Focus ELISA & Multiplexing AH diagnostics: Your Science – Our Focus

Dedicated to helping life science and diagnostics laborato- Representing more than 35 suppliers, our portfolio covers ries perform their best by providing innovative, high quality your entire workflow from A to Z. products and expert knowledge. With offices in Copenhagen, Aarhus, Oslo, Stockholm and We offer the ultimate cutting edge technologies for ELISA, Helsinki, we serve the Nordic region with our 30 years of flow cytometry, imaging, pathology, protein analysis, qPCR, experience in the biotech field. single-cell analysis and bio appliance. Let Us Find the Right Solution for You

The selection of ELISA kits is vast, and new ones are added each year. It can be confusing to find the right ELISA kit for your project, but we are here to guide you. Whether your priority is accuracy, time use, budget or another requirement, we can help you find the best ELISA kits for your project. 5,700 From coat-it-yourself to ready-to-use ELISA kits ELISA kits Among our ELISA kits, you will find ready-to-use, coat-it-yourself, pre-coated, high sensitivity, phospho, and IVD/CE-marked ELISA kits. The kits are, depending on the target, based on different technologies in order to obtain the best possible sensitivity. If we don’t have the ELISA kit you are looking for, we are happy to source the product Build Coat it Pre- 1 wash for you your own yourself coated only

Let ELISA instruments do the monotonous work We have a wide selection of washers and readers from trusted brands such as BioTek and Grifols. Save time and let the instruments do the 20 routine work. Our trained product specialists provide you with com- petent guidance for your specific instrument or kit needs, including in- formation and instructions on sensitivity, analytic range, species, price, species number of assays, etc.

Kits for research and diagnostics

• Allergy • Epigenetics • Apoptosis • Growth factors • Arthritis • Infection diseases • Autoimmunity • Inflammation • Bone metabolism • Matrix biology • Cancer Drugs • Metabolism • Cell based • Obesity • Chemokines • Respiratory diseases • Cytokines • Stress • Drug discovery • Vitamins • Endocrinology • And more 14 ELISA suppliers

3 10 Tips for Your ELISA Assay

1. Consistency is the key to any assay While consistency may seem like a given and an obvious goal, there are several assumptions that can innocently affect con- sistency between plates run in an assay. Often, one of these assumptions is that lot mixing is safe to do for conserving re- agent. Actually, you should never mix components between kit lots. Each assay is lot-specific and designed to give a de- fined level of performance when used before the assigned expiry date. If you mix lots, you may inadvertently introduce a reagent that may have already started to degrade which will result in a less than optimal assay or erroneous results. Lot-to-lot consistency between assay runs are ensured by con- sistently handling the assay reagents, following the protocol precautions each time, and adhering to the incubation times provided. In short, consistency should be introduced any- where and everywhere possible for the best and most useful More accurate data is, of course, vital to all researchers. They data. A break in consistency could mean less accurate results need to have absolute confidence in their data in order to for one plate to another and when dealing with samples from more assertively align their own data with other similar, pub- the same source/study, which can ultimately lead to conflict- lished findings. ing, hard-to-explain data.

4. Avoid contamination 2. Strive for reproducibility Having low coefficient of variability (%CV) between sample For ELISA users, reproducibility increases reliability. Reproduc- replicates is key to a successful and well-run assay. Keep %CV ibility can be affected by mishandling or inconsistently prepar- between duplicates low by using fresh pipet tips for each ad- ing the kit reagents and/or samples. It is important to make dition to the assay. New tips prevent cross-contamination be- sure that all kit reagents are at room temperature for approx- tween wells, which in turn keep the background and %CVs imately 30 minutes before every assay. Many of the reagents low and increase data reliability. Also, it is not recommended contain temperature-dependent components that may sepa- to pour reagent from a reservoir back into the original bottle rate from the solution when cold. Using the reagents at room as this can inadvertently cause contamination as well. Not ev- temperature ensures that you have consistent binding kinetics eryone takes the time to calculate or review the %CVs for an and consistent color development from one assay to another. assay, but it can be quite helpful in gauging consistency and Temperature changes can affect assay behavior, which in turn reliability. can lead to a lack of reproducibility in data. Striving for repro- ducibility is also vital when it comes to handling samples. Sam- ples should always be managed and handled by researchers in a very consistent manner. This can be done by introducing 5. Produce-reliable standard curves consistent sample collection protocols, minimizing freeze- For the most reproducible standard curves, be sure to serially thaw cycles, and optimizing dilution for each sample group dilute the curve using the range indicated in the assay manu- in the assay ahead of time, so that you can be confident that al. Adding points to either end of the curve will not increase a majority of the samples will fall in the most linear portion of sensitivity and will also not allow the kit to detect higher con- the standard curve. centrations. The upper and lower asymptotes of the curve are limited by the unique antibody characteristics which allow the antibodies to bind to the plate in the assay; expanding the curve will not change these limitations. Also, keep in mind that 3. Ensure assay accuracy it is important to make fresh standard curves for every assay/ Increase accuracy by making sure you have duplicates for all plate. Most assays indicate a suggested time limit in which points in the assay including background, standard and sam- freshly prepared standard curves should be used. It is vital to ple wells. It is simply good lab practice to run replicates for all follow all recommendations and precautions associated with points; this will allow you to immediately spot any obvious out- standard curve preparation. liers that might affect the average. For example, if you have an inadvertent pipetting issue with the n=1 in a sample well in the assay, this will definitely affect the OD, which in turn will affect the calculated average leading to an inaccurate interpolation from the curve for that particular sample.

4 6. Guarantee accurate sample analysis prevent everything from achieving equilibrium before mov- ing to the next step in the assay to large temperature changes For the most accurate sample analysis, it is very important for which also affect binding kinetics. If shaking is suggested, it is each end-user to optimize the dilution for their unique sam- always best to follow that guideline as well because in some ples because the levels of the biological marker being detect- assays, it does make a big difference in the resulting ODs. Ac- ed can vary as can potential matrix interference effects. It is, curacy and consistency of handling during plate incubation therefore, important to not only make sure the data lie on the greatly enhance assay performance. standard curve of the sample population, but it is also import- ant to make sure there is dilutional linearity in the sample dilu- tion. Even if there is a recommended dilution ratio for a sam- ple matrix, it is still crucial for each researcher to optimize their 10. Obtain optimal detection and data dilution ratio for their specific samples using the kit protocol recommendations only as a guide. At times, extraction, addi- analysis tional dilution, and others may be required for some samples. For optimal detection, read the plate at the wavelength indi- Optimization of the dilution is the only way to pre-determine cated in the assay manual and use the suggested data analysis this potential requirement. Some researchers underestimate software. We suggest using a 4Parameter (4P) Logistic Curve the importance of this optimization process and, in some in- Fit for data analysis in order to obtain the most accurate sam- stances, end up with sample data that is not linear, falls off the ple data. Most plate readers have this 4P software available curve, or is too variable, thereby rendering the data essentially already. If you are unsure of whether or not your plate reader unusable. has 4P software, we encourage you to contact the plate read- er manufacturer to confirm. If you have this software, they can walk you through opening it and setting up your plate tem- plate for plate read and the data analysis which occurs imme- 7. Be sure to include all background and diately following the read. control wells suggested in the protocol It is important to include all of the suggested background wells Source: Enzo Life Sciences in your assay to ensure the assay works well and to allow for efficient troubleshooting if issues arise. Some assays call for multiple control wells or background wells which all serve a slightly different purpose. If you are unclear about what cer- tain background wells and control wells are used for in an as- say, be sure ask technical support for clarification.

8. Use the provided/recommended diluents and buffers For best results, you will want to use the recommended di- luents only for your standard curve and sample preparation. During assay development, manufacturers identify optimal conditions not only for curve performance but for sample de- tection as well. Detergents, ionic strength, pH, etc. all play a crucial part in finding the most conducive environment for a successful assay. Following the diluent recommendations is, therefore, always highly recommended for the best results possible.

9. Follow the recommended incubation times, temperatures and conditions In order to achieve complete color development, be sure to adhere to the incubation guidelines indicated in the assay man- ual. Temperature, time, and shaking (if required or discour- aged) instructions can all greatly affect the status of the assay if they are not followed. Cutting incubation times short can

5 Guidance is Key

For more than five years, the Parker Institute has bought their ELISA kits from AH diagnostics. They get qualified guidance as well as high-quality kits that are consistent from batch to batch.

Guidance, quality and price Guidance is just as important as quality and price when it comes to choosing a new ELISA kit at the Parker Institute. The lab can call their AH diagnostics representative and explain their needs and what they would like to measure. They then receive recommendations and information on the different kits: “Other companies also have these kits. You contact them, and AH diagnostics Product Specialist on customer visit you get a price list, but we also want to know the details of the kits. We are very happy to be in contact with a person who Limited samples mean a one-of ELISA use knows about bio- and cell chemistry and whose recommen- dations we can rely on,” says Else Marie Bartels, PhD, DSc and The lab uses blood or synovial fluid samples from the initial dis- Head of The Biochemistry and Physiology Laboratory at the ease stage of rheumatic patients to detect biomarkers. These Parker Institute. initial samples cannot be replaced once treatment has begun. “We usually don’t have a lot of sample to work with, perhaps only 1 mL of fluid. This cannot Ready-set-go ELISA kit - the “Other companies also have these be thawed more than once, so we have to easy and affordable solution kits. You contact them, and you be on our toes,” says Else Marie Bartels. Usu- get a price list, but we also want to ally, the lab does two tests at the same time Coating, adding serum, washing, adding know the details of the kits. We are to get the most out of the sample. For this antibodies, washing, adding enzyme sub- reason, it is crucial to use a high-quality ELI- very happy to be in contact with a strate, and reading the plate… ELISA may SA kit which they can rely on. They get this at person who knows about bio- and be simple but it is time consuming. The AH diagnostics. affordable ready-set-go ELISA kit eases cell chemistry and whose recom- the workflow in the busy research lab, es- mendations we can rely on. pecially compared to when the lab did all the ELISA kits themselves. ” “It does not pay off to use many hours on the preparatory work. There is a lot of preparation when you do these assays, and we always run them double,” says Else Marie Bartels. She also highlights that the kit delivers proper standard curves and makes it possible to spike.

About the Parker Institute The Parker institute at Frederiksberg Hospital in Copenhagen, Denmark, is dedicated to research in rheumatic diseases. Their research projects aim to better understand these diseases, develop more reliable diagnoses, and to identify the best treatment and prevention of rheumatic diseases.

6 ELISA Techniques

Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA) Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay involves attachment of the antigen to the solid phase, fol- lowed by either an enzyme-labeled antibody (direct ELISA) or a primary antibody followed by an enzyme-conjugated secondary antibody (indirect ELISA). It is known as the original immunoassay developed in 1971 and uses polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies. • Direct ELISA is the simplest type of ELISA. The one-step technique involves only one antibody that is linked with an enzyme. This type of assay generally makes measurement of crude samples difficult, since contaminating proteins compete for plastic binding sites. • Indirect ELISA is a two-step ELISA that involves two binding processes, one of the primary anti- body and then of the labeled secondary antibody. It is most often used to detect specific anti- bodies in sera. Specific for these types: • Competition between substance from the sample and substance immobilized on the plate. • Tracer is the antibody (or a secondary antibody) coupled to an enzyme. Advantage: It can be used to measure either the substance or the presence of antibodies specific to the substance. Disadvantage: It requires a large amount of substance to be assayed and has low sensitivity.

Competitive ELISA Competitive ELISA is commonly used when the antigen is small and has only one epitope or anti- body binding site. The unlabeled antigen from samples and the labeled purified antigen compete for binding to the capture antibody. For competitive ELISA, the higher the sample antigen concen- tration, the weaker the eventual signal. Specific for this type: • High specificity since two antibodies are used, the antigen/analyte is specifically captured and detected. • Assay method can be applied to haptens. • Sensitivity depends directly on the antibody-antigen affinity. • Standard curve is a sigmoid where signal decreases while substance concentration increases. Advantages: Impure and complex samples can be used and the ELISA will still selectively bind any antigen that may be present. It’s a flexible and sensitive solution because both the direct and indi- rect detection methods can be used.

Sandwich ELISA The sandwich ELISA quantifies antigens between two layers of antibodies which are known as the capture and detection antibody. The antigen to be measured must contain at least two antigenic epitopes capable of binding to the antibody, since at least two antibodies act in the sandwich. Many commercial ELISA kits are built on the Sandwich ELISA. It uses monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies as the capture and detection antibodies. Specific for this type: • Adapted to immunogens with at least two epitopes • Complementary antibody couple is a key factor for sensitivity and specificity. • Antibody-antigen affinity is not the limiting factor in reaching optimal sensitivity. • The signal is proportional to the substance concentration. • The Sandwich ELISA can be performed as a Direct or Indirect Sandwich ELISA. Advantages: The sample does not have to be purified before analysis, and it has high sensitivity.

Illustrations © Bertin Pharma

7 ELISA Instruments

Photometers and Washers

BioTek ELx800 Absorbance Photometer

Quick filter-based absorbance reader

• Multiple Plate Format (6, 12, 24, 48, 96 and 384 wells) • Choose between multiple models depending on your needs • Wavelength range 340-750 nm • Extended data processing software included • Remembers up to 55 different profiles

BioTek Elx808 Fast Photometer with Incubation and Shaking

Quick filter-based absorbance reader

• Wavelength range 340-900 nm • Linear shaking • 96 well format • Option: Incubation and wavelength range 340-900 nm • 4 zone temperature control for improved reproducibility for temperature sensitive assays • Fast kinetic measurements down to 6 second intervals

BioTek Epoch 2 Microplate Spectrophotometer

Monochromator-based absorbance reader

• Reads from 200 nm to 999 nm in 1 nm increments for single, dual and multi-wavelength measurements • UV/Vis wavelength in 6 to 384 well format and cuvettes. • Touchscreen technology • Take3 Micro-Volume Plate for low volume (2 ul) • Advanced incubator design to 65°C with condensation control and shaking • Powerful Gen5 software onboard

Please note that this instrument is not available in Norway

BioTek Synergy HTX

Monochromator-based absorbance reader

• Filter-free wavelength selection from 200 to 999 nm in 1 nm increments for single, dual and multi-wavelength measurements • High performance filter-based fluorescence, luminescence and AlphaScreen®/AlphaLISA® • Compact system for 6 to 384-well microplates and Take3 Micro-Volume Plates. • Modular, automation-friendly and upgradable

Please note that this instrument is not available in Norway

8 BioTek Elx50 Washer

3 in 1 solution: Bio magnetic separation, vacuum filtration and ELISA

• 96 and 384 microtiter plates • Patented Dual-Action™ washing manifold • Simple software for quick and easy programming • Automatic shift of up to three different buffers

Gen5 software for BioTek photometers and washers

Gen5 Software offers a unique combination of power and ease-of-use that drives pro- ductivity and saves time, no matter the application or workflow. Gen5 helps transform raw data and images into meaningful results. Use Gen5 to control BioTek’s microplate readers and export data, or as a fully integrated processing tool. Gen5 comes with powerful built-in tools such as 4-P and 5-P curve fits with or with- out weighting, parallel-line analysis, advanced kinetic analysis, well scanning and much more. The software has been specifically designed to analyze matrices of data that are difficult to process in Microsoft® Excel® spread sheets. Special attention has been placed on result presentation familiar to microplate users so complex data can be dis- played in a clean, colorful way to facilitate interpretation.

Open and Fully Automated ELISA Instrument

Grifols Triturus

Triturus is a flexible and intuitive system for all ELISA assays and very popular in low and mid-volume labs. It performs all steps for all types of microtiter plates, with a capacity of four microtiter plates with a continuous loading option.

• Sample dilution and dispensing with automatic barcode identification • Reagent dispensing – automatic calculation of reagent volume • Use disposable tips and/or fixed needles with the potential for great cost reductions • Washing • Incubation with/without covering of the microtiter plate • Shaking during incubation • Reading - 7 filter positions: 405, 450, 492, 550, 600, 620 nm + 1 free position • Calculation of results with user-friendly software

The flexibility of Triturus® ensures maximum performance in laboratories with a com- plex work load, involving a large number of samples and different groups of tests. Experience the great software - Completely open: Triturus® can be programmed for all the steps in any ELISA mi- contact us for a cro-well test. presentaion Multi-test capability: Perform up to 8 different assays simultaneously on the same plate Multi-batch capability: New work batches can be loaded while other batches are being processed. Computer interfacing: Bi-directional host communication and online connection for data management and reporting.

9 Multiplexing

ProcartaPlex™ Multiplex Immunoassays

What would the ability to simultaneously quantitate up to 100 cytokines or other soluble biomarkers from a single 25 μL sample do for your research?

ProcartaPlex Multiplex Immunoassays from eBiosciences use the Luminex® xMAP (multi-analyte profiling) technology and is available in multiple formats across six species (Human, Mouse, Rat, Non-Human Primate, Porcine and Canine). The assay takes the same amount of time as it takes to perform an ELISA, but instead of running several ELISA assays, you can do it on a single plate and still save sample volume and time.

ProcartaPlex Pre-configured biologically-defined and 1 Capture Target Analytes Panels disease-defined panels using magnet- ic beads for the quantitative multiplex analysis of 6 to 45 analytes in a single sample of plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant, or other bodily fluids.

ProcartaPlex Magnetic bead sets for detecting in- 2 Detect Captured Analyte Simplex dividual analytes have been designed to be added to ProcartaPlex panels to increase customization. Alternatively, multiple ProcartaPlex Simplex sets can be combined and run using the Pro- cartaPlex Basic Kit which includes all non-target specific reagents needed to perform the ProcartaPlex assay. 3 Label Detection ProcartaPlex Choose your own analytes and create Mix&Match your own panel with the ProcartaPlex panel configurator. All magnetic beads are mixed and ready to use. If the bead regions over- lap, these are changed and adapted to your unique panel.

Overcome Matrix Effects in Your Multiplexing

Unhappy with the recovery data of your Multiplex assay? Try ProcartaPlex™ Platinum. The newly developed surrogate type-specific matrices for dilution of serum or plasma samples included in Platinum ProcartaPlex kits overcome matrix and multiplex effects assuring high performance specifications comparable to those of traditional ELISA. Quantify up to 42 human analytes simultaneously with spike recovery and dilution linearity between 70-130% using the Platinum ProcartaPlex® Multiplex Kits for the Luminex plat- forms.

10 Achieve fast and cost-effective immunoassay profiling analysis with the Luminex platform in combination with Procarta- Plex. The Luminex instrumentation is comprised of three instrument models: MAGPIX, LX200 and FLEXMAP 3D. The instruments are based on either the principles of quantitative fluorescent microscopy or fluorescent flow cytometry.

Rent or borrow a MAGPIX

Luminex MAGPIX® Luminex® 100/200™ Luminex Flexmap 3D® MAGPIX is a simple and affordable The Luminex 200 sets the standard for The FLEXMAP 3D is Luminex’s most solution for multiplexing. The system is multiplexing with over 11,000 units sold advanced and versatile multiplexing ideal for medium throughput multiplex globally. Luminex 100/200 System is platform and is a flexible multiplexing immunoassays, and can perform up to 50 a flexible system for multiplexing. The system for laboratories who perform different tests in a single reaction volume. system can measure a wide range of as- high throughput analysis. If you only need a MAGPIX occasionally, says formats such as nucleic acid assays, you can rent or borrow an instrument receptor-ligand assays, immunoassays, depending on the size of your project. and enzymatic assays.

MAGPIX® LUMINEX® 100/200™ FLEXMAP 3D® Multiplexing Up to 50 analytes per sample Up to 100 analytes per sample Up to 500 analytes per sample System Fluorescence and camera-based Flow cytometry based Flow cytometry based Beads Magnetic beads Magnetic and polystyrene Magnetic and polystyrene beads beads Dynamic Range ≥3.5 logs ≥3.5 logs ≥3.5 logs Read time: 96-well plate ≤ 60 min up to 96-well plate ≤ 45 min up to 96-well plate ≤ 20 min up to 4,800 tests/hour 12,800 tests/hour 144,000 tests/hour 384-well plate ≤ 75 min up to 153,600 tests/hour

Daily Startup/Shutdown ≤ 15 min ≤ 30 min ≤ 30 min Software included xPONENT® for data analysis xPONENT® for data analysis xPONENT® for data analysis Footprint 16.5 cm W x 60 cm D 43 cm W x 50.5 cm D 58.4 cm W x 63.5 cm D x 43 cm H x 24.5 cm H x 54.7 cm H

11 Antibody Arrays

If you have a limited sample volume and you need to measure many analytes, arrays from RayBiotech could be Sample the perfect solution. In addition, arrays are more and more commonly used instead of Western Blot. Antibody array support (glass slide) • MORE data, LESS sample – use as little as 10 µl • Global view of cytokine expression Incubation of sample • Greater sensitivity (1 pg/ml) (1-2 hours) • Increased range of detection (25-250.000 pg/mL) • Better precision, in some array samples are measured in qua- druplicate • Proven technology, over 1,000 publications • Robust data output, antibodies are spotted in duplicate-qua- druplicate Incubation of biotinylated antibody cocktail • No specialist equipment required (1-2hours) • RayBiotech offers free slide scanning services in case you don’t have access to a compatible scanner Incubation of Streptavidin-conjugated Hylite Plus Many biological processes such as apoptosis, inflammation, an- (1 hour) giogenesis, immune response and migration often accompany changes of cytokine expression levels. Scan and perform data Because of the extensive cross-talk between cytokines, a com- extraction & analysis plete analysis of biological responses and functions must be ob- tained through multiplex assays. RayBiotech Antibody arrays allow a much broader view of protein activi- offers free ty than can be obtained with single-target ELISAs and Western slide scanning Blots. Moreover, antibody array screening improves the chances services for discovering key factors, disease mechanisms or biomarkers related to cytokine signaling.

Product line Facts Advantages C-Series array • Membrane surface • Compatible with existing Western blotting • Sandwich based assay systems • Chemiluminescence signal output • High specificity/sensitivity (pg/mL) • Semi-quantitative data output • Measure 10-274 proteins simultaneously • Working sample volume 1000 µl G-Series array • Glass slide surface • High sensitivity (pg-ng/mL) • Sandwich based assay • Large dynamic range (5 orders of magnitude) • Fluorescence signal output • Working sample volume 10-100 µl • Semi-quantitative data output L-Series array • Membrane or glass slide surface • Up to 1000 targets in one test • Label-based assay • Ultra high detection sensitivity • Chemiluminescence or fluorescence signal • Working sample volume 10-100 µl output • Semi-quantitative data output E-Series array • Membrane or glass slide surface • Especially useful for detection of low molecular • Competitive-based principle weight targets • Chemiluminescence or fluorescence signal • Diversity of species detected output • Picogram to nanogram LODs • Quantitative data output Quantibody • Glass slide surface • Wider dynamic range (up to 5 orders of • Sandwich based assay magnitude) • Fluorescence signal output • Cost effective ELISA • Quantitative data output • Working sample volume 50-100 µl

RayBiotech also have a selection of Protein arrays and Glycobiologi arrays such as Glycan, Glycome and Lectin arrays.

12 Pipetting

The Perfect Solution to Reduce Manual Pipetting Errors

Biosistemika PlatR

Sketch a pipetting plan on the Samsung Galaxy tablet and use it as background for your plate. This platform make plate map creation easy and fun and ensures you are always in control of where you are in the pipetting process. No stress and up to 70% reduction in errors.

• Suitable for qPCR, PCR, ELISA 384 and 96 well plates • The wells will light up in the order in which you should pipette the samples/reagents onto the plate • Supports multi-channel, multi-step pipetting and plan randomization • Easy documentation: Save your pipetting plans, reuse or modify them, and export them in graphical pdf format.

Eppendorf Multichannel Pipettes

Research Plus - Manual Pipette

The ultra light Eppendorf Research plus pipette meets the highest needs in precision and accuracy – combined with ultimate ergonomics and increased flexibility. Avail- able as single, 8 and 12 channel pipettes.

Xplorer Pipette - Electronic Pipette

The Eppendorf Xplorer pipettes are electronic single, 8 and 12 channel pipettes de- signed to aspirate and dispense liquid volumes from 0.5 µL to 10 mL while eliminating many of potential error risks associated with manual pipetting.

13 The Matrix (Effect) - More Than a Movie

What is the matrix effect? How do you determine if you have a matrix ELISA quantification of plasma and serum occasionally problem? encounters problems which are caused by the matrix effect. To determine if you have a matrix problem, spike your sam- The matrix effect is an interaction between a target protein ples: and other components in a sample which can result in errone- ous sample readings and have a confounding effect on ELISA 1. Add a known amount of standard protein to a sample. Try results. to keep the volume of the added standard to a minimum so you do not disturb the matrix. What causes the matrix effect? 2. Dilute the same standard protein in standard dilution buffer 3. Compare the two different readings: The matrix effect can arise from a number of matrix compo- If the readings are identical, then the matrix is not your nents including, but not limited to: interaction between endog- problem. If the readings don’t match, then the matrix is enous biological components such as phospholipids, carbo- most likely the problem. hydrates and endogenous metabolites. It can be due to pH of the sample, high viscosity, salt concentrations or an interaction between the target analyte and the matrix, such as covalent How do you limit matrix effects once binding to plasma proteins. determined? Once you have determined that there is a problem, there are When does the matrix effect occur? several things you can do to limit matrix effects: A matrix effect, or the effect that the other substances in a 1. Simply diluting the samples by 2 or 5 fold reduces the ma- sample might have on the ability to detect a specific target trix effect. When diluting the samples, remember to use protein, is most commonly observed when using plasma and the same diluent as used for standard curve, and take the serum samples. Matrix components can affect the binding of dilution factor into account when calculating the final con- antibody to protein or alter the signal-to-noise ratio. centration. Also make sure that your readings still fall within the linear range of the assay. 2. Use the matrix to calibrate. Dilute your standards and your samples in sample matrix. For example, you could dilute A) both in normal serum. This will compensate for any effects the matrix is having on the assay. ½ Dilution ¼ Dilution 3. For example: If you don’t have a matrix sample that you can use to dilute the standard curve, approximate the composi- tion of the matrix in the samples and make a dilution buffer Neat (undiluted) = 12 Dilution - Corrected Dilution - Corrected that matches it. Some suppliers also sell diluent buffers for Value= 12 Value= 12 different sample compositions. B) 4. The standard addition method is a more rigorous approach to compensate for matrix effects. You take the reading of an unknown sample, and the unknown sample spiked with ½ Dilution ¼ Dilution increasing amounts of known standard. Using linear regres- sion, you can then calculate the amount of protein in the unknown sample.

Neat (undiluted) = 6 Dilution - Corrected Dilution - Corrected Value= 10 Value= 12

Key: Analyte of Interest Matrix components

A) Expected results in different dilutions with no matrix components in the sample. B) Expected results in same dilutions as in experiment “A”. Matrix components interfere with a target analyte.

14 Our ELISA Suppliers

BioTek BioTek® is a leading microplate instrumentation manufacturer at the global level. They are well- known for their high quality microplate detection systems, microplate washers and dispensers. Their instrument range includes: spectrophotometers such as the Eon™ and Epoch™, patented Hybrid Technology™ Multimode microplate readers such as the Neo and H1, washers for ELISA and other microplate assays such as the ELx50™ and ELx405™ and reagent dispensers such as the MultiFlo™.

Grifols Grifols manufactures a complete open and fully automated ELISA analysis system called Triturus. The ELISA automate automatically performs all the steps of the ELISA without user intervention. The instrument contains pipetting heads for sample and reagent transfer from tubes to plates, a plate washer, an incubator with shaker, a spectrophotometer for readout and analysis software for data analysis.

BioSistemika Biosistemika manufacturers the new PlatR pipetting aid. The PlatR system helps lab personnel man- age their complex manual pipetting tasks, save time and reduce errors.

Alpha Diagnostic Alpha Diagnostics specializes in the development, manufacture and distribution of a variety of ELISA kits and antibodies. They offer products for many different species and areas that are nor- mally difficult to find support for.

Bertin Pharma Bertin Pharma develops, manufactures and markets a wide and unique range of pre-analytical pro- ducts, Bioreagent & ELISA Kits for Analysis and Bioanalysis. In most of its EIA kits, Bertin Pharma uses the patented Acetylcholinesterase (AChE®) technology which has the fastest turnover rate of any enzymatic label. AChE® offers several advantages compared to enzymes conventionally used in EIAs: Kinetic superi- ority, high sensitivity, low background, wide dynamic range and versatility.

Biovision BioVision develops and produces high quality assay kits, recombinant proteins, antibodies and other research tools to accelerate drug discovery in disease-related areas. BioVision’s products are currently being sold in more than 60 countries worldwide.

Cayman Chemical A specialist in ELISA, cell-based assays, biochemicals, antibodies, proteins, forensic products and APIs with more than 8,000 products. Inquire for bulk quantities.

DRG DRG is a multinational diagnostics manufacturer and distributor, with successful representation in over 110 countries. This company supplies CE/IVD marked ELISA, RIA, chemiluminescent assays and saliva ELISA kits validated for diagnostics clinical labs and which are widely used in research institutions. They also offer the DRG:HYBRiD-XL, a fully automated analyzer for the simultaneous determina- tion of immunoassays, as well as clinical chemistry.

15 eBioscience eBioscience supplies a wide range of products including ELISA and one of the largest luminex kit portfolios on the market, ProcartaPlex. They cover human, mouse, rat, non-human primate, porcine and canine. They are specialists in ELISA assays and offer unique technologies, such as: Platinum ELISA Quantitate with confidence. A complete and highly validated, pre-coated solution right out of the box with everything included. Provides lower inter and intra-assay variability with ready-to-use reagents. Ready-Set-Go® ELISA Keep costs low. Each affordable, coat-it-yourself ELISA set includes the reagents required to prepare and run the ELISA. High Sensitivity ELISA The amplified sandwich ELISA allows for sub-pg/mL detection limits below 1 pg/mL without loss of resolution or increase in background. Instant ELISA® The 1-wash ELISA requires fewer handling steps, leaving more time for your research. InstantOne™ phospho ELISA This 1-hour, 1-wash cell signaling assay detects total and phos- phorylated targets with sensitivity exceeding industry standards. Ready-Set-Go® ELISAPOT Analyze individual, activated, cytokine-producing cells. This reagent set is pre-titrated for optimal spot development. ProcartaPlex® Multiplexing Use the Luminex® xMAP technology to run the equivalent of seve- ral ELISA assays on a single plate. Save sample volume and time.

® Enzo Life Sciences Enzo Life Sciences is recognized as a world leader in labeling and detection technologies across research and diagnostic markets. They have a strong portfolio of ELISA kits, proteins, antibodies, peptides, small molecules, and labeling probe dyes. These kits provide life science researchers with high-end tools for target identification/validation, high content analysis, gene expression analysis, nucleic acid detection, protein biochemistry and detection, and cellular analysis.

Luminex Luminex® develops, manufactures and markets innovative biological testing technologies with ap- plications throughout the life science and diagnostic industries. Luminex’s xMAP® technology, is an open architecture, multiplexing technology which allows simultaneous analysis of up to 500 bioassays from a very small sample volume, by reading biological tests on the surface of micro- scopic beads. xMAP technology combines this miniaturized liquid array bioassay capability with small lasers, light emitting diodes (LEDs), digital signal processors, photo detectors, charge-coupled device imaging and proprietary software to create a system offering advantages in speed, precision, flexibility and cost.

Milipore Milipore is a top supplier to the life science industry. They have easy-to-use ELISA protocols and technical application notes which are optimized for best-in-class sensitivity and dynamic range.

RayBiotech RayBiotech, Inc. R the protein array pioneer company RayBiotech is a leading life sciences company which provides proteins, antibodies and immunolog- ical kits as well as services for scientific research, including proteomics, biotechnology and phar- maceutical development. They have over 2,000 ELISA kits and are the leading manufacturer of antibody arrays with both custom and pre-made arrays.

SouthernBiotech SouthernBiotech has a small range of ELISA kits and is a leading company which provides the world’s highest quality secondary antibodies for ELISA testing in several species.

16 Additional Reagents and Amplifiers


Product Name Size Additional information Supplier Cat. No. Amp’d™ ELISA Signal Amplification Kit 1x96wells Enzo ENZ-KIT-100-0001


Product Name Amount Additional information Supplier Cat. No. 1X TMB ELISA Substrate Solution 100 mL eBioscience 00-4201-56 5X ELISA/ELISPOT Diluent 100 mL eBioscience 00-4202-56 96-Well Plate Sealing Film 1 pcs RayBiotech EL-FILM Bicarbonate Buffer Solution 10 ml >0.1 M Na2CO3 Santa Cruz sc-291987 >0.2 M NaHCO3 BSA Solution 10% Enzo ADI-80-1928 ELISA Microplate Bag 1 bag RayBiotech EL-BAG ELISA Wash Buffer 10 x 1L eBioscience 00-0400-46 Packets ELISA/ELISPOT Coating Buffer Powder for 1 L eBioscience 00-0044-59 IMMUNOSET Buffer Pack Enzo ADI-950-003 This pack provides sufficient reagents for 5 x 96 well microtiter plates. Lysis buffer not included. IMMUNOSET Plate Pack 5x96 Enzo ADI-80-1930 5 clear 96 well high-binding polystyrene plates and 5 plate sealers. InstantOne ELISA Wash Buffer 8 mL eBioscience IOWB1 One-Step Substrate Reagent 12 mL RayBiotech EL-TMB PBS concentrate, 120 ml Enzo ADI-80-1927 PBS Stock solution 1 L 10X, pH 7.4 Cayman Chemical 600221.1-CAY PBS Stock solution 250 ml 10X, pH 7.4 Cayman Chemical 600221.250-CAY PBS Stock solution 500 ml 10X, pH 7.4 Cayman Chemical 600221.500-CAY Polysorbate 20 Tween 20 Cayman Chemical 400035.1-CAY Stop solution 14 mL RayBiotech CBEL-ItemK Stop Solution 2 50 mL 1N HCl Enzo ADI-80-1804 Storage film 100 pcs RayBiotech 0030 127.870 Sulfuric Acid 8 mL 2M RayBiotech EL-Stop Super AquaBlue ELISA Substrate 100 mL eBioscience 00-4203-56 Super AquaBlue ELISA Substrate 500 mL eBioscience 00-4203-58 Support Pack Plus eBioscience BMS414 PBS (20x) Assay Buffer (20x) Wash Buffer (20x) Sub- strate Solution Stop Solution , 10 plates Support Pack Standard eBioscience BMS412 PBS (20x) Assay Buffer (20x) Wash Buffer (20x) Sub- strate Solution Stop Solution TBS Stock solution 500 ml 10X, pH 7.4 600232.500-CAY TBS stock solution 1 L 10X, pH 7.4 Cayman Chemical 600232.1-CAY TBS Stock solution 250 ml 10X, pH 7.4 Cayman Chemical 600232.250-CAY TMB Substrate 50 mL Enzo ADI-80-1805 Tween 20 Solution 30 ml 10% Enzo ADI-80-1929 Uncoated Microplate 1 pcs RayBiotech CBEL-ItemA Washbuffer concentrate 5 mL 400 X Cayman Chemical 400062.5-CAY Washbuffer concentrate 12,5 mL 400 X Cayman Chemical 400062.12.5-CAY

17 ELISA Kits

Explore our more than 5,700 ELISA kits below. All kits are available in multiple sizes, though not sold in all countries. Please check the supplier overview on pages 15-16 to see if the kit you want is available in your country.

Please note that kits can be listed by their full name or by their abbreviation. For example, Interleukin can be listed under ’Interleukin’ or ’IL’.

Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. 1,25 (OH)2 Vitamin D ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4193 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5810 1,25(OH)2-Vitamin D (CT) RIA 48 tests DRG RIA-4782 11-dehydro Thromboxane B2 EIA Kit - Monoclonal 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 519510.96s-CAY 11-dehydro Thromboxane B2 EIA Kit - Monoclonal 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 519510.96-CAY 11-dehydro Thromboxane B2 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4684 11-dehydro-TXB2 ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-092 11-Desoxycortisol (11-DOC) RIA 96 tests DRG RIA-4777 11-keto Elisa 96 wells DRG EIA-4526 11-keto Testosterone ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 582751.96s-CAY 11-keto Testosterone ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 582751.96-CAY 11β-Prostaglandin F2α EIA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 516521.96s-CAY 11β-Prostaglandin F2α EIA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 516521.96-CAY 12(S)-HETE ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-050 13(S)-HODE ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-108 13,14-dihydro-15-keto Prostaglandin F2α ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 516671.96s-CAY 13,14-dihydro-15-keto Prostaglandin F2α ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 516671.96-CAY 15(S)-HETE EIA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 534721.96s-CAY 15(S)-HETE EIA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 534721.96-CAY 15(S)-HETE ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-051 15-deoxy-Delta12,14-PGJ2 ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-023 15-PGDH ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-15PGDH-1 17 alpha Hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP/17OHP) 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1870-ADI ELISA, 96 tests, Quantitative 17 OH PROG., Salivary ELISA 96 wells DRG SLV-3140 17a-Hydroxy-Progesterone Direct RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-0235 17a-Hydroxyprogesterone RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-1273 17-a-OH-Progesterone CLIA 96 wells DRG CLA-4665 17beta-Estradiol ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-008 17beta-Estradiol high sensitivity ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-174 17-beta-HSD1/HSD17B1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-17bHSD1-1 17OH-Progesteron(e) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1292 17-OH-Progesterone (CT) RIA 96 tests DRG RIA-4372 17ß-Estradiol (CT) RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-0192 17ß-Estradiol (DA) RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-0220 20-Hydroxyecdysone EIA kit 96 wells Bertin A05120.96 21-Hydroxylase Autoantibody RIA 50 tests DRG RIA-4244 21-Hydroxylase Autoantibody RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4430 24(S)-Hydroxycholesterol ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-210-0001 25(OH) Vitamin D ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-215-0001 25-OH Vitamin D (total) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5396

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 18 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. A 25-OH Vitamin D direct ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4696 25-OH Vitamin D total (Rat) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-5532 25OH Vitamin D total RIA 96 tests DRG RIA-5292 25OH-Vit. D3 (CT) RIA 96 tests DRG RIA-2993 2-Methoxyestradiol ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 582261.96s-CAY 2-Methoxyestradiol ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 582261.96-CAY 3 a Diol G CLA 96 wells DRG CLA-4649 3a Diol G ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4192 4-1BB ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-41BB-1 4-1BB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-41BB-1 5a Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2330 5a-Androstane-3a, 17b-diol Glucuronide (3a-Diol G) 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1905-ADI ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 5-HIAA (Urine) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4482 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine DNA ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-225-0001 5-Methylcytosine DNA ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-224-0001 6Ckine ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-6CKINE-1 6Ckine ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-6CKINE-1 6-keto Prostaglandin F1α EIA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 515211.96s-CAY 6-keto Prostaglandin F1α EIA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 515211.96-CAY 6-keto-PGF1alpha ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-004 8-Hydroxyguanosine Monoclonal ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 501130.96s-CAY 8-Hydroxyguanosine Monoclonal ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 501130.96-CAY 8-iso-PGF2a Direct Elisa 96 wells DRG EIA-5295 8-iso-PGF2alpha ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-010 8-iso-PGF2alpha, Direct. ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-091 8-Isoprostane EIA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 516351.96s-CAY 8-Isoprostane EIA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 516351.96-CAY 8-Isoprostane Express EIA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 516360.96s-CAY 8-Isoprostane Express EIA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 516360.96-CAY 8-OHdG (8-Hydroxydeoxiguanosine) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4741 a1-Antitrypsin Clearance ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5829 A1BG ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-2B4-1 a1-Microglobulin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5100 A2M ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-A2M-1 Abeta-40 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5231 ACE ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-ACE-1 ACE ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-41BBL-1 ACE SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-ACE-1 ACE SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-SPRY1-1 ACE2 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4918-100 ACE2 ELISA Kit one 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech 68ELH-ACE2 Acethylcholine Receptor Ab (ARAb) RRA 30 tests DRG RIA-4520 Acetylcholine Receptor Ab (ARAb) RRA 100 tests DRG RIA-2956 Acetylcholine Receptor Autoantibody (AChRAb) 96 wells DRG EIA-4936 AChRAb RRA RIA J-125 100 tests DRG RIA-5174 Acrp30 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ADIPONEC- TIN-1 Acrp30 ELISA 1x 96-Well Strip Plate Kit 96-well strip plate kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ADIPONEC- TIN-001 AcSDKP EIA kit 96 wells Bertin A05881.96 ACTH ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3647 ACTH ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT138-0001 ACTH IRMA 96 tests DRG RIA-4735

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 19 A Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. ACTH RIA 50 tests DRG RIA-0205 ACTH RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-5306 Activin A (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4769-100 Activin A ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ACTIVINA-1 Activin A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-ACTIVINA-1 Activin AB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-5NTE-1 Activin C/INHBC ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-5T4-1 Activin R1A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-AKR1C1-1 Activin R1B ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-A1BG-1 Activin R2A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ACE-1 Activin R2B ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ActivinAB-1 Activin-A ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-ACTIVINA-1 Acylated Ghrelin (dog) Easy Sampling EIA kit 96 wells Dog Bertin A05321.96 Acylated Ghrelin (human) Easy Sampling EIA kit 96 wells Human Bertin A05306.96 Acylated Ghrelin (human) EIA kit 384 wells Human Bertin A05106.384 Acylated Ghrelin (human) Express EIA kit 96 wells Human Bertin A05106.96 Acylated Ghrelin (mouse, rat) Easy Sampling EIA kit 96 wells Mouse, Bertin A05317.96 Rat Acylated Ghrelin (mouse, rat) Express EIA kit 96 wells Mouse, Bertin A05117.96 Rat Acylated Ghrelin (pig) EIA kit 96 wells Pig Bertin A05401.96 Acylated Ghrelin plasma measurement (in duplicate - 1 ea Bertin A90002.1 EIA method) ADA ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ActivinC-1 Adalimumab (Humira) ELISA Kit 4 x 96-wells eBioscience 87-51885 Adalimumab conformational ELISA kit, BIOLIKE 3 x 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT122-0003 ADAM-12 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ADAM12-1 ADAM-22 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ACVR1B-1 ADAM23 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ACVR2A-1 ADAM-8 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ADAM8-1 ADAM9 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ADAM9-1 ADAM9 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-ADAM9-1 Macaque ADAMTS1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-ADAMTS1-1 ADAMTS13 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5831 ADAMTS-13 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ADAMTS13-1 ADAMTS-15 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ACVR2B-1 ADAMTS-4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ADAMTS4-1 ADAMTS-5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ADA-1 ADAMTSL-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ADAM22-1 Adenovirus Antigen (Stool) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3444 Adenovirus IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3445 Adenovirus IgA ELISA kit 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 950-100-AHA-ADI Adenovirus IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3446 Adenovirus IgG ELISA kit 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 950-110-AHG-ADI Adenovirus IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 950-130-AMG-ADI Adenovirus IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3447 Adenovirus IgM ELISA kit 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 950-120-AHM-ADI Adenovirus IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 950-140-AMM-ADI Adipocyte FABP Human ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4908 Adiponectin (Acrp30) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 100-140-ADH-ADI Adiponectin (Acrp30) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 100-150-ADM-ADI Adiponectin (human) EIA kit 96 wells Human Bertin A05185.96 Adiponectin (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4177

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 20 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. A Adiponectin (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4574 Adiponectin (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5817 Adiponectin (human) ELISA Assay Kit 1 x 96 assays Human BioVision K4901-100 Adiponectin (Human) RIA 125 tests Human DRG RIA-3765 Adiponectin (human), ELISA Kit 96 wells Human Enzo ALX-850-377-KI01 Adiponectin (mouse) EIA kit 96 wells Mouse Bertin A05187.96 Adiponectin (Mouse) Elisa 96 wells Mouse DRG EIA-4172 Adiponectin (Mouse) Elisa 96 wells Mouse DRG EIA-4553 Adiponectin (mouse) Elisa Assay Kit 1 x 96 assays Mouse BioVision K4902-100 Adiponectin (Mouse/Rat) J-125 125 tests Mouse/Rat DRG RIA-3766 Adiponectin (Rat) Elisa 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-4570 Adiponectin (rat) Elisa Assay Kit 1 x 96 assays Rat BioVision K4903-100 Adiponectin (total) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5838 Adiponectin ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Canine Milipore EZCADP63K-UC Adiponectin ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHADP-61K-UC Adiponectin ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Mouse Milipore EZMADP-60K-UC Adiponectin ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Rat Milipore EZRADP-62K-UC Adiponectin ELISA Microtiter Plate 1 pcs. Canine Milipore EP63-UC Adiponectin ELISA Microtiter Plate 1 pcs. Mouse Milipore EP60-UC Adiponectin ELISA Microtiter Plate 1 pcs. Rat Milipore EP62-UC Adiponectin ELISA Microtiter Strip Plate 1 pcs. Human Milipore EP61-UC Adiponectin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-ADIPONEC- TIN-1 Adiponectin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-ADIPONEC- TIN-1 Adiponectin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-ADIPONEC- Macaque TIN-1 Adiponectin High Sensitivity (human) EIA kit 96 wells Human Bertin A05186.96 Adiponectin Human (HMW) Elisa 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4645 Adiponectin Human ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4646 Adiponectin Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2032/2 Adiponectin Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2032 Adiponectin RIA 125 Tube Kit <3uCi I-125 1 pcs. Human Milipore HADP-61HK-UC Adiponectin SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-Adiponectin-1 Adiponectin SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELRS-Adiponectin-1 Adiponectin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-OSAD-1 Adiponectin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELHS-PSelectin-1 Adiponectin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELH-TGM3-1 Adipsin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ADIPSIN-1 Adipsin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-ADIPSIN-1 Macaque Adipsin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-OSCAR-1 Adipsin/Factor D (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4768-100 ADMA (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ALX-850-323-KI01 ADMA direct (mouse/rat) ELISA kit 96 wells Mouse/Rat Enzo ALX-850-327-KI01 ADPN EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-ADPN-1 ADPN EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-ADPN-1 ADPN EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-ADPN-1 ADP-Ribosyl Cyclase 2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ADAM23-1 Adrenalin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1908 Adrenalin Research ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4776 Adrenalin RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4307 Adrenaline ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4306

