an exten!~! Harrlngay's player - coach, Bill renovation project is unden;1l .' GlennieMan of Portage La Praine, at th e Ch at eau L auner . Ilere I""'., Clive '(Nipper) Millard Is a 22. will take alm:Jft a year to co~ year.old Londoner who pla~'ed his I plcte and trlln~form 100 roo::! fir.t hockey game at 13. His part· of the famous hotel. tcrdav in t ner in practical comedy is Rupert The modert"zation is taDrl turect" the) Fresher, a school chum' w~o' took place I nthe oJider section of tl, Members a to ,~e ~cc about Ule sam~ hme. Canadian National Railways' !tn. !hclr koen cockne.y ..nt bubbles ture which \\'t.s opened In 191t Dodd. John so Joyously," says BIll McGowran c.' . row: Edwa in The Evening News, "that when smcc 17 year.s b:furc the. ho~~ neW boys from Canada join Bar. wa sdoubl~d .n SIZC( and 11 ill row: Frank ringay they are berthed alongside eliminate a;i Maloney; Nipper and Rupc in the dressing bath." room." RUMOR 15 ASSET He says their crOsS· talk routine TORONTO (CP)-Toronlo ~!l;'1 breaks down the newcomer's shy­ Leafs of the National Hoc~/! ness and makes him forgct thin6s League Monday sent dclenccmn like homesickness. Larry Cahan to Pittsburgh Hollo !lli11ard 'Is one of the few home· ets, the I r American Hoeill trained players to match up with League fal'm team. Canadian Imports, and an al1r-ound Cahan. a 21.year-old n31i\'t ~ athlete. At school, before seeing Fort William, had been med !Pl~ skates, he was a first· class ·3Wim· ingly by Leafs this season. He r~ mer, and shone at footbal1 and placed Jack Bionda who caught~! cricket. He Was also a relay run· as a Leaf regular when called t! ncr, with a surprising burst of from the Hornets to replace tile ~ speed for I five • foot, four·inch jured Jim Thomson, at 'Piltbulii trackman. After three years of hockey, he had to strive harder to malit t:1 played for England against Scot­ grade in hockey. lind and that clinched his athletic "We had to start our ambitions. He aband(med soccer about nine years later than el and club.wlmmlng to concentrate average Canadian kid," S3)'5 ~~ " on hockey. During his two·year na· lard. "In England we arc blc::­ tional service, he was stationed in capped by lack of ice, and it:1 London, and allowed to keep up tough going having to makc up 11 the ice ga me. that Icewar·" Since then, he's played in Aus· But like a few other British Sill tria. Non"a)', Belgium, Holland, wart.;, they've \\'on a place in tl Switzerland, Italy, German)' and fj\'e top teams. France. "You can do anvthin- if ,ou !I" "He is stil1 a terror for his size the game," says ':llilla"rd. "Y~J'\I and as fearless on the ice as the got to love hockey." huskiest Canadian ki11er - diller," Another British - born. says McGowran. trained player is Gordon <' ••'.'.i;"'.· TOUGII TRAIN1NG guarding Harringay's goa! thl; SII Millard'. quick - witted parlner son. He'is Ihe first Briton to u;:.1 has kept pace with him ali along, a spot normally held by a (I:, Now and their act is still going strong. Guaranteed As Brlti~h youngsters,. they have dian. Buy Christmas Seals .- .. - fULL

'. YEARS!·

DRI.CHARGED""$10 BATTERIES .- ·' . , . NFLD •. ,ARMATURE WORKS Ltd. -~ 38 BAMBRICK ST. !~Wi ••• ;t... ,4\.,.,·" ."" DISTRIIUTORS. ,'.' DIAL 7191·7192

., CORBETT'S SERVICE STATION· ADELAIDE MOTORS LIMITED' .. SUPPORT Torbay Road Corner New Gower and Adelaide r' DIAL 690.4- ..• f , DIAL 3015 ~ ~ .' ...... , I .' S~D DAY . . .'. , . .' (SAPID"IVING DAY) MUNN MOTORSLIMITID .., · . . ' KING'S BRIDGE SERVICE ST ATldN . Blackmarsh Ro~d · .. .' . ·DE(:EMBER 11st · Klng'i Bridge Road' .. DIAL 7008 ·i . , .DlAL 2146 ® . "~ .·D,ive ~afeJy . Every' Day! . . .'. . I ·• , ...... · TERRA NOVA MOTORS LIMITED .... . " McKINLAY MOrOH,LTD. MOU,S'. SlRVICE $TATION . Fort William ' .. , LeMarchant Road 'Freshwater Road, Wilt· . ~ . , DIAL 5131 (fJ' , " DIAL 6.535L· ~ .. . DIAL 3487 ® . " .. .. - .. WESTMOUNT SERVICE· STATION ! .. SU8UR8AN SE~VICE STAnON .. 'NO PRESSURE-Ed Danowski. physical education. leach,el, ;. GEO. G. R. PARSONS, LTD. Cashin Avenue lives last-mInute advice to the East Meadow. Long Island, JuniOr •I High squad. Danowski, happy with ·no alumni trouble, has ~ • Klng's Road Cor. New .Cov •. and Bert~du Ave. \ ':'.~ .~ DIAL 5386 .intention of returning to the big-time college game. The ~ .~ .. . DIAL 2167 , DIAL 7081 professional resigned ;u; Fordham's head coach before that In' ... ' . stitution dropped football. It's much nicer and more fun this y;.I· • ,~'\ •• 'r i . .' .. - ' ... . , . .. Tl

" , . ntE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOV, 30,1955 .Itss· Feildians Meet " . , --- Crusaders In FINAL BASEBALL STATISTIC$ .. Hockey Tonigbt ST. BON'S H PO A E TC FA 2B:IBHR SB SH BB SO HP CS RBI BA SA Feildians get their chance at the PLAYER: GP AB n .311 13 13 496 459.932100 7 o 5 2 2 1 3 .289 league Icad in tonight's junior H. Fardy •• •. •. .• .. .• ., 10 4:1 000.000 .000 ., 3 11 1 0 5 0 1 12 .917 0 0 0 o 1 3 4 hockey game against Holy Cross. N. Sparrow .. to ...... 1 1 14 .462 .821 10 39 14 18 14 3 1 18 .944 2 0 4 13 o 8 6 Game time Is 8.30 and another ex· TI Gillies. •• ...... ,.. .., .. .. .405 10 42 8 13 90 7 1 98 .990 4 0 0 6 o 3 4 1 0 9 .310 citing junior contest is promised. P. Bryant...... I .... ;, .... • I 110.071 .071 6 14 1 . 1 4 1 0 5 1.000 0 0 0 o 1 2 5 The Twin Blues boast a 2·0 rec· ~1. Clooney...... 108.389 1.222 6 18 9 7 11 '8 4 23 .B26 0 0 5 3 o 7 5 ord in their games to date ~nd wili E. Manning ...... I} 2 11 .341 .610 10 41 7 14 15 . 22 7 44 .841 2 ,0 3 2 o 3 9 tie St. Pat's for the lead If they 'V, Glllics ..... I ,., ...... • I 1 0 4 .211 .342 10 38 5 8 11:1 2 16 .875 5 0 0 3 1 2 6 win tonight. Crusaders Jre ivln· . S. Williams .. .. •• ...... •• 1 1 2 .229 . .257 35 8 8 13 10 6 29 .793 1 0 0 .. 10 ~1. l-Iogan .• .... • I ,I ,...... •• o 0 1 .100 .200 less In two starts. 3 1 1 0 0 1 1.000 1 0 0 o 1 o . J. l\lyron It .t. "•• Of , •••• 7 10 Probable lineups with numbers o 14 1 0 6 .133 .267 J. Gamberg ." ...... 9 30 3 4 11 20 6 37 .S38 1 0 1 arc: 3 o 0 1 .167 .167 Don Ryan ...... 6 12 2 2 2 I:; 2 19 .895 0 q 0 o FEILDIANS-Goal: G. Harding 7 2 0 1 .118 .176 .... •• .... 5 17 1 2 39 3 2 44 .955 1 0 0 o 3; defcnce:H, :llews 18, D. Cook E. Browne t...... ,I .. , 1 0 .000 .000 1 o o o 00 00 000 tl o o 19, B. Steele 22, B. Brien 21, G. Griffin ...... 10 o 0 .000 .000 2 o o 00 00 000 o D. S~U1rpc ...... I .. t. ... 2 Press 20; forwards: C. Hoskins I o 00 00 000 o 1 1 o a .000 .000 24, H. Young 23, H. Ryan 25, B. Maddlgan .. •• . 1 '1 ,0 Duffett 27, S. Breen 28, D. SquIres 26, G. Young 29, D. HoI· HOLY CROSS PO A E TC FA 2B3BHR SB SH BB SO HP CS RBI BA SA lett 31, J. Piercey 30: PLAYER: "GP: AB R H 9 6 2 17 .882 2 0 0 3 0 3 8' 0 0 1I .419 ..484 HOLY CROSS.;....Goal: B. Robson J. Gulliver .. ., ...... 8' 31. 8 13 ~ "l'>lt."1 92 2 :I 0;. 969 3 0 0 5 3 3 . 6 0 0 4 .250 .• 325 1; defen~e: B. Coady 'I, B. Hut· "Ducy" Fitzgerald: •. " ...... '.. 10 40"· 10 10 lIIall 1t"O 9 6 0 15 LaO!) 2 0 0 6 0 2 !) 1 1 3· .438 .563 ~. ehlngs 3, F, O'Keefe 9, L. O'Neill G. Breen,.. "," ., .... 4 16 7 7 t. ... 6 5 7 18 .611 0 0 0 4 0, 3 '" 1 0 2 ,125 .• 125 ~ filllb~t\ 2; !orwardsj B. Maunder 5, M. Col· '. R. Sorenson·... •" •• .':. •• • •• 6 24 7 :I 8 13 0 0 13 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 8 6 1 1 4 .258 :,:(25a, 11;\ \ltl~1d bert 4, B. Turner 11, P. Barron P. Leonard .• ,' ••t •••• ;'._. t " 10 31 6 li~ in 3 9 0 0 9 1.000 1 0 0 3 1 2 5 1 0 4 .107· :.143 Iht 16, G. Aylward 6, B. Woods 12, D. Ryall " II i'. II" ,.- " 9 28 7 tm!lwt\ 4 1 0 0 1 1.000 0 0 0 1 0 1 5 0 0 2 .333: '~333 B. Casey 15, J. Fitzpalrick 8, G. F. Nolan • I •••• ~' •• " •• •• 9 12 2 ~ t:~\;iln", 82 7 2 91 .978 2 0 0 2 3 2 8 2 1 5 .250'· j.306 Brennan 10, C. Power 10. \V, Robson " .... ', •• " .. •• 10 36 2 9 ~tin~l r.~ 4 3 1 1 5 .800 1 0 0 3 0 '" 9' 1 0 7 ..174 -~.217 C. Bhnisch . " I . •• ~'. •• •• II .. 10 23" 3. t ~n 1':10 2 2 1;! 1 15 .933 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 1 0 ,I 100 . 'C. 100 Dlon'~ ~ J. Carey ., •• •• •• '" •• • • 4. 8 20 1 o 6 0 6 1.000 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 :000 .• :11000-:.-(\: 1 the! ro, K. Kennedy t'. •• '.. •• •• •• J'2 4 0 o Playgrounds Dine. 3 11 0 14 1000 0 0 0 1 1 2 5 0 0 0.083 ··'f"·osa (iTt'y ClllI E, Short ,. •• •• .: •• •• •• 8 12 1 1 9 20 4 4 5 14 4 23 .826 0 0 0 1 0 4 3 0 0 Ii '.200: 'f·2OO R. Short •• •• •• • ~. •• •• t I •• o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ".OOO··;;::{:OOO Champs T~niglIt J. Janes •• •• ' ••• I I: ...... 220 o 1 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o· 0 0 O·.500 j1·.500 • F. Byrne t. • t ~-. .,' •• •• • •• 220 6 17 :I 26 .885 0 0 0 3. 2. 1 5 o· 0 1.238 ;:&~~.'238 . Junior baseball and ladies soft· C. Joy .• '.. ••.•• •• •• • •• 6" 21. .4 5 :1er 0" 0 -~O·O· 0 0 Of' 0 0'0 0 .000 ':':'.000 ball champions will be honoured G. Collins ., ••.••• " •••• ' •• 3 O· 0 o o o. o· tonight with a dInner and presen· '4 :13 '3 4 10 8· . 0 ·18 1.000 0 0 0 2 1 34,0 1 1 .308 ·.~'_.308 lIed B. Maunder •• "' .'. ..~ .. .. • ,:' I tation of prizes at the Sterling , ' Restaurant starting at 7.30. . .\ '.:::~~ ru cbtrk Champions to be honoured are PLAYERSGP AB R H PO lTi P:CT!~A 2D 3B'.· HR SB SH:BB" SOhi.p. CS RBrB~,;~j:5A ions tomt Tornadoes girl5 soltballers and J. Withers...... 9 35 S. 8 17 22 3 42 .929 1 6: 292 ...!. 1 ~3' ;221l!IJr.257 ehincr til!! Holy Cross junior baseball squad. W. Rahal ...... 9 32 10 11 22 3 4 29 .862 2 ...,;; ~ 1:.- 11' 5 1:5 .344':~\';40l1 extenmt W. Abbott ...... 10 . 48 10 15 22 16, . .8 46 .B26 1 -' 4 ...,.. ..;"-. ,6 .... ~ 8·.313.fY.33:J unde!'1QJ :'II. :'Ifarlin ...... '.... :. 10 42 11 18 7 21 3 3t" ';903 6 5 . l' ! 6 6 13 ".~~::t;;I171 berelmt Commercial Darts R. Scott ...... ,: :.10· 36. 1} 7 8 ~15·. 6 29 .;93',:- ," 1 . /"4 _I 2,:lg4~~'~194 r to to, Jr~IOR C,\GE TI'fLiSTS-St. Pat's swepttheil' seventh win against one loss. yeE­ C. Walsh : ...... ' 8 .25' ,I :J 25 ,6. 7 38 .816 - -' .. ~.t ~ ..' . 21}< 2 . 1 . 3 '::i¢i;~:~;~120 ! ::10 rooltl Ed. Casey.. .. •• ...... 5 12 :l 0 I 1 (I 2' 1000;·;.;.... :I .:~ : 1 . :I:, 1 -' 1 ... oO\) ..,.'.! •• OOO terdJI' in lhc Grammar School Bas\tctball League. The Patricians already cap· ncsulls from last night's Com· ! h~d mrl'ciol Darts games arc as fol· C. Galway ...... ::.... 4 !I 2 1 3 0 '4 1000 1 3J. - - .~l~Ji:P~ll1 , . :s takin. 1lII'C«( lhc lcaguc championshiF, howc\'e1', evcn though their schedule tS not complete. lows: Standard Manufacturing 2, E. Green...... I} 31 !i 7 50 3 2 55 .!164 1 2 - 0\ 0\ '2 - .. '.228i·.:~.2:;11 I' !on of the ~lcll1ber~ or the team arc, front row, left to right: Rev. Br. Howard, coach; Ranalli I'eppcrrell Maintenance I, Ayre's J. Quinlan...... fi , II , 1 1 2 .. 1, 0 :11000 - l' - 2 :I .•l1j'~:;\111 1o.I..,"s' !tl'll­ D[l{ld. Johnny Rumsey, Thomas Bal't'on, Thomas Owens, Kevin Rlll11s~y. Secom 2, Nail Factory 1, U. N. Foundry F, Walsh ...... 5.... R: I . I I ,: 0 0 I 1000 1 '"", '1;- (:. - .12:it ;m:; ~:I in 19lt Ill\\': Edl'.'ard Goobic, Ray Bonia, Eren RUlli sey, ll;lichael Gosse, Petcr Whlt~lc. B~ck 2, NAFCO I. P. Deutch...... 