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Silver Knights Herald SSIILLVVEERR KKNNIIGGHHTTSS 2006 SPRING ERALD EDITION HA PUBLICATION OF THE RUTGERS STAFF RETIREES ASSOCIATION Doctor Paul B. Jennings, Physician, Board of Governors Educator and Loyal Rutgers Son to Approves Plan to Address Silver Knights at Spring Restructure the Luncheon Meeting University March 11, 2006 will be an histori- Paul B. Jennings, M.D., a popular RU-ALL, supported in part by the cal date in the annals of Rutgers figure in the medical field and Rutgers university’s Division of Summer University. It marks the Board of community, will be the featured Session, is a noncompetitive, noncredit Governors 10-1 vote to approve the speaker at the Silver Knights Spring education that is stimulating, friendly, transformation of the state university Luncheon to be held at Neilson Dining and informal. with no tests and no as one of the most important decisions Hall, Thursday, May 11, 2006. grades. Its students are ensured of in the university’s 240-year history. Affectionately known as “Pete” being part of well-run learning envi- President Richard L. McCormick, among his family, friends and peers, ronments, full of diversity, insight, reflecting on the resolution’s approval he has had a highly successful and wisdom, intellectual and cultural stim- said, “This is a major transformation varied career. Rutgers is an integral ulation, and friendship. of our university. This is about the part of his family’s life. Following in Courses, offered in the fall and creation of Rutgers as we want it to be that tradition, Dr. Jennings earned a spring, meet for 90 minutes once a in the 21st century.” B.S. degree from Rutgers and a Doctor week and run from 10:30 a.m.-noon The idea of overhauling Rutgers of Medicine from New York University and from 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. unless undergraduate system began nearly College of Medicine. otherwise noted. two years ago when the President In his postdoctoral training he Most classes meet at the Reformed appointed a task force of faculty, stu- served his rotating internship at Church of Highland Park, the Western dents and administration to suggest Fordham Hospital in the Bronx, N.Y., Monmouth Higher Education Center changes. Last summer it unveiled a residency at Atlantic City Hospital, in Freehold or the Executive Learning 178-page “Transforming Undergrad- N.J. and earned the cardiology fellow- Center, Mt. Arlington-Morris County. uate Education” plan which included ship from Pennsylvania Hospital in There are three types of member- sweeping changes to the campus Philadelphia. He received certification ship available. RU-ALL encourages structure and curriculum . in 1955 from the American Board of “brown bag” lunches and provides The President’s long-awaited 23- Internal Medicine and a subspecialty complimentary coffee, tea and cake. page proposal aims to simplify the in 1961 from the American Board of The membership fee includes a variety academic structure, including one set Cardiology . of other benefits such as guest borrow- of admissions standards and gradua- From 1977-1990 he was chairman ing privileges at several Rutgers tion requirements, a unified and dis- of the Department of Medicine at St. libraries; a reduced fee for audit (con- tictive honors program for high- Peter’s Medical Center and clinical credit) registration for select summer achieving students, plus a new core- professor of medicine and assistant session courses; reduced ticket prices curriculum and small first-year semi- dean for educational affairs at for performances at the Rutgers Arts nars for all freshmen. UMDNJ- Robert Wood Johnson Center; and priority elegibility for day David Harris, Jr. cast the lone dis- Medical School. trips and travel programs. senting vote, surprising fellow board He will provide us with a look at In addition to Dr. Jennings’ contin- members in citing the proposed reor- the Rutgers University Academy for ued service to the medical profession ganization’s failure to do enough to Lifelong Learning [RU-ALL], an and the community he wears many help minority and low-income stu- organization designed for citizens over hats at his alma mater. He served as dents. 50 years of age who want to continue president of the Rutgers Alumni “It will be more difficult to be their learning experience and sharing See Dr, Jennings, page 4 admited to Rutgers University, it will of knowledge with others. - 1 - See The New Rutgers, page 5 exciting way to bring together many Rutgers to Honor Five of the best minds in architecture and Prominent Individuals design to transform College Avenue Campus into one of the finest in the nation. The Rutgers Board of Governors “The redesign of the College announced the approval of the list of News Avenue campus will attract top faculty notables to receive honorary degrees and students, encourage the highest at the 24th commencement ceremony standards of scholarship, research and to be held May 17th on Voorhees Mall service,” said McCormick, “and will of the state university’s New strengthen the university’s ties with Brunswick