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 21 A Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Adreno Corticotropic Hormone (ACTH) ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-120-ACH-ADI tests, Quantitative Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) (human) ELISA 100 assays Human BioVision K4003-100 ADV (Aujetzky) Porcine Ab ELISA 96 wells Pig DRG EIA-2493 AFABP (human) EIA kit 96 wells Human Bertin A05181.96 aFGF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-AFGF-1 aFGF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-AFGF-1 aFGF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-AFGF-1 aFGF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-AFGF-1 Macaque aFGF SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-aFGF-1 aFGF SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-SRA1-1 AFP ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-AFP-1 AFP ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1468 Aggrecan ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ACAN-1 Agrin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-AGRIN-1 AgRP ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-AGRP-1 AHCY ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ADAMTS5-1 AIF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ADAMTSL1-1 AKR1C1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-aGLA-1 AKR1C3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-AHCY-1 AKR1C4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-AIF-1 AKT (S473) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-AKT-1 Mouse/ Rat AKT (Total/Phospho) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86046-11 AKT 1 (Total) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86047-11 AKT Activation InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86049-11 AKT Pathway Activation Profile InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86048-11 AKT/ERK Activation InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86014-11 Akt1/2 (pSer473/474) ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-162 Albumin (bovine) ELISA kit 96 wells Bovine Bertin AKRBS-018.96 Albumin (BSA) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Bovine Alpha Diagnostic 8000-ADI Albumin (BSA) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative (for 1 kit Bovine Alpha Diagnostic 8100-ADI measuring residual BSA) Albumin (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5494 Albumin (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5498 Albumin (mouse) ELISA kit 96 wells Mouse Bertin AKRAL-121.96 Albumin (rat) ELISA kit 96 wells Rat Bertin AKRAL-120.96 Albumin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ALBUMIN-1 Albumin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1200-ADI Albumin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 6300-ADI Albumin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Pig Alpha Diagnostic 9000-ADI Albumin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 6400-ADI Albumin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-ALBUMIN-1 Albumin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-OX40-1 ALCAM ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ALCAM-1 ALCAM ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-ALCAM-1 Macaque ALCAM SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-OX40L-1 ALDH1A1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-aIntx-1 Aldosterone (CT) RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-5094 Aldosterone CT RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-2317 Aldosterone EIA Kit 96 wells Cayman Chemicals 501090.96-CAY Aldosterone ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5298

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 22 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. A Aldosterone ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-173 Aldosterone ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1875-ADI Alemtuzumab conformational ELISA kit, BIOLIKE 3 x 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT119-0003 ALK-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ALK1-1 ALK-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-ALK1-1 ALK-6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ALK6-1 ALK-7 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-ALK7-1 Alkaline Phosphatase ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ALKP-1 Allantoic Fluid host cell proteins ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 810-100-CAF-ADI Quantitative Alpha 2-Macroglobulin (A2M) ELISA kit 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 600-720-A2M-ADI Alpha 2-Macroglobulin (A2M) ELISA kit 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 610-420-A2M-ADI Alpha Amylase (Salivary) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5836 Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quanti- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0500-ADI tative Alpha Fodrin IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-160-AFG-ADI Alpha Subunit IRMA J-125 100 tests DRG RIA-4538 Alpha-1 Glycoprotein (A1-AGP) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 6490-10-ADI Quantitative Alpha-1 Glycoprotein (A1-AGP) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 6490-ADI Quantitative Alpha-2 Macroglobulin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-OMGP-1 Alpha-Fodrin IgG/IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3978 alpha-Galactosidase A/GLA ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ADAMTS15-1 Alpha-Internexin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ADPRC2-1 Alpha-Klotho, Soluble (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5605 AMA-M2 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3604 AMH ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5738 AMICA ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-AMICA-1 AmiGO ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-AKR1C3-1 AmiGO2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-AKR1C4-1 Aminoacylase-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ACY1-1 Aminopeptidase LRAP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ANXA2-1 Aminopeptidase N ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ANPEP-1 Aminopeptidase P2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ANXA5-1 Aminopeptidase P1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-AMNLS-1 Aminopeptidase PILS ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-AMSH-1 Amnionless ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ALDH1A1-1 AMP'D GLP-1 ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT104-0001

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 23 A Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. AMP'D HSP70 high sensitivity ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT-101-0001 The AMP’D HSP70 high sensitivity ELISA kit is a colo- Alternative Name Heat shock protein 70, HSP72 rimetric immunometric enzyme immunoassay kit with Sensitivity 7 pg/ml results in 4.5 hours. The ultra-sensitivity of this kit, Detection Range 39 pg/ml - 500 pg/ml made possible thanks to an innovative amplification Sample Type Plasma and serum system, enables the ability to use less samples and Species Detected Human, mouse and rat detect both baseline and upregulated levels of human, Size 96-well Microplate, strips mouse and rat HSP70, a major chaperone, cancer Design Principle Sandwich-based assay biomarker, and key cell stress regulator. Assay Time 4.5 hours Detection Method Colorimetric Scientific background Kit/Set Contains Pre-coated microtiter plate, Assay Buffer 28, Standard, The Hsp70 family of heat shock proteins contains mul- Wash Buffer Concentrate, Antibody, Conjugate, and tiple homologs ranging in size from 66-78 kDa, and AMP’D® (Signal Amplification) Substrate, Amplifier, Sub- are the eukaryotic equivalents of the bacterial DnaK. strate Diluent, Amplifier Diluent, Stop Solution Hsp70 family members contain highly conserved N-terminal ATPase and C-terminal protein binding domains. Binding of peptide to Hsp70 is assisted by Hsp40, and stimulates the inherent ATPase activity of Hsp70, facilitating ATP hydrolysis and enhanced peptide binding. Hsp70 nucleotide exchange and substrate binding coordinates the folding of newly synthesized proteins, the re-folding of misfolded or denatured proteins, coordinates trafficking of proteins across cellular membranes, inhibits protein aggrega- tion, and targets the degradation of proteins via the proteasomal pathway. Amphetamine ELISA (incl. pos./neg. control) 96 wells DRG EIA-1493 Ampicillin ELISA kit, (For Pork/Liver, Chicken, Duck, 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100140-ADI Shrimp, Fish, Honey, Milk), 96 tests AMSH/STAMBP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ALK2-1 Amylin active (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-3742 Amylin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-AMY-1 Amylin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-AMY-1 Amylin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-AMY-1 Amylin ELISA Kit - COLD PACKS 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHA-52K-UC Amylin ELISA Kit (BLKPKG) C-PACKS 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHA-52BK-UC Amylin ELISA Microtiter Plate 1 pcs. Human Milipore EP52-UC Amylin total (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-3741 Amyloid beta 1-40 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-AMB140-1 Amyloid ß Auto-Ab (Serum) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5099 Amyloid β 40 Brain ELISA 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZBRAIN40-UC Amyloid β 40 ELISA (CE Mark) 1 pcs. Human Milipore TK40-UC Amyloid β 40 High Sensitive (HS) ELISA 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHS40-UC Amyloid β 42 Brain ELISA 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZBRAIN42-UC Amyloid β 42 ELISA (CE Mark) 1 pcs. Human Milipore TK42-UC Amyloid β 42 ELISA Microtiter Plate 1 pcs. Human Milipore 4TS-UC Amyloid β 42 High Sensitive (HS) ELISA 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHS42-UC ANA (nuclear Antigens/ENA) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 670-110-ANM-ADI Quantitative ANA (nuclear Antigens/ENA) IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 670-115-ANM-ADI Quantitative ANA Combi (ANA-8-Profile) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3563 ANA Detect ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4117 ANA Profile-8 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4325 ANA Screen-6 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4326 ANA-8-Screen ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3562 ANCA (Anti-MPO) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-265-MPG-ADI Quantitative ANCA (Anti-PR3) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-255-PRG-ADI ANCA Screen (Anti-PR3 and Anti-MPO) IgG ELISA 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-250-ANG-ADI kit, 96 tests, Quantitative ANCA Screen ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3776

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 24 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. A Androstandiol Glucuronide J-125 (CT) 100 tests DRG RIA-3376 Androstanediol Glucuronide (3a-Diol G) RIA 96 tests DRG RIA-4387 Androstendion RIA 96 tests DRG RIA-4388 Androstendione RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4180 Androstenedion(e) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3265 Androstenedione (CT) RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-1539 Androstenedione (saliva) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1915-ADI Quantitative Androstenedione ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5050 Androstenedione ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1910-ADI Androstenedione RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-1540 Androstenedione SALIVA ELISA 96 wells DRG SLV-4780 Anemia Virus (AV) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 920-110-AV-ADI ANGII EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-ANGII-1 ANGII EIA 2 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-ANGII-2 ANGII EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-ANGII-1 ANGII EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-ANGII-1 Angiogenin (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4802-100 Angiogenin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ANG-1 Angiogenin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 100-160-ANH-ADI Angiogenin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-ANG-1 Angiogenin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-ANG-1 Macaque Angiogenin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PAM-1 Angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 100-170-APH-ADI Quantitative Angiopoietin-1 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7115-100 Angiopoietin-1 ELISA kit 1 x 96 well strip micro plate Human RayBiotech ELH-ANGIOPOIE- TIN1-1 Angiopoietin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-ANGPT1-1 Angiopoietin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-ANGIOPOIE- TIN1-1 Angiopoietin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rabbit RayBiotech ELL-ANGPT1-1 Angiopoietin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-ANGIOPOIE- TIN1-1 Angiopoietin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-ANGPT1-1 Macaque Angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 100-180-APH-ADI Quantitative Angiopoietin-2 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7116-100 Angiopoietin-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-ANGPT2-1 Macaque Angiopoietin-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-ANGPTL1-1 Angiopoietin-3 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-ANGPTL1-1 Angiopoietin-3 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELHS-RBP4-1 Angiostatin (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4755-100 Angiostatin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ANGIOSTA- TIN-1 Angiostatin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-ANGIOSTA- Macaque TIN-1 Angiotensin A ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-207 Angiotensin I ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-203 Angiotensin I RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-5309 Angiotensin II ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5537 Angiotensin II ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-204 Angiotensin II RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-3020

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 25 A Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Angiotensin II SPIE-IA kit 96 wells Bertin A05880.96 Angiotensinogen ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-AGT-1 Angiotensinogen SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-OSMRb-1 ANGPT2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ANGIOPOIE- TIN2-1 ANGPT4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ANGIOPOIE- TIN4-1 ANGPTL2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-AMIGO-1 ANGPTL3 (human) Serum ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4914-100 ANGPTL3 (mouse/rat) Serum ELISA Kit 100 assays Mouse/Rat BioVision K4915-100 ANGPTL3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-ANGPTL3-1 ANGPTL3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ANGPTL3-1 ANGPTL4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ANGPTL4-1 ANGPTL6 (human) Serum ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4916-100 ANGPTL7 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-AMIGO2-1 Annexin A1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ANGPTL2-1 Annexin A2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ANGPTL7-1 Annexin A5/Annexin V ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ANPEPP1-1 Annexin A6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ANPEPPILS-1 Annexin V (Human) Elisa 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5208 Annexin V (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ALX-850-049-KI01 Annexin V (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ALX-850-040-KI01 Annexin V IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-240-AVA-ADI Annexin V IgG/IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3971 Annexin V Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS252 Annexin V Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS247 ANP EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-ANP-1 ANP EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-ANP-1 ANP EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-ANP-1 ANP J-125 (DA) 100 tests DRG RIA-3453 Anthrax Edema Factor (EF) Protein ELISA Kit, 96 1 pk Anthrax Alpha Diagnostic 800-130-EF-ADI tests bacillus Anthrax Lethal Factor (LF) Protein ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Anthrax Alpha Diagnostic 800-120-LF-ADI bacillus Anthrax Protective Antigen 83 (PA83) Ig?s ELISA kit, 1 kit G. pig/ Alpha Diagnostic 900-140-83T-ADI 96 tests Anthrax bacillus Anthrax Protective Antigen 83 (PA83) Ig?s ELISA kit, 1 kit Goat/ Alpha Diagnostic 900-130-83T-ADI 96 tests Anthrax bacillus Anthrax Protective Antigen 83 (PA83) Ig?s ELISA kit, 1 kit Human/ Alpha Diagnostic 900-160-83T-ADI 96 tests Anthrax bacillus Anthrax Protective Antigen 83 (PA83) Ig?s ELISA kit, 1 kit Monkey/ Alpha Diagnostic 900-150-83T-ADI 96 tests Anthrax bacillus Anthrax Protective Antigen 83 (PA83) Ig?s ELISA kit, 1 kit Mouse/ Alpha Diagnostic 900-100-83T-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Anthrax bacillus Anthrax Protective Antigen 83 (PA83) Ig?s ELISA 1 kit Rabbit/ Alpha Diagnostic 900-120-83T-ADI kit,96 tests Anthrax bacillus Anthrax Protective Antigen 83 (PA83) IgG ELISA kit, 1 kit Rabbit/ Alpha Diagnostic 900-135-83G-ADI 96 tests, Elk Anthrax bacillus Anthrax Protective Antigen 83 (PA83) IgG-specific) 1 kit Bovine/ Alpha Diagnostic 900-110-83G-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests Anthrax bacillus

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 26 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. A Anthrax Protective Antigen 83 (PA83) IgG-specific) 1 kit Mouse/ Alpha Diagnostic 900-105-83G-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests Anthrax bacillus Anthrax Protective Antigen 83 (PA83) IgG-specific) 1 kit Swine/ Alpha Diagnostic 900-115-83G-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests Anthrax bacillus Anthrax Protective Antigen 83 (PA83) Protein ELISA 1 kit Anthrax Alpha Diagnostic 800-100-P83-ADI kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Kit bacillus Antithrombin 3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ARSA-1 APE1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ANXA1-1 Apelin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-APC-1 Apelin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-APC-1 Apelin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-APC-1 Apo A IV ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHAP0A4-73K-UC Apo A IV ELISA Microtiter Strip Plate 1 pcs. Human Milipore EP73-UC ApoA ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-APOA-1 ApoA SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PAPP2-1 ApoA1 (human) EIA Kit 96 wells Human Cayman Chemicals 501080.96-CAY ApoA2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-APOA2-1 ApoA2 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PAR1-1 ApoB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-APOB-1 ApoB-100 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-APOB100-1 ApoC1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-APOC1-1 ApoC2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-APOC2-1 ApoC2 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PARK7-1 ApoC3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-APOC3-1 ApoC3 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PARP1-1 ApoE ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-APOE-1 ApoE ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT134-0001 ApoE SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PAX3-1 ApoE2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-APOE2-1 ApoE2 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PCDH1-1 ApoE3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-APOE3-1 ApoE3 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PCDH17-1 ApoE4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-APOE4-1 ApoE4 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PCK1-1 ApoH ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-APOH-1 ApoH SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PCPE1-1 Apolipoprotein E (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4696-100 Apolipoprotein E4/Pan-ApoE (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4699-100 ApoM ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-APOM-1 APP Delta C31 ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-227-0001 APRIL Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2008 Aprotinin/BPTI ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ANXA6-1 Aquaporin-4 Autoantibody ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5431 AREG ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-AR-1 AREG ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-AR-1 Arg8-Vasopressin ELISA kit 1/96/wells Enzo ADI-900-017 Arg8-Vasopressin ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-017A Arginase 1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-APE1-1 Arginine Vasopressin ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 583951.96s-CAY Arginine Vasopressin ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 583951.96-CAY ARNT/HIF-1 beta ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-APEPLRAP-1 Aromatase (human) ELISA kit 100 assays Human BioVision K3599-100

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 27 A Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Aromatase (rat) ELISA kit 100 assays Human BioVision K3560-100 B Artemin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ARTN-1 Artemin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-ARTN-1 Arylsulfatase A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-APEPP2-1 Arylsulfatase B ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-Aprotinin-1 ASAH2/Neutral Ceramidase ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ARG1-1 ASAHL ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ARNT-1 ASCA (mannan from Saccharomyces cerevisiae) IgA/ 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-320-ASC-ADI IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative ASCA (S. cerevisiae Antibodies or mannan) IgA ELISA 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 680-510-ASA-ADI Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative ASCA (S. cerevisiae Antibodies or mannan) IgA ELISA 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 680-530-ASA-ADI Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative ASCA (S. cerevisiae Antibodies or mannan) IgG 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 680-500-ASG-ADI ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative ASCA (S. cerevisiae Antibodies or mannan) IgG 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 680-520-ASG-ADI ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative ASCA (S. cerevisiae Antibodies or mannan) IgM 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 680-505-ASM-ADI ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative ASCA (S. cerevisiae Antibodies or mannan) IgM 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 680-525-ASM-ADI ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative ASCA IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4279 ASCA IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4280 ASCA IgG/IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5107 Ascaris lumbricoides IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3817 ASGPR IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4271 Aspergillus fumigatus IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2500 Aspergillus fumigatus IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2501 Aspergillus fumigatus IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2502 Astrovirus Ag ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4456 Atriopeptin (rat) EIA kit 96 wells Rat Bertin A05103.96 Attractin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ARSB-1 Avastin/Bevacizumab (Anti-VEGF) ELISA Kit for 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-800-AVG-ADI human, 96 tests Avastin/Bevacizumab identification/Counterfeit detec- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-870-ID24-ADI tion ELISA Kit, 24 tests Avastin/Bevacizumab IgG (drug IgG) ELISA Kit for 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-810-ADG-ADI human, 96 tests Avian Influenza A virus (AIV) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 920-100-AIV-ADI Quantitative Avian Influenza A virus (AIV) IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 920-105-AIM-ADI Quantitative Avian Influenza virus (H5N1) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 920-300-H52-ADI Quantitative, 96 tests Avian Leukosis Virus-p27 Ag ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2499 Axl ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-AXL-1 Axl ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-AXL-1 AXL SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-AXL-1 AXL SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PCSK2-1 AXL SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-SRC-1 Azurocidin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ASAH2-1 B. pertussis antigens (Pertussis toxin, FHA and LPS) 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 960-205-PHA-ADI IgA ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantit B. pertussis antigens (Pertussis toxin, FHA and LPS) 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 960-200-PHA-ADI IgA ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantita B. pertussis antigens (Pertussis toxin, FHA and LPS) 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 960-210-PHG-ADI IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantit

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 28 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. B. pertussis antigens (Pertussis toxin, FHA and LPS) 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 960-120-PHG-ADI IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantita B B. pertussis antigens (Pertussis toxin, FHA and LPS) 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 960-110-PHG-ADI IgG, 96 tests, Quantitative B. pertussis antigens (Pertussis toxin, FHA and LPS) 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 960-220-PHM-ADI IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantit B. pertussis Filamentous hemeagglutinin (FHA) IgG 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 960-340-FHG-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests B. pertussis Filamentous hemeagglutinin (FHA) IgG 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 960-300-FMG-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests B. pertussis Filamentous hemeagglutinin (FHA) IgG 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 960-320-FRG-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests B. pertussis Filamentous hemeagglutinin (FHA) IgM 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 960-350-FHM-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests B. pertussis Filamentous hemeagglutinin (FHA) IgM 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 960-310-FMM-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests B. pertussis Filamentous hemeagglutinin (FHA) IgM 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 960-330-FRM-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests B. pertussis Pertactin IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human/B. Alpha Diagnostic 960-250-PHG-ADI Pertussis B. pertussis Pertactin IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human/B. Alpha Diagnostic 960-260-PMG-ADI Pertussis B. pertussis Pertactin IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse/B. Alpha Diagnostic 960-230-PGG-ADI Pertussis B. pertussis Pertactin IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Rabbit/B. Alpha Diagnostic 960-240-PRG-ADI Pertussis B. pertussis toxin/toxoid IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit G. pig Alpha Diagnostic 960-170-PMG-ADI Quantitative B. pertussis toxin/toxoid IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 960-130-PMG-ADI Quantitative B. pertussis toxin/toxoid IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 960-150-PRG-ADI Quantitative B. pertussis toxin/toxoid IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit G. pig Alpha Diagnostic 960-180-PMM-ADI Quantitative B. pertussis toxin/toxoid IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 960-140-PMM-ADI Quantitative B. pertussis toxin/toxoid IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 960-160-PRM-ADI Quantitative B2M ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-B2M-1 B3GNT2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ASAHL-1 B4GalT1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-AT3-1 B7-H1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-B7H1-1 B7-H2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-B7H2-1 B7-H3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-B7H3-1 B7-H4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ATRN-1 B7-H7/HHLA2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-AZU1-1 BACE-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BACE1-1 Bactericidal permeability increasing (BPI) protein IgG 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-280-BPG-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative BAD ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-BAD-1 BAFF Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS2007INST BAFF R ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-BAFFR-1 BAI1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-B3GNT2-1 BAMBI ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-B4GALT1-1 BATF3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-B7H4-1 Bax human Elisa 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4487 Bax (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-138 BCAM ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BCAM-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 29 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. BCAM ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-BCAM-1 B Macaque BCHE ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-B7H7-1 BCL-10 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BAI1-1 Bcl-2 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-133 BCL-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BAMBI-1 Bcl-2 human Elisa 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4488 Bcl-2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS244/3 BCL-W ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BCLW-1 BCL-W ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-BCLW-1 BCL-W ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-BCLW-1 BCMA ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-BCMA-1 BDNF (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4788-100 BDNF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BDNF-1 The Human BDNF ELISA kit is a colorimetric in vitro Alternative Name Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) (Abrineurin) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for the quanti- 80pg/ml tative measurement of BDNF. Excellent for follow up/ Sensitivity 80 pg/ml - 16 ng/ml confirmation of antibody array data. The Pre-coated Detection Range Serum, Plasma, Cell culture media 96 well plate saves time and reduces error. Strip plate Sample Type Human format minimizes waste. The complete kit includes all Species Detected 96-well Microplate, strips necessary reagents. All RayBio kits are highly sen- Size Sandwich-based sitive and specific. Optimized for serum, plasma and Design Principle 5 hours cell culture medium. Assay Time Colorimetric Detection Method 96-well pre-coated strip plate (12x8), Wash Buffer Scientific background Kit/Set Contains Concentrate (20x), Standard, Sample Diluent Buffers, BDNF is found in neurons of the central nervous sys- Biotin-labeled Detection Antibody, HRP-Streptavidin tem. It is expressed predominantly in hippocampus, concentrate, TMB One-Step Substrate Reagent, Stop cortex, and synapses of the basal forebrain. BDNF Solution selectively supports the survival of primary sensory neurons and retinal ganglia. It supports survival and differentiation of certain cholinergic neurons and also some dopaminergic neurons in vitro. The factor inhibits the normal cell death of embryonic chick motor neurons. BDNF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-BDNF-1 BDNF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-BDNF-1 Macaque BDNF SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PDGFC-1 BDNF, ELISA KIT-192WELL 1 pcs. Milipore CYT306-UC Benzyl Penicillin ELISA kit, (For Pork/Liver, Chicken, 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100150-ADI Duck, Shrimp, Fish, Honey, Milk), 96 tests Beta Catenin total ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4356 βIG-H3 ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K926-100 beta IG-H3 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-bIGH3-1 beta IG-H3 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PDHX1-1 beta IG-H3 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-SRECII-1 ß-2-Glycoprotein I IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3884 ß-2-Glycoprotein I IgG/IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3590 ß2-Glycoprotein I Screen ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3911 Beta-2 Glycoprotein/ApoH Igs ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5000-ADI Quantitative Beta-2 microglobulin (B2M) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0020-ADI Quantitative Beta-2 Microglobulin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PCSK9-1 Beta2-Glycoprotein 1 IgA ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-200-B2A-ADI Quantitative Beta2-Glycoprotein 1 IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-190-B2G-ADI Quantitative Beta2-Glycoprotein 1 IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-195-B2M-ADI Quantitative Beta-2-Microglobulin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3609

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 30 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. β-catenin (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K3381-100 β-catenin (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays Mouse BioVision K3382-100 B β-catenin (rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays Rat BioVision K3383-100 Beta-Catenin (Total) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86141-11 Beta-Catenin (Total/Phospho) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86143-11 Beta-Catenin ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-135 Beta-Defensin-1 (BD-1) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 100-240-BD1-ADI Quantitative Beta-Defensin-2 (Bd-2) Elisa Kit, 96 Tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 100-250-BD2-ADI Quantitative Beta-Defensin-3 (Bd-3) Elisa Kit, 96 Tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 100-260-BD3-ADI Quantitative Beta-glucuronidase/GUSB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BATF3-1 Beta-NGF (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4787-100 Beta-NGF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BNGF-1 Beta-NGF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-BNGF-1 Beta-NGF ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-BNGF-CL-1 Beta-NGF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-BNGF-1 Bevacizumab conformational ELISA kit, BIOLIKE 3 x 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT118-0003 bFGF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BFGF-1 bFGF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-BFGF-1 bFGF ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BFGF-CL-1 bFGF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-BFGF-1 bFGF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-BFGF-1 BID ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BID-1 BID ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-BID-1 Big Endothelin-1 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-022 Big Endothelin-1 (rat) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-3617 Big Endothelin-1 (rat), ELISA kit 96 wells Rat Enzo ADI-900-073 Big Endothelin-1 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5856 BIGH3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BIGH3-1 BIGH3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-BIGH3-1 Bile Acids (Stool) Assay 96 wells DRG COL-5851 BIRC4/IAP-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BCHE-1 Bison Anti-Anthrax Lethal Factor (LF) IgG ELISA kit, 1 kit Rabbit/ Alpha Diagnostic 900-126-LFG-ADI 96 tests Anthrax bacillus Bison Anti-Anthrax Protective Antigen 83 (PA83) IgG 1 kit Rabbit/ Alpha Diagnostic 900-125-83G-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests Anthrax bacillus Bison Anti-Edema Factor (EF) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Rabbit/ Alpha Diagnostic 900-127-EFG-ADI Anthrax bacillus Bisphenol A (BPA) ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic EE-210010-ADI BLAME ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BLAME-1 BLC ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BLC-1 BLC ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-BLC-1 BLC ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-BLC-1 Macaque BLC SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-BLC-1 BLC SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELHS-Resistin-1 BLC/BCA-1/CXCL13 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4766-100 BLMH ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BCL10-1 BLV (Bov. Leuk. Virus) p24/gp51 milk ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2496 BLV p24/gp51 (serum) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2495 BMP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BMP1-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 31 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. BMP-10 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BMP10-1 B BMP-15 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BMP15-1 BMP-2 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4744-100 BMP-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BMP2-1 BMP-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BMP3-1 BMP-4 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4745-100 BMP-4 (human) ELISA Kit (For Lysates) 100 assays Human BioVision K4746-100 BMP-4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BMP4-1 BMP-4 ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BMP4-CL-1 BMP-5 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4747-100 BMP-5 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BMP5-1 BMP-6 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4748-100 BMP-6 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BMP6-1 BMP-7 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4749-100 BMP-7 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BMP7-1 BMP-7 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-BMP7-1 BMP-8 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BMP8-1 BMP-9 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BMP9-1 BMP-9 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-BMP9-1 BMP-9 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-BMP9-1 Macaque BMPR-IA ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BMPR1A-1 BMPR-II ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BMPR2-1 BNP EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-BNP-1 BNP EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-BNP-1 BNP EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-BNP-1 BNP ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BNP-1 BOC ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BCL2-1 Bone Morphogenic Protein 7 (BMP-7) ELISA Kit, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 100-190-B7H-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Bora ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-bGLUC-1 Bordetella pertussis IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3449 Bordetella pertussis IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3450 Bordetella pertussis IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3451 Borrelia 14kDa + OspC IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4288 Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme) IgG/IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2809 Borrelia burgdorferi Canine Ab Elisa 96 wells DRG EIA-4794 Borrelia burgdorferi IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4486 Borrelia burgdorferi IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4485 Borrelia IgG + VIsE ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4289 Borrelia IgG Line Immunoassay 20 tests DRG EIA-5300 Borrelia IgM Line Immunoassay 20 tests DRG EIA-5301 Bovine fetuin Igs ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 800-180-BFM-ADI Bovine fetuin Igs ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 800-170-BFR-ADI Bovine Leukemia Virus p24 (blocking) ELISA 96 wells Bovine DRG EIA-3159 Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 1 kit Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 710-120-BSC-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 1 kit Goat Alpha Diagnostic 710-100-BSG-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 710-140-BSM-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 710-130-BSM-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 710-110-BSR-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 32 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Bovine Type II Collagen Precoated EIA Strip Plate 1 ea Cayman Chemicals 400405.1-CAY BPI ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3598 B Bradykinin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5665 Bradykinin ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-206 C Brain proteins (total) ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 800-190-MBN-ADI Brevican ELISA Kit 1x96-well strip microplate Human RayBiotech ELH-BCAN-1 kit Brorin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BGN-1 Brucella Ab (Bovine) ELISA 96 wells Bovine DRG EIA-2497 Brucella Ab (Bovine) ELISA 480 wells Bovine DRG EIA-5487 Brucella IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3271 Brucella IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3455 Brucella IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3456 BSSP 4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-BSSP4-1 BTC ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BTC-1 BTC ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-BTC-1 C1q Igs ELISA kit, 96 tests, Qualitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5020-ADI C1q Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2099 C1q R1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-C1QR1-1 C1q R1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PDPN-1 C1qTNF4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BIRC4-1 C1qTNF5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BLMH-1 C1qTNF9 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BLVRB-1 C1S ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BOC-1 C2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BORA-1 C3 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 6270-ADI C3 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 6230-ADI C3a ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-BRN-1 C3a Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2089 C4.4A/LYPD3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-C1QTNF1-1 C4c ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-C1QTNF4-1 C5a ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CCC5A-1 C5a ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CCC5A-1 C5a micro ELISA 192 wells DRG EIA-3327 C5a Platinum ELISA Kit 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2088 C5a SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-CC5a-1 C5a SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PKCa-1 C5a SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELHS-SERPING1-1 CA 125 IRMA 96 tests DRG RIA-4438 CA 15-3 IRMA J-125 96 tests DRG RIA-4426 CA 19-9 IRMA 96 tests DRG RIA-5046 CA 242 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2082 CA 72-4 CLA 96 wells DRG CLA-4730 CA1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-C1QTNF5-1 CA12 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-C1QTNF9-1 CA-125 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CA125-1 CA14 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-C1R-1 CA15-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CA15-3-1 CA15-3 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PDX-1 CA19-9 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7427-100 CA19-9 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CA19-9-1 CA2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-C1S-1 CA242 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CA242-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 33 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. CA3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-C2-1 CA4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-C3a-1 CA50 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CA50-1 C CA5B ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-C44A-1 CA6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-C4c-1 CA72-4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CA724-1 CA8 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CA1-1 CA9 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CA9-1 CA9 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PEAR1-1 Cadherin-11 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CDH11-1 Cadherin-13 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CDH13-1 Cadherin-4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CDH4-1 Cadherin-6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD47-1 Cag A IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5491 Cag A IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5492 Calbindin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CALBINDIN-1 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3648 Calcitonin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CALCA-1 Calcitonin IRMA 96 tests DRG RIA-3643 Calcitonin ultrasensitive ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1552 Calprotectin (MRP 8/14) Stool (1h) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5415 Calprotectin (MRP8/14) Urine ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5763 Calprotectin (Serum) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5111 Calreticulin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CA12-1 Calreticulin-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CA13-1 Calsyntenin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CHST1-1 Calsyntenin-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CHST2-1 cAMP (direct) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3065 cAMP (regular) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3062 cAMP Complete ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-163 The cAMP complete ELISA kit is a colorimetric Alternative Name Cyclic AMP competitive immunoassay for the quantitative deter- Sensitivity 0.30 pmol/ml (non-acetylated) mination of extracellular cAMP diluted in buffer or 0.039 pmol/ml (acetylated) intracellular cAMP in cells or tissues lysed in 0.1M Detection Range 0.78 – 200 pmol/ml (non-acetylated) HCl. Compared to competitors, this kits offers the 0.078 – 20 pmol/ml (acetylated) highest sensitivity thanks to its large signal-to-back- Sample Type Cell lysates, culture supernatants, serum, saliva and ground ratio. Its sensitivity can be increased 10-fold tissue by acetylation (reagents included). Widely cited in the Species Detected Species-independent literature, this simple and efficient kit lets you easily Size 96-well Microplate, strips assess adenylyl cyclase activation by GPCRs with Design Principle Competitive assay reliable and consistent lot-to-lot performance. Assay Time 3 hours Detection Method Kit/Set Colorimetric Scientific background Contains Pre-coated microtiter plate, Conjugate, Antibody, 0.1M Cyclic AMP (cAMP) is one of the most important “sec- HCl, Assay buffer 2, Neutralizing reagent, Wash buffer ond messengers” involved as a modulator of physio- concentrate, Standard, pNpp Substrate, Stop solution, logical processes. A number of hormones are known Triethylamine, Acetic anhydride to activate cAMP through the action of the enzyme Ad- enylate cyclase which converts ATP to cAMP. cAMP has been shown to be involved in the cardiovascular and nervous systems, immune mechanisms, cell growth and differentiation, and general metabolism. cAMP EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit RayBiotech EIA-CAMP-1 cAMP ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-067 cAMP HTS Immunoassay kit 1 pcs. Milipore 17-418-UC c-ANCA (PR 3) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3596 Cancer Antigen 125 (CA-125) (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4803-100 Cancer Antigen 15-3 (CA15-3) (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4804-100 Candida albicans IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3457 Candida albicans IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3458

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 34 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Candida albicans IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3459 CANT1/SCAN-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CA14-1 Carbonylprotein ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5141 Carboxylesterase 1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD5L-1 C Carboxylesterase 2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD69-1 Carboxypeptidase A2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CLSYNTN2-1 Carboxypeptidase B2/CPB2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CA5A-1 Carboxypeptidase M ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CMG2-1 Carboxypeptidase A1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CA2-1 Carboxypeptidase B1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CA3-1 Carboxypeptidase E ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CA4-1 (CEA) (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4805-100 Cardiac Troponin I (cTnl) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CTNI-1 Cardiac Troponin-I (Tn-I) ELISA Kit 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 600-410-CTN-ADI Cardiac Troponin-T (TNN2) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 600-415-TN2-ADI quantitative Cardiolipin IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3588 Cardiolipin IgA ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-185-CLA-ADI Cardiolipin IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-170-CLG-ADI Cardiolipin IgG/IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3587 Cardiolipin IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-175-CLM-ADI Cardiolipin Igs (A+G+M) ELISA kit, 96 Tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5510-ADI Quantitative Cardiolipin Igs (A+G+M) ELISA kit, 96 Tests, 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 5520-ADI Quantitative Cardiolipin Screen ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3589 Carica papaya Papain ELISA kit (for measuring 1 kit Carica Alpha Diagnostic 800-160-CPP-ADI papain residue/contaminant in therapeutics), 96 tests papaya Carnosine Dipeptidase-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CHST4-1 CART EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-CART-1 CART EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-CART-1 CART EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-CART-1 Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5265 Caspase-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CA5B-1 Caspase-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CA6-1 Caspase-3 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS2012INST Caspase-7 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CA8-1 Caspase-8 (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4863 Caspase-8 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CALR-1 Caspase-8 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2024 Caspase-9 (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4860 Caspase-9 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2025 Caspr2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CALR2-1 Cat Combi ELISA 2 x 96 wells DRG EIA-4309 Cat Combi Research Elisa 2 x 96 wells DRG EIA-4892 Cat Combi RIA 2x100 tests DRG RIA-4310 CatCombi ELISA 2 x 96 wells DRG EIA-3175 CatCombi RIA 2 x 50 tests DRG RIA-1303 Catestatin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-CAT-1 Catestatin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-CAT-1 Catestatin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-CAT-1 Cathepsin A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CATHEPSI- NA-1 Cathepsin B (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7408-100 Cathepsin B (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays mouse BioVision K7407-100

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 35 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Cathepsin C ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CANT1-1 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7409-100 Cathepsin D (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays mouse BioVision K7410-100 C Cathepsin D ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CARBA1-1 Cathepsin E ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CATHEPSINE-1 Cathepsin G ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3600 Cathepsin H ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CARBB1-1 Cathepsin L ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CATHEPSINL-1 Cathepsin L Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS257 Cathepsin S (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7277-100 Cathepsin S ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CATHEPSINS-1 Cathepsin S ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-CATHEPSINS-1 Macaque Cathepsin S SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PILRA-1 Cathepsin V ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CARBE-1 Cathepsin Z ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CATHEPSINZ-1 CAV (Canine Adenovirus) Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2480 Caveolin-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CARBXB2-1 CBG (CT) RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-3671 CCK EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-CCK-1 CCK EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-CCK-1 CCK EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-CCK-1 CCL2 (MCP-1) ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Human eBioscience 88-7399-22 CCL2 (MCP-1) ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7391-22 CCL2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-CCL2-1 CCL2/MCP-1 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7338-100 CCL20 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-CCL20-1 CCL21/SLC Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-58214-22 CCL28 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CCL28-1 CCL28 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CCL28-1 CCL3 (MIP-1 alpha) ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-7035-22 CCL3L1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-CCL3L1-1 CCL4 (MIP-1 beta) ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-7034-22 CCL4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-CCL4-1 CCL6 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CCL6-1 CCL7 (MCP-3) Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2125 CCL7 (MCP-3) Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-50700-22 CCL8 (MCP-2) Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-52169-22 CCP ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5653 CCP2 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5134 CCV (Canine Corona Virus) IgG Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2482 CCV (Canine Corona Virus) IgM Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2483 CD109 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CASP2-1 CD14 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD14-1 CD14 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-CD14-1 Macaque CD14 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PLA2G2A-1 CD14, soluble (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ALX-850-302-KI01 CD14, soluble (mouse) ELISA kit 96 wells Mouse Enzo ALX-850-303-KI01 CD147 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD147-1 CD155 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD155-1 CD163 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD163-1 CD177 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CASP3-1 CD2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CASP8-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 36 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. CD200 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD200-1 CD200 R1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CASP7-1 CD21 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CASPR2-1 CD229 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD229-1 C CD23 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD23-1 CD23 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PLA2G4A-1 CD258 (LIGHT) ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-7258-22 CD26 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD26-1 CD26 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PLGF2-1 CD27 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CD27-1 CD27 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-CD27-1 CD27 L ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CD27L-1 CD27 Ligand ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CathepsinC-1 CD276 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-50370-22 CD28 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD28-1 CD286 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CathepsinD-1 CD30 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD30-1 CD30 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CD30-1 CD30 L ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CD30L-1 CD30 Ligand ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD177-1 CD300a ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CathepsinH-1 CD300a SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PLGR-1 CD300c ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CathepsinV-1 CD300e ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CAV2-1 CD300f ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD109-1 CD314 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD200R1-1 CD320 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD2-1 CD32a ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CD32A-1 CD34 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD21-1 CD35 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD27L-1 CD36 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CD36-1 CD36 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD286-1 CD38 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD300A-1 CD39L2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD300C-1 CD39L3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD300E-1 CD39L4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD300F-1 CD4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD30L-1 CD40 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K3072-100 CD40 (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K3073-100 CD40 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD40-1 CD40 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CD40-1 CD40 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-CD40-1 CD40 L ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CD40L-1 CD40 Ligand ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-CD40L-1 CD40, soluble (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ALX-850-262-KI01 CD40L (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4783-100 CD40L ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD40L-1 CD40L, soluble (human) ELISA kit (high sensitivity) 96 wells Human Enzo ALX-850-311-KI01 CD42b ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD314-1 CD46 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD320-1 CD47 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD34-1 CD48 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD48-1 CD48 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CD48-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 37 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. CD48 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-CD48-1 CD5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD35-1 CD51/Integrin alpha-V ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD36-1 C CD55 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD38-1 CD58 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD58-1 CD59 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD59-1 CD59 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PLUNC-1 CD5L ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD39L2-1 CD6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD6-1 CD6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CD6-1 CD7 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD39L3-1 CD79alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD79A-1 CD79B ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD39L4-1 CD80 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD80-1 CD80 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CD80-1 CD80 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-CD80-1 CD83 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD4-1 CD84 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD84-1 CD86 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD86-1 CD86 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-CD86-1 CD97 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD97-1 CD99 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD99-1 CD99-L2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD42B-1 CDC25B ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD46-1 CDO ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD5-1 CDV (Canine Distemper Vir.) IgG Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2478 CDV (Canine Distemper Virus) IgM Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2479 CEA ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CEA-1 CEA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1868 CEA IRMA 96 tests DRG RIA-4384 CEACAM-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CEACAM1-1 CEACAM-1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PLXB2-1 CEACAM-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD51-1 CEACAM-5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CEACAM5-1 Centromere B ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3569 Cerberus 1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD55-1 Cerebellin-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CMYC-1 Cervid (Deer, Elk, Moose) Serum Antibody detection 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 80120-ADI ELISA kit, Qualitative Cetuximab conformational ELISA kit, BIOLIKE 3 x 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT120-0003 CFB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD7-1 CFHR1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD74-1 CFHR5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CFHR5-1 cGMP (direct) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3069 cGMP Complete ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-164 cGMP ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3067 cGMP ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-013 CGRP (human) EIA kit 96 wells Human Bertin A05481.96 CGRP (rat) EIA kit 96 wells Rat Bertin A05482.96 CH 50 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3989 Chagas (Trypanosoma cruzi) IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5813 Chagas Ab Strip Rapid Test 50 strips DRG RAP-5400 Chemerin (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ALX-850-379-KI01

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 38 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Chemerin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CHEMERIN-1 Chemerin ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHCMRN-57K-UC Chemerin ELISA Microtiter Plate 1 pcs. Human Milipore EP57-UC Chemerin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CHEMERIN-1 C CHI3L1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CHI3L1-1 CHI3L1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PLXNA4-1 CHI3L2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD79B-1 Chicken Egg Ovalbumin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 6010-ADI Quantitative Chicken Egg Ovalbumin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 6050-ADI Quantitative Chikungunya IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5102 Chikungunya IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5103 Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell (CHO) host cell Proteins 1 pk CHO Cells Alpha Diagnostic 800-140-CHO-20- (HCPs) ELISA kit, 20x 96 tests ADI Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell (CHO) host cell Proteins 1 kit CHO Cells Alpha Diagnostic 800-140-CHO-5-ADI (HCPs) ELISA kit, 5x96 tests Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell (CHO) host cell Proteins 1 kit CHO Cells Alpha Diagnostic 800-140-CHO-ADI (HCPs) ELISA kit, 96 tests CHIP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD83-1 Chitotriosidase ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CD99L2-1 CHL-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CHL1-1 Chlamydia (psittaci/trachom.) Ab Feline ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2474 Chlamydia Ab (Psittaci/Trachomatis) 96 wells Avian DRG EIA-5488 Chlamydia Antigen ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3460 Chlamydia pneumoniae IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4160 Chlamydia pneumoniae IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3912 Chlamydia pneumoniae IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3913 Chlamydia trachomatis IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3461 Chlamydia trachomatis IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3462 Chlamydia trachomatis IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3463 Chloramphenicol ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100040-ADI CHMP2B ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CDC25B-1 CHO host cell protein ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT128-0001 Cholecystokinin (CCK) RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4118 Cholera Virus or classical swine flu virus( CSFV) 1 kit Pig/Por- Alpha Diagnostic AE-200140-2-ADI Antibody ELISA kit, 2x96 tests cine/Swine Chordin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CHORDIN-1 Chordin-Like-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CDH17-1 Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7424-100 Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0400-ADI Quantitative Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG-free beta) ELISA Kit, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0410-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4937 Chromogranin A RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4562 CHST1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CDH6-1 CHST2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CDNF-1 CHST3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CDO-1 CHST4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CEACAM3-1 CHV (Canine Herpes Virus) Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2481 cIAP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CER1-1 cIAP2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CIAP2-1 cIAP-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CIAP2-1 cIAP-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-CIAP2-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 39 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. CIC C1q ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3169 CIC C3d ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3170 CILP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CES1-1 C CINC-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-CINC1-1 CINC-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-CINC2-1 CINC-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-CINC3-1 Circovirus (PCV) ELISA kit, 2x96 tests 1 kit Pig/Por- Alpha Diagnostic AE-200150-2-ADI cine/Swine Circulating Immune Complexes (CIC) Igs (total 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 5950-ADI (A+G+M) ELISA kit, 96 Tests, Qualitative Circulating Immune Complexes (CIC)Igs (total 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5900-ADI (A+G+M) ELISA kit, 96 Tests, Qualitative Circulating Immune complexes CIC (Anti-C1q IgG) 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 2950-ADI ELISA Kit, 96 tests Circulating Immune complexes CIC ELISA Kit, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 2960-ADI 96 tests Circulating Immune complexes CIC ELISA Kit, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 2970-ADI 96 tests Circumsporozoite protein (CSP, P falciparum/RTS,S 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 970-300-MMG-ADI vaccine) IgG ELISA kit ELISA kit, 96 Circumsporozoite protein (CSP, P falciparum/RTS,S 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 970-400-CHG-ADI vaccine) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests Circumsporozoite protein (CSP, P falciparum/RTS,S 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 970-200-CSR-ADI vaccine) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests Circumsporozoite protein (CSP, P falciparum/RTS,S 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 970-310-MMM-ADI vaccine) IgM ELISA kit ELISA kit Circumsporozoite protein (CSP, P falciparum/RTS,S 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 970-410-CHM-ADI vaccine) IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests Circumsporozoite protein (CSP, P falciparum/RTS,S 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 970-210-CSM-ADI vaccine) IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests Citrullinated Protein Ab (ACPA) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4848 c-Jun (Total) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86161-11 c-Jun (Total/Phospho) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86163-11 c-Jun/AP1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CES2-1 Ckbeta8 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CKB8-1 CKMB ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CKMB-1 CK-MB ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4361 Clara Cell Protein (Human) Elisa 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5788 CLC ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CFB-1 Cleaved-Caspase-3 (D175) and Caspase-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PTE-CASP3- D175-T-1 Cleaved-Caspase-3 (D175) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PTE-CASP3-D175-1 Mouse Cleaved-PARP (D214/G215) and PARP ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PTE-PARP-D214-T-1 Cleaved-PARP (D214/G215) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PTE-PARP-D214-1 CLEC-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CHI3L2-1 CLEC10A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CFHR1-1 CLEC14A/EGFR-5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CHIP-1 CLEC-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CHIT1-1 CLEC3B ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CHMP2B-1 CLEC9A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CHRDL1-1 Clenbuterol ELISA kit, 96 tests (For Urine, Serum, 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100010-ADI Feed, Meat, Liver) Clostridium difficile Toxin A+B Ag ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4448 Clusterin beta EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-CLUb-1 Clusterin beta EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-CLUb-1 Clusterin beta EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-CLUb-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 40 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Clusterin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CLUSTERIN-1 Clusterin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-CLUSTERIN-1 Clusterin ELISA kit 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 610-100-MCL-ADI Clusterin ELISA kit 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 610-110-RCL-ADI C Clusterin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CLUSTERIN-1 Clusterin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-CLUSTERIN-1 Macaque Clusterin SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELRS-Clusterin-1 Clusterin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PNMT-1 Clusterin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELH-TGM4-1 CMG-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CHST3-1 CMV IgG (qualitative) 96 wells DRG EIA-5153 CMV IgG Avidity ELISA 48 wells DRG EIA-5687 CMV IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3468 CMV IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3469 CNTF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CNTF-1 CNTF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-CNTF-1 CNTF R alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-CNTFRA-1 CNTF R alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CIAP1-1 CNTF R alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELH-TAZ-1 Coagulation Factor II ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CLEC1-1 Coagulation Factor III ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-COAGFIII-1 Coagulation Factor III ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-COAGFIII-1 Coagulation Factor VII ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-COAGFVII-1 Coagulation Factor XI ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-COAGFXI-1 Coagulation Factor XIV ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-COAGFXIV-1 Cobra (Naja Naja) Antibody ELISA Kits, 96 tests, 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic 570-100-CHG-ADI Quantitative Cochlin/COCH-5B2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CLEC14A-1 COCO ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-COCO-1 Collagen alpha-1 chain ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CLEC2-1 Collectin-12 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CLEC3B-1 Common (Cobra, Crait, Russels and Saw scaled 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic 570-140-XHG-ADI vipers) Antibody ELISA Kits, 96 tests Common beta Chain ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CSF2RB-1 Complement C3a des Arg (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-3641 Complement C3a des Arg (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-058 Complement C4a des Arg (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-3642 Complement C4a des Arg (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-059 Complement Factor H ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CFH-1 Complement MASP3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CMASP3-1 COMT ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CLEC9A-1 Conserved mAb sequence conformational, BIOLIKE 3 x 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT123-0003 Contactin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CNTN1-1 Contactin-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CILP1-1 Contactin-3/BIG-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-cJun-1 Contactin-4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CLC-1 Contactin-5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CLEC10A-1 Cortactin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CLSTN1-1 Corticosterone (Rat, Mouse) 100 tests Rat/Mouse DRG RIA-0210 Corticosterone ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4164 Corticosterone ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 500655.96s-CAY Corticosterone ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 500655.96-CAY