8 . 21 .:1 4 fi .7 0 13 1001}, 1 . 3- ~. ~i -1 .. .100;·.:::.23R the hatrl First match games II'cl'e !inished ,r: Abbott ...... !i 1.'i 2 2 1 1:1 0 14 IOUO' - 4 ~2 2 .133: ":' .133 lod it ~11 I'o\\': Fn1l11; Smith. Robcrt Roberts, Eric COOpl!I', Jinl Embcrlcy, caplmn; Brian 1 1 2 I . 0 I Z .(i00 11 1 1 .500 ,~.50n by II. ncynolds with two and II. .T. 1\ "cry .• .; •• •• •• •• •• •• 4 I15-without· ~lalol1r..\', Bernard Scannell. Dreen. Second malch games wcre Ion 0 0 I} .000<.000 M. Spcarn~ I. :. •• •• •• •• •• •• 1 010000 1 .000'.000 I finished by A. Rollins wilh lwo P. Duffy ., .•••••••• , •• •• 1 o 0 0 0 I I} 1 10001 .000 ..000 and H. Whitten. D. 'l'urner fin· IIGog" Abbott •• •• _.. ••.•• •• 1 'i; ished two games in thc third 1 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 -. - ...000 ...000 Picco •• •• "t • t • ~ •• • I •• •• •• l1lto lh1l!t 39 13 13 102 14 2 lIB .983 6 4 1 6 8 3 - 13 .333' .487 Top Marksmen, Goalies match whilc W. WilJiams finished J. Harvey' .... .:. .. ., .. 10 u Horu! onc. le!e:l~e:nn • f IIl'P HOl'I!­ Scorcs of 100 or beller wcre MOUNT CASlIEL' madc by R. Morgan 120, F.·Bearns n "orb, GP AB It II PO A E TC FA 2B:JB IIR SB SIl B B SO HP CS RBI BA . SA At Junior Hockey Midw'ay PLAYER: 2 . 0 8" 9' "'1 5 . ~-li' -~ .133 13B, E. Dawe 120, K. Kennedy 112, -:i:i3 .. 10 45 6 6 26 23 12 66 .818 0 0 0 G. March 2 0 6 8 2. 1 6 ..• 27~. .31f alti,,!! III W. Chafe 104. :I 12 11 36 5 52 .904 2 0 . 0 " F. Evans •• •• • I •• 10 44 csed $pJ:­ H 2 10 .2' 3 0 1 .333 ..33~ Hos~';"S .411d YOllllg High SCOJ·e,·s, 10 36 20 12 25 1 1 27 .963 0 0 0 !~n. He n­ W. Casey •••• U 4 0 1 5 2 0 5 .267', .:.. 367 PLANTE BEST 9 30 2 8 2 {I :I 11 .727 11 0 1 ~ cautht en R. Stridc ',. ' •• "~'I.'·" .1 "'- 4 • 0 -3 8, 3. 0 Ii .209 :': .209 Sldrving 'fop Netminde,. St. Pat's Practice 10 43 6 9 101.,2 :I . 106 .974. 0 0 0 :l cllUpd q .. ~ . J. BaUcock " • I ., " • t ". '"i 1 1 2 4' . 0 II 2 .200 '.:.• :WO .laC{! !be b­ C~ril lIo!kins and Doug Squlr"s, I Denief a 3.73 mark. ,Murphy holds o 2 2·' (J :I 5 AOO \ 0 0 b -IN AVERAGE~ . . L. Walsh·...... • .. .,' 6 10 1 0 0 II 1 1 . 7 . .29:1 '. .366 I :Pitt.~,.:I. 'plrkplu~~ of the ~econd place a slight lend In percentage III stops SI. Pat's· senio rhockey team 41 6 12 11 I 0 12 1.000 3 0 0 NEW YORK (CPl-Lornc WOl's' W. Dohcny ...... : ...... 9 t, 0 4 13 01 . 2.0;0 .105 I Feildim. lead thc scoring race In as against shots with an .885 rce· will hold a practice on Friday 10 38 2 3 37 . Ii 5 4.8 .896 1 o· 0 .. 'ord to Denicf's .884. Icy of New York Rangers has com· J. Evans .• ., "' •• •• .• '" II II :I n 0 0 :I .095 .095 thl junior hoeh)' ~eries at the plcted a rcd·hot wcek or puck· morning' at the Stadium al 6.00.' D. Chaytor .... ' ...... 7 . 21 1 2 43 n Il 58 .897 0 0 0 Hardest prcmd goalie In Ihc 2 () 2 l.OOU 0 0 () non 4 I 0 2 .300 .:lOlI hll!.\UY mark oC the r.chedule sloppin~ to givc Montreal's Jac· Manager Frank Coffcy reque~ts the G. Maher.. . .•••.. , 6 10 2 :l o . league h Pat Darrington of Vo· 2 0 8 II 0:1 .I~:; .123 !JUf sbtllli lC[ordin~ to D.\II.Y !,\EW~ Sports qucs Plante a spirited challcn'~e following pla)'ers to be present: 24 :I 3 J4 12 8 3·1 .i65 0 0 0 D. i\lnrch .• ., :. ,. •• 8 II () Ii:t () .111 .111 :r than !lit Drputmrnt ~IJti,.tic,;. Bolh have cational Training wIth a .record at for his position as thc National Pcter Duffy, Ron Scott. Tom 9 I I 2 I~ 18 .DH ;) 0 (l n SITS R. Bowan ., ...••..•.•.. 3 r' 1IiJ. -rlen point~ in two games . 128 ~tOp5 oUl of 140 shols. for 10 Hockey Leaguc's most effici!!nt I I n I 0 () .500 .3UI) . an' hIndi­ Stone, Frank Vaughan, Joe' 0'· J. 5ul!iI'an .• •. •. '.' •. 5 2 2 o 0 "0 0 0 n G~~lit \lith the least goals. "fielding" avcl'age 01 .B59.· Best II II 0 000 o () () 0 () 0 .000 .UOIl r. and it :1 goaltender. Toole, "Jack Withcrs, Mike Walsn, P. Hickcy ...... 1 () n o min't and top "Iielding average" averagc of the lot bclongs 10 T<¥ Plante, Who has topped his rivnll Kcv )Iurphy, 'fom Bennett, Ralph r, 1 I 2 ~ .500 \I 0 0 2 (J I oj I 0 I .:!OO .200 ~al:e IIp 1!l . ~I. Molloy •• ' .••• , •• ..' !i 20 4 son C'hapman or Fcild who ha5 al· cver since he slopped all but two (J (J In lhr Ica~lIr i~ Guards netmlnder Field, Pat Whiffen, Billie Abbott, (I OJ 0 0 noo U 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 oC thc first 80 shot. fired al him Fitzpalrick ...... • •.. .• ., ., 1 o o non Skirring '.1 ho ~tops 92.3 p~r lowed bnly on~ goal in hi~ lone. 'Britlfh sll\. oS thc scason opened, still Ica,ls Harry Hansforli, Len Picr.o, Joe .,la~ ill t:1 ctnt 01 the ;htot~ directed at hl~ game. Hc has not, howcver, seell Dowden, Cyril Galway, John enough action to be thorough I)' the pack with a .937 record .on 474 GUARDS mI. Br h~~ .;lIoll'cd only thlcr. saves oul of 504 chanccs, a three· Kenny. PO A g TC 1';\ :!B 3B lin SI1 SII nB SO HI' C:i RBI DA SA ;: if you l~ ... rated. .. PLAYER: GP AB R ,II . :nh ptr ~3mr in three games to point drop from last wceks figurl!. 1 2 7 .i 14 }. n 0 :l (J . I 8 0 o 2 .250 .3;.13 krd. "\0;1',1 SCORING Lfto\DERS D. Critch .• •. .. •• .. •• •.• 6 24'" 2 G . 4 Calt. But Worsley blocked 94 of 97 , -I .;':'38 It 4:1 007 II 0 U lIn 10 0 o 1 .174 .174 GP G A Pt~. I I •• I. 2:1 2 The !tati.tir.1 arc compiled from shots In his three appearanccs )f B. llcLcod .• •• t" .. 8 1 4 .267 .267 b;Jrn, lw:r.!o Twelve Year Olds 1 4 2 1 1 4 .i50 0 0 (I 1 0 1 4 0 :.me report tabulations by officIal Cyril Hoskins, F •. 2 5 2 7 the week for a .963 average Ulat T. Efford .. '" ...... '. 7 15 o o 7 .333 .436 dOll En~lisb, ,I ,. .. •. • .... 39 4 13 13 . I ·1 18 .iiB 1 0 1 2 0 :1 4 'corm l.ln I\'alsh:t and Gerry Doug Squires, F ., 2 3 4 7 carried his over·all record up fivc C. Soper •• ~ 10 3 2 o 6 .333 .500 ~oal this ~t2- points .936, just one point bchind 30 . 6 10 17 2 0 19 1.000 2 0 I 4 0 7 Smilh. ' Howie Yonng, F ,,2 4' 2 6 to Pee Wees ro Sign V. McDonald •...• ••.•. ••.•. 10 1 :I .243 .27U iton to us::rt 4 . 9 . gg 11 7, 120 .943 1 0 0 0 0 3 2 o Fir'l Hrin~ pil'ot Cy Hoskins, Len Coughlan, SB"3 2 4 0 Plante. He has stopped 6z;i of 669 H. Phillips ...... 10 37 by :a C.u- :: 4 14. .833 1 0 II 2 0 3 7 o o 2 .154 .231. Harry Youdcn; G • 3 5 1 6 for the season. G. Dyke •. •• •• ., .• •• . .•. 6 . 13 3 2 ~ thr Gander 1I1~leor of' the Twin . I: 5 o o o .182 .182 BlII Drover, G .. 3 3 3 6 Terry Sl\wehuk. of Boston, last On Saturd.ay W. Kennedy...... 7 11 ·2. 2 . 1 4 11 .. :636 0 0 0 1 0 Bluc'. h~1 5 ~"als .. nd 2 assists, \\'eeks .runner up, had a disastrous 4 • '7 2 o o .324 .378 Warren Enlllaml, G 3 :I 2 5 37 9 . 12 17 22 !l 48 .813 2 0 0 2 0 ';\ hil~ frend ftring ccntre Doug .851 for the week, blocking 103 of G. Williams •• ...... 10' (1 o ,278 .2;8 Twcnty five ildditional Pre Wec ·3 5 11 In 24 .875 0 0 0 1 0 2 5 o Stjuim h~; 3 ~oals and 4 assists Joe Quirk, SP .. 3 4 1 5 121 shots. His season's mark Iell \ ll. Howell ,. I. •• I •• I •• '6 · 18 .000 .000 Hockey playcrs required for the o I 2 .500000 () 0 1 1 o o o to !hare 10 lop rung. Joe Kcnny, SP .. 3 3' 2 5 15 points to .917, dropping hini to Welyhorski ;..... •• •• .• •• •• 3 · 2 o n .394 Canadian Legit'n's series should 4 9 12 30 .iOO:l 0 0 o 3 11 1 I ...333 Damlcn Ryan,' 5B'3 2 2 4 I ,,'. I ,. •• "' I 33 11 HOII'ie Youn~ of Feil~.· Len fourth place behind Chicago's AI· Frazer •• • ~ 10 I) 0 1 o o .333 .333., Cyril Ivany, G .... 3 2 2 4 not apply at the Stadium this 3 o 1 II 1 1 1.000 0 0 tJ o o Cou~hlan or 51. Bon's. Bill Drover Rollins, Who lost two points at Do\vney ..•..••. " , ., . I •• , '. '": 3 2 . 0 . 1 1 o .158 .158\ afternoon, officials o[ the Legion 2 3 1 8 10 .900 0 0 0 6 o ~nd Hury Youden of Guards arc Ralph Rowsell, G 3 4 0 4 ,923. D. Woolgar .,...... 7 19 .167 .167 Detroit's mcn Hall Is fifth at said yesterday. 1 o . a o 0 0 I) 1 o 0 2 . 0 1 o dudloekrd in second place with Lloyd Kelly, SP .'. 3 . 3· - 1 4 J.lorrissey : •..• , -,. '. I ., I. ,.. 4 6 o .916, . unchanged, . and Toronto'~ The new players will be signed o 0 0 0 o o 0 o o o .000 .000 IiI poinl~ apiece. A three wa)' tie BIll Norcott, V.T .'3 3' 0 . 3 3 o o o . (J • Harry Lumley dropped one point W, Sparkes ,,' .. .. 1 o () 1 o o o .000 .0(10 lor third place honours sces War: Gils Richards,' ~B '3 3 . 0 3 up on Saturday at 12.00 noon at '3 o o 8 0 8 1.000 0 0 0 o to .907. the Stadium. Birth certificates E. Pounder .,. • ., .. • 1 fIn England of Guards a:1d Joe Bob HudsOli, sii .. 3 3' 0 3 Planle remains Iar ahead in the must be brought along and any Iienny and Joe Quirk of St, Pat's tstan Breen, F ; .. , 2' . ~ . 1 3 FEILDIANS . Vezina Trophy competition, based player who was over 12 y~ars old SH BB ,SO HP CS RBI HA SA lied wilh fh'e (loints each. Bud Dulfett,.F ;. 2 1.. 2 3 on the lowcst total of goals al· GP AB R H PC! A· E TC:-. FA 2B3BHR 'SB on August 1st will be ineligible PLAYER: 1 5 7 3 1 6 .214 .262 B~;t production line in the lea· Brian P.ower, sa :. 3 2 1 3 lowed, with an average of 1.61 a 4 9 22 28.' 16 66 .758 2 0 0 3 to play. R. Ploughman ...... 10 · 42 3 2 8 .. 0 .. 0 ··0· .270~ .324 ~ue is the Dro\·cr·Vouden·Ivany Charlie Walsh, SP 3 2. 1 3 game to 2.041or Hall and 2.33 for 37 3 10 12 13 14 39 .641 2 0 0 2 D. Chapman ...... 9 o 7 6 0 0 7 .421 .605 line 01 Guardi which c'Implled Frank Murphy, SP 3· 0 3 3 Worsley. 38 9 16 1B 1 2 21 .905 1 0 2 0 The statistics: H. Clarke ...... 10 2 4 II 0 0 4 .244 .341 16 points 10 edge the Hoskins· Don Lawlor,SP •• 3 '·2 1 3 41 4 10 97 4 5 106 953 1 0 1 6 Sbots stops Goals Pet H. Shcppard ...... 10 o 5 6 1 0 1.111 .111 Young·Ryan lim· 01 FeIld with 15 GOALTENDING AVERAGES Change Pee Wee 2 2 45 (j 6 5; .B95 0 0 0 1 Plante, Mt! 585 548 37 .9~7 A. Newe\1 ...... 5 15 1 4 3 0 1 2 .333 .333 points. St. Pat's !lrst string of :Slqps GA P,:l. Avg. 21 5 7 8 0 0 8 1.000 0 0 0 5 Worsley, NY 766 717 49 .936 C. Tiller •• • t ••• ' •• •• •• ",; 6 1 0 :1 1 1 2 .189 .270 Quirk·Kenn)·.~lurphy totals 13 Sklrving, G .' • ;109 .' Ii .923 3.1J0 792 731 61 .923 5 7 6 15 2. 2:1 .913 30 0 II Rollins, Chi Games For Todav F. Knight .. · ...... 9 9 37 o 0 :1 0 0 0 .214 .211 })Gints between them. Murphy, SB ,. 93 . 12' .8i1~ 4.00 665 610 55 .917 " 2 3 3 1 2' 6 .667 0 0 0 U Sawchuk, Bo! I ., • • I ... 14 Pee Wcc hockey teams are ask· D. Hunt • ~ •• ., • ~ 6 1 II 1 1 0 .111 .ll~ PlIShin~ Ron Skirvlng of Guards Denlef,' SP •. iI4 11".884 3.73 Hall. Det 535 491 45 .916 2 24 3 0 27 1.000 0 0 0 1 o cd to note the change in schedule Squires...... 6 18 o o 1 10 0 0 4 .267 .267 for the goaltending lead are Dee Barrlngton,'VT 128' 21.851i 7.00 Lumley, Tto 643 583 60 .902 1 8 G 2 4 12 .667 iJ 0 0 0 [or this afternoon's games at 'the H. Simpson ...... 10 :ll o 0 1 0 0 0 .250 .250 !.Iurphy of St. Bon's and Ed Robson, HC ., 66 17 ;700 8.50 4 1 1 o (J 0 0 0 0 0 1 WOMEN STUDENTS Stadium. Two games will be play· C. Andrews .'. '. I •••• 1,1 •• 4- Il 0 1 0 0 0 .000 .00iJ Iltnlef of St. Pal'~. Murphy has ari Hiiralng~ F.' .. ·47 . ·5. ;oo:i 5.0fJ 2 2 o o o 0 0 0 :J 0 II 0 Thc Syrian university at dama~· cd this afternoon as follows: S. Breen .. ..' I. • I' •• ' •• •• n 2 ROO :I .296 -.333 ~en.Ct of 4.00 £oals per gkme and Chapman~ .F,·:. 22. 