2015 G explorations prin s GeorGe H. Cook Campus ma Gazine fast facts We are a place of history and tradition. Founded in 1766, Rutgers is the eighth oldest college in the nation. Rutgers is a member of the Big Ten Conference and the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), a consortium of 15 world-class research universities, including all Big Ten members and the University of Chicago. We are the land-grant university of New Jersey. School of Environmental and SEBS Student-to-faculty 3,432 Biological Sciences (SEBS) Full-time 10:1 ratio undergraduate students Affiliated graduate 400 Clubs and organizations 12 programs Participants in Student to Professional SEBS Majors 184 Internship Network (SPIN) 20 contents 01 Dean‘s messaGe 03 sTuDenTs 05 FeaTure - CeleBraTinG 150 Years 03 07 07 FaCulty 09 research 11 news anD evenTs 13 FeaTure - uncharTeD waTers 15 Alumni 19 Donors 21 Gifts 23 alumni noTes anD musinGs 13 Stay Connected 04 Keep up to Date with whaT’S Happening on George H. Cook Campus explorations facebook.com/rutgersSEBs twitter.com/rutgersSEBs Editorial officE Explorations Magazine youtube.com/user/rutgersSEBs Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 57 US Highway 1, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8554 newsroom officE of alumni and community EngagEmEnt sebsnjaesnews.rutgers.edu Director, Diana Orban Brown newsletter officE of communications discovery.rutgers.edu/pubs Director, Michael Green contributors Diana Orban Brown, Melissa Kvidahl, Cindy Rovins, Paula Walcott-Quintin, and Kelly Watts post-it! What’s up with you? We want to hear from you. graphic DesignEr Lori Casciano @
[email protected] photographErs office of alumni and Community engagement Nick Romanenko, Matt Rainey, Roy Groething rutgers, The state university of new Jersey 57 US Highway 1 on the Cover: Commencement 2014.