Government of West Bengal Office of the District Magistrate, Nadia Motor Vehicle Department
Serial Number: 1 Government of West Bengal Office of the District Magistrate, Nadia Motor Vehicle Department Memo No: 945(181) / M.V. Dated: 29.06.2011 From: The Secretary, Regional Transport Authority, Nadia. To : Pannalal Ghosh Chowdhury, SO. Nikhil Ghosh Chowdhury, Vill.&PO. Barnia, Nadia Sub: Appear before the R.T.A. Board Meeting in reference to your application for a Bus Route Extension. Reference: DCR Number - R124919 Receipt Date - 18.12.2009 Route applied for : Existing Route from " Kotwaghat to Palshipara via Bethuadahari, Debagram, Barnia applied for Kotwaghat to Raninagar via Palashipara, Palassey, Matiari, Debagram, Barnia. In reference to above noted subject, you are hereby requested to appear with all relevant papers in the R.T.A. Board Meeting scheduled to be held on 07.07.2011 at 11.00 a.m. in the office chamber at Chairman, R.T.A. & District Magistrate, Nadia. This is also to inform him/her that the decision of the R.T.A. Board meeting will be published/communicated in our official website or in due time. Secretary Regional Transport Authority, Nadia Serial Number: 2 Government of West Bengal Office of the District Magistrate, Nadia Motor Vehicle Department Memo No: 945(181) / M.V. Dated: 29.06.2011 From: The Secretary, Regional Transport Authority, Nadia. To : Md. Saker Ali, S/O. Md. Sukur Ali, Chandirampur, PO. Birohi, PS. Haringhata, Nadia. Sub: Appear before the R.T.A. Board Meeting in reference to your application for a Auto Rickshaw New Route. Reference: DCR Number - R190960 Receipt Date - 24.09.2010 Route applied for : Birohi Bazar to Panpur, Bakultala more via Baksa, Sonakhali and Shikari Para.
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