1· .9;)6 1.00 R 27 o n 2 21, :1 28 .893 1 0 0 4 cus noW ha~ nearly 1,000 womcn 4.30 p.m.-Home vs Glencoe. H. Young II •• II .' ., ., o 3 15 3 0 4 .259 .407 27 4 7 5 to 1} 20 .i50 1 0 1 II among its 5,000 students, agolnst 5.00 p.m.-Commandoes vs Blue II. Penney .•••••• , •••• 9 o lIn 0 0 .000 .000 2 1 o o 7 II () 71.0000000 68 in 1945 Puttees. ~1. Burt •• • I •• ,,'.. • I ., I 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 2 . 2 II n () 3 I) 3 1.000 0 0 0 (l Due 10 a shortage 01 playing G. "Dodo" Breen .• • I '. •• ,. . ·"W·in~ ',' . 0 2 0 0 0 2 .667 1.OM St. Pat's 5t.'.80n"5 I} Cbinn is sometimes eredilcd lI'ith 1 :I 1 2 1 o 0 1 1.000 1 0 a time the 5:30 game betwecn Hood Vallis .• ., .• •• ~ I •• t. '. ,. 013001.333 ,.333 the origin of walipapers, oot Eu· 2 6 1 2 10 1 2 13 .846 0 0 0 0 and Victory .has had to be post· Greening •• I.' " .• I •• • I .,. O· 0 1 0 0 0 .000 .000 ropean countries contributed to thc 1 3 o U 1 411 51.0000000 poned until a ~ater datc. Hollett > •••• " ., "'.'. II In Grammer Hoop "Sill part In later ccnturics. > --_..... _---- r!~ r~r5 won their seventh while L. Warren ~"fI G. ')llolman Ca5I! 11\ Ilh a dctor), over Mount had ~wo points apIece.. , Curtis Wins Over '. S.A:C. City Commerchil e and SI. Bon's topped Holy ,',: •.. : .• • . Crou in )'esterday's junior games '. ~t. 'Bo~ s . top' . ~rer ,!Igainst of the Grammar School Basketball. Crusaders was Robert. Power with • '. Bowlliig Le~~ue lulU. 14 points while· AI Fellx.hid 4, MAMMY'S KNOCKOUT SERIES In Mln.or League. Hoop Thursday's Games ,. . 1ht Patricians topped Mou~t F.Ryan '3,' D. Pltc~er2, ,"'Holy .. :el 24-13 willie St. Bon·seame. Cross high. scorer was' LeI) Tobin Curtis Academy's defending points. He was followed In the Jcor. US-G. E. 011 vs. Mammys . M·EN'S ROMEOS behind at the Crusadt rs gym with 8 poInts while Ron.Purcell champions swept to victory In Ing by K. Collins with four points Avalon' Telephone ·/~. Hub . Sales. . ' •. ' . "._ out HoI), Cross 23.2(). Bolh and.;M.·;Fltzpatrl~k. had 1i:'·lIplm their opening game of the Mlnol' and R. MartIn, D. Noel, B. Rose Men's soft calf Romeos with League Basketball series yester. and D. Martin with two 8.30-Horwoods vs.' Dam. Distrl· 1I'IIIIlers traIled at the halfway .and. ~at,.~~~eha~· 4 ~In~~. polnt~ butors. . . . elastic side insertion. Black or IItark. lit. Cashel led SI. Pat's 9-S :. . . . ' ... \. ;"\ . . . : day by topping Salvation Army apiece. . Marshalls. vs: . Royal· Stores. Bm"!n. Sizes 6 up. ~.\[tlme and Crusaders led the ., College 30·19 at S. A. College gym. Salvatlon Army College was led The Curtlsans had to overcomt by W. Oakley with ten POints. W, Team's will toss for' alley~. iii patricians' a . 14.12 halftime Icad by the MllIcr followed -.wit~ four points a:!r~~df;;Ihe 'St B'rifi's~:pi~~tice " . up ::J~Obert Roberts 'with 8.point~' .. ,. "~,. :-l:i~)".;. :... : S.A.C.· quintet t~ emerge WiUI th(' and R. Osmond. Bungay with two 53.00 win. It took snappy shooting by .:tplece and D. Osmond with one St!t'th un Emberlcy with :I. Frank Guards' Pr~ctice. . . St. Bon's' junior hockey team centre E. Coombs to overcome a \:olnt. i, ~ ~1Id Ed Gooble each tossed Guards jlinior hockcy., tc~m 'will POints and To'm Owens 2 Toni wlll hold. a practice tomorrow, stout performance by W. Oakley Today's games feature Salvation B hold a. pra~tlh tonight· at the anon 1. ' Thursday morning,at the Sladlum of Salvation Al'my Collcge Army College ~t Prince of Wales nOl'30,cod,tf The tall CurU~ pivot man swisheci I ;n.d Bishop Feild at Curtis Acad· Stadium at 6.30' A" [ull.attendance ~i=h ~or~r (or Mount Cashel at 7.00. All· pl~yers ,arc reijuestcd of players Is' rcquesled. '....• 'IS F. Newman with II polriu to attend: ...... ,. . eighteen of his team's thirty lImy. . .

. . , . , .' -

12 TH~ DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30, lPSS DAILY ~ THE NEWS, ',and the uselesu hang of the UIlI. CAPITOL .PARAMOUNT Dan' judged Ulwis had asplin· IUammoth .F ol'gin~ - Day of the Outlaw I tered shoulder. Hal looked angry but Dan knew Ihat, right now, he By t.ee Well. not bank on the man's Hammer Loaded IShows To See N01V Playing Now Playin~ , . COPl'rig~' 1955, by -!." Weill. DiSlribulfd Dr NEA Sell'lc., Ja I Seven men lined against Sp~cia] HUMPHREY BOGART. and Dan Itnew each was a On Cars, CARY GRA~T, ' THE STORY: Jack Bruhn, Yet somethlnJ; tilished in the .- GRACE KELLY. IN IN "THE '-'EFT HAND OF GOD" outlaw, and his pack arrive light and a hl~~t of flame jum~d Suddenly Bruhn, who had bcen SOREL. Oue., Nl.'v-Onc or th STAR CORNWALL "TO CATtH A THIEF" In Bitter In IImll to break up from his hand. p spear of fire that !tarlng Into thE bar mirror, turn· Iheaviest shlpmE'nts cvcr to ~ Alfred Hltcl1cock'a new sus -- I • bid for gunplay at the Wyo- lanced toward Lewis. Smoke bl1, and walked to the door. He handled by thp Canadian Nal' pense thriller,' liTo Catch A Humphrey Bogart nnd Gene mlng. saloon. Shorty Ratner, lowed and, thloUgh I·t. Dan sa'" d it d I k d tId' d I I R '1 . lOr, To-morrol., Tomorr01V Tierney head the' sellar c~st for .. opene an 00 e ou, s u Ie a al ways, ~ mammolh rorgL, Thief," Is a film with a grip of Dna of the outlaws, Is the pale eye$ aUght, dancing, the street In every direction. He hammer, was loaded ab:,afl\ ....! "T IIe Lcft Hand of God," Twcn· wounded an" Bruhn asks If f'll d Ith I h "C UX ALLIN IN steel encased In an Incredibly tleth Century ClnemaScope-De .. lew Ii g p.e t at made some- turned, closing the door behind depressed-centTt fial cars h~rl ~WN LAREDO WAY" JAMES CAGNeY, IN beautiful glove of colorful and Luxe color production, which Is there's • doctor In town. Bar. thing twist and crawl within him. him. It \Vas built by !lla~sev Ltd I "A LION IN 'tHE STREETS" breathtaking I'hoto~aphy. Spark now playing at Ihe Paramount The- ,.' nd er Tom my Rlk es dl rec t s • • • "'''e'll" s t ay 'h ere, b"oys, TI Ie 1\1 anc h eE t er, E ng. nnd is'" enrOll' n JIu Allen, ~tar attraction of ed 'by the stai'rlng talents of the Qtre. The picture, based on a best. him t~ DO~ L:ns.er. LEWIS jerk~ half around and outlaws twrnnd SUrprised but to the Canadlnn Sleel [mprQr: Uai· Westenl kodeo Circus, and Every screeh star has a role most explosive teRm to hit the selling novel by' William E. Bar. his fUn, only half out of the hoI· pleased. Bruhn looked at Dan ment plant Iii EtoblcollC, Onl h1i. clown p.tl "SUm" Pickens be yearns to nlay and can't rest screen In years, Cary Grant and relt, tells' the' story of an Ameri. VI stef, caught 1)11 Its lip, gave a your gun on the bar. I The Fhipmetn. a 10·ton ton gr~ Grace Kelly this "best of the The (~ Pickens), get involved In eDSY until he d for a long' sec. "Nothing else for It." into the ring ror hcr act. Chip first male patient. A man was n s"That Cat" and a lovely but t ' looks for a piarL ID hide Ihe dla· treated [or Injuries suffered In a restless and. thrllling-hunting ranch near Malibu, Call~o,·ma. A ond, then spilled backward, arms Dan wondered why the out. monds until nc Clln talk 10 her motorcycle accident outside tlle American heirl'Ss, Fucl there for seven·acre compound, l11gh·walled swinging wid

TIMES OF SHOWS, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~"'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·/II .1 EUNING SHOWS: 7 O'CLOCK-a,OO 6.45-NelVs. I MATINEE 2 P.M. I 7.00-'rhe Barrelman. LAST TIMES TO-OA Y CIN 7.l5-Dr. Paul. I WEDNESDAY, November 30 7.30-Rendc7.vous With Record!, ADMISSION PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT: 'CJON -TV Tonight I 8.00-Richard Diamond. "BEAU BRUMMELL" 7.30-Slgn On. CBC News. 8,3D-Bishop Fulton ,J, Sheen. t:\tE~ING-ADlILTS ...... '1111 CHILDREN ...... ~51l 7.3S-Top of the Morning. 9,OO-Room 25. WEDNESDt\ Y, NOVE~lBER 30 UII-Ayre's·Baine .Tohn5ton· IlATINEES-ADULTS ...... liOc CHILDREN ...... Z5e a.OO-CBC News and Weather .. 1l.30-Come A·Calling. 8.1S-Muslcal Clock. . Sleer's Early Sholl'. llA5-News. 9.00-Morning Devotions. S,DO-Klds Show. 8.00-Vlc O'Beck. IO,OO-Liberac!. D.IS-Program Preview. 10,30-0ne Night Stand, . 9.20-0rgan Stylings. S.3D-Howdy Dood,. 9.OD-Cross Canada. lO,45-News. NEXT ATTRACTION n.30-Melody Scrapbook. . Ii.DO-Brookrield Ice Cream. 9.3O-Jackle Rae, l1.00-Sportscast. 10.~Know Your Newfoundland, G.3D-Bowrlng's • IIlckman'. ID.DD-DramR. 11.15-Club 590, New •. UN!ST BORGNINE-lIETSY BLAIR In "l\IARTY'-A 10.10-Hlt of the Day. Show; lO.3D-Forllm. 1.00-News In a Minute and FINE FILM •• A GEMI. ,LIFE 10. IS-Iris Power. ' 7.00-lndla Beer Show. l1.OD-News. Closedown. *-STAR 10.25-CBC News. * 10.30-Triple Treasure. lO,4S-BBC Variety. H.tS-School Broadcasts. 2.OD-lIIatlnee, 4.5I).-News. CJON 1l.4S-Parade of Stars. 2.5I).-News. 5.00-Junlor Jamboree. WEDNESDAY, November 3&' TO·MOR'ROW l2,OO-Announcer's Choice. 3,DO-Dollars on Parade. 5.30-Aunt Anna's Story time, I ' l2.15-Dlnner Bell Breakdown. 4.00-News. 5.40-Suppcr Sercnade. 7.00-Wake IIp lind Live, News. 12.30-Farm Broadcast. 4.30-Bank of Happiness. 6,0D-News and Weather. 7.1S-Strength for the Day. 12.4S-Aunt Lucy. 4,05-Newfoundland Parade. 6.25-Lost and Found. 7.30-News, Bob Lewis Show. tOO-Doyle Bulletin. 9,0S-Duke Box R~\'iew. 1.15-Laura Limited. 1l.30-nnnl Yfar. 1.30-CBC News and Weather. Answer to Pre;ioUB Puule ~ 9.45-Women's New •. US-Serenade. NI! 'II YU L.E Pel W6 mOl-Parade of Hits, 2.00-Your Good Neighbour. 'I.... __ s_on_9_s_tr_es_s ---' all: A ell: 06 AI..' T 10,15-What's on my Mind. 2.t5-Words and Music. . eN t> AG AT EW AR E 10,311-Who Am 11 2.29-Domlnlon Time Signal. PEl 6 I RE P 'j,; RE! ME W ~ . . ~ ACROSS 55 Present month 10.45-Joan Blanchard. 2.3l1-School Broadcast. EN 6 :1'"// ENI D I 10.50-Parade of Hits. I 2.41).-The Happy Gang. I Radio (ab.) T6 '!<;." A DE N >;< 61 P songstress 56 Selno "EN , T& RG /-:; A GN .... T E 1loOO-Nell's. 3.1S-lIlan Around The House. AR ET E5 },; R 00 TE R. 1l.01-Tennessee Ernie . 3.30--Trans Canada Matinee. . ' _P.Mo~gan51Without (Fr.) I 5 She Is heard DOWN NO R. 0; ~Iii 66 MT I litE ll.l5-Bill Ring Show. ~\ NOW PLAYING 4.30-CBC News. N\A TEl ;;'~, !5 ElR . on Ihe -, I Prison II.30-lmprisoned Heart. 4.3l).-Tlmely Tunes. 1& TI<. UT MP RE 6' tlEi 11.45-~ly Other Love. 4.4l).-Chlldren's Story. Iwaves 2 Singing voice PI<. OT l!!G TO R 6AP . . -... - -. o , l2,OO-News and Bob Lewis Show . I' 5.1S-Muslc of the West. , BShe may be 3 Affirmatives sa H I tiE T or. I l2.15-Billy O'Connor. 5.3l1-Flsherles Broadcast: TO 65 , CES 6E T I ! ~'I~i n 4 Most facile l2,311-N eli'S, Boll Lewis. 5.4l).-Kindergarten of the Air. 0 I S.OO-Intermezzo. . I' Athena 5l\1axim 22 Drove 38 Small bird ot, I tOI-Frank Parker. 13 Female rabbit 6 Electrified ~3 Happy prey 1.15-News. TH'£ O.25-Program Preview. 1 1.30-Bchind the Scenes. 6.3l1-Supper Guest. 14 Italian river . particles ~4 French river 39 Cartollraph . Special. Added. Attraction. 1i.4S-Muslcal Program. 15 Greenland 7 Crimson 25 Individuals 41 Doctrine 1.35-SportsParade. Eskl 05 8 Most rational 27 Merit 42 HindU robe 1.40-Barilain Hour. lJFT~D. 7.00-CBC News and Weather. m l.45-~lantovani Melodic; 7.15-CurLaln Calls. 