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 41 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Corticosterone ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-097 The corticosterone ELISA kit a colorimetric competi- Alternative Name Corticosterone tive enzyme immunoassay kit with results in 3 hours. Sensitivity 27 pg/ml This kit has low cross-reactivity with related steroids. Detection Range 32 pg/ml – 20,000 pg/ml C The broad dynamic range makes this kit ideal for a Sample Type Culture supernatants, feces, plasma, serum and saliva. variety of sample matrices from any species. Widely Cited samples include cell lysates, urine and whole cited in the literature, this kit is routinely used to moni- blood. tor stress levels in zoo animals. Species Detected Species-independent Size 96-well Microplate, strips Scientific background Design Principle Competitive assay Corticosterone is a glucocorticoid secreted by the cor- Assay Time 3 hours tex of the adrenal gland. Corticosterone is produced Detection Method Colorimetric in response to the stimulation of the adrenal cortex by Kit/Set Contains Pre-coated microtiter plate, Assay buffer 15 concentrate, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and is the pre- Steroid displacement reagent, Conjugate, Antibody, cursor of aldosterone. Corticosterone production has Wash buffer concentrate, Standard, pNpp Substrate, been shown to increase with stress, with elevated cor- Stop solution ticosterone levels being associated with impairment of long term memory retrieval and following burn injury. In addition to stress levels, corticosterone is believed to play a decisive role in sleep-wake patterns. Cortisol (CT) RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-0189 Cortisol (human/mouse/rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human/ BioVision K7430-100 Mouse/ Rat Cortisol (saliva) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3500-ADI Cortisol (Saliva) Human ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7434-100 Cortisol CLIA 96 wells DRG CLA-4666 Cortisol ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1887 Cortisol ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 500360.96s-CAY Cortisol ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 500360.96-CAY Cortisol ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-071 Cortisol ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1850-ADI Cortisol Express ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 500370.96s-CAY Cortisol Express ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 500370.96-CAY Cortisol RIA 96 tubes DRG RIA-5541

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 42 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Cortisol Salivary HS ELISA 96 wells DRG SLV-4635 This assay offers a straight forward and easy assay Alternative Name Hydrocortisone, Hydroxycorticosterone procedure and is very user friendly (ready to use re- Sensitivity 0.09 ng/mL agents, no shaker or incubator required). It has a high Detection Range 0.09 – 30 ng/mL sensitivity and high specificity. Very good correlation to Sample Type Saliva C LC-MS. Controls are included in the kit. Species Detected Human Size 96-well Microplate, breakable strips Scientific background Design Principle Competitive immunoassay The hormone Cortisol is vital for several functions of Assay Time 1.5 hours the human body. A strong correlation exists between Detection Method Colorimetric stress related conditions and Cortisol levels. Kit/Set Contains Microtiter plate, Standard, Controls, Enzyme Conjugate, Cortisol is a steroid hormone made in the adrenal Wash buffer concentrate, Substrate Solution, glands. Among its important functions in the body Stop solution include roles in the regulation of blood pressure and cardiovascular function as well as regulation of the body’s use of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Cortisol secretion increases in response to any stress in the body, whether physical (such as illness, trauma, surgery, or temperature extremes) or psychological. When cortisol is secreted, it causes a breakdown of muscle protein, leading to release of amino acids into the bloodstream. These amino acids are then used by the liver to synthesize glucose for energy, in a process called gluconeogenesis. This process raises the blood sugar level so the brain will have more glucose for energy. Cortisol also leads to the release of so-called fatty acids, an energy source from fat cells, for use by the muscles. Saliva is an excellent medium to measure steroids be- cause it is a natural ultra-filtrate of blood, and steroids not bound by carrier proteins in the blood freely diffuse into saliva. Only about 1-10% of the steroids in blood are in the unbound or free form, and it is this fraction that diffuses into target tissues of the body, and into saliva. Cortisol, Salivary ELISA 96 wells DRG SLV-2930 Cortisol, Urinary ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2989 Cotinine (Urine) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1377 Cotinine direct (Serum/Urine) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5496 Cotinine direct (Serum/Urine) ELISA 480 wells DRG EIA-5497 Cotinine ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3242 COX-2 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-094 COX-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-COX2-1 Coxiella burnetti (Q-Fever) Phase 1 IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5188 Coxiella burnetti (Q-Fever) Phase 2 IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5189 Coxiella burnetti (Q-Fever) Phase 2 IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5187 COX-II (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5158 Coxsackie B Virus IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5493 Coxsackie B Virus IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5175 C-Peptid(e) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1293 C-Peptide (Canine) J-125 (DA) 125 tests DRG RIA-2953 C-Peptide (Human) J-125 (DA) 250 tests Human DRG RIA-1252 C-Peptide (human/mouse/rat) EIA Kit 100 assays Human/ BioVision K4757-100 Mouse/ Rat C-Peptide (Rat) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-4767 C-Peptide (U-type)(mouse) ELISA kit 96 wells Mouse Bertin AKRCP-031.96 C-Peptide (U-type)(rat) ELISA kit 96 wells Rat Bertin AKRCP-030.96 C-Peptide 2 ELISA 1 pcs. Rat/Mouse Milipore EZRMCP2-21K-UC C-Peptide EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-CPE-1 C-Peptide EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-CPE-1 C-Peptide EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-CPE-1 C-Peptide ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHCP-20K-UC

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 43 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. C-peptide ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0040-ADI C-Peptide ELISA Microtiter Strip Plate 1 pcs. Human Milipore EP20-UC C-Peptide ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CPE-1 C C-Peptide IRMA 100 tubes DRG RIA-5161 C-Peptide RIA 96 tests DRG RIA-4383 C-Peptide RIA 250 Tube Kit <3uCi I-125 1 pcs. Human Milipore HCP-20K-UC CPV (Canine Parvo Virus) Ag feces ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2477 CPV (Canine Parvo Virus) IgG Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2475 CPV (Canine Parvo Virus) IgM Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2476 C-REACT PROT (HU) ELISA 96 wells Milipore CYT298-UC C-REACT PROT (RT) ELISA 96 wells Milipore CYT294-UC C-Reactive Protein (CRP) ELISA Kit 96 tests Human eBioscience 88-7502-28 C-Reactive Protein (CRP) ELISA Kit 96 tests Rat eBioscience 88-7501-28 C-Reactive Protein (CRP) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Dog Alpha Diagnostic 1020-ADI Quantitative C-Reactive Protein (CRP) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1000-ADI Quantitative C-Reactive Protein (CRP) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 1050-ADI Quantitative C-Reactive Protein (CRP) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit mouse Alpha Diagnostic 1040-ADI Quantitative C-Reactive Protein (CRP) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 1030-ADI Quantitative C-Reactive Protein (CRP) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 1010-ADI Quantitative C-reactive Protein Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS288INST CREB (Total) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86151-11 CREB (Total/Phospho) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86153-11 CREG ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CNDP1-1 CRELD2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CNTFRA-1 CRF21 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CNTN2-1 CRG-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CRG2-1 CRHBP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CNTN3-1 CRIM1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CNTN4-1 Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) IgG 1 kit Bovine Alpha Diagnostic AE-320450-1-ADI ELISA Kit, 96 tests Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) IgG 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic AE-320420-1-ADI ELISA Kit, 96 tests Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) IgG 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic AE-320400-1-ADI ELISA Kit, 96 tests Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) IgG 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic AE-320440-1-ADI ELISA Kit, 96 tests Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic AE-320430-1-ADI IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic AE-320410-1-ADI IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests Cripto-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CRIPTO1-1 CRISP-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CNTN5-1 CrkL ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CoagFII-1 CRM197 (Diphtheria Toxin mutant) IgG ELISA kit, 96 1 kit Human/C. Alpha Diagnostic 940-200-DHG-ADI tests, Quantitative diphteriae CRM197 (Diphtheria Toxin mutant) IgG ELISA kit, 96 1 kit Mouse/C. Alpha Diagnostic 940-220-DMG-ADI tests, Quantitative diphteriae CRM197 (Diphtheria Toxin mutant) IgG ELISA kit, 96 1 kit Rabbit/C. Alpha Diagnostic 940-230-DRG-ADI tests, Quantitative diphteriae CRM197 (Diphtheria Toxin mutant) IgM ELISA kit, 96 1 kit Human/C. Alpha Diagnostic 940-210-DHM-ADI tests, Quantitative diphteriae

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 44 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. CRM197 (Diphtheria Toxin mutant) IgM ELISA kit, 96 1 kit Mouse/C. Alpha Diagnostic 940-225-DMM-ADI tests, Quantitative diphteriae CRM197 (Diphtheria Toxin mutant) IgM ELISA kit, 96 1 kit Rabbit/C. Alpha Diagnostic 940-235-DRM-ADI tests, Quantitative diphteriae C Crossveinless-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-COMT-1 CRP (canine) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4694 CRP (C-Reactive Protein) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1952 CRP (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ENZ-KIT102-0001 CRP (mouse) Elisa 96 wells Mouse DRG EIA-4823 CRP (porcine) ELISA 96 wells Pig DRG EIA-5192 CRP (rat) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-4695 CRP (rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4764-100 CRP ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CRP-1 CRP ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-CRP-1 CRP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CRP-1 CRP HS ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3954 CRP Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS288INSTCE CRP SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-CRP-1 CRP SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELRS-CRP-1 CRP SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELHS-SHBG-1 CRP SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELH-TGM7-1 CRTAC1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CoagFX-1 CRTAM ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CRTAM-1 Cryptic ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-COCH-1 Cryptosporidium Antigen (stool) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3467 CSH1/Choriomammotropin/Placental lactogen ELISA, 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-COL1A1-1 custom CT-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CT1-1 CT-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CT1-1 CTACK ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CTACK-1 CTACK ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CTACK-1 CTACK ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-CTACK-1 CTACK ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-CTACK-1 Macaque CTGF ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5195 CTLA-4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CTLA4-1 CTRC/Chymotrypsin-C/Caldecrin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-COLEC12-1 CTRP5 EIA Kit 100 assays Human RayBiotech 68EIA-CTRP5 Cu/ZnSOD Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS222MST Cu/ZnSOD Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS222 Cu/ZnSOD Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS222CE Cu/Zn-Superoxide Dismutase ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ALX-850-033-KI01 CXADR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CORTCN-1 CXCL1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-CXCL1-1 CXCL1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-CXCL1-1 CXCL12/SDF-1 alpha (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4387-100 CXCL14 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CXCL14-1 CXCL14 ELISA, custom Human RayBiotech ELH-CXCL14-001 CXCL15 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CXCL15-1 CXCL16 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CXCL16-1 CXCL16 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CXCL16-1 CXCL16 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-CXCL16-1 CXCL16 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PNP-1 CXCL16 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELHS-Siglec5-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 45 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. CXCL17 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CXCL17-1 CXCL9 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-CXCL9-1 cyclic AMP (cAMP) RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-5517 C Cyclic AMP EIA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 581001.96s-CAY Cyclic AMP EIA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 581001.96-CAY Cyclic AMP ELISA Kit (without Acetic Anhydride) 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 581002.96s-CAY Cyclic AMP ELISA Kit (without Acetic Anhydride) 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 581002.96-CAY Cyclic AMP RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4750 Cyclic AMP Select ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 501040.96s-CAY Cyclic AMP Select ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 501040.96-CAY Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide (CCP) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 680-400-CCG-ADI tests, Quantitative Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide (CCP) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 680-420-CCG-ADI tests, Quantitative Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide (CCP) IgM ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 680-410-CCM-ADI tests, Quantitative Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide (CCP) IgM ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 680-430-CCM-ADI tests, Quantitative Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide (CCP)IgG ELISA kit, 96 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-340-CCG-ADI tests, Quantitative Cyclic GMP EIA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 581021.96s-CAY Cyclic GMP EIA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 581021.96-CAY Cyclic GMP ELISA Kit (without Acetic Anhydride) 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 581022.96s-CAY Cyclic GMP ELISA Kit (without Acetic Anhydride) 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 581022.96-CAY Cyclin E1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CPA2-1 Cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 100-200-CX2-ADI Quantitative Cyclophilin B/SCYLP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CPM-1 Cyclosporine direct RIA 100 tubes DRG RIA-5093 CYFRA 21-1 CLIA 96 wells DRG CLA-4731 Cyr 61 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5108 Cystatin A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CYSTATINA-1 Cystatin B ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CYSTATINB-1 Cystatin C (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4394 Cystatin C ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CYSTATINC-1 Cystatin C ELISA 96-well strip plate kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CYSTAT- INC-001 Cystatin C ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-CYSTATINC-1 Cystatin C ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-CYSTATINC-1 Cystatin C ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-CYSTATINC-1 Cystatin C SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-CystatinC-1 Cystatin C SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PODCXN-1 Cystatin C SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELHS-spg130-1 Cystatin D ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CREG-1 Cystatin E/M ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CYSTATINEM-1 Cystatin SA/Cystatin 2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CRELD2-1 Cystatin S ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CRBLN2-1 Cysteinyl Leukotriene ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3615 Cysteinyl Leukotriene ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 500390.96s-CAY Cysteinyl Leukotriene ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 500390.96-CAY Cysteinyl Leukotriene ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-070 Cysteinyl Leukotriene Express ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 10009291.96s-CAY Cysteinyl Leukotriene Express ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 10009291.96-CAY Cytochrome c (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-141 Cytochrome C Elisa 96 wells DRG EIA-4490

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 46 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Cytochrome c Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS263MST Cytochrome c Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS263 Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) Human ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7876-100 Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) Human ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7875-100 C Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) Rat ELISA Kit 100 assays Rat BioVision K7870-100 Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) Human ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7570-100 D Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) Mouse ELISA Kit 100 assays Mouse BioVision K7571-100 Cytochrome P450 Reductase (CPR) Human ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7871-100 Cytochrome P450 Reductase (CPR) Rat ELISA Kit 100 assays Rat BioVision K7872-100 18 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CRF21-1 Cytokeratin 19 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CYT19-1 Cytokeratin 20 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CYT20-1 Cytokeratin 8 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HOIP-1 DAB2/DOC-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CRHBP-1 DAN ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DAN-1 DAN ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-DAN-1 DAO (Diaminooxidase) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5240 DAPK3/ZIPK ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CRIM1-1 DAPP1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CRISP2-1 DCBLD2/ESDN ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CRKL-1 DcR3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DCR3-1 DC-SIGN/CD209 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CRNDSN-1 DC-SIGNR/CD299 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CRTAC1-1 DDAH1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CRYPTIC-1 D-Dimer ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DDIMER-1 D-Dimer SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-POGLUT1-1 D-Dimer turbidimetric rapid test Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0330-DDM-ADI Quantitative DDR2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CTRC-1 Death Receptor 6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-DR6-1 Death Receptor 6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-DR6-1 Decorin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DECORIN-1 Decorin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-DECORIN-1 Decorin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Ovine RayBiotech ELO-Decorin-1 Decorin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-DECORIN-1 Decorin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-DECORIN-1 Decorin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-DECORIN-1 Decorin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Ovine RayBiotech ELHS-VEGFR3-1 Decorin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-DECORIN-1 Decorin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-DECORIN-1 Decorin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-DECORIN-1 Macaque Decorin SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-Decorin-1 Decorin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PON1-1 Decorin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-ST3GAL1-1 Dectin-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CV2-1 Dengue (1-4) IgM capture ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5245 Dengue virus IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3470 Dengue Virus IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse/ Alpha Diagnostic 540-120-DHG-ADI Dengue virus Dengue Virus IgG ELISA kits, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Dengue Alpha Diagnostic 540-100-DHG-ADI virus

47 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Dengue Virus IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse/ Alpha Diagnostic 540-130-DHM-ADI Dengue virus Dengue Virus IgM ELISA kits, 96 tests 1 kit Dengue Alpha Diagnostic 540-110-DHM-ADI virus Dengue-2 IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3471 D DEP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CXADR-1 Dermatopontin/TRAMP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CYCLNE1-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CYPA-1 Desmocollin-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DCSIGNR-1 Desmoglein-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DSG1-1 Desmoglein-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DSG2-1 Desmoglein-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DSG3-1 DFF45/ICAD ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CYPB-1 DGAT2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CYR61-1 DHEA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3415 DHEA ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-093 DHEA, Salivary ELISA 96 wells DRG SLV-3012 DHEA-S (CT) RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4181 DHEA-S (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7428-100 DHEA-S CLIA 96 wells DRG CLA-4652 DHEA-S ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1562 DHEA-S J-125 (DA) 100 tests DRG RIA-1536 DHEA-S SALIVA ELISA 96 wells DRG SLV-4409 DHEA-sulphate (DHEA-S) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1950-ADI Quantitative DHN-MA Lipid Peroxidation EIA kit 96 wells Bertin A05033.96 DHT-optimized ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5761 This assay offers a straight forward and easy assay Alternative Name 5α-Dihydrotestosterone procedure (no extraction or centrifugation). Easy to Sensitivity 6.0 pg/mL use colored-coded reagents improves the user friendly Detection Range 6.0 - 1500 pg/mL procedure. More accurate patient sample results: The Sample Type Serum, Plasma results with the DHT-optimized ELISA assay are much Species Detected Human closer to mass spectrometry. Size 96-well Microplate, breakable strips Design Principle Competitive immunoassay Scientific background Assay Time 75 min DHT is a potent androgenic sex hormone, synthesized Detection Method Kit/Set Colorimetric from testosterone by two 5α-reductase isoenzymes Contains Microtiter plate, Standard, Controls, Sample Diluent, En- mainly in the Leydig cells of the testes, but also in the zyme Conjugate concentrate, Conjugate Diluent, Wash adrenal gland, prostate and to a lower extend in the buffer concentrate, Substrate Solution, Stop solution ovaries. Together with testosterone, androstenedione and dihydroepiandrostenedione (DHEA), DHT belongs to the androgen family of steroid hormones that act by binding to intracellular androgen receptors (AR). DHT and Testosterone bind with similar high affinity to AR, but DHT is the more potent androgen because of more efficient AR cofactor stimulation. AR activation regulates prostate growth, bone and muscle mass, and spermatogenesis . Androgens circulate in the blood bound to proteins, especially sex hormone bind- ing globulin (SHBG) and albumin, but trace amounts of these steroids circulate in the unbound form and are referred to as the free hormone fractions. During embryogenesis, DHT plays an essential role in the formation of the male external genitalia, while in adults DHT acts as the primary androgen in the prostate and in hair follicles. It is responsible for the male second- ary sexual characteristics such as deepening of the vocal chords, male hair patterns and male sexual drive and function. Diamond-back Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox) Antibody 1 kit Sheep Alpha Diagnostic 570-200-DSG-ADI ELISA Kits, 96 tests, Quantitative Diazepam ELISA kit (For Tissue, Urine, Feed), 96 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100180-ADI tests

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 48 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Diethylstilbestrol (DES) ELISA kit (Fish, Shrimp, Liver, 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100190-ADI Meat, Feed, Urine), 96 tests Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1940-ADI Quantitative Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-2316 Dihydrotestosterone RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-5170 D Dinitrophenol (DNP) IgE ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mice Alpha Diagnostic 640-200-DGE-ADI Quantitative Dinitrophenol (DNP) IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 650-110-DGG-ADI Quantitative Dinitrophenol (DNP) IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mice Alpha Diagnostic 640-220-DGM-ADI Quantitative Dinitrophenol (DNP) Igs (G+A+M) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mice Alpha Diagnostic 640-210-DGG-ADI Quantitative Diphtheria Toxin/Toxoid IgG (Fab2) ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Horse/C. Alpha Diagnostic 940-150-HFA-ADI Quantitative diphteriae Diphtheria Toxin/Toxoid IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit G. pig/C. Alpha Diagnostic 940-140-DGG-ADI Quantitative diphteriae Diphtheria Toxin/Toxoid IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 940-100-DHG-ADI Quantitative Diphtheria Toxin/Toxoid IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Monkey/C. Alpha Diagnostic 940-240-DKG-ADI Quantitative diphteriae Diphtheria Toxin/Toxoid IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse/C. Alpha Diagnostic 940-120-DMG-ADI Quantitative diphteriae Diphtheria Toxin/Toxoid IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Rabbit/C. Alpha Diagnostic 940-130-DRG-ADI Quantitative diphteriae Diphtheria Toxin/Toxoid IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit G. pig/C. Alpha Diagnostic 940-145-DGM-ADI Quantitative diphteriae Diphtheria Toxin/Toxoid IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Monkey/C. Alpha Diagnostic 940-245-DKM-ADI Quantitative diphteriae Diphtheria Toxin/Toxoid IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse/C. Alpha Diagnostic 940-125-DMM-ADI Quantitative diphteriae Diphtheria Toxin/Toxoid IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Rabbit/C. Alpha Diagnostic 940-135-DRM-ADI Quantitative diphteriae Diphtheria Toxoid in Vaccines formulated in Alum, 50 1 kit Diphtheria Alpha Diagnostic VAC-DTX-50-ADI tests, Direct ELISA Diphtheria Toxoid/Toxin (DTX) ELISA for the measure- 1 kit Diphtheria Alpha Diagnostic VAC-DTX-210-ADI ment DTX in biological buffer Direct cAMP ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-066 Direct cGMP ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-014 Dkk-1 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-151 Dkk-1 (rat), ELISA kit 96 wells Rat Enzo ADI-900-171 Dkk-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DKK1-1 Dkk-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-DKK1-1 Dkk-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-DKK1-1 Dkk-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DKK3-1 DKK-3 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-POR-1 Dkk-4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DKK4-1 DLEC/CLEC4C/BDCA-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CYSS-1 DLL1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DLL1-1 DLL1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-DLL1-1 DLL1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELH-TCN2-1 DLL4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CystatinD-1 DLL4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-DLL4-1 DMP1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DMP1-1 DNA Methylation ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 589324.96s-CAY DNA Methylation ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 589324.96-CAY DNA/RNA Oxidative Damage ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 589320.96s-CAY

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 49 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. DNA/RNA Oxidative Damage ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 589320.96-CAY DNAM-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DNAM1-1 DNER ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CYT18-1 DNMT3A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DAB2-1 DNP IgE ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 650-100-DGE-ADI D DNP IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 650-120-DGM-ADI DNP-modified proteins in serum, cells or tissues 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic 650-300-DNP-ADI Dog meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat 1 kit Beef/Cow Alpha Diagnostic DMT-24-ADI 24 tests), 1-hour Dog meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat 1 kit Beef/Cow Alpha Diagnostic DMT-48-ADI 48 tests), 1-hour Dog meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat 1 kit Beef/Cow Alpha Diagnostic DMT-96-ADI 48 tests), 1-hour Dopa Decarboxylase ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CSH1-1 Dopamin Research Elisa 96 wells DRG EIA-4824 Dopamine ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4161 Dopamine ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4615 Dopamine RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4311 DPP IV (Mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays Mouse BioVision K4770-100 DPP IV/CD26 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4801-100 DPPA4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DAPP1-1 DPPA5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DBH-1 DPPII ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DAPK3-1 DPPIV ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-DPPIV-1 DR3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DR3-1 DR6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DR6-1 DRAK1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DCBLD2-1 Draxin/Neucrin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DCSIGN-1 DSCAM ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DDAH1-1 DSCAM-L1/DSCAM2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DDC-1 dsDNA IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3565 dsDNA IgA ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3110-ADI dsDNA IgA-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5120-A-ADI dsDNA IgE-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5120-E-ADI dsDNA IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3438 dsDNA IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3100-ADI dsDNA IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 670-100-DNM-ADI dsDNA IgG1-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5120-1-ADI dsDNA IgG2a-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5120-2A-ADI Quantitative dsDNA IgG2b-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5120-2B-ADI Quantitative dsDNA IgG3-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5120-3-ADI dsDNA IgG-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5120-ADI dsDNA IgG-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 650-130-DDN-ADI dsDNA IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3564 dsDNA IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3105-ADI dsDNA IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 670-105-DNM-ADI dsDNA IgM-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5130-ADI dsDNA Igs (Total A+G+M) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5110-ADI Quantitative dsDNA Screen ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3566 DSPG3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DDR1-1 Dtk ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-DTK-1 Dtk ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DTK-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 50 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Dtk ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-DTK-1 Dynactin subunit 1/DCTN1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CystatinSA-1 Dynactin subunit 2/DCTN2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-CystatinSN-1 DYRK3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DDR2-1 Dystroglycan ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DEC2-1 E Coli proteins (5 strains) host cell proteins (HCPs) 1 pk E. coli Alpha Diagnostic 800-130-ECP-20- D ELISA kit, 20x 96 tests ADI E Coli proteins (5 strains) host cell proteins (HCPs) 1 kit E. coli Alpha Diagnostic 800-130-ECP-5-ADI E ELISA kit, 5x96 tests E Coli proteins (5 strains) host cell proteins (HCPs) 1 kit E. coli Alpha Diagnostic 800-130-ECP-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests E. coli host cell protein ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT127-0001 E.coli 0 l 57 Antigen (Stool) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4229 E.coli proteins IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 500-110-ECP-ADI E.coli proteins IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 500-115-ECP-ADI E.coli proteins Igs ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 500-100-ECP-ADI E.coli proteins Igs ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 500-120-ECP-ADI E.coli Verotoxin 1+2 Ag ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4452 E.coli Verotoxin Antigen (Stool) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4204 EBV (EA) IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2516 EBV (EA) IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2517 EBV VCA IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4472 EBV-EBNA-1 IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4246 EBV-EBNA-1 IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4247 EBV-VCA IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3475 EBV-VCA IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3476 E-Cadherin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-ECADHERIN-1 E-Cadherin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ECADHERIN-1 E-Cadherin SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-ECadherin-1 Echinococcus IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3472 ECM-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ECM1-1 ECM-1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PP14-1 ECP (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5419 EDA-A2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EDAA2-1 EDAR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-EDAR-1 Edema Factor (EF) Igs ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 900-300-EFM-ADI Edema Factor (EF) Igs ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 900-220-LFR-ADI Edema Factor (EF) Igs ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 900-320-EFR-ADI Edema Factor (EF) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Swine/ Alpha Diagnostic 900-330-EFG-ADI Feral Edema Factor (EF) IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Swine/ Alpha Diagnostic 900-335-EFM-ADI Feral EDIL3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DECTIN1-1 EDIM/rotavirus VP6 antibody IgA ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Bovine Alpha Diagnostic AE-300452-1-ADI EDIM/rotavirus VP6 antibody IgA ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic AE-300432-1-ADI EDIM/rotavirus VP6 antibody IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Bovine Alpha Diagnostic AE-300450-1-ADI EDIM/rotavirus VP6 antibody IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic AE-300430-1-ADI EDIM/rotavirus VP6 antibody IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic AE-300440-1-ADI EDIM/rotavirus VP6 antibody IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic AE-300420-1-ADI EDIM/rotavirus VP6 antibody IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Sheep Alpha Diagnostic AE-300460-1-ADI EDIM/rotavirus VP6 antibody IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Bovine Alpha Diagnostic AE-300451-1-ADI EDIM/rotavirus VP6 antibody IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic AE-300431-1-ADI

51 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. EGF (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4022-100 An in vitro enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELI- Alternative Name Urogastrone, Pro-epidermal growth factor, Epidermal SA) for the quantitative measurement of human EGF growth factor in serum, plasma, urine and cell culture supernatants. Sensitivity 1 pg/ml Absorbance is read at 450 nm. Stable liquid color Detection Range 4.7-300 pg/ml coded reagents and pre-coated plates reduce errors. Sample Type serum, plasma, urine and cell culture supernatants Species Detected Human Scientific background Size 96-well Microplate EGF stimulates the growth of various epidermal and Design Principle Sandwich-based E epithelial tissues in vivo and in vitro and of some fi- Assay Time 4 hours broblasts in cell culture. Magnesiotropic hormone that Detection Method Kit/Set Colorimetric stimulates magnesium reabsorption in the renal distal Contains EGF Microplate coated with anti-human monoclonal Ab convoluted tubule via engagement of EGFR and acti- against EGF, Lyophilized recombinant human EGF stan- vation of the magnesium channel TRPM6. Can induce dard, Biotinylated anti- human EGF antibody, Avidin-Bi- neurite outgrowth in motoneurons of the pond snail otin-Peroxidase Complex (ABC), Sample diluent buffer, Lymnaea stagnalis in vitro. BioVision’s Human EGF Antibody diluent buffer, ABC diluent buffer, TMB color ELISA kit is an in vitro sandwich ELISA assay for the developing agent, TMB stop solution quantitative measurement of human EGF in serum, plasma and cell culture supernatants. This kit was based on sandwich enzyme-linked immune-sorbent assay technology. The density of color is proportional to the Human EGF amount of sample captured in plate. EGF (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4023-100 EGF (rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays Rat BioVision K4024-100 EGF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EGF-1 EGF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-EGF-1 EGF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-EGF-1 EGF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-EGF-1 Monkey EGF Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS2070INST EGF SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-EGF-1 EGF SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PPA1-1 EGF SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-ST6GAL1-1 EGFR [pY1173] Human phosphoELISA 1 pcs. Human Milipore 17-461-UC EGFR ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EGFR-1 EGFR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-EGFR-1 EGFR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-EGFR-1 EGFR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-EGFR-1 EGFR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-EGFR-1 EGFR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-EGFR-1 EGFR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-EGFR-1 Macaque EGFR SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PRCP-1 EGR1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DEP1-1 EG-VEGF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EGVEGF-1 eIF-2a ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DERMATPN-1 Elastase IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-290-ELG-ADI ELISA Microtiter Plate 1 pcs. Milipore EPDAR-UC ELISA Microtiter Solid Plates set of 2 Milipore E-PLATE-UC EMR2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DES-1 ENA Combi ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3572 ENA Screen ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3571 ENA-4-Profile ELISA 4 x 24 tests DRG EIA-3977 ENA-6 Profile ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3901 ENA-78 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ENA78-1 Endocan ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-ENDOCAN-1 Endoglin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ENDOGLIN-1 Endoglin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-ENG-1 Endoglin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PRTN3-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 52 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Endoglycan ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DFF45-1 Endorepellin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DNACTN1-1 Endostatin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ENDOSTATIN-1 Endostatin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4467 Endostatin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-ENDOSTA- TIN-1 Endostatin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PSGL1-1 Endothelin 1 (Big) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3110 E Endothelin 1 (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-3111 Endothelin EIA Kit 96 wells Cayman Chemicals 583151.96-CAY Endothelin EIA Strip Plate 1 ea Cayman Chemicals 483152.1-CAY Endothelin EIA Strip Plate 5 ea Cayman Chemicals 483152.5-CAY Endothelin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2374 Endothelin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5857 Endothelin-1 ELISA Kit 100 assays BioVision K7429-100 Endothelin-1 ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-020A Endothelin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EDN1-1 Endothelin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-EDN1-1 eNOS/NOS3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DGAT2-1 ENPP-2/Autotaxin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DLEC-1 ENPP-7 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DLL4-1 Enrofloxacin ELISA kit (For Pork/Liver, Chicken/Liver, 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100130-ADI Shrimp, Fish, Serum, Honey), 96 tests Entamoeba histolytica Ag ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4454 Entamoeba histolytica Antigen (stool) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3473 Entamoeba histolytica IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3474 Enteropeptidase ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DNACTN2-1 Eotaxin Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6008 Eotaxin-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EOTAXIN-1 Eotaxin-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-EOTAXIN-1 Eotaxin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-EOTAXIN-1 Eotaxin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-EOTAXIN-1 Macaque Eotaxin-1 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-Eotaxin-1 Eotaxin-1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-ST6GAL2-1 Eotaxin-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EOTAXIN2-1 Eotaxin-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-EOTAXIN2-1 Eotaxin-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EOTAXIN3-1 EPCR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DNER-1 EphA1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EPHA1-1 EphA2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EPHA2-1 EphA5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-EPHA5-1 EphB2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DPP10-1 EphB3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DPP2-1 EphB4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EPHB4-1 EphB6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EPHB6-1 Ephrin-A3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DNMT3A-1 Ephrin-A4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EFNA4-1 Ephrin-B3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EFNB3-1 Epidemic Encephalitis B Ab ELISA kit, 2x96 tests 1 kit Pig/Por- Alpha Diagnostic AE-200160-2-ADI cine/Swine Epigen ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-EPIGEN-1 Epimorphin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DPPA4-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 53 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Epinephrine/Adrenaline (High Sensitivity) ELISA Kit, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1960-10-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Epiregulin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-EPIREGULIN-1 Epiregulin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EPIREGULIN-1 Epizootic diarrhea of infant mice (EDIM)/rotavirus IgA 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic AE-300402-1-ADI ELISA Kit, 96 tests Epizootic diarrhea of infant mice (EDIM)/rotavirus IgG 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic AE-300400-1-ADI ELISA Kit, 96 tests E Epizootic diarrhea of infant mice (EDIM)/rotavirus IgG 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic AE-300410-1-ADI ELISA Kit, 96 tests Epizootic diarrhea of infant mice (EDIM)/rotavirus IgM 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic AE-300401-1-ADI ELISA Kit, 96 tests EPO (Erythropoietin) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3646 EPO ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EPO-1 EPO Platinum ELISA (short incubation) 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2035 EPO Platinum ELISA (short incubation) 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2035CE EPOR ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EPOR-1 Epstein Barr Virus (EBNA) IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2519 Epstein-Barr-Virus (EA) IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2518 ER alpha/NR3A1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DPPA5-1 ErbB2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ERBB2-1 ErbB3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ERBB3-1 ErbB3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-ERBB3-1 ErbB4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ERBB4-1 ERK 1/2 (Total) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86011-11 ERK 1/2 (Total/Phospho) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86013-11 ERK/AKT/p70 S6K Activation InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86018-11 Erk1/2 (pThr202/Tyr204) ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-098A-0001 Erk1/2 ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-152 ERMAP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DRAK1-1 Erythropoietin (EPO) Protein ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0070-ADI Quantitative Erythropoietin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-EPO-1 Erythropoietin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-EPO-1 ESAM ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ESAM-1 E-Selectin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ESELECTIN-1 E-Selectin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-ESELECTIN-1 E-Selectin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-ESELECTIN-1 E-Selectin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-ESELECTIN-1 Macaque E-Selectin SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-ESelectin-1 E-Selectin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PTP1B-1 E-Selectin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-ST7-1 E-SELECTIN, ELISA KIT 1 pcs. Milipore ECM330-UC E-SELECTIN, ELISA KIT(-20C ) 1 pcs. Milipore ECM330FR-UC E-SELECTIN, ELISA KIT(2-8C ) 1 pcs. Milipore ECM330RF-UC Estradiol (CT) RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4182 Estradiol (CT) RIA 96 tests DRG RIA-4381 Estradiol (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K3829-100 Estradiol (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K3830-100 Estradiol (rat) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-5774 Estradiol (rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K3831-100 Estradiol CLIA 96 wells DRG CLA-4664 Estradiol ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2693 Estradiol ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 582251.96s-CAY

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 54 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Estradiol ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 582251.96-CAY Estradiol ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1920-ADI Estradiol Sensitive ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4399 Estradiol, Salivary ELISA 96 wells DRG SLV-4188 Estriol (Saliva) CLA 96 wells DRG CLA-4653 Estriol ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 582281.96s-CAY Estriol ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 582281.96-CAY Estriol ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-100 E Estriol Free Salivary ELISA 96 wells DRG SLV-3653 Estriol Total ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3717 F Estrogens, Total RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-1387 Estrone (CT) RIA 96 tests DRG RIA-4380 Estrone (Saliva) CLA 96 wells DRG CLA-4655 Estrone (Serum) CLIA 96 wells DRG CLA-4654 Estrone ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4174 Estrone ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1925-ADI Estrone RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-1543 Estrone Sulphate RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-2957 Estrone, Salivary ELISA 96 wells DRG SLV-5228 Estrone-3-Sulfate (equine) ELISA 96 wells Equine DRG EIA-5223 Etanercept (Enbrel) ELISA Kit 4 x 96-wells eBioscience 87-51887 Ets-1/p54 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-Draxin-1 Exostosin-like 3/EXTL3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DSC2-1 Fab ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Sheep Alpha Diagnostic 7610-FAB-ADI Fab2 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic 7710-FAB-ADI FABP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-FABP1-1 FABP2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FABP2-1 FABP3 ELISA 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZFABP3-38K-UC FABP-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FABP3-1 FABP3 ELISA Microtiter Plate 1 pcs. Human Milipore EP38-UC FABP3 ELISA/10plates 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZFABP3-38BK-UC FABP4/A-FABP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DSC3-1 FABP6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DSCAM-1 FAM3A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DSCAML1-1 FAM3D ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DSPG3-1 FAP ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FAP-1 FAP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-FAP-1 Macaque FAP SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PU1-1 Fas ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FAS-1 Fas ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FAS-CL-1 Fas ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-FAS-1 FAS ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-FAS-1 FAS ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-FAS-1 Fas L ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-FASL-1 Fas Ligand (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4765-100 Fasciola hepatica IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4503 FasL (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K3331-100 FasL (rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K3330-100 FasL ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FASL-1 FasL ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-FASL-1 FasL, soluble (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ALX-850-246-KI01 Fc epsilon RI ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EDIL3-1

55 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Fc epsilon RI Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2101 Fc gamma RII/CD32 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EIF2a-1 Fc gamma RIIB SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-FcgRIIB-1 Fc gamma RIIB SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-ST8SIA1-1 Fc gamma RIIB/C SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PXLN-1 Fc gamma RIIIB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EGR1-1 FCAR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DYS-1 Fc-gamma-RIIb ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-FCGRIIB-1 FcgRIIBC ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FCGRIIBC-1 F FCoV (Feline Corona Virus) Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2468 FCRL1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ENPP2-1 FCRL2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ENPP5-1 FCRL5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ENPP7-1 FCRLB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ENRGE-1 FCV (Feline Calici Virus) Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2473 Feline Immunodeficiency Virus p24/p17 Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2463 Feline Leukaemia Virus-p27 Antigen ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2469 Feline Panleukopenia Virus Antigen ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2466 FeLV-gp70 Ab (virus coated) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2470 Ferritin (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7420-100 Ferritin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FERRITIN-1 Ferritin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1872 Ferritin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4408 Ferritin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1810-ADI Ferritin IRMA 100 tests DRG RIA-5087 Fes ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ENRPN-1 Fetuin A ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FETUINA-1 Fetuin A ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5595 Fetuin A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-FETUINA-1 Fetuin A SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-RALA-1 Fetuin B ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FETUINB-1 Fetuin B ELISA 2 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FetuinB-2 Fetuin B SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-RALB-1 FGF R5/FGFRL1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EPHA3-1 FGF-10 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FGF10-1 FGF-16 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FGF16-1 FGF-17 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FGF17-1 FGF-19 (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5156 FGF-19 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FGF19-1 FGF-21 ELISA Microtiter Plate 1 pcs. Human Milipore EP19-UC FGF-21 ELISA Microtiter Plate 1 pcs. Rat/Mouse Milipore EP26-UC FGF-21 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FGF21-1 FGF-22 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ENTP-1 FGF-23 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4737 FGF-23 ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Mouse Milipore EZMFGF23-43K-UC FGF-23 ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Rat Milipore EZRFGF23-42K-UC FGF-23 ELISA Microtiter Plate 1 pcs. Human Milipore EP32-UC FGF-23 ELISA Mictotiter Plate 1 pcs. Mouse Milipore EP43-UC FGF-23 ELISA Plate 1 pcs. Rat Milipore EP42-UC FGF-23 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FGF23-1 FGF-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EPCR-1 FGF-4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FGF4-1 FGF-4 ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FGF4-CL-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 56 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. FGF-5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FGF5-1 FGF-6 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FGF6-1 FGF-7 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FGF7-1 FGF-7 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-FGF7-1 FGF-9 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FGF9-1 FGF-BP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FGFBP-1 FGF-BP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-FGFBP-1 Fgr ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EphB2-1 FHL1/SLIM-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EPHB3-1 FHV (Feline Herpes Virus) Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2472 F Fibrinogen (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5414 Fibrinogen (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-230-0001 Fibrinogen ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FIBRINOGEN-1 Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 (FGF-21) ELISA 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHFGF21-19K-UC Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 (FGF-23) ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHFGF23-32K-UC Fibronectin (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K3631-100 Fibronectin (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K3632-100 Fibronectin (rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K3633-100 Fibronectin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FN1-1 Fibronectin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1736 Fibronectin ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT135-0001 Fibronectin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-FN1-1 Fibronectin Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2028 Fibronectin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-RCOR1-1 Fibulin 3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-DYRK3-1 Ficolin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EMR2-1 Ficolin-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ENGLN-1 Ficolin-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ENOS-1 FKBP25/FKBP3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EPIM-1 FKBP51 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-Eralpha-1 FKBP52 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ERMAP-1 Florfenicol ELISA kit (For Animal Tissue, Aquatic, 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100050-ADI Honey), 96 tests FLRG ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FLRG-1 FLRT1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ETS1-1 FLRT2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-EXTL3-1 FLRT3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FABP4-1 Flt-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FLT3-1 Flt-3 L ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FLT3L-1 Flt-3 Ligand ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-FLT3L-1 Macaque Flt-3 Ligand ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-FLT3L-1 Flt-3L ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-FLT3L-1 Folic Acid ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5847 Folicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0200-ADI tests, Quantitative Follicle Stimulating Hormone [FSH] (human) ELISA 100 assays Human BioVision K7425-100 Follicle-Stimulating Hormone ELISA Kit 96 wells Cayman Chemicals 500710.96-CAY Follistatin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FOLLISTATIN-1 Follistatin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-FOLLISTATIN-1 Follistatin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-FOLLISTATIN-1 Macaque Follistatin-like 1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FSTL1-1 Follistatin-like 4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FBLN3-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 57 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. FOLR1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FOLR1-1 FOLR2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FOLR2-1 FOLR3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FOLR3-1 FosB/G0S3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FABP5-1 FoxC2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FABP6-1 FoxJ1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FABP8-1 FOXO4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FAM3A-1 FPV (Feline Panleucopenia Vir) Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2467 Fractalkine ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FRACTAL- F KINE-1 Fractalkine ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-FRACTAL- G KINE-1 Fractalkine ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-FRACTAL- KINE-1 Fractalkine ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-FRACTAL- KINE-CL-1 Free 25OH Vitamin D ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5833 Free Estriol ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1612 Free Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA-free) ELISA Kit, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1510-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Free PSA (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ENZ-KIT145-0001 Free ß-HCG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4718 Free ß-HCG IRMA 100 tests DRG RIA-4492 Free T3 (CT) RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4201 Free T4 (CT) RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4202 Free T4 (fT4) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1110-ADI Free T4 CLA 96 wells DRG CLA-4659 Free Testosterone (CT) RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-0614 Free Testosterone CLIA 96 wells DRG CLA-4660 Free Testosterone ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2924 free Testosterone ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1885-ADI Free Testosterone RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4369 Free Thyroxine (FT4) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2386 Free Triiodothyronine (FT3) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2385 Free triiodothyronine (fT3) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quan- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1650-ADI titative FSH ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1288 FSH ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT108-0001 FSH ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FSH-1 FSH IRMA 96 tests DRG RIA-4378 F-Spondin/SPON1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FAM3D-1 FTO (human intracellular) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4921-100 FTO (mouse intracellular) ELISA Kit 100 assays Mouse BioVision K4922-100 FTO ELISA Kit one 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech 68ELH-FTO FTO ELISA Kit one 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech 68ELM-FTO FUCA1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FCAR-1 Fucosyltransferase 3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FceRI-1 Fucosyltransferase 8 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FcgRII-1 Furin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FURIN-1 FUT7 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FCGR3B-1 GABA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5506 GAD ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1910 GAD1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FCN1-1 GAD65 Autoantibody ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4087 GAD65 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FCN2-1

