LETTERS and vinegar mixture, locally known as over, a successful control program 6. Radomyos B, Wongsaroj T, Wilairatana kinilaw. Other methods of fi sh prepa- against chronic intestinal parasitoses P, Radomyos P, Praevanich R, Meesom- boon V, et al. Opisthorchiasis and intes- ration were tinola (boiled), ginataan could serve as a paradigm for local tinal fl uke infections in northern Thai- (stewed in coconut milk), and sinugba health system development of effec- land. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public (charcoal-grilled). All echinostome- tive control measures for other en- Health. 1998;29:123–7. infected patients had a history of hav- demic diseases. 7. Belizario VY, de Leon WU, Bersabe MJ, Baird JK, Bangs MJ. A focus of human in- ing eaten snails, kuhol and kiambu-ay, fection by Haplorchis taichui (Trematoda: prepared raw with coconut milk and Acknowledgments Heterophyidae) in the southern Philip- lime juice (kinilaw), especially when pines. J Parasitol. 2004;90:1165–9. We express sincere gratitude for the found in greater abundance during the support, cooperation, and assistance pro- rainy season. Address for correspondence: Vicente Y. vided by the Local Government Unit/Ru- Human echinostome infection re- Belizario, Jr., National Institutes of Health and ral Health Unit of Santa Monica, Surigao sults from ingestion of metacercariae College of Public Health, University of the del Norte, Provincial Health Offi ce, DOH- that encyst in secondary intermedi- Philippines Manila, Pedro Gil, Ermita, Manila, PHT Surigao del Norte, V.L. Makabali ate hosts, usually freshwater snails, the Philippines; email:
[email protected] Memorial General Hospital, and the gen- tadpoles, or fi sh.