Published by The Internet-First University Press Evolution of Plant Breeding at Cornell University Spring 1909 A Centennial History 1907–2006 Royse P. Murphy with Lee B. Kass Department Histories - Cornell University – The Internet-First University Press – This content appears online at Cornell University’s eCommons for open access distribution and then in the more traditional physical forms (CD and bound book) for a modest user fee. This approach obviates the need for other libraries (or indeed individuals for personal usage) to acquire, catalog and store this content. How- ever, redistribution and all other rights remain with the copyright holders. The IFUP was co-founded by J. Robert Cooke and Kenneth M. King. Online access to this book and the multimedia resources contained on the associated DVD are at: Department Histories – Cornell University Internet-First University Press Perfect bound copies of this book may be ordered via e-mail:
[email protected] P This book was written by Professor Emeritus Royse P. Murphy with Visiting Professor Lee B. Kass and released after the Centennial Celebration of the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics in 2007. 4 6 2 3 5 7 8 1 10 11 12 13 14 9 Cover Photo 1. HB Frost, 2. CE Leighty, 3. LH Waldron, 4. HB Brown, 5. H Beckenstrater, 6. SF Willard, Jr., 7. LD Batchelor, 8. MJ Dorsey 9. CF Clark, 10.