MSFS PROVINCIALATE, 23, 24 Residency Road, Sadar, 440001 Ph: 91-712-2527805. Mobile: 09422189042 [email protected]; [email protected] [email protected]; [email protected] [email protected]; [email protected]



The scenario of Christmas 2018 is distressing and thought-provoking. It is being celebrated amidst a precipitous collapse in people’s perspective to the ideologies of political parties, and the scenario is reduced to intense political and religious contestation and of syncretic accomplishments. The ugly colour of autocracy and its passions concoct constitutional values and sacrifice truth at the altar of selfishness. Religions are becoming weaker in guiding and dictating one’s moral norms, thus mass increase of murders, rapes and violence penetrate human lives through various means. On the one hand, the dignity of human life with all its ramifications is given less importance as suicide becomes the norm of the day. On the other hand, social institutions like marriage and family relationships are becoming less significant and lifelong commitment in marital relationship in the coming days may become a thing of the past. Both the electronic and print media have become self-styled courtrooms as they inject the venom of radical religiosity and inter-faith violence into society’s bloodstreams; fabricate economic and financial data to suit the whims of the powerful; destabilize the fabric of social life, rip families asunder, turn bosom pals into back-stabbers, sink careers and send reputation into a death spiral, as against the majestic power of the media to build and mould the future generations. Mother Church is fighting tendencies of consumerism as worldly values are creeping into her life. She is struggling to interpret her doctrines and dogmas to attract the youth in the context of their lives and give meaning to the expression of their faith. Global warming is sending its signals to mother earth in the form of ‘Gaja’ to stop the ‘use and throw’ philosophy; increasing sea levels and rising temperatures have become the concern even in the minds of kids in schools, while nations pay less attention. By destroying forests for development and industrialization we paid a huge prize in this year’s monster flood in Kerala. In the midst of all these and many other disturbing factors, one is lead to find the meaning of life and human existence. Meaning can be enthused

1 only from the discovery of the babe in the manger, the discovery of Incarnation for each one of us, i.e. ‘GOD WITH US - GOD LIKE US’

Humanity has tried to attribute meaning to the perennial beliefs: ‘God with us (Mathew 1:23) and God like us (Genesis 1:27).’ Is there the living presence of God? Where was God when things turned hurting? These and many more questions occupy a special niche in our lives, and many other life-threatening questions have its root in the above two beliefs. Devoid of clarity in these beliefs, today youngsters give in to self-destructive activities. Condemning their earthly life as vile they drive themselves to commit suicide, to depression, addictions and many other psychosomatic disorders because of the false belief which is at the root of their self-belief, i.e. ‘God is not with me and God is not like me; He cannot feel, think and suffer like me’; and therefore they are led to an existential isolation and alienation. In this struggle of people for ‘discovering God with us and God like us,’ we find Christmas as strengthening our convictions that ‘God is never absent and God is like us in everything except sin.’ ‘God becoming Human’ though euphemistically proclaimed, believing and applying it to the hard- core existential realities and day-to-day affairs of life is an ongoing process. This Christmas demands that we discover the meaning of ‘God becoming Human in us.’ In the process of discovering His birth in our life, we find Hebrews 4:15 a source of great consolation and can deepen our self-belief, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who in every respect has been tested as we are, yet without sin.” It would take us to the realms of our inner life and give us the conviction that He smiles like me, He cries like me, He suffers like me, He was tempted like me, He had my smell, my smile, etc. It is no surprise that Pontius Pilot confirmed the human face of God in Jesus during the trial by stating, ‘Ecce Homo’ - Behold the Man! (John 19:5)