18 Also 9 Pertaining to 2B Indian peasant43 Russian nalll! , 11 Burmese wood nn age 29 Hardens 44 Small horsc~ 2.01l-N e\V~. II OFCidD 7.30-Tops Today. 'spritcs' 10 Grafted (her.) 31 Cooking 45 Roam . 2.01-Perry Mason. . .~ . 7.45-Doyle Bulletin. CINEMASc:oPC a.ls.:..Newfoundland Story. ' 18 Losses 11 Proboscis utensils 46 Notion 2.1l).-Road of Life. ,. ' 20 Tumult" 19 Pheasant 32 Half·em 47 Slender 2.30-JI1aUnee. . a.30-Rawhide. 3.00-News and Housewlve$ Club. COLOR by DE LUXE B.45-lnlro. to Wed. Night. 21 Organ of sight brood 3S Presldenl(ab.) 4B Concludes . 22 Pi-onoun 20 Light fog 36 Dyers 50Js able 4.00-News and spot the Slar. MUSICj~S'- am" 9.00-Festlval Choir. 4.15-Rnnch Party. n.30-The Showing Up Of Blanee Lamellirostral 2~ 5 b 1 8 'I 10 5,OO-News and Record Shop. Posne!. . bird :z .3 ~ II ' 6.0ll-News and Bulletin Board . .10,30-Muslcal Program. 26 Compound J1- I) 1'1. O.15-Sporls Parade. . 1l,30-National News. ethers 6.25-News. Also-UP·TO·THE·MINUTE NEWS 30 Fluff . 15 Ib 11 6,30-Hospitallty Time. MOON 31 Saucy 7.00-News. " ~".", . VOCM 33 AffirmatJve .. E\'ENING SHOWS: 7 O'CLOCK - D.DU 18 . ~ (!) 7.01-Courtship and Marriage. •• Iruin WEUNESDhY, November 3[1 vote ~ 7.l5-Program Report. MATINEE 2 P.M. 34 Peer Gynt's ZI 7.30-News. • BUI 7.00-Breakfast Club, News. mother '. 7.45-The Right to Happiness. TIMES OF SHOWS: 8.311-HIt of the Day. 3~ Body of water B lIb 8.35-News. Ill! ~75 L7 IB ~IJ 8.00-Ncw~. ADMISS1o.N PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT~ 36 Horse's gall ~ a.OI-Spotlight on the Sim. EVENllIiG-"DOWN LAREDO WAY," 7 O'CLOCK, 9.l0. 1l.40-Name the NeWfoundlander. 37 Arid region 30 ~. R.l5-Echnes from Yesterday. EVENING-ADUL1'S ..... " .. ~ .... '5c CHILDREN ..... " ...... 350 ·D.OII-A Date with Denys. 39 Coins' ~ ~ 9.15-No Lullaby for Liu, 3q 8.3l1-Eddle Cantor. "MUSIC IN THE MOONLIGHT," 8.10. 10.:0 MATINEES-ADULTS .... " ...... 500 CHILDREN ...... asc 40 Roman bronte ~ jb Il.OO-News. . 9.30-A Date wllh Denys. . 41 Llghl brown ~ rn O,Ol-Album of Favourites. O,4l).-Burtonl of Banner St. 42 Sbe- !S7 jI IO,Oo-News. I 9.l5-Hall of Fantasy. - . popular songs .. I 9A5-Dosco NeWs. lO,3D-Adopted Son. 45 IV 110.01-'1'hrough the Sports parade. IO.5~NeWJ. ~~?~~t I1f . 'LAST TIMES TO-DAY NEXT ATTRACTION 49 ;~. '~""" ~~ IjIJ ql i 10.15-Strlctly Prh·atc. H.OD-Club 590 and News. 50 ... u, .. to Il3 ~b [\18 12.t5-Bank of lInppiness. ,10.45-Uarry Wood. ~/STRANGER ON HORSEBACK" STEWART GRANGER _ GEOI\OE SANDERS - JOAN' memory 51 1LOO-National News, l2.35-:-Musicnl lIIenu. !II BibUca.! . II? 11,I5--Sports Paradl!. OIEt:NWOOU In "l\IOONt'Lt:t:T" - .'ILLED \vITli 12.30-News. garden ~. 11.30-1 was a Communlsl (or FBI. 12.45-\:'lshermen's Foreca~i. - 53· 5~ with JOEL McCREA SU~I'J::NSE • • CROWDED WITII t:XClTF.ME!I"r. t2.50-Muslcal Menu. 62 Slonn 12.00-Ncws; HOllsep~rty, ~S Halll 5, 5b ,/ I 12.55-Prayer. 1.3I1-New!. ,. Perw;t . 21: 1.0ll-Queen and .Siin Off. US-Tunes for Today. ._ ...... bOV16,23,30 ••

I,' - ______.1'~ fH~E~OA:ll~Y~NE~~~S.~,W_E_D_N_ES_D_AY_,_N_0~V._3_0,_1~?5_5 ------~'"IT'S ONL.Y A alTor: -..;;,;;;: , . eur WHAT OF IT~ IT'~ ONLY A, FAI,\lloV Kee~Ke! FA/AlloY f!OI.JS!NSE )~SSEti ON Fl!OAI ACCOi!.IiI'f(e 'ro irl! MUselt4VE FMIIL.V I.EGfNP, "'A~i:1Z 10 SCfJ.IT M£.HOUIES, ~EII.ITUAl. DA'l'ES SACK FII.OM HAS NO VA~Uc ! A60UT THE "IIPPI.!: OF This Page Is Presented T~E 17" CEIjTLJ~ ! r af !lit the' • to be with ~J.tion. !n1'E'.!1~ :L."'II t1I't) Compliments Of I h!rt Ltd.. in ~llnIult lIIflf1ltt. !. Onl Great Eastern Oil Company limited lDIIi:'a. The ll':ll.sfer. 'Illlt'!lt't. ill c::n iKht 1\,. the law," "AI soon as possible" J bOB °d -- has turned out t.o be 115 Ion I as aco y tl rl 2.e r "~!ltl 14 yeal's, durlllg which time II OPENING LEAD ... : lh~ !; Profit Office Of . grcat many bodies have be,en a¥ ASSURES SLAM ~ l:n.l;~ :I! ru~. Iy ERtlE~T ATKINSON to. rOYAl Influcnce Dr patronage. ed to the list.' - \ ,. nll:I­ \. IN'~ '~II a' Ihr yral" 1373 At onc tim!" It was all surt!· There exist, of course, certain By OSWALD JACOBY I! Hi r~: 'r Ilrit:~h Ilr.UfC of Commons cicnt\y clear, l:lther a mAn was major disqualifIcations which do TIIEHE is vrry lillie eXCUse lor I Uen. ~~t ~"! r~nn.:::r I bl any of its paid by the Cro\'ln Dr ho wasn't. not need to be ,reasserted in a getting to six ~Jladcs in the hand i:lUIl! in ••\lr~1l"rr, ~ > \,\.. II., d,,1! outside em. But In recent Yl'BIl'S ,""with the prn. newd Act.J It is an old and· rather ahllwn today ,na d til') s over·am· ~:~\-::1cnl m::h; -uf[('t n conflict llfel'3tion or I'ublic boards, judi. ry oke made by Members of biti~us contracl should normally ~! i~yJlIjr'> h th~l yc~r, ~nd In ci~1 and semJ.ludlcal offices, and the House of Lords that they be defcated with easc. South m t~r 15th. 1~ll' ;HHI 18th rellturles a great deal more of the appara. share with felons, traitors, luna· should be conlr,nt with a contract • :CP\ _.\ a!«1, pl,t:tk: •.INC heard againsl Ius of lor parllmenlary purposes tics and !nfar.ts the distinction of four >spade~ since he has a ~~coO: Il1Itarthtd \lrt:1 nf rarli:1ll1cnt being Is at least unclellll'. of belng.lI"efuspd membership of somewhat stretched two-bid and bm :ara'e II of ,.1\[" liS lI'ell. The NEW ACT LISTING the commons. 'lhe new Act Is a his partner could not make a ~~ 'ft. 'fle ~n!lrttW lIIa~ 11- ,m tdk.1 III' at Ihe hegln. THOSE DISQUALIFIED Ire~t deal more comprehensive positive response. t:I hld~~ r':~~ cf Ihr 16lh 1-~1I1mY, ami It It Is 1\ matter that has been than that. And when the parlla· With the opening lead of the i~ I, j. ,:;~13nmll\' wh~l \l"a~ enacted studied by parliamentarY autho- mentarY draftsmen came to pre· jaek of spade~ South's problems ~~ I I~r~ Ih;,\ IWII" ~~~ ~ what offlr~s rlty for a long time. The most pare the Bill they f~und that It are mlraculouloly solved. South co>. i i,h.bil Ih!"ir hoI 11m from helng recent Ihorough examination was touched over 100 existing Acts wIns the first \!rick with the ace ~:r:nbm of. l'arlinmrnl. The given by a Select Committee In of rarllament, beginning back In of spades, casn~~ the ace and king m'n rli.qll~hk:llilln is Ihnt a 1941. That recommended that the days of W1l11am and Mary of hearts, ami ruffs a heart De· I. pin !hould h\' Ihr hu1ller o[ all "steps should bc talten to draft and Queen Anne. clarer gcts bauk to dummy 'wlth r.ll:rc ~I pr(lfit under th~ Crown. and Introduce In the House of It hal been customary in recent the ten of spades drawing the Thlt dc:jIT' tHlm l'arllament's Commons as suon as possible a years when JIJch bodies al the outstanding tr(/mp~ Now d ~~ Idu,'.1 to Itsclf comprehenive Bill setting lorth Atomic Energy Authority or the my's two goori can ~t!l I,c.lon~ ~uhmit Overseas Resources Development h~arts u~.e Board or the National Coal Board cashed, and S:lIJth gets lI'id of two <:t!l have been set up to say In the losing cards. The slam Is now r;~ , home. .U Acts setting them up that certain WI th h -=.~ I deflnltion In this way And the> than. the sequence that rs shown 0 Il 1 .I new Bill has many pages and !>e' In thc rilagl'm ' The Italian play- t;~ I, hedules IIstinlf, as far as they can NORTJI 30 ~ , be known at the moment, the ,,106 posts whose members cannot be "K9854 Lower House le.lslatorl. There • Q5 0: ..,10974 UJ EST comes naturally at the beginning t!l a consldehbleo list of judicial of· WEST ·EAST flees ~om the Judges of the High jfoJ3 4197 ".T82 "Q 101 ~~ Court downwAJ'ds. Zw • KJ864 .732 ~:E The new Bill purposea that ",A13 ..,Q8652 coU such people bS a Forestry Com· SOVTH (DI .,,11) mIssioner or a Governor of the .AKQ85U British Broade8~tlng Corporation .AS. • A 10 Il ~5w or a Public Work8 Land Commls· 4aX. -' sioner, or the Commissioner of Nelih~r sIde vul. >. the City of London Police, or In· South Weat North . East • deed one of Her Majesty's Am· 2 41 :PIISS 2 N.T. Pass ba6Sadorl, may not be Members 3 • Pass 4 " Pass of the House of Commons. AI to 8 • ~ass Pass Pas• . Ambassadors, thll repr,esenta an Opening lead-. J YOU ARE BOUND Important clarification, Df tlie ex· Isllng law. In earlier times Am· Cl'll wel'e ushll; a "ery artiflclai TO FIND THE RIGHT bassador! were not disqualified, system, and as the result of a and Indeed before the year 1640 mlsunderstnnd1llg North wDund ONE FOR YOUR tht House of Commons repeated. up as the declnrer at six spades! Iy decIded that members appoint· ~ome of the English spectators DECORATIVE SCHEME ed to Ambassadars did not for. relaxed when this. took place. lelt their teah. 1f they had had since East coul1 not mAke a latal IN OUR WIDE to do !O, the Klnll would have opening lead. ll' didn't matter had lin ellY way of gettinl rid what East chus!' to open, the con· LOW·COST of members hI! disliked, 81nce he Itract was puelj~ally certain to go cO\lld have sent them on missions down. The only really fatal open· QUALITY VARIETY el'Cn very short missions, aboard Ing leNd was lhe Jack of spades. Howel'er, It hu always been rat. and that card was in the We~t her difficult to say ""hether a hand. What could be safer. from particular Amblllador was enUt. the English pOI,nt of view? PV RANCH WALL led to be a'Member of the Com. Perhaps to prm'e that there is PV ETCHWOOD mons. no such thing as safety, West un- LAW FOR CLERGY expectedly led out of turn. Thl5 PV SHADWOOD UNNIC'lSSARY was bad enour;h: but as you prolJ. PV WELTEX The new Blll does not need to ably guesSed, West chose to lead talk of the elnrgy, sInce Church the Jack of Ipades. ARBORITE oC England clerlYmen and Scot· North, the declarer, had the MASONITE , tlsh Minister. and Roman Cath· right to accep~ thll lead If he QUARTRBOARD oUc priests a... already dlsquall· ch~e to do !.o. After lome fled by Itatutes. Ministers' of Non· thought,. he did decide to accept STANDARD Conformist ehurches are not dis- the lead and therefore made this - PANELWOOD qualified, but a, Erskine May has "Jmposslble" Flam. TEMPERED it, "Persons IIttendlng DlvlneSer· by Sir Wlnstoll Churchill. Like­ TEMPER TILE vice at Scottl!h Episcopal chao wJse the Captain of Deal Cl1$tle SQUARE TilE pels, where the Royal Family Is not disqualified. These of PANELINE are not prayed for ,~re still dis- course are' honnrl!le posts today. qualified by st>ttute. It seems to Bllt· also the Astronomer-noynl BARCLAY PRIMTILE have been hel·1 In the past that Cor Scotland, the Tistol'iogrnpher KENMORE. BOARD Church of England· clergy were !loyal for Scollnnd, tile Queen's Indeed In the category of holdel'S Printer, and the Reglns Keeper FIBPLY of office! of prom under the of the Royal Bolanlcal Garden GYPSUM BOARD Crown. That Is remote tr?m rea· In Edinburgh. 'moy be Mcmbcrs lity. But It wa! on this ground of the C;::ommo!l~ If they can gain NUFAPLY that the appropriate Act of 1801 eleetlon TENIlEST was~recomme'lded by the House RESIGNATION FROM HOUSE STANDARD of Commons. One M.P. urged In I\Iembers may not resign f,rom the Second R~adlng Debate on thc House of Commons. strictly COLOR PRIMED the present· BllI that If It was speaking. 