Report No: 5 Subject: Questions to Bob Kiley and Tim O’Toole Report of: Director of Secretariat

Date: 11 June 2003

Questions to Bob Kiley

121 / 2003 - Cheap Fare Promotion Andrew Pelling

I could not find the cheap fares summer promotion in connection with the Totally campaign on the TfL website.

I would like to ask what degree of co-ordination there was in giving good notice of this cheap fare promotion and indeed what information was provided in a timely fashion to bus companies about the cheap fare promotion.

122 / 2003 - Andrew Pelling

On 15 May this year, the Caterham-bound 407 bus broke down at the West end of Tamworth Road. Trams were unable to get past as a result. Could you advise as to how many times operations have had to be suspended owing to vehicles being unable to be moved from the tram lines.

123 / 2003 - Andrew Pelling

Early last Autumn I posed a question to the Mayor about "the public scandal of those who live close to the Tramlink being provided with no compensation whatsoever for disturbance or loss of value to their properties."He very kindly responded that TfL had completed its legal review of the situation and was now satisfied that the Land Compensation Act did apply.The Mayor advised that TfL was in the process of agreeing on a strategy for handling the 1,500 claims received and that those that were substantiated would be settled as quickly as possible. But eight months on little has changed. I understand that no claims have yet been settled. By what date do you hope we can see that: a) 25 % of the claims are settled b) The majority of claims are settled ? .


124 / 2003 - Tramline at Addiscombe Road Andrew Pelling

Special methods were employed to minimise the vibration effects of the introduction of the tram outside Croydon’s historic Almshouses at the junction of George Street and North End. With the very significant vibration that is being encountered by residents and the public house in Addiscombe Road, do you feel that it would be appropriate for some public money to be spent to re-lay part of the tram line system in Addiscombe Road where the track runs on road with the same degree of special foundations that have limited the amount of vibration from the tram at the Almshouses site?

125 / 2003 - Speed cameras on Kenley stretch of A22 Andrew Pelling

During a meeting between the Mayor, TfL, concerned residents and myself on 6 November 2002 to discuss implementation of the proposed A22 Godstone Road red route, a representative of TfL confirmed verbally that TfL would install two speed cameras on the Kenley stretch of the A22: one to be situated near Kenley police station and the other on the borders between Whyteleafe and Kenley. The Mayor also verbally confirmed this decision at the same meeting. The reason for such an installation is that traffic tends to travel along this stretch of the A22 at speeds in excess of 50mph although the road has a speed limit of 30mph. To date, no speed cameras have been installed at these locations. Could you confirm when you expect such installation to take place?

126 / 2003 - Bus Shelter in Lower Addiscombe Road Andrew Pelling

I proposed the following question to the Mayor in March this year and received his affirmative response.

“Q: 749 / 2003 - Bus shelter in Lower Addiscombe Road The bus stop outside the Alma pub in Lower Addiscombe Road has been moved. However, the bus shelter has not. Could you encourage TfL to let the bus shelter be reunited with the bus stop? A new shelter will be provided at the stop outside the Alma (and the old one removed) by the end of March.”

However, as of 20 May, a shelter has not been provided at the bus stop outside the Alma. Could you confirm when this situation will be rectified? . 127 / 2003 - Bus link- New Addington to Croydon Andrew Pelling

What cognisance has been taken of the petition presented to the Assembly from 710 signatories seeking the retention of a direct bus link from the northern and eastern sides of New Addington to Croydon?

128 / 2003 - Croydon Trams Andrew Pelling

Could extra notices be put up in Croydon trams encouraging passengers not to soil passenger seats by using them as footrests?

2 129 / 2003 - Tramlink Extensions Andrew Pelling

What would you see as being the regenerative effects of building an extension to Tramlink to serve the routes from Sutton to Wimbledon and Sutton to Morden?

130 / 2003 - Restoration of bus shelter in Sutton Andrew Pelling

Could a bus shelter at the top of Throwley Way opposite Sutton police station be restored?