campus. College Avenue Rutgers most historic host community, Among the distinguished individu- Facelift Update and create a major source of pride for als to be honored are the presidents of the people of New Jersey.” ❑ Princeton University and Essex Five internationally known teams of County College, a renowned cancer architects and landscape architects researcher and alumnus, a resolute have been seelected to compete for Former Governor Kean civil rights attorney and an influential the opportunity to design a new envi- to Address Rutgers journalist. ronment for the historic College 240th Commencement Shirley Tilghman, the first female Avenue campus and a signature acad- president of Princeton University and emic building in New Brunswick. prominent molecular biologist is Thomas H. Kean, former Governor renowned for her work in setting the Fihnalists Selected for of New Jersey who served as president blueprint for the Human Genome Design Competition of Drew University from 1990-2005, Project and encouraging the teaching Antoine Predock Architect PC will deliver the Comencement address of science and technology to students Albuqueque, NM to the Rutgers University Class of outside the sciences. She will receive Olin Partnership, Philadelphia 2006, Wednesday May 17th on the an honorary doctor of science degree. Voorhees Mall green, the historic heart A. Zachary Yamba, who celebrat- Beyer Blinder Bella Architects & of the Rutgers College Avenue campus ed his 25th year as leader of Newark- Planners, LLP, New York, a joint in New Brunswick. based Essex County College, making venture with Ateliers, Jean Nouvel, Paris Kean, a graduate of Princeton him one of the longest serving college Oehme, van Sweden & Associates, Inc., University and holder of a master’s presidents in the nation, will be the Washington, DC degree from Columbia University’s recipient of an honorary doctor of Teachers College, recently made the laws degree. Eisenman Architects, New York national spotlight late in his distin- Philip S. Schein, M.D.,a 1961 Field Operations, New York guished career as chair of the Rutgers graduate, considered one of National Commission on Terrorist the world’s top cancer researchers and Morphosis-Thom Mayne Attacks Upon the United States. The expert on new cancer treatments, Santa Monica, CA commission’s findings, published as founded U.S. Bioscience, a pharma- Hargreaves Associates, San Francisco “The 9/11 Commission Report,” ceutical company that develops became a surprise national bestseller. chemotherapeutic agents. The 2005 TEN Arquitectos - Enrique As governor Kean was rated among inductee into the Rutgers Hall of Norton, Mexico City America’s most effective state leaders. Distinguished Alumni will receive an Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC, He was noted for his tax cuts that honorary doctor of science degree. Philadelphia stimulated 750,000 new jobs, a feder- Morris Dees, co-founder and chief ally replicated welfare program, land- trial counsel of the Southern Poverty The firms spent two days immersed mark environmental policies and more Law Center in Alabama and civil in all aspects of Rutgers as they pre- than 30 education reforms. He was rights lawyer will receive an honorary pared to submit proposals. The elected for a second term by the doctor of laws degree for his role in design teams consisting of approxi- largest margin in New Jersey history. helping integrate the South and his mately 30 professionals toured the During his 15 year tenure at Drew exemplary legal work for minorities campus and met with various groups University, he focused on shaping and the poor. of people who have an interest in the Drew into one of the nation’s leading Robert Herbert, an award winning redesign. small liberal arts universities by reporter and columnist with the New Each teams’s conceptual design stressing the primacy of teaching, the York Times will be the recipient of an proposal is due in March and will be creative use of technology in the liber- honorary doctor of laws degree for his on display during March and April al arts and the importance of interna- long newspaper and television career with the finalist to be selected in May. tional education. ❑ covering politics, urban affairs and President Richard L. McCormick social trends. ❑ views the design competition as an - 2 - in nearby Chandler. That night Joe and I went to “Dinner in the Desert” Sports which proved to be excxellent. It was really way out in the desert, a spot just Shorts for this type of barbecue dinner with covered roof and open FUN TRIP TO sides, serenaded by a THE INSIGHT BOWL country-western band. A Silver Knight’s View A couple taught line by dancing and many of Dorothy Gwozdziewicz the guests participated. Joe and I did dance I suspect that my husband , Joe, and had a great time and I went to the Rutgers-Arizona witnessing the most State Insight Bowl game because of beautiful sunset in the the guilt he has had since he went to desert with fantastic the first Rutgers Bowl Game 27 years colors and a heavenly ago and I could not go.
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