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The prospects for sequencing the western corn rootworm genome

Nicholas Miller University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]

S. Richards Human Genome Sequencing Center, Baylor College of Medicine

T. W. Sappington USDA-ARS, CICGRU, Genetics Laboratory,

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Miller, Nicholas; Richards, S.; and Sappington, T. W., "The prospects for sequencing the western corn rootworm genome" (2010). Faculty Publications: Department of Entomology. 241.

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The prospects for sequencing the western corn rootworm genome N. J. Miller1, S. Richards2 & T. W. Sappington1

1 USDA-ARS, CICGRU, Genetics Laboratory, Iowa State University, Ames, 50011 IA, USA 2 Human Genome Sequencing Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, 77030 TX, USA

Keywords Abstract virgifera virgifera, genomics, next- generation DNA sequencing Historically, obtaining the complete sequence of eukaryotic genomes has been an expensive and complex task. For this reason, efforts to Correspondence sequence genomes have largely been confined to model organ- Nicholas J. Miller (corresponding author), isms, species that are important to human health and representative USDA-ARS, CICGRU, Genetics Laboratory, Iowa species from a few insect orders. This situation is set to change as a State University, Ames, 50011 IA, USA. number of ‘next generation’ sequencing technologies are making large- E-mail: [email protected] scale DNA sequencing both affordable and accessible. Sequencing the Received: June 1, 2009; accepted: August 19, genome of the western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera,is 2009. likely to become a realistic proposition within the next 2 years. In the meantime, there is an active community of Diabrotica geneticists and doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0418.2009.01448.x biologists who are working to assemble the resources that will be needed for a genome sequencing project. A western corn rootworm gen- ome sequence will be an invaluable resource that will facilitate research into the genetics, evolution and ecology of a major pest of agri- culture in and .

bee (Honeybee Genome Sequencing Consortium Introduction 2006) both have been sequenced. The first complete sequence of an insect genome To date, only one coleopteran genome has been was reported less than a decade ago (Adams et al. sequenced, that of the red flour , Tribolium 2000). Fittingly, this was the genome of the fruit fly castaneum (Tribolium Genome Sequencing Consor- Drosophila melanogaster, a premier model organism tium 2008). The availability of complete genome for genetical and molecular studies of biological pro- sequences from four different orders is proving to be cesses. Since then, the number of insect species for an invaluable resource for studying the evolution which genome sequencing efforts have been com- and fundamental biology of . For example, pleted or are underway has grown substantially. As comparative analyses have revealed many genes well as additional Drosophila species, there has been that were present in the common ancestor of insects an emphasis on sequencing the genomes of insects and vertebrates but have been lost in the lineage that impact human health as vectors of disease. leading to Diptera such as Drosophila and mosquitoes These include several mosquito species, tsetse fly, (Honeybee Genome Sequencing Consortium 2006, sand fly and Rhodnius prolixus, the vector of Chagas’ Tribolium Genome Sequencing Consortium 2008). disease (Robinson et al. 2006). Economically impor- Tribolium was a natural first choice for a beetle tant domesticated insects have not been ignored as genome to sequence. The species is an important the genomes of the silkworm moth, pest of stored grain products. It is also an excellent (Mita et al. 2004; Xia et al. 2004; The International model species, being easy to maintain in culture Silkworm Genome Consortium 2008) and the honey and amenable to genetic manipulation, and has a

