VOL VII. NO. ? THE PRISCO-MAN RAILROAD PAINTS FOR ALL PURPOSES huh and Car (Metal) Surfacer "Bdalstttl" Paint "Metal" Canvas Preserver Pk Building and Station Paints "Htbl" Canvas Proof Paint Freight Car Painta ST. LOUTSSURFACER Sr; PAINT GO. ST. LOUIS -MAKERS- SE\V YOllK PANTASOTE Galena=SignalOil Co. The National Standard for Car Curtains and FRANKLIN, PENN. Car Upholstery SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF CELEBRATED AGASOTE HEADLINING GALENA LUBRICANTS WATERPROOF Perfection Valve and Signal Oils AND HOMOGENOUS in its Composition; Galena Railway Safety Oil will not warp, blister or separate. FOR STEAMAND ELECTRICRAILWAY USE SEND FOR SAMPLE EXCLUSIVELY - Guaranteed Cost THE PANTASOTE COMPANY Expert Service Free 11 Broadway, New York. Fivher Illdg. 793 Blonndnoek Rldg. S. A. MEGEATH - President Chicago, Ill. Snu I'lrnnd.~co,Cnl. (Con. P. Curran Printing Co. Printers, Designers, Engravers, Lithographers, Blank Book Makers EIGHTH AND WALNUT STREETS Bell. Maln 5191 ST. LOUIS, MO. I Klnlocb, Central 991 Mention us whcn writing to nclvc!rtiscrs, it will hell) us both. THE PRISCO-MAN 1 Dreams of a beller, bigger home ! Drcams of more comforls, more luxuries! Dreams of more of those things that make life ~uorthliving ! Dreams of - But Why Dream ? Why not put Xontgomery Wnrd Sr Co.'s new 1000-page catalogue back of your drcams and turn dreams into renlities? Why not harness every one of your hard carncd dollars and make them yield lor yo11 more value in the luturo than in tho past-and then your dreams will come true. The conscrvation of the dollar Is the vital issue in these days of high cost of living. And the BIontgomery Wnrd LC Co.'s oata- logue is the great test-book that will help more than any oLher book to solve thnt problem. It tells how Lo purchaso your foods. fur- n!ture, clothing, farm implements, luxu- rles, everyLhing for Lhe home, farm or lieid at the IowcsL possible prices, ~vi~h all Lhe useless middleman's prolit left out. It hns a thousand pages, with a hundrcd Lhousand opporLunlties for savlng. This great Lext-book is free for the ask- ing. All you need do is to writo us a note tod:ly saylnK: "Send your new 1000- page book wlthout cost or obllg~tlonto me"-and It will come by return mail. You llave had the drcnm of betLer liv- ing, of getting more cornfort for all tlle famlly than you have had in the past. Why not leL this drenrn come truo? Why not send for the book today?- Now, while you think of it? MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Chlcnno Knnsns City 171. Worth, Ter. Elliot Frog & Switch Co. Railroad Crordngr. Frogr, Switcbw, Switch Stand.. Rail Bracer UNIFORMS UNIFORMS JAMES H. HIRSCH& CO. 223 W. Jackson Blvd. CHICAGO -- - BIcntion us whcn writing to aclvcrtiscrs, it will 11cll) us both. 2 THE FRISCO-MAN \ -- The Hewitt Supply Co, WHEN VISITING KANSAS CITY 8TOP AT C. M. HEWITT. President BLOSSOM HOUSE HEWITT BABBITT METALS Standard Metallic Packing Rings RUBBERGOODS 303 Railway Exchange - (Ihicago THE TEXAS COMPANY TEXACO FUEL OIL Coalormlap lo Oovernmeat S~rclflcatloas HIGH IN FUEL VALUE EWclent - Economical Texaco Railroad Lubricants Cut down the weer and tear on rollln~mtock Illuminating Oils Signal Oils OPPOSITE UNION DEPOT THE TEXAS COMPANY ZUROPEAN PLAN Manufacturers of all kinds of Petroleum Products ST. LOUIS FROG & SWITCH CO. MANUFACTURER KERITE INSULATED WIRES &CABLES The performance record FROGS, SWITCHES, CROSSINGS, of KERITE, covering over SWITCH STANDS FOR half a century, is abso- STEAM AND ELECTRIC RAILROADS lutely unequalled in the whole history of insulated wires and cables. ELECTRIC & MFG, CO, RAILROAD AXLE-LIGHT PARTS AND REPAIRS 2219-2221 Lucas Ave, ST, LOUIS, MO, Ucntion us when writing to : rtiscrs; it will hclp us both. THE FRISCO-MAN 3 NEWTONR. WIISOS,President E.A.WII~OX,~~V-Prest. L.R.>11r,r.~~~Treas I R, s.~~LI,O~ELI.. V-Pi-es't & Gen'l Ngr. E. T. B~oun.Secretary JOS >Ims. Aditor I I INDUSTRIAL LUMBER CO. I 1 CALCASIEU LONG LEAF YELLOW PINE LUMBER 1 RAILROAD AND MINING TIMBERS A SPECIALTY ELIZABETH. CALCASIEU AND Annual Capacity - - - - - 200 Million Feet OAKDALE MILLS IN LOUISIANA Paid-Up Capital and Surplus - - $4.300.000.00 - - BRANCH OFFICES: GENERAL OFFICES : CErc,\oo, - - - - 1520-23 Steger Building Wichita,Karl. Temple.Tex. Nonterey,Jleu. ELIZABETH. - - LOUISIANA THE DEARBORN PROCESS of treating locomotive boiler waters re- United Supply & quires no outlay of capital for installa- tion of equipment; the manner of ap- plying the treatment is simple: the cost Manufacturing Co. per thousand gallons of wnter is less than by any other method; and the de- RAILWAY EXCHANGE sired results are assured if the treat- ment is correctly used. CHICAGO Gallon samples of the waters requlred - for analysis. Wool and Cotton Wiping and Packing Waste, Nuts, Bolta. Rivets, Spikes, OEARBORN CHEMICAL COMPANY Axles. American Rail Loader MCCORMICK BLDG. CHICAGO No Railroad Man SPENCER-OTIS CAN AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT COMPANY ACCIDENT CHICAGO .. ILL. INSURANCE Car and Locomotive Axles 4 Our Accident Policies afford the greatest benefits at the lowest STEEL FORGINGS cost, most liberal adjustment, and prompt payment. 