Hollywood Couple Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green Separate

By Mackenzie Scibetta

It’s official! Another celebrity divorce is soon to be in the books, as Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green have called it quits. According to UsMagazine.com, the couple is breaking up after an impressively long Hollywood romance of 11 years together. They were married for five years and have two children together, Noah and Bodhi. Fox and Green spoke numerous times about the highs and lows of parenthood, even once saying that the most important part of a relationship and love life is to “respect each other as parents”. Ironically, Fox told reporters in August 2014, “I don’t want to be boastful and say that we would never divorce, but I can’t imagine a scenario we couldn’t work through…”

This Hollywood couple joined the ranks of celebrity break-ups this summer. What are some ways to balance parenting with your relationship?

Cupid’s Advice:

Even Hollywood couples aren’t immune to the struggles of parenthood, so when you feel overwhelmed, it’s helpful to remember you’re not alone. Everyone wants to have it all, so Cupid has some tips to help you live a more harmonious life:

1. Family activities: An easy fix to balancing time between your lover and children is to combine the time you have with each and host a family outing. Heading to the zoo, traveling to an amusement park or having a picnic are all perfect ideas that the whole family can have fun with.

Related Link: Celebrity Divorce: Terrence Howard Splits From Wife No. 3

2. Set aside time for date night: The stress you get from taking care of children can put a damper on your relationship. This is why it’s crucial you and your loved one to set aside a day each week where you spend a few hours only with each other. It doesn’t have to be an extravagant night on the town. A simple Netflix marathon after the kids are asleep or a walk in the park is enough to enjoy each others’ company.

Related Link: Celebrity Exes Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner Bring Kids to Orlando for His Birthday

3. Help one another: Both of you in the relationship need to be equally committed to helping out. Contributing even in the smallest way, such as packing a lunch, can make all the difference and can help prevent many future fights. At the end of the day, don’t forget to always thank your loved one for just being there. A simple “thank you” can help encourage more help in the future.

How do you balance your love life with children? Tell us in the comments below.

Celebrity Divorce: Terrence Howard Splits from Wife No. 3 By Maria N. Capalbo

Oh no; not again! According to UsMagazine.com, celeb Terrence Howard has just gone threw his third celebrity divorce from ex-wife Mira Pak. Although they have a celebrity child together, Qirin Love, the couple has been separated from each other for awhile now. Howard is also going through some legal issues with his other ex-wife, Michelle Ghent. Hopefully Howard can get these situations straight, and reconcile these differences!

This celebrity divorce is really no surprise. How do you know whether to give marriage another shot post- divorce?

Cupid’s Advice:

Sometimes you may be hesitant to marry someone after a previous divorce. Cupid has some suggestions on how you know whether or not to give marriage another shot post-divorce below:

1. Everything feels right: It may be a good idea to finally move forward with someone if you feel right inside. If there are no red flags or feelings of discomfort, then you should move forward with this particular partner.

Related Link: Celebrity Break-ups of 2015

2. No baggage from previous marriage: It is wise to move forward with your relationship and love life when you are not carrying around weight from a previous one. Once that is settled, you can then take care of the relationship you are in now, and focus on getting married.

Related Link: Celebrity Exes Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner Bring Kids to Orlando for His Birthday

3. You are comfortable with yourself: Sometimes going through a divorce can really beat up your self-esteem. Make sure you are comfortable and confident with yourself before you promise yourself to another person. Work on bettering yourself before you really settle down again.

Wha are some ways you knew you could give marriage another shot post-divorce? Share below!

Celebrity Exes Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner Bring Kids to Orlando for His Birthday

By Maria N. Capalbo

According to UsMagazine.com, celebrity exes Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are keeping things civil between themselves, as they celebrated Ben’s birthday this past weekend in Orlando with their children. Despite all the rumors flying around about Ben’s new celebrity romance with their former nanny, Christine Ouzounian, Ben and Jen still remain discreet and respectful in the public eye, especially for the sake of their children. These celebrity exes are remaining civil for their kids. What are some ways to compromise with your ex with regard to your children

Cupid’s Advice:

Having children with an ex may be a sticky situation. Cupid has some suggestions on how to compromise with your ex with regard to your children below:

1. Children always come first: No matter what dispute or issue is going on between you or your ex, the child always comes first. In some instances, you may need to fake a smile, but you both being there for the child is much more important than not, just because you’re in an argument with your ex.

Related Link: Ben Affleck Smiles and Wears Wedding Ring at First Appearance since Nanny Celebrity Cheating Scandal

2. Be respectful: Know that your children look up to you as adults, so arguing, and being disrespectful in front of them should not be something you and your ex do! Handle your issues elsewhere, and teach the children to respect each other always.

Related Link: Sources Say Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner Are Facing Celebrity Marriage Troubles

3. Don’t put the children in the middle:Never put the children in the middle or make them pick sides regardless of anything that is going on with you and your ex. That is immature and the children love both of you equally, so to make them pick sides is unfair.

What are some ways you’ve compromised with your ex in regards to your children? Share below!

Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani Returns to ‘The Voice’ Post Celebrity Divorce News

By Mackenzie Scibetta

It appears Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani are wasting no time grieving over their recent celebrity divorces from Miranda Lambert and Gavin Rossdale, respectively. According to UsMagazine.com, both of the singers made their return to NBC’s The Voice on Aug. 12 to begin taping for the new season. The magazine reports that while Gwen appears mournful, Blake is happily carrying on with his life. Both of the newly single celebrities were not seen wearing their rings and claim to remain friends with their former companions.

Celebrity divorces seem to come in pairs. What are some ways to move forward after an emotional break- up?

Cupid’s Advice:

You’ve already tried to ease your pain with the traditional rituals of a post break-up; crying to a sad movie, gorging on Ben and Jerry’s, and having a meaningless fling, but nothing is working. Cupid says stop the sulking and follow in Blake and Gwen’s lead:

1. Get busy: Blake and Gwen immediately went back to work after their celebrity divorces so why shouldn’t you? With extra time you can now afford to fully immerse yourself in a rewarding job. Giving your work more attention will produce higher quality work which can pay off in the end, thus brightening your mood.

Related Link: Celebrity Exes Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert ‘Want to Move On as Friends’ Post-Split

2. Liberate yourself from your ex: Similarly to how Blake and Gwen got rid of their wedding rings, you should remove all remnants of your ex. Whether it be photographs, old text messages, or lingering memories, rid yourself of their presence. Clear your mind and open the way for new experiences.

Related Link: Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale Split After 13 Years of Celebrity Marriage

3. Go outside your comfort zone: You don’t have anyone or anything holding you back now so this is the best time to finish off your bucket list. From the extreme of skydiving to the basics of taking cooking lessons, the opportunities are endless. Achieving your long lost goals are the perfect distraction from a nasty break-up.

Tell us in the comments below how you got over a painful break-up.

Khloe Kardashian’s Celebrity Ex Lamar Odom Denies Ambushing Her at Gym Class By Mackenzie Scibetta

Despite being separated for almost two years now, celebrity exes Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom can’t seem to stay out of the headlines. As UsMagazine.com reported, Odom is firmly refuting any celebrity gossip that says he stalked, harassed or grabbed his estranged wife and reality TV star outside a SoulCycle class. Video footage from TMZ shows Odom claiming the he and Kardashian had plans to meet. However, his ex is oddly remaining quiet about this awkward encounter and has yet to address anything about her former celebrity love.

These celebrity exes are bringing the drama again! What are some ways to keep drama out of your love life?

Cupid’s Advice: Drama is unfortunately an unavoidable part of life. However, with the right attitude, most unpleasant situations can be diverted. Cupid has three love tips below to help keep your relationships drama-free:

1. Act only with good intentions: It’s an unwritten rule that those who wreak havoc will ultimately face havoc of their own. Instead of seeking revenge on an ex, show them you’re the better person by letting it go or even helping them out. When fighting with your current love resist the urge to intentionally do anything you know will make them angry because, at the end of the day, nothing good comes out of vengeance.

Related Link: New Celebrity Couple? Khloe Kardashian Hangs With NBA Star James Harden in Vegas

2. Avoid negativity: You’ve likely heard it a thousand times but keeping negative people in your life will only attract drama and pessimistic views. Avoid lovers who focus on the bad and seek partners who’s positivity emanates directly from them.

Related Link: Celebrity Exes Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick Spotted Together Post-Split

3. Step into their shoes: Before blowing up on your partner in an argument, try to truly see their side of the argument. See the issue at hand from a new perspective in order to prevent turning a heated discussion into a full-blown fight.

What love advice do you have for drama-filled couples? Share your thoughts below. Anna Faris Responds to Celebrity Cheating Rumors Regarding Husband Chris Pratt

By Maria N. Capalbo

Uh oh! According to UsMagazine.com, Anna Faris recently spoke out about her feelings toward her celebrity husband Chris Pratt’s celebrity cheating rumors involving Jennifer Lawrence. Faris said, “The way we work it out is we just take at least one moment every day to be present with one another. Whether or not we’re in the same room, or the same state, or even the same country, we check in, you know?”. Pratt has allegedly been seen on some off-set get-togethers with co-star Jennifer Lawrence, so things still remain a mystery. These celebrity cheating rumors are hitting us hard. If you think you’re partner is cheating, what do you do?

Cupid’s Advice:

It may be a scary thought to think your partner might be cheating. Cupid has some love advice on what you should do if you see signs of cheating below:

1. Hire a private investigator: If you really suspect your partner is cheating, hiring an investigator to follow him or her around may not be a bad idea. See if they are really going where they say they are, after they put on that new perfume or cologne!

Related Link: Anna Faris And Chris Pratt Welcome Child

2. Write down noticed differences: If they are buying new clothes out of nowhere, new scents, or working later hours at work, start investigating. If they are getting weird phone calls late at night, or even staying away from home more often, that is something to be concerned about.

Related Link: What Chris Pratt and Anna Faris’s Goofy Red Carpet Pose Says About Their Love

3. Go through their belongings: Check out their text messages and e-mails to see if they have been talking to anyone out of the ordinary. Also, check to see if they deleted any messages recently.

