When you received the Spring We’ve seen tangible, positive 2020 edition of Animal Issues, the outcomes from our capacity-building pandemic was still new, and no programs in West Africa. Don’t one knew what to expect. Like miss the story about how you, I hoped we would return to USA’s training led to the seizure of normal quickly, but I also feared more than 1,000 pounds of illegally the unknown – what effects it traded shark fins. And, you can would have on society, animals, the read about the development of a economy … and the lifesaving work much-needed regional strategy of Born Free USA. There has been to combat wildlife crime. so much suffering and loss these Born Free USA not only survived past months, but together with you, The Born Free USA Primate 2020, we thrived. We are doing our combined determination to help Sanctuary continues to shine. more now than ever before to make protect animals and nature in this The Global Federation of Animal real and lasting change. With your new environment has ensured we Sanctuaries recently reaccredited support and encouragement, we will carry on stronger than ever. the sanctuary, validating it as a leader were able to expand our reach, in providing excellence in animal increase our supporters and In this edition, you will read about the care, operations, and management. advocates, retain all of our staff, many successes you have helped The sanctuary also came through a and we even added to our medical achieve. You will learn about our harrowing winter storm, the likes of team at the primate sanctuary. two recently published reports, the which Texas hasn’t seen in decades. culmination of months of exacting While the staff may have been cold, All of you who contribute to our research. Crushing Cruelty: Animal dirty, and utterly exhausted after a work to save and improve the Trapping in the United States and week without electricity, all of the lives of animals have my profound Silent Suffering in Our Own Backyard: monkeys emerged safe thanks to gratitude for supporting our efforts Fur Farming in the United States delve their propane-heated houses and the and believing in our mission. All that into how trapping and fur farming are dedication of their human caretakers. we have done – and will do – for regulated (or often aren’t) in each of animals is because of you and your the 50 states. I invite you to read the Over the last several months, while in- continued support. We are grateful full reports on our website and find person meetings were not possible, to know you are at our side. your state’s trapping report card. we have explored new ways to Please also join our campaign to shut connect with you – our dedicated For the Animals, down the sale of traps on Amazon by donors and activists. Thank you for signing the petition on our website. attending our virtual events, liking and sharing our content and videos on social media, and reading our blogs. Angela Grimes Chief Executive Officer Born Free USA

2 BORN FREE USA WILD ANIMALS NEED YOUR HELP NOW NEW REPORT EXPOSES THE CRUSHING CRUELTY OF TRAPPING IN THE U.S...... 4 Learn about our comprehensive new trapping report, Crushing Cruelty: Animal Trapping in the United States. NOT A SINGLE U.S. STATE GETS FULL MARKS ON TRAPPING...... 5 From best to worst, Born Free USA takes a deep dive into how each state regulates trapping. TRAPPING VICTIMS’ FUND HELPS SAVE LIVES ...... 6 Every year, countless animals – both targeted and non-targeted – are caught in traps. SILENT SUFFERING IN U.S. FUR FARMS ...... 7 Our report on fur farming in the U.S. reveals widespread lack of regulation, animal cruelty, and threats to public safety. FUR SAFE FROM PANDEMICS ACT ...... 7 This legislation could phase out mink fur farming in the United States! MORE THAN 1,000 POUNDS OF ILLEGAL SHARK FINS SEIZED IN WEST AFRICA ...... 8 Born Free USA’s anti-wildlife trafficking training programs are having a big impact! ILLEGAL TRADE ROUTES PROVE THE NEED FOR BETTER COORDINATION BETWEEN WEST AFRICAN COUNTRIES . . . . 9 Born Free USA conducted extensive research to map illegal trade routes across West Africa. WINTER STORMS RAVAGE SOUTH TEXAS BUT SANCTUARY MONKEYS REMAIN SAFE...... 10 Mid-February saw south Texas, where our primate sanctuary is located, ravaged by winter storms. MONKEY MOVES AT THE PRIMATE SANCTUARY...... 11 We are improving the quality of life for our sanctuary’s monkey residents with new living spaces! ADOPTION ALERT – INTRODUCING GILBERT!...... 11 Meet Gilbert, the newest addition to our primate sanctuary adoption program! SUPPORTER SPOTLIGHT: PHYLLIS AND ROGER SHERMAN...... 12 Meet the Shermans, whose generosity has been critical to our primate sanctuary and to hundreds of cats, dogs, and wild animals. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, VIRGINIA!...... 13 This year, we celebrate the 90th birthday of the remarkable Virginia McKenna! U.S. LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES FOR 2021...... 14 Learn more about Born Free USA’s legislative advocacy for 2021. COYOTE KILLING CONTESTS: POINTLESS CRUELTY ...... 15 Killing contests targeting coyotes and other predators are cruel, dangerous, and pointless.

