Municipality of Kostinbrod

Silvia Ivanova

European integration and Project Implementation Department General information

Municipality of Kostinbrod district 22 municipalities Area: 62 sq. km. Settlements: 14 (1 town and 13 villages) Population: 17 000

Municipality of Kostinbrod Nature characteristics and culture monuments

Kostinbrod Municipality is situated north-west from Sofia, 15km from the capital city. Its transport-geographic situation is extremely favourable because of the two European transport corridors passing through: №10 (Kalotina-Sofia-Instanbul) and №4 (-Sofia- Kulata). The international railway line to Western Europe passes through the territory of the municipality, with a train stop at Kostinbrod town. Kostinbrod Municipality is situated in the north- Area distribution by type western part of Sofia plain. It is surrounded by Stara Planina mountainside to the north and by 0,8 1,2 % Ljulin and Vitosha mountains to the south, and it 0,8 % % reaches and Dragoman to the west. 8,9 % Sofia plain is 550 m average above the sea 24,0 64,3 % level. The municipality is distinguished with % fertile soil and friendly climate. The variety of landscape forms – combination between generous land and strongly rugged karst

Agricultural land Forests mountain forms, mineral water springs and the Urban territory Waters Mineral extraction territory Roads and infrastructure capital closeness define Kostinbrod Municipality as desirable place for recreation. Municipality of Kostinbrod Nature characteristics and culture monuments

A number of ancient tumuli, necropolises and other archaeological finds have been discovered on the territory of the municipality. An important way station on the Roman road Nish-Constantinople was discovered in the Gradishte locality. The Late Roman Residence Scretisca is an important landmark in the same locality. There are many reasons for the researchers to believe that the residence had been a favourite place to stay at by Konstantin the Gr eat during his visits in Serdica and that it was built up exactly as an еmperor’s residence. This is an enormous, homogenous by its design and construction, monumental complex belonging to the so called peristil buildings. During archaeological excavations the base of a rich color mosaic, vessels, coins and commemorative plaques have been found. The site is currently being restored and studied. Municipality of Kostinbrod Economy and business

The presented firms and companies in Kostinbrod Mnicipality according to the number of employed are grouped as followed:

Small firms with 10 to 50 employed – 20; Medium sized firms with 51 to 100 employed – 4; Companies with 101 to 250 employed – 2; Population characteristics are close to the Big companies with over average for the country. Ethno-demographic 250 employed – 2; structures show that dominant are the Bulgarian ethnic group and the Bulgarian The unemployment in Orthodox Church. The educational level of the Kostinbrod Municipality is population constantly rises up. Half and more bellow the national and of the people in Kostinbrod municipality are region rate average, for highly educated – with high, secondary or this year it is 5.7%. specialized technical education.

Municipality of Kostinbrod Economy and business

The leading branch in the municipal economy is the food industry. There are 12 companies having activity in that branch; the companies of importance are these:

“Olineza” Ltd. and “Partners” Plc. – produce different mayonnaises, pepper puree, salads, tinned and ext.; “Niva” Plc. – plant oils; “Coca Cola Helenic Bottling Company ” Plc. – produces and bottles soft drinks and juices; “Nova Brazilia” Coffee – factory for coffee Kostinbrod Municipality: roast and packing; “Vitaprot” Plc. – produces high quality 6 Bank branches fodders; “Interion” Plc. – produces chocolates; 3 Scientific institutes “Kenar” Ltd. – food industry;

“Sanitex” Ltd. - sanitary materials 2 Secondary schools “Multiprint” Ltd. - printing and 1 Training centre publishing company “Emailchim” JSC – coat paintings Municipality of Kostinbrod Strategic goals

Forming active innovative business environment, effective use of existing potential advantages Improvement of the ecological characteristics, technical infrastructure and municipal accessibility Improvement standard of living, social activities and development of the human resources

Strategic projects 2008-2011: Solid waste regional depot Waste water treatment plant Public institutions gasification

Municipality of Kostinbrod Urban development plan


Village territory Out-of-village territory

Settlements Residential Agricultural zone zone territories Social services territories Agricultural and Infrastructure of livestock complexes transport Infrastructure Green fields of transport Agriculture Green fields Water areas and farming Engineer infrastructure

Municipality of Kostinbrod Urban development plan

Spatial planning zones:

Residential zone with predominant low-rise building Residential zone with predominant middle-rise building Residential zone with predominant high-rise building Industrial zone Industrial zone with predominant stock Green zone Healthcare and education Central multifunctional area Residential zone low-rise building in park zones Green zone for special use Park and recreation zone Fair and exhibition zone Municipality of Kostinbrod Urban development plan

Spatial planning administrative regimens:

Predominant residential building Predominant industrial use Green and industrial use Cemetery extension Recreation and residential use Recreation and services Residential building and services Predominant services and culture tourism Archeological sites

Municipality of Kostinbrod Thank you!

1, Ohrid Str. Kostinbrod 2230 Tel. +359 721 66 661 Fax: +359 721 60 007 E-mail: [email protected]

Municipality of Kostinbrod