What are some things you did if you thought your partner was cheating? Share below! Ben Affleck Smiles and Wears Wedding Ring at First Appearance since Nanny Celebrity Cheating Scandal

By Maria N. Capalbo

According to UsMagazine.com, Ben Affleck flashed his celebrity wedding band and a smile during his appearance on the red carpet amidst the celebrity cheating scandal he has been facing. His good friend, celeb Matt Damon, said that Affleck is doing well. Affleck did not say much, and left left shortly after the premiere was finished.

Whether it’s celebrity cheating or not, the public backlash can be brutal. What are some ways to keep your head up in the wake of public reaction to a scandal?

Cupid’s Advice:

Public reaction to scandal may sometimes ruin a reputation and cause unnecessary drama. Cupid has some dating advice to help you keep your head up during a scandal below:

1. Remain calm: Always remain calm and never stress yourself out when it comes to rumors and drama about yourself. Stressing yourself out is unnecessary and gets nothing accomplished.

Related Link: Sources Say Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner Are Facing Celebrity Marriage Troubles

2. Do not give in to rumors: Over time, you are going to hear more and more rumors about yourself. Answering to any of them only creates more drama. Let people wonder what the truth is and continue to mind your own business.

Related Link: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner Are Getting Celebrity Divorce After 10 Years of Marriage

3. Never let anyone know what you’re thinking: Keep a smile on, and never let anyone know that you are angry or upset. If you act like nothing is bothering you, things will soon fade, and you will most likely not be bothered anymore.

What are some ways you’ve kept your head up during a scandal? Share below!

Kelly Rutherford’s Celebrity Ex Daniel Giersch Accusing Her of ‘Child Abduction’

By Maria N. Capalbo

According to UsMagazine.com, unfortunately the fight goes on between celebrity exes Kelly Rutherford and Daniel Giersch, as they battle one another for custody over their children. Giersch has added more fuel to the fire by saying that Rutherford is now abducting their children since she will not let them travel back to Monaco. A statement released by Giersch’s lawyer says, “Daniel will continue to protect the children from any harm and any media exposure. Unfortunately Kelly has now added child abduction to extortion and false statements on her list of actions. Daniel will make sure that the children’s safety and well being will be restored as soon as possible.” Rutherford still has yet to release the children.

This celebrity ex drama is definitely getting heated! What do you do if you’re having problems coming to a compromise with your ex about your kids?

Cupid’s Advice:

When you have kids with an ex, things may become difficult and dramatic. Cupid has some relationship advice for compromising with your ex about your children below:

1. Remain respectful: You should never publicly shame or embarrass your ex, regardless of what they have done. Everything always falls back on the children. Even if your kids are young, you should always remain respectful when a confrontation with your ex arises.

Related Link: ‘Gossip Girl’ Star Kelly Rutherford Gets a Court Date for Marital Battles

2. Think about the childrens’ best interests: No matter what happens between you and your ex, you both should always think about how the children will be affected. Sometimes you may have to spend time with your ex for the sake of the children. Just do it; do not make more problems!

Related Link: Kelly Rutherford On Her Divorce: “The One Thing I Know Is That My Kids Are Loved and That We’re Working It Out”

3. Be fair: Let your ex have just as much time with the children as you do, as they are his/her children, too. Keeping the kids away from their other parent is not always the right thing to do.

What are some ways you’ve compromised with your ex about your kids? Comment below!

Jennifer Garner Source Says Ben Affleck’s Alleged Celebrity Affair Was the ‘Ultimate Betrayal’ By Katelyn Di Salvo

Devastation hit when the latest celebrity news broke that Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck were getting a celebrity divorce. Now, we have more details on the heartbreaking split. According to People.com, Garner knew her celebrity marriage to Affleck was in trouble for quite some time. While on vacation in the Bahamas, the celebrity couple was planning their next move. Affleck had already admitted to Garner that he had not been committed to the marriage. Sources say that Garner found out her celebrity husband was having an affair with their nanny, Christine Ouzounian, while on this vacation, something Affleck strongly denies. Garner is angry, and believes this to be the “ultimate betrayal”.

Alleged and confirmed celebrity affairs are splashed across tabloids repeatedly. How do you deal with the public backlash once the news of your partner’s affair gets out?

Cupid’s Advice:

Dealing with a betrayal of trust like an affair is hard enough as it is, but it’s even tougher when the news gets out to your friends and family. Cupid has some tips:

1. Keep your head high: This is the most important step in dealing with the public backlash. Don’t let people’s comments bother you. You just keep your head high and focus on the blessings in your life.

Related Link: Celebrity Gossip: Ben Affleck Has Been Dating Nanny Christine Ouzounian

2. Focus on bettering yourself at work: There is never a better time to throw yourself into your work. Sometimes you need a distraction from all the craziness going on around you. Bettering yourself at work and becoming even more successful can change the direction of the conversation and can also be the best way to prove to yourself that you still got it!

Related Link: Ben Affleck Removes Celebrity Wedding Ring After Comic-Con Appearance

3. Surround yourself with loved ones: You can never deal with something like this alone. Having your close friends and family around can make you feel at home, and allows you to have someone to vent to when you need to let it out.

