An Introduction to Coastal Restoration in Louisiana
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STATE OF LOUISIANA Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, Governor DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Scott A. Angelle, Secretary OFFICE OF COASTAL RESTORATION AND MANAGEMENT Gerald M. Duszynski, Acting Assistant Secretary COASTAL RESTORATION DIVISION William K. “Kirk” Rhinehart, Administrator COASTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION Christopher P. Knotts, P.E., Director Acknowledgments: The author would like to thank Kenneth Bahlinger, Michael Beck, Karim Belhadjali, George Boddie, Agaha Brass, Garrett Broussard, Gay Browning, David Burkholder, Maury Chatellier, Jean Cowan, Greg DuCote, Jammie Favorite, Chet Frugé, Dave Frugé, John Harrell, Ed Haywood, Susan Hill, Heidi Hitter, Russ Joffrion, Herbert Juneau, Wes LeBlanc, Darin Lee, Ralph Libersat, David Lindquist, Dan Llewellyn, Keith Lovell, Carol Parsons, Cynthia Poland, Rick Raynie, Chris Robertson, Jason Shackelford, Rudy Simoneaux, John Truxillo, and Michael Turner for providing supporting data and information; Christina Hebert and Jason Byrd for graphical assistance; Phyllis Darensbourg, Gerry Duszynski, Chris Knotts, Kirk Rhinehart, and Diane Smith for editorial review. Suggested Citation: Green, M. M. 2006. Coastal Restoration Annual Project Reviews: December 2006. Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Baton Rouge, LA. 116 pp. This public document was published at a total cost of $7,750.00. One thousand copies of this public document were published in the first printing at a cost of $7,750.00. The total cost of all printing of this document, including reprints, is $7,750.00. This document was published by the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, P.O. Box 44027, Capitol Station, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-4027 in accordance with the standards for printing by state agencies established pursuant to R.S. 43:31. The purpose of this document is to provide interested parties with easily accessible information about projects constructed to date and the current efforts to address Louisiana’s coastal land loss problem. The information contained in this report is current through November 2006. For more detailed information on these projects, or other relevant efforts visit our website at, call 1-888-459-6107, or write to the Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Restoration Division, P.O. Box 44027, Capitol Station, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804-4027. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures................................................................................................................................. ii List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. iii Acronyms....................................................................................................................................... iv An Introduction to Coastal Restoration in Louisiana ......................................................................1 Barrier Island Status Report...........................................................................................................18 Region 1.........................................................................................................................................28 Introduction................................................................................................................................28 Project Summaries .....................................................................................................................29 Region 2.........................................................................................................................................41 Introduction................................................................................................................................41 Project Summaries .....................................................................................................................42 Region 3.........................................................................................................................................63 Introduction................................................................................................................................63 Project Summaries .....................................................................................................................64 Region 4.........................................................................................................................................89 Introduction................................................................................................................................89 Project Summaries .....................................................................................................................90 Conclusions..................................................................................................................................116 LIST OF FIGURES 1. Land area change in coastal Louisiana after the 2005 hurricanes..........................................1 2. Land loss rate in Louisiana coastal plain ...............................................................................2 3. Coastal restoration projects damaged by hurricanes Katrina and Rita.................................17 4. Various coastal segments including sandy shorelines, headlands, and barrier islands ........21 5. Barrier island coastal restoration projects (including constructed CWPPRA projects, pending CWPPRA projects, and pending LCA projects) ....................................................27 6. Location of Breaux Act projects authorized in Coast 2050 Region 1..................................30 7. Location of State, PCWRP, Vegetation, Section 204/1135, FEMA, and Other projects in Coast 2050 Region 1 ............................................................................................................31 8. Location of Breaux Act projects authorized in Coast 2050 Region 2..................................44 9. Location of State, PCWRP, Vegetation, Section 204/1135, WRDA, and Other projects in Coast 2050 Region 2 ............................................................................................................45 10. Location of Breaux Act projects authorized in Coast 2050 Region 3..................................65 11. Location of State, PCWRP, Vegetation, Section 204/1135, FEMA, and Other projects in Coast 2050 Region 3 ............................................................................................................66 12. Location of Breaux Act projects authorized in Coast 2050 Region 4..................................91 13. Location of State, PCWRP, Vegetation, and Section 204/1135 projects in Coast 2050 Region 4 ...............................................................................................................................92 ii LIST OF TABLES 1. Restoration projects completed or pending in Coast 2050 Region 1.................................32 2. Restoration projects completed or pending in Coast 2050 Region 2.................................46 3. Restoration projects completed or pending in Coast 2050 Region 3.................................67 4. Restoration projects completed or pending in Coast 2050 Region 4.................................93 5. Coastwide restoration projects and programs..................................................................111 6. Status of all authorized Breaux Act projects....................................................................112 7. Summary of all constructed/implemented coastal restoration projects ...........................112 8. Fifteen critical LCA projects and large-scale studies ......................................................113 9. Inactive state projects for which no funding exists..........................................................114 iii ACRONYMS APR Annual Project Reviews BBBS Barataria Basin Barrier Shoreline BBWW Barataria Bay Waterway BI Barrier Island BICM Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring BIMP Barrier Island Maintenance Program BUDMAT Beneficial Use of Dredged Material CED Coastal Engineering Division CFS Cubic Feet Per Second CIAP Coastal Impact Assistance Program CPRA Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority CRD Coastal Restoration Division CREST Coastal Restoration and Enhancement through Science and Technology CRMS Coastwide Reference Monitoring System CWPPRA Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act EPA Environmental Protection Agency FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency GIS Geographic Information System GIWW Gulf Intracoastal Waterway HL Headlands IPT Integrated Planning Team LCA Louisiana Coastal Area LDAF Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry LDNR Louisiana Department of Natural Resources LDOTD Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development LDWF Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries LiDAR Light Detection and Ranging LRA Louisiana Recovery Authority LSU Louisiana State University MRGO Mississippi River Gulf Outlet NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service NWRC National Wetlands Research Center OCRM Office of Coastal Restoration and Management OCS Outer Continental Shelf OLACP Oyster Lease Acquisition and Compensation Program PCWRP Parish Coastal Wetlands Restoration Program PPL Priority Project List S&T Science and Technology SONRIS Strategic Online Natural Resources Information System SSL Sandy Shoreline SSPM Mississippi