'l'helr" only way nut, PLYWOODS right for the A:rchblshop or Can· apart from commilting treason, terbul'Y to sit In the Lords and Dr some ,'Cry grave o[fence ag3· B.C. FIR Non.Conforml~ts to sIt In the In;t the, House, is to accept an BIRCH Commons, clerks In Holy Orders office of profit tinder thc Crown. MAHOGANY in the Church of England ought 'rhcrefore certain offices tllit to be able to ~It In ~he Commons. nowadays are scarcely more thin Memben of the armed forces fictitious are kept alive. Theee SEE DISPLAY RACKS iN OUR are of course disqualified, but are those' of "Steward or BallIfl it has been euslomary In wartime of Her Majesty's three children WATER ST. AND SHAW ST, to make specinl· provision to al· Hundreds of SLoke, Desborough low them to be Members. Civil and Burnham," and "Steward or SHOWROOMS Servants are always. excluded. Bailiff 'of the Manors of East There is a V'lI'Y sbrlct schedule Hnldrcd, North~tead and Hem­ limiting the number of Member~ pholme." These offlces today are BUILDING MATERIALS DIVISION of the Govel'nme~t who may be ordln311'ily gll'~r. by the Chancel· In the House of Commons. 'rhe lor of the Exchequer to any Mem purpose Is to limit tho imount of bel' who appliES lor them. Eaeh loll. patronage by way o[ giving.pald office Is only rclalnedunlll the offIces lhat tn') government can Challcellol' )'ccelv!s appl!cathm lUi give the Members of that House. from another membt'll' who wish- There IS • vi!Jly interesting es to retire.· . - lIat of o.fflcerl whIch at lome ,time The effect or the new Bill, may have corne, al least. undc~ when once It Is through Parlin· ~he suspicion o[ being offlc,es o[ lti~!llt, should IJp to make It quite profit under the Crown, which clear once agair. .Ihllt ParHament Dre propoS1ld to be recognised as Will have no divided loyalltll!s. Involving liD disqualification. especially as t,etwl!cn Itself anll They. Include, . for ·ln5tanee, the the Crown. The practical dang- , . SHAW ST DIAL 80291 , post or LOII'd Warden 01 the Cln. !'II'S mRY not be great but the .., no'·16,2J.30 • . que Ports, which presently Is held principle remains . • • ": ...:. . .. THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY,' NOV. 3U, lIib:.

1=I",~--~------~~~--~----~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {I"I. R. WI.I.I"~~~~ : "LeaJs Serid Cahan· PORT ~t~i~I~~YC. (CP)- t-__ .-.;.--;O;";;'--..... ~--O"':~~:-=~::-::-:~~----A I Rules bann:ng wearing of slacl;s I 1 LOve ,0 VISIT To PIOttsbllrfrh by girl students have been relaxed MA /WI' PA, BUT ~ for the winter month. by the I ~j".v.rL'i.~~ MONTREAL (CP)~ndre Corri school board. T!ley decided slacks LIKE A GREA, veau of the Montreal Royals lVere ideal for cold weather. I 'DANE H~ BEEN erupted for a four·point. scoring . SCAATCHI"-I' spree against the league.leadlng Rich deposits of Manganese and mpon slbillty for the opinIons of its. cor· 10 GET IN! Shawinigan Falls Cataracts last chrome have been reported found mpoadentl . week while recapturing the top spot in West Pakistan in 1955. .. tlblished By in the Quebec Hockey League poiot cat. _THI"COV." fllltllY putting It off. Now, !f Mr; Edl~or, , parade. DUr ·Slr':"'Today, Monday, wlll kindly give me ~pace I really Corriveau Is a firm advocate of Authority ...... It. la : blowing inean to do it. . the rule "you can't score goals Oh, yes, before J go, I must add '.. COUNTER FREEZERS ..ate 1lnmI· lin the Tickle' .be­ Ifrom the penalty box." He has no REGULATIONS, 1955 MORE tnlat BeD Islimd.PortUlIICove, tbat I have heard· some criticism penalties this season. of these players In and oul of'the 'Official league statistics, re­ Under and by virtue 01 tt~ tile 'Ie..... "Mlneco" 'Irid "KIP. FIRST by O! leased :lIIonday, show the 26·year· powers conferred Section...... orie~tlnI clrl')'lnl pas­ press. I am no judge -myself,' bul The original CUT P I II: old leftwinger has 13 goals and an The Food and Drugs Act, Chl~\t: I.fili'n aad' whleles, the ferl')' cannot help wondering' these .. ' mutual inoestment fund same critics could do as equal number' of assislll to bring 56 of thc Revised Statutes o( lie'!­ "'iI:baie, JOlla' I.. tied up It tbe "well in Canada is themselves If thcy appeared on the his total to 26 points. foundiand, 1952, and of aU otl:~ PIrWpl cOve p)er, the reason; Corriveau, In all, taUled twee powers enabling me in this behlll I stage. and picked up five assists during Clse Carnation ;n.... .·Is· .that the Clptaln Yours sincerely, I do hereby make the foUo'!iJ:l ....·Ml··th1ak .the . weather ts the week. He leads in the goals· regulations: . Sack patltoll ORDINARY,. CRITICISM. scored department also. sack Turnips 1UH.i1IIe ,. the"Jonn" to oper· Speedy Jimmy Moore of the Chi· Dated at St. John's this 2211 'Dunkrl."." .... ' Editor Dally.- News, couUml Sagueneens, last week's day of November A.D. 1955. 3 corn Flakes '. n.a:pUbuc . UUUUes . Board Dear Slr.-To·nlght the moo!! leader, notched two assists to move S. '.J. HEFFERTOX, Johnson', WI" ...... ,.. .weU,advlRd to give peeps over the edge of'a drifting to the league lead in the assists Minister of Healtl cub' suglr .,.:eiiidlinhoD ;to the. ippUe. cloud and the ground underneath . . department, but slipped back !O Icing ...... is. wet due to recent rain. whUst I second scoring spot. Moore has 51X sultlnll n'W tiia ~ot-tMcnrnm of 'thll ffrl')', REGULATIONS Gaod Stronll frlnc~e,as It within the confines of my r:oom am goals and 18 assists for U points . 1. These regulations may be tt Yark SausIgls ..r ... :GelUslve dry. Nevertheless I would like, to One point behind is linemate Lou ..-tbi :'eaNldeied opinion of·-the. CORNEll; IIIACGILlIVRAY ed as the Counter Freezers Reguh. york Wlen.rs express myself on a. topic which t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.i!.~~=-=~_J Smrke"with 12 goals and 11 assists. uMIlm tions, 1955. Kim .••••.••. tr&ftW.c pubbe, that this fen)' is much In public thought at the ___o" Two other Cataracts, Connie Br~. anDCIt' make the· crossing. In ..... or ',040 au.. 8.1.".', 2. In these regulation! "Ilk moment, I refer to·the drink prob- "" N Cl d \H ° ° St den and Gilles Dube, are lodged 10 York Irish SI ....,; weather, as well IS the lem, the consumption of alcohol. Anonymous and lastly but not lea~t 0 ose O'Vll awanan ar the firth and sixth positions reo (a) "counter freczcr" mur.11 Y.ork Bollllni .....-0 .. and '''Klpawo'', Sir, llke many of my fellow cit!· . is. the St. 'John ..Total- AbsUnence s;ppe~c~ti~ve::!y::. ______....,...- counter type o[ [reezing machin, D.lAL 'Tbe filet that the ~Jones" had zens I view with grave. c,oncern . and Benefit ·Seiclety.· . F .. B' b II To Become CIOtl"zen- .:. used to produce [rozen dairy Pflo to remain tied to the pier It the increasp.ln traffic, the Increue Speaking of the first .named Tne or ase a . ducts and includes similar unib, Pomipl' Co"e toda)' when the In the number of ·drunken:drivers Temperance 'FederIUo~. This d F ° I 'MON.TREAL (CP)...:. Tommy the construction of which pennits sittlng behind the Wheels of mov· group believes in Invokng govern: Says F. or I rIC { Hugo, all·star centre with Montreal them to stand on the floor. IIlIIer two :'eMtJ were operating Ing cars. . ment' to make laws curbing sale Alouetles and the only Hawaiian in II proof: enOUgh' that sbe Is not (b) "ice cream" means the Ir~ We cannot fall to nole that wc of alcohol. This may proveeUec· COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - "T:,c the history of Canadian football, en product of a counter freel!!, the ansWer to the ferry problem are not alone In this view since tive·1 hope 'It solves ·the problem, idea of closing down baseball for says he plans to become a Cana· .. the T1tkle. the press "letter box" is register· but 'the writer ·contends· that legis· one year; is nonsensical," Base· dian citizen. made with milk. cream or oth!! . Your~ truly. Ing many views of this problem; I laUveaets won't make a man ball Commissioner Ford Frick said Returning here from Vancouv~r milk product with or without efl~ sugar, invert sugar, honey, flal·o'll. ~'TRA VELLER". note several letters' calling litten· sober. Years ago we had a govern· Tuesday. "There never' \vas and where Aiouettes were defeated by Uon to the. drink question by quot· ment law caUed Prohibition. Such never will be any thought given to Edmonton in the Grey Cup game, !Jig, colouring matter, confectio~ RAMA ing Biblical quotations oln. support a law closed saloons where liquor closlng'down baseball." Hugo said he has m: de up his fruit, nuts or stabilizer such II ILUR: F~:::L D of their thesis. I do not, cO)1slder . was served but the result was dis· Frick was commenting on a story mind to remain in Canada. He·now gelatin. such quotations hye' any b4'aring asterous; Such a lilW saw the rise by Dan Daniel of the New York is in his third season with Als. (c) "suitable refrigeration I~ ])at' Ilr. Edllor.-Last spring I . On the present· day. prpblems.~n of bootlegging and speakeasies and WOI':d~Telegram and the Sun. Dan· , "I am convinced it would be the cilities" means refrigeration faer. triad 01 miae asked me' to come the western part of the world... .sbebeens '. No this writer feells that iel said 'major league basebal1 WlS best thing for me," Hugo· said. "1 wtUt him to. 1ft I play called "Here. We are far removed by time and 'your can't legislate. a man to be hinting itt suspension of operations decided some time ago to setUe ities o[ a type approved bi II we come Iithering." It was by the space and cllmatlc conditions o.f sober •. There is a,remedy and because it Is being "harassed" by down here. I have bought a hou.e inspector. ,. ... JoIm', Players. I wasr.·t . over which these quotations speak. True that remedy, drastic though it the department of justice and and I have a good ob and I intend CLOTHES make the man if CHAFE . 3. (1) Ice cream Illall not" ... ..uiaiiutic beeause I had seen wine ran freely at the Wedding· may be, .is presented by the St. handicapped by the "television· to apply fOr citizenship after J makes the clothes made in a counter freczer !XCIII IM.ar two Imateur plays bere In Feast of Cana at Christ's Word but John's Total Abstinence Society. radio lobby In Washington." have completed IIve years resi· from a mix which consists of . wine to the people of that part o! A member of that Society takes a "I repeat this story Is prepostcr· dencein ,this country." (a) The pasteurized product e! \ . ~_dt!..~ndprob!dpU~1 a ~:d t~: world was a part of their daUy pledge. for life to . abstain fr~m ous. Baseball is not going to close Hllgoplayed collegc football at a licensed ice cream plant IU~ .-...... diet as tea or coUe Is to us of !!tis, drinking beverages which arc m· down nor will it ever close down," D~nver UniVersity. ·WM. L. CHAFE, Tailor plicd in proper containm Itl 1Iiap 11'11 more ludlble than t~e hemisphere and In this age. I.thlnk, loxicating and beverages \\'hlch can Frick emphasized. 