O. Henry Biography
Ws Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2006 with funding from Yahoo! http://www.archive.org/details/ohenrybioOOsmitrich O. HENRY BIOGRAPHY O. HENRY 'O. HENRY BIOGRAPHY BY C. ALPHONSO SMITH POE PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH IN THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA AUTHOR OF " WHAT CAN LITERATURE DO FOR ME? " ETC. ILLUSTRATED Garden City New York DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY 1916 Copyright, 1916, by DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY All rights reserved, including that of translation into foreign languages, including the Scandinavian 33T570 PREFACE MY CHIEF indebtedness in the preparation of this book is to Mr. Arthur W. Page, of Garden City, New York. He has not only put at my disposal all of the material collected by the late Harry Peyton Steger but has been unfailing in helpful suggestion and in practical cooperation. To the authorities of the Li- brary of Congress and of the Free Public Library of Greensboro, North Carolina, I am also indebted for services cheerfully and effectively rendered. Others from whom I have received valuable oral or written information are mentioned for the most part in the pages that follow. Grateful acknowledgments are due also to Mrs. J. Allison Hodges and Mrs. E. E. Moffitt, of Richmond, Virginia; Professor James C. Bardin, of the University of Virginia; Miss Anna Porter Boyers, of Nashville, Tennessee; Miss Bettie Caldwell, Mr. S. A. Kerr, Mr. A. W. McAlister, Colonel James T. Morehead, Miss Belle Swaim, and Mrs. G. W. Whit- sett, of Greensboro; Mrs. G. B. Bush, of Hopkins, South Carolina; Mr. J. W. Monget, of Baton Rouge, Louisi- ana; Mr. George M. Bailey, of Houston, Judge T.
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