58 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. GAD65 RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-2057 GAD65 RIA 50 tests DRG RIA-4598 Galactose Neonatal ELISA 192 wells DRG EIA-1487 Galactose Neonate ELISA 192 wells DRG EIA-1486 Galanin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FCRL1-1 Galectin-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-GALECTIN1-1 Galectin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GALECTIN1-1 Galectin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-GALECTIN1-1 Galectin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-GALECTIN1-1 Macaque Galectin-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GALECTIN2-1 Galectin-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GALECTIN3-1 G Galectin-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-GALECTIN3-1 Galectin-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-GALECTIN3-1 Galectin-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-GALECTIN3-1 Galectin-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-GALECTIN3-1 Galectin-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-GALECTIN3-1 Macaque Galectin-3 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS279/4 Galectin-4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FCN3-1 Galectin-7 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GALECTIN7-1 Galectin-7 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-GALECTIN7-1 Galectin-7 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-GALECTIN7-1 Macaque Galectin-8 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GALECTIN8-1 Galectin-9 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GALECTIN9-1 GALNT10 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FCRL2-1 GALNT2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FCRL3-1 GALNT3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FCRL5-1 GAPDH InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86131-11 GAPHD ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FCRLB-1 Gas 1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GAS1-1 Gas 1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-GAS1-1 Gas 6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-Fes-1 Gas 6 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-REG1B-1 GAS6 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-GAS6-1 GASP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-GASP1-1 GASP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-GASP1-1 GASP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-GASP1-1 GASP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-GASP1-1 GASP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GASP1-1 GASP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-GASP1-1 GASP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-GASP1-1 Macaque GASP-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GASP2-1 Gastric Intrinsic Factor ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FOXP3-1 Gastrin (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4187 Gastrin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-GAS-1 Gastrin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-GAS-1 Gastrin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-GAS-1 Gastrin I (1-17), Rat ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-4501 Gastrin I (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-026 Gastrin I (rat), ELISA kit 96 wells Rat Enzo ADI-900-149 Gastrin RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-1987

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 59 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Gastrokine-1/GKN1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FGF12-1 GATA-1/Eryf1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FGF20-1 GATA-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FGF22-1 GATA-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FGF3-1 GATA4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FGFR5-1 GATA-5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FGR-1 GBA3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FHL1-1 GBM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3603 GCNT1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FKBP51-1 GCP-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GCP2-1 G-CSF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GCSF-1 G G-CSF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-GCSF-1 G-CSF Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS2001INST G-CSF Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS2001INSTCE G-CSF R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GCSFR-1 GCSF SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-GCSF-1 GCSF SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-ST8SIA2-1 GDF-11 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FKBP52-1 GDF-15 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4569-100 GDF-15 ELISA 96-well strip plate kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GDF15-001 GDF-15 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GDF15-1 GDF-15 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-GDF15-1 Macaque GDF-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FLRT1-1 GDF-8 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FLRT2-1 GDF-9 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FLRT3-1 GDNF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GDNF-1 GDNF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-GDNF-1 Gentamicin ELISA kit (Chicken/Liver), 96 tests 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100200-ADI GFAP (human) EIA kit 96 wells Human Bertin A05188.96 GFAP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FOSB-1 GFR alpha-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FOXC2-1 GFR alpha-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-GFRA1-1 GFR alpha-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FOXJ1-1 GFR alpha-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FOXO4-1 GH ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GH-1 Ghrelin (active) 125 tubes DRG RIA-3966 Ghrelin (active) human ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4710 Ghrelin (active) Rat/Mouse Elisa 96 wells Rat/Mouse DRG EIA-5826 Ghrelin (human, mouse, rat) EIA Kit 100 assays Human/ BioVision K4790-100 Mouse/ Rat Ghrelin (total) 125 tubes DRG RIA-3967 Ghrelin (total) Human ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4709 Ghrelin (total) Rat/Mouse Elisa 96 wells Rat/Mouse DRG EIA-5830 Ghrelin Active ELISA Kit COLD PACKS 1 pcs. Rat/Mouse Milipore EZRGRA-90K-UC Ghrelin Active ELISA Kit COLDPKS 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZGRA-88K-UC Ghrelin acylated (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4686 Ghrelin Acylated (Rat) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-5809 Ghrelin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-GHR-1 Ghrelin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-GHR-1 Ghrelin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-GHR-1 Ghrelin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GHRL-1 Ghrelin Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2192

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 60 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Ghrelin Total ELISA COLD PACKS 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZGRT-89K-UC Ghrelin Total ELISA Kits COLD PACKS 1 pcs. Rat/Mouse Milipore EZRGRT-91K-UC Ghrelin Total ELISA Microtiter Plate 1 pcs. Rat/Mouse Milipore EP91-UC Ghrelin Uncylated (Rat) Elisa 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-5808 Giardia lamblia Ag ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4453 Giardia lamblia Antigen (Stool) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3477 GIP (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4527 GIP (rat/mouse) Elisa 96 wells Rat/Mouse DRG EIA-4528 GIP EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-GIP-1 GIP EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-GIP-1 GIP EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-GIP-1 GIP ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHGIP-54K-UC G GIP ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Rat/Mouse Milipore EZRMGIP-55K-UC GIP ELISA Microtiter Strip Plate 1 pcs. Milipore EP54-UC GIP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GIP-1 GITR ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GITR-1 GITR ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GITR-CL-1 GITR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-GITR-1 GITR L ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GITRL-1 GITR L ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-GITRL-1 GLI-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FRS2-1 Gliadin Ab IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4069 Gliadin Ab IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4070 Gliadin IgA ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-310-GLA-ADI Gliadin IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-300-GLG-ADI Gliadin IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-305-GLM-ADI Gliadin Screen ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4465 Glicentin (rat) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-4477 Glicentin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-GLI-1 Glicentin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-GLI-1 Glicentin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-GLI-1 Globular Adiponectin (gAcrp30) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-120-AGH-ADI Quantitative Glomerular basement membrane (GBM) IgG ELISA 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-270-GBG-ADI kit, 96 tests, Quantitative GLP 7-36a ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GLP736A-1 GLP-1 (1-37) ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GLP137-1 GLP-1 (9-36a) ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GLP936A-1 GLP-1 (active) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3056 GLP-1 active (7-36) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5096 GLP-1 Active ELISA - Chemiluminescent, High Sen- 1 pcs. Milipore EZGLPHS-35K-UC sitivity GLP-1 Active ELISA Microtiter Plate 1 pcs. Milipore EP35-UC GLP-1 Active RIA 125 Tube Kit <1.5uCi I-125 1 pcs. Milipore GLP1A-35HK-UC GLP-1 EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-GLP1-1 GLP-1 EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-GLP1-1 GLP-1 EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-GLP1-1 GLP-1 HS ELISA Quality Controls 1,2 1 pcs. Milipore E6035-HS-UC GLP-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests eBioscience BMS2194 GLP-1 Total (Multi Species) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5305 GLP-1 total ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5095 GLP-1 Total ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Milipore EZGLP1T-36K-UC GLP-1 Total ELISA Plate 1 pcs. Milipore EP36-UC GLP-1 Total RIA 125 Tube Kit <1.5 uCi I-125 1 pcs. Milipore GLP1T-36HK-UC

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 61 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. GLP-2 (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4474 GLP-2 (mouse) ELISA 96 wells Mouse DRG EIA-4476 GLP-2 (rat) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-4478 GLP-2 ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Milipore EZGLP2-37K-UC GLP-2 ELISA Microtiter Plate 1 pcs. Milipore EP37-UC Glucagon (Animal) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5807 Glucagon (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5664 Glucagon (human/mouse/rat) EIA Kit 100 assays Human/ BioVision K4756-100 Mouse/ Rat Glucagon (rat, mouse, human) ELISA 96 wells Rat/ DRG EIA-4475 Mouse/ G Human Glucagon EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-GLU-1 Glucagon EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-GLU-1 Glucagon EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-GLU-1 Glucagon ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GLUCAGON-1 Glucagon ELISA Kit - Chemiluminescent 1 pcs. Milipore EZGLU-30K-UC Glucagon RIA 50 tests DRG RIA-0226 Glucagon RIA 250 tests DRG RIA-1258 Glucagon-Like Peptide Active RIA Kit - UNFINISHED 1 pcs. Milipore GLP1A-35HK-U-UC Glucagon-Like Peptide Total RIA Kit - UNFINISHED 1 pcs. Milipore GLP1T-36HK-U-UC Glucagon-like Peptide-1 (active) RIA 125 tests DRG RIA-3001 Glucagon-like Peptide-1 (total) J-125 125 tests DRG RIA-3000 Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Active ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Milipore EGLP-35K-UC Glucokinase/GCK ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FKBP25-1 Glutamate ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5507 Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 65 (GAD65) IgG ELISA 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 660-090-G65-ADI Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 65 (GAD65) IgG ELISA 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 660-100-G65-ADI Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 65 (GAD65) IgGs ELISA 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 660-080-G65-ADI Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 67 (GAD67) IgG ELISA 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 660-130-G67-ADI Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 67 (GAD67) IgG ELISA 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 660-110-G67-ADI Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 67 (GAD67) IgG ELISA 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 660-120-G67-ADI Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Glutaredoxin-3/GLRX3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FSPON-1 Glutathione S-Transferase Alpha (GSTA) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4930 Glutathione Transferase (GST) IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 1 kit Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 720-120-GSC-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Glutathione Transferase (GST) IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 1 kit Goat Alpha Diagnostic 720-100-GSG-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Glutathione Transferase (GST) IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 720-110-GSR-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Glutathione Transferase (GST-fusion protein) ELISA 1 kit S. japoni- Alpha Diagnostic 800-400-GST-ADI Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative cum Glycated Albumin (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5501 Glycodelin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3779 Glyoxalase I ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FSTL4-1 Glyoxalase II ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FUCA1-1 Glypican 1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GPC1-1 Glypican 2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FUT8-1 Glypican 3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GPC3-1 Glypican 5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GAD1-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 62 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. GM-CSF (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4859 GM-CSF (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4772-100 GM-CSF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GMCSF-1 GM-CSF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-GMCSF-1 GM-CSF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-GMCSF-1 GM-CSF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-GMCSF-1 GM-CSF ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7334-22 GM-CSF ELISA Ready-SET-Go (2nd Generation) 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-8337-22 GM-CSF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-GMCSF-1 GM-CSF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-GMCSF-1 GM-CSF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-GMCSF-1 Macaque G GM-CSF Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS283INST GM-CSF Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS283INSTCE GM-CSF Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS283 The human GM-CSF ELISA is an enzyme-linked Alternative Name Molgramostin, Sargramostim immunosorbent assay for the quantitative detection Sensitivity 2.9 pg/mL of human GM-CSF. The human GM-CSF ELISA is for Detection Range 7.8 - 500 pg/mL research use only. Not for diagnostic or therapeutic Sample Type Cell culture supernatant, serum, plasma (EDTA, heparin) procedures. Human Species Detected 96-well Microplate, strips Scientific background Size Sandwich-based Granulocyte - macrophage colony - stimulating factor Design Principle 3 hours 10 min (GM-CSF) is a small glycoprotein growth factor which Assay Time Colorimetric stimulates the production and function of neutrophils, Detection Method Kit/Set Aluminium pouch(es) with a Microwell Plate coated with eosinophils and monocytes GM-CSF can be produced Contains monoclonal antibody to human GM-CSF by a wide variety of tissue types, including fibroblasts, HRP-Conjugate anti-human GM-CSF monoclonal endothelial cells, T-cells, macrophages, mesothelial antibody, Human GM-CSF Standard lyophilized, 1ng/mL cells, epithelial cells and many types of tumor cells. upon reconstitution, Assay Buffer Concentrate 20x (PBS The biological effects of GM-CSF are mediated with 1% Tween 20 and 10% BSA), Wash Buffer Concen- through binding to cell surface receptors, which trate 20x (PBS with 1% Tween 20), Substrate Solution appear to be widely expressed by hematopoietic (tetramethyl-benzidine), Stop Solution (1M Phosphoric cells and also by some non-hematopoietic cells, such acid), Adhesive Films as endothelial cells. At least two different functional classes of GM-CSF receptor have been identified. The neutrophil GM-CSF receptor exclusively binds GM-CSF, while interleukin-3 competes for binding of GM-CSF to a second class of receptors detected on some leukemic cell lines. Monitoring of GM-CSF has been found relevant in human , poorly healing wounds, thyroid , severe mucositis, fungal infections, AIDS, bone marrow transplanta- tion, renal cell carcinoma and prostate cancer, acute lymphoblastic leukemia pulmonary inflammation, hematological malignancies, infection, . GM-CSF Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS612 GM-CSF R alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FUT3-1 GNMT ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-FUT7-1 GOLM1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GOLM1-1 gp130 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-GP130-1 gp130 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-GP130-1 gp130 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-gp130-1 gp130 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-STAB2-1 GPBB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GPBB-1 GPR111 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GAD65-1 GPR115 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-Galectin4-1 GPR56 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GALN-1 GPV ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GALNT10-1 GPVI ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GALNT2-1 Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) Pro- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0080-ADI tein ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Granulysin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GNLY-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 63 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Granzyme B (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4279-100 Granzyme B ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-GRAN- ZYMEB-1 Granzyme B ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-8022-22 Granzyme B Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2027 Granzyme B Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6029 Granzyme H ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GASTKN1-1 GRAP2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GALNT3-1 Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP-fusion protein) ELISA 1 kit S. japoni- Alpha Diagnostic 800-420-GFP-ADI Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative cum Gremlin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-GREM1-1 G GRK1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GAPDH-1 GRK5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GAS6-1 H GRO alpha (CXCL1) Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2122 GRO ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-GRO-1 Macaque GRO/CINC-1 (Cyt ind. Neutr.) Rat ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3618 GRO/CINC-1 (rat), ELISA kit 96 wells Rat Enzo ADI-900-074 GRO-alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GROA-1 Growth Hormone (GH) (rat) EIA kit 96 wells Rat Bertin A05104.96 Growth Hormone (GH) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantita- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1600-ADI tive Growth Hormone (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7412-100 Growth Hormone (Rat/Mouse) ELISA 96 wells Rat/Mouse DRG EIA-4614 Growth Hormone ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Rat/Mouse Milipore EZRMGH-45K-UC Growth Hormone ELISA Microtiter Strip Plate 1 pcs. Rat/Mouse Milipore EP45-UC Growth Hormone R ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-GHR-1 Growth Hormone R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELH-TCPTP-1 Grp78/BiP ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-214-0001 GSK-3 alpha (S21) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-Well Microplate Kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-GSK3a-1 Mouse GSK-3 beta (S9) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-Well Microplate Kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-GSK3b-1 Mouse/ Rat GSK3 beta (Total) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86171-11 GSK3 beta (Total/Phospho) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86173-11 GSK-3beta (pSer9) ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-123A Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(s) subunit alpha 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-GSA-1 EIA Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(s) subunit alpha 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-GSA-1 EIA Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(s) subunit alpha 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-GSA-1 EIA H. Influenzae B (Hib) polyribosyl phosphate (PRP) 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 980-100-PHG-ADI IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests H. Influenzae B (Hib) polyribosyl phosphate (PRP) 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 980-150-PKG-ADI IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests H. Influenzae B (Hib) polyribosyl phosphate (PRP) 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 980-120-PMG-ADI IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests H. Influenzae B (Hib) polyribosyl phosphate (PRP) 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 980-130-PRG-ADI IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests H. Influenzae B (Hib) polyribosyl phosphate (PRP) 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 980-110-PHM-ADI IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests H. Influenzae B (Hib) polyribosyl phosphate (PRP) 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 980-140-PRM-ADI IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests H. pylori Ag (stool) ELISA 48 wells DRG EIA-4354 H. Pylori Ag (stool) Extraction Kit 48 units DRG EIA-4355 H60 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-H60-1

64 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Haemophilus influenzae B IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2530 HAI-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HAI1-1 HAI-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-HAI1-1 HAI-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HAI2-1 HAND1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GATA1-1 Hanta Virus IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5858 Hanta Virus IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5859 Hantavirus (Dobrava) IgG/IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5239 Hantavirus (Hantaan) IgG/IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5237 Hantavirus (Puumala) IgG/IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5238 Haptoglobin (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-229-0001 Haptoglobin ELISA kit 1 kit Bovine Alpha Diagnostic 6250-60-ADI Haptoglobin ELISA kit 1 kit Cat Alpha Diagnostic 6250-50-ADI Haptoglobin ELISA kit 1 kit Pig Alpha Diagnostic 6250-40-ADI H Haptoglobin ELISA kit 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 6250-30-ADI Haptoglobin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Dog Alpha Diagnostic 6250-10-ADI Haptoglobin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic 6250-20-ADI Haptoglobin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 6250-ADI Haptoglobin ELISA kit, quantitative, 96 tests 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 6250-70-ADI HAV Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4233 HAV IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4432 HBc Ab (screening) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4872 HBc IgM (capture quantitative) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5143 HBe Ag&Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5145 HB-EGF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HBEGF-1 HBs Ab (quantitative) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4135 HBs Ab (quantitative) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5144 Hbs Ag (screening) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4548 HBs Ag (screening) ELISA 192 wells DRG EIA-5051 HBs Ag Confirmation ELISA 20 tests DRG EIA-5150 HBs Ag Confirmation ELISA 40 tests DRG EIA-5151 HCC-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HCC1-1 HCC-1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-RELXN1-1 HCC-4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HCC4-1 HCG (contamination) in Vaccines formulated in Alum, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic VAC-HCG-50-ADI Direct ELISA HCG hCG beta ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HCGB-1 hCG ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HCG-1 HCG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1469 HCG+ß IRMA 96 tests DRG RIA-4495 HCN4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GATA3-1 HCV Ab (screening) ELISA 192 wells DRG EIA-4332 HCV Ab (screening) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4549 HCV Ab (screening) ELISA 480 wells DRG EIA-5063 HCV Ab confirmation ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5149 HCV IgM (sandwich) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5148 HDAC Activity,In Situ, Fluorometric Assay Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K339-100 HDV Ab (total antibody) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5152 HDV Ag ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5147 HDV IgM (capture) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5146 HE4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HE4-1 Heartworm Ag (Canine) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4795 Heat Shock Protein 27 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-HSP27-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 65 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Heat Shock Protein 70 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-HSP70-1 Helicobacter pylori IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3483 Helicobacter pylori IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3484 Helicobacter pylori IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2111 Hemoglobin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HGB-1 Hemoglobin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-RET-1 Hemopexin ELISA kit 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 600-700-HPX-ADI Hemopexin ELISA kit 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 610-710-HPX-ADI HepaCAM ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GATA4-1 Hepassocin/HFREP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GBA3-1 Hepatitis A Virus IgG (HAV-IgG) ELISA kit, Qualitative, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 4300-AHG-ADI 96 tests Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg Igs isotypes) 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 4220-AHB-ADI H ELISA kit, Quantitative, 96 tests Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) ELISA kit, Quali- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 4105-ADI tative,. 96 tests Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) IgG ELISA kit 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 4200-ADI (for vaccinated samples), 96 tests Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) IgG ELISA kit, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 4210-ADI 96 tests Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) IgG ELISA kit, 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 4240-ADI 96 tests Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) IgM ELISA kit 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 4205-ADI (for vaccinated samples), 96 tests Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) IgM ELISA kit, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 4215-ADI 96 tests Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg, native or recom- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 4110-ADI binant) ELISA Kit, quantitative Hepatitis B Vaccine (HBsAg) formulated in Alum, 96 1 kit Hepatitis B Alpha Diagnostic VAC-HBS-50-ADI tests, Direct ELISA Hepatitis virus (MHV/Coronavirs) Antibody ELISA Kit, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic AE-300700-1-ADI 96 tests Hepcidin 25 (bioactive) HS ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5782 This assay offers a straight forward and easy assay Alternative Name Hepcidin 25 procedure (no extraction or centrifugation) and is very Sensitivity 0.153 ng/mL user friendly (no shaker or incubator required). It has Detection Range 0.153 - 81 ng/mL a high sensitivity and high specificity. The correlation Sample Type Serum, Plasma with SELDI-TOF-MS is very good. DRG awarded Species Detected Human many patents. Size 96-well Microplate, breakable strips Design Principle Competitive immunoassay Scientific background Assay Time 110 min Hepcidin is an iron homoeostasis regulator peptide. Detection Method Colorimetric The bioactive peptide Hepcidin-25 is generated pre- Kit/Set Contains Microtiter plate, Standard, Controls, Sample Diluent, dominantly in the liver by proteolytic cleavage of the Enzyme Conjugate, Enzyme Complex, Wash buffer C-terminal 25 amino acids of prohepcidin. Subsequent concentrate, Substrate Solution, Stop solution N-terminal processing of Hepcidin-25 results in small- er peptides of 20-24 amino acids that show greatly reduced activity and accumulate in the urine. Although originally identified as antimicrobial peptide, Hepcidin-25 is now established as a major regulator of dietary iron absorption and cellular iron release. Hepcidin exerts its regulatory function by counter- acting the function of ferroportin, the major cellular iron exporter in the membrane of macrophages, hepatocytes, and the basolateral site of enterocytes. Hepcidin-25 induces the internalization and degrada- tion of ferroportin, resulting in increased intracellular iron stores, decreased dietary iron absorption, and decreased circulating iron concentrations. Hepcidin 25 bioactive ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5258 Hepsin (human), ELISA Kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-220-0001 Her2 Protein (ECD) ELISA kit for Her2 vaccine, 96 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-620-HRH-ADI tests, Quantitative

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 66 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Her2 Protein (ECD) IgG ELISA kit for Her2 vaccine, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-600-HRH-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Her2 Protein (ECD) IgM ELISA kit for Her2 vaccine, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-610-HRM-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Her2 Protein (ECD) IgM ELISA kit for Her2 vaccine, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-630-HRM-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Her2 vaccine (AE37-peptide) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-700-HRH-ADI Quantitative Her2 vaccine (AE37-peptide) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 200-720-HRH-ADI Quantitative Her2 vaccine (AE37-peptide) IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-710-HRM-ADI Quantitative Her2 vaccine (AE37-peptide) IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 200-670-HRM-ADI Quantitative Her2 vaccine (AE37-peptide) IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 200-730-HRM-ADI Quantitative H Her2 vaccine (E75-peptide) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-640-HRH-ADI Quantitative Her2 vaccine (E75-peptide) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 200-660-HRH-ADI Quantitative Her2 vaccine (E75-peptide) IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-650-HRM-ADI Quantitative Her2/neu/Erbb2/CD340 protein ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-530-HER-ADI Herceptin/Trasuzumab Antibody (HAHA) ELISA Kit 96 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-520-HAG-ADI tests Herceptin/Trasuzumab ELISA Kit for human, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-510-HLG-ADI Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2532 Herpes simplex Virus 1 IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5421 Herpes simplex Virus 1 IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5423 Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2533 Herpes simplex Virus 2 IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5425 Herpes simplex Virus 2 IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5427 HETE (12-HETE) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1584 HETE (15-HETE) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1411 HEV Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4416 HEV Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5805 HEV IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4145 HEV IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4417 HEXA ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GATA5-1 HGF (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4781-100 HGF (human) ELISA Kit (For Lysates) 100 assays Human BioVision K4782-100 HGF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HGF-1 HGF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-HGF-1 HGF ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HGF-CL-1 HGF ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-HGF-CL-1 HGF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-HGF-1 HGF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-HGF-1 HGF Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS2069INST HGF R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-HGFR-1 HGF Receptor ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-HGFR-1 HGFR SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-REX1-1 HGFR/c-MET ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HGFR-1 hGH (CT) IRMA 96 tests DRG RIA-3650 hGH ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3552 hGH RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-0225 HIF-1 alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HIF1A-1 HIN-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GCK-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 67 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. His-Tag Detection EIA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 10012445.96s-CAY His-Tag Detection EIA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 10012445.96-CAY Histamin Food Elisa 96 wells DRG EIA-4428 Histamine EIA kit 96 wells Bertin A05890.96 Histamine ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1302 Histamine ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4005 Histamine ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5827 Histamine ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT140-0001 Histamine FAST ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4616 Histidine-tag (poly-His/Hisx6) Protein (His-tag-fusion 1 kit S. japoni- Alpha Diagnostic 800-440-HIS-ADI protein) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative cum Histone ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3568 histones IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-130-HNG-ADI H Histones IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 670-120-HIM-ADI Histones IgG-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 650-430-HIS-ADI Histones Igs (total (A+G+M) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5610-ADI Quantitative HIV 1&2 Ab&Ag (screening) ELISA 192 wells DRG EIA-4847 HIV 1&2 Ab&Ag (screening) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5181 HMGB3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GCNT1-1 HMW Adip ELISA Kit (BLKPKG) 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHMWA-64BK-UC HMW Adiponectin ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHMWA-64K-UC HMW Adiponectin ELISA Microtiter Plate 1 pcs. Human Milipore EP64-UC HNF-4 alpha/NR2A1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GDF11-1 HNP 1-3 (Human) Elisa 2 x 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5139 HO-1 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-EKS-800 HO-1 (rat), ELISA kit 96 wells Rat Enzo ADI-EKS-810A HOIP/RNF31 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GDF3-1 Homocysteine ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2925 Horse meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic HMT-24-ADI meat 24 tests), 1-hour Horse meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic HMT-48-ADI meat 48 tests), 1-hour Horse meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic HMT-96-ADI meat 48 tests), 1-hour Host Cell Proteins - HCP (E.coli) EIA kit 96 wells Bertin A05034.96 HPGDS ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GDF8-1 HPL ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1283 HPRG ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HPRG-1 hs CRP ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4584 HS3ST1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GDF9-1 HS3ST3B1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GFAP-1 HS3ST4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GFRA1-1 HSF1 [pSer326] ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-199 HSF1 ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-198 Hsp 70 (heat shock protein) Human ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4470 Hsp Human 60 ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4602 HSP090alpha (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-EKS-895 HSP27 (human) (pSer15), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-170 HSP27 (human) (pSer78), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-165 HSP27 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-EKS-500 HSP27 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HSP27-1 HSP27 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2086 HSP60 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-EKS-600

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 68 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. HSP60 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GFRA2-1 HSP60 IgG/A/M (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-EKS-650 HSP70 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HSP70-1 HSP70 ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-EKS-700B HSP70 high sensitivity ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-EKS-715 HSP70 IgG/A/M (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-EKS-750 HSP70 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2087 HSP70B’ ELISA 96 wells Enzo ADI-EKS-725A HSP90 alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2090 HSV-1 IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3485 HSV-1 IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3486 HSV-1+2 IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3489 HSV-1+2 IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3490 HSV-2 IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3487 H HSV-2 IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3488 HTLV I&II Ab (screening) ELISA 192 wells DRG EIA-4404 I HTRA2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HTRA2-1 HTRA2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-HTRA2-1 Human growth hormone ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT148-0001 Human Papilloma Virus 11 late protein L1 (HPV11L1) 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 550-311-PMG-ADI IgG ELISA kit, quantitative, 96 tests HPV11 Human Papilloma Virus 11 late protein L1 (HPV11L1) 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 550-211-PRG-ADI IgG ELISA kit, quantitative, 96 tests HPV11 Human Papilloma Virus 16 late protein L1 (HPV16L1) 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 550-216-PRG-ADI IgG ELISA kit, quantitative, 96 tests HPV16 Human Papilloma Virus 16 late protein L1 IgG 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 550-316-PMG-ADI (HPV16L1) ELISA kit, quantitative, 96 tests HPV16 Human Papilloma Virus 18 late protein L1 (HPV18L1) 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 550-318-PMG-ADI IgG ELISA kit, quantitative, 96 tests HPV18 Human Papilloma Virus 18 late protein L1 (HPV18L1) 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 550-218-PRG-ADI IgG ELISA kit, quantitative, 96 tests HPV18 Human Papilloma Virus 6 late protein L1 (HPV6L1) 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 550-306-PMG-ADI IgG ELISA kit, quantitative, 96 tests HPV6 Human Papilloma Virus 6 late protein L1 (HPV6L1) 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 550-206-PRG-ADI IgG ELISA kit, quantitative, 96 tests HPV6 Humira/Adalimumab (Human Anti-TNF-alpha) ELISA 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-300-ADG-ADI Kit for dog, 96 tests Humira/Adalimumab ELISA Kit for human, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-310-AHG-ADI Humira/Adalimumab Igs ELISA Kit for human, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-320-AHG-ADI HVA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1573 HVEM ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HVEM-1 Hydroxyacid oxidase 1/HAO1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GATA2-1 I-309 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-I309-1 IA-2 Ab RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-5226 IA-2 Ab RIA 50 tests DRG RIA-5227 IA2 RIA 50 tests DRG RIA-3761 IBR Ab (Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis) EIA 96 wells Bovine DRG EIA-3160 ICA (Islet Cell Autoantibodies) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1594 ICA 2-Screen ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4253 ICAM-1 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7161-100 ICAM-1 (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays mouse BioVision K7162-100 ICAM-1 (rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays Rat BioVision K7163-100 ICAM-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-ICAM1-1 ICAM-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-ICAM1-1 ICAM-1 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-ICAM1-1 ICAM-1 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELRS-ICAM1-1

69 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. ICAM-1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-RGMC-1 ICAM-1, ELISA KIT 1 pcs. Milipore ECM335-UC ICAM-1, ELISA KIT(-20C) 1 pcs. Milipore ECM335FR-UC ICAM-1, ELISA KIT(2-8C) 1 pcs. Milipore ECM335RF-UC ICAM-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ICAM2-1 ICAM-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ICAM3-1 ICAM-5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GFRA3-1 ICAM-I (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4781 ICOS ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ICOS-1 IFN alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IFNA-1 IFN alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-IFNA-1 IFN alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-IFNA-1 IFN alpha Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS216MST IFN alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6027 The mouse IFN-alpha ELISA is an enzyme-linked Alternative Name Alpha interferon, IFN leukocytic, LeIF D I immunosorbent assay for the quantitative detection of Sensitivity 7.48 pg/mL mouse IFN-alpha. The mouse IFN- alpha ELISA is for Detection Range 31.3 - 2000 pg/mL research use only. Not for diagnostic or therapeutic Sample Type Cell culture supernatant, serum and plasma (EDTA, procedures citrate) Species Detected Mouse Scientific background Size 96-well Microplate, strips The interferons represent proteins with antiviral Design Principle Sandwich-based activity secreted from cells in response to a variety of Assay Time 3 hours 30 min stimuli. The interferons exhibit a huge number of bio- Detection Method Colorimetric logical effects that play major roles in both innate and Kit/Set Contains Aluminium pouch(es) with a Microwell Plate coated adaptive immunity. The antiproliferative and antitumor with monoclonal antibody to mouse IFN-alpha, Bi- activities of interferon have led to the application as otin-Conjugate anti-mouse IFN-alpha monoclonal an antitumor agent. Additionally, the protein has been antibody, Streptavidin-HRP, Mouse IFN-alpha Standard shown to sensitize lymphocytes to undergo apoptosis lyophilized, 4000 pg/ml upon reconstitution, Calibrator and enhance the proliferation and differentiation of Diluent, Assay Buffer Concentrate 20x (PBS with 1% CD8 T-cells. Alterations in surface antigens may be an Tween 20 and 10% BSA), Wash Buffer Concentrate 20x important mechanism by which interferon can modu- (PBS with 1% Tween 20), Substrate Solution (tetrameth- late cellular interactions. yl-benzidine), Stop Solution (1M Phosphoric acid), In mammals, class I interferon (IFN) genes form a su- Adhesive Films. perfamily consisting of three gene families, the alpha interferon (IFN-alpha), the beta interferon (IFN-beta) and the interferon omega (IFN-omega) genes. Mouse and human genomes carry more than a dozen genes coding for closely related alpha interferon subtypes. The genes coding for all known interferons alpha/ beta have been located to murine chromosome 4.The mouse IFN-a ELISA Kit recognises only the expres- sion of IFN-a2 and IFN-a4 subtypes. IFN Alpha/Beta Receptor 2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IFNABR2-1 IFN gamma ELISA KIT 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHIFNG-UC IFN gamma ELISA KIT 1 pcs. Mouse Milipore EZMIFNG-UC IFN gamma ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-7316-22 IFN gamma ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7314-22 IFN gamma ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-IFNG-1 IFN gamma ELISPOT Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Human eBioscience 88-7386-21 IFN gamma ELISPOT Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7384-21 IFN gamma Platinum ELISA (extra sensitive) 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS609 IFN omega Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS233MST IFN-alpha Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS216INST IFN-alpha Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS216INSTCE IFN-alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS217 IFN-alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS216 IFN-alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS216CE IFN-beta ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-IFNB-1 IFNg ‘Femto-HS’ High Sensitivity ELISA 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-8314-22 IFN-gamma (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-136 IFN-gamma (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays Mouse BioVision K4117-100

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 70 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. IFN-gamma (mouse), ELISA kit 96 wells Mouse Enzo ADI-900-137 IFN-gamma ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-IFNG-1 IFN-gamma ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-IFNG-1 IFN-gamma ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IFNG-1 IFN-gamma ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IFNG-1 IFN-gamma ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Ovine RayBiotech ELO-IFNg-1 IFN-gamma ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-IFNG-1 IFN-gamma ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IFNG-1 IFN-gamma ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IFNG-CL-1 IFN-gamma ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IFNG-CL-1 IFN-gamma ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Cotton Rat RayBiotech ELS-IFNG-1 IFN-gamma ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-IFNG-1 IFN-gamma ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Ovine RayBiotech ELHS-VTN-1 IFN-gamma ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rabbit RayBiotech ELL-IFNG-1 IFN-gamma ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-IFNG-1 Macaque I IFN-gamma High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS228HS IFN-gamma Instant ELISA 128 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS606INST IFN-gamma Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS228 IFN-gamma Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS228CE IFN-gamma Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS606 IFN-gamma Platinum ELISA 96 tests Rat eBioscience BMS621 IFN-gamma R1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IFNGR1-1 IFN-omega Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS233 IFN-omega Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS233CE IFN-y ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4434 IFN-γ (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4773-100 IFN-γ (human) ELISA Kit (For Lysates) 100 assays Human BioVision K4774-100 Ig Isotyping ELISA Ready SET Go 10 x 96 tests w/plates Rat eBioscience 88-50640-86 Ig Isotyping ELISA Ready-Set-Go 10 x 96 tests w/plates Mouse eBioscience 88-50630-86 Ig Isotyping Instant ELISA 2 x 96 tests w/plates Mouse eBioscience 88-50660-22 Ig Isotyping Instant ELISA 2 x 96 tests w/plates Rat eBioscience 88-50650-22 IgA ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IGA-1 IgA ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1780-ADI IgA ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 7010-ADI IgA ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 6310-ADI IgA ELISA Ready SET Go Kit 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-50600-22 IgA ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Mouse eBioscience 88-50450-22 IgA ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Rat eBioscience 88-50480-22 IgA Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2096 IgA Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2096CE IgA SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-IGA-1 IgA SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-STAT3-1 IgA, Salivary ELISA 96 wells DRG SLV-4636 IgA, Secretory ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4601 IgE (Free Xolair unbound) ELISA Kit for Xolair-treated 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-440-XEF-ADI samples, 96 tests IgE (total) ELISA Kit for Xolair-treated samples, 96 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-430-XET-ADI tests IgE ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IGE-1 IgE ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1800-ADI IgE ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 7075-ADI IgE ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 7070-ADI IgE ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 6370-ADI

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 71 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. IgE ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-50610-22 IgE ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Mouse eBioscience 88-50460-22 IgE Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2097 IgE Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2097CE IgE Precoated 96-Well Strip Plate 1 ea Mouse Cayman Chemicals 400842.1-CAY IGF BP-3 RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-2022 IGF-1 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4775-100 IGF-1 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-150 IGF-1 600 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4140 IGF-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IGF1-1 IGF-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IGF1-1 IGF-1 ELISA 2 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IGF1-2 IGF-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-IGF1-1 IGF-1 Mouse/Rat ELISA 96 wells Mouse/Rat DRG EIA-5416 IGF-1 R ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IGF1R-1 I IGF-1 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-IGF1-1 IGF-1 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELRS-IGF1-1 IGF-1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-STC1-1 IGF-1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELH-THAP11-1 IGF-1 sR (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4776-100 IGF-1R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IGF1R-1 IGF-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IGF2-1 IGF-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-IGF2-1 Macaque IGF-2 RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-5171 IGF-Binding Protein 1 (IGFBP1) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0900-ADI Quantitative IGF-BP1 (IGF Binding Protein 1) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3780 IGFBP-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IGFBP1-1 IGFBP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-IGFBP1-1 Macaque IGFBP-1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ROBO2-1 IGFBP-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IGFBP2-1 IGFBP-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IGFBP2-1 IGFBP-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-IGFBP2-1 IGFBP-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-IGFBP2-1 IGFBP-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-IGFBP2-1 IGFBP-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-IGFBP2-1 Macaque IGFBP-2 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ROBO4-1 IGFBP-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IGFBP3-1 IGFBP-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IGFBP3-1 IGF-BP3 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5049 IGFBP-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-IGFBP3-1 Macaque IGFBP-3 IRMA 96 tests DRG RIA-4732 IGFBP-3 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-IGFBP3-1 IGFBP-3 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ROR1-1 IGFBP-3 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELHS-TFPI-1 IGFBP-4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IGFBP4-1 IGFBP-5 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IGFBP5-1 IGFBP-5 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IGFBP5-1 IGFBP-5 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IGFBP5-1 IGFBP-5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-IGFBP5-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 72 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. IGFBP-5 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-IGFBP5-1 IGFBP-5 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELRS-IGFBP5-1 IGFBP-5 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELH-THOP1-1 IGFBP-6 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IGFBP6-1 IGFBP-6 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IGFBP6-1 IGFBP-6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IGFBP6-1 IGFBP-6 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ROR2-1 IGFBP-rp1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-RSPO2-1 IGF-I (CT) RIA 96 tests DRG RIA-4701 IGF-I (Somatomedin C) (Coated Tube) RIA 96 tests DRG RIA-4702 IGF-I ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IGF1-1 IGF-IIR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IGF2R-1 IgG (HAHA) ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-200-HAH-ADI IgG (Mouse) ELISA 96 wells Mouse DRG EIA-5052 IgG (total) ELISA Kit 1 kit Alpha Diagnostic 7050-ADI IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Bovine Alpha Diagnostic 8010-ADI I IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Cat Alpha Diagnostic 300-100-CGG-ADI IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Dog Alpha Diagnostic 400-100-DGG-ADI IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit G. Pig Alpha Diagnostic 7420-ADI IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Goat Alpha Diagnostic 7520-ADI IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1750-ADI IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 6320-ADI IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Pig Alpha Diagnostic 9020-ADI IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 6520-ADI IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 6420-ADI IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Sheep Alpha Diagnostic 7620-ADI IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Turkey Alpha Diagnostic 8020-ADI IgG EIA 96-Well Solid Plate 1 ea Mouse Cayman Chemicals 400007.1-CAY IgG EIA 96-Well Strip Plate 1 ea Mouse Cayman Chemicals 400005.1-CAY IgG EIA 96-Well Strip Plate 1 ea Mouse Cayman Chemicals 400004.1-CAY IgG ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IGG-1 IgG ELISA 96-Well Solid Plate 1 ea Mouse Cayman Chemicals 400006.1-CAY IgG ELISA 96-Well Solid Plate 1 ea Mouse Cayman Chemicals 400008.1-CAY IgG ELISA 96-Well Strip Plate 1 ea Mouse Cayman Chemicals 400009.1-CAY IgG ELISA Kit 96 wells Mouse Cayman Chemicals 501240.96-CAY IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 6020-ADI IgG Precoated Solid Plate 1 ea Rabbit Cayman Chemicals 400659.1-CAY IgG Precoated Strip Plate 1 ea Rabbit Cayman Chemicals 400658.1-CAY IgG SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-RSPON3-1 IgG total ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-50550-22 IgG total ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Mouse eBioscience 88-50400-22 IgG total ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Rat eBioscience 88-50490-22 IgG total Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2091 IgG1 (mouse), ELISA kit 96 wells Mouse Enzo ADI-900-109 IgG1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IGG1-1 IgG1 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 6330-ADI IgG1 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-50560-22 IgG1 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Mouse eBioscience 88-50410-22 IgG1 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Rat eBioscience 88-50500-22 IgG1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IGG1-1 IgG1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2092 IgG1 Precoated 96-Well Strip Plate 1 ea Human Cayman Chemicals 400912.1-CAY IgG1 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-IGG1-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 73 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. IgG1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-RYK-1 IgG1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELHS-TFPI2-1 IgG2 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-50570-22 IgG2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2093 IgG2 Precoated 96-Well Strip Plate 1 ea Human Cayman Chemicals 400962.1-CAY IgG2a (mouse), ELISA kit 96 wells Mouse Enzo ADI-900-113 IgG2A ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IGG2A-1 IgG2a ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 6340-ADI IgG2a ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Mouse eBioscience 88-50420-22 IgG2a ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Rat eBioscience 88-50510-22 IgG2a SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-IGG2A-1 IgG2a SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELHS-TfR-1 IgG2b (mouse), ELISA kit 96 wells Mouse Enzo ADI-900-110 IgG2b ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 6350-ADI IgG2b ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Mouse eBioscience 88-50430-22 I IgG2b ELISA Ready-SET-Go 10 x 96 tests Rat eBioscience 88-50520-88 IgG2b ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IGG2B-1 IgG2b SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-IGG2B-1 IgG2b SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELHS-TGFa-1 IgG2c ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Mouse eBioscience 88-50670-22 IgG3 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 6360-ADI IgG3 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-50580-22 IgG3 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Mouse eBioscience 88-50440-22 IgG3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IGG3-1 IgG3 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2094 IgG4 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-50590-22 IgG4 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2095 IgG4 Precoated 96-Well Strip Plate 1 ea Human Cayman Chemicals 400922.1-CAY IgG-Fc ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic 7715-FC-ADI IgG-Fc ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Sheep Alpha Diagnostic 7615-FC-ADI IgM (mouse), ELISA kit 96 wells Mouse Enzo ADI-900-120 IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Bovine Alpha Diagnostic 8080-ADI IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Cat Alpha Diagnostic 300-170-CGM-ADI IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 6040-ADI IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Dog Alpha Diagnostic 400-170-DGM-ADI IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit G. Pig Alpha Diagnostic 7430-ADI IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1760-ADI IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 7060-ADI IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 6380-ADI IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Pig Alpha Diagnostic 9080-ADI IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 6580-ADI IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 6480-ADI IgM ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-50620-22 IgM ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Mouse eBioscience 88-50470-22 IgM ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Rat eBioscience 88-50540-22 IgM ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IGM-1 IgM Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2098 IgM Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2098CE IgM SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-IGM-1 IgM SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELHS-TGFbR2-1 IGSF3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GHR-1 IGSF4C ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GIF-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 74 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. IgY Antibody detection in whole egg yolks ELISA kit, 1 kit Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 80177-ADI Qualitative IgY ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 6030-ADI IkBa (Total) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86061-11 IkBa (Total/Phospho) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86063-11 IL-1 alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL1A-1 IL-1 alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL1A-1 IL-1 alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL1A-1 IL-1 alpha ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL1A-CL-1 IL-1 alpha ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Mouse eBioscience 88-5019-22 IL-1 alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-IL1A-1 IL-1 alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-IL1A-1 IL-1 alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-IL1A-1 IL-1 alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rabbit RayBiotech ELL-IL1A-1 IL-1 alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests Rat eBioscience BMS627 IL-1 beta ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-IL1B-1 I IL-1 beta ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL1B-1 IL-1 beta ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL1B-1 IL-1 beta ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-IL1B-1 IL-1 beta ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL1B-1 IL-1 beta ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL1B-CL-1 IL-1 beta ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL1B-CL-1 IL-1 beta ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7013-22 IL-1 beta ELISA Ready-SET-Go (2nd 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-7261-22 IL-1 beta ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-IL1B-1 IL-1 beta ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-IL1B-1 IL-1 beta ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rabbit RayBiotech ELL-IL1B-1 IL-1 beta Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS224INST IL-1 beta Platinum ELISA 96 tests Rat eBioscience BMS630 IL-1 beta Tissue Culture ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Rat eBioscience 88-6010-22 IL-1 F5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-IL1F5-1 IL-1 R2 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-S100A7-1 IL-1 R4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL1R4-1 IL-1 R6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL1R6-1 IL-1 RA ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL1RA-1 IL-1 RA ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL1RA-1 IL-1 RA ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL1RA-CL-1 IL-1 Ra ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-IL1RA-1 IL-1 Ra ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL1RA-1 IL-1 sRI ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL1R1-1 IL-1 sRII ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL1R2-1 IL-10 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-036 IL-10 (mouse), ELISA kit 96 wells Mouse Enzo ADI-900-148 IL-10 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-IL10-1 IL-10 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-IL10-1 IL-10 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL10-1 IL-10 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL10-1 IL-10 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL10-1 IL-10 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4699 IL-10 ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL10-CL-1 IL-10 ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL10-CL-1 IL-10 ELISA KIT 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHIL10-UC IL-10 ELISA KIT 1 pcs. Mouse Milipore EZMIL10-UC

