HARYANA STATE COUNCIL FOR PHYSIOTHERAPY Bays No 55-58 Paryattan Bhawan 2nd Floor Sector-2, Panchkula E-mail -:
[email protected] Phone Number: 0172-2930458 Provisional List of Physiotherapy Colleges in Haryana (Suitability Post Inspection) Sr. Name of Institute Status Address B.P.T. M.P.T. Ph.D. Contact No./Person No. 1. College of Physiotherapy PGIMS, Govt. Pt. B.D. Sharma P.G.I.M.S, Medical 94674-04050, 8607157000, Rohtak Rd, Rohtak, Haryana 124001 30 10 -- 01262-281307,
[email protected] m 2 College of Physiotherapy, Pandit Govt. Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhayaya 80537-33016, 9997285700 Deen Dayal Upadhayaya University of Health Sciences, 30 -- --
[email protected] University of Health Science, Village Kutail, Karnal Kutail, Karnal 3. College of Physiotherapy Govt. Health Center, Guru Jambheshwar 01662-263169 Department of Physiotherapy University of Science and 50 42 2-6 97299-22466 Ms. Shabnam GJU, Hissar Technology, Hisar, Haryana Joshi 125011 Chairmanphysio2019@gmai l.com 4. Saket College of Physiotherapy, Aided Chandimandir Cantonment, NitiGautam-9501766396, Chandimandir, Panchkula ChandiMandir, Panchkula Haryana 40 15 -- 9779790707, 94162-79767, 134107 0172-2554022
[email protected] 1 | P a g e HARYANA STATE COUNCIL FOR PHYSIOTHERAPY Bays No 55-58 Paryattan Bhawan 2nd Floor Sector-2, Panchkula E-mail -:
[email protected] Phone Number: 0172-2930458 5 College of Physiotherapy, Aided Agroha, Distt. Hisar Haryana 92551-86661, 9729180949, Maharaja Agresan Medical 125047 40 -- -- 01669-281193 Collage, Agroha, Hisar
[email protected]. in 6 College of Physiotherapy Pvt. MMU, Mullana, Distt. Ambala 80599-30229 Maharishi Makandeshwar Haryana 133207 120 35 8
[email protected] University, Mullana rg 7 College of Physiotherapy Manav Pvt.