420 J. Appl. Entomol. 134 (2010) 420–428 ª 2009 Blackwell Verlag, GmbH N. J. Miller, S. Richards and T. W. Sappington Western corn rootworm genome sequencing relatively small genome at around 204 Mbp (Brown elevated esterase activity (Miota et al. 1998; Scharf et al. 1990). These characteristics are typical of the et al. 1999; Zhou et al. 2002). As well as evolving organisms that have been selected for genome resistance to synthetic , western corn sequencing, particularly small genome size. Of 18 rootworm has adapted to crop rotation as a cultural genome projects listed by Robinson et al. method of control. Crop rotation exploits the (2006), most involve organisms with genomes less females’ strong preference for maize fields as oviposi- than 500 Mbp and only two concern genomes tion sites and the univoltine life cycle in which eggs greater than 1 Gbp. This is to be expected. Histori- pass through the winter in . Typically in the cally, genome sequencing efforts have been large USA, maize is rotated with soybeans in a 2-year cycle. projects costing millions of US dollars and requiring Because females do not lay eggs in soybean fields, the involvement of many institutions. Naturally, when the fields are rotated to maize the following there has been a tendency to select insect species year, they are free of eggs and, crucially, larvae that that, in addition to their interesting biological prop- are responsible for causing damage. Adaptation to erties, happen to have small genomes that are less crop rotation was first seen in east-central Illinois expensive to sequence. (Levine and Oloumi-Sadeghi 1996), where females In recent years, a number of technological devel- had lost their ovipositional fidelity to maize fields opments have caused the cost of DNA sequencing to (Levine et al. 2002; Mabry and Spencer 2003; Pierce plummet. Consequently, sequencing comparatively and Gray 2006), and has since spread throughout large genomes from non-model organisms is becom- most of Illinois and into several neighbouring states ing a realistic proposition. In this paper, we briefly and provinces (Gray et al. 2009). Adaptation to review current ‘next-generation’ sequencing meth- transgenic maize that expresses insecticidal proteins ods and improvements to these methods that may from has not been observed in be expected in the foreseeable future. We also dis- the field but selected for in the laboratory (Lefko cuss how these new technologies may enable the et al. 2008; Meihls et al. 2008). genome of the western corn rootworm to be There is an active community of researchers sequenced, a project that although desirable has focused on the genetics and genomics of western hitherto been prohibitively expensive. corn rootworm, particularly in the context of its adaptability and invasiveness. The collaborative nat- ure of this community is evidenced by the Diabrotica Why sequence the western corn rootworm genetics consortium, which comprises 36 research genome? groups in 23 institutions in North America, Europe The western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgif- and Australia (Sappington et al. 2006). There is an era (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is arguably the most ongoing effort to use genetic variation to understand destructive pest of maize in the USA where the the process by which western corn rootworm is annual costs of control and lost yield exceed $1 bil- invading Europe (Miller et al. 2005; Ciosi et al. lion (Sappington et al. 2006). Furthermore, the spe- 2008). A variety of approaches have been used to cies is invasive in Europe and has become investigate the adaptation to crop rotation including widespread through a combination of intra-conti- genome scanning (Miller et al. 2007), gene expres- nental movements and recurrent transatlantic intro- sion studies (Garabagi et al. 2008) and the develop- ductions (Miller et al. 2005; Ciosi et al. 2008). ment of an expressed sequence tag (EST) library Because of its pest status, the western corn root- (H. M. Robertson, S. T. Ratcliffe, J. Thimmapuram, worm is often exposed to strong selection pressures L. Lin & G. Gong: GenBank accessions EW761110– in the form of pest management technologies and EW777362). An EST library also has been developed methods. Unfortunately, it has demonstrated a from the larval midgut, primarily as a tool to identify remarkable ability to adapt to these selection pres- potential targets for insecticides (Siegfried et al. sures. Populations in Nebraska evolved resistance to 2005). Efforts are underway to map quantitative trait cyclodiene insecticides, used as soil treatments, loci (QTL) associated with resistance to Bt-toxins within a decade (Ball and Weekman 1962). Cyclodi- (K.J. Oswald and M.J. Bagley, pers. comm.) and enes were succeeded by and carba- organophosphate insecticides (B.D. Siegfried, L.J. mate insecticides, which also were widely used in Meinke, N.J. Miller and T.W. Sappington, unpubl. Nebraska for both adult and larval control. By the data). All of these research programs would benefit early 1990s, adult resistance to these clas- considerably from a western corn rootworm genome ses had evolved (Meinke et al. 1998), largely due to sequence. The most immediate justification for