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 75 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. IL-10 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-7106-22 IL-10 ELISA Ready-SET-Go (2nd Generation) 2 x 96 tests w/plates Mouse eBioscience 88-7105-22 IL-10 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-IL10-1 IL-10 ELISPOT Ready-SET-Go 10 x 96 tests Human eBioscience 88-7805-88 IL-10 ELISPOT Ready-SET-Go 10 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7804-88 IL-10 High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS215HS IL-10 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS215INST IL-10 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS215INSTCE IL-10 Instant ELISA 128 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS642INST IL-10 Instant ELISA 128 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS614INST IL-10 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS215/2 IL-10 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS215/2CE IL-10 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS642/2 IL-10 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS614/2 IL-10 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Rat eBioscience BMS629 I IL-10 R alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL10RA-1 IL-10 R beta ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL10RB-1 IL-11 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL11-1 IL-11 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL11-1 IL-12 (p70) Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS238 IL-12 (p70) Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS238CE IL-12 (p70) Platinum ELISA 96 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS646 IL-12 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-IL12-1 IL-12 p40 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL12P40-1 IL-12 p40 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-IL12P40-1 IL-12 p40 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-IL12P40-1 IL-12 p40 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-IL12P40-1 IL-12 p40/70 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL12P40P70-1 IL-12 p70 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL12P70-1 IL-12 p70 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-7126-22 IL-12 p70 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7121-22 IL-12 p70 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL12P70-1 IL-12 p70 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6004 IL-12 p70ELISA KIT 1 pcs. Mouse Milipore EZMIL12-UC IL-12 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS616 IL-12 R beta 2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GLI3-1 IL-12/IL-23 p40 Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2013MST IL-12/IL-23 p40 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2013 IL-12/IL-23 total p40 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7120-22 IL-12p70 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-202 IL-12p70 ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHIL12-UC IL-12p70 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-IL12P70-1 Macaque IL-12p70 High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS238HS IL-13 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-208 IL-13 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL13-1 IL-13 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL13-1 IL-13 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-IL13-1 IL-13 ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL13-CL-1 IL-13 ELISA KIT 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHIL13-UC IL-13 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Human eBioscience 88-7439-22 IL-13 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7137-22 IL-13 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-IL13-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 76 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. IL-13 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS231INST IL-13 Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS231/3MST IL-13 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS231/3 IL-13 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS231/3CE IL-13 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6015 IL-13 Ra1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL13RA1-1 IL-13 Ra2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL13RA2-1 IL-15 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4739-100 IL-15 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL15-1 IL-15 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL15-1 IL-15 ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHIL15-UC IL-15 ELISA Ready-SET-Go (2nd Generation) 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-7620-22 IL-15 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-IL15-1 IL-15 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-IL15-1 IL-15 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-IL15-1 IL-15 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-IL15-1 I Macaque IL-15 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2106 IL-15 R alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL15RA-1 IL-15/IL-15R Complex ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7215-22 IL-15/IL-15R Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6023 IL-16 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL16-1 IL-16 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-IL16-1 Macaque IL-17 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4740-100 Il-17 B ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL17B-1 IL-17 E ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL17E-1 IL-17 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-IL17A-1 IL-17 R ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL17R-1 IL-17 RC ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL17RC-1 IL-17 RD ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GLYOX1-1 IL-17A (homodimer) ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Human eBioscience 88-7176-22 IL-17A (homodimer) ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7371-22 IL-17A (homodimer) ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Rat eBioscience 88-7170-22 IL-17A (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-177 IL-17A ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL17-1 IL-17A ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL17-1 IL-17A ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Ovine RayBiotech ELO-IL17A-1 IL-17A ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Rat Milipore EZRIL17A-UC IL-17A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-IL17A-1 IL-17A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Ovine RayBiotech ELHS-vWF-1 IL-17A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rabbit RayBiotech ELL-IL17A-1 IL-17A ELISPOT Ready-SET-Go 10 x 96 tests Human eBioscience 88-7876-88 IL-17A ELISPOT Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse/Rat eBioscience 88-7370-21 IL-17A High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2017HS IL-17A Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2017 IL-17A Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6001 IL-17A Platinum ELISA 96 tests Rat eBioscience BMS635 IL-17AF (heterodimer) ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Human eBioscience 88-7117-22 IL-17AF (heterodimer) ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Mouse eBioscience 88-8711-22 IL-17AF Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2082 IL-17AF Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6026 IL-17B ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL17B-1 IL-17B R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL17BR-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 77 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. IL-17B R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL17BR-1 IL-17D ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GLRX3-1 IL-17E (IL-25) ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7002-22 IL-17E (IL-25) Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6046 IL-17E ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL17E-1 IL-17F (homodimer) ELISA Ready-SET-Go Set 2 x 96 tests Human eBioscience 88-7478-22 IL-17F (homodimer) ELISA Ready-SET-Go Set 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7472-22 IL-17F (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4741-100 IL-17F ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL17F-1 IL-17F ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Mouse Milipore EZMIL17F-UC IL-17F ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL17F-1 IL-17F ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-IL17F-1 IL-17F ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL17F-1 IL-17F Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2037/2 IL-17F Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2037/2TEN I IL-17F Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6020 IL-18 BPa ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL18BPA-1 IL-18 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL18-1 IL-18 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL18-1 IL-18 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-IL18-1 IL-18 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL18-1 IL-18 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS267INST IL-18 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS267INSTCE IL-18 Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS267/2MST IL-18 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS267/2 IL-18 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS267/2CE IL-18 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS618/3 The mouse IL-18 ELISA is an enzyme-linked immuno- Alternative Name Interleukin-18, Interferon-gamma-inducing factor sorbent assay for the quantitative detection of mouse Sensitivity 19.0 pg/mL IL-18. The mouse IL-18 ELISA is for research use Detection Range 31.3 - 2,000 pg/mL only. Not for diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. Sample Type Cell culture supernatant, serum and plasma (citrate) Mouse Scientific background Species Detected 96-well Microplate, strips Formerly called interferon (IFN) gamma inducing Size Sandwich-based factor (IGIF), IL-18 is a cytokine that plays an import- Design Principle 3 hours 10 min ant role in the T-cell-helper type 1 (Th1) response, Assay Time Colorimetric primarily by its ability to induce IFN gamma production Detection Method Aluminium pouch(es) with a Microwell Plate coated in T cells and natural killer (NK) cells. Kit/Set Contains with monoclonal antibody to mouse IL-18, Biotin-Con- In terms of structure, IL-18 and IL-1 beta share prima- jugate anti-mouse IL-18 monoclonal antibody, Strepta- ry amino acid sequences of the so-called ?signature vidin-HRP, Mouse IL-18 Standard lyophilized, 4 ng/mL sequence” motif and are similarly folded as all beta upon reconstitution, Sample Diluent, Assay Buffer Con- pleated sheet molecules. Also similar to IL-1 beta, IL- centrate 20x (PBS with 1% Tween 20 and 10% BSA), 18 is synthesized as a biologically inactive precursor Wash Buffer Concentrate 20x (PBS with 1% Tween 20), molecule lacking a signal peptide which requires Substrate Solution (tetramethyl-benzidine), Stop Solution cleavage into an active, mature molecule by the intra- (1M Phosphoric acid), Adhesive Films cellular cysteine protease called IL-1 beta converting enzyme (ICE, caspase-1). The activity of the mature IL-18 is closely related to that of IL-1. IL-18 induces gene expression and synthesis of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), IL-1, Fas Ligand, and several chemokines. The activity of IL-18 is via an IL-18 receptor (IL-18R) complex. IL-18 induces gene expression and synthesis of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), IL-1, Fas Ligand, and several chemokines. Similar to IL-1, IL-18 participates in both innate and acquired immunity. IL-18 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Pig eBioscience BMS672 IL-18 R beta ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL18RB-1 IL-19 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Mouse eBioscience 88-50320-22 IL-19 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL19-1 IL-1alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS243/2

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 78 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. IL-1alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS243/2CE IL-1alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS611 IL-1B ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHIL1B-UC IL-1beta (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-130 IL-1beta (mouse), ELISA kit 96 wells Mouse Enzo ADI-900-132A IL-1beta (rat), ELISA kit 96 wells Rat Enzo ADI-900-131 IL-1beta ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-IL1BETA-1 Macaque IL-1beta High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS224HS IL-1beta Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS224INSTCE IL-1beta Instant ELISA 128 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6002INST IL-1beta Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS224/2 IL-1beta Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS224/2CE IL-1beta Platinum ELISA 96 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS645 IL-1beta Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6002 IL-1F5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL1F5-1 I IL-1F6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL1F6-1 IL-1F7 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL1F7-1 IL-1F9 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL1F9-1 IL-1R3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL1R3-1 IL-1R5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL1R5-1 IL-1R6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL1R6-1 IL-1RA ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-IL1RA-1 IL-1RA Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2080 IL-1ß ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4437 IL-1α (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4791-100 IL-1α (human) ELISA Kit (for lysates) 100 assays Human BioVision K4792-100 IL-1α (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays mouse BioVision K4793-100 IL-1α (rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays Rat BioVision K4797-100 IL-1β (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4794-100 IL-1β (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays mouse BioVision K4795-100 IL-1β (rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays Rat BioVision K4796-100 IL-2 (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5706 IL-2 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4798-100 IL-2 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-118A IL-2 (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays mouse BioVision K4799-100 IL-2 (mouse), ELISA kit 96 wells Mouse Enzo ADI-900-042 IL-2 (rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays Rat BioVision K4800-100 IL-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-IL2-1 IL-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-IL2-1 IL-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL2-1 IL-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL2-1 IL-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL2-1 IL-2 ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL2-CL-1 IL-2 ELISA KIT 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHIL2-UC IL-2 ELISA KIT 1 pcs. Mouse Milipore EZMIL2-UC IL-2 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7024-22 IL-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-IL2-1 IL-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-IL2-1 IL-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rabbit RayBiotech ELL-IL2-1 IL-2 ELISPOT Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7824-21 IL-2 High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS221HS IL-2 High Sensitivity Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS601HS

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 79 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. IL-2 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS221INST IL-2 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS221INSTCE IL-2 Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests Rat eBioscience BMS634MST IL-2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS221/2 IL-2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS221/2CE IL-2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS643/2 IL-2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS601 IL-2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Rat eBioscience BMS634 IL-2 R alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL2RA-1 IL-2 R alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL2RA-1 IL-2 R alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL2RA-1 IL-2 R beta ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL2RB-1 IL-2 Ready-SET-Go ELISA (2nd Generation) 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-7025-22 IL-20 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL20-1 IL-20 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL20-1 I IL-20 R alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GLYOX2-1 IL-20 R beta ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GMCSFRa-1 IL-21 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL21-1 IL-21 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL21-1 IL-21 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Ovine RayBiotech ELO-IL21-1 IL-21 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-8210-22 IL-21 ELISA Ready-SET-Go (2nd Generation) 20 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-8218-76 IL-21 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-IL21-1 IL-21 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Ovine RayBiotech ELH-TAFA1-1 IL-21 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rabbit RayBiotech ELL-IL21-1 IL-21 ELISPOT Ready-SET-Go 10 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7210-88 IL-21 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2043 IL-21 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6021 IL-21 R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL21R-1 IL-22 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL22-1 IL-22 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Human eBioscience 88-7522-22 IL-22 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7422-22 IL-22 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL22-1 IL-22 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-IL22-1 IL-22 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL22-1 IL-22 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2047 IL-22 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6022 IL-22 R alpha 1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GNMT-1 IL-23 alpha p19 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL23P19-1 IL-23 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL23-1 IL-23 ELISA Ready-SET-Go (2nd Generation) 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7230-22 IL-23 ELISA Ready-SET-Go Set 2 x 96 tests Human eBioscience 88-7237-22 IL-23 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL23-1 IL-23 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-IL23-1 Macaque IL-23 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2023/3 IL-23 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6017 IL-23 R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GPC2-1 IL-24 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL24-1 IL-27 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Human eBioscience 88-7278-22 IL-27 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7274-22 IL-27 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL27-1 IL-27 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2085

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 80 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. IL-27 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6024 IL-27 R alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL27RA-1 IL-28 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL28-1 IL-28 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-52102-22 IL-28 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6028 IL-28 R alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GPC5-1 IL-28A ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL28A-1 IL-28B (IFN lambda-3) ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7284-22 IL-29 (IFN lambda 1) ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Human eBioscience 88-7296-22 IL-29 (IFN-lambda1) Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2049 IL-29 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL29-1 IL-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL3-1 IL-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL3-1 IL-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL3-1 IL-3 R beta ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL3RB-1 IL-31 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL31-1 I IL-31 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2041 IL-31 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6030 IL-31 RA ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GPR111-1 IL-32 alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL32A-1 IL-33 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-201 IL-33 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL33-1 IL-33 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL33-1 IL-33 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7333-22 IL-33 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2048 IL-33 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6025 IL-34 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL34-1 IL-3R alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL3RA-1 IL-4 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-145A IL-4 (mouse), ELISA kit 96 wells Mouse Enzo ADI-900-043 IL-4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL4-1 IL-4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL4-1 IL-4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-IL4-1 IL-4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL4-1 IL-4 ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL4-CL-1 IL-4 ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL4-CL-1 IL-4 ELISA KIT 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHIL4-UC IL-4 ELISA KIT 1 pcs. Mouse Milipore EZMIL4-UC IL-4 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Human eBioscience 88-7046-22 IL-4 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7044-22 IL-4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-IL4-1 IL-4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Cotton Rat RayBiotech ELS-IL4-1 IL-4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-IL4-1 IL-4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-IL4-1 IL-4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rabbit RayBiotech ELL-IL4-1 IL-4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-IL4-1 Macaque IL-4 ELISPOT Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7844-21 IL-4 High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS225HS IL-4 High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS613HS IL-4 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS225INST IL-4 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS225INSTCE IL-4 Instant ELISA 128 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS613INST

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 81 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. IL-4 Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests Rat eBioscience BMS628MST IL-4 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS225/2 IL-4 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS225/2CE IL-4 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS613 IL-4 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Rat eBioscience BMS628 IL-4 R alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GPR115-1 IL-5 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL5-1 IL-5 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL5-1 IL-5 ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT139-0001 IL-5 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Human eBioscience 88-7056-22 IL-5 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7054-22 IL-5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-IL5-1 IL-5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL5-1 IL-5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-IL5-1 Macaque I IL-5 ELISPOT Ready-SET-Go 10 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7825-88 IL-5 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS278INST IL-5 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS278INSTCE IL-5 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS278 IL-5 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS278CE IL-5 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS610 IL-5 R alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL5RA-1 IL-6 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4143-100 IL-6 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-033 IL-6 (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4144-100 IL-6 (mouse), ELISA kit 96 wells Mouse Enzo ADI-900-045 IL-6 (rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4145-100 IL-6 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-IL6-1 IL-6 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL6-1 The Human BDNF ELISA kit is a colorimetric in vitro Alternative Name Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) (Abrineurin) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for the quanti- 80pg/ml tative measurement of BDNF. Excellent for follow up/ Sensitivity 80 pg/ml - 16 ng/ml confirmation of antibody array data. The Pre-coated Detection Range Serum, Plasma, Cell culture media 96 well plate saves time and reduces error. Strip plate Sample Type Human format minimizes waste. The complete kit includes all Species Detected 96-well Microplate, strips necessary reagents. All RayBio kits are highly sen- Size Sandwich-based sitive and specific. Optimized for serum, plasma and Design Principle 5 hours cell culture medium. Assay Time Colorimetric Detection Method 96-well pre-coated strip plate (12x8), Wash Buffer Scientific background Kit/Set Contains Concentrate (20x), Standard, Sample Diluent Buffers, BDNF is found in neurons of the central nervous sys- Biotin-labeled Detection Antibody, HRP-Streptavidin tem. It is expressed predominantly in hippocampus, concentrate, TMB One-Step Substrate Reagent, Stop cortex, and synapses of the basal forebrain. BDNF Solution selectively supports the survival of primary sensory neurons and retinal ganglia. It supports survival and differentiation of certain cholinergic neurons and also some dopaminergic neurons in vitro. The factor inhibits the normal cell death of embryonic chick motor neurons. IL-6 ELISA 96-well strip plate kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL6-001 IL-6 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL6-1 IL-6 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-IL6-1 IL-6 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL6-1 IL-6 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-IL6-1 Macaque IL-6 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4640 IL-6 ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL6-CL-1 IL-6 ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL6-CL-1 IL-6 ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL6-CL-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 82 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. IL-6 ELISA KIT 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHIL6-UC IL-6 ELISA KIT 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZMIL6-UC IL-6 ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Rat Milipore EZRIL6-UC IL-6 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Human eBioscience 88-7066-22 IL-6 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7064-22 IL-6 High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS213HS eBioscience High Sensitivity ELISA Kits offer accurate Alternative Name Interferon-beta 2, B-cell stimulatory factor 2,HGF quantification below conventional ELISA limits. This Sensitivity 0.03 pg/mL is made possible by ther inherent design by amplify- Detection Range 0.08 - 5.0 pg/mL ing the signal generated by the enzyme horseradish Sample Type Cell culture supernatant, serum and plasma (EDTA, peroxidase (HRP) and the colorimetric-detectable sub- citrate) strate tetramethylbenzidin (TMB) based on Tyramide Species Detected Human Signal Amplification (TSA) technology. Size 96-well Microplate, strips Design Principle Sandwich-based Scientific background Assay Time 4 hours Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a multi-functional cytokine that Detection Method Kit/Set Colorimetric regulates immune responses, acute phase reactions Contains Aluminium pouch(es) with a Microwell Plate coated with and hematopoiesis and may play a central role in host monoclonal antibody to human IL-6, Biotin-Conjugate defense mechanisms. IL-6 is usually not produced anti-human IL-6 monoclonal antibody, Streptavidin-HRP, I constitutively by normal cells, but its expression is Human IL-6 Standard lyophilized, 200 pg/mL upon readily induced by a variety of cytokines,lipopolysac- reconstitution, Control high, lyophilized, Control low, charide (LPS) or viral infections. IL-6 is a pleiotropic lyophilized, Assay Buffer Concentrate 20x (PBS with 1% cytokine produced by a variety of cells. It acts on Tween 20 and 10% BSA), Sample Diluent, Amplifica- a wide range of tissues, exerting growth-induction, tion Diluent Concentrate (2x), Amplification Reagent I*, growth-inhibition, and differentiation respectively, Amplification Reagent II, Wash Buffer Concentrate 20x depending on the nature of the target cells. (PBS with 1% Tween 20), Substrate Solution (tetrameth- yl-benzidine), Stop Solution (1M Phosphoric acid), Adhesive Films. * reagent contains ethyl alcohol. IL-6 High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS603HS IL-6 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS213INST IL-6 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS213INSTCE IL-6 Instant ELISA 128 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS641INST IL-6 Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS213/2MST IL-6 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS213/2 IL-6 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS213/2CE IL-6 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS641/2 IL-6 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS603/2 IL-6 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Rat eBioscience BMS625 IL-6 R ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL6R-1 IL-6 R SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-IL6R-1 IL-6 R SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-S100A9-1 IL-6 R SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELHS-TGFbR3-1 IL-6 Receptor ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-IL6SR-1 Macaque IL-6 sR ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL6SR-1 IL-7 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL7-1 IL-7 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL7-1 IL-7 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL7-1 IL-7 R alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GPR56-1 IL-7 R alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL7RA-1 IL-8 (CXCL8) ELISA KIT 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHIL8-UC IL-8 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-156 IL-8 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-902-156 IL-8 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-IL8-1 IL-8 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-IL8-1 IL-8 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL8-1 IL-8 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-IL8-1 IL-8 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4700 IL-8 ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL8-CL-1 IL-8 ELISA Ready-SET-Go (2nd Generation) 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-8086-22

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 83 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. IL-8 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-IL8-1 IL-8 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rabbit RayBiotech ELL-IL8-1 IL-8 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-IL8-1 Macaque IL-8 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS204/3INST IL-8 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS204/3INSTCE IL-8 Instant ELISA 128 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS640/3INST IL-8 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS204/3 IL-8 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS204/3CE IL-8 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS640/3 IL-8/NAP-1 Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS204/3MST IL-9 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL9-1 IL-9 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-IL9-1 IL-9 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Human eBioscience 88-7958-22 IL-9 ELISA Ready-SET-Go (2nd Generation) 2 x 96 tests w/plates Mouse eBioscience 88-8092-22 I IL-9 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-IL9-1 IL-9 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2081 IL-9 R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL9R-1 Immunoglobulin E (IgE) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1788 Importin alpha 2/KPNA2/SRP1-alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GPV-1 Indian Krait (Bungarus Caeruleus) Antibody ELISA 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic 570-110-KHG-ADI Kits, 96 tests, Quantitative Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) IgG ELISA kit, 96 1 kit Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 920-120-IBV-ADI tests Infliximab (Remicade) ELISA Kit 4 x 96-wells eBioscience 87-51886 Infliximab conformational ELISA, BIOLIKE 3 x 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT124-0003 Influenza A Virus H1N1 (human/avian) IgG ELISA kit, 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 920-070-H1G-ADI 96 tests Influenza A virus IgA ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 920-060-HAA-ADI Influenza A virus IgA ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Swine/Pig Alpha Diagnostic 920-030-PAA-ADI Influenza A virus IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 920-040-HAG-ADI Influenza A virus IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Swine/Pig Alpha Diagnostic 920-010-PAG-ADI Influenza A virus IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 920-050-HAM-ADI Influenza A virus IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Swine/Pig Alpha Diagnostic 920-020-PAM-ADI Influenza B virus IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 920-605-RBG-ADI Influenza B virus IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 920-610-RBM-ADI Influenza B virus Igs ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 920-400-HBG-ADI Influenza B virus Igs ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 920-500-MBG-ADI Influenza B virus Igs ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 920-600-RBG-ADI ING1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GPVI-1 Inhibin A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GRAP2-1 Inhibin-B EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-INB-1 Inhibin-B EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-INB-1 Inhibin-B EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-INB-1 Insulin & Insulin Analogs (Lispro/Humalog, Aspart, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0035-IA-ADI Glargine, Glulisine, Determir) ELISA Kit Insulin (Bovine) ELISA 96 wells Bovine DRG EIA-4748 Insulin (Canine) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4749 Insulin (Equine) ELISA 96 wells Equine DRG EIA-4746 Insulin (Feline) Elisa 96 wells DRG EIA-4919 Insulin (human) CT RIA 100 tests Human DRG RIA-1435 Insulin (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-1825 Insulin (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4742-100 Insulin (human) Ultrasensitive ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-2337

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 84 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Insulin (Human) ultrasensitive J-125 250 tests Human DRG RIA-1255 Insulin (Mouse) ELISA 96 wells Mouse DRG EIA-3439 Insulin (Mouse) ultrasensitive ELISA 96 wells Mouse DRG EIA-3440 Insulin (mouse, rat) EIA kit 96 wells Mouse, Bertin A05105.96 Rat Insulin (Ovine) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4739 Insulin (Porcine) ELISA 96 wells Pig DRG EIA-4747 Insulin (Porcine) RIA 250 tests Pig DRG RIA-1257 Insulin (Rat) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-2048 Insulin (Rat) J-125 250 tests Rat DRG RIA-1253 Insulin (Rat) sensitive J-125 250 tests Rat DRG RIA-1819 Insulin (TMB)(dog) ELISA kit 96 wells Dog Bertin AKRIN-012T.96 Insulin (TMB)(pig) ELISA kit 96 wells Pig Bertin AKRIN-013T.96 Insulin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-INSULIN-1 Insulin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-INSULIN-1 Insulin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-INSULIN-1 I Insulin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3608 Insulin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2935 Insulin ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHI-14K-UC Insulin ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Rat/Mouse Milipore EZRMI-13K-UC Insulin ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT141-0001 Insulin ELISA Kit (Animal Serum Free) 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHIASF-14K-UC Insulin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative, 96 tests, 1 kit Bovine Alpha Diagnostic 0030-10-B1-ADI Quantitative Insulin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0030N-ADI Quantitative Insulin ELISA Microtiter Strip Plate 1 pcs. Human Milipore EP14-UC Insulin ELISA Microtiter Strip Plate 1 pcs. Rat/Mouse Milipore EP13-UC Insulin ELISA Microtiter Strip Plate (Animal Serum 1 pcs. Human Milipore EP14ASF-UC Free) Insulin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-INSULIN-1 Insulin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-INSULIN-1 Insulin IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3600-HIG-ADI Insulin IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 3610-MKG-ADI Insulin IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 3700-MIG-ADI Insulin IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 3750-RIG-ADI Insulin IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 3710-MIM-ADI Insulin IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 3760-RIM-ADI Insulin IRMA 96 tests DRG RIA-4376 Insulin Rat High Range 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-3985 Insulin Rat/Mouse Elisa 96 wells Rat/Mouse DRG EIA-4127 Insulin Specific Human RIA 250 tests Human DRG RIA-1249 Insulin ultrasensitive (Rat) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-2943 Insulin, Lispro-, J-125 250 tests DRG RIA-2923 Insulin-Biotin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative, 96 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0030-20-I-ADI tests, Quantitative Integrin alpha 1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GRO-1 Integrin alpha 11/ITGA11 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GSTM1-1 Integrin alpha-M ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GSTP1-1 Interferon Beta (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5756 interferon gamma ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 100-280-IFG-ADI Interleukin 21 (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5294 Interleukin 4 (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5539 Interleukin-1 beta (rat) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-4911

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 85 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Interleukin-1 receptor antigonist (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5815 Interleukin-10 (Rat) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-4773 Interleukin-12 (mouse) ELISA 96 wells Mouse DRG EIA-4920 Interleukin-12 p70 (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4843 Interleukin-12p70 (mouse) ELISA 96 wells Mouse DRG EIA-4842 Interleukin-13 (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4841 Interleukin-17 A (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4840 Interleukin-1a (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4839 Interleukin-1α (human) EIA Strip Plate 1 ea Human Cayman Chemicals 483302.1-CAY Interleukin-1α (human) EIA Strip Plate 5 ea Human Cayman Chemicals 483302.5-CAY Interleukin-1α (human) ELISA Kit 96 wells Human Cayman Chemicals 583301.96-CAY Interleukin-1β (human) EIA Strip Plate 1 ea Human Cayman Chemicals 483312.1-CAY Interleukin-1β (human) EIA Strip Plate 5 ea Human Cayman Chemicals 483312.5-CAY Interleukin-1β (human) ELISA Kit 96 wells Human Cayman Chemicals 583311.96-CAY Interleukin-23 (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5058 I Interleukin-5 (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4832 Interleukin-6 (human) ELISA Kit 96 wells Human Cayman Chemicals 501030.96-CAY J Interleukin-6 (mouse) ELISA Kit 96 wells Mouse Cayman Chemicals 583371.96-CAY Interleukin-6 (rat) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-4845 Interleukin-6 Receptor (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4844 interleulin-6 (rIL-6) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 6430-30-ADI interleulin-6 (rIL-6) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 6430-20-ADI interleulin-6 (rIL-6) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 6430-10-ADI Intrinsic Factor (IF Ab) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4392 Involucrin ELISA 2500 wells DRG EIA-0144 IP-10 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IP10-1 IP-10 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Ovine RayBiotech ELO-IP10-1 IP-10 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-IP10-1 IP-10 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-IP10-1 IP-10 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-IP10-1 IP-10 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rabbit RayBiotech ELL-IP10-1 IP-10 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-IP10-1 Macaque IP-10 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS284INST IP-10 Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6018MST IP-10 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6018 IRF1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GRK1-1 Irisin Competitive ELISA Kit 100 assays Human/ BioVision K4761-100 Mouse/ Rat/ Monkey Islet-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GRK5-1 Iso-Insulin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2336 Iso-Insulin Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS2003INST I-TAC ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ITAC-1 I-TAC ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-ITAC-1 IAA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1593 IAA RIA 50 tests DRG RIA-4264 IAA RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4265 Jagged 1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-JAGGED1-1 Jagged 2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GZMA-1 JAM-A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-JAMA-1 JAM-A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-JAMA-1 JAM-A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-JAMA-1

86 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. JAM-B ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-JAMB-1 JAM-C ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-JAMC-1 Japanese encephalitis envelop Protein (JEV-EP) IgM 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 910-170-JEM-ADI specific ELISA kit 96 tests Japanese encephalitis virus envelop Protein (JEV-EP) 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 910-160-JEM-ADI IgG specific ELISA kit 96 tests Japanese encephalitis virus envelop Protein (JEV-EP) 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 910-120-JEM-ADI IgG specific ELISA kit, 96 tests Japanese encephalitis virus envelop Protein (JEV-EP) 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 910-140-JEM-ADI IgG specific ELISA kit, 96 tests Japanese encephalitis virus envelop Protein (JEV-EP) 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 910-130-JEM-ADI IgM specific ELISA kit, 96 tests Japanese encephalitis virus envelop Protein (JEV-EP) 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 910-150-JEM-ADI IgM specific ELISA kit, 96 tests JE (Japanese Encephalitis) IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4518 JE (Japanese Encephalitis) IgM Capture ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4505 JNK (T183/Y185) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-well microplate kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-JNK-1 Mouse/ Rat JNK 1/2 (Total) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86196-11 J JNK 1/2 (Total/Phospho) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86198-11 Jnk1/2 (pThr183/Tyr185) ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-106 K Jo-1 (Scleroderma 70 Kda/DNA-topoisomerase-1) IgG 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-150-JOG-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Jo-1 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3581 Jo-1 Igs (total) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit mouse Alpha Diagnostic 6005-ADI Kallikrein 1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HepaCAM-1 Kallikrein 11 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HEXA-1 Kallikrein 5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-KLK5-1 Kallikrein 7 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HIN1-1 Kallikrein-13 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HFREP1-1 Kallikrein-6 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-217-0001 Kallikrein-7 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-218-0001 Kallikrein-8 (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-219-0001 KC ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-KC-1 Kell/CD238 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GZMB-1 Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (KLH) coated ELISA 1 pk Keyhole Alpha Diagnostic 700-101-ADI plate (96 wells) 5 plates/pk Limpet Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) IgG (total) ELISA 1 kit Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 700-120-KLC-ADI Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) IgG (total) ELISA 1 kit Goat Alpha Diagnostic 700-100-KLG-ADI Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) IgG (total) ELISA 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 595-KLG-ADI Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) IgG (total) ELISA 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 700-110-KLR-ADI Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Canine Alpha Diagnostic 700-195-KLG-ADI tests, Quantitative Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 700-170-KLG-ADI tests, Quantitative Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) IgM ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Canine Alpha Diagnostic 700-190-KLM-ADI tests, Quantitative Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) IgM ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 700-145-KLM-ADI tests, Quantitative Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) IgM ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 700-180-KLM-ADI tests, Quantitative Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) Igs (G+A+M)) 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 700-130-KLM-ADI ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Kilham Virus (KRV) Antibody ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic AE-310110-1-ADI

87 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Kilon/NEGR1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-GZMH-1 KIM-1 (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-226-0001 Kininogen ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-KNG1-1 KIR2DL3/CD158b2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HAND1-1 KIR3DL1/CD158e ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HAO1-1 KLF4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HCN4-1 KLH IgG (total) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 pk Human Alpha Diagnostic 700-140-KLG-ADI KLK-10 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-KLK10-1 KLK14 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-KLK14-1 KLK6 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-KLK6-1 Klotho (Mouse) ELISA 96 wells Mouse DRG EIA-5499 Klotho beta/BKL ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HMGB3-1 Kremen-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-KREMEN1-1 Kremen-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HNF4A-1 Kynureninase ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HPGDS-1 L1CAM (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5850 Lactoferrin (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5849 Lactoferrin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3602 K Lactoferrin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Bovine Alpha Diagnostic 8090-ADI Lactoferrin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LTF-1 L Lactoferrin IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-260-LFG-ADI LAG3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LAG3-1 LAIR1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HPSN-1 LAIR2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HPX-1 LAMP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HS3ST1-1 LAMP1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HS3ST3B1-1 LAMP2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HS3ST4-1 Langerin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IDS-1 LAP (TGF beta 1) Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Mouse eBioscience 88-50690-22 LAP (TGF beta 1) Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Rat eBioscience 88-50680-22 LAP (TGF-beta1) ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-50390-22 LAP (TGF-beta1) Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2065 Latanoprost EIA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 516811.96s-CAY Latanoprost EIA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 516811.96-CAY Layilin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LAYILIN-1 LBP, soluble (mouse) ELISA kit 96 wells Mouse Enzo ALX-850-305-KI01 LBP, soluble ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ALX-850-304-KI01 LC-1 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4276 LDL ox ELISA (sandwich) 96 wells DRG EIA-3430 LDL R ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LDLR-1 LDL R SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-AGT-1 LDL Reptor ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-LDLR-1 Macaque LECT2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-HSP60-1 LEDGF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ICAM5-1 Legionella ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2814 Legionella pneumophila IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5646 Legionella Urinary Ag ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4205 Legumain ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LEGUMAIN-1 Leishmania Ab Canine ELISA 96 wells Canine DRG EIA-4796 Leishmania infantum IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3843 LEKTI/SPINK5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IDO-1 Leptin (Canine) Elisa 96 wells Canine DRG EIA-5302

88 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Leptin (human) EIA kit 96 wells Human Bertin A05174.96 Leptin (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4304 Leptin (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4777-100 Leptin (Human) J-125 250 tests Human DRG RIA-1624 Leptin (Human) J-125 125 tests Human DRG RIA-2997 Leptin (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-028A Leptin (Mouse) ELISA 96 wells Mouse DRG EIA-3114 Leptin (Mouse) ELISA 96 wells Mouse DRG EIA-4564 Leptin (Mouse) J-125 250 tests Mouse DRG RIA-1625 Leptin (mouse), ELISA kit 96 wells Mouse Enzo ADI-900-019A Leptin (mouse, rat) EIA kit 96 wells Mouse, Bertin A05176.96 Rat Leptin (Mouse/Rat) ELISA 96 wells Mouse/Rat DRG EIA-4551 Leptin (Multi-Species) J-125 250 tests DRG RIA-1874 Leptin (Rat) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-4607 Leptin (rat), ELISA kit 96 wells Rat Enzo ADI-900-015A Leptin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LEPTIN-1 Leptin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-LEPTIN-1 Leptin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-LEPTIN-1 Leptin ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Canine Milipore EZCL-31K-UC Leptin ELISA kit 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHL-80SK-UC Leptin ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Mouse Milipore EZML-82K-UC L Leptin ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Rat Milipore EZRL-83K-UC Leptin ELISA Kit (BULK PACK) 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHL-80BK-UC Leptin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 100-130-LEM-ADI Leptin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 600-310-CFP-ADI Quantitative Leptin ELISA Microtiter Plate 1 pcs. Canine Milipore EP31-UC Leptin ELISA Microtiter Strip Plate 1 pcs. Human Milipore EP81-UC Leptin ELISA Microtiter Strip Plate 1 pcs. Rat/Mouse Milipore EP83-UC Leptin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rabbit RayBiotech ELL-LEPTIN-1 Leptin Hu ELISA kit Enzo ALX-850-044-KI01 Leptin Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS2039INST Leptin R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-LEPTINR-1 Leptin Receptor (human) EIA kit 96 wells Human Bertin A05175.96 Leptin RIA 125 Tube Kit <1.5 uCi I-125 1 pcs. Human Milipore HL-81HK-UC Leptin RIA 250 Tube Kit <3uCi I-125 1 pcs. Human Milipore HL-81K-UC Leptin Sandwich ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2395 Leptin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-Albumin-1 Leptospira Antibody Porcine ELISA 96 wells Pig DRG EIA-5417 Leptospira Hardjo Ab MCA based ELISA 96 wells Bovine DRG EIA-2498 Leptospira IgG + IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4727 Leptospira IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4245 Leptospira IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4715 Leptospira IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5752 Lethal Factor (LF) Igs ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 900-200-LFM-ADI Lethal Factor (LF) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Swine/ Alpha Diagnostic 900-230-LFG-ADI Feral Lethal Factor (LF) IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Swine/ Alpha Diagnostic 900-235-LFM-ADI Feral Leukotriene B4 EIA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 520111.96s-CAY Leukotriene B4 EIA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 520111.96-CAY Leukotriene B4 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3088

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 89 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Leukotriene B4 Express ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 10009292.96s-CAY

Leukotriene B4 Express ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 10009292.96-CAY Leukotriene C4 ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 501070.96s-CAY Leukotriene C4 ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 501070.96-CAY Leukotriene E4 ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 501060.96s-CAY LH ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LH-1 LH ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT107-0001 LH IRMA 96 tests DRG RIA-4373 LH-Serum ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1289 LH-Urin(e) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1290 Lif (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4778-100 LIF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LIF-1 LIF Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS242 LIGHT ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LIGHT-1 LILRB4/CD85k/ILT-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IDUA-1 Limitin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-LIMITIN-1 LIMP-II ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LIMPII-1 Lin-28A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IFNabR1-1 L Lipocalin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IFNgR1-1 Lipocalin-1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-ALCAM-1 Lipocalin-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LIPOCALIN2-1 Lipocalin-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-LIPOCALIN2-1 Lipocalin-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-LIPOCALIN2-1 Lipocalin-2 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-Lipocalin2-1 Lipocalin-2 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELRS-Lipocalin2-1 Lipocalin-2 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELHS-TIMP2-1 Lipocalin-2 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELH-THSD1-1 Lipocalin-2/NGAL (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays Mouse BioVision K7568-100 Lipocalin-2/NGAL ELISA 1 pcs. Mouse Milipore EZMNGAL-39K-UC Lipocalin-2/NGAL ELISA Plate 1 pcs. Mouse Milipore EP39-UC Lipopolysaccharide (LPS, E. coli) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 680-600-LHG-ADI tests, Quantitative Lipopolysaccharide (LPS, E. coli) IgM ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 680-605-LHM-ADI tests, Quantitative LisPro Insulin RIA 250 Tube Kit <3uCi I-125 1 pcs. Milipore LPI-16K-UC Livin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LIVIN-1 Livin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-LIVIN-1 Livin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-LIVIN-1 LIX ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-LIX-1 LIX ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-LIX-1 LIX ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-LIX-CL-1 LKM-1 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4277 LL-37 (human) ELISA 2 x 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5140 LMP7/PSMB8 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IGFBPRP1-1 LOX-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LOX1-1 LOX-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-LOX1-1 LOX-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-LOX1-1 Macaque Lp (a) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4367 Lp(a) / Apo(a) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1907 Lp-PLA2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IGSF3-1 LRG1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IGSF4B-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 90 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. LRIG1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IGSF4C-1 LRIG3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LRIG3-1 LRP-1 Cluster III/CD91 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL12Rb2-1 LRP-6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LRP6-1 LRPAP/RAP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL17D-1 LRRC4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL17RD-1 LRRN1/NLRR-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL20Ra-1 LRRTM1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL20Rb-1 LRRTM3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL22BP-1 LRRTM4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL22Ra1-1 LSECtin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL23R-1 L-Selectin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LSELECTIN-1 L-Selectin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-LSELECTIN-1 L-Selectin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-LSELECTIN-1 LTA4H ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL26-1 LTB4 ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-068 Lucentis/Ranibizumab (Anti-VEGF) ELISA Kit for 96 tests Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-880-LUG-ADI human, 96 tests Luteinizing Hormone (LH) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quan- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0100-ADI titative Luteinizing Hormone [LH] (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7426-100 Luteinizing Hormone ELISA Kit 96 wells Cayman Chemicals 500720.96-CAY L LVV Hemorphin 7 ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-205 Ly6K ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL31RA-1 M Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) Antibody 1 kit G. Pig Alpha Diagnostic AE-300230-1-ADI ELISA Kit, 96 tests Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) Antibody 1 kit Hamster Alpha Diagnostic AE-300220-1-ADI ELISA Kit, 96 tests Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) Antibody 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic AE-300200-1-ADI ELISA Kit, 96 tests Lymphotactin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-LYMPHOTAC- TIN-1 Lymphotoxin beta R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL28RA-1 Lympotactin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LYMPHOTAC- TIN-1 Lysozyme ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3601 LYVE-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LYVE1-1 LYVE-1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-ANG-1 M. Tuberculosis 16kDa/Hspx IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 990-240-16G-ADI M. Tuberculosis 16kDa/Hspx IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 990-245-16M-ADI M. Tuberculosis 38kda/Ag85b IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 990-250-38G-ADI M. Tuberculosis 38kda/Ag85b IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 990-255-38M-ADI M. Tuberculosis 6kDa/ESAT-6 IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 990-235-06M-ADI M. Tuberculosis MVA vaccine (38kda/Ag85b) IgG 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 990-260-38G-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests M. Tuberculosis MVA vaccine (38kda/Ag85b) IgM 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 990-265-38M-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests M.Tuberculosis 6kDa/ESAT-6 IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 990-230-06G-ADI MAdCAM-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MADCAM1-1 MAG ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-MAG-1 MAGP-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL4Ra-1 Malaria Ab ELISA 192 wells DRG EIA-5048 Malaria Ag ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5411 Malaria ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5511 Malaria IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Monkey/ Alpha Diagnostic 970-500-SMG-ADI Apes

91 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. MAP1D ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IL7Ra-1 MAPK Family (ERK, p38, JNK) Activation InstantOne 96 tests eBioscience 85-86195-11 Marapsin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MARAPSIN-1 Marapsin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MARAPSIN-1 Mareks Disease Virus (MDV) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 920-130-MDV-ADI Matrilin-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ILT2-1 Matriptase (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-221-0001 Matriptase ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ILT4-1 MBL ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MBL-1 MBL ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-MBL-1 Macaque MBL oligomer ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo BPD-KIT-029 MBL-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MBL2-1 MBL-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-MBL2-1 MCAM ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IMPTNa2-1 MCEMP1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ING1-1 Mcl-1/Bcl2L3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-INHBA-1 MCP-1 (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4857 MCP-1 (mouse) ELISA 96 wells Mouse DRG EIA-5091 MCP-1 (rat) (Monoc. Chem. Prot.) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-3620 MCP-1 (rat), ELISA kit 96 wells Rat Enzo ADI-900-077 MCP-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MCP1-1 MCP-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MCP1-1 M MCP-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-MCP1-1 MCP-1 ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MCP1-CL-1 MCP-1 ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-MCP1-CL-1 MCP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-MCP1-1 MCP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-MCP1-1 MCP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-MCP1-1 MCP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rabbit RayBiotech ELL-MCP1-1 MCP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-MCP1-1 Macaque MCP-1 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS281INST MCP-1 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS281INSTCE MCP-1 Instant ELISA 128 tests Rat eBioscience BMS631INST MCP-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS281 MCP-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS281CE MCP-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6005 MCP-1 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELRS-MCP1-1 MCP-1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELH-TIGIT-1 MCP-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MCP2-1 MCP-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MCP3-1 MCP-3 Instant ELISA 128 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6006INST MCP-4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MCP4-1 MCP-5 ELISA 96-well strip plate kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MCP5-001 MCP-5 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MCP5-1 MCP-5 Instant ELISA 128 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6007INST MCPT-1 (mMCP-1) ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7503-22 M-CSF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MCSF-1 M-CSF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MCSF-1 M-CSF R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MCSFR-1 MD-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MD1-1 MDC ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MDC-1 MDC ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MDC-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 92 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. MDC ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-MDC-1 Macaque MDGA2/MAMDC1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-IRF1-1 MDL-1/CLEC5A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ISL1-1 Measles IgA ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human/ Alpha Diagnostic 530-120-HMA-ADI Measles Measles IgA ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse/ Alpha Diagnostic 530-150-MMA-ADI Measles Measles IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human/ Alpha Diagnostic 530-100-HMG-ADI Measles Measles IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse/ Alpha Diagnostic 530-130-MMG-ADI Measles Measles IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human/ Alpha Diagnostic 530-110-HMM-ADI Measles Measles IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse/ Alpha Diagnostic 530-140-MMM-ADI Measles MEF2C ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ITGA1-1 MEK1 (pSer218/Ser222) ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-119 MEK1 ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-122A Melan-A/MART-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-KIR2DL3-1 Melatonin (direct) Saliva ELISA 96 wells DRG SLV-4779 Melatonin (human) RIA 100 tests Human DRG RIA-3972 Melatonin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1431 Melatonin Research RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4496 Melatonin Saliva Direct RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-5503 Melatonin Sulfate ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1432 M Meningitis IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4918 Meningococcal Group A Oligosaccharides-Diphtheria 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 600-300-100-ADI CRM197 IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests Meningococcal Group A Oligosaccharides-Diphtheria 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 600-300-200-ADI CRM197 IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests Meningococcal Group A Oligosaccharides-Diphtheria 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 600-310-300-ADI CRM197 IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests Meningococcal Group ACWY Oligosaccharides-Diph- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 600-300-115-ADI theria CRM197 IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests Meningococcal Group ACWY Oligosaccharides-Diph- 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 600-310-215-ADI theria CRM197 IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests Meningococcal Group ACWY Oligosaccharides-Diph- 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 600-330-315-ADI theria CRM197 IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests Meningococcal Group CWY Oligosaccharides-Diph- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 600-300-105-ADI theria CRM197 IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests Meningococcal Group CWY Oligosaccharides-Diph- 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 600-300-205-ADI theria CRM197 IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests Meningococcal Group CWY Oligosaccharides-Diph- 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 600-320-305-ADI theria CRM197 IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests MEPE ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MEPE-1 Meprin alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ITGA11-1 Meprin beta ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ITGA2-1 Mer ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MER-1 Merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1 P. falciparum/ma- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 970-360-HMG-ADI laria vaccine) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests Merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1 P. falciparum/ma- 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 970-320-MSG-ADI laria vaccine) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests Merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1 P. falciparum/ma- 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 970-340-RMG-ADI laria vaccine) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests Merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1 P. falciparum/ma- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 970-370-HMM-ADI laria vaccine) IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests Merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1 P. falciparum/ma- 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 970-350-RMM-ADI laria vaccine) IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 93 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1 P. falciparum/mal- 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 970-330-MSM-ADI rai vaccine) IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests MESDC2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ITGA5-1 Mesothelin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MESOTHE- LIN-1 Met Combi (Urine) ELISA 2 x 96 wells DRG EIA-4083 Met Combi Plasma ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4865 Met Combi Plasma RIA 2x50 tests DRG RIA-4466 Met Combi Urine RIA 2 x 100 tests DRG RIA-4006 Metanephrine Plasma ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4313 Metanephrine Plasma RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4314 Metanephrine Urine ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4315 Metanephrine Urine RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4316 METAP2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ITGAM-1 MetCombi Plasma ELISA 2 x 96 wells DRG EIA-4082 MetCombi Plasma RIA 2x100 t. DRG RIA-4012 Meteorin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-METEORIN-1 Methotrexate ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT142-0001 METTL11A/NRMT ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ITGB1-1 MFG-E8 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MFGE8-1 MFG-E8 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MFGE8-1 MFRP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ITGB5-1 MIA ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-Jagged1-1 M MICA ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MICA-1 MICB ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MICB-1 Micro-Albumin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3881 Microcystins (Adda specific) ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ALX-850-319-KI01 Microtiter ELISA Plate 1 pcs. Milipore EPDAGPW-UC Microtiter ELISA Plate 1 pcs. Milipore EPDAG-UC Microtiter ELISA Plate 1 pcs. Milipore EPDARW-UC Microtiter ELISA Plate 1 pcs. Milipore EPRAM-UC Midkine ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MDK-1 MIF (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4786-100 MIF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MIF-1 MIF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-MIF-1 MIF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-MIF-1 MIF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-MIF-1 MIF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-MIF-1 Macaque MIG ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MIG-1 MIG ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MIG-1 MIG ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Ovine RayBiotech ELO-MIG-1 MIG ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-MIG-1 MIG ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Ovine RayBiotech ELH-TAFA2-1 MIG ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-MIG-1 MIG Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS285INST Minute Virus (MVM) Antibody ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic AE-300900-1-ADI Minute Virus (MVM) Antibody ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic AE-300910-1-ADI MIP-1 alpha (CCL3) ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Mouse eBioscience 88-56013-22 MIP-1 alpha (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4784-100 MIP-1 alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MIP1A-1 MIP-1 alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MIP1A-1 MIP-1 alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-MIP1A-1 MIP-1 alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-MIP1A-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 94 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. MIP-1 beta (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4785-100 MIP-1 beta ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MIP1B-1 MIP-1 beta ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-MIP1B-1 MIP-1 beta ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rabbit RayBiotech ELL-MIP1B-1 MIP-1 beta ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-MIP1B-1 MIP-1 beta ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-MIP1B-1 Macaque MIP-1 delta ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MIP1D-1 MIP-1 delta SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-MIP1d-1 MIP-1 delta SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-ApoC3-1 MIP-1 delta SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELHS-TNFR1-1 MIP-1 gamma ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MIP1G-1 MIP-1 gamma SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-MIP1g-1 MIP-1 gamma SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELHS-TRAPPIN2-1 MIP-1alpha Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS2029INST MIP-1beta ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MIP1B-1 MIP-1beta Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS2030INST MIP-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MIP2-1 MIP-3 alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MIP3A-1 MIP-3 alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MIP3A-1 MIP-3 alpha ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MIP3A-CL-1 MIP-3 beta ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MIP3B-1 MIP-3 beta ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MIP3B-1 MIS RII ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-Jagged2-1 M MKK6/MEK6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-KEL-1 MKK7/MAP2K7 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-Kilon-1 Mky Anti-B. pertussis antigens (Pertussis toxin, FHA 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 960-225-PHM-ADI and LPS) IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests MMP-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MMP1-1 MMP-1 ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MMP1-CL-1 MMP-10 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MMP10-1 MMP-10 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MMP10-1 MMP-12 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-KIR3DL1-1 MMP-13 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MMP13-1 MMP-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MMP2-1 MMP-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MMP2-1 MMP-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-MMP2-1 MMP-2 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-MMP2-1 MMP-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MMP3-1 MMP-3 ELISA 96-well strip plate kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MMP3-001 MMP-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MMP3-1 MMP-3 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2014/2 MMP-3 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-MMP3-1 MMP-3 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELHS-Trfrn-1 MMP-7 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MMP7-1 MMP-8 (rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays Rat BioVision K4743-100 MMP-8 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MMP8-1 MMP-8 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-MMP8-1 MMP-8 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-MMP8-1 MMP-8 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MMP8-1 MMP-8 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELRS-MMP8-1 MMP-8 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELH-TIM4-1 MMP-9 (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4861 MMP-9 ELISA 96-well strip 1 plate kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MMP9-001

