Suggested alternative routes during disruption

When Southern services from this station are subject to unplanned disruption, we have Issued Date: arranged for your ticket to be accepted as indicated below to get you to your destination May 2018

Suggested alternative route details from South Southern ticket holders To: Suggested routes:

Bus P12 from stop IC to Surrey Quays station, Bus P12 from stop IC to Surrey Quays station, London Overground train to West, then bus 227 to Selhurst Overground train to West , then Southern train to Junction Beckenham Junction station Selhurst

Bus P12 from stop IC to Surrey Quays station, London Bus 1 from stop RF to Elephant & Castle, then Thameslink Birkbeck Overground train to , then bus 354 to Birkbeck South train to South Merton station

Bus 1 from stop RF to Elephant & Castle, then Thameslink Bus 1 from stop RF to Elephant & Castle, then Thameslink St Helier train to Carshalton train to St Helier

Bus P12 from stop IC to Surrey Quays station, then London Bus 1 from stop RF to Elephant & Castle, then Thameslink Crystal Palace Overground train to Crystal Palace train to Streatham

Bus P12 from stop IC to Surrey Quays station, London Bus P12 from stop IM t then bus P13 to East Streatham Common Overground train to West Croydon, then Southern train to station Streatham Common

Bus P12 from stop IC to Surrey Quays station, London Bus 1 from stop RF to Elephant & Castle, then Thameslink train to Sutton OR bus P12 from stop IC to Surrey Quays Gipsy Hill Overground train to Crystal Palace, then Southern train to Sutton Gipsy Hill station, train to West Croydon, then Southern train to Sutton

Bus 1 from stop RF to Elephant & Castle, then Thameslink Bus 1 from stop RF to Elephant & Castle, then Thameslink train to Hackbridge Sutton Common train to Sutton Common

Bus 1 from stop RF to Elephant & Castle, then Thameslink Haydons Road Bus P12 from stop IC to Surrey Quays station, London train to Haydons Road Thornton Heath Overground train to West Croydon, then Southern train to

Bus P12 from stop IC to Bermondsey station, then Jubilee Bus 1 from stop RF to Elephant & Castle, then Thameslink line to London Bridge train to Tooting

Bus 1 from stop RF to Elephant & Castle, then Thameslink Eastfields Bus P12 from stop IM to Rye station, then bus train to Mitchams Eastfield P13 to Tulse Hill near station

Bus 1 from stop RF to Elephant & Castle, then Thameslink Mitcham Junction Bus P12 from stop IC to Surrey Quays station, then London train to Mitchams Junction West Croydon Overground train to West Croydon

Bus 1 from stop RF to Elephant & Castle, then Thameslink South Bus P12 from stop IC to Surrey Quays station, London train to Morden South Overground train to Crystal Palace, then Southern train to West Norwood

Bus P12 from stop IC to Surrey Quays station, London Norbury Overground train to West Croydon, then Southern train to Bus 1 from stop RF to Elephant & Castle, then Thameslink West Sutton Norbury train to West Sutton

Bus P12 from stop IM to station, then bus 37 North Dulwich Bus 1 from stop RF to Elephant & Castle, then Thameslink to North Dulwich station Wimbledon train to Wimbledon

Peckham Rye Bus P12 from stop IM to Peckham Rye station Bus 1 from stop RF to Elephant & Castle, then Thameslink Wimbledon Chase train to Wimbledon Chase

Queen's Road Bus P12 from stop IM to Queen's Road Peckham station Peckham