J. Appl. Entomol. 134 (2010) 420–428 ª 2009 Blackwell Verlag, GmbH 421 Western corn rootworm genome sequencing N. J. Miller, S. Richards and T. W. Sappington pursuing a genome sequence is simply economic. It sequencing run, or ‘read’ will provide up to 800 will be cheaper in the long run to sequence the wes- bases of reliable data. tern corn rootworm genome than for individual lab- Eukaryotic genomes have been sequenced follow- oratories to continue developing genomic tools and ing one of two strategies. The more traditional working on problems piecemeal. approach is to generate libraries of clones of genomic A genome sequence, in combination with a good DNA that are assembled into a physical map of the linkage map would greatly facilitate identifying genome. The individual clones are then sequenced genes involved in mapped traits. Once a trait has and, because their orientation and relative order is been mapped to a particular genomic region, the known, the entire genome sequence can be recon- genes in that region potentially involved in the trait structed (e.g. The Arabidopsis Genome Initiative can be looked up from the genome sequence (Hunt 2000). This strategy has largely been supplanted by et al. 2007; Ammons and Hunt 2008). A likely ‘whole genome shotgun’ sequencing, which relies early application would be candidate genes at QTL primarily on computer algorithms to assemble un- for resistance to insecticides, especially Bt-toxins. A ordered sequence reads into large contiguous genome sequence would also aid the study of genes sequences (e.g. Adams et al. 2000). Typically at least that are not easy to identify by other means. Genes sixfold coverage (i.e. on average, each genomic loca- that are only expressed transiently, at very low tion is sequenced six times) is needed to obtain a levels and/or in only a few cells are unlikely to be ‘draft’ genome sequence. found in EST libraries. For example, genome Both the traditional and whole genome shotgun sequences have been essential to the identification approaches require huge numbers of individual of insect olfactory and gustatory receptor genes sequencing reactions to be performed and their (e.g. Clyne et al. 1999; Robertson and Wanner products analysed by electrophoresis. Consequently, 2006; Engsontia et al. 2008). Equally, genes that genome sequencing has historically been carried out are evolving rapidly can be hard to isolate via at dedicated genome sequencing centres that are homology with known genes in other species but adequately equipped to cope with the task and are still can be identified in genome sequences (e.g. Hill highly automated to maximize throughput. Genome et al. 2002). centres also benefit from economies of scale that substantially reduce the unit cost of sequencing reac- tions. Nevertheless, we estimate that to sequence the DNA sequencing technologies western corn rootworm genome to sixfold coverage Regardless of the DNA sequencing technology used, using Sanger sequencing would cost between 10 and the size of a genome is a key determinant in the cost 15 million US dollars. Although there is a strong of sequencing it. In this respect, the western corn argument for sequencing the western corn rootworm rootworm presents a significant challenge because its genome, there are equally strong arguments to sup- haploid genome is estimated to be around port sequencing a multitude of smaller, more tracta- 2.5 · 109 bp (Sappington et al. 2006). This is compa- ble genomes from other organisms. It therefore rable to the genomes of mammals such as human seems improbable that financial support could be (2.9 · 109 bp) or mouse (2.5 · 109 bp). Although obtained to sequence the western corn rootworm the estimate of the western corn rootworm genome genome using standard Sanger methods. size is preliminary (Sappington et al. 2006), it is the In the past 5 years, several new DNA sequencing only one currently available and therefore provides methods, often collectively termed ‘next-generation’ the best guide to the likely costs of a genome sequencing, have become available. These methods sequencing effort. differ substantially in their underlying chemistry and All of the complete eukaryotic genomes that have the nature of the data they produce but all can be been published to date have been based on Sanger characterized as generating many short (compared to dideoxy termination chemistry and capillary electro- Sanger chemistry) sequence reads in a massively phoresis. Since its invention (Sanger et al. 1977), the parallel manner, thus greatly reducing the cost per Sanger method of DNA sequencing has undergone sequenced nucleotide. The specialized chemistry and substantial refinement and the probability of errors engineering required to perform this feat relies on in the modern version is well understood (Ewing sophisticated instruments, specific to each method and Green 1998). Consequently, Sanger sequencing and supplied by a single vendor. is the standard against which other sequencing tech- The first commercially available next-generation nologies are compared. Typically, a single Sanger technology was ‘454’ (pronounced ‘four-five-four’)