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 95 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. MMP-9 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MMP9-1 MMP-9 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-MMP9-1 MMP-9 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rabbit RayBiotech ELL-MMP9-1 MMP-9 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-MMP9-1 Macaque MMP-9 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2016/2 MMP-9 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2016/2CE MMP-9 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-ApoE-1 MMR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MMR-1 MOG ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-KIRREL3-1 Morphine (serum/blood) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4923 Morphine (serum/blood) ELISA 480 wells DRG EIA-4924 Mouse IgG (HAMA) ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-205-HAM-ADI MPIF-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MPIF1-1 MPO (Myeloperoxidase) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4571 MPO ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-MPO-1 MPO Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS2038INST Ms Anti-S. Pneumococcal CWPS/22F IgG ELISA kit 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 560-430-C22-ADI Ms Anti-S. Pneumococcal CWPS/22F IgM ELISA kit 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 560-435-C22-ADI Ms Anti-S. Pneumococcal vaccine (PCV-13) IgG 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 560-160-13G-ADI ELISA kit Ms Anti-S. Pneumococcal vaccine (PCV-13) IgM 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 560-165-13M-ADI ELISA kit Ms Anti-S. Pneumococcal vaccine (Pneumovax) IgG 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 560-180-23G-ADI M ELISA kit Ms Anti-S. Pneumococcal vaccine (Pneumovax) IgM 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 560-185-23M-ADI ELISA kit Ms Anti-S. Pneumococcal vaccine (Prevnar-7/PCV-7) 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 560-100-07G-ADI IgG ELISA kit Ms Anti-S. Pneumococcal vaccine (Prevnar-7/PCV-7) 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 560-105-07M-ADI IgM ELISA kit Ms Anti-S. Pneumococcal vaccine (Synflorix/PCV-10) 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 560-130-10G-ADI IgG ELISA kit Ms Anti-S. Pneumococcal vaccine (Synflorix/PCV-10) 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 560-135-10M-ADI IgM ELISA kit MSH, a- (alpha-Melan. Stim. Horm) J-125 100 tests DRG RIA-3024 MSP alpha/beta SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-ApoE4-1 MSP ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MSP-1 MSP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-MSPA-1 Macaque MSP Receptor ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-KLF4-1 mTOR (S2448) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-Well Microplate Kit Human RayBiotech CBEL-mTOR-1 MultiSpeciesLeptin RIA 250 TubeKit <3uCi I-125 1 pcs. Milipore XL-85K-UC Mumps Virus (parotitis) IgA ELISA, 96 tests, Quanti- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 520-120-HMA-ADI tative Mumps Virus (parotitis) IgA ELISA, 96 tests, Quanti- 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 520-150-MMA-ADI tative Mumps Virus (parotitis) IgG ELISA, 96 tests, Quanti- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 520-100-HMG-ADI tative Mumps Virus (parotitis) IgG ELISA, 96 tests, Quanti- 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 520-130-MMG-ADI tative Mumps Virus (parotitis) IgM ELISA, 96 tests, Quanti- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 520-110-HMM-ADI tative Mumps Virus (parotitis) IgM ELISA, 96 tests, Quanti- 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 520-140-MMM-ADI tative Mycobacterium Tuberculosis IgA ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 990-100-THA-ADI Mycobacterium Tuberculosis IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 990-110-THG-ADI Mycobacterium Tuberculosis IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 990-210-TMG-ADI

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 96 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 990-310-TRG-ADI Mycobacterium Tuberculosis IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Monkey/ Alpha Diagnostic 990-400-MTG-ADI Quantitative Apes Mycobacterium Tuberculosis IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 990-120-THM-ADI Mycobacterium Tuberculosis IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 990-220-TMM-ADI Mycobacterium Tuberculosis IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Monkey/ Alpha Diagnostic 990-410-MTM-ADI Apes Mycobacterium Tuberculosis IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 990-320-TRM-ADI Mycoplasma hominis IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5097 Mycoplasma hominis IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4559 Mycoplasma hominis IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4560 Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3848 Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3499 Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3500 Myelin Associated Glycoprotein (MAG) Igs ELISA Kit, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 640-100-MAG-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) IgGs ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 630-130-MBP-ADI Quantitative Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 630-135-MBP-ADI Quantitative Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) Igs ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 630-100-MBP-ADI Quantitative Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) Igs ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 630-120-MBP-ADI Quantitative Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) Igs ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 630-110-MBP-ADI Quantitative M Myelin Oligodendrcyte protein (MOG) Igs ELISA Kit, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 600-230-MOG-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative N Myelin Oligodendrcyte protein (MOG) Igs ELISA Kit, 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 600-240-MOG-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Myelin Oligodendrcyte protein (MOG35-55) Igs ELISA 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 4000-ADI kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Myelin Oligodendrcyte protein (MOG35-55) Igs ELISA 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 600-200-MOG-ADI Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Myelin Oligodendrcyte protein (MOG35-55) Igs ELISA 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 600-210-MOG-ADI Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Myeloperoxidase (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-115 Myeloperoxidase (MPO) human ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4165 Myoglobin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3955 Myoglobin ELISA Kit 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 600-610-HMY-ADI Myoglobin ELISA Kit 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 600-620-MMY-ADI Myoglobin ELISA Kit 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 600-630-MMY-ADI Myoglobin ELISA Kit 1 kit Pig Alpha Diagnostic 600-640-PMY-ADI Myoglobin ELISA Kit 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 600-650-RMY-ADI Myoglobin ELISA Kit 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 600-660-RMY-ADI Myoglobin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MYOGLOBIN-1 Myosin light chain 3/MYL3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-KLK1-1 Myostatin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 100-220-MYM-ADI Nampt (Visfatin/PBEF) (human) Intracellular ELISA 100 assays Human BioVision K4909-100 Nampt (Visfatin/PBEF) (mouse/rat) Serum ELISA 100 assays Mouse/Rat BioVision K4908-100 Nampt / Visfatin / PBEF (human) ELISA Kit 96 wells Human Enzo AG-45A-0006EK- KI01 Nampt / Visfatin / PBEF (mouse/rat) Dual ELISA 96 wells Mouse/Rat Enzo AG-45A-0007EK- KI01 Nanog ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NANOG-1 NAP-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NAP2-1 NAP-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-NAP2-1 Macaque

97 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Napsin A/NAPSA ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-KLK11-1 NBR1 ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-211-0001 N-CAM1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NCAM1-1 NCAM-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-NCAM1-1 NCAM-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-NCAM1-1 NCAM-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-NCAM1-1 NCAM-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-NCAM1-1 NCAM-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rabbit RayBiotech ELL-NCAM1-1 NCAM-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-NCAM1-1 Macaque NCK1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-KLK13-1 Nectin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-KLK8-1 Nectin-2/CD112 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-KLOb-1 Nectin-4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NEC4-1 NEDD9/CASL ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-KRM2-1 Neonatal TSH ELISA 192 wells DRG EIA-1483 Neonate Phenylalanine ELISA 192 wells DRG EIA-1477 Neonate Phenylalanine ELISA 192 wells DRG EIA-1478 Neonate Trypsin ELISA 192 wells DRG EIA-1278 Neopterin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1476 Neopterin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2949 Neopterin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3410-ADI ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NEPRILYSIN-1 Neprilysin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-NEPRILYSIN-1 Neprilysin-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-KYNU-1 N NERVE GROWTH FCTR ELISA 192 wells Milipore CYT304-UC Nesfatin (human/mouse/rat) EIA Kit 100 assays Human/ BioVision K4758-100 Mouse/ Rat Nesfatin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-NES-1 Nesfatin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-NESF-1 Nesfatin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-NES-1 Nesfatin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-NESF-1 Nesfatin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-NES-1 Nesfatin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-NESF-1 Nesfatin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-KRT8-1 Nestin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-L1CAM-1 Netrin-4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LY6K-1 Neudesin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LAIR1-1 Neuregulin-1/NRG1-beta1 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4711-100 Neurexin-1 alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-NRXN1A-1 Neurexin-1 alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELH-TGM2-1 Neurexin-3 beta ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LSECTIN-1 Neuritin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LAIR2-1 Neurocan ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-KLK12-1 Neurofascin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-NFASC-1 Neurofascin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELH-TFF2-1 Neurogenin-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LAMP1-1 Neuroglycan C/CSPG5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LAMP-1 Neurokinin-A EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-NEA-1 Neurokinin-A EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-NEA-1 Neurokinin-A EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-NEA-1 Neurokinin-B EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-NEB-1 Neurokinin-B EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-NEB-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 98 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Neurokinin-B EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-NEB-1 Neuroligin 2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LGRN-1 Neuroligin-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-NLGN1-1 Neuroligin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELH-TfR-1 Neuroligin-4/NLGN4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LIFRa-1 Neuron Specific Enolase (NSE) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0050-ADI Quantitative Neuropeptide Y (NPY) ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHNPY-25K-UC Neuropeptide Y (NPY) ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Rat/Mouse Milipore EZRMNPY-27K-UC Neuropilin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LRRTM1-1 Neuropilin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-NRP1-1 Neuropilin-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LRRTM3-1 Neuropilin-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-NRP2-1 Neuroplastin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LRIG1-1 Neurotensin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-NT-1 Neurotensin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-NT-1 Neurotensin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-NT-1 Neurturin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LRRTM4-1 Neutrophil Peptide-1 (NP-1/HNNP-1) ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 100-270-NP1-ADI tests, Quantitative Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) IgGs ELISA kit, 96 1 kit Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 920-140-NDV-ADI tests NFkappaB p65 ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-EKS-446 NFkB p65 (Total) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86081-11 NFkB p65 (Total/Phospho) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86083-11 NGAL (dog) ELISA kit 96 wells Dog Enzo BPD-KIT-043 N NGAL (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo BPD-KIT-036 NGAL (monkey) ELISA kit 96 wells Monkey Enzo BPD-KIT-045 NGAL (mouse) ELISA kit 96 wells Mouse Enzo BPD-KIT-042 NGAL (pig) ELISA kit 96 wells Pig Enzo BPD-KIT-044 NGAL (rat) ELISA kit 96 wells Rat Enzo BPD-KIT-046 NGF R ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NGFR-1 NGL-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LAMA4-1 NgR3/NgRH2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LAMP2-1 Nicastrin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-KLK7-1 Nidogen-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NIDOGEN1-1 Nidogen-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-NIDOGEN1-1 Ninjurin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LBP-1 Nitrofuran (AHD) ELISA kit, (For Fish, Shrimp, Honey, 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100070-ADI Chicken/Liver), 96 tests Nitrofuran (AMOZ) ELISA kit (For Fish, Shrimp, Hon- 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100060-ADI ey, Chicken/Liver), 96 tests Nitrofuran (AOZ) ELISA kit (For Fish, Shrimp, Honey, 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100080-ADI Chicken/Liver), 96 tests Nitrofuran (SEM) ELISA kit (Honey, Fish, Shrimp, 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100075-ADI Chicken/Liver, Fish/Shrimp), 96 tests Nitrotyrosine ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Milipore 17-10006-UC Nitrotyrosine ELISA Kit,-20C 1 pcs. Milipore 17-10006-2-UC Nitrotyrosine ELISA Kit,2-8C 1 pcs. Milipore 17-10006-1-UC NKp30 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LECT2-1 NKp44 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LEDGF-1 NKp46/NCR1/CD335 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LEFTYA-1 NKp80/KLRF1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LEKTI-1 NLRP2/NALP2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LILRB4-1 NMNAT-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-Lin28A-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 99 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Nogo Receptor ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LMP7-1 Nogo-A ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-NOGOA-1 Nogo-A/Reticulon-4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-Lipocalin1-1 Nope ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-NOPE-1 Nope ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-NOPE-1 Nope ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-NOPE-1 Noradrenalin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2049 Noradrenalin Research ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4706 Noradrenaline ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4317 Noradrenaline RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4318 Norepinephrine/Noradrenaline (High Sensitivity) ELI- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1960-20-ADI SA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Plasma ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4319 Normetanephrine Plasma RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4320 Normetanephrine Urine ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4321 Normetanephrine Urine RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4322 Norovirus 1 (MNV-1) Antibody ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic AE-300300-1-ADI Norovirus ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5694 Norrin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LOXL2-1 Notch-1 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4763-100 NOTCH-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NOTCH1-1 Notch-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-NOTCH1-1 Notch-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-NOTCH2-1 Notch-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LpPLA2-1 NOV ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NOV-1 N NOV ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4836 NOV ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-NOV-1 NOV ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-NOV-1 Macaque NPDC-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LRG1-1 NPTXR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LRP1-1 NPY EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-NPY-1 NPY EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-NPY-1 NPY EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-NPY-1 NQO1 (human intracellular) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4926-100 NQO1 ELISA Kit one 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech 68ELH-NQO1 NQO-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LRPAP-1 NrCAM ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NRCAM-1 Nrf2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LRRC32-1 NRG1 Isoform SMDF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LRRN1-1 NRG1-alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LRRC4-1 NRG1-beta 1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NRG1B1-1 nRNP Igs (total (A+G+M) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quali- 96 tests, qualitative Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5410-ADI tative NSE ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2353 NSE ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4610 NSE IRMA J-125 96 tests DRG RIA-4411 NT-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NT3-1 NT-4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NT4-1 NTAL ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LTA4H-1 NTB-A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LTBR-1 NTH1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-LUM-1 Nuclear Antibodies (ANA) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3205-ADI Semi-Quantitative

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 100 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Nuclear Antigens (ANA/ENA) IgG-specific ELISA Kit, 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 650-230-ANA-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Nuclear Antigens (ANA/ENA) Igs (total (A+G+M) ) 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5210-ADI ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Nucleobindin-2 EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-NUCB-1 Nucleobindin-2 EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-NUCB-1 Nucleobindin-2 EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-NUCB-1 Nucleosome ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3610 NUDT5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MAGP2-1 NUP85/FROUNT ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MAP1D-1 OBCAM ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MATLN2-1 Obestatin (human) EIA kit 96 wells Human Bertin A05036.96 Obestatin (human/mouse/rat) EIA Kit 100 assays Human/ BioVision K4759-100 Mouse/ Rat Obestatin (mouse) EIA kit 96 wells Mouse Bertin A05035.96 Obestatin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-OBS-1 Obestatin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-OBS-1 Obestatin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-OBS-1 Olaquindox ELISA kit (Tissue) 96 tests 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100230-ADI Olfactomedin-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MATN3-1 Olig2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MATRP-1 Omentin 1 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo APO-54N-034-KI01 Omentin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-OME-1 Omentin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-OME-1 Omentin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-OME-1 Omentin-1 ELISA-96 Well Plate Assay 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZH0MNTN1-29K- N UC Oncostatin M R beta ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MCEMP1-1 O OPG (Osteoprotegerin) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3551 OPG ELISA 96-well strip plate kit Human RayBiotech ELH-OPG-001 OPG ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-OPG-1 OPG ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-OPG-1 Opiates (serum/blood) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4927 Opiates (serum/blood) ELISA 480 wells DRG EIA-4928 OPN ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-OPN-1 OPN ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-OPN-1 OSCAR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MCAM-1 OSM ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-OSM-1 OSM-R ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-50330-22 Osteoactivin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-OSTEOACTIV- IN-1 Osteoactivin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-Osteoactivin-1 Osteoactivin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-OSTEOACTIV- Macaque IN-1 Osteoadherin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MCADH-1 Osteocalcin (1-43/49) Human ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5504 Osteocalcin (Rat) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-2095 Osteocalcin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3375 Osteocalcin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-OSTEOCAL- CIN-1 Osteocalcin Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS2020INST Osteocalcin intact (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-1735 Osteocalcin IRMA 96 tests DRG RIA-3651 Osteocalcin Mouse ELISA 96 wells Mouse DRG EIA-4010

101 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Osteopontin (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-3116 Osteopontin (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-142 Osteopontin (mouse) ELISA 96 wells Mouse DRG EIA-4933 Osteopontin (OPN) (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7335-100 Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4716 Osteopontin (rat) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-4934 Osteopontin (rodent) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3557 Osteopontin (rodent), ELISA kit 96 wells Rodent Enzo ADI-900-090A Osteopontin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-OPN-1 Osteopontin Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2066 Osteopontin SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-OPN-1 Osteoprotegerin (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4573 Osteoprotegerin (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ALX-850-280A-KI01 Osteoprotegerin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-OPG-1 Osteoprotegerin Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS2021INST Osteoprotegerin SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-OPG-1 Osteoprotegerin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-STX4-1 Ovalbumin IgA ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 600-150-OGA-ADI Ovalbumin IgE (mouse) ELISA Kit 96 wells Mouse Cayman Chemicals 500840.96-CAY Ovalbumin IgE ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 670-150-OVE-ADI Ovalbumin IgE ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 600-165-OGE-ADI Ovalbumin IgE ELISA Kit, Quantitative 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 610-110-OGE-ADI Ovalbumin IgG (IgG specific) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mice Alpha Diagnostic 600-105-OGG-ADI Quantitative Ovalbumin IgG (total Igs A+G+M) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 620-100-OGG-ADI Quantitative Ovalbumin IgG (total Igs A+G+M) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 610-100-OGG-ADI O Quantitative Ovalbumin IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 670-140-OVG-ADI Ovalbumin IgG1 (mouse) ELISA Kit 96 wells Mouse Cayman Chemicals 500830.96-CAY Ovalbumin IgG1 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mice Alpha Diagnostic 600-110-OG1-ADI Ovalbumin IgG2a ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mice Alpha Diagnostic 600-120-O2A-ADI Ovalbumin IgG2b ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mice Alpha Diagnostic 600-130-O2B-ADI Ovalbumin IgG3 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mice Alpha Diagnostic 600-140-OG3-ADI Ovalbumin IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 670-145-OVM-ADI Ovalbumin IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 600-170-OGM-ADI Ovalbumin IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 610-120-OGM-ADI Ovalbumin Igs (total (A+G+M) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mice Alpha Diagnostic 600-100-OGG-ADI Quantitative Ovalbumin Igs ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 670-130-OVM-ADI Ovalbumin Precoated 96-Well Strip Plate 1 ea Cayman Chemicals 400832.1-CAY Ovarian Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2937 (CA125) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quanti- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1820-ADI tative Ovarian Cancer (CA153) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quanti- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1830-ADI tative Ovary Antibody Typing ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3777 OX40 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MCL1-1 ox-LDL ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5835 Oxyntomodulin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-OXM-1 Oxyntomodulin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-OXM-1 Oxyntomodulin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-OXM-1 Oxytocin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3117 Oxytocin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5834 Oxytocin ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 500440.96s-CAY

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 102 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Oxytocin ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 500440.96-CAY Oxytocin ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-153A-0001 p21 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-161 p27 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-P27-1 p27 Human Elisa 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4491 p27/Kip1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-P27-1 p27/Kip1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-P27-1 p27Kip1 (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-139 p38 (pThr180/Tyr182) ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-101 p38 MAPK (Total) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86021-11 p38 MAPK (Total/Phospho) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86023-11 p53 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4829-100 p53 (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ALX-850-057-KI01 p53 (S15) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-p53-1 Mouse/ Rat p53 (Total) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86121-11 p53 (Total/Phospho) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86123-11 p53 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-P53-1 p53 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-P53-1 p53 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS256 p62 ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-212-0001 p63/TP73L/KET ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MD2-1 p70 S6K (Total) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86051-11 p70 S6K (Total/Phospho) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86053-11 PAD4 Autoantibody ELISA Kit 96 wells Cayman Chemicals 500930.96-CAY PAD4 Precoated 96-Well Strip Plate 1 ea Cayman Chemicals 400932.1-CAY PAI-1 (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5413 O PAI-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PAII-1 PAI-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-PAII-1 P PAI-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-PAII-1 Monkey PAI-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-PAII-1 PAI-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2033 PAI-1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-CD14-1 Palivizumab conformational ELISA kit, BIOLIKE 3 x 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT126-0003 PAM ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MDGA1-1 pANCA (MPO) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3597 Pancreatic & GI Cancer (CA199) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1840-ADI Quantitative Pancreatic (CA-242/CA242) ELISA 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0060-ADI Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Pancreatic Elastase ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5842 Pancreatic Lipase ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1310-ADI Pancreatic Polypeptide (PP) ELISA 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHPP40K-UC Pancreatic Polypeptide (PP) ELISA Microtiter Plate 1 pcs. Human Milipore EP40-UC Pancreatic Polypeptide RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-3027 PAP ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1566 PAP ELISA 192 wells DRG EIA-3763 Papilloma Virus 11 late protein L1 (HPV11L1) IgG 1 kit human Alpha Diagnostic 550-111-PHG-ADI ELISA kit, quantitative, 96 tests HPV11 Papilloma Virus 16 late protein L1 (HPV16L1) IgG 1 kit human Alpha Diagnostic 550-116-PHG-ADI ELISA kit, quantitative, 96 tests HPV16 Papilloma Virus 18 late protein L1 (HPV18L1) IgG 1 kit human Alpha Diagnostic 550-118-PHG-ADI ELISA kit, quantitative, 96 tests HPV18

103 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Papilloma Virus 6 late protein L1 (HPV6L1) IgG ELISA 1 kit human Alpha Diagnostic 550-106-PHG-ADI kit, quantitative, 96 tests HPV6 Papilloma Virus IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4907 PAPP-A ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PAPPA-1 PAPP-A ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2397 PAPP-A IRMA 100 tests DRG RIA-5500 PAPP-A US ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4512 Pappalysin-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MDGA2-1 PAR1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MDL1-1 Parainfluenza 1/2/3 IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4349 Parainfluenza 1/2/3 IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4350 Parainfluenza 3 (PI3) Bovine ELISA 192 wells Bovine DRG EIA-4429 Parainfluenza Virus-5 (PI5) IgG antibodi 96 wells DRG EIA-2491 Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0320-PTH-ADI Quantitative Parathyroid Hormone-Biotin (PTH-Biotin) ELISA Kit, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0310-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative PARC ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PARC-1 PARC SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-CD23-1 Parietal cell (alpha and beta subunits of the Parietal 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-315-PRG-ADI Cell (H//K/ATPase) IgG ELISA kit Park7 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MDM2-1 PARP1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MEF2C-1 Parvovirus (MPV) Antibody ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic AE-300500-1-ADI Parvovirus (PPV) Antibody ELISA kit, 2x96 tests 1 kit Pig/Por- Alpha Diagnostic AE-200170-2-ADI cine/Swine Parvovirus B19 IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3503 Parvovirus B19 IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3504 Pax3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MEP1A-1 Paxillin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NORN-1 P P-Cadherin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PCADHERIN-1 P-Cadherin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-PCADHERIN-1 P-Cadherin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-PCADHERIN-1 P-Cadherin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-CD26-1 PCK1/PEPCK-C ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-METAP2-1 PCNA ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PCNA-1 PCPE-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-METTL11A-1 PCSK2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MFRP-1 PCSK9 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7265-100 PCSK9 (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays mouse BioVision K7266-100 PD-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PD1-1 PD-ECGF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TYMP-1 PDGF R alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PDGFRA-1 PDGF R beta ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PDGFRB-1 PDGF R beta ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-PDGFRB-1 Macaque PDGF-AB ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PDGFAB-1 PDGF-AB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-PDGFAB-1 PDGF-AB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-PDGFAB-1 PDGF-BB ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-PDGFB-1 PDGF-BB ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PDGFBB-1 PDGF-BB ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-PDGFB-1 PDGF-BB ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PDGFBB-CL-1 PDGF-BB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-PDGFBB-1 PDGF-BB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-PDGFB-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 104 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. PDGF-BB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-PDGFBB-1 PDGF-BB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rabbit RayBiotech ELL-PDGFBB-1 PDGF-BB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-PDGFBB-1 PDGF-BB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-PDGFBB-1 Macaque PDGF-BB Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2071 PDGF-C ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MISR2-1 PDGF-AA ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PDGFAA-1 PDGF-AA ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-PDGFAA-1 PDGF-AA ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-PDGFAA-1 PDGF-AA SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-CD300A-1 PDHX1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MKK6-1 PD-L2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PDL2-1 PDX-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MKK7-1 PEAR1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MLANA-1 PECAM-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PECAM1-1 PECAM-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-PECAM1-1 PECAM-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-PECAM1-1 Macaque PECAM-1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-CD59-1 PEDF, HU, ELISA KIT - 96 WELL 1 pcs. Milipore CYT420-UC PEGylated protein ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-213-0001 Pentraxin-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-PTX2-1 Pentraxin-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PTX3-1 Pepsinogen I (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4604 Pepsinogen I ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PGI-1 Pepsinogen II (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4603 Pepsinogen II ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PGII-1 Peptide YY ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT133-0001 Periostin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-POSTN-1 P Periostin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-PERIOSTIN-1 Periostin SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-Periostin-1 Periostin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-STX6-1 Periostin/OSF-2 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human/ BioVision K4760-100 Mouse Periostin/OSF-2 (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays mouse BioVision K4762-100 Peroxiredoxin 4/PRDX4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NGR3-1 Peroxiredoxin-1/PRDX1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NGLYCC-1 Peroxiredoxin-2/PRDX2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NGN3-1 Persephin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PSPN-1 Persephin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-PSPN-1 Pertussis Toxoid in Vaccines formulated in Alum, 50 1 kit Pertussis Alpha Diagnostic VAC-PTX-50-ADI test, Direct ELISA Pertussis Toxoid/Toxin (PTX) ELISA for the measure- 1 kit Pertussis Alpha Diagnostic VAC-PTX-410-ADI ment PTX in biological buffer PF-4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PF4-1 PF-4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-PF4-1 PGE1 ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-005

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 105 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. PGE2 ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-001 The PGE2 ELISA kit is a colorimetric enzyme immu- Alternative Name Prostaglandin E2 noassay kit with results in under 3 hours. Commer- Sensitivity 13.4 pg/ml cially available since 1992, this kit is widely cited in Detection Range 39.1 pg/ml – 2,500 pg/ml peer-reviewed publications with a variety of Sample Sample Type Culture supernatants, serum, saliva, urine and whole Types and origins. The non-radioactive ready-to-use blood. Cited samples include cerebrospinal fluid, dial- liquid color-coded reagents included in this kit reduce ysate, gingival crevicular fluid, peritonea exudate fluid, errors and allow reproducible results day-after-day peritoneal exudate cell supernatant, plasma and tissue. and lot-after-lot. Species-independent Species Detected 96-well Microplate, strips Scientific background Size Competitive assay

PGE2 is an extensively studied prostaglandin owing to Design Principle 3 hours its predominance in inflammation, cancer, atheroscle- Assay Time Colorimetric rosis, autoimmune disease, and sepsis. Oxidation of Detection Method Pre-coated microtiter plate, Conjugate, Antibody, Assay arachidonic acid by prostaglandin synthases (COX-1 Kit/Set Contains buffer, Wash buffer concentrate, Standard, pNpp Sub- and COX-2) produces prostaglandin H2 (PGH2), strate, Stop solution which is further metabolized by PGE synthases into its major product, PGE2. PGE2 mediates autocrine and paracrine signaling by binding to G-protein coupled receptors (EP1, EP2, EP3, EP4) on the cell surface, functioning to modulate phospholipase C and adenylate cyclase activity. PGE2 has been of great in- terest as a therapeutic target, either by modulation of its synthesis by COX inhibitors (NSAIDS) or by mod- ulation of its receptors by downregulation or binding antagonists. PGE2 production in a variety of tissues has been shown to modulate numerous physiological processes including natriuresis in the kidney, smooth muscle elasticity in the vasculature, and the inflamma- tory response to damaged tissues by monocytes and macrophages. PGE2 high sensitivity ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-930-001 PGE2 high sensitivity ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-931-001 PGF2alpha ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-069 PGF2alpha high sensitivity ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-930-069 PGF2alpha high sensitivity ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-931-069 PGLYRP4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MMP12-1 P PGRPs ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PGRPS-1 PGRPs SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SCGF-1 Phopspho-HSP27 (S82) and Total HSP27 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-HSP27-S82-T-1 Phopspho-HSP27 (S82) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-HSP27-S82-1 Phosphatidic Acid IgG/IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3594 Phosphatidyl Inositol IgG/IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3593 Phospho-4E-BP1 (T36) and Total 4E-BP1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-4EBP1-T36-T-1 Mouse Phospho-4E-BP1 (T36) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-4EBP1-T36-1 Mouse Phospho-ACC1 (S79) and Total ACC1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-ACC1-S79-T-1 Rat Phospho-ACC1 (S79) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-ACC1-S79-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-Akt (S473) and Total Akt ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-AKT-S473-T-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-Akt (S473) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-AKT-S473-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-AKT 1/2/3 (Ser473) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86042-11 Phospho-AKT 1/2/3 (Thr308) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86044-11 Phospho-AKT/GSKß/mTor ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit RayBiotech PEL-AKT-SK-1 Phospho-APP (T668) and Total APP ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-APP-T668-T-1 Phospho-APP (T668) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-APP-T668-1 Phospho-ATF2 (Thr69/71) and Total ATF2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-ATF2-T69-T-1 Mouse

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 106 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Phospho-ATF2 (Thr69/71) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-ATF2-T69-1 Mouse Phospho-ATM (S1981) and Total ATM ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-ATM-S1981-T-1 Phospho-ATM (S1981) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-ATM-S1981-1 Phospho-AXL (Y779) and Total AXL ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-AXL-Y779-T-1 Phospho-AXL (Y779) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-AXL-Y779-1 Phospho-BAD (S112) and Total BAD ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-BAD-S112-T-1 Phospho-BAD (S112) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-BAD-S112-1 phospho-beta-Catenin (Ser45) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86142-11 Phospho-BTK (Y551) and Total BTK ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-BTK-Y551-T-1 Phospho-BTK (Y551) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-BTK-Y551-1 Phospho-Caveolin-1 (Tyr14) and Total Caveolin-1 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-Caveo- ELISA lin1-Y14-T-1 Phospho-Caveolin-1 (Tyr14) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-Caveo- lin1-Y14-1 Phospho-C-Fos (Thr232) and Total C-Fos ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-CFos-T232-T-1 Phospho-C-Fos (Thr232) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-CFos-T232-1 Phospho-Chk1 (S280) and Total Chk1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-CHK1-S280-T-1 Phospho-Chk1 (S280) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-CHK1-S280-1 Phospho-CHK2 (T68) and Total CHK2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-CHK2-T68-T-1 Phospho-Chk2 (T68) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-CHK2-T68-1 Phosphocholine (PC) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quan- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 680-300-PCG-ADI titative Phosphocholine (PC) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quan- 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 680-100-PCG-ADI titative Phosphocholine (PC) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quan- 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 680-200-PCG-ADI titative Phosphocholine (PC) IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quan- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 680-310-PCM-ADI titative Phosphocholine (PC) IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quan- 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 680-110-PCM-ADI titative Phosphocholine (PC) IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quan- 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 680-210-PCM-ADI P titative Phospho-c-Jun (S63) and Total c-Jun ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-JUN-S63-T-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-c-Jun (S63) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-JUN-S63-1 Mouse/ Rat phospho-c-Jun (Ser73) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86162-11 Phospho-CREB (S133) and Total CREB ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-CREB-S133-T-1 Phospho-CREB (S133) and Total CREB ELISA 2 Plate Kit Human RayBiotech PEL-CREB-S133-T-2 Phospho-CREB (S133) ELISA 1 plate kit Human RayBiotech PEL-CREB-S133-1 phospho-CREB (Ser133) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86152-11 Phospho-DDR2 (Tyr740) and Total DDR2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-DDR2-Y740-T-1 Phospho-DDR2 (Tyr740) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-DDR2-Y740-1 Phospho-EGFR (Activated) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-well microplate kit Human RayBiotech CBEL-EGFR-1 Phospho-EGFR (Multi-site) Cell-Based ELISA (2) two 96-well microplate kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-EGFR-SK Mouse/ Rat Phospho-EGFR (S1070) and Total EGFR ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-EGFR- Mouse/ S1070-T-1 Rat Phospho-EGFR (S1070) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-EGFR-S1070-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-EGFR (Y1045) and Total EGFR ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EGFR- Y1045-T-1 Phospho-EGFR (Y1045) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EGFR-Y1045-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 107 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Phospho-EGFR (Y1068) and Total EGFR ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EGFR- Y1068-T-1 Phospho-EGFR (Y1068) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-well microplate kit Human RayBiotech CBEL-EGFR1068-1 Phospho-EGFR (Y1068) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EGFR-Y1068-1 Phospho-EGFR (Y1086) and Total EGFR ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EGFR- Y1086-T-1 Phospho-EGFR (Y1086) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EGFR-Y1086-1 Phospho-EGFR (Y845) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-well microplate kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-EGFR845-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-EGFR (Y992) and Total EGFR ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EGFR-Y992-T-1 Phospho-EGFR (Y992) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-well microplate kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-EGFR992-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-EGFR (Y992) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EGFR-Y992-1 Phospho-EIF2A (S52) and Total EIF2A ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-eIF2a-s52-T-1 Phospho-EIF2A (S52) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-eIF2a-s52-1 Phospho-eIF-4E (S209) and Total eIF-4E ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EIF4E-S209-T-1 Phospho-eIF-4E (S209) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EIF4E-S209-1 Phospho-eNOS (S1177) and Total eNOS ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-eNOS- S1177-T-1 Phospho-eNOS (S1177) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-eNOS-S1177-1 Phospho-ErbB3 (Y1262) and Total ErbB3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-ErbB3- Y1262-T-1 Phospho-ErbB3 (Y1262) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-ErbB3-Y1262-1 phospho-ERK 1/2 (Thr202/Tyr204, Thr185/Tyr187) 96 tests eBioscience 85-86012-11 Phospho-ERK/JNK/P38α ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit RayBiotech PEL-MAPK-SK-1 Phospho-Erk1 (T202/Y204) + Phospho-Erk2 (Y185/ 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-ERK-T202-T-1 Y187) and Total Erk1/2 ELISA Mouse/ Rat Phospho-Erk1 (T202/Y204) + Phospho-Erk2 (Y185/ 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-ERK-T202-1 Y187) ELISA Mouse/ P Rat Phospho-ERK1/2 (T202/Y204) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-well microplate kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-ERK-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-ERK1/2, JNK, p38 MAPK Cell-Based ELISA two 96-well microplate kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-ERK-SK Mouse/ Rat Phospho-Erk2 (T185/Y187) and Total ERK2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-ERK2-T185-T-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-Erk2 (T185/Y187) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-ERK2-T185-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-FAK (Y397) and Total ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-FAK-Y397-T-1 Phospho-FAK (Y397) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-FAK-Y397-1 phospho-GSK3 beta (Ser9) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86172-11 Phospho-GSK3a (S21) and Total GSK3a ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-GSK3A-S21-T-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-GSK3a (S21) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-GSK3A-S21-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-GSK3b (S9) and Total GSK3b ELISA 1 plate kit Human RayBiotech PEL-GSK3B-S9-T-1 Phospho-GSK3b (S9) ELISA 1 plate kit Human RayBiotech PEL-GSK3B-S9-1 Phospho-GSK3b (S9) ELISA 2 Plate Kit Human RayBiotech PEL-GSK3b-S9-2 Phospho-H2AX (S139) and Total H2AX ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-H2AX-S139-T-1 Phospho-H2AX (S139) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-H2AX-S139-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 108 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Phospho-HDAC4 (S632) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-HDAC4-S632-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-HDAC4 (S632) and Total HDAC4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-HDAC4- S632-T-1 Phospho-IGF1R (Y1165/1166) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-IGF1R-Y1165-1 Phospho-IGF1R (Y1165/1166) and Total IGF1R 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-IGF1R- Y1165-T-1 Phospho-I-kappa B alpha (S32) and Total I-kappa B 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-IKBa-S32-T-1 alpha ELISA Phospho-I-kappa B alpha (S32) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-IKBa-S32-1 phospho-IkBa (Ser32/36) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86062-11 Phospho-INSR (Y1189) and Total INSR ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-INSR- Y1189-T-1 Phospho-INSR (Y1189) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-INSR-Y1189-1 Phospho-Jak1 (Y1022) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-JAK1-Y1022-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-JAK2 (Y1007/1008) & Total JAK2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-JAK2- Y1007-T-1 Phospho-JAK2 (Y1007/1008) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-JAK2-Y1007-1 Phospho-JNK (T183/Y185) and Total JNK ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-JNK-T183-T-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-JNK (T183/Y185) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-JNK-T183-1 Mouse/ Rat phospho-JNK 1/2 (Thr183/Tyr185) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86197-11 Phospho-LAT (Y161) and Total LAT ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-LAT-Y161-T-1 Phospho-LAT (Y161) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-LAT-Y161-1 Phospho-LCK (Y394) and Total LCK ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-LCK-Y394-T-1 Phospho-LCK (Y394) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-LCK-Y394-1 Phospholipid Screen IgG/IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3591 P Phospho-LKB1 (Ser428) and Total LKB1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-LKB1-S428-T-1 Phospho-LKB1 (Ser428) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-LKB1-S428-1 Phospho-MARCKS (S152/156) and Total MARCKS 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-MARCKS- ELISA Mouse S152-T-1 Phospho-MARCKS (S152/156) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL- Mouse MARCKS-S152-1 Phospho-MEK1 (S217/S221) and Total MEK1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-MEK-S217-T-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-MEK1 (S217/S221) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-MEK-S217-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-Met (Y1234) and Total Met ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-MET-Y1234-T-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-Met (Y1234) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-MET-Y1234-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-MKK3 (S189) and Total MKK3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-MKK3-S189-T-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-MKK3 (S189) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-Well Microplate Kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-MKK3-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-MKK3 (S189) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-MKK3-S189-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-MKK6 (S207) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-Well Microplate Kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-MKK6-1 Mouse

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 109 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Phospho-MKK6 (S207) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-MKK6-S207-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-MKK6 (S207) ELISA and Total MKK6 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-MKK6-S207-T-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-MSK1 (S376) & Total MSK1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-MSK1-S376-T-1 Phospho-MSK1 (S376) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-MSK1-S376-1 Phospho-MSK2 (S360) & Total MSK2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-MSK2-S360-T-1 Phospho-MSK2 (S360) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-MSK2-S360-1 Phospho-mTOR (S2448) and Total mTOR ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-MTOR- S2448-T-1 Phospho-mTOR (S2448) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-MTOR-S2448-1 Phospho-NBS1 (S343) and Total NBS1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-NBS1-S343-T-1 Phospho-NBS1 (S343) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-NBS1-S343-1 Phospho-NF-KB p65 (S536) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL- NFKBP65-S536-1 Phospho-NF-KB p65 (S536) ELISA and Total NF-KB 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-NFKBP65- p65 S536-T-1 phospho-NFkB p65 (Ser536) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86082-11 Phospho-P27/Kip1 (T198) and Total P27/Kip1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-P27-T198-T-1 Phospho-P27/Kip1 (T198) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-P27-T198-1 Phospho-p38 alpha (T180/Y182) and Total p38 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-P38-T180-T-1 Mouse Phospho-p38 alpha (T180/Y182) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-P38-T180-1 Mouse Phospho-p38 MAPK (T180/Y182) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-well microplate kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-P38-1 Mouse/ Rat phospho-p38 MAPK (Thr180/Tyr182) InstantOne 96 tests eBioscience 85-86022-11 ELISA Phospho-P53 (S15) and Total P53 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-P53-S15-T-1 Mouse/ P Rat Phospho-P53 (S15) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-P53-S15-1 Mouse/ Rat phospho-p70 S6K (Thr389) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86052-11 Phospho-P70S6K (T421/S424) and Total P70S6K 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-P70S6K- ELISA Mouse/ T421-T-1 Rat Phospho-P70S6K (T421/S424) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-P70S6K-T421-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-PAK2 (Ser20) and Total PAK2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-PAK2-S20-T-1 Phospho-PAK2 (Ser20) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-PAK2-S20-1 Phospho-PDGFR-beta (Y751) and Total PDGFR-beta 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-PDGFRb- ELISA Y751-T-1 Phospho-PDGFR-beta (Y751) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-PDG- FRb-Y751-1 Phospho-PDK1 (Ser241) and Total PDK1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-PDK1-S241-T-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-PDK1 (Ser241) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-PDK1-S241-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-PKMYT1 (Thr495) and Total PKMYT1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-PKMYT1- T495-T-1 Phospho-PKMYT1 (Thr495) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-PK- MYT1-T495-1 Phospho-PLCG2 (Tyr753) and Total PLCG2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-PLCG2- Mouse Y753-T-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 110 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Phospho-PLCG2 (Tyr753) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-PLCG2-Y753-1 Mouse Phospho-PRAS40 (T246) & Total PRAS40 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-JAK1- Y1022-T-1 Phospho-PRAS40 (T246) & Total PRAS40 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-PRAS40- T246-T-1 Phospho-PRAS40 (T246) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL- PRAS40-T246-1 Phospho-PTEN (S380) and Total PTEN ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-PTEN-S380-T-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-PTEN (S380) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-PTEN-S380-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-PYK2 (Y402) and Total PYK2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-PYK2-Y402-T-1 Phospho-PYK2 (Y402) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-PYK2-Y402-1 Phospho-Raf-1 (Ser301) and Total Raf-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-RAF-1- Mouse/ S301-T-1 Rat Phospho-Raf-1 (Ser301) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-RAF-1-S301-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-Rictor (T1135) and Total Rictor ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-Rictor- T1135-T-1 Phospho-Rictor (T1135) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-Rictor-T1135-1 Mouse Phospho-RPS6 (S235/S236) and Total RPS6 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-RPS6-S235-T-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-RPS6 (S235/S236) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-RPS6-S235-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-RSK1 (S380) ELISA and Total RSK1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-RSK1-S380-T-1 Phospho-RSK2 (Ser386) and Total RSK2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-RSK2-S386-T-1 Mouse/ P Rat Phospho-RSK2 (Ser386) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-RSK2-S386-1 Mouse/ Rat phospho-S6 RP (Ser240/244) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86194-11 Phospho-SHP1 (Ser591) and Total SHP1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-SHP1-S591-T-1 Mouse Phospho-SHP1 (Ser591) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-SHP1-S591-1 Mouse Phospho-SHP2 (Y542) and Total SHP2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-SHP2-Y542-T-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-SHP2 (Y542) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-SHP2-Y542-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-SMAD1 (SER463/465) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-SMAD1-S463-1 Phospho-SMAD1 (SER463/465) and Total SMAD1 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-SMAD1- S463-T-1 Phospho-SMAD1 (Ser463/465) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86182-11 Phospho-SMAD2 (SER245/250/255) and Total 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-SMAD2- SMAD2 Mouse/ S245-T-1 Rat Phospho-SMAD2 (SER245/250/255) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-SMAD2-S245-1 Mouse/ Rat phospho-SMAD3 (Ser423/425) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86192-11 Phospho-SMAD4 (Thr277) and Total SMAD4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-SMAD4- T277-T-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 111 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Phospho-SMAD4 (Thr277) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-SMAD4-T277-1 Phospho-SMAD5 (SER463/465) and Total SMAD5 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-SMAD5- ELISA S463-T-1 Phospho-SMAD5 (SER463/465) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-SMAD5-S463-1 Phospho-SRC (Y419) and Total SRC ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-SRC-Y419-T-1 Phospho-SRC (Y419) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-SRC-Y419-1 Phospho-Stat (1, 3, and 5) Cell-Based ELISA (2) two 96-well microplate kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-STAT-SK Mouse/ Rat Phospho-Stat 1 (S727) and Total Stat 1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-STAT1- Mouse S727-T-1 Phospho-Stat 1 (S727) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-STAT1-S727-1 Mouse Phospho-Stat 1 (Y701) and Total Stat 1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-STAT1- Mouse Y701-T-1 Phospho-Stat 1 (Y701) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-well microplate kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-STAT1-1 Mouse Phospho-Stat 1 (Y701) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-STAT1-Y701-1 Mouse Phospho-Stat 3 (Y705) and Total Stat 3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-STAT3- Mouse/ Y705-T-1 Rat Phospho-Stat 3 (Y705) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-well microplate kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-STAT3-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-Stat 3 (Y705) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-STAT3-Y705-1 Mouse/ Rat Phospho-Stat 4 (Y693) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-well microplate kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-STAT4-1 Mouse Phospho-Stat 5 (Y694) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-well microplate kit Human RayBiotech CBEL-STAT5-1 Phospho-Stat 6 (Y641) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-well microplate kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-STAT6-1 Mouse P phospho-STAT1 (Tyr701) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86092-11 phospho-STAT3 (Tyr705) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86102-11 Phospho-STAT5A/B (Tyr694/Tyr699) InstantOne 96 tests eBioscience 85-86112-11 ELISA Phospho-TAK1 (Ser412) and Total TAK1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-TAK1-S412-T-1 Phospho-TAK1 (Ser412) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-TAK1-S412-1 Phosphotidic Acid IgG/IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quan- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-220-PAS-ADI titative Phosphotidyl Inositol IgG/IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-215-PIS-ADI Quantitative Phosphotidyl serine IgG/IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-210-PSS-ADI Quantitative Phospho-TYK2 (Tyr1054) and Total TYK2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-TYK2- Mouse Y1054-T-1 Phospho-TYK2 (Tyr1054) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech PEL-TYK2-Y1054-1 Mouse Phosphotyrosine ACK ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-ACK1-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine ALK ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-ALK-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine AXL ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-AXL-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine BLK ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-BLK-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine BMX ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-BMX-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine BTK ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-BTK-Y-1 Phospho-Tyrosine Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-well microplate kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-TYROSINE-1 Mouse/ Rat Phosphotyrosine CSK ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-CSK-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine DTK ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-DTK-Y-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 112 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Phosphotyrosine EGFR ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EGFR-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine EphA1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EPHA1-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine EphA2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EPHA2-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine EphA3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EPHA3-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine EphA4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EPHA4-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine EphA5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EPHA5-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine EphA6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EPHA6-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine EphA7 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EPHA7-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine EphA8 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EPHA8-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine EphB1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EPHB1-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine EphB2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EPHB2-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine EphB3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EPHB3-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine EphB3 ELISA, custom Human RayBiotech PEL-EPHB3-Y-001 Phosphotyrosine EphB4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EPHB4-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine EphB6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-EPHB6-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine Erb-B2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-ERBB2-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine Erb-B3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-ERBB3-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine Erb-B4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-ERBB4-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine ERK1/2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-ERK12-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine FAK ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-FAK-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine FER ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-FER-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine FGFR1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-FGFR1-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine FGFR2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-FGFR2-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine FGR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-FGR-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine FRK ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-FRK-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine FYN ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-FYN-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine HCK ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-HCK-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine IGF-1R ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-IGF1R-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine Insulin R ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-INSULINR-Y-1 P Phosphotyrosine ITK ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-ITK-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine JAK1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-JAK1-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine JAK2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-JAK2-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine JAK3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-JAK3-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine JNK ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-JNK-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine LCK ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-LCK-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine LTK ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-LTK-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine LYN ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-LYN-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine MATK ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-MATK-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine MCSFR ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-MCSFR-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine MEK ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-MEK-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine MET ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-MET-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine MUSK ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-MUSK-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine NGFR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-NGFR-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine P38 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-P38-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine PDGFRA ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-PDGFRA-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine PDGFRB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-PDGFRB-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine PYK2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-PYK2-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine RET ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-RET-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine ROR1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-ROR1-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine ROR1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-ROR1-Y-001 Phosphotyrosine ROR2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-ROR2-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine ROS ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-ROS-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine RYK ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-RYK-Y-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 113 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Phosphotyrosine SCFR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-SCFR-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine SRMS ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-SRMS-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine STAT1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-STAT1-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine STAT3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-STAT3-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine STAT4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-STAT4-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine STAT5 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-STAT5-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine STAT6 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-STAT6-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine SYK ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-SYK-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine TEC ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-TEC-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine TIE1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-TIE1-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine TIE2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-TIE2-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine TNK1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-TNK1-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine TRKB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-TRKB-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine TXK ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-TXK-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine TYK2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-TYK2-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine TYRO10 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-TYRO10-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine VEGFR2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-VEGFR2-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine VEGFR3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-VEGFR3-Y-1 Phosphotyrosine ZAP70 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-ZAP70-Y-1 Phospho-WNK1 (T60) & Total WNK1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-WNK1-T60-T-1 Phospho-WNK1 (T60) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-WNK1-T60-1 Phospho-ZAP70 (Y493) and Total ZAP70 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-ZAP70- Y493-T-1 Phospho-ZAP70 (Y493) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-ZAP70-Y493-1 Phosph-RSK1 (S380) ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech PEL-RSK1-S380-1 Pig meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat 1 kit Pig Alpha Diagnostic PMT-24-ADI 24 tests), 1-hour Pig meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat 1 kit Pig Alpha Diagnostic PMT-48-ADI 48 tests), 1-hour Pig meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat 1 kit Pig Alpha Diagnostic PMT-96-ADI P 48 tests), 1-hour pIgR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NCSTN-1 PIIANP (Procollagen Type IIA N-Propeptide) ELISA 1 pcs. Milipore EZPIIANP-53K-UC PIIANP Elisa 96 wells DRG EIA-4446 PILR-alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MOG-1 Pin1 ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-146 Pit Viper Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix) Anti- 1 kit Sheep Alpha Diagnostic 570-210-CSG-ADI body ELISA Kits, 96 tests, Quantitative PKA C beta ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MSPR-1 PKC alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MYL3-1 PLA2G2A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NAPSA-1 PLA2G4A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NCAN-1 Plasma Renin Activity (PRA) ELISA 2x96 wells DRG EIA-5308 Plasminogen (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-231-0001 Plasminogen ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PLG-1 Platelet Factor 4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-PF4-1 Macaque Platelet Factor 4 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-PF4-1 Platelet Factor 4 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-CDH13-1 Platelet Factor 4 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-SULT1B1-1 Pleiotrophin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NMNAT1-1 Plexin B2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NEC1-1 Plexin B3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NEC2-1 Plexin D1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NEC3-1 Plexin A4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NEDD9-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 114 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. PLGF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PLGF-1 PLGF ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4529 PLGF-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-PLGF2-1 PlGF-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NCK1-1 PMN Elastase (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4856 PMN-Elastase (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ALX-850-265-KI01 PMN-Elastase (stool) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5699 PMN-Elastase Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS269 PMN-Elastase Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS269CE PMSG ELISA 96 wells Equine DRG EIA-1298 PMSG semiquantitative ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5135 Pneumonia Virus (PVM) Antibody ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic AE-310400-1-ADI Pneumonia Virus (PVM) Antibody ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic AE-310410-1-ADI PNMT ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NEF1-1 PNP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NELL1-1 Podocalyxin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-Neprilysin2-1 POGLUT1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NES-1 Poliomyelitis IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2558 Poliomyelitis Virus 1 Viral Protein 1 (Sabin POLV1- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 970-170-VPG-ADI VP1) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests Poliomyelitis Virus 1 Viral Protein 1 (Sabin POLV1- 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 970-160-VPG-ADI VP1) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests Poliomyelitis Virus 1 Viral Protein 1 (Sabin POLV1- 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 970-165-VPG-ADI VP1) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests Poliomyelitis Virus 1-3 IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 970-150-PMG-ADI Poliomyelitis Virus 1-3 IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 970-120-PMG-ADI Poliomyelitis Virus 1-3 IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 970-130-PRG-ADI Poliomyelitis Virus 1-3 IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 970-130-PRM-ADI Poliomyelitis Viruses 1-3 IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 970-100-PHG-ADI Polyomavirus (KV, Pneumotropic virus) Antibody 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic AE-300100-1-ADI ELISA Kit, 96 tests P POR/P450R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NEUD-1 PPA1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NEURTN-1 PPY ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PPY-1 PR3 sensitive ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5429 Practice ELISA Kit, Cayman 96 wells Cayman Chemicals 10009658.96-CAY PRCP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NG2-1 PRDC ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-PRDC-1 PRDM14 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NGL1-1 Pref-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PREF1-1 Pregnenolone Direct ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4170 Pregnenolone ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4912 Pregnolone ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1865-ADI Presenilin 1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PSEN1-1 Presenilin 2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PSEN2-1 PRL-3/PTP4A3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NGRAN-1 proANP (1-98) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4703 proBNP ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PROBNP-1 Procalcitonin (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5291 Procalcitonin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PROCALC-1 Pro-Cathepsin B ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PROCATHB-1 Pro-EGF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NINJ1-1 Progesteron(e) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1561 Progesterone (CT) RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-0197