St. Francis enunciates the theme of ‘God with us and God like us’ in one of his sermons on Christmas Eve in 1614. He says, “The manger in Bethlehem may be likened to a monastery, similar to the religious community founded by Blessed Paula. The Holy Family here are models of the vows practiced by religious: admirable chastity and we find the observance of perfect obedience. The superior Joseph is one who is lowest in rank, yet it is to him that the instructions from God are relayed by the angel. Furthermore, one could have considered the superior lacking in foresight since he leads his community to an abode not at all conducive; yet we hear neither complaint nor murmuring. The community is practicing exemplary poverty with no distinction of personal possession – of ‘mine’ or ‘yours’. Indeed, if anyone could have boasted of ownership, it could have been Mary, who in fact was the exclusive human agent in the act of conceiving and giving birth to the Child Jesus. She does not revel in this exclusivity; did she not state, “Your father and I have been terribly worried trying to find you.” In this community, we find Joseph who is the superior, Mary, the professed religious, and Child Jesus, the novice. Mary assumes various responsibilities that of nurse, infirmarian, tailor, etc. However, there is no door-keeper, since the community lives under the open skies. Admire the total indifference of this novice, model of total renunciation. He is like the king of the bees (queen bee) born with all the faculties yet chose not to use them till the appropriate time would arrive.”

Let us cotton onto firm convictions this Christmas. If God is with us then I must do a favour for my neighbour with alacrity. I must put an abrupt end to the culture of vilification because the other is God’s image. In the context of the Parish and Mission, I must ensure that just like


God who visited us, as a leader and shepherd I must visit all the families, teach catechism of the Incarnate God, conduct the Liturgy with solemnity, prepare my homilies well, administer the sacraments with devotion and love. In my relationships, I must reflect the image of the Incarnate God. The other shouldn’t be seen as an object of sensual pleasure, passion and power. My regularity at Eucharistic adoration becomes a visible sign that God has incarnated in me. In the context of Institutions, we have all the more reason to believe and be convinced of the truth ‘God with us and God like us.’ The image of the changeless, majestic and loving God has to be communicated through our discourses, interactions and organization of events. Our students, teachers and all other stakeholders of the schools must be saved from becoming victims of various idiotic ideologies of the world, which deny the presence of God, directly or indirectly, through atheistic, altruistic and consumerist principles. The values lived by us become their point of reference at a later stage to draw inspiration from their school days. We must not forget the fact that on the Last Judgment Day what counts for our social auditing will be; ‘How much you believed in the presence of the Incarnate God in the image of your brothers and sisters.’ Let us soothe the ruffled feathers of our life, aspire to live and propagate, ‘God with us and God like us’ at this Christmas and in the New Year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019!

God’s Chosen One from A.P.

28th November2018 was a historically unforgettable day in Sundaraopeta village, Dharmajigudem parish, Diocese of Eluru. Fr. Katru Vinayanand was the first one to be ordained for the MSFS Congregation from this area of Andhra Pradesh. Rt. Rev. JayaRao Polimera D.D. Bishop of Eluru ordained Vinayanand a priest in the presence of Fr. John Britto Muthuswamy MSFS, Provincial of Nagpur Province, Fr. Johnson Gonsalves MSFS, Provincial Admonitor of Province and Rector of Fransalian Seminary, Pune; many MSFS confreres, priests of Eluru diocese, religious nuns and lay people.

The Bishop preached about the identity, value and character of a priest and priesthood. He also shared about the present scenario of priests and religious living in society and the problems they have to face. He thanked the parents of Vinayanand and Sundarao peta village for offering a son of the soil to the church. During the felicitation program, Fr. Muthuswamy thanked the Bishop for ordaining Vinayanand for God’s service and for his inspiring homily on the priesthood, missionary vocation and challenges to the priesthood. A cultural program was staged on the occasion which was followed by a sumptuous meal for all. In the evening together with the family members and dear ones of Vinayanand, MSFS fathers of Orissa Apostolic Community, a few local priests, nuns and laity attended the thanksgiving Eucharistic celebration of the newly ordained priest. Nagpur Province is extremely happy to have one more priest for the service of the Lord and his people. Fr Arun Ekka MSFS