422 J. Appl. Entomol. 134 (2010) 420–428 ª 2009 Blackwell Verlag, GmbH N. J. Miller, S. Richards and T. W. Sappington Western corn rootworm genome sequencing pyrosequencing (Margulies et al. 2005), developed of assembling sequence reads into a complete gen- by 454 Life Sciences (Branford, CT, USA), now a ome and may largely, if not entirely, eliminate the division of Roche (Basel, ). Samples are need for supplementary Sanger sequencing to com- prepared for sequencing by obtaining short DNA plete de novo genome sequencing. fragments, normally by mechanical shearing, to Six instrument runs would be needed for onefold which synthetic adaptors are ligated. Single-stranded coverage of the western corn rootworm genome. template molecules are then captured onto micro- Because individual reads are shorter than for Sanger scopic beads via a bound oligonucleotide that sequencing, 15-fold coverage would be required to complements the adaptors using a template concen- assemble a draft genome sequence. At present day tration low enough that at most one molecule is prices, this would cost around $700 000. Given some expected to attach to a bead. The single template additional costs associated with obtaining and pre- molecules are then amplified by ‘emulsion-PCR’ or paring samples and the bioinformatics needed to ‘em-PCR’. The em-PCR takes place in an emulsion assemble the genome, a 454-based effort to sequence of oil and PCR reaction mixture such that single the western corn rootworm would cost approxi- beads are held in a droplet of reaction mixture, mately $1 million. Although this is by no means a where the single template on each bead is clonally trivial sum, it is not much greater than the levels of amplified. After em-PCR, the beads with amplified funding that could be obtained through a single template are combined with a sequencing primer competitive research grant, albeit a generous one. (complementary to the adaptor sequence) and DNA For comparison, the US department of Agriculture polymerase and deposited into the wells of a special- Cooperative State Research, Education, and Exten- ized ‘Pico Titer Plate’. The size of the wells ensures sion Service (USDA-CSREES) Agriculture and Food only one bead can enter a well. Additional, smaller Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program’s beads carrying ATP sulphurylase and luciferase are maximum budget for proposals in the Arthropod then added to the wells. Pyrosequencing by synthe- and Nematode Biology and Management: Tools, sis is performed using a specialized instrument, the Resources and Genomics program is $750 000. It is ‘Genome Sequencer FLX’ (Roche). The four nucleo- also encouraging to note that the per-base cost of tides are sequentially and repeatedly flowed over the 454 sequencing declined by about fourfold during wells of the plate along with additional reagents for 2008. This was largely due to increases in read pyrosequencing. At each cycle, if the nucleotide is length and the number of reads per instrument run. incorporated into the growing DNA strand by DNA Roche has already announced efforts to increase polymerase, pyrophosphate is released. The bead- read lengths up to 1000 bases (see press releases bound ATP sulphurylase catalyses the reaction of the available at It therefore seems pyrophosphate with adenosine phosphosulphate to reasonable to suppose that further significant reduc- produce ATP which is then used by luciferase to tions in the costs of 454 sequencing will occur in the convert luciferin to oxyluciferin. This last reaction near future. produces light which is recorded by the instrument’s A second next-generation sequencing technology optics system. An image of the entire plate is taken is based on the use of ‘reversible terminator chemis- at each flow cycle. Thus, many template molecules try’ (Bentley et al. 2008). This approach was com- are sequenced in parallel, each appearing as a ‘spot’ mercialized by Solexa Inc., subsequently acquired by on the image. The sequence of each template is Illumina Inc. (San Diego, CA, USA). As with 454 determined by the nucleotide washes at which light sequencing, the initial stage is to obtain a sample of is emitted. short DNA fragments, normally by mechanical Since its introduction, 454 sequencing technology shearing and to ligate synthetic adaptors to them. has been refined, yielding significant improvements DNA molecules are then immobilized by hybridiza- in performance. At present, a single sequencing run tion to oligonucleotides, complementary to the adap- on the Genome Sequencer FLX instrument generates tor sequence and bound to the surface of a ‘flow over 106 individual reads at around 400 bases each cell’. The lawn of oligonucleotides bonded to the or up to 6 · 108 bases in total. A further recent flow cell not only acts to capture the DNA templates improvement is the development of sample prepara- but also provides the primers for ‘bridge amplifica- tion methods to enable ‘paired-end’ reads. These tion’ in which the original template molecules are consist of a pair of reads in opposite orientation (i.e. amplified to generate many additional copies, clus- towards each other) separated by a known distance. tered at the site of the original molecule. Thus, the The availability of such data greatly aids the process surface of the flow cell is populated with millions of