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 115 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Progesterone (CT) RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4183 Progesterone (DA) RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-0232 Progesterone (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7414-100 Progesterone (Rat/Mouse) ELISA 96 wells Rat/Mouse DRG EIA-5486 Progesterone (saliva) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1855-ADI Progesterone (serum) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantita- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1955-ADI tive Progesterone CLIA 96 wells DRG CLA-4663 Progesterone ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 582601.96s-CAY Progesterone ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 582601.96-CAY Progesterone ELISA Kit 100 assays BioVision K7416-100 Progesterone ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-011 Progesterone J-125 (CT) 100 tests DRG RIA-2122 Progesterone J-125 (DA) 100 tests DRG RIA-1537 Progesterone RIA 96 tests DRG RIA-4494 Progesterone Salivary ELISA 96 wells DRG SLV-2931 Progesterone, 17 a OH-, Neonate ELISA 192 wells DRG EIA-1429 Progranulin (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4738-100 Progranulin (human) ELISA Kit 1/96/wells Human Enzo ALX-850-376-KI01 Progranulin (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4734-100 Progranulin (rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4735-100 Progranulin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-PROGRANU- LIN-1 Progranulin ELISA Kit 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech 68ELR-PROG Progranulin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PGRN-1 Progranulin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-CEACAM1-1 ProInsulin (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7433-100 Proinsulin (Human) J-125 250 tests Human DRG RIA-1626 Proinsulin (Rat/Mouse) ELISA 96 wells Rat/Mouse DRG EIA-4609 P Proinsulin ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT149-0001 Proinsulin ELISA Kit (BLKPAK), total 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHPI-15BK-UC Proinsulin ELISA Kit, Intact 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHIPI-17K-UC Proinsulin ELISA Kit, total 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHPI-15K-UC Proinsulin ELISA Microtiter Plate, Total/Intact 1 pcs. Human Milipore EP15-UC Proinsulin RIA 250 Tube Kit <3uCi I-125 1 pcs. Human Milipore HPI-15K-UC Proinsulin total human ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4156 Proinsulin(e) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1560 Prolactin (canine) Elisa 96 wells DRG EIA-5222 Prolactin (human) ELISA Kit 1 ea Human Cayman Chemicals 500730.1-CAY Prolactin (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4687-100 Prolactin (mouse) EIA kit 96 wells Mouse Bertin A05136.96 Prolactin (mouse/rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4688-100 Prolactin (PRL) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0300-ADI Prolactin (rat) EIA kit 96 wells Rat Bertin A05101.96 Prolactin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-PROLACTIN-1 Prolactin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1291 Prolactin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-PROLACTIN-1 Prolactin IRMA 100 tests DRG RIA-0199 Prolactin IRMA 96 tests DRG RIA-4370 Prolactin R ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-PROLACT- INR-1 Prolactin R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-Nidogen2-1 Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) Igs ELISA 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5010-ADI kit, 96 tests, Quantitative

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 116 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. pro-MMP-9 ELISA 96-well strip plate kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-PROMMP9-001 pro-MMP-9 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-PROMMP9-1 Pro-MMP-9 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-proMMP9-1 Pro-MMP-9 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-SULT1C2-1 Pro-NPY/CPON EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-ProNPY-1 Pro-NPY/CPON EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-ProNPY-1 Pro-NPY/CPON EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-ProNPY-1 ProPPY/PI EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-ProPPY-1 ProPPY/PI EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-ProPPY-1 ProPPY/PI EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-ProPPY-1 Proprotein Convertase 9 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MIA-1 Prostacyclin Urinary ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3108 Prostacyclin, Urinary ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-025 Prostaglandin D2 EIA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 512031.96s-CAY Prostaglandin D2 EIA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 512031.96-CAY Prostaglandin D2 Express EIA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 512041.96s-CAY Prostaglandin D2 Express EIA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 512041.96-CAY Prostaglandin D2-MOX EIA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 512011.96s-CAY Prostaglandin D2-MOX EIA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 512011.96-CAY Prostaglandin D2-MOX Express ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 500151.96s-CAY Prostaglandin D2-MOX Express ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 500151.96-CAY Prostaglandin E Metabolite EIA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 514531.96s-CAY Prostaglandin E Metabolite EIA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 514531.96-CAY Prostaglandin E1 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3092 Prostaglandin E2 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5811 Prostaglandin E2 ELISA Kit - Monoclonal 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 514010.96s-CAY Prostaglandin E2 ELISA Kit - Monoclonal 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 514010.96-CAY Prostaglandin E2 Express ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 500141.96s-CAY Prostaglandin E2 Express ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 500141.96-CAY P Prostaglandin F1 alpha 6 Keto ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3078 Prostaglandin F2a (Total-8-iso) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3080 Prostaglandin F2a ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3101 Prostaglandin F2α EIA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 516011.96s-CAY Prostaglandin F2α EIA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 516011.96-CAY Prostaglandin I Metabolite EIA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 501100.96s-CAY Prostaglandin I Metabolite EIA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 501100.96-CAY Prostaglandin J2 (15-deoxy-delta 12,14) 96 wells DRG EIA-3640 Prostaglandin Screening EIA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 514012.96s-CAY Prostaglandin Screening EIA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 514012.96-CAY Prostasin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PROSTASIN-1 Prostasin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-PROSTASIN-1 Prostate Specific Antigen (Free, human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7432-100 Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1500-ADI Quantitative Prostate Specific Antigen (Total, human) ELISA 100 assays Human BioVision K7431-100 Proteasome ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo BML-PW0575-0001 Protein (antigen/antibodies) Biotinylation detection/ 1 kit Alpha Diagnostic 80310-ADI quantitation ELISA Kit Protein A ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1823 Protein A ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-057 Protein carbonyl ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ALX-850-312-KI01 Protein-A ELISA Kit, 480 tests, Quantitative 1 pk Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 800-110-PRA-5-ADI Protein-A ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 800-110-PRA-ADI Proteinase 3/Myeloblastin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NKp44-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 117 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Protein-G ELISA Kit, 480 tests, Quantitative 1 pk Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 800-120-PRG-5-ADI Protein-G ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 800-120-PRG-ADI Prothrombin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PTHBN-1 Prothrombin IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3613 Prothrombin IgA ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-235-APA-ADI Prothrombin IgG/IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3612 Prothrombin IgG/IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-230-APG-ADI Prothrombin Screen ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3614 Protocadherin-1/PCDH-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MEPB-1 Protocadherin-17 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-MESDC2-1 Protogenin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NKp30-1 PSA equimolar ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1551 PSA free ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PSAFREE-1 PSA free ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1550 PSA FREE ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4189 PSA free IRMA 50 tubes DRG RIA-4896 PSA Total CLA 96 wells DRG CLA-4657 PSA Total ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3719 PSA total IRMA 100 tubes DRG RIA-4895 PSA-total ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PSATOTAL-1 P-Selectin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PSELECTIN-1 P-Selectin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-PSELECTIN-1 P-Selectin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-PSELECTIN-1 P-Selectin SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-Pselectin-1 P-Selectin SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELRS-Pselectin-1 P-Selectin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-CRP-1 P-Selectin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-SULT2A1-1 P-Selectin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELH-TIMP3-1 Pseudorabies Antibody ELISA kit, Quantitative, 2x96 1 kit Pig/Por- Alpha Diagnostic AE-200130-2-ADI P tests cine/Swine Pseudorabies Virus IgE Antibody Distinguishing kit, 2x96 kit Pig/Por- Alpha Diagnostic AE-200135-2-ADI 2x96 tests cine/Swine PSGL-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NKP46-1 PSMA1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NKP80-1 PSP94 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NLGN2-1 PTGES2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NLGN4-1 PTH EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-PTH-1 PTH EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-PTH-1 PTH EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-PTH-1 PTH ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PTH-1 PTH intact (rat) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-4935 PTH intact ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1554 PTH intact ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3645 PTH IRMA 96 tests DRG RIA-3649 PTH1R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NLRP2-1 PTP1B ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NogoA-1 PU.1/Spi-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NOGOR-1 PYY (3-36) Specific Human RIA 125 tests Human DRG RIA-4647 PYY (3-36) Specific RIA 125 T I-125 1 pcs. Human Milipore PYY-67HK-UC PYY (rat/mouse) ELISA 96 wells Rat/Mouse DRG EIA-4473 PYY (Rat/Mouse) RIA 125 tests Rat/Mouse DRG RIA-5304 PYY (Total) (DA) J-125 Human 125 tests Human DRG RIA-4257 PYY EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-PYY-1 PYY EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-PYY-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 118 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. PYY EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-PYY-1 PYY ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PYY-1 PYY Total ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHPYYT66K-UC Quinolones (QNS) ELISA kit (For Pork/Liver, Chicken/ 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100120-ADI Liver, Shrimp, Fish, Serum, Honey), 96 tests Rabies IgM Ab (virus based) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2487 Rabies Virus (nucleoproteins) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2490 Rabies Virus Ab IgG (Dog) ELISA 96 wells Dog DRG EIA-2486 rabies virus antibody ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Canine Alpha Diagnostic 600-060-CRG-ADI Rabies Virus antibody ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Ferret Alpha Diagnostic 600-090-FRG-ADI Rabies Virus antibody ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Monkey/ Alpha Diagnostic 600-070-CRG-ADI Apes Rabies Virus antibody ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Pig/Swine Alpha Diagnostic 600-080-CRG-ADI Rabies Virus antigen ELISA, Glycoprotein 96 wells DRG EIA-2489 Rabies Virus Glycoprotein (RVG) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Dog Alpha Diagnostic 600-110-DRV-ADI tests, Quantitative Rabies Virus Glycoprotein (RVG) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic 600-150-HRG-ADI tests, Quantitative Rabies Virus Glycoprotein (RVG) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 600-120-HRV-ADI tests, Quantitative Rabies Virus Glycoprotein (RVG) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 600-130-MRG-ADI tests, Quantitative Rabies Virus Glycoprotein (RVG) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Pig/Swine Alpha Diagnostic 600-160-PRG-ADI tests, Quantitative Rabies Virus Glycoprotein (RVG) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Pig/Swine Alpha Diagnostic 600-170-FRG-ADI tests, Quantitative Rabies Virus Glycoprotein (RVG) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 600-140-RRG-ADI tests, Quantitative Rabies Virus IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Dog Alpha Diagnostic 600-010-DRV-ADI Rabies Virus IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic 600-050-HRG-ADI Rabies Virus IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 600-020-HRV-ADI Rabies Virus IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 600-030-MRG-ADI P Rabies Virus IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 600-040-RRG-ADI Rabies Virus IgG_Fab2 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quanti- 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic 600-055-HRG-ADI Q tative Rabies Virus IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 600-045-RRM-ADI R Rabies Virus Nucleoprotein (RV-NP) IgG ELISA Kit, 1 kit Dog Alpha Diagnostic 600-210-DRV-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Rabies Virus Nucleoprotein (RV-NP) IgG ELISA Kit, 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic 600-250-HRG-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Rabies Virus Nucleoprotein (RV-NP) IgG ELISA Kit, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 600-220-HRV-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Rabies Virus Nucleoprotein (RV-NP) IgG ELISA Kit, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 600-230-MRG-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Rabies Virus Nucleoprotein (RV-NP)IgG ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 600-240-RRG-ADI tests, Quantitative Raccoon rabies virus antibody ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Raccoon Alpha Diagnostic 600-065-RRG-ADI Quantitative Ractopamine ELISA kit, (For Liver, Urine, Feed), 96 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100020-ADI tests RAGE ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-RAGE-1 RAGE ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-RAGE-1 RAGE ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-RAGE-1 RAGE ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-RAGE-1 RalA ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NOTCH3-1 RalB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NPDC1-1 RANK ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-RANK-1 RANKL (total), soluble (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ALX-850-019-KI01

119 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. RANTES (Mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays Mouse BioVision K4771-100 RANTES ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-RANTES-1 RANTES ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-RANTES-1 RANTES ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-RANTES-1 RANTES ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-RANTES-1 RANTES ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-RANTES-1 RANTES ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-RANTES-1 Macaque RANTES Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS287/2INST RANTES Instant ELISA 128 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6009INST RAP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-RAP-1 Rat meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat 1 kit Rat/Mouse Alpha Diagnostic RMT-24-ADI 24 tests), 1-hour Rat meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat 1 kit Rat/Mouse Alpha Diagnostic RMT-48-ADI 48 tests), 1-hour Rat meat adulteration ELISA test (for beef or pig meat 1 kit Rat/Mouse Alpha Diagnostic RMT-96-ADI 48 tests), 1-hour RBP4 (human) Competitive ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4911-100 RBP4 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4912-100 RBP4 (mouse/rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays Morse/Rat BioVision K4913-100 RBP-4 EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-RBP-1 RBP-4 EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-RBP-1 RBP-4 EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-RBP-1 RBP-4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-RBP4-1 RBP4 ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHRBP4-18K-UC RBP4 ELISA Microtiter Strip Plate 1 pcs. Human Milipore EP18-UC RBP4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-RBP4-1 RBP4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-RBP4-1 RBP4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-RBP4-1 Macaque RBP4 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-CystatinC-1 Reg1A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NPTN-1 Reg1B ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NPTXR-1 Reg3A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NQO1-1 R Reg4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NRF2-1 Relaxin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4770 Relaxin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NRG1SMDF-1 RELT ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NRG1a-1 Renin 1 ELISA 96-well strip plate kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-RENIN1-001 Renin 1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-RENIN1-1 Renin 1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-RENIN1-1 Renin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5125 This assay offers a straight forward and easy assay Alternative Name Renin,Angiotensinogenase procedure (no extraction or centrifugation) and is very Sensitivity 0.81 ng/mL user friendly. It has a high sensitivity and high specific- Detection Range 0.81 - 128 pg/mL ity. Controls are included in the kit. Sample Type Serum, EDTA-Plasma Species Detected Human Scientific background Size 96-well Microplate, breakable strips Renin is an enzyme (Mw of 37 kDa) that belongs to Design Principle Sandwich immunoassay the aspartic acid protease family. Renin is a member Assay Time 3.25 hours of Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS) Detection Method Colorimetric that controls blood pressure, renal blood flux, glomer- Kit/Set Contains Microtiter plate, Standard, Controls, Enzyme Conjugate, ular filtration, and sodium/potassium homeostasis. Assay Buffer, Wash buffer concentrate, Substrate Solu- Renin is produced constitutively as prorenin, an tion, Stop solution inactive precursor with 386 amino acids, in the juxta- glomerular cells of the kidney. Plasma renin is a good index for the activity of the RAAS. Renin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-RENIN-1 Renin Plasma Activity/Angiotensin I RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-0180

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 120 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) 1 kit Pig/Por- Alpha Diagnostic AE-200180-2-ADI Antibody ELISA kit, 2x96 tests cine/Swine Resistin (human) EIA kit 96 wells Human Bertin A05177.96 Resistin (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4194 Resistin (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4572 Resistin (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5779 Resistin (human) Serum ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4919-100 Resistin (human/mouse/rat) EIA Kit 100 assays Human/ BioVision K4767-100 Mouse/ Rat Resistin (mouse) EIA kit 96 wells Mouse Bertin A05178.96 Resistin (Mouse) Elisa 96 wells Mouse DRG EIA-4554 Resistin (mouse) Serum ELISA Kit 100 assays Mouse BioVision K4920-100 Resistin (rat) EIA kit 96 wells Rat Bertin A05179.96 Resistin (Rat) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-4550 Resistin /FIZZ3 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 100-110-RSH-ADI Resistin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-RES-1 Resistin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-RES-1 Resistin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-RES-1 Resistin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-RESISTIN-1 Resistin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-RESISTIN-1 Resistin ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHR-95K-UC Resistin ELISA Microtiter Plate 1 pcs. Human Milipore EP95-UC Resistin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-RESISTIN-1 Resistin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-RESISTIN-1 Resistin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-RESISTIN-1 Resistin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-RESISTIN-1 Macaque Resistin Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2040 Resistin SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-Resistin-1 Resistin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-DKK3-1 Resistin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-SULT2B1-1 Resistin/FIZZ3 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 100-120-RSM-ADI Resolvin D1 ELISA Kit 96 wells Cayman Chemicals 500380.96-CAY R Resolvin D2 EIA Kit 96 wells Cayman Chemicals 501120.96-CAY Ret ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NRP1-1 Retinol Binding Protein (RBP)/RBP4 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4391 Retinol Binding Protein RBP (Serum) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5202 Retinol Binding Protein RBP (Urine) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5205 Rex-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NRP2-1 RGM-A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NRTN-1 RGM-B ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-RGMB-1 RGM-C ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NRXN3-1 Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Igs (total (A+G+M) ELISA kit, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 6200-ADI 96 tests, Qualitative Rheumatoid Factor IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3586 Rheumatoid Factor IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3584 Rheumatoid Factor IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3585 Rheumatoid Factor Screen ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3583 Rheumatoid Factors IgA (RF) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3000-105-RFA-ADI Semi-Quantitative Rheumatoid Factors IgG (RF) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3000-110-RFG-ADI Semi-Quantitative Rheumatoid Factors IgM (RF) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3000-100-RFM-ADI Semi-Quantitative

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 121 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Rheumatoid Factors IgM (RF) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3000-ADI Semi-Quantitative Rib-P ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3582 Rickettsia IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4613 Rituximab conformational ELISA kit, BIOLIKE 3 x 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT125-0003 Rituximab/Rituxan (HADA/HAHA) IgG ELISA kit for 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-240-HAD-ADI human, 96 tests Rituximab/Rituxan (HADA/HAMA) IgG ELISA kit for 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-245-HAM-ADI human, 96 tests Rituximab/Rituxan/Anti-CD20 (Active) ELISA Kit (Hu- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-210-RAG-ADI man/mouse/rat),96 tests RNP (RNP-70) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-120-RNG-ADI RNP 70 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3579 RNP/Sm ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3578 ROBO1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-ROBO1-1 ROBO3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ROBO3-1 ROR1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NTAL-1 ROR2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NTBA-1 Rotavirus Ag (Stool) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3509 Rotavirus Ag ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4455 RPS6 (S235/S236) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-RPS6-1 Mouse RSK1 (S380) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech CBEL-RSK1-1 R-Spondin 3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NTN4-1 R-Spondin 2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NTH1-1 RSV IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3506 RSV IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3507 RSV IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3508 Rubella IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3510 Rubella IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3511 Rubella Virus IgG ELISA kit 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 510-100-HRG-ADI Rubella Virus IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 510-120-MRG-ADI Rubella Virus IgM ELISA kit 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 510-110-HRM-ADI Rubella Virus IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 510-130-MRM-ADI R Russells Viper (Vipera Russelli) Antibody ELISA Kits, 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic 570-120-RHG-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative S Ryk ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NUDT5-1 S. Pneumococcal 6B (26/58-X) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 560-210-6BG-ADI S. Pneumococcal 6B (26/58-X) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 560-200-6BG-ADI S. Pneumococcal CWPS/22F IgG ELISA kit 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 560-420-C22-ADI S. Pneumococcal CWPS/22F IgG ELISA kit 1 kit Rabbit/ Alpha Diagnostic 560-410-C22-ADI Human/ Mouse S. Pneumococcal CWPS/22F IgM ELISA kit 1 kit Rabbit/ Alpha Diagnostic 560-415-C22-ADI Human/ Mouse S. Pneumococcal CWPS/22F IgM ELISA kit 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 560-425-C22-ADI S. Pneumococcal vaccine (Custom serotypes) IgG/ 1 kit Rabbit/ Alpha Diagnostic 560-400-CUX-ADI IgM ELISA kits Human/ Mouse S. Pneumococcal vaccine (PCV-13) IgG ELISA kits 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 560-170-13G-ADI (13 serotypes) S. Pneumococcal vaccine (PCV-13) IgG ELISA kits 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 560-300-13G-ADI (13 serotypes) S. Pneumococcal vaccine (PCV-13) IgM ELISA kits 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 560-175-13M-ADI (13 serotypes) S. Pneumococcal vaccine (PCV-13) IgM ELISA kits 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 560-305-13M-ADI (13 serotypes)

122 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. S. Pneumococcal vaccine (Pneumovax) IgG ELISA 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 560-190-23G-ADI kits (23 serotypes) S. Pneumococcal vaccine (Pneumovax) IgG ELISA 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 560-310-23G-ADI kits (23 serotypes) S. Pneumococcal vaccine (Pneumovax) IgM ELISA 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 560-195-23M-ADI kits (23 serotypes) S. Pneumococcal vaccine (Pneumovax) IgM ELISA 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 560-315-23M-ADI kits (23 serotypes) S. Pneumococcal vaccine (Prevnar-7/PCV-7) IgG 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 560-110-07M-ADI ELISA kits (7 serotypes) S. Pneumococcal vaccine (Prevnar-7/PCV-7) IgG 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 560-120-07G-ADI ELISA kits (7 serotypes) S. Pneumococcal vaccine (Prevnar-7/PCV-7) IgM 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 560-115-07M-ADI ELISA kits (7 serotypes) S. Pneumococcal vaccine (Prevnar-7/PCV-7) IgM 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 560-125-07M-ADI ELISA kits (7 serotypes) S. Pneumococcal vaccine (Synflorix/PCV-10) IgG 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 560-140-10G-ADI ELISA kits (10 serotypes) S. Pneumococcal vaccine (Synflorix/PCV-10) IgG 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 560-150-10G-ADI ELISA kits (10 serotypes) S. Pneumococcal vaccine (Synflorix/PCV-10) IgM 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 560-145-10M-ADI ELISA kits (10 serotypes) S. Pneumococcal vaccine (Synflorix/PCV-10) IgM 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 560-155-10M-ADI ELISA kits (10 serotypes) S. Typhi Vi IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Monkey/ Alpha Diagnostic 990-500-HTG-ADI Apes S100 A11 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NUMB-1 S100 A13 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-NUP85-1 S100 A2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-OBCAM-1 S100 A6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-OCT4-1 S100 A7 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-OLFM2-1 S100 P ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-OLIG2-1 S100A8 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-S100A8-1 S100A8/S100A9 (Mouse/Rat) ELISA 96 wells Mouse/Rat DRG EIA-5142 S100B (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4555 S100B ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5169 S100B ELISA - 96-Well Plate Assay 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHS100B-33K-UC S100B ELISA Plate 1 pcs. Human Milipore EP33-UC s90K/Mac-2BP Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS234 S Salbutamal ELISA kit, For Urine, Tissue, Feed, Animal 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100030-ADI Tissue, Aquatic, Honey, Intestine,, 96 tests SALM2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-P63-1 SALM4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-P70S6K-1 sAPO-1/Fas (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4854 sAPO-1/Fas Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS245 sAPO-1/Fas Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS245CE Saw Scaled Viper (Echis Carinatus) Antibody ELISA 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic 570-130-SHG-ADI Kits, 96 tests, Quantitative

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 123 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. SBA Clonotyping System-HRP 1 kit Mouse Southern Biotech 5300-05 The SBA Clonotyping System-HRP is a colorimetric Alternative Name Mouse Isotyping Kit enzyme immunoassay kit for the determination of Sensitivity N/A mouse monoclonal antibody isotypes (IgG1, IgG2a, Detection Range N/A IgG2b, IgG3, IgA, IgM, κ, and λ). This kit is also Sample Type Supernatant, Serum frequently used for the quantification immunoglobulins Species Detected Mouse in mouse serum. Size 1 kit Design Principle Sandwich-based Scientific background Assay Time N/A Hybridoma screening is one of the most important Method of steps during monoclonal antibody development. The Detection Colorimetric SBA Clonotyping System-HRP accurately identi- Kit/Set Contains Coating antibody, detection antibodies, ABTS substrate fies which heavy and light chain your hybridoma is producing and if it is monoclonal or not. Additionally, the determination of Ig subclass in serum samples is a valuable tool used to indicate antibody deficiencies and associated diseases. SBA Clonotyping System-C57BL/6-HRP 1 kit Mouse Southern Biotech 5300-05B SBA Clonotyping System-AP 1 kit Mouse Southern Biotech 5300-04 SBA Clonotyping System-C57BL/6-AP 1 kit Mouse Southern Biotech 5300-04B SCARA5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PGLYRP4-1 SCC ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4457 SCCA2/Serpin B4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PKACb-1 sCD105 (Endoglin) Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS2105INST sCD134 (OX40) Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS296 sCD137 (s4-1BB) Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS289 sCD152/CTLA-4 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS276 sCD163 Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-50360-22 sCD23 (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4833 sCD23 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS227/2 sCD23 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS227/2CE sCD26 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS235 sCD26 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS235CE sCD27 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS286INST sCD28 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS290 sCD30 (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4849 sCD30 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS240INST sCD30 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS240INSTCE sCD30 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS240 S sCD30 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS240CE sCD40 (human) Elisa 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4850 sCD40 Ligand (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4851 sCD40 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS265 sCD40L Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS239INST sCD40L Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS239INSTCE sCD40L Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS239MST sCD40L Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS239 sCD40L Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS239CE sCD40L Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS6010 sCD40L Platinum ELISA (extra sensitive) 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS293 sCD40L Platinum ELISA (extra sensitive) 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS293CE sCD44 (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4876 sCD44std Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS209INST sCD44std Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS209/2 sCD44std Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS209/2CE sCD44std, soluble (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ALX-850-053-KI01 sCD44var (v5) Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS220INST

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 124 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. sCD44var (v5) Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS220 sCD44var (v6) Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS210INST sCD44var (v6) Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS210 sCD80 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS291INST sCD93 ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human eBioscience 88-50340-22 SCF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SCF-1 SCF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-SCF-1 SCF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-SCF-1 SCF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-SCF-1 SCF Ligand ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-SCF-1 SCF R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SCFR-1 SCGF ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PLXB3-1 Schistosoma mansoni IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3872 Scl-70 (Scleroderma 70 Kda/DNA-topoisomerase-1) 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-140-SCG-ADI IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Scl-70 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3580 Scl70 Igs (total (A+G+M) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quanti- 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 6110-ADI tative SDF-1 alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SDF1A-1 SDF-1 alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-SDF1A-1 SDF-1 beta ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SDF1B-1 SDF1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-SDF1-1 Macaque SDMA (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ALX-850-331-KI01 Secretagogin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PLXD1-1 Secretin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-SEC-1 Secretin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-SEC-1 Secretin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-SEC-1 Semaphorin 4A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PRDM14-1 Semaphorin 4C ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PRDX1-1 Semaphorin 4D ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PRDX2-1 Semaphorin 4G ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PRDX4-1 Semaphorin 5A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PRELP-1 Semaphorin 6A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PRL3-1 Semaphorin 6B ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PRLR-1 Semaphorin 6C ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ProEGF-1 S Semaphorin 6D ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PRTG-1 Sendai/(SeV/Parainfluenza virus 1) Antibody ELISA 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic AE-300600-1-ADI Kit, 96 tests Sendai/(SeV/Parainfluenza virus 1) Antibody ELISA 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic AE-300610-1-ADI Kit, 96 tests Serotonin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1300 Serotonin ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-175 Serotonin FAST ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5061 Serotonin Research (US) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4642 Serotonin RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-3974 Serpin A1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SERPINA1-1 Serpin A4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SERPINA4-1 Serpin A5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SERPINA5-1 Serpin B5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PTGES2-1 Serpin B8 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PTN-1 Serpin F1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SERPINF1-1 Serpin A12 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PSMA1-1 Serpin B6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PTH1R-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 125 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. SERPINA3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-PSP94-1 SERPINB3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SERPINB3-1 SERPING1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-ECM1-1 Serum Albumin ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Human Cayman Chemicals 500340.96s-CAY Serum Albumin ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Human Cayman Chemicals 500340.96-CAY Serum Albumin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1190-ADI Serum Amyloid A (SAA) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 6240-10-ADI Quantitative Serum Amyloid A (SAA) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 6240-ADI Quantitative Serum Amyloid A-3 SAA-3 ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Mouse Milipore EZMSAA3-12K-UC Serum Amyloid P (SAP) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 6260-ADI Quantitative Serum Amyloid P (SAP) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 6410-ADI Quantitative Serum Antibody detection ELISA kit, Qualitative 1 kit Bovine Alpha Diagnostic 80185-ADI Serum Antibody detection ELISA kit, Qualitative 1 kit Chicken Alpha Diagnostic 80176-ADI Serum Antibody detection ELISA kit, Qualitative 1 kit Ferret Alpha Diagnostic 80188-ADI Serum Antibody detection ELISA kit, Qualitative 1 kit G. Pig Alpha Diagnostic 80171-ADI Serum Antibody detection ELISA kit, Qualitative 1 kit Goat Alpha Diagnostic 80165-ADI Serum Antibody detection ELISA kit, Qualitative 1 kit Hamster Alpha Diagnostic 80180-ADI Serum Antibody detection ELISA kit, Qualitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 80170-ADI Serum Antibody detection ELISA kit, Qualitative 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 80175-ADI Serum Antibody detection ELISA kit, Qualitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 80150-ADI Serum Antibody detection ELISA kit, Qualitative 1 kit Pig Alpha Diagnostic 80186-ADI Serum Antibody detection ELISA kit, Qualitative 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 80160-ADI Serum Antibody detection ELISA kit, Qualitative 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 80155-ADI Serum Antibody detection ELISA kit, Qualitative 1 kit Sheep Alpha Diagnostic 80166-ADI Serum Antibody detection ELISA kit, Qualitative 1 kit Turkey Alpha Diagnostic 80187-ADI Serum antigen-specific IgA Antibody detection and 1 kit Ferret Alpha Diagnostic 80188-A-ADI titration ELISA kit Serum antigen-specific IgG Antibody detection and 1 kit Ferret Alpha Diagnostic 80188-G-ADI titration ELISA kit Serum antigen-specific IgM Antibody detection and 1 kit Ferret Alpha Diagnostic 80188-M-ADI titration ELISA kit Serum Creatinine ELISA kit (colorimetric, all species), 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic 100-305-SCR-ADI 2x96 tests, quantitative S Serum Creatinine ELISA kit (colorimetric, all species), 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic 100-300-SCR-ADI 96 tests, quantitative sE-selectin (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4775 sE-selectin Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS205INST sE-selectin Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS205INSTCE sE-selectin Instant ELISA 128 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS649INST sE-selectin Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS205 sE-selectin Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS205CE sE-selectin Platinum ELISA 96 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS649 Sex Hormone Binding Glob (SHBG) ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0700-ADI tests, Quantitative sFas Ligand Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS260/2 sFas Ligand Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS260/2CE sFAS-Ligand (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4855 sFRP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-REG1A-1 sFRP-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Ovine RayBiotech ELO-sFRP3-1 sFRP-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SFRP3-1 sFRP-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-SFRP3-1 sFRP-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Ovine RayBiotech ELH-TAFA5-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 126 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. sFRP-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-SFRP3-1 Macaque sgp130 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SGP130-1 sgp130/sCD130 (human) Elisa 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4768 SH2B1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-REG4-1 SH2D1A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-RELT-1 SHBG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2996 SHBG ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SHBG-1 SHBG IRMA 100 tests DRG RIA-4184 SHBG SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-EGF-1 sHER-2 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS207INST sHER-2 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS207INSTCE sHER-2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS207 sHER-2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS207CE ShhN ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SHHN-1 ShhN ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-SHHN-1 ShhN ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-SHHN-CL-1 sHLA-G Elisa 96 wells DRG EIA-5290 sHLA-G ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ALX-850-309-KI01 SHP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-RGMA-1 SHP2 (Y542) Cell-Based ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human/ RayBiotech CBEL-SHP2-1 Mouse sialodacryoadenitis Virus (SDAV) Antibody ELISA Kit, 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic AE-310310-1-ADI 96 tests sICAM-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ICAM1-1 sICAM-1 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS201INST sICAM-1 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS201INSTCE sICAM-1 Instant ELISA 128 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS648INST sICAM-1 Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS201MST sICAM-1 Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS648MST sICAM-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS201 sICAM-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS201CE sICAM-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS648 sICAM-1 Platinum ELISA (extra sensitive) 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS241 sICAM-2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS236 sICAM-3 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS218INST S sICAM-3 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS218 SIGIRR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SIGIRR-1 Siglec-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-S100A1-1 Siglec-10 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SIGLEC10-1 Siglec-11 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-S100A11-1 Siglec-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-S100A13-1 Siglec-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-S100A2-1 Siglec-5 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SIGLEC5-1 Siglec-6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-S100A6-1 Siglec-7 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SIGLEC7-1 Siglec-9 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SIGLEC9-1 sIL-2 Receptor (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4835 sIL-2R Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS212INST sIL-2R Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS212INSTCE sIL-2R Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS212/2 sIL-2R Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS212/2CE sIL-6R Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS214INST sIL-6R Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS214INSTCE

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 127 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. sIL-6R Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS214 SIRP alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-S100P-1 Sirtuin 1 (human intracellular) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4923-100 Sirtuin 1 ELISA Kit 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech 68ELH-SIRTUIN1 Sirtuin 2 (human intracellular) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4924-100 Sirtuin 2 ELISA Kit 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech 68ELH-SIRTUIN2 Sirtuin 3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-Adiponectin-1 Sirtuin 2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-A2M-1 Sirtuin 5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-Adipsin-1 SLAM ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SLAM-1 SLAM ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-SLAM-1 SLITRK1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SALM2-1 SLITRK5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SALM4-1 SLPI (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-222-0001 sL-Selectin (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4875 sL-selectin Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS206INST sL-selectin Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS206INSTCE sL-selectin Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS206 sL-selectin Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS206CE Sm ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3577 Sm Igs (total (A+G+M) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5405-ADI Quantitative SMAC ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SMAC-1 SMAC ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-SMAC-1 SMAC ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-SMAC-1 SMAD1 (Total/Phospho) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86183-11 SMAD2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-ApoA-1 Smad4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-ApoA2-1 SMAD9 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-ApoC2-1 Smith antigen (Sm) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-100-SMG-ADI Quantitative Smith antigen/RNP (Sm/RNP) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-110-SRG-ADI Quantitative SMN ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-209 SMOC-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-ApoE2-1 S SMPD1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-ApoE3-1 SOD1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-ApoH-1 SOD2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-AXL-1 Soggy-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-REG3A-1 soluble Transferrin Receptor (sTfR) ELISA Kit, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1220-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Somatostatin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-SOM-1 Somatostatin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-SOM-1 Somatostatin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-SOM-1 Somatostatin RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-3017 SorCS1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-B2M-1 SorCS2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-BDNF-1 SorCS3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-bIGH3-1 Sortilin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-C1qR1-1 SOST ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SOST-1 SOX10 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-CA15-3-1 SOX15 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-CA9-1 SOX17 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SCARA5-1 SOX2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-CathepsinS-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 128 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. SOX7 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SCCA2-1 SOX9 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-CCC5a-1 sp185 (HER-2) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4877 SP20 Mouse Myeloma Cells (SP20) Proteins host cell 1 pk Vero Cells Alpha Diagnostic 800-150-SP2-20-ADI Proteins (HCPs) ELISA Kit, 20 x 96 tests SP20 Mouse Myeloma Cells (SP20) Proteins host cell 1 kit SP20 Alpha Diagnostic 800-150-SP2-ADI Proteins (HCPs) ELISA Kit, 2x96 tests Cells SP20 Mouse Myeloma Cells (SP20) Proteins host cell 1 kit Vero Cells Alpha Diagnostic 800-150-SP2-5-ADI Proteins (HCPs) ELISA Kit, 5 x 96 tests SPARC ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SPARC-1 SPARCL1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SPARCL1-1 SP-D ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SPD-1 sPECAM-1 Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS229INST sPECAM-1 Instant ELISA 128 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS651INST sPECAM-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS229 sPECAM-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS651 Sperm Ab Ig-Typing ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4878 Sperm Antibody (seminal plasma) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4249 Sperm Antibody ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1826 Sperm IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-330-ASG-ADI SPHK1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SCGN-1 SPINK1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-CHI3L1-1 sPLA2 (human Type IIA) EIA Kit 96 wells Human Cayman Chemicals 585000.96-CAY sPLA2 (human Type IIA) EIA Strip Plate 1 ea Human Cayman Chemicals 485002.1-CAY sPLA2 (human Type IIA) EIA Strip Plate 5 ea Human Cayman Chemicals 485002.5-CAY Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5297 SPRY1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-Clusterin-1 sP-selectin (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4874 sP-selectin Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS219/4 sP-selectin Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS219/4CE sP-selectin Platinum ELISA 96 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS650/4 sPSGL-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS255 SR-AI ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-CXCL16-1 sRANKL (total) human ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA4772 Src ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-DDIMER-1 SREC-I ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SRECI-1 S SREC-II ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-Decorin-1 SS-A (52 Kda/Ro IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3215-SSA-ADI SS-A (60 Kda/Ro IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3210-SSA-ADI SS-A (Ro) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3573 SS-A 52 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3574 SS-A 60 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3575 SSA/Ro Igs (total (A+G+M) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5710-ADI Quantitative SS-B ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3576 SSB Igs (total (A+G+M) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quanti- 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5810-ADI tative SS-B/La IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3220-SSB-ADI SSDNA APOPTOSIS ELISA KIT 96tests Milipore APT225-UC ssDNA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3567 ssDNA IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3115-ADI ssDNA IgG-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 650-340-DSN-ADI ssDNA IgG-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5320-ADI ssDNA IgG-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 650-330-DSN-ADI

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 129 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. ssDNA IgM-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5330-ADI ssDNA Igs (total (A+G+M) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 5310-ADI Quantitative ß-Endorphin RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-3023 ß-HCG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1911 ST2 (IL-33R) ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests w/plates Mouse eBioscience 88-9334-22 ST3GAL1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-EGFR-1 ST6GAL1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SEMA4A-1 ST6GAL2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SEMA4C-1 ST7 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SEMA4D-1 ST8SIA1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SEMA4G-1 ST8SIA2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SEMA5A-1 Stabilin-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SEMA6A-1 Stanniocalcin 1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SEMA6C-1 STAR Akt ELISA kit 1 pcs. Milipore 17-455-UC STAR phospho-Akt1 (Ser473) ELISA kit 1 pcs. Milipore 17-457-UC STAR phospho-IkB (Ser32) ELISA kit 1 pcs. Milipore 17-486-UC STAT Family Activation InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86095-11 STAT3 (Total) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86101-11 STAT3 (Total/Phospho) InstantOne ELISA 96 tests eBioscience 85-86103-11 STAT3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SEMA6B-1 STAT-8-Isoprostane ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 500431.96s-CAY STAT-8-Isoprostane ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 500431.96-CAY sTNF RI ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-TNFR1-1 sTNF RII ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-TNFR2-1 sTNF-R (60kDa) Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS203INST sTNF-R (60kDa) Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS203INSTCE sTNF-R (60kDa) Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS203 sTNF-R (60kDa) Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS203CE sTNF-R (80kDa) Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS211 sTNF-R (80kDa) Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS211CE sTNF-R I Platinum ELISA 96 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS653 sTNFRI ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TNFR1-1 sTNFRI ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TNFR1-1 S sTNF-RI Instant ELISA 128 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS653INST sTNFRII ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TNFR2-1 sTNFRII ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TNFR2-1 Streptomycin ELISA kit, 96 tests (Chicken/Liver, 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100210-ADI Honey, Milk) Strongyloides IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4208 Strongyloides IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5812 Substance P EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-SP-1 Substance P EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-SP-1 Substance P EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-SP-1 Substance P ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3120 Substance P ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 583751.96s-CAY Substance P ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 583751.96-CAY Substance P ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-018 Sulfamethazine (SM2), 96 tests (For Chicken/Liver, 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100100-ADI Pork/Liver, Honey/Egg, Serum/Urine, Milk) Sulfamethoxydiazine (SMD) (For Chicken/Liver, Pork/ 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100110-ADI Liver, Honey/Egg, Serum/Urine), 96 tests Sulfaquin-oxaline ELISA kit, (For Pork/Liver, Honey/ 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100240-ADI Egg, Serum/Urine, Milk), 96 tests