Animal Issues Digest is published twice per year by We work to ensure that all wild animals, whether living Art, Production, and Editorial: Born Free USA to inform and educate our readers in captivity or in the wild, are treated with compassion Arlene Harting-Josue, Graphic Designer about major wildlife issues. Copyright © 2021 by and respect and are able to live their lives according Karen Lauria, Communications Director Born Free USA. Complimentary copy available on request. to their needs. For reprints, and all editorial correspondence, Writers and Contributors: please write to Animal Issues Digest editor at We seek to have a positive impact on animals in Brook Ashley, Katie Conway, Angela Grimes, Julie Kluck, [email protected]. To get the latest information the wild and protect their ecosystems in perpetuity, Aurora Luongo, Barry Kent MacKay, Jennifer Place, on wildlife issues and what you can do to help for their own intrinsic value and for the critical Alice Stroud, Melissa Tomlinson, and Dr. Liz Tyson imperiled wild animals, sign up for our online roles they play within the natural world. P.O. Box 32160, Washington, DC 20007 eAlerts at (301) 448-1407 | [email protected] |


n early April, we released a comprehensive report, Crushing Cruelty: Animal Trapping in the United States, amending and updating similar I work carried out in 2017 and providing each state with a score out of 100 based on its action to protect animals from cruel trapping.

Disappointingly, only two states scored above 50/100, and Along with scores for each state’s position on trapping, almost half of the states scored just 25/100 or under. No the report explores the extent of trapping and the content state scored 100. The findings present a sobering insight of mandatory educational courses by some states for into this practice, which causes suffering and death to would-be trappers ahead of licenses being granted. millions of animals each year. In addition to inadequate Worryingly, we found that multiple states promoted the regulation, Born Free USA found that traps, including those drowning of animals to death as “humane” as part of that are illegal to use in all 50 states, such as leghold traps their formal education courses, despite the American for bears, are widely available for sale without restriction Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) specifically on online e-commerce platforms, such as Amazon. stating that this is categorically not the case. In addition, commercially available trapping guides documented While cruel leghold traps have been banned in more than the accidental trapping of companion animals and 100 countries around the world, most U.S. states allow provided advice on killing animals caught in traps, their use, along with Conibear body-gripping traps and including disturbing suggestions that using wooden snares. All these barbaric contraptions, which have barely clubs to beat animals to death is standard practice. changed in design in more than 400 years, are indiscriminate and cause immense suffering and harm to The litany of concerns highlighted in the new research their victims. Incredibly, many states allow these traps confirm that there is significant work to be to be set on public lands, including within the National done to protect animals from trapping, Wildlife Refuge System. but we believe that change is possible. We have developed recommendations for each individual state and associated actions that you can take, in your capacity as both a constituent and consumer, to call for progress.

The report, state report cards, and campaign actions can be found at

All these barbaric contraptions, which have barely changed in design in more than 400 years, are indiscriminate and cause


