Kuwait, Japan ink Families torn Djokovic survives deals; Al-Sabeeh apart as Western scare as inspects Tokyo girls join the Murray metro system8 Islamic14 State falls 46in China Max 38º Min 25º FREE www.kuwaittimes.net NO: 16308- Friday, October 10, 2014 Pages 4 & 5 Local FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014 Local Spotlight Scribbler’s Notebook No shorts at police stations The downward slope By Muna Al-Fuzai By Jamie Etheridge
[email protected] [email protected] have a new tip for all male readers and I’m not making tion! But she refused to work unless he went home and put ost of you have likely read the recent survey this up! You all recall those short messages by mobile on trousers. He was an expat, so he was not expected to put published here and elsewhere ranking coun- Icompanies warning drivers not to text while driving. Well, on a dishdasha! Mtries around the world on how friendly they I have a new one for you. Don’t drive while wearing shorts. When I first heard his story, I laughed and made a few are for expats. Kuwait, sadly, ranked at the absolute In case of an accident, you will not be welcomed at the comments about him being a subject of seduction in public, bottom of the list, coming in 61 out of 61 countries. police station unless you go home and change! but this was serious. I agreed with him that if shorts are not Believe it or not, Kuwait was beat out by The World Recently I received a call from a friend who could not allowed at the police station, then they should not be Through Expat Eyes report, created by Expat Insider - believe the way he was treated at the police station because allowed at any other place including malls and restaurants.