131 / 2003 - Direct bus link from Addington to Croydon Andrew Pelling

The desire to retain a direct bus link from the northern and eastern sides of New Addington to Croydon is a strong one amongst residents. What can be done to meet this desire if the 130 bus is diverted to run to Norwood Junction ?

132 / 2003 - customer services Andrew Pelling

Unfortunately I have experienced quite long delays getting through on London Buses' customer services telephone number. What is the average waiting time for getting through to a live individual member of the customer services team when calling this number? What reasonable measures could be taken to reduce the waiting time ?

133 / 2003 - Tramlink replacement signage Andrew Pelling Would money spent on new signs of a different green shade at Tramlink stations have been better spent on items like tram cleansing, more readable timetables or tram junction improvements? What was the cost of the work on replacing the signs? How many signs were replaced? Where have the old signs gone?

137 / 2003 - Long Term bus fare strategy Andrew Pelling

I noted that the minutes of the TfL board meeting of 20th March reported that 'concern was expressed regarding long term bus fare strategy. It was noted that London Buses would be preparing a paper dealing with this.' When will that paper come forward ?

138 / 2003 - Penalty Charge notice in Croydon 3 Andrew Pelling

Why has the Joint Arrangement with the London Borough of Croydon for the operation of a Penalty Charge Notice processing and recovery system been extended to 31 March 2004 ?

Will the London Borough of Croydon be permitted to bid in the tendering of the processing service for the period from April 2004 ?

146 / 2003 - and the Tube Graham Tope

What discussions have you had with the Secretary of State for Transport to determine the date on which will be handed over to Transport for London? What is your own estimate of this date?

147 / 2003 - PPP and contracts Lynne Featherstone

Who will be in actual charge of negotiating the contracts with the PPP contractors so that within the constraints imposed on LT, attempts are made to get the best possible improvements in service from the contractors?

148 / 2003 - Transport Infrastructure projects Mike Tuffrey

What studies has Transport for London undertaken into ways to capture a share of the development gain made by property owners and others arising from new transport infrastructure projects? What legislative or other changes are required before we could use these as a viable funding mechanism at a regional level?

152 / 2003 - Performance Bonus John Biggs

What were the performance targets by which your bonus for last year was to be assessed? When were these agreed? Were they challenging? And did you achieve them?

153 / 2003 - Safer Overground Stations Valerie Shawcross

What priority will you give to raising stations to the Secure Stations standard?

154 / 2003 - Overground Rail Services Diana Johnson 4

What proportion of passengers in London use the overground rail system and what proportion of TfL’s budget has been earmarked for improving overground rail services in London?

155 / 2003 - Access Jennette Arnold

What plans do you have to improve the accessibility of the public transport network?

156 / 2003 - Buses Meg Hillier

How will TfL Buses monitor and improve bus service quality across the whole of Greater London?

157 / 2003 - Bus Contract Costs John Biggs

What advice have you given the TfL Board and its Chairman on the sustainability of bus contract costs?

158 / 2003 - London Tram Scheme Valerie Shawcross

Following a recent meeting between Council Leaders from the Cross River Partnership member Authorities and TfL officers, rumours are running around my constituency that the London Tram scheme is to be shelved by TfL. Will you scotch these rumours and give a realistic timetable for progress on this major project.

159 / 2003 - TfL Nicky Gavron

Early in 2002 TfL issued an interchange plan, complete with details of funding and information about how action plans are to be formulated. I have several important interchanges in my constituency of Enfield & Haringey, including Seven Sisters and Tottenham Hale, I would like to know action has been taken as a result of the plan.

160 / 2003 - Cyclists Meg Hillier

Police motorcycles themselves can sometimes be spotted waiting in pushbike-only Advance Stop Line boxes. With the change in status for this offence that came into force earlier this year, do you agree that TfL, the police and the boroughs should be doing more to raise awareness of the rules and keep cars, buses and powered two-wheelers out of ASL boxes?