Our trapping research informed trapping, do not. Whether or not a There is significant work to be done the production of state report license is required when trapping to end cruel trapping in the U.S. and cards, which highlight the strengths on private land differs from state you can be part of the campaign for and weaknesses of each state’s to state and is contingent on the progress. Visit our campaign page at legal position on trapping. Not a species of animal being trapped. single state in the country got full to access your state’s report card marks. While California and Hawaii At the opposite end of the scale to and find information on how you can scored significantly higher than the high scorers, we find Maine and get involved. Together, we can end all other states due to their bans Texas, which both scored a terrible cruel trapping across the nation! on commercial and recreational 6/100. Maine is trapping within their boundaries, the only state ONLY SIX STATES HAVE ISSUED BANS both states still allow trapping for that still allows “pest control” and by government bear trapping. ON LEGHOLD TRAPS, FIVE STATES HAVE agents. In California, such trapping While the lowest BANNED CONIBEAR (BODY-GRIPPING) is even permitted within 10 national scores barely wildlife refuges – places where registered on the TRAPS, AND 12 STATES HAVE animals should be safe from harm. 100-point scale, PROHIBITED SNARES. the majority of With the exception of California and other states did Hawaii, all states allow trapping by not fare much better. Indeed, almost private citizens for recreational and half of the states scored 25/100 or commercial purposes and have some under. Only six states have issued form of licensing regime in place with bans on leghold traps, five states regard to trapping. However, not all have banned Conibear trapping activities require a license. (body-gripping) traps, For example, in Alabama, trapping of and 12 states have fur-bearing animals for commercial prohibited snares. purposes requires a license, but other kinds of trapping, such as recreational



Every year, countless animals – both Sadly, Maggie/Bunny is only one of Born Free USA’s Trapping Victims’ targeted and non-targeted – are several dogs our Trapping Victims’ Fund helps save the lives of trapped caught in traps. Once trapped, Fund has helped save. River, a Great victims. Because of your donations, these animals endure severe pain, Pyrenees, lost most of the toes in we were able to help provide financial stress, and trauma for days, and assistance to the Great Pyrenees in some cases a week or more. Rescue in Montana. They took They languish injured without food, great care of River through his long water, or shelter, and the animals rehabilitation, and River is now living who manage to free themselves are happily with his adoptive family! usually severely injured and later perish from their injuries. Trapping Learn more about the Trapping is indiscriminate and any animal – Victims’ Fund, and meet all including dogs, cats, and endangered of the fund recipients, at species – can have the unfortunate luck of walking in the path of a trap. his front paw after being caught in a Born Free USA shared the story of leg-hold trap. Somehow, River freed Maggie the puppy, known now as himself and was discovered by a Bunny in her adoptive family, and Good Samaritan who took him to a her trapping ordeal, which resulted veterinarian. Due to the extent of his in the amputation of her leg and injuries, River, like Maggie/Bunny, months of painful rehabilitation. had to have his leg amputated.


As you read this, foxes across support Born Free USA’s work to fight In honor of the millions of lives the United States are suffering in trapping and the fur trade, and save lost to trapping and the fur trade, fur farms, being crushed by cruel foxes and other fur bearing animals please adopt a fox today to help body-gripping traps, and ultimately from suffering and exploitation. end trapping and fur farming! facing excruciating death. But, you can help save animals from You will receive a virtual adoption this cruelty by adopting a fox! package that includes a printable adoption certificate, For only $1 per week or $5 per a species information sheet, month, you can protect these a digital photo of a fox, and precious animals by symbolically updates about our anti-trapping adopting a fox! Your adoption gift will and anti-fur campaigns.

Adopt a fox today at


Animals on fur farms experience The report showed a severe lack of miserable lives of extreme confinement regulations, oversight, enforcement, and are bred and maintained to and transparency across the states. maximize fur output with little or no consideration for their health, comfort, With hardly any recordkeeping and a or quality of life. The animals suffer tendency for legislators to remain static throughout their short lives enduring on this important issue, the United extreme fear, stress, illness, and pain. States has failed to match the progress made in Europe to close down fur In November 2020, Born Free USA farms, and the legislative landscape released Silent Suffering in Our Own of U.S. fur farms today remains Backyard: Fur Farming in the United almost identical to that of decades States, a comprehensive report ago. This is not only an enormous analyzing the fur farming industry animal welfare issue, but with the and regulations across the country. ongoing threat of the coronavirus Read Silent Suffering and take As of 2018, there were an estimated pandemic and the fact that mink are action against fur farming at 245 mink farms in 22 U.S. states carriers of the virus, it also presents producing 3.1 million animal pelts. a significant public safety risk. FUR SAFE FROM PANDEMICS ACT