3' . ,'OIcts0i the pll)'ers albeit they. Sir, our people are consuming too induce a tasle for such Intoxicants "Certain we've had legal prob· Eighty per cent of the world's New address: 4 HOLDSWORTH ST. protected from dust and other "ere 'doIa, their best for I worthy much alcohol for pleasure. I think . such as malt bcers and \l'ln~s. 1ems and. come a cropper with the banann supply comes from trop· foreign matters: Provided tilt eaute. there Is too much becr.'drlnklng Now this Society permits such In· I department of jll~tlce. Ihc)"11 be ical America. with Ecuador the such mix shall not be u5cd 'lfhll : i it 15 more than seven d~rw old; or·· "Hert ,,'e-come ,athtrin~" was taking place. This excessive beer· toxicants to members only on tne solved. It may tak time and lots larsest producer. I! .a agreelble surprise. There wasn't taking can induce the taste for word of a doctor. When a memo of \\'ork but it will be soh·cd." ------INSURANCE (b) pasteurized milk or frtll • dull' moment. from start In stronger beverallc~ Iike alcohol. ber Is iii and a doctor preseribe3 ., , added to a mix commonly knOJ, 1955 VI"II'IUU'''' th '\5'" All the' actors were good Therein \lcs the danger ,e exces· liquor or wines then and onl)' then rt . a~ dry mix which is provided b, grey, mil fin ,.. sive drinking can create. The ex· can a member eonsumc thc drink. T d AGENCIES HpeCilny 1I1ister Bruce Fcather ccssive conwmptlon of alcohci cun Tho Society as in the .part oUm Redlc!!s . ra e ) e,ers a reputable manufacturer. equipped ,,·bo pnone o[ the £Inest pcrform. induce drunkennc.!S which has dire certain prlvllegcs and emoluments. u (2) The used melted products ct and def lnets I hl\'c C\'cn scen by am.· results to the health of the drinker. As It is Ule part the. Soeletyoffers WO I C] ° counter freezers .hall not b. It IfUI'$., to his home and family life and to pasti.m,es sueh as cards, billial'ds, It 1 . nca~o frozen. condition Rtcently J I\'as oUcrrd tlckels the economy of his Uvellhood;Hav· and other cultural and athletic ,"en· u 4. (1) Suitable refrigeration fl· lor a play cilled "Candleli,httl by Ing thus staled 'my stand on the ture.; as do other ciubs except this COLUMBUS, Ohio. (AP) - Cin· cilities shall be provided lor !hI 1955 V the same' group of playen. This' matter please divorce .lJIc from distinction the T.A. Society docs cinnali Redlegs traded catcher Ho· storage of the ice cream /nll It blue, milea d the fanaUe-J am not th~t. I con· .not favour or tolerate lhe prescnrc ble Landrith to Chicago Cubs Mon· ferred to in paragraph (el II time I 'f1'15 reilly Interested an dem excessive drinking .. I have of alcohol either hi its members day night for pitcher Hal Jeffcoat equipped mort certllnl)' not disappointed. compassion on the man who. likes 'or in Its confines. Of course ~t in a· straight player swap. Gabe Regulation 2 and for the Itorlll defroster. nls Pla,., in my humble opinion. his drink. I feel there Is !lathing the' present time thIs. time.honour· Paul, Cincinnati general manager, of the milk, cream and other PI~ condition. A lrU outstanding. I was disappoint. wrong In drinking but' for many ed Society whose past history and said no cash was Involved. FOR ALL ducts used. eel it not seeing more .of Mastel it Is better than they touch it not. tradition are a bright star in a. 'Landrith, 25, batted .253 for Cln: (2) Suitable facillt!ei whiri at ••••• : •••••••. Feather, but one can't have every· Some can be temperate, but aU are many star.studded glory of our clnnat! last season. The left·handed YOUR shall consist of an adequate supp~ No trade a tlllag. 1 Isked I friend of mine tn not built that way. It is therefore life, Is slowly recovering from the baUer has been .In the Redlegs' of water heated to a temperatu.'I . COIIIC wlUi me. "Aw", be saId, "that better for the drinker not to touch Ifire of 1946 which rocked the grand organiZation for five years. . of at least 170"F or the me 011 above models ".n II for ~ bl, shots, the long It after the first drink. Better sUU old society to its foundation, b'Jt' Jeffcoat, recently turned 31, Is a chlorine solution with a chloricl .. t I Is: not to have the first' drink .. out of the ashes of the' old the former outfielder who was can· i'he hairs." Wbat he really me4n hi t Better sUi Is It that the man who present membership hope to enlist verted to a pitcher with the Cubs. Wc!come Wagon content of at least one hundrel was for the birds. J talked m drinks sbould not sit behind the new blood and rebuild in' order to The righthander had an 8·6 record parts per million shall be prol'id!! into comlne Ind now he thinks,s wheel of a moving car when he take its f()rmer place as a gredt last season and a 2.94 earned run Hostess for the proper cleaning and stef.!­ I do. In fact 1 am greatly in· has one or two in him for the road. Socia'l .Welfare Worker-to try to average.. \ Will Knock on Your Door,. izing of the equipment used il 1955 MA debted to him for bis belp In com· Too many lives lost, too many make and keep a' man sober, to The Landrlth·Jeflcoat sll'ap 11'3. with Gift. 0\ Greeting. connection with the m3nulaetu:~ black, poslne this leUtr.homes wrecked and impov~rished make him· a good father and hus- the first of the bascbaIJ. meetng storage and handling of ice CreI:!. from Friendly Businen equipped Now, Sir, 1 1m not an authority by the drunken fath~r and hU5'. band. a good worker, a .suecess in to be held here and In Chicago dur the sanitary handling and preplll' OIl. play Icting .. 1 1m mt-rely a band. Too many lives are made his career which. he started to be Ing the, next 10 days. ~eighborl ami Yow: tion of the mix, and the storage d defroster, member of tbe lower mlddleclasSo wretched and fearful because before he tOlichedliquor and above .______. Civic and Social I 11k d daddy staggers home pay night .all ,to make a betler clUzen and the products of the counter Ilw, es. . but I know' what 1 e. an with little of his earnings for lIle a better Christian •. ·Slr, Isn't that EAGER STUDENT Welfare Leadon er If hardening is 10 be earrill .. 01 the opinion that If more things of borne since. ~is ·wages a great 'social. service to men, a EDMONTON (CP)-The boys Ie out, and all such facilities .hall orcIhw1 people like myselt would went for llquor. Many a promising . great sociai worker.' I think :you the classrooms are gradually get 0,. th, IIccal/". ,I, be left clean and sanitary. attind tbese plays they .would career has been blighted because and I and' everY thlilklng citizen ting used .to Frances McGirr, the (3)· All utensils, equipment Iti Change Ji residonce IiIICI them ver)' entertaining and of drink, too much drin~...... will agree.' I ; .. . , only girl In the University of AI· apparatus used In conjunction 1iiti abo Would be encouraginll I group The' drug a1cohol is· a powerfJl . The Alcoholic' :ADnonymous are berta's faeulty.of engineerln.~. Arrival. of N.w~.1'11 .. Rig hest Efficiency a counter freezer shall be ther· 01 local players wbo are putting agent and B mercllesa foe' ~nd;dolng good' work 'and ,merit! our Frances intends Lo become a chem. Cir, oughly washed and stcrilited ,: • e:a:eJlent perforallnces. . . should be . taken only on. doctors support. and (eiicol\ragement as It ~cal engineer. the end of each day's operatio: I ba 0 Ixe to Irlnd larders. . . ,. .. hoid~.'our. adnilration.' May Its reo No, VI ~ . • . In unision with my fenow·clUzens suIts· be fruitful' and -at rreachlng. Of Any Unit In Canada! and more frequently If an Inlpt(.· PI .it in 111)' WIY connected with we sound a note. of appreciation to To make men' better·to help them or so directs. till p1a1fls, neltber have. I met our Service Clubs who are perfor~; to right the Wrong Ih·their system. 5. Counter freezen Jhail be ui oi tile ... 1 am merely giving ing such worthwhile services to o,!r to make them good citizens and located so as to be protected frc~ ,.. oM reaction. of In ordinary community. and In this category, Clirlitliuls again Is worthy' and de· . Smith Corona flies., dust, dirt and other COl' .... Oia.·tlllltreel who expected to there: are three which merito'Jr· servel .. su~eSs.· '.' :". tamination and shall, when pll~ .... pwity•. corny play Ind who admiration. First there is the Tem· I regret the'grea~ length at·whlch ticable, be located adjaccnt to ILl ....'qfteably surprised. . peranceFede~atlo!1 of Ca~ada with this ,expression of thought has en· TYPEWRITERS and CASHIERS McCLARY soda fountain. I'Iwi meant to write this leiter Its .afm~ates. Seco!ld!~. there.ls . taUed ·but.thesubjeet.matter Is of DIAL 4052 6. Ice' cream contalneu R! • A. __ ...... :.. ibe~lnt pllY. but kept .. tile organizaUon known as Al~oholle such paramountlmportan·ce·that I .,.- fee! y.ou will ·overlook the length cones used in conjunction ~iti and· allow it to, be·.publlshed In DOMINION MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT CO.' LTD. OIL. FIRED AUTOMATIC HEATING eounler freezers shall be slou! your highly esteemed' and widely in a clean and sanitary mann!l. QUEEN STREET read paper. The ·Dally,News. MORRIS BUILI)ING and adequately protected IrO!! , .yours sIncerelY, .' . '. flies, dusl, etc., pending use. . LEO, P ..HYNES 7. All persons engaged in mlilU' , St. John~s;November··~,· .1955. . ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'I ECONOMICAL facturing ice cream or handlinl . the mix Irom which ice crealD b . LiVELY,SEIlVICE ... made shall wear separate cll!.' KINGSTON HILL; England (CP) EFFICIENT outer garments, shall keep thl1 ,Q,ooties ofB,eauty hands clean while so engaged, shat A referee!s whistle _signalled Ihe start of a.church service· in " this be free from any contagioUS dit Surrey town. Canon.Wellesley Orr QUIET ease and shall submit to mediUI bleW It '.to . signify the '~klck off' examination when so requested hi : '·of ·his annual service· for foot· bynat# the. Department of Health. , • .. baUers.·,. .,.. . . CLEAN 8. An adequate, safe and Jan~ THE ANSW.~R TO WINTER'S BLASTS tary water supply and suillbl! GUARANTEED toilet and hand washing Iaciliti!l All rubb.r "Corriog." booh •. shall be provided for the pII~ linedwiln'wool ne ... for • warmlh. Collared in nol sons engaged in manufacture ~ Moulen fllr. AUTOMATIC handling o[ Icc cream or the nul from which ice cream is madt. 9. (1) The Ice lor issue and let MISSES' C.S,A •. FIRE· TESTED each annual renewal of a \ieeDlI •.. Sizes~. \0 carryon the trade of manu!a~ ture' of Ice cream by use of couo!!l 13·3 AND APPROVED freezers shall be ten dollars ,nd twenty·five cents. $4.35 . (2) Every license issued under paragraph (I) shall expire on thl 'Phone for FREE ESTIMATE on a' complete 31st day of December of the yell WOMEN'S. in which the .·license was issued. Sizes and application for renewal c1 installation in your home. license shall be made to the 1* 4 uP. partrilent of Health; Fort Willia'" St. John's. $4.95 10. Every person· who "iolat!! a~y. of the prOVisions of thell ERNE'ST CLOUSTON' regulations is guilty of an o{fer.~ and is liable on summary conn~ tion to a fine not exceeding four Limited hundred dollars or in default of I payment. to imprlson'mcnt for I DIAL 4183 period nol excc'Cding six montlis (II ";.' 'SUPPORT s-a DAy···· Dec.:'·st· WATER ST. \·to both the fine and imprisonment...... , .SAPI DRIVING . ,. '. y • nov30,li . '1,~~!~" __~'D~R~I~V~E~5~A~F~E~L~Y~'~EV~E'R~'Y~'="~D~A~'~_. ~~ ~~~------" . I'... .