161 / 2003 - Congestion Charge 5 Meg Hillier

Even those who have registered their details as regular payers of the congestion charge must wade through several pages on the TfL website to pay the charge on any given day. With the use of cookies and more sophisticated account management software, users could easily just go straight to a 'pay for today' page, making payment of the charge easier and freeing up telephone lines. Why isn't this facility available?

162 / 2003 - Cyclists and Pedestrians Meg Hillier

Setting aside information and promotion initiatives, what engineering or design works have taken place in the last 12 months, explicitly and primarily aimed at improving facilities, opportunities and priorities for cyclists and pedestrians?

163 / 2003 - Closed nature of TfL John Biggs

Do you believe that there is a public right to know detailed information behind TfL's actions, such as contract details? Do you believe that the salaries, bonuses, fringe benefits and terms of appointment of senior TfL staff are a matter of legitimate public interest and if not why not?

164 / 2003 - Buses Diana Johnson

What particular safety measures have been introduced to protect drivers in dealing with the attacks made on buses in the Havering area?

165 / 2003 - DLR Diana Johnson

Why is there such a short boarding time on the DLR trains leaving Tower Gateway ? Is TfL aware that this is a problem for those passengers with mobility problems and currently there is no signage to indicate that passengers need to board very quickly as the train will depart immediately

166 / 2003 - Strategic Review of Highways Valerie Shawcross

If in future TfL proposes major works to non TfL roads and junctions will it fund theses schemes within exist Borough bidding processes or open up a new line of funding, to ensure that local Council priorities are not displaced?

167 / 2003 - Speeding motorbikes Valerie Shawcross

Are motorbikes of above 50cc a danger in London ?

168 / 2003 - Noise Nuisance 6 Valerie Shawcross

Should there be public controls on noise levels being emitted by car stereo systems when cars are driven by inconsiderate idiots? Is this not just another form of unnecessary noise pollution which should be outlawed?

169 / 2003 - The River Valerie Shawcross

Why is the existing River bus system so under developed and when are you going to do something serious about this?

170 / 2003 - The River Bus Valerie Shawcross

Have you looked at different pricing schemes to make London river buses affordable for Londoners?

171 / 2003 - Capacity Study of the Jubilee Line Valerie Shawcross

Has TfL undertaken a study to examine how the Jubilee line will shape up to the extra pressures that will be placed on the line, following new developments at north Greenwich and Canary Wharf? What plans does TfL have in place if additional services prove necessary?

172 / 2003 - Bus Transfer Meg Hillier Written Answer

Are New York-style single-journey bus transfers a realistic possibility for London?

173 / 2003 - 227 Bus Len Duvall Written Answer

In light of previous answers from the Mayor on accessibility of buses what evaluation has TfL and the local highways authority made of the ease of disembarkartion of my constituents with mobility difficulties or small children from the 227 bus stops at the Greyhound and Market Square in Bromley?

174 / 2003 - Croydon Tramlink Samantha Heath Written Answer

Further to the Mayor’s answer to question 690/2003, what powers do London Buses have to direct the Consessionaire to provide a specificed level of policing on the Croydon Tramlink ?

175 / 2003 - Bus Services 7 John Biggs Written Answer

Can the Mayor confirm which of the enhancements to bus services which have been proposed by TfL for early 2003 have been introduced and provide the dates at which those improvements which have not yet been made will be introduced ?

185 / 2003 - Olympics Eric Ollerenshaw

How will London's public transportation cope with the olympics?

186 / 2003 - Bus Routes Eric Ollerenshaw

When introducing a new, or extending an existing bus route, what consultation procedures do you follow?

187 / 2003 - N242 Bus Eric Ollerenshaw Have you considered changing part of the route of the N242 bus?

188 / 2003 - TfL Business Plan Eric Ollerenshaw

In its business plan for 2003/4 - 2008/9 TfL projects a funding gap of some £521.7m between what it wants to spend and what its income is predicted as by 2008/09. Most of this overspend is due to the planned renewal of bus contracts with bus network costs shown to increase from £246.1m in 2002/03 to £858.5m by 2008/09.

