6 | DISCOVER SHANXI Friday, January 17, 2020 CHINA DAILY Regional specialty noodles are a cut above the rest By SONG MENGXING that really gets most people salivat
[email protected] ing. Local eateries such as Shanxi With its landscape of plateaus Huiguan, Shunliu’er and Datong bound by mountains, Shanxi prov Knifesliced Noodles have been ince in North China is regarded serving satisfied customers in the across the country as being associ city for generations. ated with fields of wheat and iconic Like daoxiaomian, chefs have wheat products. intertwined spectacle with the It is said that the people of techniques to make other dishes. Shanxi know as many as 100 differ At restaurants operated by Tai ent techniques of cooking with yuan Qingxurenjia Jinyunlou wheat flour, using them in the Catering Culture Development, making of many unique and spe customers watch in amazement as cial noodle dishes. talented chefs perform a dance None of Shanxi’s noodle dishes is while making lamian, which more iconic than that of daoxiao means pulled noodles. mian, translated as knifecut noo The chefs swing the noodles dles. around with elegance as they To add to the allure of the dish stretch longer and longer, thinner the element of spectacle is key, and thinner before finally making with chefs using a special knife to their way to the pot for boiling. The quickly and elegantly slice dough routines are always met with rap — the process propelling the thick turous applause. in the center and thin at the edge Qu Yong, an executive from Tai noodles in the air until landing yuan Qingxurenjia Jinyunlou with a splash in a pot of boiling Catering Culture Development, Cattle graze on a mountainous pasture nearby a wind farm in Qinyuan, Shanxi province.