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 130 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Sulfonamides Residues (SAs), (For Chicken/Liver, 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100090-ADI Pork/Liver, Honey/Egg, Serum/Urine, Milk) 96 tests SULT1B1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-Eselectin-1 SULT1C2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-FAP-1 SULT2A1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-FcgRIIBC-1 SULT2B1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-FetuinA-1 SULT4A1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-FetuinB-1 SUMF1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-FN1-1 Survivin (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-111 Survivin (total) human Elisa 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4137 sVAP-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS259 sVCAM-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS232 sVCAM-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS232CE sVCAM-I (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4873 sVE-cadherin Platinum ELISA 96 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS652 sVEGF-1/Receptor 1 (human) Elisa 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4822 sVEGFR-1 (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ALX-850-264-KI01 sVEGF-R1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS268/3 Swine Foot and Mouth Disease virus (FMDV) IgG 2x96 kit Pig/Por- Alpha Diagnostic AE-200125-2-ADI Distinguishing kit, 2x96 tests cine/Swine Swine Foot and Mouth Disease virus (FMDV) serum 1 kit Pig/Por- Alpha Diagnostic AE-200120-2-ADI antibody ELISA kit, 2x96 tests cine/Swine Syndecan 1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SYNDECAN1-1 Syndecan-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SYNDECAN3-1 Syndecan-4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SYNDECAN4-1 Syntaxin 4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SERPINF2-1 Syntaxin 6 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SERPING1-1 Syphilis Ab Screen ELISA 192 wells DRG EIA-4405 SAA ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SAA-1 T Uptake ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3267 T3 (total) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1700-ADI T3 CT Total RIA 96 tests DRG RIA-4534 T3 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1780 T3 Total ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4569 T4 (Dog) Rapid ELISA 32 wells Dog DRG EIA-3441 T4 (Feline) Rapid ELISA 32 wells DRG EIA-3442 S T4 CT Total RIA 96 tests DRG RIA-4533 T4 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1781 T T4 total (Canine) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2492 T4 Total ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4568 TACE (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4754-100 TACE ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TACE-1 TACI ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TACI-1 TACI ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TACI-1 Taenia solium IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3513 Taenia solium IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3859 TAFA1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SH2D1A-1 TAFA2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-HCC1-1 TAFA5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-Hgb-1 TAFI (Human) Elisa 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4606 TARC ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TARC-1 TARC ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TARC-1 Tau ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TAU-1 TAZ/WWTR1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-HGFR-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 131 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. TBARS Assay 96 wells DRG COL-5841 TBE IgG (Tick-borne Encephalitis Virus) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3860 TBE IgM (Tick-borne Encephalitis Virus) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3861 TCA-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TCA3-1 TCK-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TCK1-1 TCK-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-TCK1-1 TCK-1 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-TCK1-1 TCK-1 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELRS-TCK1-1 TCK-1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-SULT4A1-1 TCK-1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELH-TINAGL1-1 TC-PTP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-ICAM1-1 TECK ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TECK-1 TECK ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TECK-1 Tenascin C ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TNC-1 Tenascin R ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TNSNR-1 Tenascin R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SIRT3-1 Tenascin X ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TNSNX-1 Tenascin X ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SIRT5-1 Testican 1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TESTICAN1-1 Testican 2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TESTICAN2-1 Testican 3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TESTICAN3-1 Testosteron(e) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1559 Testosterone (CT) RIA 96 tests DRG RIA-4386 Testosterone (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7417-100 Testosterone (mouse/rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays Mouse/rat BioVision K7418-100 Testosterone (Rat/Mouse) ELISA 96 wells Rat/Mouse DRG EIA-5179 Testosterone (Saliva) CLA 96 wells DRG CLA-4661 Testosterone CLIA 96 wells DRG CLA-4662 Testosterone ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 582701.96s-CAY Testosterone ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 582701.96-CAY Testosterone ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-065 Testosterone ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1880-ADI Testosterone high sensitivity ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-176 Testosterone RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-4185 Testosterone Salivary ELISA 96 wells DRG SLV-3013 Tetanus toxin IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3514 T Tetanus Toxin/Toxoid IgA ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 930-120-TMA-ADI Quantitative Tetanus Toxin/Toxoid IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit G. pig Alpha Diagnostic 930-310-TGG-ADI Quantitative Tetanus Toxin/Toxoid IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic 930-500-HTG-ADI Quantitative Tetanus Toxin/Toxoid IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 930-100-TTH-ADI Quantitative Tetanus Toxin/Toxoid IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Monkey Alpha Diagnostic 930-410-TKG-ADI Quantitative Tetanus Toxin/Toxoid IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 930-130-TMG-ADI Quantitative Tetanus Toxin/Toxoid IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 930-210-TRG-ADI Quantitative Tetanus Toxin/Toxoid IgG-Fab2 ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic 930-510-HFA-ADI Quantitative Tetanus Toxin/Toxoid IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit G. pig Alpha Diagnostic 930-320-TGM-ADI Quantitative Tetanus Toxin/Toxoid IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 930-140-TMM-ADI Quantitative

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 132 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Tetanus Toxin/Toxoid IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 930-220-TRM-ADI Quantitative Tetanus Toxin/Toxoid Igs (G+A+M) ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 930-110-TTM-ADI Quantitative Tetanus Toxin/Toxoid Igs (G+A+M) ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Rabbit Alpha Diagnostic 930-200-TTR-ADI Quantitative Tetanus Toxoid in Vaccines formulated in Alum, 1 kit Tetanus Alpha Diagnostic VAC-TTX-50-ADI 50 tests, Direct ELISA Tetanus Toxoid/Toxin (TTX) ELISA for the measure- 1 kit Tetanus Alpha Diagnostic VAC-TTX-310-ADI ment TTX in biological buffer Tetranor-PGDM ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 501001.96s-CAY Tetranor-PGDM ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 501001.96-CAY TFF2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-IGFBP1-1 TFF-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TFF3-1 TFPI ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TFPI-1 TFPI SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SEMA6D-1 TFPI-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TFPI2-1 TFPI-2 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SEMA7A-1 TfR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-IGFBP2-1 TfR SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-Endoglin-1 TG Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3708 TGF alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-TGFA-1 TGF alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-TGFA-1 TGF alpha ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-TGFA-1 Macaque TGF alpha SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-Endostatin-1 TGF beta 1 ELISA Ready-SET-Go (2nd Generation) 2 x 96 tests Human/ eBioscience 88-8350-22 Mouse TGF beta R2 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SERPINA12-1 TGF beta R3 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SERPINA3-1 TGF-alpha (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4339-100 TGF-alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TGFA-1 TGF-alpha ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT132-0001 TGF-b RIII ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TGFBR3-1 TGF-B1 ELISA Set 2 2 x 96 tests w/plates Human/ eBioscience 88-7344-22 Mouse TGF-beta 1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TGFB1-1 TGF-beta 2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TGFB2-1 TGF-beta 2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS254 TGF-beta RII ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TGFBR2-1 T TGF-beta1 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4342-100 TGF-beta1 (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4343-100 TGF-beta1 (rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4344-100 TGF-beta1 ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-155 TGF-beta1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS249/4 TGF-beta1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS608/4 TGF-beta1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Rat eBioscience BMS623/3 TGF-ß1 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1864 TGF-ß2 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2396 Th1/Th2 ELISA Ready-SET-Go Panel panel Mouse eBioscience 88-7711-44 THAP11 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-IGG1-1 Therapeutic IgG1 ELISA Kit 96 wells Human Cayman Chemicals 500910.96-CAY Therapeutic IgG2 ELISA Kit 96 wells Human Cayman Chemicals 500960.96-CAY Therapeutic IgG4 ELISA Kit 96 wells Human Cayman Chemicals 500920.96-CAY Thimet Oligopeptidase ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SIGLEC1-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 133 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Thioredoxin-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TRDX1-1 Thioredoxin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SLITRK1-1 Thiostatin ELISA kit 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 600-730-RTS-ADI Thrombo Combo ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3883 Thrombomodulin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-THBD-1 Thrombospondin 1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TSP1-1 Thrombospondin 2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TSP2-1 Thrombospondin 2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TSP2-1 Thrombospondin 5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TSP5-1 Thromboxane B2 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3105 Thromboxane B2 ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 501020.96s-CAY Thromboxane B2 ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 501020.96-CAY Thromboxane B2 Express ELISA Kit - Monoclonal 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 10004023.96s-CAY Thromboxane B2 Express ELISA Kit - Monoclonal 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 10004023.96-CAY THSD1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-Siglec11-1 Thymopoietin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TMPO-1 Thymopoietin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SIRT2-1 Thymosin a1 Elisa 96 wells DRG EIA-5822 (TG) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-360-TGG-ADI Quantitative Thyroglobulin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-THYROGLOB- ULIN-1 Thyroglobulin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3377 thyroid peroxidase (TPO) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 3300-350-TPG-ADI Quantitative Thyroid Peroxidase [TPO] IgG (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K5351-100 Thyroid Peroxidase ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TPX-1 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7411-100 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0600-ADI tests, Quantitative Thyroid Stimulating Hormone receptor (TSHR) anti- 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0610-ADI body ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone ELISA Kit 96 wells Human Cayman Chemicals 500740.96-CAY Thyroxine (T4) (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7413-100 Thyroxine (T4) (Mouse/Rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays Mouse/rat BioVision K7421-100 An in vitro enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELI- Alternative Name Thyroxine SA) for the quantitative measurement of human PD- Sensitivity 0.467 μg/dl L1 in serum, plasma, and cell culture supernatants. Detection Range 2.37 μg/dl – 9.70 μg/dl Absorbance is read at 450 nm. Stable liquid color Sample Type Serum, plasma T coded reagents and pre-coated plates reduce errors. Species Detected Mouse, Rat Size 96-well Microplate, strips Scientific background Design Principle Competitive-based T4 is a useful marker for the diagnosis of hypo- Assay Time 2 hours thyroidism and hyperthyroidism. The level of T4 is Detection Method Kit/Set Colorimetric decreased in hypothyroid patients and is increased in Contains Plate coated with T4 Ab, T4 Standard hyperthyroid patients. BioVision’s mouse/rat thyroxine Assay Diluent, T4 Enzyme Conjugate Conc., Wash Con- (T4) kit is a solid phase competitive ELISA Kit. The centrate (20X), TMB Substrate, Stop Solution samples, and T4 enzyme conjugate are added to the wells coated with anti-T4 polyclonal antibody. T4 in the sample competes with a T4 enzyme (HRP) conjugate for binding sites. Unbound T4 and T4 enzyme conju- gate are washed off by wash buffer. Upon the addition of the substrate, the intensity of color is inversely proportional to the concentration of T4 in the samples. A standard curve is prepared relating color intensity to the concentration of the T4. Tie-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TIE1-1 Tie-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TIE2-1 Tie-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-TIE2-1 TIE-2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2042 TIGIT ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SIGLEC2-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 134 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. TIM-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TIM1-1 TIM-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TIM1-1 TIM-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-TIM1-1 TIM-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TIM3-1 TIM-4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SIGLEC3-1 TIMP-1 (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ENZ-KIT147-0001 TIMP-1 (Mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays Mouse BioVision K4750-100 TIMP-1 (Mouse) ELISA Kit (For Lysates) 100 assays Mouse BioVision K4751-100 TIMP-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TIMP1-1 TIMP-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TIMP1-1 TIMP-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-TIMP1-1 TIMP-1 ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TIMP1-CL-1 TIMP-1 ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TIMP1-CL-1 TIMP-1 ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-TIMP1-CL-1 TIMP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-TIMP1-1 TIMP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-TIMP1-1 Macaque TIMP-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2018 TIMP-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2018CE TIMP-1 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-TIMP1-1 TIMP-1 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELRS-TIMP1-1 TIMP-1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELH-SUMF1-1 TIMP-1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELH-TLE2-1 TIMP-2 (Mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays Mouse BioVision K4752-100 TIMP-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TIMP2-1 TIMP-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TIMP2-1 TIMP-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-TIMP2-1 TIMP-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-TIMP2-1 TIMP-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Feline RayBiotech ELF-TIMP2-1 TIMP-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-TIMP2-1 TIMP-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-TIMP2-1 TIMP-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-TIMP2-1 Macaque TIMP-2 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SERPINB5-1 TIMP-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SIGLEC6-1 TIMP-4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TIMP4-1 TIMP-4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TIMP4-1 TINAGL1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-IL1R2-1 T Tissue Transglutaminase Screen ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4464 Tissue-Transglutaminase IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3611 Tissue-Transglutaminase IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3882 TL1A soluble (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo APO-54N-027-KI01 TLE2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-IL6sR-1 TLR1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SIRPa-1 TLR2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TLR2-1 TLR3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TLR3-1 TLR3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SIRPG-1 TLR4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TLR4-1 TM-CA 125 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5072 TM-CA 15-3 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5068 TM-CA 19-9 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5069

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 135 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. TM-CA 72-4 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5071 This assay offers a straight forward and easy assay Alternative Name Cancer antigen 72-4 procedure and is very user friendly (ready to use re- Sensitivity 0.79 U/mL agents, no shaker or incubator required). It has a high Detection Range 0.79 – 100 U/mL sensitivity and high specificity. Controls are included Sample Type Serum, Plasma in the kit. Species Detected Human Size 96-well Microplate, breakable strips Scientific background Design Principle Sandwich immunoassay CA 72 4 (Cancer antigen 72-4) was originally Assay Time 2.5 hours described as an antigenic determinant recognized Detection Method Kit/Set Colorimetric by B 72.3, a murine monoclonal antibody raised Contains Microtiter plate, Standard, Controls, Sample Diluent, En- against a membrane extract of mammary carcino- zyme Conjugate concentrate, Conjugate Diluent, Wash ma metastases. CA 72 4 was identified as a 1 MDa buffer concentrate, Substrate Solution, Stop solution mucine-like Glycoprotein complex termed TAG-72 (tumor associated antigen 72). The molecular weight of the TAG-72 protein is 48 kD. Elevated CA 72 4 levels in serum and plasma have been reported in various malignant diseases including of pancreas, stomach, gall, colon, breast, ovaries, cervix and endometrium. The highest diagnostic sensitivities are found for carcinomas of the gastrointestinal tract and ovaries. Although some benign diseases such as rheumatic diseases or ovary cysts may also result in elevated levels of CA 72 4, clinical studies demon- strated diagnostic specificities of more than 95% for gastrointestinal and ovarian malignancies. There is a good correlation between CA 72 4 levels and tumor stage and size. CA 72 4 is the marker of choice for the therapeutic monitoring and follow-up care of gastroin- testinal cancer patients. TM-CYFRA21-1 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5070 TMEFF1/Tomoregulin-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TMEFF1-1 TMEFF1/Tomoregulin-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SIRT1-1 TmpA (Treponema pallidium/Syphilis) IgG+M ELISA 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 4910-ADI kit, Semi-Quantitative, 96 tests TNF alpha (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays mouse BioVision K1051-100 TNF alpha (rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays rat BioVision K1052-100 TNF alpha ELISA KIT 1 pcs. Human Milipore EZHTNFA-UC TNF alpha ELISA KIT 1 pcs. Mouse Milipore EZMTNFA-UC TNF alpha ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Human eBioscience 88-7346-22 TNF alpha ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7324-22 TNF alpha ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Rat eBioscience 88-7340-22 TNF alpha Matched Antibody Pairs, total 10 x 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2034MST TNF alpha total Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS654MST TNF beta (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5128 T TNF RI SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SERPINB6-1 TNF-a (Rat) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-4774 TNF-a ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4641 TNFa ELISA Kit 1 pcs. Milipore EZRTNFA-UC TNF-a Platinum ELISA, total 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2034 TNF-alpha (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4779-100

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 136 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. TNF-alpha (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-099 The TNF-α (human) ELISA kit is a colorimetric immu- Alternative Name Tumor necrosis factor-α, TNFSF 2 nometric enzyme immunoassay kit with results for up Sensitivity 8.43 pg/ml to 39 samples in duplicate in just 4 hours. Stable liquid Detection Range 15.63 pg/ml – 1,000 pg/ml color-coded reagents and pre-coated plated reduce Sample Type Culture supernatants, plasma and serum time and errors. This highly sensitive kit measures as Species Detected Human little as 8.4 pg/ml and its broad dynamic range makes Size 96-well Microplate, strips assaying different pathologies easy. Design Principle Sandwich-based assay Assay Time 4 hours Scientific background Detection Method Colorimetric TNF-α is a 17.5kDa, 157 amino acid protein that is a Kit/Set Contains Pre-coated microtiter plate, Conjugate, Antibody, Assay potent lymphoid factor, which exerts cytotoxic effects buffer 13, Wash buffer concentrate, Standard, TMB on a wide range of tumor cells and other target cells. Substrate, Stop solution 2 TNF-? has been suggested to play a pro-inflammatory role and has been detected in synovial fluid of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. It is the primary mediator of immune regulation. The biosynthesis of TNF-α is tightly controlled, being produced in extremely small quantities in quiescent cells, but is a major secreted factor in activated cells TNF-alpha (mouse), ELISA kit 96 wells Mouse Enzo ADI-900-047 TNF-alpha (rat), ELISA kit 96 wells Rat Enzo ADI-900-086A TNF-alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-TNFA-1 TNF-alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-TNFA-1 TNF-alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TNFA-1 The Human TNF-alpha ELISA kit is a colorimetric in Alternative Name Tumor necrosis factor (Cachectin) (TNF-alpha) (Tumor vitro enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for the necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 2) (TNF-a) quantitative measurement of TNF-alpha. Excellent [Cleaved into: Tumor necrosis factor, membrane form for follow up/confirmation of antibody array data. The (N-terminal fragment) (NTF); Intracellular domain 1 Pre-coated 96 well plate saves time and reduces er- (ICD1); Intracellular domain 2 (ICD2); C-domain 1; C-do- ror. Strip plate format minimizes waste. The complete main 2; Tumor necrosis factor, soluble form] kit includes all necessary reagents. All RayBio kits are 30pg/ml highly sensitive and specific. Optimized for serum, Sensitivity 30 pg/ml - 6000 pg/ml plasma and cell culture medium. Detection Range Serum, Plasma, Cell culture media Sample Type Human Scientific background Species Detected 96-well Microplate, strips TNF-alpha (also known as Cachectin) is a pleiotropic Size Sandwich-based molecule that plays an important role in systemic Design Principle 5 hours inflammation by regulating immune cells. TNF-alpha Assay Time Colorimetric is secreted by macrophages, CD4+ lymphocytes, NK Detection Method 96-well pre-coated strip plate (12x8), Wash Buffer cells, neutrophils, mast cells, eosinohpils and neurons. Kit/Set Contains Concentrate (20x), Standard, Sample Diluent Buffers, In addition to inflammation, TNF-alpha plays crucial Biotin-labeled Detection Antibody, HRP-Streptavidin roles in immune system development, apoptosis and concentrate, TMB One-Step Substrate Reagent, Stop lipid metabolism. Solution TNF-alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TNFA-1 The MouseTNF-alpha ELISA kit is a colorimetric in Alternative Name Tumor necrosis factor (Cachectin) (TNF-alpha) (Tumor vitro enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for the necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 2) (TNF-a) quantitative measurement of TNF-alpha. Excellent [Cleaved into: Tumor necrosis factor, membrane form for follow up/confirmation of antibody array data. The (N-terminal fragment) (NTF); Intracellular domain 1 T Pre-coated 96 well plate saves time and reduces er- (ICD1); Intracellular domain 2 (ICD2); C-domain 1; C-do- ror. Strip plate format minimizes waste. The complete main 2; Tumor necrosis factor, soluble form] kit includes all necessary reagents. All RayBio kits are 60 pg/ml highly sensitive and specific. Optimized for serum, Sensitivity 60 pg/ml - 6000 pg/ml plasma and cell culture medium. Detection Range Serum, plasma, cell culture media Sample Type Mouse Scientific background Species Detected 96-well Microplate, strips TNF-alpha (also known as Cachectin) is a pleiotropic Size Sandwich-based molecule that plays an important role in systemic Design Principle 5 hours inflammation by regulating immune cells. TNF-alpha Assay Time Colorimetric is secreted by macrophages, CD4+ lymphocytes, NK Detection Method 96-well pre-coated strip plate (12x8), Wash Buffer cells, neutrophils, mast cells, eosinohpils and neurons. Kit/Set Contains Concentrate (20x), Standard, Sample Diluent Buffers, In addition to inflammation, TNF-alpha plays crucial Biotin-labeled Detection Antibody, HRP-Streptavidin roles in immune system development, apoptosis and concentrate, TMB One-Step Substrate Reagent, Stop lipid metabolism. Solution TNF-alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-TNFA-1 TNF-alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-TNFA-1 TNF-alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-TNFALPHA-001 TNF-alpha ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-TNFA-1 Macaque TNF-alpha ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TNFA-CL-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 137 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. TNF-alpha ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TNFa-CL-1 TNF-alpha ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-TNFA-CL-1 TNF-alpha ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-330-TNF-ADI TNF-alpha ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 100-215-TNH-ADI TNF-alpha ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 100-210-TNF-ADI TNF-alpha High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS223HS TNF-alpha High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS607HS TNF-alpha Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS223INST The human TNF-alpha Instant ELISA is an en- Alternative Name Cachectin, Tumor necrosis factor alpha, DIF zyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the quantitative Sensitivity 1.65 pg/mL detection of human Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha. The Detection Range 7.8 - 500 pg/mL human TNF-alpha Instant ELISA is for research use Sample Type Cell culture supernatant, serum, plasma (EDTA, citrate, only. Not for diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. heparin), urine Species Detected Human Scientific background Size 96-well Microplate, strips Tumor Necrosis Factor is a polypeptide cytokine pro- Design Principle Sandwich-based duced by monocytes and macrophages. It functions Assay Time 3 hours 30 min as a multipotent modulator of immune response and Detection Method Colorimetric further acts as a potent pyrogen. TNF-alpha circulates Kit/Set Contains Aluminium pouch(es) with a Microwell Plate coated with throughout the body responding to stimuli (infectious Monoclonal Antibody (murine) to human TNF-alpha, agents or tissue injury), activating neutrophils, altering Biotin-Conjugate (anti-TNF-alpha polyclonal antibody), the properties of vascular endothelial cells, regulating Sample diluent and Streptavidin-HRP, lyophilized, metabolic activities of other tissues, as well as exhib- Aluminium pouch(es) with a human TNF-alpha Standard iting tumoricidal activity by inducing localized blood curve (coloured), Wash Buffer Concentrate 20x (phos- clotting. TNF-alpha also inhibits lipoprotein lipase phate-buffered saline with 1% Tween 20), Substrate activity resulting in cachexia, a physical wasting condi- Solution (tetramethyl-benzidine), Sample Diluent (Use tion. Activation of B-cells by the Epstein Barr virus can when an external predilution of the samples is needed), be inhibited by TNF-alpha. Due to its varied actions Stop Solution (1M Phosphoric acid), Adhesive Plate throughout the immune system, TNF-alpha may play a Covers role in the pathogenesis of many disease states.

TNF-alpha production is mediated by the action of lymphokines and endotoxins on the macrophage. Purified monocytes produce TNF-alpha within four hours of stimulation by recombinant IL-2 and there is some in vitro evidence to suggest that TNF-alpha is expressed at high levels and with prolonged kinetics in T cells stimulated by both CD2 and CD28. Secre- tion of TNF-alpha is enhanced by gamma interferon. TNF then induces or enhances the specific production of Class I MHC antigen, GM-CSF, and IL-1. TNF-alpha Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS223INSTCE TNF-alpha Instant ELISA 128 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS607/2INST TNF-alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS223/4 TNF-alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS223/4CE TNF-alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS607/3 T TNF-alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests Rat eBioscience BMS622 TNF-alpha total Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2034CE TNF-alpha total Platinum ELISA 96 tests Monkey eBioscience BMS654 TNF-beta (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4780-100 TNF-beta ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TNFB-1 TNF-beta Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS202INST TNF-beta Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS202INSTCE TNF-beta Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS202 TNF-beta Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS202CE TNF-R1, soluble (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ALX-850-047-KI01 TNFR2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-TNFR2-1 Macaque TNFRSF17 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TNFRSF17-1 TNFRSF9 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TNFRSF9-1 TNFSF4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TNFSF4-1 TNFα (human) EIA kit 96 wells Human Bertin A05550.96 TNF-α (human) ELISA Kit 96 wells Human Cayman Chemicals 589201.96-CAY

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 138 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. TNF-α (human) ELISA Strip Plate 1 ea Human Cayman Chemicals 489202.1-CAY TNF-α (human) ELISA Strip Plate 5 ea Human Cayman Chemicals 489202.5-CAY TNF-α (mouse) ELISA Kit 96 wells Mouse Cayman Chemicals 500850.96-CAY Toolans H-1 Virus (H-1/THV) Antibody ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic AE-310210-1-ADI tests Total Thyroxine (T4) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1100-ADI Toxocara canis IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3865 Toxocara IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3518 Toxoplasma gondii IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3683 Toxoplasma gondii IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3519 Toxoplasma gondii IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3520 Toxoplasma gondii IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3864 Toxoplasmosis IgG Antibody ELISA kit, 2x96 tests 2x96 kit Pig/Por- Alpha Diagnostic AE-200100-2-ADI cine/Swine t-PA (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5112 TPA ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TPA-1 TPA IRMA 100 tests DRG RIA-3437 t-PA Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS258/2 TPAcyk ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2092 TPO (Mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays Mouse BioVision K4753-100 TPO Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3561 TPO Ab ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4114 TPO ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TPO-1 TPO ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TPO-1 TPS (Cyk18) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2354 TPS IRMA 100 tests DRG RIA-3028 TPST2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TPST2-1 TPST2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-Lipocalin1-1 TRACP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TRACP-1 TRAIL ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TRAIL-1 TRAIL ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TRAIL-1 TRAIL Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2004 TRAIL R1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TRAILR1-1 TRAIL R2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TRAILR2-1 TRAIL R3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TRAILR3-1 TRAIL R4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TRAILR4-1 TRANCE ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TRANCE-1 Tranferrin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-TRFRN-1 T Macaque Transcobalamin II ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SHP1-1 Transferrin (Tf) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1210-ADI Transferrin (Tf) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 6390-ADI Transferrin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TRFRN-1 Transferrin ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT143-0001 Transferrin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Bovine Alpha Diagnostic 8070-ADI Transferrin Receptor soluble Human ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4256 Transferrin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SERPIND1-1 Transglutaminase 3/TGM3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-IGFBP6-1 Transglutaminase 7 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-IGG-1 Transglutaminase 2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-IGFBP3-1 Transglutaminase 4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-IGFBPRP1-1 TRAPEZE ELISA TELOMERASE 1 pcs. Milipore S7750-UC TRAPEZE Elisa Telomerase - part 1 1 pcs. Milipore S7750RF-UC Trappin-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TRAPPIN2-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 139 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Trappin-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-TRAPPIN2-1 Trappin-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-TRAPPIN2-1 Macaque Trappin-2 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SERPINB8-1 Trastuzumab conformational ELISA kit, BIOLIKE 3 x 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT121-0003 TREM-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TREM1-1 TREM-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TREM1-1 TREM-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-TREM1-1 TREM-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TREM2-1 TREML1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TREML1-1 TREML1/TLT-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TREML1-1 TREML1/TLT-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SLITRK5-1 TREML2/TLT-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TREML2-1 TREML2/TLT-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-LYVE1-1 Trenbolone ELISA kit (For Animal Tissue, Aquatic, 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100170-ADI Urine), 96 tests Treponema pallidum IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3517 Treponema pallidum IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4267 Treponema pallidum Screen ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5549 Tri Cat ELISA 3x 96 wells DRG EIA-4080 TriCat ELISA 3 x 96 wells DRG EIA-4634 TriCat Research Elisa 3 x 96 wells DRG EIA-4891 TriCat Urine ELISA 3 x 96 wells DRG EIA-5775 Trichinella spiralis IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3521 Triiodothyronine (T3) (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7423-100 Triiodothyronine (T3) (Mouse/Rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays Mouse/rat BioVision K7422-100 TRIM ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TRIM-1 TRIM ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SMAD2-1 Tripeptidyl-peptidase I ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TPP1-1 Tripeptidyl-peptidase I ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-LDLR-1 TrkA ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TRKA-1 TRKB ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TRKB-1 TRKB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SMAD3-1 TRKC ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TRKC-1 TRKC ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-Smad4-1 TROP1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TROP1-1 TROP-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TROP2-1 T TROP-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SMAD9-1 Troponin C ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TROPONINC-1 Troponin I (human) ELISA Kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-228-0001 Troponin I ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2952 Troponin I ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TROPONINI-1 Troponin T ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TROPONINT-1 TROY ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TROY-1 TROY ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TROY-1 TRP14/Thioredoxin-like 5 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TRP14-1 TRP14/Thioredoxin-like 5 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-MIP1d-1 Trypanosoma Cruzi (Chagas) IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3464 Trypsin 1/PRSS1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TRYP1-1 Trypsin 1/PRSS1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-MMP9-1 Trypsin 2/PRSS2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TRYP2-1 Trypsin 2/PRSS2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SMOC2-1 Trypsin 3/PRSS3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TRYP3-1 Trypsin 3/PRSS3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SMPD1-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 140 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Trypsin Pan/PRSS1-2-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TRYPPan-1 Trypsin Pan/PRSS1-2-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-MSP-1 Tryptase beta-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TPSB2-1 Tryptase beta-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-Leptin-1 Tryptophan ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5505 TSG-14 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TSG14-1 TSG-6 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TSG6-1 TSH (canine) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5224 TSH (ultrasensitive) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1790 TSH 1h (CT) IRMA 100 tests DRG RIA-4200 TSH CLA 96 wells DRG CLA-4658 TSH ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TSH-1 TSH ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4171 TSH ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ENZ-KIT131-0001 TSH Neonatal IRMA 100 tests DRG RIA-1452 TSH Receptor Ab 3rd generation ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4834 TSH Receptor Ab RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-5508 TSH Receptor Autoantibody ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3369 TSLP ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TSLP-1 TSLP ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TSLP-1 TSLP ELISA Ready-SET-Go 2 x 96 tests Mouse eBioscience 88-7490-22 TSLP ELISA Ready-SET-Go Set 2 x 96 tests Human eBioscience 88-7497-22 TSLP R ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TSLPR-1 TSLP R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-NCAM1-1 TSP-4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TSP4-1 Tsukushi/TSK ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TSKU-1 Tsukushi/TSK ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-NAP2-1 Tuberculosis IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4250 Tuberculosis IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4252 Tuberculosis IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4251 TWEAK ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TWEAK-1 TWEAK ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TWEAK-1 TWEAK Instant ELISA 128 tests Human eBioscience BMS2006INST TWEAK R ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-TWEAKR-1 TWEAK R ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-TWEAKR-1 TWEAK R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-TWEAKR-1 TWEAK R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SNCB-1 T TWEAK R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-TWEAKR-1 TWEAK R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rabbit RayBiotech ELL-TWEAKR-1 U TWEAK R ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-TWEAKR-1 TXB2 ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ADI-900-002 V Tylosin ELISA kit (For Meat, Liver, Honey, Egg), 96 1 kit All Alpha Diagnostic DE-100160-ADI tests UBC (Urinary ) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2355 UBC (Urinary Bladder Cancer) IRMA 100 tests DRG RIA-3029 Ubiquitin+1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-UBIQUITIN1-1 UCH-L1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-UCHL1-1 UCH-L1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SOD1-1 UCH-L3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-UCHL3-1 UCH-L3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SOD2-1 UGT1A1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-UGT1A1-1 UGT1A1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SORCS1-1 ULBP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ULBP1-1

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 141 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. ULBP-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ULBP2-1 ULBP-3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ULBP3-1 ULBP-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SORCS2-1 ULBP-4/RAET1E ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ULBP4-1 ULBP-4/RAET1E ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SORCS3-1 Unacylated Ghrelin (dog) Easy Sampling EIA kit 96 wells Dog Bertin A05320.96 Unacylated Ghrelin (human) Easy Sampling EIA kit 96 wells Human Bertin A05319 Unacylated Ghrelin (human) Express EIA kit 96 wells Human Bertin A05119.96 Unacylated Ghrelin (mouse, rat) Easy Sampling EIA 96 wells Mouse, Bertin A05318.96 kit Rat Unacylated Ghrelin (mouse, rat) Express EIA kit 96 wells Mouse, Bertin A05118.96 Rat Unacylated Ghrelin (pig) EIA kit 96 wells Pig Bertin A05402.96 UnAcylated Ghrelin plasma measurement (in dupli- 1 ea Bertin A90003.1 cate - EIA method) UNC5H1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-UNC5H1-1 UNC5H1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELH-TLR1-1 Unc5h2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-UNC5H2-1 UNC5H3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-UNC5H3-1 UNC5H3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SORT1-1 UNC5H4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-UNC5H4-1 UNC5H4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SOX10-1 UNFINISHED Half Kit- Rat/Mouse PYY RIA - no tracer 1 pcs. Mouse Milipore RMPYY-68HK-U-UC uPA ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-UPA-1 uPA ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-UPA-1 Macaque uPAR ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-UPAR-1 uPAR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-UPAR-1 Macaque URB ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-URB-1 URB ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SOX15-1 Ureaplasma urealyticum IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5098 Ureaplasma urealyticum IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4623 Ureaplasma urealyticum IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4561 Urocortin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-URO-1 Urocortin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-URO-1 Urocortin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-URO-1 Uromodulin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-UROMOD- ULIN-1 Use1/UBE2Z ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-USE1-1 U Use1/UBE2Z ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SOX17-1 Uteroglobin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-UGB-1 V VAMP-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VAMP1-1 VAMP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SOX2-1 VAMP-2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VAMP2-1 VAMP-2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SOX7-1 VAP-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VAP1-1 VAP-A ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VAPA-1 VAP-A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SOX9-1 VAP-B ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VAPB-1 VAP-B ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-PAII-1 Varicella Zoster Virus (chickenpox) IgA ELISA kit, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 520-250-HVG-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Varicella Zoster Virus (chickenpox) IgA ELISA, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 520-220-HVG-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 142 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Varicella Zoster Virus (chickenpox) IgG ELISA kit, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 520-230-HVG-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Varicella Zoster Virus (chickenpox) IgG ELISA, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 520-200-HVG-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Varicella Zoster Virus (chickenpox) IgM ELISA kit, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 520-240-HVM-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Varicella Zoster Virus (chickenpox) IgM ELISA, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 520-210-HVM-ADI 96 tests, Quantitative Vasopressin (Arg) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3122 Vasopressin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-VAS-1 Vasopressin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-VAS-1 Vasopressin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-VAS-1 Vasopressin RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-3021 Vaspin (human) Serum ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4917-100 Vaspin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-VAP-1 Vaspin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-VAP-1 Vaspin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-VAP-1 VCAM-1 (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K7211-100 VCAM-1 (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays mouse BioVision K7212-100 VCAM-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VCAM1-1 VCAM-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-VCAM1-1 VCAM-1 SpeedELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELMS-VCAM1-1 VCAM-1 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELHS-VEGFR2-1 VCAM-1, ELISA KIT 1 pcs. Milipore ECM340-UC VE-cadherin, soluble ELISA kit 96 wells Enzo ALX-850-059-KI01 VEGF (human) ELISA Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K5363-100 VEGF (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-080 VEGF (mouse) ELISA Kit 100 assays mouse BioVision K5364-100 VEGF (rat) ELISA Kit 100 assays rat BioVision K5365-100 VEGF ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-820-VEF-ADI VEGF ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-830-VEM-ADI VEGF ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Rat Alpha Diagnostic 200-840-VER-ADI VEGF ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 100-230-VEM-ADI VEGF R1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-VEGFR1-1 VEGF R1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VEGFR1-1 VEGF R2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VEGFR2-1 VEGF R3 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VEGFR3-1 VEGF-A (mouse) ELISA 96 wells Mouse DRG EIA-5430


All kits are available in multiple sizes. 143 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. VEGF-A ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VEGF-1 The Human VEGF ELISA kit is a colorimetric in vitro Alternative Name Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) (Vascular enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for the quanti- permeability factor) (VPF) tative measurement of VEGF. Excellent for follow up/ Sensitivity 10pg/ml confirmation of antibody array data. The Pre-coated Detection Range 10 pg/ml - 6000 pg/ml 96 well plate saves time and reduces error. Strip plate Sample Type Serum, Plasma, cell culture media format minimizes waste. The complete kit includes all Species Detected Human necessary reagents. All RayBio kits are highly sen- Size 96-well Microplate, strips sitive and specific. Optimized for serum, plasma and Design Principle Sandwich-based cell culture medium. Assay Time 5 hours Detection Method Colorimetric Scientific background Kit/Set Contains 96-well pre-coated strip plate (12x8), Wash Buffer VEGF (Vascular endothelial growth factor) is also Concentrate (20x), Standard, Sample Diluent Buffers, called VEGF-A, following the identification of several Biotin-labeled Detection Antibody, HRP-Streptavidin VEGF-related factors (VEGF-B, VEGF-C, VEGF-D, concentrate, TMB One-Step Substrate Reagent, Stop VEGF-E). VEGF significantly influence vascular per- Solution meability and is a strong angiogenic protein in several Bioassays and probably also plays a role in neovascu- larisation under physiological conditions. VEGF plays a role in the development and function of primate follicles and the ovarian corpus luteum, supporting the proliferation of blood vessels. The differentiation of adipocytes, of , and myocytes is accompanied by the controlled expression of VEGF. It has been demonstrated that inhibition of VEGF activi- ty by treatment with a monoclonal antibody specific for VEGF can suppress tumor growth in vivo. VEGF-A ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-VEGF-1 VEGF-A ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Ovine RayBiotech ELO-VEGFA-1 VEGF-A ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-VEGF-1 VEGF-A ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4826 VEGF-A ELISA (For Lysates) 96-well strip plate kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VEGF-001C VEGF-A ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VEGF-CL-1 VEGF-A ELISA (For Lysates) 2 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VEGF-CL-2 VEGF-A ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-VEGF-CL-1 VEGF-A ELISA (For Lysates) 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-VEGF-CL-1 VEGF-A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Bovine RayBiotech ELB-VEGFA-1 VEGF-A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Canine RayBiotech ELC-VEGF-1 VEGF-A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Equine RayBiotech ELE-VEGFA-1 VEGF-A ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Porcine RayBiotech ELP-VEGFA-1 VEGF-A Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS277/2 VEGF-A Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS277/2CE VEGF-A Platinum ELISA 96 tests Mouse eBioscience BMS619/2 VEGF-B (Human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-5828 VEGF-B ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-VEGFB-1 VEGF-B ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VEGFB-1 VEGF-C (human) ELISA 96 wells Human DRG EIA-4825 VEGF-C (human) ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ALX-850-306-KI01 V VEGF-C (rat) ELISA 96 wells Rat DRG EIA-5101 VEGF-C ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VEGFC-1 VEGF-C Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS297/2 VEGF-C Platinum ELISA 96 tests Rat eBioscience BMS626/2 VEGF-D ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VEGFD-1 VEGFR1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-VEGFR1-1 VEGFR1/FLT1 ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-850-FLT-ADI VEGFR2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-VEGFR2-1 VEGFR2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rhesus RayBiotech ELK-VEGFR2-1 Macaque VEGFR2 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SFRP1-1 VEGFR2/KDR ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-860-KDR-ADI VEGF-R2/KDR Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2019

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 144 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. VEGFR-3 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-VEGFR3-1 VEGFR3 SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-GAS6-1 VEGF-R3/FLT-4 Platinum ELISA 96 tests Human eBioscience BMS2064 VHL ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VHL-1 VHL ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-PARC-1 VHR ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VHR-1 VHR ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-Pcadherin-1 VIP EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-VIP-1 VIP EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-VIP-1 VIP EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-VIP-1 VIP RIA (Vasoactive intestinal peptide) 100 tests DRG RIA-3019 Visfatin (human) Elisa Assay Kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4907-100 Visfatin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-VIS-1 Visfatin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-VIS-1 Visfatin EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-VIS-1 Visfatin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VISFTN-1 Visfatin ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-PDGFAA-1 Vitamin B12 ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5848 Vitamin B12 ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 0340-B12-ADI Vitamin B12 Simul-TRAC-SNB RIA 100 tests DRG RIA-1990 Vitamin D Binding Protein (VDBP) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5088 Vitamin D ELISA Kit 96 solid wells Cayman Chemicals 501050.96s-CAY Vitamin D ELISA Kit 96 strip wells Cayman Chemicals 501050.96-CAY Vitamin D3 (human) ELISA kit 100 assays Human BioVision K4806-100 Vitronectin ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VTN-1 Vitronectin SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SGY1-1 VMA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-1620 VSIG4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VSIG4-1 VSIG4 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-PECAM1-1 vWF ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VWF-1 VWF SpeedELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SH2B1-1 vWF-A2 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-VWFA2-1 vWF-A2 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-PF4-1 VZV IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3522 VZV IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3523 VZV IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3524 Water Moccasin/cottonmouth pit viper (Agkistrodon 1 kit Sheep Alpha Diagnostic 570-220-CSG-ADI piscivorus) Antibody ELISA Kits, 96 tes West Nile IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4519 West Nile IgM Capture ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-4504 West Nile Virus Envelop Protein (WNV-E) IgG ELISA 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic 910-350-WNG-ADI kit, 96 tests V West Nile Virus Envelop Protein (WNV-E) IgG ELISA 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 910-450-WNG-ADI kit, 96 tests W West Nile Virus Envelop Protein (WNV-E) IgG ELISA 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 910-250-WNG-ADI kit, 96 tests West Nile Virus Envelop Protein (WNV-E) IgM ELISA 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic 910-360-WNM-ADI kit, 96 tests West Nile Virus Envelop Protein (WNV-E) IgM ELISA 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 910-460-WNM-ADI kit, 96 tests West Nile Virus Envelop Protein (WNV-E) IgM ELISA 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 910-260-WNM-ADI kit, 96 tests West Nile Virus Mosaic Proteins (WNV C+prM+E) IgG 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic 910-310-WNG-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests West Nile Virus Mosaic Proteins (WNV C+prM+E) IgG 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 910-410-WNG-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 145 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. West Nile Virus Mosaic Proteins (WNV C+prM+E) IgG 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 910-210-WNG-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests West Nile Virus Mosaic Proteins (WNV C+prM+E) IgM 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic 910-320-WNM-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests West Nile Virus Mosaic Proteins (WNV C+prM+E) IgM 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 910-420-WNM-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests West Nile Virus Mosaic Proteins (WNV C+prM+E) IgM 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 910-220-WNM-ADI ELISA kit, 96 tests West Nile Virus prM Protein (WNV-prM) IgG ELISA kit, 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic 910-330-WNG-ADI 96 tests West Nile Virus prM Protein (WNV-prM) IgG ELISA kit, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 910-430-WNG-ADI 96 tests West Nile Virus prM Protein (WNV-prM) IgG ELISA kit, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 910-230-WNG-ADI 96 tests West Nile Virus prM Protein (WNV-prM) IgM ELISA kit, 1 kit Horse Alpha Diagnostic 910-340-WNM-ADI 96 tests West Nile Virus prM Protein (WNV-prM) IgM ELISA kit, 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 910-440-WNM-ADI 96 tests West Nile Virus prM Protein (WNV-prM) IgM ELISA kit, 1 kit Mouse Alpha Diagnostic 910-240-WNM-ADI 96 tests WIF-1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-WIF1-1 WISP-1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-WISP1-1 Wnt-4 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-WNT4-1 Wnt-9a ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-WNT9A-1 Wnt-9a ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-PGRN-1 XIAP (human), ELISA kit 96 wells Human Enzo ADI-900-124 XIAP ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-XIAP-1 XIAP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech ELM-XIAP-1 XIAP ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech ELR-XIAP-1 Xolair/Omalizumab Antibody ELISA Kit for human, 96 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-420-XLG-ADI tests Xolair/Omalizumab ELISA Kit for human, 96 tests 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 200-410-XLG-ADI Yersinia enterocolitica IgA ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2566 Yersinia enterocolitica IgG ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2567 Yersinia enterocolitica IgM ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-2568 YY1 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-YY1-1 YY1 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELHS-PGRPs-1 ZAG EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech EIA-ZAG-1 ZAG EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Mouse RayBiotech EIAM-ZAG-1 ZAG EIA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Rat RayBiotech EIAR-ZAG-1 ZAG ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ZAG-1 ZAG ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SPHK1-1 Zaire-Ebola virus IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human/ Alpha Diagnostic AE-320520-1-ADI Zaire-Eb- oral virus Zaire-Ebola virus IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse/ Alpha Diagnostic AE-320550-1-ADI Zaire-Eb- W oral virus Zaire-Ebola virus IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse/ Alpha Diagnostic AE-320500-1-ADI X Zaire-Eb- oral virus Y Zaire-Ebola virus IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Rabbit/ Alpha Diagnostic AE-320540-1-ADI Zaire-Eb- oral virus Z Zaire-Ebola virus IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Human/ Alpha Diagnostic AE-320530-1-ADI Zaire-Eb- oral virus Zaire-Ebola virus IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse/ Alpha Diagnostic AE-320560-1-ADI Zaire-Eb- oral virus

All kits are available in multiple sizes. 146 Product Name Size Species Supplier Cat. No. Zaire-Ebola virus IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests 1 kit Mouse/ Alpha Diagnostic AE-320510-1-ADI Zaire-Eb- oral virus ZAP70 ELISA 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-ZAP70-1 ZAP70 ELISA, custom 1 x 96-well strip micropl kit Human RayBiotech ELH-SPINK1-1 Zeta (z) Globin (alpha thalassemia ) ELISA Kit, 96 1 kit Human Alpha Diagnostic 1970-ADI tests, Semi-Quantitative Zeta Globin ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5047 Zinc Transporter 8 Autoantibody (ZnT8) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5764 Zona Pellucida Ig-Classifying ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-3778 Zonulin (Serum) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5515 Zonulin (Stool) ELISA 96 wells DRG EIA-5418


All kits are available in multiple sizes. 147 148 Contact


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