A) Isn't it imprudent to plan to budget at such levels when funding isn't guaranteed? B) If government subsidy doesn't increase to fill this funding gap, where do you see the extra revenue being raised from to fund TfL's preferred level of service or would you have to cut services?"

189 / 2003 - Congestion Charge Elizabeth Howlett

Since the TTS unit was diverted to the implementation of the Congestion Charge scheme, concerns have been raised about the outstanding backlog of maintenance of signals on Borough roads.

Local authorities also have many new schemes which have had to be put on hold.

What plans have you for catching up with the maintenance backlog and will TfL enter into service level agreements with the local authorities?

190 / 2003 - Buses in Pollards Hill, Merton 8 Elizabeth Howlett

Currently the Pollards Hill area in Merton is only served by three buses, the final destinations of which are Clapham, and Croydon. Presently, access to central London, the West End and City/Docklands is very difficult and time-consuming. As a result the area is not attracting commuters despite the housing stock being suitable and availableat reasonable prices. Lack of transport also acts as a barrier to local residents taking jobs in the main London areas.

Will TfL look into the prospect of improving transport links from the Pollards Hill area to central and south- east London which would help to regenerate this area of south London? Also, are there still plans for a train station and link at Eastfields?

191 / 2003 - Jolly Waggoner's roundabout at Cranford Tony Arbour

What progress has been made on implementing the improvement scheme for the Jolly Waggoner’s Roundabout at Cranford?

192 / 2003 - Transport Improvements Tony Arbour

Where has the money generated from the auctioning of property gone and has it been reinvested in transport improvements locally?

193 / 2003 - Congestion Charging Tony Arbour

As the Mayor is proposing to extend congestion charging to other parts of London. Could you say which roads covered as part of the studies for setting up such schemes?

194 / 2003 - Local Residents Tony Arbour

What consultation processes with local affected residents does Tfl implement when it is sitting new bus stops or new bus routes?

195 / 2003 - Bus Route 419 & 485 in Barnes Tony Arbour

What progress is being made on adapting the size of busses to fit residential suburban streets in particular routes 419 & 485 in Barnes?

196 / 2003 - Direct route to Kingston Hospital 9 Tony Arbour

What proposals do Tfl have for serving Kingston Hospital by direct route from North of the River in Richmond upon Thames?

197 / 2003 - London Undergrond Roger Evans

Why did you not accept the government's offer to take control of the Underground? When do you think you will take control of the system?

198 / 2003 - Success of the Tube Roger Evans

You were brought in to TfL over 2 years ago, on a huge salary, as the person who would sort out the Tube. When you finally take over, how will Londoners be able to judge your success?

199 / 2003 - Buses Roger Evans

Do you feel that buses are an attractive transport option for Londoners, particularly those living in Outer London, or would the money be better spent improving Underground and Rail services?

206 / 2003 - Bus Station Angie Bray

What are TfL’s current plans for the redevelopment of Hammersmith Bus Station – both the temporary redevelopment and the final development plans? What is the proposed timescale for the redevelopment?

207 / 2003 - Hammersmith Bus Station Angie Bray

Do the plans for the redevelopment of Hammersmith bus station still contain no scope for a replacement community facility (assuming that the Emerald Centre will be closed)? Assuming no replacement facility is currently planned, why did this not form part of the redevelopment requirements (given that it was a requirement in the original Walt Disney plans to redevelop the site)?

208 / 2003 - Congestion Zone Angie Bray

Why are residents inside the congestion zone not entitled to the residents discount for a hire car? Residents inside the congestion zone who choose to hire a car at certain times of the year (e.g. school holidays) rather than own a car all year round are not currently able to benefit from the resident discount.

209 / 2003 - Tram 10 Angie Bray

What consultation has occurred to date with residents in Hammersmith & Fulham and Kensington & Chelsea regarding the West London Tram?

