Tuesday, A rfril 22,1969 B 13 The Washington Merry-Go-Round Liberty Lobby Carries Weight on Hill signed from the club in pro- his own files were copied by days. He has represented var- test against its restrictive By Drew Pearson his employes. ious other spectacular right- membership, He has long sat wing or conflict-of-interest Court of Appeals which and Jack Anderson The classified papers which clients such as Fulton Lewis on the Otepka gave Dodd pertained Jr., Sherman Adams, Bernard Robb will join—if confirmed Nobody in Washington to the security clearance of Goldfine and Air Force Secre- by the Senate. would take seriously the small several officials, the most im- tary Harold Talbot. Robb, as an inner circle portant being Walt Whitman . of the Banisters two-Nazi movement headed by Robb is an able, vigorous member Rostow, the MIT professor lawyer. But what makes his Club, obviously was familiar and his front, the who became President Kenne- appointment to a high court with its discrimination policy. tittgartAlm, were it not for dy's national security adviser. significant at a time when the He probably did not know th-e-rairrsr of Congressmen Rostow's father was a socialist Liberty Lobby and its leader, about the Nazi sympathies of who are in their debt, thanks who during World War I so Willis Carto, are throwing Willis Carto, founder of the to campaign contributions. admired socialist leader Eu- Liberty Lobby, prior to 1966. that he named one their weight around is the fact Today in Washington the gene Debs that Robb has also been a But in that year this column Liberty Lobby, thanks to its son Eugene Debs Rostow, the [ower in the exclusive Barris- published the details regard- influence in Congress, has other Wait Whitman Rostow, ers Club, Washington's only ing the Liberty Lobby's and been getting some unpubli- in honor of the great liberal regal organization with a long Carto's philosophy, and as a cized results. Its most impor- American poet. ecord of barring Jews and result of a suit brought before tant triumph is the promotion egroes. the Count of Appeals—and of Otto. Qtepka, last remnant Anti-Sett-title Overtones Only one Jewish attorney, won by this column—the de- of foe McCarthy's era in the There were anti-se m tic Allen Kay, has been admitted tails became familiar to the State Department, to a $36,000 covertones in Otepka's taking in the club's 40 years. public, especially to D.C. job on the Subversive Activi- classified papers to Sen. Dodd, This happened only after lawyers. ties Control Board. Equally since Rostow is Jewish. Art Buchwald, the columnist, It's doubtful that President' important was the nomination Rostow became one of the canceled a speech to the club Nixon knew much about the of Otepka's vigorous, right- eading hawks of the Kennedy four years ago when he Liberty Lobby's background. wing attorney, RoKesBali, to nd Johnson Administrations. learned they barred Jewish The danger is that he deferred the U.S. Court of Appeals. any of his friends and asso- members. Following this, The to such potent Senators as It was the persistent cross- lates are convinced that this Washington Post in 1965 and James Eastland, the big Mis- examination by Robb of State as to prove he was not pro- 1966 published two articles re- sissippi cotton planter who is Department officials, plus the mmunist, as alleged by vealing that Jews and Negroes chairman of the Senate Judici- persistent campaign of the tepka, and the Liberty were barred. ary Committee, and Tom Liberty Lobby, plus help from obby. A Post headline of Dec. 12, Dodd, a member of the Com- the , which 1966, read: "The Barristers mittee. led to Otepka's promotion Lawyer Rewarded Club: Power and Prejudice. Other Committee members from the $14,000 State Depart- Another triumph for the 245 Lawyers — All White Gen- who will vote on Robb's and ment security job, from which Liberty Lobby Is the appoint- tiles." Otepka's confirmations are: he was dropped, to the job on On July 13, 1965, the Post Phil Hart (Mich.), Edward the subversion board at over ment of Otepka's attorney, quoted club president Hugh R. Roger Robb, to the D.C. Court Kennedy (Mass.), Birch Bayh twice his previous salary. H. Smith as saying that "there and.), Quentin Burdick (ND.), The facts in the case are ex- of Appeals, second highest court in the United States. are Jews on the waiting list Joseph Tydings, (Md.), all tremely important_ Otepka got now." However, it took three Democrats: Hiram Fong (Ha- into trouble with Secretary of Robb served as attorney for years to get the one single the Atomic Energy Commis- waii) and Hugh Scott (Pa.), Re- State Dean Rusk when he took Jewish lawyer elected in 1968. publicans. classified papers to Sen. Tom sion when it purged Dr. Rob- Ten years before, Federal Dodd of Connecticut, later ert Oppenheimer during the a 1969, Bell-McClure Syndicate, rile. censured by the Senate when Joe McCarthy witch-hunting Judge Charles Fahy had re-