MADRON PARISH COUNCIL Chairman: Councillor Mr Vic Peake Clerk to the Council Trannack Farm Jodie Ellis St Erth Tel: 07855774357 E-mail [email protected] TR27 6ET 19/21 Ordinary Meeting of Madron Parish Council held at Landithy Hall on Thursday 01st July 2021, at 7.30pm Present: Cllr V. Peake (Chairman) Cllr. Mrs. C. Roberts (Vice-Chairman) Cllr. Roy Mann Cllr. Mrs. L. Phillips Cllr. H. Eddy Cllr. S. Bates Cllr. M. Scoble Cllr. S. Clackworthy Cllr. A. England Cllr. S. Elliott Clerk Mrs J.L. Ellis, Councillor Andrew George and no members of the public. 1. Apologies – Were received from Cllr Richard Mann. 2. Acceptance of Minutes - The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on the 03rd June 2021 were unanimously agreed. 3. Declarations of interest in items on this agenda – Cllr Roberts in planning item PA21/04896 and Cllr L Philips in planning item PA21/04467 + 04468. 4. Dispensations – None Received. 5. Public Participation – Mr Tanner chairman of the Madron NDP steering group advised that the design guide and draft NDP policy for approval this evening have been circulated to members. CC has a design guide online which is a positive document that encourages developers to carry out things. If the plan and design guide is supported this evening, it will then be mailed out to all on the electoral role for comments and be made available online. Mr Tanner advised the next round of funding to support the NDP has been applied for. 6. Chairman’s Comments – Cllr Peake welcomed our Cornwall Cllr Andrew George and new Cllrs Elliott, Clackworthy and England to the parish council. There has been good news in that enforcement have advised they will be visiting the Nordic walking site this week to carry out an enforcement check. The NDP is moving along nicely thanks to Graham Tanner and the steering group. The parking area at the playing field has been completed and a good job has been carried out. 7. Councillor’s Questions and Comments - (24 hours notice to clerk advisable) It was noted that Board walk needs trimming, clerk to look into. Footpath 104/56/4 has become unpassable clerk to look into. Madron village needs weed spraying – clerk to contact the contractor. A parishioner has raised the question on when the playing field is not in use by the football club, clerk to email Cllrs when it is available. No 6 Bellair Road is placing bollards to stop parking outside of the property which is not allowed, clerk to contact the occupier. The bollard by the old post office in Madron village is broken, clerk to report. Ludgvan parish council are open to joint working with Madron parish council, clerks to look at options. A Newmill parishioner has received a poor response from enforcement regarding the enforcement infringement that they reported. Clerk to go back to enforcement. Trevaylor area was still flooding in recent rainfall, highways need to move forward with the planned field work to alleviate the issue. 8. Comments from Cornwall Councillors – Cornwall Councillor Andrew George thanked his predecessors Helen Hawkins and Simon Elliott for their work and handover. Cllr George advised he is here to support the parish council on any issues that arise. Perhaps in future meetings when required a confidential item will be added to allow the council to discuss local issues. 9. Planning – Applications PA21/04502 - Carthew Barn Newbridge Cornwall - Conversion of garage to living room and shower/wc Location Carthew Barn Newbridge Penzance Cornwall. It was unanimously agreed and RESOLVED to support the application. Cllr Philips left the meeting.