210 / 2003 - Speed Limits in London Angie Bray

What, if any, transport modelling has been undertaken to assess the impact of bringing in 20mph (or other) speed limits on London’s roads?

211 / 2003 - Traffic Safety Angie Bray

Following the removal of the advance traffic lights at the Lillie Road / Fulham Palace Roadjunction, what plans do TfL have to ensure the safety of traffic wishing to turn right from Fulham Palace Road into Lillie Road? Given the danger associated with this junction, will TfL provide a full compliment of traffic lights at this junction and priority for traffic wishing to turn right? What facilities will TfL provide to ensure the safety of pedestrians and cyclists using this junction?

212 / 2003 - Congestion Charge Angie Bray

Does Mr Kiley share my concern about the downturn in business in Central London following the intro of the congestion charge?

213 / 2003 - Disability access to outer London stations Bob Neill

What discussions has the Mayor had with Network Rail and the SRA with regard to making outer London railway stations more accessible to older people and people with disabilities?

214 / 2003 - Contracts Bob Neill

Please list all contracts for goods or services with a value of over £50,000 entered into by Transport for London since July 2002. Will he list these with supporting documentation?

215 / 2003 - Bob Neill

What steps are TfL taking to ensure the safety of the use of the Blackwall tunnel in light of the AA report and the European motoring organisations published in April?

11 216 / 2003 - Bus Routes Bob Neill

Will TfL amend their consultation procedure so as to ensure that in future residents of roads into which a bus route is moved are given timely prior notification of the proposal and an opportunity to object?

217 / 2003 - Bus Route Bob Neill

Will TfL ensure that the criteria used in selecting bus route take full account of the Mayor’s other strategy’s including the ambient noise strategy?

218 / 2003 - Black Cabs Bob Neill

How many licensed black cabs currently operate on London which are:

(a) over 7 years old

(b) over 12 years old

(c ) over 15 years old

219 / 2003 - Black Cabs Bob Neill

What steps are TfL taking to ameliorate the effects of the proposed taxi emissions strategy upon owners of taxis over 7 years old and will the Commissioner meet with representative of such owners to discuss their concerns?

220 / 2003 - West London Tram Richard Barnes

Will he make publicly available the questions asked by ORC International for the TfL opinion poll on the West London Tram released on the 20 March 2003?

221 / 2003 - West London Tram Richard Barnes

What is the current estimate for the total cost of the West London Tram?

222 / 2003 - West London Tram Richard Barnes

What negotiations have occurred between TfL and private sector companies over PFI financing for the West London Tram?

223 / 2003 - West London Tram 12 Richard Barnes

Why has the decision on proceeding with the West London Tram been delayed until January 2004?

224 / 2003 - Congestion Charge around Richard Barnes

What negotiations have occurred between TfL and British Airports Authority over the introduction of a congestion charge around Heathrow Airport?

225 / 2003 - Bus Lanes Richard Barnes

What volume of objections from local residents would be required for TfL to conduct wider consultation on the impact on bus lanes? Who decides if such objections are valid or not?

226 / 2003 - Bus Lanes Richard Barnes

What right of appeal do objectors to experimental bus lanes have should TfL decide not to remove experimental bus lanes?

227 / 2003 - A406 (North Circular) Brian Coleman

Given the Mayor’s recent statement that he will now support a bid to Central Government to complete the original three-lane improvement schemes for the A406 (North Circular), do you agree that this work is essential to easing congestion on this road and sustaining the economy of North London during the growth projected in the London Plan? If so, will you do all in your power to promote this project as a priority for funding?

228 / 2003 - Congestion Charge Brian Coleman

Of the £26 million for 2003/04 promised to boroughs for measures to reduce the effects of the Congestion Charging scheme, can you say how much is still available to the boroughs, and how much will be used to cover overspends elsewhere within TfL?