J. Appl. Entomol. 134 (2010) 420–428 ª 2009 Blackwell Verlag, GmbH 423 Western corn rootworm genome sequencing N. J. Miller, S. Richards and T. W. Sappington discrete clusters, each of which generates a sequence extremely short, up to 50 bases. Because of these read. short read lengths, the SOLiD system is not being Sequencing by the reversible terminator method is used for de novo sequencing of eukaryotic genomes, performed using an automated instrument, the ‘Illu- as far as we are aware. The most recent next-genera- mina Genome Analyzer’ (Illumina). Inside the tion sequencing technology to become available is instrument, modified nucleotides that carry different based on sequencing-by-synthesis and is unusual fluorophores (corresponding to the four different because the sequencing template does not need to bases) and a proprietary reversible terminator that be amplified. Rather, each sequencing read is blocks further DNA strand extension are added to obtained directly from a single DNA molecule (Harris the flow cell. A DNA polymerase adds the comple- et al. 2008). This single-molecule sequencing plat- mentary nucleotides to newly synthesized strands in form is supplied by Helicos Biosciences (Cambridge, each cluster on the flow cell and the terminator MA, USA) and presently offers comparable read ensures only a single nucleotide is added to each lengths and total sequence output to the SOLiD strand. At this point, the fluorophores are excited system. Other approaches to next-generation and an image of the flow cell is taken. The identity sequencing are being pursued but are presently at of the nucleotide incorporated into each cluster is the proof-of-concept stage. A particularly interesting determined by the wavelength of light emitted by example is a method that involves the direct obser- the fluorophore. Next, a chemical treatment is vation of individual DNA polymerase molecules as applied that cleaves off the fluorophore and also they add labelled nucleotides to a new DNA strand removes the terminator. The entire process is and which has the potential to generate sequencing repeated to determine the next nucleotide in the reads thousands of bases in length (Eid et al. 2009). sequence of each cluster. Given the remarkable cost reductions that next- The key feature of Illumina’s sequencing technol- generation sequencing methods offer, it is reasonable ogy is that it generates enormous numbers of very to ask why many new genomes have not been short reads. Ongoing refinements to the technology sequenced using these technologies. In part, the have more than doubled the read lengths that can answer is that the technology has only been avail- be obtained since it was introduced but the maxi- able and reasonably mature for a short period of mum read length is currently only 75 bases. This is time. Thus, projects to sequence eukaryotic genomes offset by the sheer number of clusters that can be largely or entirely by next-generation methods are sequenced in parallel – up to 1 · 108, yielding as not yet complete. Ongoing insect pest projects much as 7 · 109 bases of sequence per instrument include Helicoverpa amigera, the Hessian fly (Mayetiola run. The instrument manufacturer has already destructor) and the medfly (Ceratitis capitata). A more announced efforts to increase both read length and fundamental issue is that of assembling short read density of clusters on the flow cell. Furthermore, data from next-generation sequencing methods into methods have been developed to carry out paired- a complete or even draft genome sequence. The end sequencing which not only eases assembly of application of next-generation sequencing to large the reads but effectively doubles the amount of eukaryotic genomes has so far been driven by inter- sequence generated per instrument run although the est in ‘re-sequencing’ of organisms for which a cost and time taken increase proportionally. Because genome sequence has already been determined by the individual reads are so short, a much greater Sanger sequencing, especially human genomes (e.g. depth of coverage, as much as 50-fold is needed for Wheeler et al. 2008; Chiang et al. 2009). Under a genome sequence. Even so, the technology is quite these circumstances, the next-generation reads can affordable. Sequencing a 2.5 Gb genome to 50-fold be mapped to the existing reference sequence so the coverage with Illumina’s technology could be done issue of assembly does not arise. In contrast, the all for around $200 000 at current prices. against all alignment approach that is the basis of Sequencing by Oligonucleotide Ligation and algorithms for whole genome shotgun sequence Detection (SOLiD) is yet another next-generation assembly of Sanger sequence data does not perform sequencing platform, sold by Applied Biosystems well with the shorter read lengths typical of next- (Foster City, CA, USA). SOLiD differs from most generation methods (Quinn et al. 2008). In particu- other DNA sequencing technologies in that it is lar, the read lengths of some platforms are near or based on ligation reactions rather than DNA synthe- less than the minimum alignment length required sis. The SOLiD system generates up to 20 · 109 bases for positive alignment of two sequence reads, and of sequence of data per run but individual reads are the sheer numbers of the required short reads