Called to Serve November 10th 2018, was an auspicious day and an august occasion for the Mozambique Delegation. It was an auspicious day as we had the diaconate ordination of Bro. Rajendra Toppo. It was also an august occasion as it was the Day of Maputo City. The twin celebrations enhanced the brilliance of being joyful and thankful simultaneously. Bro. Rajendra Toppo was ordained deacon by Bishop Januário Machaze Nhangumbe, the Bishop Emeritus of Pemba, Mozambique, during the solemn Eucharistic celebration attended by a large number of priests, religious and faithful. During the homily, His Lordship exhorted the entire congregation to be humble servants, modelled after the example of Jesus who washed the feet of his apostles. Bro. Rajendra is the first Indian seminarian to be ordained deacon, who has done both his Philosophical and Theological studies in Mozambique. The moto of his diaconate ordination was “Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am there will my servant be also” (Jn 12:26) Fr Melky MSFS Brief Report on Salesian Program Annecy – 2018

Confreres from different provinces coming together; living together and studying together about the life and spirituality of our dear Patron St. Francis de Sales and our dear Founder Fr. Peter Mermier, was the decision of the General Administration, to ensure that a new wave of confreres over the years, develop a deeper understanding of the life and spiritualty of these two towering personalities, who brought about a real change in the Church of their times and renewed the diminishing faith of the people. This task was entrusted to Fr. Mariadas, the Assistant General, who in turn roped in the assistance of the Franco-Swiss Province to see to the organization of the same. Last year five confreres attended the program. This year we were seven who attended the program. Fr. Pakkidas of Visakhapatnam Province; Fr. Jijimon of North-East Province, Fr. Melroy of Nagpur Province, Fr. Abey of South-West Province, Fr. David of Pune Province, Fr. Sheen of South-East Province and Fr. Charles of East Africa Province. The pre-SPA program began in April with a seminar of six days at IIS, Bengaluru. The next pre-SPA program of ten days was held in Nagpur from 1 to 10 August. It was conducted by Frs. Isaac, Philip and Adaikalaraj who had attended the SPA 2917.


SPA 2018 was from 15th September to 31st October at Annecy, France. The entire program was planned and animated by Fr. Yves Carron and Fr. Samuel with the assistance of a few other confreres. After landing in Geneva on 13th September we spent a day at Annecy and then moved to Chavonod where we had the guided Salesian Retreat from 15th to 24th September. It was a very spiritually enriching and moving experience for us. All of us were personally guided by Fr. Yves and Fr. Samuel on the 10 meditations of SFS. The Holy Cross sisters took good care of us and we enjoyed their hospitality. From the 25th September to 30th October we resided at La Puya and had classes on various Salesian topics and on Fr. Mermier. The classes were taken by Fr. Yves on – Biography of SFS and Fr. Mermier, Introduction to the Devout Life, SFS and the Sacraments, Letters of SFS and Fr. Mermier and MSFS apostolates. Fr. Samuel took classes on – Biography of St. Jane de Chantal, Treatise on the Love of God and SFS and Religious Life. Fr. Anthony K. enlightened us on SFS and the Little Virtues. Fr. Jose Cherian took classes on SFS and the Laity. Fr. Thomas enlightened us on the progress of the cause of the beatification of Fr. Mermier and Fr. Mariadas illumined us on the topic- Fransalian Vocation: Challenges and Remedies. Besides the theory classes what was more interesting and heart moving were the visit to the various places associated with the life and mission of SFS and Fr. Mermier. We visited the following places – the churches in Annecy, Basilica of the Visitation and the archives having the writings of SFS, monastery of St. Germain, the Galary, the church and castle of Thorens, La Roche, the church and castle at Frangy, Chaumont, Notre Dame de La Gorge, Chavanod, Chambery, Lyons, Ars and Geneva. It was indeed a great delight to meet our confreres working in different parishes in Annecy diocese. We were given a chance to interact with the parishioners and the Friends of the Fransalian and enjoy their hospitality. It was also a joy to visit our institutions and our confreres in Switzerland. Fr. Emile Mayoraz gave his fraternal guidance in our meeting with him. The program concluded on 30th October with each of us giving an audio-visual presentation of our assignment and receiving a certificate of our participation in the course. We also had a short evaluation of the program and a thanksgiving mass. We are indeed indebted to many, especially to Fr. Yves who personally drove us to the different places and explained the details and the importance of each place; and Fr. Samuel who took good care of all of us and ensured that we had a good comfortable stay at Annecy. Having gone through such a wonderful experience we look forward to sharing what we have learnt with our confreres and others who are keen to know about SFS, Fr. Mermier and our Congregation. Fr. Melroy Almeida MSFS