229 / 2003 - Congestion Charging Brian Coleman

Can you explain the process being used to review the programme of borough measures to reduce the effects of the Congestion Charging scheme, what sources of data will be used in this review and how long after the review started were boroughs first informed?

230 / 2003 - TfL & Consultation with Boroughs 13 Brian Coleman

Does the Commissioner believe TfL’s relationship and mechanisms for consultation with the boroughs remain poor and would you accept that this is in part due to the culture at TfL?

231 / 2003 - LBPN Budget Brian Coleman

Can you indicate what percentage of the annual LBPN budget is spent on implementing schemes, and what percentage is spent on producing financial and programme monitoring data?

232 / 2003 - Congestion Charge Brian Coleman

Will you accept that the level of errors in the administration of the Congestion Charge in respect of “Fast Track” cards displaying the wrong vehicle registration numbers is unacceptable, and will you set out what action you are taking to improve the service and speed with which errors are rectified?

233 / 2003 - Direct route to Royal Free Hospital Brian Coleman

Will you look at the provision of Bus Services to the Royal Free Hospital from areas in my constituency such as Finchley and Friern Barnet, and consider implementing more direct routes for the many people who need to access the Hospital? In particular, will you increase the frequency of the 268 service, which residents in Golders Green complain is most unreliable?

234 / 2003 - Traffic Congestion Brian Coleman

Will you consider proposals to alleviate the concerns of my constituents in Mill Hill about the traffic congestion on Victoria Road and Albert Road caused by traffic using them to get onto the A1/A41, by perhaps incorporating the Daws Lane turning into the Mill Hill Circus roundabout system?

241 / 2003 - East London River Crossing Darren Johnson

Will the information provided to people during the current consultation on the East London River Crossing include an assessment of the impacts of extra traffic on air quality and health in East London? If the building of this bridge does generate extra traffic, will it make it more, or less likely that you meet the Governments targets, and the E.U. targets, for air quality in the boroughs of Newham, Greenwich and ?

242 / 2003 - Road River Crossings Darren Johnson 14

In the London Mayor's response to Jenny Jone's question 760/2003 he states that 'the options for river crossings were considered in a range of earlier studies'. Did any of these studies look at alternative sites for a road river crossing? Did such sites include provision of a local bridge with only one lane each way for private motorised transport? Did any of these sites include a bridge with provision for only buses, pedestrians and cyclists?

243 / 2003 - East London River Crossing Darren Johnson

Do you accept the conclusion in the John Elliot report 'a solution looking for a problem' (T2000, Mar 03) that the East London River Crossing will be capable of handling between 6,000 to 8,000 vehicles an hour in the morning peak?

244 / 2003 - Blackwell Tunnel Darren Johnson

How many vehicles travel through the four lanes of the Blackwall tunnel during the average weekday morning peak period? How many travel through the Blackwall tunnel on the average weekday?

245 / 2003 - Transport Strategy Jenny Jones

Are all the local authorities signed up to the traffic reduction targets outlined in the Transport Strategy? How many boroughs have traffic reduction action plans? Are all these consistent with the targets in your transport strategy? Are you telling the boroughs to havethese traffic reduction targets in their updated UDPs? Do the boroughs have a strategy for achieving them contained in their Local Implementation Plan bids for transport grant?

246 / 2003 - Car Traffic Jenny Jones

The TfL document on transport growth and the London Plan has a predicted 11% rise in motorised traffic across London by 2016. This is based upon the assumption that the increases in public transport capacity will happen and that if they don't then the result will be more over crowded trains, buses and tubes. Do you think that it is realistic to assume that car traffic won't grow faster if we get the population growth, the development growth, but not the increased public transport capacity?

247 / 2003 - Motorway Bridge in East London Jenny Jones

Do you think that building a new motorway bridge capable of carrying 4,000 to 6,000 vehicles an hour in peak time in East London will stop you reaching your targets for traffic reduction in East London?