424 J. Appl. Entomol. 134 (2010) 420–428 ª 2009 Blackwell Verlag, GmbH N. J. Miller, S. Richards and T. W. Sappington Western corn rootworm genome sequencing greatly increase the computational effort required. the total cost of sequencing. Fortunately, work has This problem is being mitigated as read lengths already begun to obtain an accurate size estimate by increase, particularly for 454 pyrosequencing means of flow cytometry (B.S. Coates, pers. comm.). (Rounsley et al. 2009). A ‘hybrid’ strategy in which In addition to an estimate of the size of the gen- the genome is cloned into a large-insert library that ome, a preliminary evaluation of its sequence com- is then assembled into a physical map followed by position and organization will be important. Given next-generation sequencing of pools of contiguous its large size, we may be certain that a considerable clones may also be effective (Rounsley et al. 2009). proportion of the western corn rootworm genome is There is also strong interest within the bioinfor- made up of repetitive elements, which will pose matics community to develop new methods that problems during genome assembly. An assessment of cope better with de novo assembly of next-generation the size and nature of the repetitive elements that sequencing data and significant advances are being are common in the western corn rootworm genome made (Butler et al. 2008; Chaisson and Pevzner will give an indication of how severe the assembly 2008; Miller et al. 2008; Zerbino and Birney 2008). problems might be. Ideally, an awareness of the dif- Early assembly algorithms focused on very short ficulties likely to be encountered due to repetitive reads (30–35 bp) and small, relatively repeat free elements will lead to strategies that help to mitigate prokaryotic genomes. As read lengths have increased, them. Furthermore, the relationship between coding focus has shifted to larger and more complex eukary- genes and repetitive elements is important. If wes- otes. Recent announcements have declared successful tern corn rootworm genes tend to have large introns de novo genome assemblies using only data from that contain repetitive elements with high sequence next-generation sequencing, for the giant panda (see identity (as seen in the maize genome) then genome for press releases) and the assembly will be especially challenging. If on the oil palm (see for press releases). other hand, repetitive elements and coding genes are It is important to stress that neither of these genome partitioned into different genome regions it may be assemblies have yet been published in the peer- relatively easy to assemble at least the more interest- reviewed literature. Consequently, it is not known ing gene-rich regions. Work is already underway how good the assemblies are or how they were that will provide the needed preliminary genome achieved. Nevertheless, these announcements are sequence data. As part of a larger project to provide encouraging and indicate that a purely next-genera- genomic resources for western corn rootworm, we tion approach to genome sequencing is feasible. (N.J. Miller and T.W. Sappington with B.D. Siegfried Overall, it appears that next-generation technologies and H.M. Robertson) are in the process of sequenc- and their attendant bioinformatic tools are not quite ing up to 100 Bacterial Artificial Chromosome clones mature enough to be relied upon for a successful each of which contains a large section (average of attempt to sequence the western corn rootworm gen- 105 kb) of the western corn rootworm genome. The ome. However, it seems highly probable that this sequences of these BACs will be deposited in a web- situation will change within 1–2 years, especially as accessible database that is being developed as part of incrementally increasing read lengths reduce the the same project. A further asset being developed as complexity of the required assemblies. part of this project is a high-density linkage map of the western corn rootworm genome that will aid in the high-level assembly of a genome sequence. Prerequisites for a genome sequencing effort Unfortunately, the Tribolium genome sequence Before any genome sequencing effort can be will probably not be of great assistance for assem- launched, a number of resources need to be avail- bling a western corn rootworm genome. Because the able. In the case of the western corn rootworm, two species are in different superfamilies (Tenebrio- many of these are already available or are being noidea and Chrysomeloidea), they are sufficiently actively developed by members of the Diabrotica unrelated that synteny (evolutionary conservation of research community. The first and probably most gene-order along chromosomes) is unlikely. This pressing need is for a better estimate of the size of suspicion is supported by the more than 10-fold dif- the genome. The amount of sequencing that must ference in genome size between the two species. be done is highly dependent on the genome’s size. However, the availability of the Tribolium annotated The preliminary estimate of the western corn root- gene set will greatly enhance the automated annota- worm’s genome size, 2.5 · 109 bp (Sappington et al. tion of the western corn rootworm genome. This is 2006), is not reliable enough to accurately estimate because protein sequences (and their underlying

