Silver Knights Herald
SSIILLVVEERR KKNNIIGGHHTTSS 2006 SPRING ERALD EDITION HA PUBLICATION OF THE RUTGERS STAFF RETIREES ASSOCIATION Doctor Paul B. Jennings, Physician, Board of Governors Educator and Loyal Rutgers Son to Approves Plan to Address Silver Knights at Spring Restructure the Luncheon Meeting University March 11, 2006 will be an histori- Paul B. Jennings, M.D., a popular RU-ALL, supported in part by the cal date in the annals of Rutgers figure in the medical field and Rutgers university’s Division of Summer University. It marks the Board of community, will be the featured Session, is a noncompetitive, noncredit Governors 10-1 vote to approve the speaker at the Silver Knights Spring education that is stimulating, friendly, transformation of the state university Luncheon to be held at Neilson Dining and informal. with no tests and no as one of the most important decisions Hall, Thursday, May 11, 2006. grades. Its students are ensured of in the university’s 240-year history. Affectionately known as “Pete” being part of well-run learning envi- President Richard L. McCormick, among his family, friends and peers, ronments, full of diversity, insight, reflecting on the resolution’s approval he has had a highly successful and wisdom, intellectual and cultural stim- said, “This is a major transformation varied career. Rutgers is an integral ulation, and friendship. of our university. This is about the part of his family’s life. Following in Courses, offered in the fall and creation of Rutgers as we want it to be that tradition, Dr. Jennings earned a spring, meet for 90 minutes once a in the 21st century.” B.S.
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