" ~ i, " •.. :.,.... . " • • , ~~D~AI~~~N~EW:=S,~W~E~DN~E~SD~A~Y~'N~O~V~.,~~~'~19~5~5~: ______~--_._~------~~--~--~----~--~--~~------~--~------~.~~

By ", (Under th~ dlsllngulshed patronille of the • To Rent· MDIlt Rev, p, J. Skinner, C.J,M., D,D" Archbishop of st, John's) Children's Playground Assna TO RENT-One ~.droom, lult· Y LOOK! able for one ell' two working INVITATION TO EXECUTIVE a:as girls with 'the Use of kitchen. Ii ltJ5 MORE O'K Collt'ge of, Our lady of Mercy what, you can Phone 2731·I: or cal at 43 Presentation of Trophies and Awards to members of ,FeUd Street. the Junior Baseball League and Ladies' Soft Ball League -ortht will hold WIN CWB OPEN IIttioft I ef CUT PRICES , J for will take place at a Dinner to be held at The Sterling rI. ChaJlle: ' lnsurante Restaurant TO-NIGHT at 7 o'clock. A cordial invitation 'Music by ttl of Ntlf, tllAL 3320 CHRISTMAS A 'SALE OF WORK' is extended to any member of the Executive who would ''The Princes r aU other RED AND WHITE , INSURANCE-Bowring' Broth· tllisbehlU .r Limited Insurance Depan· like to attend. (Cost of Dinner to Executive members: Quartette" I fOI~01l'ill1 C.'" C1rnation ...... $6,SO $27,5.'00 ment..:.Flre, t\utombblle. Mar· S . k pol It"' ...... $1.95 This Wednesday Afternoon' Ine and all Casualty lines. $2.50). Cover 50c S:~k TurnipS ...... $1.79 Telep~one 3131. . 'l JOHN M: WALSH, Secretary-Treasurer this ~ 'Dunkrl"r' Butt.r .69c, Ib IN THE AUDITORIUM, BUILDING, MILITARY ROAD BANK NITE U5S. Contact STAN FOWLER, RI. 3 CD'n Flatt., ...... 49c· , -plus­ nouf building, for Fire Auto­ IeS, John~on'~ WIX ...... 5' Needlework, Nov~lties, Toys and Home.made Candy mobile and Plate GlaSli Insur· ~ Cub' Suglt •.•••• 2-29c. will be on sale. ance. Claims· promptly settl· , . .... leing ." ....•• i.. 2-25c. handsome , cd. 'Phone 5531-P,0. Ball ======~ II Sult.IIU n'W .33 pk. 63. I Good Strong Tu .•l9c. lb. TURKEY TEAS .will ~e served, Price $1.50 FOR SALE ~ be cit. York S1U~I'U ..... 2-35c· no\·17,28.29,30 Bingo Prizes FURNiSS WITHY INSUR· Junior IIhll!~ York WI~nrr~ ...•.45c. lb. ANCE Department o(£erlllg Kim ., .. " ...... 45c. un dependable Insurance-Auto­ I A two storey detached'/ every night mobile. Fire. Burglary. Plate III Klik ...... " ...... , .•47c. Dwelling; to York Irilh Sttw .....33c· up to Glass, Tourist Baggage, purch~se.r r.... '" muna • Yark 8Dloln. . •..•.••37c. Transportation. Travel Accl· Hockey Imove same Within ten .'~, IIID1lebiDt I dent. Llabillty. Phone 2073. L dIU,- ~ OIAL 3320 I days. Price $400.00. '. $50.00 ~OBERT D~WE & SON, Fir. 0',;" IIilar \UIib, and Autumoblle InsUlance. ida JImBlIa - plus- Be safe. be sure, Insure. Tele­ 'PHONE 2502A , . ~ Door. O'Keefe's phone 2862, P.O. BOll 115 after 5 p.m. atllt_ The Installation of the Right Worshipful Master and Royal Bank Chambers. st. lovely John's. FEILDIANS nO\'30,(h) . Ier frftztr, Corner Officers of Lodge St. Andrew, No. 1139 S.C., A.F., and • w othIt RED AND WHirl A.M., will take place at 8.00 o'cl9Ck this evening in CHRISTMAS TOYS CONTACT A. E. HICKMAN vs. Itltout tQl, BLANKETS Co. Ltd. [nsurunce Agents. St. JDhn', FI RST &Jptr. the Masonic Temple, St. John's. 'Phones 4132·3-4·5-6 P.O.B. 111. fla\"Ollr. mark.t. DINNER SETS 984, for your insurance re­ C'ODltdilll, J. BENNETT, Secretary quirements. 1O,'30.dcd,Z.3 'w. FLOOR LAMPS HOLY CROSS CLUB 1II'1Uda .. DEPENDABLE FIRE INSUR· APPLIANCES ANCE-Don'l risk your valu· ~lioa fa. BOOTS and SKATES abIes to "save" II few dollars. To-Night, Wednesday, at COMMODORE nUolI faciJ. and many other Our (air·rale, reliable polley 8.30 md by .. SPECIAL /lIves Immedlatp. orotecUon. Lions Christmas Bingo splendid items 'Phone 6921 or write S. J. Reserve ...... " ...... 75c General ...... " ....SOc PRIVATE PARTY (In aid Xmas philanthropic projects Lions Club' of st. John's) r.acey. P.O. Box 508. repl,tl IIaD. IIDt III - pius/­ .uuu~ CAR CLEARANCE CLUB CLOSED. !lists of GAIETY AMUSEMENT CENTRE DRAWING Auto Accessories product III Before Christl1taS DECEMBER 10th WINTER TIRES New shipment plant I\I~ Nov. 19th, Alzed from 550 x ~~~. ::amen ud 1st Prize ...... $300.00 15/18 to 710 lC 15. $16.50. Used .lId elhr: Tire Sales, 86 Hamilton St. Crystal Palace Penetanguishene :., rridtd 'thlt One new 1955 MAYFLOWER This Friday' Evening 2nd Prize ...... ".$200.00 novlO,Im Portugal Cove Road , 1lsed 1rbtl with heater and radio, 3rd Prize ...... $100.00 New Sub·Divislon . "'~ IIa1a old; 11'1' $1450.00 Tickets on sale at door, Venetian Blinds NOW PLAYING FOR ONE WEEK ONLY SALI:; 11; er erN,. $2,000.00 IN PRIZES. BUILDING ,LOT!, FOR 1955 VANGUARD, colour JOe each, 3 for a quarter; AND TO lEAS;: Illlib' b~ 30th GAME WORTH $1,000.00 ONLY COMPLETE BLIND 75ft. x 200ft. JII1I\idfd bJ 15 (book) $1. ' Service. Manufacture, Laun· grey, mileage 1000, dry Repair Worlr guaranteed. 1II'a'. equipped with heater One day service. Frep quota· IRIS.H BILLY LONG flere Is the opportunity you have .; ,prodUdJ Dl Cards $2.50 COME ond deFro$ter; new car Admission Sc tlons. Kearneys Limited. been \VaiUn.· for. ' With a smaH aot bot rt- to the Manufacturers. 454 Water St. direct from the EI. Morocco, Montreal. down Dayment you can now start ". condition ...... $1795.00 novSO,Si hat new home which you haVf , .lways "een dreaming of. , ,.. i,...tioa fa. FAIR Musical Instruments Two Shows Nightly - Dancing to the Music of .. Located in one of tlte beaut, ,. W till' tilt 1955 VANGUARD, colour and Johnny Lawrence and His Band. spots on the Portugal Cove Road' r· ,.. mix ~ blue, mileage 9000, Macpherson Academy GIBSON GUITARS - HOlner only a sltort distance from the :'~ :apk (e) of equipped with heater and BIN GO .• Button Stop Accordeon! and City. the new sub·dlvh.ion known,·, Harmonicas, Richmond Saxo­ Food served. ar PenetnnJ!ulshene Is [n the,. \be 110n .. defroster. New car c'lnter of :; I{rowln); community:: dathuln' Speech Night K.. of C. Buildir.s, phones. Boosey Clarinets.':" condition. A Real Bargain Charleli Hutton " Sons. P.O. For reservations call 1011 Operator. So if you arc Interested In secur·" . feb3.eod.tt. ng one of these lots to build on-:: whick al ...... $1600.00 Will .take place on : .. ' . St. Clare Ave. ======-======In the spring. It would be wise " :tlea for you to do so Immediately as,.: ~Itt supply the remalnlnJ:! lots are gelng fast. . i temperature No trode a c c e pled on T O-N IT E Barber Shop J;'or furl her Information contact": !he Ult of a above models over $300.00. Friday, Dec. 2nd, 1955 8:15 THE CENTRAL BARBER 'NOTICE I a chlorin. at 8.15 p.m. SHOP-Fast efficient sanl· . STAN CONDON'::: lie hundrtd Here is a bargain you can. tary se:rvlce. All modern equipment, five barbers. The AVALON REALTY CO. lTD.~.,;. be pro\"idrd nOI miss in a small car IN THE HERBERT RUSSELL AUDITORIUM· .- least possible waiting. 24 New . ;,'~ I and strril­ Gower Street. opp. Adelaide ~lIt used I: 1955 MAYFLOWER, colour Newfouhdland Motors "Ltd. my4,1m .... ~nufaclUrt, ~---~ black, mileage 5,000, Retarded Children's If itt UIII1l, Services equipped with heater and :and prepan· Taxi LIONS It 110ra,. III defroster, for only $1100·00 ANNUAL SAL'E RICKEY'S TAXI leavlng Ter· mnler free:· PASSENGER NOTICES rencevil!e Wednesdays, St. Aid Society , be earnrd GOOD SOUTH COASl SERVICE-S.S, John's on Thursdays. Connect· USED CAR VALUES: ..1. , , tililies .hall The annual Sale of the St. John's General Hospital BACCALIEU NOW SAiliNG Ing with' mail boat. Contact 1952 MAYFLOWER $ 600.00 Mr. Hickey at TerrencevlI1e CADILLAC ~1IlY. Alumnae Associatlcn will be held on NOON THURSDAY or dial 4210·F at St. John's. IlipmtDt .~d 19048 AUSTIN ...... $. 200.00 S.S, Baccalleu operating on Jcp7,lm A ,general meeting will be held at the Presbyterian uction lrith South Const Service will sail from 1953 MAYFLOWER $ '650.00 Coastal Wharf Noon Tomorrow Ha", corner Patrick and Power Streets, THURSDAY, DRAWING all be thor· 1950 PREFECT ...... $ 150.00 MONDAY, Dec. 5th I!.eriliud .t Thursday. Baby Chicks December 1st, at 8.15 p.m. In addition to important Tickels (while they last) 1951 DODGE ...... $ 600.00 at 3 p.m· CONNECTION CORNER BROOK '"S operatiOll We are now booking orden for business, a most appropriate Film, released by the $5.00 each, obtainable f lIS illJp«l· 1950 VANGUARD •. $ 300.00 in the Recreation Room of the Residence, lEWISP'ORlE SERVICE day·old Chi':ks. Breeds avail· Nurse~{ Los Angeles Schools Association entitled "A Class For from any Lion, authorized 1953 DODGE ...... $1250.00 General Hospital. TOMORROW THURSDAY able this year Rhode Island • thall be 'J1rain "The Car~bou" leaving Reds, White Leghorns. White 1947 FORD ...... ' $ 200.00 Leghorns and Rhode Island Tommy" will be shown through the c()urtesy of The salesmen or by 'phoning Ilte:ttd frolll • Pantry, NoveltY, Knitting and Fancywork, Parcel Post, St. John's 5 p.m, tomorrow Thurs­ 1954 STUDEBAKER $1400.00 day will make' connection at Cor~ Reds, Rhode Island Reds and Department of Education. All interested persons are 6402. ' other COl- 00"5 and Candy. ner Brook with S.S. Springdale Barred Rock~. Apply Hillcrest 1rbeA pne­ 1953 MORRIS S. WAGON, for points to Lewlsporte. Farm Ltd,. Mount Scio Road, cordially invited to attend. ~n:o:v~2B~,6~i ~~~~~~~ ileUt to tlJt $600·00 Jlov30,decJ Aftenoon Teas 50c: authorbed rllstrlbutors :for CONN·ECTIOt.l ST. JOHN'S Hy·llne Chicks. Dial 2038. ======;======.~ talDezs ,lid LEWISPORTE SUNDAY nov21,mon,w~d,frl.lm lI1Idio. lIitll McKinlay Motors 'J1raln "The Caribou" leaving . St, John's 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec, Miscellaneo"s BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE lbtstorri 4th, wlll mako: connection at ... ~ IIIZn1l6. r------, Lewlsporte with S.S. . Glencoe ------­ Are you looking forward to building a,Summer Home? Limited for regular ports to St. John's, CASH PAID FOR CHilDREN'S :.ec:ted froIII coats. footwear. bedclothes, I have five BUILDING LOTS, each 70 feet. by 150 feet L,1IH. CONNECTION SOUTH COAST comics, .Jock~t books, unwant· overlooking Windsor Lake on the Portugal Cove Road, led ill malll­ I WANTED YOUNG MEN I SERVICE VIA PORT AUX ed goods of all kinds. John D. six miles from St. John's. A real scenic beauty spot or handlilll BASQUES Snow. 9 New Gower St. u cream if ocUS,lmth. for a summer or permanent home. FOil INTERESTING, CHAllENGING EMPLOYMENT, I Train "The Caribou" leaving -:-:-~-:------­ :Grate delll For further particulars apply to I VAWABLE EXPERIIJICE 'AND TRAINING. St. John's 5.OC p.m. tomorrow ALL WOOL MATTR'l!SSES ere I ketp tbU' .. I ThUlfsday will make connecUon plckedJ re-covered: springs JOHN' D. O'DRISCOLL IIORI, at Port aux Basques with S.S. day oeds rewired; Inner ~shaII Bnr Haven South Coast Service. spring mattresses recondition· Dial 6149, Star Hall, Henry Street Real Estate Age?t ~~[i[in: IltapOUJ dit­ I Thl pay Is good and after 3 years you will be bett.r I ed. Write, PhQne, 3S91, wire nov~6,30.dec3 L to .tdi~ prepar.d for oth.r positions. Or, If you prafer, you can I CONNECTION GREEN BAY H. J. Keats. 16 MouDt Royal rhe .'.erric ~e4~ I .make·an Inter.stlng ear.er of It with opportunities for SGRVICE POSTPONED Avenue. warer calth. advancement, traIning and variety. I Patrons wlil please note con· IF YOUR CHIMNEY'S DIRTY beater :e aDd llai- I nectlon for M.V. ,~odroy Green take no timE' to weep. Just 11Id SIIiuWi Llarn new skills, plrhaps a trade. Train to be a I~ad.,. I Bay Service announced for to- 'call Edward Carberry the that 10m iDI facilitid merrow, Thursday. has been famous Chimney Sweep, Hall G .You will travil a. part of your lob - in Canada and postponed. Next connection will Stoves, Furnaces, Oil Stoves ' II' tM ptl" I poSllbly abroad. Get the taste of adv.ntur. and un- be announced later. and Ranges cleaned· the ehiCo USED CARS UFET!MEf Il1Zfacture " , ulual Ixperl.nc.s. Mak.·lIfellme friends with good in.n I' .. tJricalway" ~Iso Carpels and :arUle­ , Chesterfleld~. Drycleaned. _YOUng, enlhuslastlc, and a cut above average, Sports , "".4 ,""" ~ is JIIIde. Phone 4438·F. nov.23.1m. ru.""roof .• ,. ... are part of thIs life. D.v.lop Itrlngth, stamIna and steadl- 1 , ., %",h'ci' _e alld" I SKATES, SCISSORS, KNIVES, of a nee­ litIS through a planned phyalcal fllness programme. Saws; sharpened by preciSion Dellv'R plenty of Clear, piping DlJUIIUfJe' ,machinery.' Open evenings.' hot water '•.•• automatically•. I You con achieve all of th ... things ,If you loIn the 1 P. J. Hagerty. 53 Casey St. , Positivlly can".' ,ud or'co,rod •• Sf of coP" Antty now.1lIt most Important of all, you will be proud doll&rs ... DRIVE WITH THE SUN BE. . ttl - oO()R I of your lob - h.lplng to k.ep Canada strong and fr": I HIND YOU. Protect your' 25 'Imper'ial Gallon .. ;.$167.50 iaaed ulllkt UNWANTED HAIR property. Insure with the 33 Imperial Gallon ..... $195.00 xpire 011 UI Toelay anny train In, aiel experlenc. oldest Company in· ~he world. 43.lmperial Gallon .... $239.~O I I GUWNTUD oa MONIY mUNDID W. ,F. Coldwell. Insurance OlSPLA1. 'ofthe~ • BenlaUoDal dtleoverr Agent. Phone 2465.' Temple 55 Imperial Gallon .... $279·~ wu usuedo o;ln IIW doors "OPPOrilltty! Intr04ucod· 'or tho , Bldg., Duckworth· SI. St I I IIrot tim. III canada. 68 Imperial Ga"on .... $31S.po rmrwa1 01 MEN • N," aepltatorr John·s. septlO,mon&tbursti cream tor the ~ ! to the Dc­ .Iubborll unw•• torl 83 ImPerial Gallon ..... $3~~.OO C'f.rcome Loss of Manhood WANTED-Old firearms, plltols . ' . ..' ~ert Willil" I T. " .1I' ....pM mutll" 17 Ie 40 YlCln of DP, .klll.. I bal •• MoI,W k ' • Ouauntted: aft.. and revolvers, l'llntlot'k or Gia d eo ness or Prostate '. treatm.nt till low percussion I;OP shoulder arms ,LOW DOWN, PAYM~Nr ~. do •• bot (10" bact. -Flintlock only. Kindly give ;tho TiolateS ~ Trouble with our ex. I ~:'::p:o: ::.~·y:;:r: ' I • A .Impl, appllcalloa an4 D mlDUt •• lat•• full particulars. condition IS of tJIeiC ArllJ .Kr~I"., otItlr E New Treatments. Vitol til'"" aU ";17 u.",... te4 . makers name and any other rI III offeJlCf h & t r 4llappllrl. 7n~r~ and Virility restored. !\to. 12 PenoDDel Depot, Buck· I U.ed 'hl ho.pltall markings. Quote price in first I . , . STEERS'·LTD~t· 1IIIJ'3' ~Impo. letter.· F. G. Kennedy, Chail" Terra. Nova Motors COlIne­ l rs, half .. dollars. Send JllUter'1 Field, Sa. JobD'., N~.- '" . aU over CftdiU& fOUl' lottetown, «.R. No.1, P.E.!. , Radio-Appliance- ~r local Bank Draft AddrMSl TelepbOllt 'JIZ~ Loci! lOB Arm1 I . LB PRODUITS oct22,wed.sat.U LIMITED a debvlt of I JttcrultlDl . statioD, 431 Water EStELLE DE GRENELL! . Furniture D.partm.nt qj('IIl (or I CTI~ITlIS. iUNCl KINGIWAY t 2112 ".....Hlt.• hefll 12; MIII,,"1 Wlter Strllt 'St. John'l .street" st. Jou., NOd. ' '1, ' .1 Ix months CIl 1IQ\'16'''etI~Jhl " ; , FA. 1525 CLASSIFIED ADS P.!tonl 10021 :lprisoallltllt. ,I waS a 1MttI ••, ,epu8!orr ...... f. \ -- _ I blold•• _ ...... r •.• , • nov~O,18,24.3~ .. - "L ___ ~_~_.....:...~_~ pI .. 1M (pnolll"pooI4) • ( I o.O.D. GET RESULTS Advertise 'in The Daily· Mews ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS "",lap, .'- .. - - '~'

\ r " ... , . .' ,: . .. .. •• ,; . • . ".