20/21 PA21/04467 Tremayne Farm Newbridge Penzance Cornwall - Extension to agricultural barn. It was unanimously agreed and RESOLVED to support the application with the condition that landscaping is carried out. PA21/04468 -Tremayne Farm Newbridge Penzance Cornwall - Extension to agricultural barn. It was unanimously agreed and RESOLVED to support the application with the condition that landscaping is carried out. Cllr Philips returned. PA21/04672 Sycamore Gulval Penzance Cornwall - Erection of Garage – Retrospective. It was unanimously agreed and RESOLVED to support the application. PA21/04673 Sycamore Gulval Penzance Cornwall – Listed building consent - Erection of Garage – Retrospective - It was unanimously agreed and RESOLVED to support the application. Cllr Roberts left the meeting. PA21/04896 - Higher Boskenning Farmhouse Heamoor Penzance Cornwall - Listed Building Consent for significant refurbishment to carry out repairs to damage of the property, mainly caused by damp ingress or due to age. It was unanimously agreed and RESOLVED to support the application. Cllr Roberts returned to the meeting. PA21/05025 - Tremethick House Tremethick Cross Penzance Cornwall - Rear and side extension (revised PA19/08052). It was unanimously agreed and RESOLVED to support the application. Approved: PA21/03563 - Lower Boskenning Heamoor Penzance Cornwall TR20 8UN - Erection of a garden store. 10. Footpaths CC – DMMO - Addition of a Footpath through Woods at Tolver in the Parishes of Ludgvan and Madron – Cllrs had no concerns over the DMMO. Bridleway 104/59/1 – Clerk has reported the wooden slats with stakes sticking out of the ground on 104/59/1 to the countryside access team who are going to investigate. 11. Clerk's Report and Correspondence Allotments – CC Estates team have advised ‘We will be placing an instruction with Biffa to clear the physical debris on the site – which looks like an old garden shed and some discarded kitchen equipment. We will then arrange for Cormac to strim the empty allotments with a follow up strim at the end of the year before heading into winter. Housing are working on the plan for the adjoining land . They will be putting together the timings for that and will communicate these to when in hand’. Cllrs asked clerk to find out where the replacement allotments will be provided. Handrail and speeding – Madron – Cormac are hoping for a delivery time in the next 6 weeks. Newmill Layby – parking – The area we were looking at is not owned by the estate. It may make up part of the highway but to adopt it as part of a parking space would cost many thousands. GDPR – Councillor Representative - Cllr Elliott kindly agreed to take on this role. Bus Shelter – clerk reported this was hit by a bus wing mirror. The glass has been cleared and hopefully a replacement installed by now. Madron PC will need to pay the contractors invoice and then invoice First Bus company. Audit – Clerk asked Cllrs Scoble and Roberts when would be convenient to carry out the audit for 01.04.21- 30.06.21. Clerk to arrange a Monday. 12. Neighbourhood Development Plan – Agree NDP Design Guide and Draft NDP V3. Cllrs discussed the design guide and with a few amendments noted to Graham Tanner during the meeting the design guide was agreed by the parish council. It was raised that a public consultation event would be beneficial for the community to give feedback if Covid allows. Cllr George added that by using policy 9 it would allow boundaries to be drawn to show where development could be allowed and to negotiate with land owners. The draft NDP was agreed by the parish council. 13. Finance It was unanimously agreed and RESOLVED that the following payments be approved Mrs Jodie Ellis, clerk Salary £657.40 Mrs Jodie Ellis, clerk Office Allowance £30.00 Disbursements £37.92 HMRC Clerk Tax / NI £48.20 Southwest Playground Safety Inspection Play area inspection and repairs £106.20 R Sanders Cutting King George and churchyard £636.00 Audana Yearly website fees £490.00 Duchy Cleaners Pavilion Clean £72.00 Defib Machines Defibrillator x 2 rental for the year £1002.14 Cornwall Landscaping (Mr M Dyer) Playing Field parking area £5,025.84


14. King George V – The planning application has now been submitted to CC, and clerk would like to express her thanks to Cllr England for his assistance in this. The children’s play area fencing needs to be more robust. Cllr Bates kindly agreed to re-enforce the boards with screws. The parking area has now been completed and the contractor kindly also cleared a section in the top corner. Boiler replacement costs – Clerk advised that the boiler is not cost effective for the intended use at the playing field and has used all the gas on site at present. Clerk to source three quotes, for a new boiler system. Once known a community chest application could be made to Cornwall councillor Andrew George. Strawberry Lane – the right of way was discussed and although it is not recorded on any PRoW maps it is a route that has been used for many years. Cllr Roberts to speak to the landowner of the adjacent fields that walker's use to see if they would be interested in putting in for a permissive path. 15. Time and Date of Next Meeting – Thursday 05th August 2021 at 7.30pm at Landithy.