J. Appl. Entomol. 134 (2010) 420–428 ª 2009 Blackwell Verlag, GmbH 425 Western corn rootworm genome sequencing N. J. Miller, S. Richards and T. W. Sappington genes) tend to be more evolutionarily conserved within the genome sequence. Much of this can be than large-scale genome organization. Consequently, done computationally but ‘manual’ annotation by Tribolium can provide a set of relatively closely scientists is also important. The National Center for related protein sequences that can be used to ‘train’ Biotechnology Information (NCBI) offers to work in automated gene prediction software. This will be partnership with research communities to annotate especially important for detecting genes that are genome sequences. An important resource for anno- unique to the Coleoptera. The known exon order of tation is ESTs, sequences that are derived from mes- Tribolium genes could also be used to correct gene- senger RNA as these can be used to identify coding scale assembly errors in the western corn rootworm genes within the genomic sequence. An appreciable genome sequence that may occur due to the pres- number of ESTs have already been obtained for the ence of very long introns. western corn rootworm (see above). Nevertheless, Another important resource will be the develop- an expanded EST set covering additional tissues, life ment of an inbred western corn rootworm strain stages and biological states will be an important that can be used as a source of DNA for sequencing. asset. Next-generation sequencing is likely to make Ideally, the DNA sample used in a genome sequenc- the acquisition of new ESTs both inexpensive and ing effort would contain no allelic variation. Such rapid. variation complicates the assembly process as the assembly algorithm may be unable to distinguish Conclusion between reads that are similar but non-identical due to allelic variation, sequencing errors and paralogues. Although a project to sequence the western corn The latter are similar sequences from different rootworm genome is not yet quite feasible, the rapid genomic locations that have arisen due to gene pace of developments in sequencing technology duplications in the organism’s evolutionary past. mean that it almost certainly will be within 2 years. Realistically, allelic variation cannot be eliminated In the meantime, the resources needed for a success- from a western corn rootworm strain but it can be ful genome sequencing effort can be, and are being minimized by successive generations of inbreeding. developed, in particular: Recently, USDA scientists working at Brookings, 1 An inbred strain. South Dakota have begun work to develop an inbred 2 A good estimate of the size of the western corn strain (B.W. French, pers. comm.). The strain is rootworm genome. being derived from a laboratory colony that was sub- 3 Preliminary data on the sequence organization of jected to artificial selection to remove the obligatory the western corn rootworm genome from bacte- diapause that the eggs undergo (Branson 1976). rial artificial chromosome clones. Consequently, it is possible to rear four, rather than 4 A high-density linkage map for western corn root- one, generations per year. This strain has already lost worm. roughly a quarter of its natural variation compared 5 Expanded coverage of EST data for western corn to wild populations (Kim et al. 2007). Multiple rootworm. inbred lines are being developed, each maintained through a cross between a single pair of siblings at Acknowledgements each generation. The redundancy of developing mul- tiple lines is important because it is likely that many This study was developed from discussions held dur- will go extinct as a result of inbreeding depression. It ing the Western Corn Rootworm Genome Sequenc- is anticipated that the final inbred strain will pass ing Workshop at the Entomological Society of through up to eight generations of sib mating before America’s Annual Meeting in Reno, Nevada in being maintained as a normal laboratory colony that November 2008. We thank all of the participants in can be made available to the western corn rootworm the workshop who generously shared their knowl- research community. edge and insight. Two anonymous reviewers pro- In this paper, we have concentrated on the pros- vided constructive criticism of an earlier draft of the pects for sequencing the western corn rootworm manuscript. genome. Once a genome sequence is obtained, an arguably larger challenge presents itself, that of References genome annotation. Annotation is the process of identifying and describing features such as coding Adams MD, Celniker SE, Holt RA, Evans CA, Gocayne genes, regulatory elements and mobile elements JD, Amanatides PG, Scherer SE, Li PW, Hoskins RA,

426 J. Appl. Entomol. 134 (2010) 420–428 ª 2009 Blackwell Verlag, GmbH N. J. Miller, S. Richards and T. W. Sappington Western corn rootworm genome sequencing

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