" . i:' ., ' .. '.' ~HE'.D.,(I~i NE!VS,~WEDNESDAY, NOV.-39.J 955 .. . . ' , 'or took'graduat~ studies and,researeh. In Toronto' aild, y,i~th tlie outbriak' ...... ,..... ·.JU'IIIJJ';"\l~·T,IIIl.",II". ew. P. rofess of war (went on Relive BerVie~ with . .-.~... .:. the Royal. Canadian' Afmy',Meiiicbl' .. ~.... .~­ ..'." -Cl-ne Fo' r Corps In the;rimlt·.ci(~apt8ii1, aV or:.-. .... Medl . taelied to No. 15 'Canidlan .Gen; OF' I . I eral 'Hospi;sl. '.' He ;'w~nti'~veileas .. ; . L.-. '- U· 4.' '," In January.1940.andwisil1:omo\ed TliE .:! Da ].J.JYUSlenIV._ tom3jorlnSeptemberofthatye'ar, ,,,-~'-,'-. I . 11'1'1941, Ite ·was Acting Lieutenant; I, ToronlD General· Hospital, and Colonel incharg'c'ol ~lediclne.wlth ·.';~Iliu!~s·for· ~.uOOK· No •. 15 C.G,H., . was promoted. to 'lI1a.t· desplu- ''''.',m lir(ISp~irtty Sunnrbrook Huspital(DVA). Un ., - . ". .West Germ .1".' .. til his appointment at l>alhousle, Lieutenant ?olone! .the follow,inggood':' .French Leave' he was AssoeialeProfesoor' of Med~ year and, In 1943, served with ,thc Inhabitants, I· iclne at the University of Toronto. same. unit .In.. t:l0rth Africa ~l'1d eager/as cvwto a 'new .. P. G. Woaehouse ...... 2.00 ".The Vlc!oria General Hospital Italy. In recognition . of his 'Ser ,overJeas; 'AltogeU1e~; '6,1000 Sf? Nea r and Yet So Far vices as a 'physic'ian imi( an ·ad. emigrated" froJII .·.West . I: and Dalhousie University arc par· mini~ter ne was . awarded the last. year,3,600 otwhDm ;. Emily Kimbrough ...... ,.. 3.50 ticularly fortunate," said Dr. 'Kerr, , . .. .Germans,.mosUy Th T k "in being able to IItuDet a medi· O,B.E. (Military) and the Caoad· from eastern Eruope. . e 0 en I: cal man of so distingulsh!d are· Ian F.or~es De~Drl\tlo.n. Discharged are that. this year:s figure willlle' Samuel Shellabarger . 3.00 ::AT 1 cord and so fine an International in 1945, he. returned to Toro,nto about'lhesame,'...... The Lark Shall S' reputation. It is In keeping with where he joined the staffs of the . During the first years alter tne • . mg University Df TDfonto and the 'To- war, the Allles' allowed people. ~o . ElIzabeth Cadell ", ...... 2.00 ~he IIrDwth of Dur Medical SchDol 1oon:o General Hospital. ·Dr. Dicit· emigrate from We,sl Germany OnlY Land and Their and of hospital facilities In this . h Id th ...... t did If they had. relations abroad. province that men of high abillty son 0 s C·"OI5I.es aca em e e· Fun freedom tD lepve tbe country Inheritance. should be found for key positions. grees in M~dlcine •. He is a Fellow lVas restored In 1951 and since that The development of each contrl· of the RoyaL College of Ph~sicians year the' number of emigrants has E. M. Granger Bennett 3.50 butes to that of the other, and and SurgeDns in Canada and a remained constant alaround Black Mesa I Fellow of the American College a year. '.. Z G 2 75 it is indicative of the co·operation of Physichins. Ond of the commonest ane rey .. " ...... ;...... between the University and the De- •• Dr. Dickson is a member of the given {or lea~'lng Is that West There Comes A Time UP.·f~l· . :. :.oBaio CLARIt DICItSON parlment of Public Health tiuit the many may one day be overrun bv h ." . IDepartment is providing quarters major medical organiza~ions of communism,' or that it might C arIes Mercer ...... 4.00 .': Appointment of Robert Clark for 'our Professors of Medicine and Canada andls the author of a·num· become the batUeficldof an atomic Grandfather Stories ~kson, OBE, CD, MD, FRCP (CI, Surgery In one of the VIctoria ber of papers on medical subjects war. . " .FACP, II Professor Df Medicine General Hospital buildings." .. which have been published in Can. Other emigrants leave to seck a Samuel Hopkins I PLYWOOD I ada, Great Britain, and the Unit; higher standard .of living. Of tne Adams ...... 4.00 . ROOFING HARDBOARDS I It .Dllhousie Unlversl!y and IIcad • , :' DOORS .I or the Department of Medicine at A native oC St. Mary s, Ontano, cd States He Is married and has men, about one In 10 emigra M' d' 0 . one son ~nd two daugb!ers. to escape ce'l·up for the new ~cst m mg • ur SHINGLES SHEATHING ibe Vietorla ~neral Hospital was Dr. Dickson attended the Univer· ______. __ German force.. Own BUSiness . BIRCH Innounced recently. by President sity of TorDnto where as an under· Canada is the most popular MOULDINGS INSULATION A. E. Kerr ,nd the Hon. Geoffrey graduale he was elected to memo Unation for emigrants. Aoub Charlotte Paul ...... 4.95 ACTIVE BISHOP .. FINISHING Stc\'cns, Minister of Public Health. bershlp in the Alpha O~ega Honor weilt· there ~rom Germany . last Mortgage Manor . Medical Society In 1932. He rad· WICKFORD, Eng I and (CP) rear. The Umted States was . CLAPBOARD LUMBER Rev. R. L. BrYn, parish vicar and ond with 18,000 and Australia third . Lex Schrag ...... 3.50 FLOORING SinCe 19f5, Dr. Dickson has been uated with nonors hi Medicine, as one·timc lumberjack in Canada, on the staff of :he University of a silver medallist In 1934. From with with 14,000. Brazt! auel The Happiest Man - has been appointed bishop of this South Africa, with sDmething ovr.r - Toronto, Wellesley Division of the ]934 :D 1939, Dr. Dickson .\1ndero Essex town. ' •• +. 1,000 each, came next. In The World South America is much less tao J R f' Id J 450 vored bv West German emigra:lts oe osen Ie , r...... • than it used to be because it does The Bishop's Bonfi re nol offer such a high standard of 5 o'r J 75 • living as do North· America and ean _ascy .... , ...... • . Australia. . "The Navy's Here!" Australia Is the' only coun!r~' W'II . h JUST RECEIVED·! which actively encourages and sub. I Fmr auer and sidizes West German seltlers. In Robert Jackson ...... 3.50 ANOTHER CARLOAD OF ~I~l~~' ~~~~ra~:r~oannc~u~~~e~ ~~l~~ The Hockey Handbook ,the two governments agreed .tD Lloyd Percival ...... 3.50 contribute to the passages of a certain number of West German emigrants. The fiC!lre was to be settled each year. \.OV4£Sl No-Co-Rode Drainage Pipe DEATHS BRENNAN-Passed pea~eful1Y THE BOOKSELLERS ",\eES! 4" Perforated away Dn Tue~jay. NDvcmbcr 29. \; •• at St. ClaTe's !\,ercy Hospital, af· 'Phone 3191 • 4425 . , ler a short tllness, W1l1lam P. .,, . :. 4" Plain KOREAN COlUEBACK . ' , Brennan, leav'.ng tD mourn his sad loss, his wife nee Josephine' TORONTO (CP) - Barbara :. 5" Plain O'Drlscoll .. R.N • 3 daughters and Broadfoot recenUy returned from one son. also ene' sister, Mrs. Korea, said the chief concern of nov17,30 I :. ·6" Plain James Evans. Funeral on Thurs·' Korean women is finding job op· '=~~======~===~~======:=) t day mDrninl{ from his late resl· portunities to' substitute' for lI1eir : 'j 1\- dence, 216 Hamilton Avenue with home'life destroyed by the war. N d ' \M . . . scarch for her late husband's coJ· ciate Df former Prime llinistu (. l Requiem Mass at. St. Patrick's She was addressing a meeting of e~g lection of' maps: and· voluminollS R; B. Bennett and oncc wrote I '''I''I .- ~ or s emOlrs ~ with fittings. • t .. Church at '9.30, ." 'nov30,dee1 'the Young Women's Christian As. u correspDndencc-some of it with report on the Canadian fuel !it~ "I CALDWELL - Passed a\V3y soeiatioit .. '. .' . .Turned Over . former PriJile. Ministcr Sir Wilfred alion for Bennetl's Conscmti;e • Also early yesterday morning, John Laurier-and present them 3 r governmen~. . Caldwell in.hls 87th year; leaving , A h· wyme3 i His trips in the North were Jllo .... wife imd sister. Funeralby motor lore lves Nordegg, an engineer with a dert~ken mainiy' to ga!h?:. info!· hearse from his .late residence knowledge of geology, was primar. matlon about th~ pDsslblhliel:i COPPER TUSING 198 Pennyweli Road. Thllll'sday"": OITAWA (CP)-The memoirs of i1y interested .in inducing fOreignl mitural ,resources dc\'clopmentl. 11 a.m •. to C. oC E; Ceme'tery. No flowers.· '.' .' Germ~n " porn. Martin Nordegg, investors to place thcir capital n . SHEFFIELD; England (CP)-I BRASS PIPING. CanadIan fmanclcr, explorer and the ~ev:lopment of nalural r.c,. nolice in the Irindo\V of a filh ~Il f . , . • map collector who died In 1948, sources In~anada. -. . chip shop s'aid: "Woman want!! i COPPER AND BRASS FITTINC, ... have. been .. tur/lcd ~ver .. to the . The .memOlrs·cont~in.l1tt1e .of hIS for frying between 6:30 and II !. ! IN MEMQRJAM . , Public Archives by hiS Widow. fmanclal dealings. They are mDstly p" . The documents Include about :;00 abQut /lis meetings With. t~appcrs. . .:,..m_. ______• ABBOTT' .. ~ . typewritten pages of notes aboat Indians, halfbrceds, traders and . . . the places he saW and the people prospectors in the.·North. In loving me'mary of •.'. he met in his jotirnies in northern From an historical point Df vie·N • . dear husband • .,d father, CHILD'S...... ,3.19 Ontario, Saskatchewan and' AI· an archivist: said, . the' memoirs JOHN ABBOTT, berta. . may .. be. of. interest .tD . write,', >1 :& CO~· Ltd. MISSES' ...... 3.29 A. H. MURRAY who passed .. aWIY Nordegg, Who came to Canada I about the eariy ·devclopment of the . , November '30, 1,51. , Machinery Department . BOYS' ...... 4.30 in 1906, was onc of thc pioneers northlimd.. . " of the northcrn Ontario' mining Nordegg,. who Iiyed. for many May his sDul rest' in MEN'S ...... 5:15 peace. tDwn of Coball. The northern AI' years' in Ottawa, 'was a friend of ST. JOHN'S berta town of Nordegg was named Marconi .. HDwever,·. the inventor. Inserted by, his wife aCter him. : never was able to Interest Nordegg I Angela .nd four. 50ns •. ··ARCADE· Mrs. Nordegg; who now lives in in pultingm'oney In radio. New York, has alro undertaken to Nordegg w~s at one time an asso.,

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