John Craig Hammond, “We are to Be Reduced to the Level of Slaves:” Planters, Taxes, Aristocrats, and Massachusetts Antifederalists, 1787-1788 Historical Journal of Massachusetts Volume 31, No. 2 (Summer 2003). Published by: Institute for Massachusetts Studies and Westfield State University You may use content in this archive for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the Historical Journal of Massachusetts regarding any further use of this work:
[email protected] Funding for digitization of issues was provided through a generous grant from MassHumanities. Some digitized versions of the articles have been reformatted from their original, published appearance. When citing, please give the original print source (volume/ number/ date) but add "retrieved from HJM's online archive at Editor, Historical Journal of Massachusetts c/o Westfield State University 577 Western Ave. Westfield MA 01086 “We Are to Be Reduced to the Level of Slaves”: Planters, Taxes, Aristocrats, and Massachusetts Antifederalists, 1787-1788 By John Craig Hammond When “The result of the Federal Convention appeared” in wide circulation in Massachusetts, in October 1787, William Bentley of Salem recorded in his diary that “Some complaint is made that the advantage is unduly thrown in favor of the representation from the Southern States, &c &c.” Three months later, Samuel Thompson of Maine gave voice to these complaints at the convention meeting in Boston to ratify the Constitution. “If the southern states would not give up the right of slavery, then we should not join with them,” declared Thompson. Continuing, he insisted that the Constitution was “all a contrivance,” with “Washington at the head.” Thompson, like other Antifederalists, was convinced that “our delegates” were “overpowered by Washington and others” at the Philadelphia Convention that framed the Constitution.1 A week earlier, Thompson stated one of his main quarrels with the Constitution.