We are now over one year into the that incubate and alter the virus – or COVID-19 pandemic, and while possibly create a new pathogen and there are signs of hope everywhere, the next global health emergency. there is one fact we cannot afford to overlook: the link between mink, fur In order to better protect public health farms, and the spread of COVID-19. and limit the scope of cruel fur farms – notorious for the mistreatment Mink are highly susceptible to of and cruelty to animals – Born COVID-19, and – even worse – Free USA has partnered with other can pass a mutated form back to organizations to develop legislation humans. To maximize profits, mink fur phasing out mink fur farms in the farms pack animals into unsanitary, United States. The FUR SAFE from call for increased transparency miserable environments that are not Pandemics Act would outlaw mink and safeguarding public health, only inhumane, but also create an fur farms after a one-year phase-out this bill would require all fur farms – ideal setting for pathogens to develop period, while simultaneously creating regardless of species – to register and spread. As we begin to make a voluntary grant program allowing with the USDA. We hope to get inroads against this devastating farmers to receive financial aid to the bill finalized and introduced pandemic, we should not ignore the responsibly transition out of the fur in Congress this spring. fact that mink are kept in conditions farming industry entirely. Finally, in a SPRING/SUMMER 2021 7 A VICTORY AGAINST WILDLIFE TRAFFICKING: MORE THAN 1,000 POUNDS OF ILLEGAL SHARK FINS SEIZED IN WEST AFRICA!

Born Free USA’s law The fins were shipped from Pointe- The consignments of fins seized enforcement trainings Noire in Congo as unaccompanied contained parts of at least 10 different luggage on a passenger flight. A CITES-listed shark species. yield big results in the third party was then to retrieve the fight against wildlife crime! baggage at Cotonou Airport and These seizures are examples of how organize ground transportation to effective training is for authorities in In February 2019, Born Free USA Ghana for export to Asia. In addition West Africa, who fight every day to organized a training workshop to the seizure of the trafficked fins, stop wildlife crime and its devastating for customs officers in Benin. the trafficker in Benin was arrested impact on biodiversity and individual The workshop covered – among and sentenced to one year in prison animals. We congratulate the officials other topics – the threats facing and fined $364 USD (200,000 CFA). in Benin and Ivory Coast on their sharks and specific training on accomplishments and commend all identifying shark and ray species Then, two weeks following our of the dedicated men and women and their fins. Sharks are vulnerable training course for customs officers who are on the front lines of the to overfishing and are slaughtered in Ivory Coast last October, the fight to stop illegal wildlife trade. for their fins, which are used to Customs Services at Abidjan make shark fin soup, considered Airport in Ivory Coast made its While seizures and arrests cannot as a delicacy in parts of Asia. first ever seizure of shark fins: the bring back wildlife, these shark fin Learning to identify these species confiscation of 257 pounds (116.4 kg) seizures and other confiscations is an important skill for customs of fins, which was shipped from the are important steps forward in and law enforcement officials. airport of Pointe-Noire, Congo. ending illegal wildlife trade, as they take wildlife products off the Last year, in September 2020, this Three days later, the Forest Inspection market and put traffickers out of training paid off when customs Service at Abidjan Airport intercepted operation. We will continue to officials at Benin’s Cotonou Airport a shipment of shark fins weighing organize and expand trainings so seized 106 illegally trafficked shark 772 pounds (350 kg) belonging to the we can equip many more officials fins from multiple CITES-listed shark same suspect and destined for Asia. with the wildlife law enforcement species, including the shortfin mako skills needed for successful shark and hammerhead species. The trafficker, a Guinean national, seizures as well as strengthen was arrested in collaboration with the legal frameworks and increase Airport Anti-Trafficking Unit, tried, and sanctions for wildlife traffickers. sentenced to two months in prison.


The role of West African countries in wildlife Ghana and Ivory Coast trafficking is not fully understood, and very little is are key transit nations known about the routes used by wildlife traffickers for trafficking wildlife in and through West Africa. These routes can be from other parts of Africa, subject to rapid change and are often arbitrary. with species either sold in these countries or sent to other Between 2017 and 2020, Born Free USA conducted African countries, Europe, or Asia. extensive research to map illegal trade routes across West Africa. Some of these routes are used The complexity of these routes demonstrates as exit points for specific species, while others are that there is vital need for countries to exchange generally used as transit links between regions. intelligence and coordinate their wildlife law enforcement initiatives. Born Free USA is working with authorities in Born Free USA’s findings show that Nigeria, Togo, and the region to develop a strong framework for combating Guinea are transit hubs for wildlife from other West African wildlife trafficking through the supply, transit, and demand countries destined for Europe, Asia, the United States, chain, and to harmonize their legal response to wildlife and Canada. Nigeria is a transit point and source country trafficking including through the development of a West for trafficking in elephant ivory and pangolin scales African regional strategy for combatting wildlife crime. sourced within Nigeria and from other African nations.