248 / 2003 - M25 Jenny Jones 15

Why are plans to widen the M25 crucial to London's prosperity? Has TfL been pressing for road widening as its contribution to the Orbit Study? Have TfL been slowly slipping back into a road building approach? Do you feel that the proposed large scale investment in laying fresh tarmac in London is preventing investment in traffic reduction measures, such as Safe Routes to School, car sharing, workplace travel plans, travelsmart, etc

249 / 2003 - Transport Strategy Jenny Jones

Will the revised Transport Strategy include proposals for widening the congestion charge area and creating new mini zones if local communities demand it?

250 / 2003 - Workplace parking charges Jenny Jones

Are Workplace Parking charges a useful traffic reduction measure?

16 Bob Kiley, Tim O'Toole

134 / 2003 - Tramlink Andrew Pelling

Please could you advise as to the current state of thinking on proposals to extend Tramlink.

135 / 2003 - Sleeping Policemen Andrew Pelling

What is your view on the balance of the number of lives saved each year through the road safety implications of ‘sleeping policemen on London’s roads and the number of lives lost through the impeding of emergency vehicles through the same ‘sleeping policemen’?

136 / 2003 - Bus Route changes in Croydon Andrew Pelling

How many items of correspondence were received following London Buses' consultation on bus route changes in Croydon ?

a) supporting the introduction of the new 434 bus route b) opposing the introduction of the new 434 bus route c) otherwise commenting on the new 434 bus route d) supporting the retention of a direct bus link from northern and eastern New Addington to Croydon e) supporting the re-direction of the 130 bus to Norwood Junction ?

139 / 2003 - Improving Tube frequencies Lynne Featherstone

London Underground’s own passenger surveys show that a key priority for Londoners on the Tube is improving train frequencies. Which trains on which lines do you expect to be more frequent by the end of June 2004, and by May 2008?

140 / 2003 - Overcrowding on the Tube Lynne Featherstone

What methods do you believe will be most effective in giving passengers more space within Tube carriages especially at peak hours? How do you plan to work with the infracos to prevent passengers being crammed up against each other?

141 / 2003 - Reducing Tube delays Lynne Featherstone

What do you believe will be the most effective way of reducing passenger journey delays? By how much do you expect to have reduced passenger journey delays over the next five years? 17

142 / 2003 - Overcrowding on Platforms Sally Hamwee

What steps do you plan to take to avoid dangerous overcrowding on platforms?

143 / 2003 - Safety on the Tube Sally Hamwee

Do you have plans to make it safer, especially for vulnerable passengers, to travel on the Underground late at night – not only on trains and within stations, but also within the vicinity of Tube stations?

144 / 2003 - Disabled access on the Tube Graham Tope

How many Tube stations will be made fully accessible for disabled people over the next five years?

145 / 2003 - Tube and PPP contracts Lynne Featherstone

The closure of the extremely busy Central Line for the best part of three months, though highly inconvenient, showed that London does not have to come to a halt if a key line is closed down. Do you now believe that TfL could get very much better value for money outof the PPP contracts if work to upgrade the Tube system (track, signalling, stations) were concentrated into periods where lines or sections of line were closed entirely, rather than being restricted to 12.30am – 5.30am with all the inefficiencies of stop-start- stop that thisentails?

18 Tim O'Toole

149 / 2003 - Accountability Sally Hamwee

Do you report directly to Bob Kiley?

150 / 2003 - Applying experience to London Tube Mike Tuffrey

Mr O’Toole your strengths are obviously in contract management looking at your previous business experience. How can what you have learned from your previous experience be best applied to London’s Tube network?

151 / 2003 - Customer checks on the Tube Lynne Featherstone

Do you agree that there should be 5 key, and customer ‘friendly’, indicators that Londoners can use to judge the success that Transport for London may, or may not make in operating the Tube?

176 / 2003 - Transfer of the Tube John Biggs

Are you ready to take over London Underground ?