What are some way you would deal with the public backlash after a nasty break up? Share below! Reba McEntire and Husband Narvel Blackstock Split after 26 Years of Celebrity Marriage

By Meranda Yslas

After 26 years of being a Hollywood couple, country singer Reba McEntire and Narvel Blackstock are separating. According to UsMagazine.com, a rep announced that although their celebrity marriage is coming to an end, “They continue to support each other.” There is no word, however, if the exes have filed for a celebrity divorce. Over the course of their romantic relationship, the two have one child together, race car driver Shelby Blackstock.

This long-lived celebrity marriage ended up not working out. How do you know if your relationship has staying power?

Cupid’s Advice:

Although Reba and Narvel’s celebrity marriage lasted over 26 years, it seems as if their relationship and love life didn’t have what it takes to last. Cupid has some tips so that you and your partner will stick together:

1. Keeping it fun: It is often when a couple falls into a routine that the relationship becomes boring and lacks luster. Having spontaneous date nights will keep the relationship fresh and exciting.

Related Link: Famous Couple Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert are Divorcing After Four Years

2. Expressing your love: If you and your significant other have been dating or married for a long time, saying “I love you” may not occur as frequently. However, it’s important to remind each other how you feel.

Related Link: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner Are Getting A Celebrity Divorce After 10 Years of Marriage

3. It’s okay to ask for help: Some romantic relationships need outside help for solving problems and that’s okay. Seeking out a couples counselor may be what you and your partner need.

How have you and your lover maintained a long relationship? Share below.

Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale Split After 13 Years of Celebrity Marriage

By Ryan Bonner

After 13 years of celebrity marriage, Hollywood couple Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale are calling it quits. According to UsMagazine.com, the couple broke the news on August 3rd, siting irreconcilable differences and are seeking joint custody of their three kids. Stefanie is the one who filed for the celebrity divorce.

This celebrity marriage will soon be no more. What are some ways to know your relationship is coming to an end?

Cupid’s Advice:

Not all couples are meant to last forever. Sometimes people can be better off going in different directions if the relationship is not working. Cupid has relationship advice:

1. Excessive fighting: If you and your significant other can’t seem to get along, the end might be near. Fighting will just cause stress and rift within the relationship. Certainly there’s no relationship where fighting doesn’t happen ever, but when you fight more than you get along, that’s a red flag.

Related Link: Gwen Stefani Is Pregnant with Third Child

2. Lack of communication: Once you lose communication, your relationship will suffer. Communication is a key point in a relationship that cannot be lost. If you find yourself walking on eggshells around your partner and are unable to talk to him or her normally, it’s time to re-evaluate.

Related Link: Gwen Stefani Says Raising Kids with Gavin Rossdale Is the ‘Ultimate Collaboration’

3. You would rather do things alone: You should find doing things together enjoyable for the most part. If you would rather be alone instead of sharing things with your significant other, you may be losing interest in the relationship. What are some other ways to know your relationship is coming to an end? Share your ideas below.

Willow Smith Responds to Will and Jada Celebrity Divorce Rumors

By Ryan Bonner

During Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith’s celebrity marriage, there have been several times when they have been rumored to be splitting up. This time, daughter Willow Smith is laughing the whole situation off. According to UsMagazine.com, Willow recently took to Twitter about the rumors. “The media thinks my parents are getting divorced like every second hahaha!”, Willow tweeted after her parents put an official end to the rumors.

Some celebrity divorce rumors just hold no truth! What can you do to combat negative rumors about your relationship?

Cupid’s Advice:

Not everything you hear is true. Some rumors are just untrue and unwanted. Hearing something negative about a relationship and love life you are a part of is never something you want to deal with. Cupid has some tips for combating these negative rumors:

1. Ignore the rumors: You know exactly what is going on within your relationship and love life, and that is what is the most important. If the rumor is untrue, the ones spreading it will lose interest in talking about it soon enough.

Related Link: Will Smith Says Family Is All About Love and Communication

2. Take control of the situation: Be honest, and stop the rumors head on. If you are bothered by what people are saying, just be very open about the truth.

Related Link: Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith Discuss How They Make Their Relationship Work

3. Put yourself first: Being a part of a negative rumor can take a toll on a person. Make sure you surround yourself with people who care about you, and put your needs first.

What are some other ways to combat negative rumors? Share your thoughts below.

Celebrity Exes Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert ‘Want to Move On as Friends’ Post- Split

By Meranda Yslas Although fans everywhere are still upset with the celebrity divorce between Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert, it seems that these celebrity exes are making the best of it. According to UsMagazine.com, the country singers were seen tweeting jokes to each other only four days after announcing their celebrity break-up. A source reveals that the exchange between the exes wasn’t a show or fake, but was genuine. “There are no hard feelings. They want to move on as friends, and they are doing just that.”

These celebrity exes are committed to being civil. What are some reasons to remain friends after a break-up?

Cupid’s Advice:

Not all break-ups have to end with severed ties and broken hearts. Sometimes people are better at just being friends than in a romantic relationship. Cupid offers some reasons why being friends with an ex isn’t always bad:

1. You enjoy each other’s company: Although you two may no longer feel romantically toward each other, it doesn’t mean all the good times and great conversations have to end. If you two are able to recognize that while dating isn’t the best option, but hanging out as friends is then friendship is a great idea.

