R-08-78 Seastreak Ferry License Transfer
Mr. Urbanski offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: R-08-78 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSES HIGHLANDSNJ.COMFROM SEASTREAK AMERICA, INC. TO SEASTREAK, LLC. CONCERNING THE ANNUAL COMMUTER FERRY SERVICE IN THE BOROUGH OF HIGHLANDS WHEREAS, the Borough of Highlands oversees the operation of the commuter ferry service in the Borough of Highlands, County of Monmouth, State of New Jersey; and WHEREAS, the daily commuter services provided heretofore by SeaStreak America, Inc. have greatly benefited the Borough of Highlands, the economy of the Borough of Highlands and the economy of the County of Monmouth; and WHEREAS, SeaStreak America, Inc. has contracted to sell their ferry commuter business and assets to SeaStreak, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company; and WHEREAS, the representatives of SeaStreak, LLC have expressed its desire to maintain the exclusive ferry commuter service business from the Borough of Highlands; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Governing Body of the Borough of Highlands, County of Monmouth, State of New Jersey hereby approve and consent to the assignment of any and all rights from SeaStreak America, Inc. to SeaStreak, LLC regarding any licenses from the Borough; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Ferry License fees previously paid to the Borough of Highlands by SeaStreak America, Inc. shall be considered transferred and paid by SeaStreak, LLC, however, fees for the mercantile license review shall be payable when due. Seconded by Mrs. Burton and adopted on the following roll call vote: ROLL CALL: AYES: Mrs. Burton, Mr. Caizza, Mr. Urbanski, Mayor Little NAYES: None ABSENT: Mr. Nolan ABSTAIN: None Date: April 16, 2008 ________________________________________________ NINA LIGHT FLANNERY Borough Clerk I, ____________________________, Clerk/Deputy Clerk, do hereby certify this to be a true copy of the Resolution adopted by the Governing Body of the Borough of Highlands on April 16, 2008.
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