Balonne Beacon (St. George, Qld. : 1909 - 1954), Wednesday 16 July 1913, Page 7
Balonne Beacon (St. George, Qld. : 1909 - 1954), Wednesday 16 July 1913, page 7 Department of Public Lands, ' I. The Perfect Brisbane, 7th July, 1913. A TTENTION is directed to the Notice iA altering the date of the Land Com Remedy . missioner's Court at St George from Monday, 7th July, 1913, to Monday, 14th I July, 1913, as published in the "Govern- For all complaints arising from a ment Gazette" of the 5th July, IQ13. disordered stomach, Liver and Kid TOLMIE. "Pills JAMES neys, Dr. Morse's Indian- Root are without equal, and they are the Department of Public Works, All Female . Ail- Perfect in 1 Remedy Brisbane, loth July, 1913. merits. are not advertised as a " They, A TTENTION is directed to Gazette" Alii" but as a Safe, Sure great "Cure' A Notice inviting TENDERS up to 12 and j Reliable Remedy for the Little o'clocYnoonon FRIDAY, 15th AUGUST, for flls of Life, for which they are unex IMPROVEMENTS, REPAIRS, and celled.' People who eat and drink too PAINTING, State School, St. George. ..Plan, Specification, , and Form of Tender . much, or get their system upset from can be seen at this Office, and at the Court other need a medicine of any cause, Hpiises, St, George, Surat, Goondiwindi, this kind to keep the digestive track in and Roma; and the Office of the Inspector proper working order. Many serious . of Public Works, Toowoomba " illnesses are avoided by keeping such T. PYE, a at and once or . Acttng Under Secretary and Government . simple remedy hand, Architect. twice, a week taking a dose sufficient to cleanse and tone the system.
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