Extravaganza of Colours at SFS School, Jhajjar

The Annual Parents’ Day program forms an integral part of school activities. It is an occasion of celebration, felicitation and festivity. The theme was Har Rang Kuch Kehta Hai. The students from pre-primary to twelfth, with zest, vibrancy and elation staged a resplendent pageant of art, music, dance and drama. Mr. Deepender Singh Hooda, the M.P. of Rohtak was the Chief Guest and Mrs. Geeta Bhukkal, M.L.A. of Jhajjar was the Guest of Honour. Many other dignitaries, fathers and sisters were present.

The program commenced with the lighting of the ceremonial lamp by the dignitaries. The two hours cultural show held the audience in awe and helped to enlighten them on various values. To highlight a few items - Class V by their musical skit projected the real aspect of authentic love and love for the Divine. Class VII focused on the social evil of female infanticide thus making people aware of the

5 need to accept and love the girl child. Class XI paid homage and honour to the armed forces by performing on the theme ‘Tribute to the Indian Soldier’. Class XII by their ghost dance portrayed the colour black as horror.

The Chief Guest highly appreciated the Management, Staff and Students for the classic program presented. The Guest of Honour urged the parents to encourage and praise their children for their good works and achievements as it gives them the needed strength to face the world. It is only in school that children can make mistakes, learn from them and improve themselves. The program concluded with the singing of the National Anthem. Fr. Deepak Kindo MSFS

Retro to Metro at St. John’s Public School

St. John’s Public School (CBSE), Nagpur, which is in its tenth year, celebrated its Annual Parents’ Day on 9th December 2018. The theme ‘Retro to Metro’ was a blend of drama and dances showing the changing trends of Bollywood from the year 1950 to 2018. After the initial formalities of welcome, all those present were taken back in Bollywood history and gradually were brought to the present day by the scintillating dances of the students. The quadrangle of the school was filled to capacity.

After all the hard work put in by the teachers to get the venue ready for the day it looked as if God was playing spoil sport with them. It rained very heavily early in the morning and all the decorations were spoiled. The skies threatened to ruin the day but with prayers going up to the heavens and with fingers crossed, it slowly cleared and things were once again set in place. The program began with a fusion of live musical concert of the golden times of Indian cinema. Every class was given a certain period of time from which they picked up the best songs and dance sequences and performed them on stage. The audience were glued to their seats as song after song were played and the students full of energy and enthusiasm gave their best performance, almost as good as the stars of the screen. They were applauded by loud cheers. Four students of classes 1st, 3rd, 7th and 9th anchored the entire program. They were the icing on the cake.


The Chief Guest was Mr. Vijay Barse, founder of Slum Soccer. A biopic of him is being made under the direction of Mr. Nagraj Manjule. The superstar Mr. Amitabh Bachchan is playing his role. During these days the shooting of the film is taking place in the school and campus of St. John. Mr. Barse inspired the audience by sharing about his work of slum soccer. Fr. Muthuswamy MSFS the Provincial was the Guest of Honour. He spoke of the very humble beginnings of the school, wherein he was part of it and how the school has progressed down the years. The Principal, Fr George Kurickal shared his vision of the school in his speech and through the school report which was read by Ms. Jennifer Franswah. Besides the parents and well-wishers of the school all the MSFS Nagpur Apostolic Community members and many fathers and sisters from different schools and institutions were also present for the program. The concert was conceptualized, choreographed and directed by the teachers. The non-teaching staff also worked hard to make this program a successful one. Heartiest Congratulations to the Management, Staff and Students for the wonderful show. Fr George Kurickal MSFS Effatha - Pursuit to Happiness The golden setting sun rays of 24th November 2018 extended a warm welcome to the parents at St. John's High School, for the Annual Sports Day entitled Effatha - Pursuit to Happiness.