INVEST IN NATURE. INVEST IN BORN FREE USA. Your donation will help combat the illegal wildlife trade, protect endangered species and their habitats, and help abused captive animals. Please consider making a donation using the inserted envelope or by visiting


id-February saw south Texas, where our primate enough for safe drinking, although staff needed to break sanctuary is located, ravaged by winter storms the ice on the water containers multiple times a day to M not seen in the area for more than 30 years. ensure everyone had access to it. Staff rationed the small Our team knew the storm was coming and spent the days amount of bottled water they could find in local stores. leading up to it ensuring that all the monkeys’ heaters were in full working order and everyone had adequate shelter. Power finally came back on, but it was two more days But, no one expected the catastrophic power outages before the various burst pipes, leaks, and broken that left millions of homes and businesses across the water pump were back in operation. The storm state without electricity for a week or more. Thankfully, our created significant unexpected costs, but thanks to the enclosures are heated by propane, so the monkeys kept incredible response to our emergency storm appeal, warm despite temperatures remaining well below freezing our generous supporters donated funds to pay for for days. However, our water pump, which provides clean the extraordinary expenses. It was a huge relief to water to both animals and humans, runs on electricity; no know that the considerable costs of both propane power means no water. Fortunately, due to the cold, the for heating and damage repair were covered. We are water in the monkeys’ buckets and troughs remained clean enormously grateful to everyone who donated!



We are always trying to improve All considered, we devised a complex cutting wood, and constructing a the quality of life for our monkey plan of around 16 steps involving ramp that gently sloped up to the residents at the sanctuary, which 20 monkeys. The moves ranged tunnel entrance so she could access involves ensuring that they are in from groups simply shifting through it. We proudly presented it to her the best possible living spaces adjoining doors into adjacent and … she refused to use it. In the we can provide. At the beginning enclosures, to being transported to end, we had to catch Mrs. Wilkin, of this year, we had four monkeys different parts of the 175-acre property. place her in a transport crate, and in an enclosure built in 2003 that move her to the new section. had outlived its usefulness, and To facilitate the most stress-free while we seek funding to build moves possible, we built a tunnel That is one of the challenges of them new enclosures, we needed system between three separate working with animals – they have to find them a current solution. enclosures so individuals could move unique personalities and may react from one to another when we open in unexpected ways to anything we Moving monkeys is not a simple the sliding doors between them. This do! Despite the hurdles, everyone undertaking. There are multiple does not always work. For example, is now happily living in their new factors to take into consideration; when trying to move Mrs. Wilkin spaces and the old enclosure has group size, dietary needs, health and Anna from one enclosure to been decommissioned. You can concerns, social dynamics, and another, we found that Mrs. Wilkin read a more detailed account of individual personalities are some of had trouble climbing up to the how this complex task played out the major considerations. tunnel. We spent hours measuring, at

ADOPTION ALERT – INTRODUCING GILBERT! It is high time to introduce And, don’t forget we have 17 other very special Gilbert into our adoption monkeys in our adoption program. For only $1 per program! Gilbert, a long- week ($52 per year), you can help provide nutritious tailed macaque, was food, enrichment, and medical care to monkeys who kept as a pet for many have a second chance because of your support. years before arriving at our sanctuary. Pet With each adoption, you will receive monkeys often are a package that includes: the most challenging ✔ A photo of the monkey you adopt individuals to rehabilitate ✔ Your monkey’s biography because they do not have the opportunity to learn how to be monkeys, but Gilbert has blossomed into ✔ A personalized certificate of adoption quite the character. Gilbert is one of the friendliest and ✔ An adorable plush toy chattiest monkeys at the sanctuary. He welcomes caregivers with flirty eyebrow flashes and noisy Adoptions make great gifts, too! lip smacks. Please consider adopting Gilbert! Adopt today at


