Persistent Currents and Magnetization in Two-Dimensional Magnetic Quantum Systems
FR9800312 PERSISTENT CURRENTS and MAGNETIZATION in TWO-DIMENSIONAL MAGNETIC QUANTUM SYSTEMS Jean DESBOIS, Stephane OUVRY and Christophe TEXIER Division de Physique Theorique 1, IPN, Orsay Fr-91406 Abstract Persistent currents and magnetization are considered for a two-dimensional electron (or gas of electrons) coupled to various magnetic fields. Thermodynamic formulae for the magnetization and the persistent current are established and the "classical" relationship between current and magnetization is shown to hold for systems invariant both by translation and rotation. Applications are given, including the point vortex superposed to aft homogeneous magnetic field, the quantum Hall geometry (an electric field and an homogeneous magnetic field) and the random magnetic impurity problem (a random distribution of point vortices). PACS numbers: 05.30.-d, 05.40.+J, ll.10.-z IPNO/TH 97-43 December 1997 1 Unite de Recherche des Universites Paris 11 et Paris 6 associee au CNRS 29-43 Introduction Since the pioneering work of Bloch [1], several questions concerning persistent currents have been answered. The conducting ring case has been largely discussed in the literature [2], as well as the persistent current due to a point-like vortex [3]. However, many questions remain open. For example, we might ask about standard relationships such as M = IV (2) where /, M, E, V, $ are, respectively, the persistent current, magnetization, energy, area (denoted by V as volume in two dimensions) and magnetic flux through the system. These relations are clearly understood in the case of a ring. Do they apply to more general, for instance infinite, systems? More precisely, are they still correct, and if yes, in which case? The aim of this paper is to clarify these points in the case of two-dimensional systems.
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