The dignitaries on the dais who graced the occasion were Rev. Fr. Muthuswamy, the Provincial Superior of MSFS Nagpur Province; the Guests of Honour were Mr. Nagraj Manjule, director of Aat - Paat Production and Mr. Nago Ganar, MLC; also present were Fr. Patras Tirkey (Principal), Fr. Kulandai Raj (Manager), Fr. Vishwas Torne (Vice Principal), Fr. Telesfore (Office Incharge), Rev. Fr. Cyriac, Sr. Bernadette (Headmistress) and Mr. P. B. Kumbhalkar (Supervisor).

The dignitaries handed over the school flag to the school captain and the house flags to the house captains, who moved to the front of the assembled students to give the lead for the grand March Past. The Oath was administered by the school captain Master Maximus Aranha.. After seeking permission from the chief guest and at the beat of the drum, the marching troops moved forward with their flags. The school flag had the motto ‘Aim High’ and the house flags had their words - Integrity, Charity, Wisdom and Justice. The Principal, Rev. Fr. Patras Tirkey shared a short message highlighting the achievement made during the year.

The drill display was a real feast to the eyes for the spectators. The splendid field display, involving mass student participation, had colour and action splattered all over the field. The presentation included — School Chale Hum, Dreamland, Sacrifice, Bhangara, Fun-Fan, Lezim, Zumba, Saree Drill and Freestyle. The heart of the entire show was the finale, which left the spectators spellbound. After the display the audience attentively listened to what the dignitaries had to say. The meritorious students were honoured for their hard work done throughout the year. Red House was the proud recipient of the best March Past Trophy. The programme was co- ordinated by Mrs.


Mamta Jadhav and the student anchors were Master Kunal Khilnani and Master Ashish Anthony. The function concluded with the singing of the National Anthem. Mrs. Zena F

QUINTESSENCE Months of brain storming, planning, meetings, discussions, corrections, recordings, re- recordings, etc. came to a successful culmination on 30th November and 1st December 2018. It was the Annual Parents’ Day celebration of St. Francis de Sales Sr. Sec. School, Janakpuri, New Delhi. The theme was Quintessence - the virtues of life. The students depicted the virtues of St. Francis de Sales in the form of stunning musicals and plays. Ms. Parnavitana, Minister of Sri Lankan High Commission was the Chief Guest and Rev. Fr. John Britto Muthusamy, the Provincial Superior of Nagpur Province was the Guest of Honour on 30th November. Brigadier Tathagatha was the Chief Guest and Rev. Fr. George Parambukattil, the General Councilor for Education was the Guest of Honour on 1st December 2018. The Chief Guests, the Guests of Honour, the parents and well-wishers appreciated the programme and were awestruck at the multitude of works that went behind the scene. It was indeed an exuberant Annual Parents’ Day celebration which made everyone to relive St. Francis de Sales in the present times. Fr. Anthony Amaladoss MSFS


On 8th Decembers 2018 Gyanmata Vidya Vihar, , celebrated its Annual Parents’ Day program with enthusiasm and vibrancy. The entire school worked wholeheartedly towards the success of this important event of the year on the theme Lokdhara. The success was made possible by the relentless efforts of our Principal Fr. Marcus Ruptake, Vice-principal Fr. Manoj, Fr. Wilson, the Sisters and the entire staff. The encouragement and guidance to the staff by the Management also played a major role in the success of the function.