177 / 2003 - Tube Station Refurbishments Valerie Shawcross

I notice that 'Tube lines' programme of station rebuilds and major refurbishments is heavily biased away from South London stations. Did you discuss the priority order of these schemes with Tube Lines and if so can you justify only working on 3 south London stations in the next 5 years? Do you think there is scope for reviewing these priorities when TfL takes over LUL?

178 / 2003 - Safer Tube Stations Toby Harris

What priority will you give to raising tube stations to the Secure Stations standard?

179 / 2003 - Piccadily Line Meg Hillier

If a Chancery Lane-style accident happened on the Piccadilly Line tomorrow, how would you do things differently from LUL? What lessons have been learnt from the engineering arrangements, the rail replacement bus services and compensatory overland services, the fare compensation scheme and the 19 information supplied to passengers?

180 / 2003 - Ticketing Meg Hillier

What potential does Mr O'Toole see for improved integration of single-journey ticketing between London Underground and the overland suburban rail network? Does he see this as a priority? What will he be doing to move this forward?

181 / 2003 - East London Line Meg Hillier Written answer

Is the funding for the East London Line's northern extension safe?

182 / 2003 - Staffing John Biggs

Is the Underground under or overstaffed?

183 / 2003 - Changes to PPP Contracts John Biggs

What changes do you want to make to the PPP contracts?

184 / 2003 - Fares John Biggs

Are Underground fares too high compared to bus fares and is this a problem for London?

200 / 2003 - Roger Evans

In you view, how important is the Crossrail project for relieving pressure on the Underground system?

201 / 2003 - Closure of Wapping and Rotherhithe Underground Stations Roger Evans

Do you support the closure of Wapping and Rotherhithe Underground stations, both well-used and valued local stations, as part of the East London Line extension?


202 / 2003 - Dangers of the Tube Roger Evans

The Mayor has previously claimed that passengers take their lives in to their hands every time they get on a Tube train. Do you share his concerns regarding safety on the Underground system and what steps are you going to take to improve it?

203 / 2003 - London Undergrond Srikes Roger Evans

How confident are you that you will be able to minimise industrial disputes on the Underground once the system is transferred?

204 / 2003 - TfL Roger Evans

What, in your view, should be TfL's first priority once the Underground is transferred?

205 / 2003 - Top Management at London Underground Roger Evans

The Mayor has made no secret of his desire to get rid of the top management at London Underground. Have you begun recruiting for these posts and do you have people in mind for the jobs?

235 / 2003 - London Underground and the London Plan Brian Coleman

With the London Underground system in dire need of modernisation and unacceptably overcrowded, can you explain which you will give greatest priority to improving, and whether you feel that the system will cope with the levels of growth expected in the London Plan?

236 / 2003 - Public Transport Brian Coleman

As a ‘visitor’ to London, do you regard the public transport ticketing system in the Capital to be flexible and easy to understand?

237 / 2003 - Brian Coleman

What plans do you have to tackle the signalling problems on the Northern Line, which are now a regular

21 cause of delays to passengers, including to Assembly Members and the Mayor as they travel to City Hall?

238 / 2003 - Tube Station Brian Coleman

In the much-needed rebuilding of Camden Town tube station, how do you propose to address the concerns of those who currently oppose the impact of the development?

239 / 2003 - Vandalism on London Underground Brian Coleman

What proposals do you have for tackling graffiti and other antisocial behaviour which occurs on London Underground property?

240 / 2003 - Electronic Matrix displays Brian Coleman

Can you tell me which LUL stations have yet to have their indicator boards upgraded to electronic matrix displays; how soon you envisage this work will occur; and how you will set priorities for doing so?

251 / 2003 - Private Infracos Noel Lynch

What residual powers will be retained by LUL / TfL when the Underground stations are transferred by lease to the private infracos? In particular, will the private infracos be completely free (subject to planning controls) to develop station space above or around station sites commercially for maximum profit?

252 / 2003 - Developing LU property Noel Lynch

Does TfL support a policy of developing LU property to maximise financial gain, or are other considerations of equal or greater importance?