Born Free USA knows Phyllis Roger served on the SNAP Board the reward of seeing him during and Roger Sherman because of Directors for 10 years. They also walks with his new, forever family. of their critical support for the turned a lovely guest house into a monkeys at our sanctuary in sanctuary for foster cats, and their Phyllis and Roger have been Born south Texas, but they have also greenhouse became a medical Free friends for many years. Several touched the lives of hundreds of isolation clinic. Phyllis and Roger years ago, they hosted a luncheon cats, dogs, and wild animals. raised numerous kittens and found where Born Free Co-Founder Will Travers OBE entertained the Upon retirement, Phyllis and audience with a slide show Roger moved to San Antonio, about Born Free campaigns. Texas. While exploring their In the audience that day was new city, they quickly became a woman from a local wildlife aware of the city’s many stray rehabilitation facility – Angela animals. In fact, they met their Grimes! As you all know, first dog, Sadie, a chow/German Angela is now our CEO and shepherd mix, while walking on became part of Born Free USA San Antonio’s famous Riverwalk. shortly after the gathering. They took the stray puppy home and realized they had a A few years ago, Phyllis and new family member when she Roger moved back to Minnesota rolled over in submission to their to be with family. While they two cats, Mozart and Amadeus. homes for them. In 2008 and 2009 miss San Antonio and all the Sadie’s rescue was just the beginning! alone, they took in 64 dogs and cats. many wonderful animal supporters, Their good works became so well Phyllis and Roger still offer a welcome When Phyllis and Roger learned known that they often found dogs home to rescues, Charley, a loveable that their adopted city killed more and cats in their yard, abandoned terrier mix, and Ramsey, a small than 56,000 animals per year, they overnight. One morning, they found cat with a huge personality. decided to do something about it. a blind white Labrador tied to their They became involved in the Spay- Born Free USA sends a big thank gate. They were able to adopt the Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP) you to Phyllis and Roger for helping sweet boy, whom they named that provides affordable spaying and so many animals, including the Bentley, to a good friend and had neutering as well as veterinary care. monkeys at our sanctuary!


he board and staff of Born animals belong in the wild and not in Free USA join the worldwide confinement or exploitative conditions. T celebration of our co-founder Virginia McKenna’s 90th birthday! For the past five decades, along Virginia exemplifies the idea of with her son, Will Travers, and late compassionate conservation, and her husband, Bill Travers, Virginia has been lifetime dedication to the protection an eloquent voice for wildlife. From of wildlife is an inspiration to us all. its inception as a small grassroots organization, Born Free has grown Virginia may be best known for her into an internationally respected portrayal of Joy Adamson in the film authority on animal protection. Born Free. Virginia’s empathy for the orphaned lion cub Elsa, and her Thank you, Virginia, and the fierce determination to have Elsa live very happiest of birthdays! free in , transcended the role — Brook Ashley, she was playing. What the audiences Born Free USA responded to was not simply Virginia’s Board Vice President legendary acting ability, but a conviction from the core of her being that wild


Your estate gift creates a legacy of hope and compassion for animals for the next generation. When you name Born Free USA in your will or trust, you support the lifetime care of animals at our sanctuary, help protect entire species, and keep wildlife in the wild.

Please contact us at [email protected] or by phone at (301) 448-1407 to discuss a planned gift.


