Distally Pedicled Peroneus Brevis Muscle Flap: a Versatile Lower Leg and Foot Flap Ng Y H, Chong K W, Tan G M, Rao M
Original Article Singapore Med J 2010; 51(4) : 339 Distally pedicled peroneus brevis muscle flap: a versatile lower leg and foot flap Ng Y H, Chong K W, Tan G M, Rao M ABSTRACT Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcome of our early experience with the distally pedicled peroneus brevis flap in the management of soft tissue defects of the lower leg, ankle and foot. Methods: This was a non-randomised, retrospec- tive study involving five patients who were treated with the peroneus brevis muscle flap for soft tissue defects over the lower leg. Fig. 1 Photograph shows the defect over the Achilles tendon. Results: In all five patients, the flaps were viable and successful in providing satisfactory soft tissue coverage for the defects. In one diabetic patient, distal flap necrosis was observed, which was Department of treated successfully with a local rotational skin Orthopaedic flap. Surgery, Singapore General Hospital, Outram Road, Conclusion: The distally pedicled peroneus brevis Singapore 169608 muscle flap is an economical, reliable and rela- Ng YH, MBBS, tively easy procedure for treating defects of the MRCS Medical Officer distal third of the leg, ankle and foot. Chong KW, MBBS, MRCS, FRCS Keywords: flap, lower limb reconstruction, Consultant Fig. 2 Photograph shows the peroneus brevis muscle (arrow) peroneus brevis Department of being identified. Orthopaedic Singapore Med J 2010; 51(4): 339-342 Surgery, Alexandra Hospital, 378 Alexandra INTRODUCTION Road, Singapore 159964 Skin and soft tissue coverage for defects in the distal third Tan GM, MBBS, of the leg, ankle and foot has always posed a challenge, MRCS, FRCS Associate Consultant as this area is more susceptible to skin and soft tissue loss.
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