
August 30, 2021

PSH Families,

It appears that we will get some relief from the hot weather this week, which will allow our students’ classes to begin to settle into their routines and structures that will be in place throughout the school year. I really appreciated both our students and teachers willingness to work through the hot afternoons on both Thursday and Friday next week. A large focus of our classes this year will be for our students to engage in more frequent and focused reading, writing and discussing. With the start of the year behind us and less disruptions due to the heat, our teachers should be able to begin to establish this clear academic focus this week.

Week of 30 - News and Information

PVLA - Materials Pick-up - Tuesday, , 3:00pm - 5:00pm Attention PVLA students. Administration will be available from 3:00 - 5:00pm tomorrow for any PVLA students who have been told by their teachers to come and pick-up materials. Pick up will occur in the auditorium lobby. Please speak with your PVLA teacher about whether you need to pick up any materials.

Dismissal: The school day ends at 2:30pm. We ask our students who are not involved in a supervised activity to be out of the building by 3:00pm rain or shine. This is a safety and supervision concern that I would appreciate your support in asking your child to make their way home in as best a way possible. Counselors and Information: Our School Counselors are now in the office to serve students and parents. Beginning this year, we have reorganized our Guidance Department. Our counselors will be serving students in one grade level and will continue to follow and serve those same students until they graduate. If you have any questions, please see the following counselor according to your yes.

8th grade- Denise Pizem, [email protected] 9th grade- Riaz Moinuddin, [email protected] 10th grade- Marian Armstrong, [email protected] 11th grade- Lyneida Hustick, [email protected] 12th grade- Jolene Seuffert, [email protected] Home Liaison - Jennifer Gramuglia, [email protected]

Office Communication: Please reference the following information in your needs to call the school: Main Office: Mrs. Fendrick, Secretary 440-885-8687 Mrs. Stumpf, Clerk 440-885-8600 Main Office Fax 440-888-0358 Treasurer: Mrs. Kish, Treasurer 440-885-8682 Student Services Office: Mrs. Wozniak, Secretary (A-K) 440-885-8615 Mrs. Nemes, Secretary (L-Z) 440-885-8613 Mrs. Haslem, Attendance (A-K) 440-885-8612 Mrs. Flors, Attendance (L-Z) 440-885-8616

Masks At this time, masks are not mandatory but are highly recommended. Please consider encouraging your student(s) to wear a mask while they are at school.

I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!

Mr. Suttell