Related Link: Insider Says Miranda Lambert Is ‘Heartbroken’ and ‘Devastated’ Over Celebrity Divorce

2. Mutual friends: After a break-up your mutual friends may feel forced to choose a side creating an uncomfortable tension. Rather than losing friends because of a split, let your social circle know that you two are cool with each other and don’t want to make anyone feel awkward.

Related Link: Source Says Miranda Lambers is ‘Sad And Trying to Process Everything’ Post-Celebrity Divorce

3. Children come first: If you and an ex have kids together it’s going to be nearly impossible to avoid each other. Being friendly towards one another makes talks about who will pick up the kids after school much more manageable.

How did you and your ex maintain a friendship? Share below.

Celebrity Gossip: Ben Affleck Has Been Dating Nanny Christine Ouzounian By Ryan Bonner

Rumors have been flying since the 10-year celebrity marriage of Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck came to an end last month. UsMagazine.com recently reported that Affleck has been spotted with the 28-year-old nanny, Christine Ouzounian, and the celebrity gossip is that the two are dating. The California native nanny began caring their children this past spring, and word is that she was fired by Garner when she saw what was going on between Ouzounian and Affleck.

This celebrity gossip is getting complicated. What are some ways to rise above gossip when it comes to relationships?

Cupid’s Advice:

Post-split relationship gossip can spread very quickly, especially if you are in the spotlight like Ben and Jen. There are always different sides to stories and rumors about what is going on in the lives of the couple who called it quits. Below are some tips for rising above the gossip:

1. Do not be a part of the grapevine: Even if you hear or read gossip, don’t continue to spread it. You could be spreading complete lies about the relationship and not even realize it. Try to be the person who puts a stop to the gossiping.

Related Link: Lessons From Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck

2. Avoid becoming judgmental: You never know a situation until you are a part of it. If you hear something, don’t be so quick to judge. Instead, rise above that and keep your opinions to yourself.

Related Link: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner Are Getting Celebrity Divorce After 10 Years of Marriage

3. Put yourself in their shoes: It’s easy to be the gossiper, but it is hard to be on the other side of it. If you wouldn’t want someone gossiping about you, try not to gossip about other people. Try to understand how it would make you feel before taking part in it.

How did you stay away from gossiping about others relationships? Comment Below!

Source Says Miranda Lambert Is ‘Sad and Trying to Process Everything’ Post-Celebrity Divorce

By Meranda Yslas It looks like this celebrity love story doesn’t have a happy ending. Country singers Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton are officially getting a celebrity divorce after being married since 2011. According to People.com, the “House That Built Me” singer is coping with this break-up, and a source shares that “she’s doing the best that she can and taking it day by day.” Last Monday, the two released a statement following the news of their celebrity divorce, explaining, “This is not the future we envisioned and it’s with heavy hearts that we move forward separately.” This celebrity divorce may be finalized, but emotions are still raw. What are some ways to process the reality of a serious break-up?

Cupid’s Advice:

After being in the same romantic relationship for a long time, a break-up is a big deal. Cupid has some relationship advice on how to deal with a split:

1. Take care of yourself: It’s natural to want to curl up in bed and not leave for a few days following a break-up, but it’s important to practice self-care. Make time to do things that make you happy such as going shopping or taking a bath.

Related Link: Blake Shelton Opens Up About Marriage to Miranda Lambert

2. Create new relationships: While jumping into a new romantic relationship may not be the best idea, it’s a good idea to broaden your social circle and not dwell on your ex. Make new friends that you can spend time with like a gym buddy or call up a old friend and grab coffee.

Related Link: Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton Go On Bass Fishing Honeymoon

3. Ex out your ex: While the spilt is still fresh, your emotions may be jumbled. Try limiting the contact you have with your new ex so you have time to sort yourself out. It also helps to get rid of or store the things that remind you of him, like any pictures you have together or clothing that may be left over.

How did you deal with a serious break-up? Share below. Celebrity Exes Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick Spotted Together Post-Split

By Courtney Omernick

UsMagazine.com recently reported thatScott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian were spotted together with their daughter after their recent celebrity break-up. An onlooker noted that these celebrity exes seemed on good terms. It’s also currently being reported that Kardashian is trying to get sole custody of their three celebrity children. These celebrity exes probably have a lot to work out. What are some ways to figure out details pertaining to your children post- split?

Cupid’s Advice:

Despite their interesting past, these celebrity exes seem to be doing well working out the details of their new type of celebrity relationship. If Kardashian is seeking full custody, it might be an uphill battle. Below are some ways you can figure out the details when it comes to your children post- split:

1. Have the conversation: Probably the most basic idea when it comes to figuring out the details with your children is conversing with one another. Have that adult conversation, and make agreements.

Related Link: Celebrity Couple Scandals That Caught Us Off Guard

2. Discover your resources: It may be easier for one party to take the children on certain days because of the extra help that they’ll receive from their family members. Or, a daycare may be closer to one party’s home than the others. Be realistic, and understand what resources you have for your children near you.