The Chief Guest was Mr. Sanjay Latkar, S.P. (ACB) Nanded. He and the other dignitaries were welcomed with flower bouquets; this was followed by the lighting of the ceremonial lamp. The program began with a prayer dance to solicit God’s blessings. This program provided GMVV a significant opportunity to create a long lasting cultural legacy; a strong vibrant cultural presentation

8 to the parents. The audience could feel the thrill of the culture through the lively and mesmerizing performances of the students. They enjoyed the cool winter evening with the colorful treat and assiduously penned cultural extravaganza. The chief guest was highly appreciated the students, teachers and the management for a classic program presented. He felt highly honored and elated to be given the opportunity of being the chief guest of the program. He also appreciated students and mentors for presenting a message oriented program. All the parents felt that the program exceeded their expectations. It also lifted the organizational profile of the school by presenting innovative and high quality artistic program. The teaching and service staff members and the students were indeed delighted to be a part of this historical event which was organized in a short period of time and presented very well. Hats off to all! Mr. Thomson Jagdale Annual Parents’ Day - SFS School Seraikella The 19th Annual Parents’ Day of SFS was celebrated on 24th November 2018 on the school grounds. Mr. Chaavi Ranjan, IAS, the Deputy Commissioner of Seraikella-Kharswan District was the chief- guest and Rev. Fr. Augustine Topno, the Administrator of Jamshedpur Diocese was the Guest of Honour. The celebration began with lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries. A prayer dance by pre- primary set the mood of celebration. Thereafter a brief annual report by Principal Rev. Fr. Anil George brought out the main events and achievements of the year. The Oddessy- to search, to find and to seek, being the theme of the annual parents’ day, the students enacted our varied cultural heritage in the form of enactment, music and dance depicting its cultural values in human society. Through this program the students sent across a message to our parents and well-wishers that the world is a beautiful place to live-in provided, we live out our cultural ethos consciously in our day-to-day life. Here is where education becomes not only a means to identify, recognize and promote such values of love, kindness, fraternity, peace, plurality and diversity, but also a vehicle to carry the cultural goodness beyond historical roots and geographical boundaries. Adding to this message, the chief guest in his speech highlighted the importance of children, becoming excellent and eminent persons in society, while studying and learning. ‘Local Social Goons’ can never become a model to be imitated. So the chief-guest had advised the parents to be careful while pointing out their role models to their wards and recommended them to choose role models who had really lived and proved their worth, like Dr. Kalam, Einstein, Socrates, etc. The chief guest said that the meticulous planning, systematic organization, suitable costume and colorful presentation of every event were all a matter of great appreciation and admiration. Though it was an annual parents’ day, it was a world-tour indeed for two hours. The program was an entertaining as well as an educating period for the parents and the students. The Management expressed its heartiest congratulations and gratitude to the students and the staff for their co-operation and hard work. Fr. Bosco MSFS


A Step in the Right Direction 9th December was a day of joy for the members of the Khandor community as well as for the faithful of the place. Rt. Rev. Julius Marandi, the Bishop of Dumka diocese visited the mission and blessed the land on which the construction of the new school building would soon commence. Bishop Julius was happy to be present for the occasion and he highly appreciated the work being done by the MSFS in the Kandor mission. Fr. Kamil Tete, the superior of the community welcomed all those present, especially His Lordship and Fr. William Antony msfs the Provincial Bursar. Also present for the occasion were Fr. John Ruptake, Dn. Manu Joseph, the FCC Sisters and hostel students. It was a long standing desire of those who worked in this mission to have a new school building, as the present structure is quite old and insufficient to meet the growing needs of education. I’m sure with a new building and many modern facilities many more children in this remote mission station will get the benefit of good education and have a bright future. We express our sincere gratitude to God for His blessings and say a big thank you to NFC and to all those who are assisting us in the construction of the school building. Dn. Manu Joseph Thadathil MSFS