While it is hard to choose just one top of the new two-year Congressional these lands is to be a sanctuary for legislative priority for 2021, the Big session, the bill was reintroduced native wildlife, and yet trapping is Cat Public Safety Act (H.R. 263/S. in the House of Representatives in allowed on approximately one-third 1210) is right at the top of the list. January and in the Senate in April. of refuges. The use of cruel body- This bill would prohibit the private Born Free USA has been a leader gripping traps violates the mission possession of big cats and also ban on this legislation since it was first of the refuge system and is a safety the public contact – such as cub introduced a decade ago, and we threat for wildlife, humans, and pets. petting and photo ops – that drive will be there when it finally crosses the rampant, irresponsible breeding the finish line – we hope this year! Our priorities do not stop there. and interstate trade of captive big We will also be working this year cats. Keeping big cats such as lions, Another longstanding priority has been on federal legislation that protects tigers, and leopards in captivity and the Refuge from Cruel Trapping Act. primates (the Captive Primate Safety breeding them unchecked is cruel While it has not been reintroduced yet Act); phases out mink fur farms to the animals, dangerous for the this year, this bill is vital in limiting the (FUR SAFE from Pandemics Act); public, and may contribute to illegal scope of trapping on federal lands. limits the scope of trophy hunting international wildlife trafficking. Indiscriminate traps on public land (CECIL Act; ProTECT Act); saves the – including near hiking trails and on critically endangered North Atlantic This bill enjoyed unprecedented national wildlife refuges – puts both right whale from extinction (SAVE exposure and momentum following humans and unintended targets, Right Whales Act); and addresses the sensational Netflix docu-series including imperiled species and the global health risks posed by Tiger King. The Big Cat Public companion animals, at serious risk. wildlife markets (Preventing Future Safety Act passed in the House Pandemics Act, H.R. 151/S. 37). of Representatives last December The Refuge from Cruel Trapping Act with a strong bipartisan vote. would prohibit the possession or We have a busy year ahead of us, However, time ran out before the use of all body-grip traps on national and we are grateful we can count Senate could vote. With the onset wildlife refuges. The purpose of on your support and activism!


14 BORN FREE USA COYOTE KILLING CONTESTS: POINTLESS CRUELTY It is monumentally frustrating for an animal advocate does not achieve when the law and the science are both on your side, that effect for and it does not matter! a range of species, Early this year, Chesher’s Outdoor Store, in Belleville, including coyotes. Ontario, announced a coyote killing contest. We had been through this before. Coyotes are “managed” Thanks to “compensatory provincially, and under the province of Ontario’s Fish and mortality” (or “population Wildlife Conservation Act, Section 11, unless specifically rebound”), a reduction in authorized by the Minister of Natural Resources and coyote numbers leads to less Forestry, it is illegal for a person to (a) hunt for hire, gain, competition among remaining or expectation of gain; (b) hire, employ, or induce another individuals, enhanced health and fecundity, and ironically, person to hunt for gain; (c) trap for hire, gain, or the a growth in population following the next breeding season. expectation of gain; (d) hire, employ, or induce another It is different with some other species, such as wolves, person to trap for gain; or (e) pay or accept a bounty. where incentives for killing can indeed lead to extirpation.

The contest clearly violated provincial law, so Born Free In addition to the misguided attempt to use the killing USA mounted a challenge aimed at stopping the contest. contest as population control, the contest was also a threat to a nearby endangered wolf species. The endangered The current provincial government has enacted a plethora Algonquin wolf lives within an easy drive to Belleville. There of anti-environmental, anti-animal, and anti-wildlife are only a few hundred and the species is supposedly legislation. Across the province, environmentalists are fully protected by law. They are visually quite similar to fighting a range of habitat-destroying plans and initiatives coyotes in appearance, although bigger on average. hastily enacted with minimal public input and no regard for Since one of the categories for reward was size – a prize science-based warnings and objections. Therefore, it was for the biggest coyote – there was a serious risk that the no surprise that (with a bit of tweaking) the contest was contest would put endangered Algonquin wolves under allowed to go ahead, lasting through the month of February. threat of being mistaken for large coyotes, and killed.

Coyotes, like all wildlife species, play a crucial role in Chesher’s claims it was within the law, but if the words maintaining the health of their ecosystems. Yet, coyotes of the law mean what they say, the contest was illegal. are widely disliked by farmers because they sometimes Legal or not, the fact is that predator killing contests are prey on sheep and other farm animals. Predator killing cruel to the animals, dangerous for endangered species contests are intended as a way of controlling populations that might be mistaken for target species, and useless of “nuisance” wildlife, and a bounty is supposed to provide for achieving the stated aim of “population control.” Born an incentive for hunters to kill enough animals to reduce Free USA will continue to fight to end these contests and the population. But, science shows that incentivizing killing protect wildlife from being killed in the name of “fun.”



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NEW: ADOPT A FOX! You can help save foxes and other fur-bearing animals from this brutal industry. For only $1 per week or $5 per month, you can protect wildlife by symbolically adopting a fox! Your adoption gift will support Born Free USA’s work to fight trapping and the fur trade. Learn more inside or visit