Related Link: Famous Couple Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert Are Divorcing After Four Years

3. Involve a legal professional: You may be like Kourtney Kardashian and seek advice from a lawyer, even though she is not married to Scott Disick. Whatever your situation may be, seeking help from a legal professional is highly recommended.

How have you worked out the details regarding your children post-split? Comment below!

Brady Toops Opens Up About Real Reasons for Celebrity Break-Up with ‘The Bachelorette’ Contender Britt Nilsson By Rebecca White

Although Britt Nilsson and Brady Toops’ relationship and love didn’t work out, the duo seem to have the nicest things to say about each other. According to UsMagazine.com, Toops opens up about the “real” reasons behind the celebrity break-up from The Bachelorette contender. The reality TV star took to Instagram and gave a few humorous explanations for the failed love: “1. We had no real celebrity couple mashup name…Britt(y), Brad(itt). See, there was almost no chance. This was probably the beginning of the end when we realized this. 2. Britt is afraid of heights and not only am I afraid of heights, but I’m actually afraid of her being afraid of heights. That obviously couldn’t work.” Don’t expect any hate from these celebrity exes any time soon!

This Bachelorette did not find happiness in the end. What are three ways to cope with a failed relationship and love?

Cupid’s Advice:

While the reality TV couple doesn’t seem too upset about their celebrity break-up, that isn’t usually the case for the rest of us. Here’s Cupid’s advice for how to cope with a failed relationship:

1. Give yourself time: It’s perfectly normal to mourn the end of your relationship, whether you were together for a few months or a few years. Allow yourself time to cry, reflect on the experience, and accept that it’s really over.

Related Link: ‘The Bachelorette’ Kaitlyn Bristowe Opens Up About the ‘Men Tell All’ Episode

2. Let your emotions loose: If you want to cry in bed all day, then you should. If you want to vent about your frustrations, then you should. But, remember to only do this as long as you need to, so you can get back up and moving.

Related Link: Britney Spears’ Celebrity Ex Charlie Ebersol Copes with Video on Instagram

3. Remind yourself why it ended: Of course you’re going to miss your ex, but make sure you remind yourself of all the reasons it didn’t work out. Write this down in a list so you can look at it anytime you regret your decision or long to dial their number.

How do you cope with a failed relationship and love? Comment below! Insider Says Miranda Lambert Is ‘Heartbroken’ and ‘Devastated’ Over Celebrity Divorce

By Rebecca White

Country music fans are heartbroken, because the genre’s most beloved couple, Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert, have officially announced their celebrity divorce. According to UsMagazine.com, the latest celebrity news and gossip surrounding the break-up is that the duo is heartbroken and devastated that the relationship and love didn’t work out. Sources revealed that the famous couple have had arguments over jealously and when to start a family. Another challenge? The fact that the pair was rarely in the same state because of their busy schedules. Be prepared for a few tear-jerking songs from these two!

Celebrity divorce is not only personal, but it’s also public. What are some ways to handle telling friends and family about your divorce?

Cupid’s Advice:

With the announcement of yet another celebrity divorce, we know how hard it is to finally call it quits when the marriage just isn’t working out. Once you finally make that choice, here’s some love advice for how to handle telling your friends and family about your divorce:

1. Be gentle: Your family and friends will have many reactions to the announcement of your ending marriage, so be gentle with them, but get to the point. Explain the situation as tactfully as possible and don’t expect any particular response, because there’s no guarantee how people will react.

Related Link: Famous Couple Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert Are Divorcing After Four Years

2. Be conscious of your family’s history with your former flame: If your loved ones had a good friendship with your ex- spouse, they may be suffering the loss of the marriage as well. If they disliked your spouse, then they may react positively to the news. Related Link: What Now? Transitioning From Married to Single

3. Tell them when you’re ready: While you don’t want to wait too long to share the news of your divorce, you have to be ready for the conversations and questions that will be asked. Take some time for yourself to mourn the loss of your marriage and prepare for the future.

How would you handle telling your friends and family about divorce? Comment below!

‘The Bachelorette’ Kaitlyn Bristowe Opens Up About the ‘Men Tell All’ Episode By Katelyn DiSalvo

The Men Tell All special for The Bachelorette was filled to the brim with drama. Twenty of Kaitlyn Bristowe’s celebrity exes all in one room ready to let it all out, that can be a scary situation! While some of the men defended her, others were not afraid to question her behavior. According to People.com, Bristowe also tells all about the emotional episode in a blog post. She thanks all the men that stood up for her, and also calls out all the men that bashed her. Then she got to the tough part and discusses all the online hate she got from viewers, and why she really started crying saying, “The ‘haters’ go out of their way to shame me for my behavior and don’t acknowledge their own. I made mistakes and went through tough times. I did things that I would do in a relationship. I was being true to myself. You don’t have to agree with it, but don’t tell me I should crawl in a hole and die.” She goes on to express that this experience has given her the opportunity to shed a light on the issue of online bullying. There’s no lack of cruel comments coming The Bachelorette‘s way these days. What do you do if you’re dealing with hate from outside parties about your relationship?

Cupid’s Advice:

Sometimes people who aren’t in your relationship have a lot to say about it, and it’s not always nice. Cupid has some ways to deal:

1. Develop your own opinion about your relationship: Once you have your own opinion about your relationship, no one else’s opinion will really bother you. You know what you believe, and thats all that matters. At the end of the day, you are the one in the relationship not everyone else and their opinions.

