KANYANYA PIONEER HIV/AIDS PREVENTION CENTER (KPHAPC) TEL:0782524246/0772428493 [email protected] Reg: KAW/236 Kimbugwe lane Lutunda Zone Kanyanya Parish Division District

KPHAPC was started up in December 2002 with an overall goal of fully participating in the prevention of HIV/AIDS and uplifting the living standards of both infected and affected persons through knowledge availance and substantial assistance.

Kanyanya Pioneer operates in 12 throughout the 22 parishes of in Kampala district.


To foster and promote HIV/AIDS prevention awareness campaign strategies

To educate the masses on how to care and treat the affected and infected children, youth, elderly and people with disabilities.

To educate the masses about their rights and responsibilities as children, youth, elderly and people living with HIV/AIDS

To actively involve persons living with PHAs to participate in IGA’s

To secure and encourage the masses to freely interact, share and love PHA’s ie prevent stigma and discrimination

To encourage PHA’s as youth, women and elderly to open about their status in order to seek necessary assistance.

To secure and provide basic necessities o the children, youth, women and people with disabilities from willing and able organizations. To provide education opportunities to orphans and vulnerable children and availing them with life basic needs from willing and concerned organizations or personalities


Successful compilation of an OVC register comprising of 500 affected and infected needy children of whom 50 have been offered education opportunities in the last 2 operation years

Mobilization and sensitization of masses about HIV counseling and testing services this has yielded to over 530 clients with in a period of 9 months.

Creation/awareness campaigns about the different preventive strategies among the young people (both in and out of schools) and adults these include Abstainace and Behavior change for the Youth (ABY), abstinence, Being faithful, and Condom use (ABC) and Reach for life

Encouraging and supporting PHA’s to start income generating activities

Mobilization of PHA’s through promotion of their involvement in the different programs

Target Group

People Living with HIV/AIDS (PHAs)

Orphans and Vulnerable children (OVCs)

Guardians and Care givers

Working Partners

Community Health and information network (CHAIN)

Uganda Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme (UYES)

Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL)

Uganda Network of Young People living with HIV/AIDS (UNYPA)



Information education and communication

Sensitization of young people community leaders, religious leaders parents, and care givers on relevant on HIV/AIDS preventive strategies and adolescent sexual reproductive issues

Provision of reference materials on HIV/AIDS preventive strategies

Testimony sharing

Listening and Peer group discussions

Community mobilization

Parents, guardians and young people talks

Provision of recreational equipments like Balls

Formation of clubs like Drama and sports clubs.

Carrying out community outreaches

Selection of adolescent peer mobilizes

Training and skill development

Training in communication counseling and life skills necessary in HIV/AIDS prevention

Vocation and artisan skill development training

Training in entrepreneurship and business management


HIV/AIDS reproductive health, education and counseling

Free provision of contraceptives (Condoms) to eligible people

Ensure disease diagnosis and refer for care and treatment

General health education

“Together we can fight against the further spread of HIV/AIDS and its effect at community level”