300 to 30,000 ~~oundwcnch. Rough >Iachlned or Flnlwhed Coml~lcte. We paid in 1911 over $1,713,000 in accident benefits. Crusher and Hoist Shafts A SPECIALTY SEE THE AGENT I The Travelers Insurance Company I 1 The Standard Forgings Company HARTFORD, CONN. SALES OFFICE: The Grentest Accident Cornnnny in the World. Rnllwny Exchange B~lltllng Chlcngo. Has paid orer 5(i'L,OOOnccideutclaims. Worlrs: Indiana arbor: Ind. Alcntion us whcn writing to udvcrtisers, it will help ur: both. 4 THE PRISCO-MAN ALL ABOARD! FOR MEDIA TION MEAD0 WS lCv(~~.y~,;iil~.o;~(l man who ~,c!;~tlsthis page can and should attend tllc Third Annni~lConclavc of Slcvli:~tors,to be held July 14 to 19. lit 3Iedi:~tion.\lc:aclo\\-s. that brxuliful rural spot in northern Ohio, whcrc 1listol.y 1s niirclc rvclry summrr. Alediation Meadows h;ls I)otli its fcc.t on lh(: micll. To its 11I1:: Tcnt C!ily will flock workmen ant1 rrnl~loycl's from 11 m:~joriLy of thc st:ltcs of the Union for a noL;~l,lr inelustrial 11cucv confel,enr.c. :L huge harmony meeting. '1'hcl.e will I)(: no chips on the slioultlc~~..The bix#c?st ~)roblemshe- Yore inclusLri;~l.\mcric;t tock~ywill bc thrcshed out, for the promotion of grc;itel 1i;~rrnony.~~ndcrst;~ncling. and co-operation bet\\-ern mns- toys anrl rl1c.n. Thc ryes of int1ustri:tl .\mcrica. are on Mediation Jlcatlows. If you u;cnne,t rlrag you~~self:c\vay froni your job long enou~h to min~lu\villi t11c. 31cdi;1tor.s i1.t thr .\I~ado\\w. you may go to the (.:onc:lav~: in ;tnothc~t~w:ty. You niay [lo so hy reading the story of Lhc g.rc-;tL gathering. 1L \\-ill br vividly told in The Mediator for August Srncl in your older toclaw for this great issue of a great m;~.s:tninc~. 'rhc s1o1.y of thv Conclave will bc fully illustrated. Scntl tcn cctnts with your OIY~PI..Thc .\ugust issuc will he c[uickly c:sl~:tustc~lby a n,itlc il~~tnand.Ordr~, it TOI).\Y. JLr;~nwhile. TITE JVl,l' .JII5I)I.\TOII. is just off Lhc pt.ess. It is lo;~~lccILo thr ~un\valeswith rorking ?;rticlcs that wideawnkc railroad men can't i~n'ord to miss. William Marion Itcedy, the grc-atcst css:~yist of our timo. tells of "The Frisco Tragedy." and pays a wise and xlowinp tributt, to 13. l*'. Yo:~k~m,kin:: of the empire huildr~.sof thc So11thw1:st. "\Ve;lry of the Fight" is a stnrtling a~,tirlcby .I. K. Turnc'r, in \vhich lie pictures in telling strolces how th~g~.ixsi~cl urarl.iors of lalwr :tnd c:~l)italarc retiring \vorn-out fl,orn thc Imttlc lint:, 11;lvin.q w;~ged n~istol<c,n\v:~rfal.e. Jt is an article to m:~liecvery rc':~tlc.r think. I+~irfasHarrison, head of thc 3lonon Route, tlslcs thc question. "Are We Ready for In- ttustl.i:~l C:o-o~~e~.:ltion?'and :t~ls\vc~rsin thc afflrmntive in a pro- THE MEDIATOR, Cleveland, Obio JIcntion us when writing to advertisers, it will help us both. -- - - - - - -- - - -. - - - Vol. VII, No. 7 SAINT LOUIS, MO. July, 1913 St. Iloiiis. d111y 14, I!) I:!. Fi THE PRISCO-MAN An Economy Idea "Dick" for Short Wichita, Kans., July 2, 1913. He is called "Dick" for short, but Ti1 I,: FRISC'O-31.1s: the real name of the baby shown in Noting a cut on page 17, May issue the accompanying picturr is Augr~et of Trrt: FRISC(>AI.\S,showing the man- \\;ilhur Fritz Newman. ller in which cther divisions are econ- omizing in the use of envelopes, I thought it might be interesting to know that the Kansas IJivision is also 11r:~cticing"economy in little things." IJr~tlerdate or BIarch 20, a circulkrr was issnetl to all section roremen from lhc ollicc of the road~nasterat I\iichiI.~, Knus., instructing them to discontinue sealing envelopes, except in cases where they contained important mat- f er, and the correspondence to the Soremen has been handled in the same manner. As result, since above date, 1080 e~~velopeshave been saved. Not only have we economized in the "1)ick" is the five-months-old son of use of envelopes, but in other station- Richard Scw~n;t~~,rn;~c.hinist at 1I1c cry as well. At.
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