Related Link: ‘Bachelorette’ Drama: Kaitlyn Bristowe and Nick Viall Get Intimate

2. Have a sit down: Sometimes talking it out can be really helpful. Sit down with the people who are having issues with your relationship, and be honest and open. This way you can express the way you feel and so can they. This may help others see that you are happy in your relationship and the hate can come to an end!

Related Link: ‘The Bachelorette’ Kaitlyn Bristowe Chooses Her Top 2 and Meets Families

3. Stay calm: Don’t let the hate get to you! Stay calm and stay confident in yourself and in your relationship. As they say, “the haters gon’ hate.”

Share some of your tips on dealing with the haters below! Famous Couple Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert Are Divorcing After Four Years

By Katelyn Di Salvo

According to People.com, after several speculations, it is confirmed that famous celebrity couple Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert are calling it quits after four years of celebrity marriage! Once the celebrity break-up was announced, the two released a joint statement to the Associated Press that read, “This is not the future we envisioned, and it is with heavy hearts that we move forward separately. We are real people, with real lives, with real families, friends, and colleagues. Therefore, we kindly ask for privacy and compassion concerning this very personal matter.” The country singers tied the knot in Texas in 2011, after dating for six years. Their very long celebrity relationship has been the target of several tabloids for years, and now all those tabloid rumors are coming true.

We’re really sad to see this famous couple call it quits. How do you know when it’s time to end your long-term relationship?

Cupid’s Advice:

It can be tough to know when it’s the right time to call a long-term relationship quits. Cupid has some tips:

1. Changes in communication: This is probably the first thing that happens when a couple loses its spark. You used to look forward to the calls, texts, and emails, but now neither one of you seems interested in a holding a conversation for longer than you have to. If this is happening in your relationship, it may be time to throw in the towel.

Related Link: Miranda Lambert & Blake Shelton Are Engaged

2. Constant fighting: Another sign that a break-up is looming is if the two of you are constantly fighting about the silliest and smallest of things. When you no longer want to be with someone, anything they do will bother you. Couples who are looking to get out of the relationship will fight whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Related Link: Miranda Lambert & Blake Shelton to Compete at CMAs 3. No more emotion or affection: A happy couple will constantly show affection to one another. A sign that things are coming to an end is when neither of you show any affection towards each other. Hugs, kisses, and hand-holding are not a part of your every day routine.

What are some more signs that a breakup is upon the horizon? Share below!

Former ‘Bachelorette’ Contestant JJ Lane Suffers Black Eyes After ‘Men Tell All’ By Meranda Yslas

It looks like fighting for love just got a little more literal. As told by UsMagazine.com, the former Bachelorette star JJ Lane left the Men Tell All party with two black eyes after getting in a fight. The reality TV star tweeted a photo of his injuries on July 14th to another Bachelorette costar with the caption, “Bruh! It’s always an adventure hanging with you buddy.” According to some more tweets from Lane, he was jumped by a group of men after the reality TV special and went to the hospital to get checked out. A recent Instagram post shows that the 32 year old is recovering just nicely.

This ‘Bachelorette’ contestant isn’t fairing well. What do you if a friend gets in the way of your relationship?

Cupid’s Advice: Being able to hang out with your significant other and your close friends at the same time is great. However, sometimes you and your friends need some space in order to allow your relationship and love to grow. Here is Cupid’s relationship advice on how to handle a friend getting in the way of your relationship:

1. Time apart: Be honest with your pals and let them know that there are going to be times when you and your beau need to spend time alone. Often times they will understand and won’t get hurt when you don’t invite them to everything.

Related Link: ‘Bachelorette’ Contestants Clint Arlis and JJ Lane Find Love…With Each Other!

2. Set boundaries: A romantic relationship is just between your and your partner. Although it’s fine to tell your best friend everything about your love life or ask for advice, they shouldn’t be controlling your relationship. Listen to what they have to say, but in the end, how you act with your beau is your decision.

Related Link: ‘The Bachelorette’ Kaitlyn Bristowe Is Not Ready for Hometown Dates

3. Change your focus:Before getting into a serious relationship, your friends may have been your number one priority. While it is still important to respect and value your friendships, it also important to make your significant other feel special, too. Learn how to divide up your attention so your lover isn’t feeling left out.

Did you have a friend that always interfered with your romantic relationships? Share your story below. Kourtney Kardashian’s Family Thinks She Deserves ‘Much Better’ Than Celebrity Ex Scott Disick

By Rebecca White

Keeping up with the Kardashians has not been easy this week. With the latest celebrity news that reality TV stars Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick have split, fans and viewers alike are all disappointed that the Lord just can’t seem to get it together, even for his three celebrity kids. According to People.com, Kardashian’s family thinks she deserves much better than her celebrity ex, especially after his celebrity infidelity. And we have to say, we agree! We doubt these celebrity exes will be reconciling anytime soon. What are some things to consider before making up with your ex?