Participants for Second Constitutional Retreat: 26th – 31st December 2018

Anto Deepak, Manu Joseph, Roshan Tigga, Ajimon Cherian, Albin Joseph, Alois Borogaon, Amal Raju Bandanadam, Anil George, Anil Pandit, Anson Kaliyath, Anthony Amaladoss, Cyprian Dung Dung, Daniel Pareste, Deepak Kindo, Emile Tirkey, Emmanuel Vattamattam, George Peter, Gijo Francis, Henry Peter, Ignati Kshirsagar, Ignatius D’Costa, Jijo John, Jins Joe, John Dive, John Parkhe, John Ruptake, Jose Parampukattil, Joseph Kailamangalam, Joseph Kalekattil, Joseph Pullopillil, K Thomas, Lalit Tigga, Lalji Pattathil, Lijohn K, Louis Romeo, Marcus Ruptake, Mathew Kodamullil, Melroy Almeida, Mickey D’ Souza, Oscar Kujur, Patras Tirkey, Paul Varambinakam, Peter Kujur, Ramesh Damala, Raphael Xalxo, Richard Tirkey, Saiju Vettukallel, Samuel Rayar, Shijumon Mangalath, Silbester Kullu, Sylbester Xalxo, Thomas Vadakumpadam, Vinayanand Katru, Vincent

Minj and Wilson Abraham Note: The Congregational retreat is mandatory for all the members of the Province. If any member has any difficulty in attending the retreat, he is requested to contact Fr. Provincial.

Let us pray for

Mrs. Lilly Pushpam, the aunt of Fr. Gijo Francis, who passed away on 21st December 2018. Mrs. Anna Joseph, the mother of Fr. George Kurickal, who passed away on 22nd December 2018.

Hearty Congratulations

Rt. Rev. Elias Gonsalves who is appointed as the Archbishop of the Nagpur Archdiocese. On behalf of our Nagpur Province, we assure him of our prayers. Rev. Fr. Benny Koottanal MSFS who is appointed as the Provincial of South West Province for a second Term of three years. We wish him all the very best.


Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Mappilaparambil MSFS who is appointed the Regional Superior of Dibrugarh Region for a second term of three years. We wish him all the very best. We congratulate the new Provincial Councillors and the Provincial Bursar of the Visakhapatnam Province: Fr. Sesetti Mariadas, Fr. Dola Velangani Rao, Fr. Manoj Pathuppalil, Fr. G. Sandeep Reddy and Fr. Bellamkonda Anil Bosco. We assure them of our Prayers.

Important Dates Dates of Province Forum Meetings: Formation Forum - 27th and 28th January Education Forum - 16th and 17th February Innovative and Social Forum - 22nd and 23rd February Mission Forum - 27th and 28th February NP: Above mentioned forum meetings will be held in Provincialate, Nagpur.

Provincial Bursar’s Itinerary


11-12 Kinwat 18-19 St. John’s School 13-14 Nanded 20-21 Mermier Sadan 15-16 Jalna 22-23 Darkona 17-18 FTI March 19-20 Cidco 17-18 Mahima 27-28 Nimkheda 19-20 Vinay Sadan February 21-22 Jajjhar 01-02 Mannarkkad 25-26 Nimach 03-05 Kullarayanpalayam 28-29 Varanasi

Provincial’s Itinerary:

December 18-19 St. John’s 26-31 Retreat Nagpur 20-21 Mermier Sadan 22 23 Provincialate January 25 26 Bhusawal 02 Kerala 03-04 Mannarkkad March 05-06 Changanacherry 01-02 Panderpalli 07 Kullarayanapalayam 03-04 Amabpani 08 Nagpur 05-06 Raidihi 11-12 Kinwat 07-08 Pabura 13-14 Nanded 09-08 Darkona 15-16 Jalna 11 Sini 17-18 FTI 12 Sireikella 19-20 Cidco 13-14 Baradurgapur 21-22 Khamgaon 15-16 Kandor 23-24 Nimkheda 17-18 Varanasi 25-31 Nagpur 19-20 Vinay Sadan 31 Guwahati- General Chapter 21-22 Jhajjar 23-24 Mahima February 25-26 Nimach 15 Guwahati- General Chapter


Salesian Thought “Love is the soul of our life. To love is the law of our being. The quality of our life depends on the quality of our love”

Fr. J. B. Muthuswamy MSFS Provincial Superior