Cupid’s Advice:

These celebrity exes may never get back together, but that doesn’t mean that other couples shouldn’t. Here’s our love advice for some things to consider before making up with a previous flame:

1. Is the problem a chronic one?: When your relationship and love has ended, but you may want to rekindle the romance, make sure you recognize if the problem is chronic or not. Is what broke you up something that keeps happening? How many chances have you already given your ex?

Related Link: Scott Disick Checked Into Rehab Before Kourtney Kardashian Celebrity Breakup News

2. Can you truly forgive?: If you do decide to get back together, you cannot throw previous transgressions in your partner’s face every time you want to win an argument. Make sure you’ve truly forgiven them for the past so you can move on.

Related Link: Scott Disick Invites Fans to ‘Come Party’ in Vegas Post-Split from Celebrity Ex Kourtney Kardashian

3. Be friends first: Try just being friends with your ex before you decide to start up anything else. This way, you’ll be close enough to see if their behavior has changed, without the bonding of sex heightening your attachment and expectations. What do you think someone should consider before making up with an ex? Comment below!

Ben Affleck Removes Celebrity Wedding Ring After Comic-Con Appearance

By Katelyn Di Salvo

Things just got real forBen Affleck! According to UsMagazine.com, The actor was seen on July 13th in Santa Monica, California, ringless, this coming not too long after his celebrity divorce announcement with celebrity ex Jennifer Garner. The two recently released a statement that confirmed all of our suspicions that the celebrity couple was heading to splitsville. The star, however, did have his ring on during his first post celebrity break-up appearance at Comic-Con in San Diego on Saturday July 11th. During the panel, Affleck kept it professional and discussed only taking on the legendary role of Batman. He must have had a change of heart since then because now the star is walking around with a bare ring finger!

The celebrity wedding rings are coming off! How do you know when it’s time to remove your ring in the midst of divorce?

Cupid’s Advice:

Removing your ring in the midst of divorce can be a sensitive thing, especially if you have kids. Cupid has some advice:

1. No emotional attachment: When you look down at your wedding ring and it’s nothing more to you than jewelry, its time to take it off. A wedding ring is a symbol of love and loyalty and if you no longer feel that with it on, then why have it on at all?

Related Link: Ben Affleck Is Spotted Wearing Wedding Ring Post Celebrity Divorce Announcement

2. Acceptance: Accepting your divorce can be the hardest part of the whole process, because it may feel like you are accepting a failure. But there comes a time when you feel ok about your divorce…when you feel like you’ve learned from it. When you can accept your divorce you can accept that its time to take off the ring. Related Link: Amid Celebrity Divorce, Ben Affleck Admits “Daredevil” With Jennifer Garner ‘Didn’t Work At All’

3. Ready to date: The moment you feel you’re ready to get back out there and start dating, is the moment you should take off your ring. Keeping it on will only be a turn off to other men, and will appear as if you are still holding on to your past.

What are your opinions on when to remove a ring in the midst of divorce? Share your thoughts below.

Scott Disick Postpones Vegas Club Appearance Amid Celebrity Break-Up from Kourtney Kardashian By Katie Gray

Keeping Up With The Kardashians stars Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick have called it quits. Amid the celebrity break- up, Disick has postponed his appearance in Las Vegas at 1OAK, a popular nightclub. Rumors are flying around that Disick cheated on Kardashian. According to UsMagazine.com, “Kourtney and Scott’s friends are trying to fix this mess and get them to work things out, but the whole situation is very bad and it’s unclear if they’ll bounce back from this,” an insider tells Us, adding that Disick had told his friends he was going to pull out from the appearance prior to the announcement.” Hopefully these two can work it out!

Scott’s getting some heat surrounding his celebrity break-up. What do you do if your friends criticize you during a split? Cupid’s Advice:

Surrounding a split from your partner, it’s a tough time. You need your family and friends around to lift your spirits and help you through this stressful situation. When people close to you aren’t being supportive, that makes things extra hard. Cupid has some relationship advice on how to deal with criticism during your split:

1. Voice your feelings: The most important thing to do in any situation is voice your feelings. You have to be honest with your emotions, and you need to let your friends and family know how you’re truly feeling. If they aren’t being supportive and are criticizing you during a split, explain to them what you feel. Maybe they are being critical because they don’t know where you are coming from. Let them into your heart and mind. I’m sure they will be supportive once they understand your feelings!

Related Link: Kourtney Kardashian’s Family Thinks She Deserves ‘Much Better’ Than Celebrity Ex Scott Disick

2. State what you need: Sometimes those we are close to don’t know what we need. People aren’t mind readers, even those who know us best. State what you need to your family and friends. They won’t know if you don’t ask. Maybe you need to talk, maybe you need a hug, or maybe you need help get your things from your ex-partner’s place. Whatever it is, they will be there if they know.

Related Link: Scott Disick Upsets Kourtney Kardashian with Comments About Post-Baby Weight

3. Let them go: At the end of the day, if your friends aren’t being supportive of you during a tough time, they are not your real friends. If you have let them know how you feel, explained the situation and told them how you need their support and they aren’t being a positive in your life – you have to let them go. Only surround yourself with positive people who uplift you and want you to succeed. Your true friends care about you and won’t kick you when you’re down!

How have you dealt with criticism during a split? Share your stories below!